B42—Lancaster Farmini NORTHUMBERLAND CO. Oornsife, Pa. Nice 3 bedroom house, dishwasher, electric range more than 14 000 sq ft chicken house Ist floor con Crete ideal tor pigs or steers elevator heating system in part frame bank barn work shop with daylight basement 2 car garage on 2 acres East of Dornsife Rt 225 Excellent buy at $B5 000 •ALLENTOWN Available with or with out crops owner financing 150 free stall housing holds 200 head milk parlor bulk tank silos, high moisture corn silo dairy store, slaughter house, coolers, freezers Two houses on 130 tillable acres For information call CENTRE CO. Rebersburg Farmalnd 45 acres along Rt 192 Nice farm ground Also 22 acres woodland at Spring Mills for $15,900 MANHEIM 7 acre farmette, 2Vi story 4 bedroom house, barn & two car garage Donald R. Witwer, Broker Ephrata, PA 717-738-1458 DOUBLE EXPOSURE Farms, commercial properties and unusual homes, will be ad vertised in the Multi-List Services of both Lan caster and York Counties' OLD STONE Close to Lancaster, this fine old stone and brick home is waiting for restoration 6 acres of pasture make this an ideal mini farm for horses Bank barn and stream Penn Manor Schools 7 additional acres available HIDE-A-WAY 10 acres of woods and pasture surrounded by hundreds of acres of gamelands and woods insuring privacy and quiet 7 year old delux 2 story home with all extras 3 car garage, 2 fireplaces, heat pump and wood furnace Owner financing available Penn Manor School District 71 ACRES Several commanding views of the Susquehanna 3 ponds, extensive road frontage Mostly farmable pasture land surrounded by woods Many possible uses Penn Manor School District PROPERTIES NEEDED I need listings of small farms, rural land and country homes in any condition in southern Lancaster and York Counties Please call now" mott holt really 146 East Walnut St Lancaster PA 17602 426 South Mam St Red Lion PA 17356 Phone: 244-8556 Saturday, June 2,1984 REAL ESTATE r CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA > FARMS, FARMETTES, LAND & CABINS We presently have one of the largest selections of farms, farmettes, land and cabins available in central Pennsylvania We have over 50 exclusive listings Our Farm and Land Department would be happy to mail a free, detailed farm and farmette list or land and cabin list to you See the May 26 and June 9 issues for a complete farm inventory. FARM AND LAND DEPARTMENT |MM} Mchanl D. RMd (Sl4) S3MZ7I W *“ MW « ,MW FrtßfkkJ Kissinger, Rutter I U*xrd,Rutter LEONAFD I "IiISSSr * I ■bssst^ t 180 acre dairy farm with 42 cow barn pipeline milkers, automatic washers stable cleaner 11 room brick farm home centrally located, only $250,000 97 acre dairy farm with bank barn milking stable milk house wash house, lots of road frontage only $299 000 215 acre limestone dairy farm with 4 silos 8 pipeline milkers 1000 gal bulk tank 4 bedroom farm home only $335 000 35 acre gentleman farm with assumable loan beautiful 3 bedroom 2 1/ a bath brick rancher machine shed loafing barn block and metal barn only $164 000 178 acre modern dairy farm with bank barn mix milt large hay barn loafing shed excellent milking and feeding facilities 1000 gal milk tank 4 bedroom remodeled home only $399 000 Multiple Listing # IRHSm \ 'i irr Sirvice # fffuTwm % I 301-733-3701 1 MLS HGYUUORTH Farms, Appraisals, iv/m ru Commercial & RtHLTY Residential 1300-B Dual Highway Hagerstown, MO 21740 An Equal Housing Broker JUNIATA COUNTY (New Listing) 126 acres 60 acres tillable balance wooded & pasture frame bank barn corn barn 3 bedrm dwelling 3 4 mile Tuscarora Creek frontage secluded $l3O 000 LANCASTER COUNTY Reduced To Sell 77 acre dairy south of Buck Dairy barn 48 xB4 66 free stalls