PERIODICALS DIVISION H i(j9 PATTEE LIBRARY PENNSYLVANIA STATE JNIVERSITY N I VERS IT Y PARK PA 1680 2 VOL. 29 No. 32 Women get ag honors BY LAURA ENGLAND HARRISBURG Throughout the years, women have played an important part in the state’s number one industry, agriculture, and are more and more moving into roles traditionally held by men. Women have made significant contributions to agriculture, from work on the farm to work in agribusiness. To recognize these efforts, the Pa. Department of Agriculture Wednesday sponsored its first annual “Women’s Day in Agriculture.” “Agriculture is the state’s number one industry,” said Secretary of Agriculture Penrose HalloweU in his address, “and women have made large con tributions to this industry.” The celebration to honor agriculture women coincided with the 20th anniversary of the state’s (Turn to Page A 36) Vege auction LEOLA Good’s new Wholesale Vegetable Auction is scheduled to open at 10 a.m. on Monday. The recent hot weather has finally brought on the strawberries. Other initial produce includes sugar peas, onions and radishes. The Auction will be open Mondays, Tuesdays, Thur sdays and Fridays to begin. Part II - Beginning (Editor’s Note: This is the second is a series of five articles on “Dairy’s Future • Whatever it holds, it’s In Your Hands.” Today, Laura England, dairy editor of Lancaster Farming, takes you on a visit with the Stutzman brothers, of Somerset County, to show that a new generation of farmers is ready and willing to tackle the current problems and challenges as they move ahead to forge a Future in Dairying.) Don and Dave Stutzman of Berlin, Somerset County, check over their newly pur chased bred heifers and cows. Four Sections A bike, fishing pole, tackle box, stream, some cows, big old tree, scenic farm... What’s missing? See editorial on Page AlO and Photo Feature elsewhere in the A Section. HARRISBURG Signups in the Pennsylvania Voluntary Milk Promotion and Marketing Program this week topped 1,000. In addition to individual enrollment from dairymen, the state’s Bureau of Marketing is also receiving notification from several co-ops of approval of participation BY LAURA ENGLAND BERLIN For seven years, Dave and Don Stutzman labored eight hours a day in the un derground world of the Somerset coal mines. One by one, the brothers set up heavy timber braces in the retreat section of the mine. Nearly 80 posts were driven into the ground each day. The work was dangerous, and the mines offered little in the way of comfort, security and Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 9,1984 Pa. milk promotion signups top 1,000 by members. Such notifications have been received from Winfield Cheese, Winfield; Central Penn sylvania Milk Marketing Co-op, Reedsville; and Pocono Mt. Dairies, Broadheadsville. Other co-ops have also expressed interest in participation, but notification is awaiting official satisfication. Darkness and dust and the constant fear that something could go wrong were the board action. Next Friday, June 15, is the deadline tor dairymen par ticipating in Federal Order Programs, such as #4 and 36, to notify their market administrator of intentions to participate in the state program and have funds rebated back to the state. ifliallL®% ■ iJWf DiijiE Whatever it holds, it’s in your hands day to day companions of the young coal miners. Then two years ago, the brothers found themselves out of work. As with unstable industries such as steel mills and coal mining, layoffs are all too common, and many find themselves in an endless search for work. But Dave and Don wanted something better for themselves. They wanted to work and be their own bosses. They wanted the chance to build on a dream and have a satisfying life. They wanted to dairy farm. The decision to dairy farm wasn’t one that Dave, 30, and Don, 28, took lightly. They were well aware of the current dairy in dustry problems but were willing to go against the odds to farm. “It was either that or move out of blare JUN l S >BB4 University Libraries $7.50 per Year This deadline does not apply to dairymen who are not members of Federal Order programs. But for initial 10-cent deductions to come back to the state, they too must enroll promptly or the entire 15 cents per hundredweight will go into the national promotional program. the area,” Don said of their decision to farm. “There’s no work at all around here.” “Everything is steel mills and coal industries,” Don continued, “and you know how bad that is. Farming - that’s your main economy around here.” And dairy farming is something the brothers know about. Dave, who is married, and Don currently live on the family farm. (Turn to Page A3O) They wanted a chance to build on a dream.
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