bank bar 72'x50' loose housing for 34 cows implement shed 54'x80’ heifer barn and implement shed Johanna milk market 5 bedroom frame dwelling, central heat 2 baths (72 acres tillable) 2 wells 85 acre dairy south of Buck Dairy barn 40 comfort stalls, barn cleaner bulk milk tank, a separate building for young stock and equipment, free stall barn, implement shed bulk feed bin, gram bin 68 acres tillable, wooded, stream & spring in meadow m a lane with hideaway privacy CHESTER COUNTY New Listing Near Oxford 100 acre general farm, 2 story frame dwelling Barn stanchions and box stalls 60 acres tillable 38 acre pasture 2 acres woodland Land gentle slope, loam soil, state road frontage West of Oownmgton near Route 30 Exit at Route 82 128 acre general farm, Colonial stone house with fireplaces and all conveniences bank barn and attached 20'x98’ 1 Harvestore 1 cement stave silo, some woodland along Historic West Brandy wine Creek east of White Horse CHRISTIAN M. MOSEMANN REALTOR 627-1754 734 Mam St Akron, Pa 17501 Phone 717-859-1004 24 hr service Paul 2 Musser- 717-733-8107 James L Marsh 717-529-2678 Milton G Huber-717-299-5136 JuneS Beck 215-488-6826 REAL ESTATE SHEETZ REAL ESTATE RAY N. WILEY INC. 323 W. Main St. Mount Joy, PA CALL 653-1481 FARM LISTINGS NEEDED Farm Salesman - Eugene Kreider WHETSTONE RIDGE A 95 acre mountamtop farm adjacent to the Blue Ridge Parkway One halt open fields one half in woodland Elevations from 2640 feet to 3050 feet command spectacular views of the surrounding country Many springs and Irish Creek a stocked trout stream Abundant wildlife A rare private ownership op portumty $llO 000 SUGAR CREEK 6 miles west of Histone Lexington a rolling 228 acre farm with 100 acres in open pasture and hayfields The at tractive recently renovated farmhouse offers 3 bedrooms full bath living room family room with fireplace kitchen and porches Spring water Fine garden areas 2 streams Log barn Fine views $175 000 TIMBER RIDGE 6 miles north of Historic Lexington 82 acres with fine balance in pasture cropland and woods 1800 s farmhouse has 3 bedrooms 2 baths large living and dining rooms library nice kitchen fireplaces spring water Nice creek flows through property A young orchard garden areas new pole barn and excellent fences $145 000 WHITE HALL PLANTATION. Campbell Co Virginia 1 364 acres excellent farming facility Beautiful histone residence (ca 1809) Manager s home Operating as hog center beef cattle and sheep operation for past 11 years $995 000 MFAD G OTIS MEAD 111 nllimt/ JAMES WM MOORE , ASSOCIATES ' IN( i ( i Area Code 703 Area Code 703) Office 463 7168 Office 463 7 1 68 Home 463 2740 Home 463 7050 Real Estate Services o 21 North Main Street Lexington Virginia 24450 Wooded 10+ acre lot, would be good for camp or residence. Some mature evergreens, good views of beautiful valley from one side of land. Just reduced to $7500. W-746 Camp or Home, Three bdrm., 2 sty home, 3 miles from Wellsboro on 2 acres of wooded land. Some remodeling required but affordable since price is only $19,900 with owner financing. W-845 69 acres mostly wooded, mature red pines, some hardwoods. Fantastic deer & turkey hunting. Must cross stream for access but priced right at $350/acre. Alder Run Rd., Jackson Twp $24,150 W-825 Possible owner terms Where The Deer Play All Day - Secluded yet only 3 miles to Wellsboro this 2 story, 4 bdrm home on 34 acres of wooded land. Large country kitchen, living room, dining room, full bsmt, access to State Forest Lands for exc. hunting & recreation. W-806 $54,900 OnkWy. ■wT^niTZl. THE REAL ESTATERS OF WELLSBORO 120 East Ave., Wellsboro, PA 16901 717-724-5921 Call or write for free list LANCASTER COUNTY IN NEW YORK? You’ll think you’re in Penn when you inspect this super neat stocked and equipped beauty. Everything is meticulous here w/a spotless lineup of machinery. Top herd of 100 eastern bred holstems, barn ties 85, 2" pipeline. 233 acres, lots of tiling, 2 ponds, very nice, completely remodeled, vinyl sided, 5 bedroom home that’s ready for your family to move in In ground pool $287,000 with terms. BEST SMALL FARM BUY ANYWHERE! Unbeatable price matched with a very private beautiful setting. Center hall Colonial home overlooks 155 acres, 120 tillable with large, easily worked fields 30 acres wooded and a nice pond Dairyman offers 50 head, 2 silos, and a fair barn that needs work but makes money Super potential here for any type of working farm or a very special setting for country living You may never see this value again offered for $llO,OOO Aunesville Road RD I MfkSalftv Fultonville NY 1207' 518 922 670! * * * * BRADFORD COUNTY PA FARMETTES 1567 K 25A with a partly remodeled farmhouse, barn, secluded, East Troy $39,000 16508 63A, nice view, solid old farm house just waiting to be re modeled, nice woodwork $59,500 1613 Z 130 A, 2 barns and a nicely re modeled country home, great hunting area near Overton ! 5125,000 JACKSON REAL ESTATE QntUßLi RDJ2 llf fcl Pennsylvania 18854 (717) 265-2100 LANCASTER COUNTY FARMS 1-80 cow modem dairy, 3 beautiful dwellings, 93 acres. 2- operation for 70 cows - 35 stanchions with pipeline -160 acres. 3- beef and veal farm on 105 acres. 4- acre dairy with 2 Harvestores, free stall and yoke stalls with pipeline. 5- acre cropland farm w/o buildings. 6- smaller farmettes and horse farms. CUMBERLAND COUNTY Auction bam - Restaurant - Furniture Store. Call Mr. Baum. Many other, farms for sale not listed here, including several tracks of mountain land for cabins, etc. BERKS COUNTY 44 acre farm w/4 bedroom frame house, I's baths, bank barn, corn bam & wagon shed. Stream thru meadow. Quick settlement possible. FARM & HOME REAL ESTATE Smoketown, PA 717-291-2270 Sylvester Baum Harlan Keener Matilon OberholUer Carlisle Willow Street Lancaster 717 776 3967 717 464-2669 717 392 1177 Broker J Irvin Denlmger 717 898 8962 LANCASTER CO. FARMS AVAILABLE SOLANCO 60 Acres, 16 stall horse barn w/tack room 2 story 4 bedroom, 2 bath home wl2 car garage, mobile home adds additional monthly income 30+ tillable, woods & fenced in area Call today, $165,000 ATTENTION INVESTORS YORK COUNTY Southern York Co. Southern York Co farm, excellent soil, some pasture & woodland, ideal setting, road frontage, loose housing for 100 head, bunk feeder, buildings m good condition, brick farmhouse, 75 acres, priced to sell at only $199,900 Under $2OOO per ac. Limestone, ex. cropland level to easy slope. 130 tillable ac. + some woodland, no buildings. __ Also, nearby 135 ac gram farm, large stone home w/character. Owner ready to negotiate to your advantage. If you prefer will lease back land for 5 years at 100 per tillable acre Be sure to call on these. NEW LISTING OPPORTUNITY EXISTS A Lancaster Co. Farm for horses, hogs, vegetables, sod or other uses. Rolling land w/frontage on Rt 23, beautiful creek for irrigation Must take a look at this farm, 48 acres. Priced at only $139,500 BERKS CO. 8 acres woods, small meadow, stream, horse barn, large 2 car garage, neat small rancher w/beautiful living room fireplace. Quiet setting. High 60's. MONTOUR CO. 108 acres secluded w/view, nature lovers delight' Walk among streams, pine, hemlock and walnut trees. Harvest wood lor your winter use, 60 acres of tillable contoured fields, good soil. Low 90's- Possible owner financing. Just minutes from Danville and Interstate 80 Sunbury. vl kJea. :■
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