FARM FOR SALE BY OWNER: Versatile ■ Can Be Dairy, Beef or Horse Farm, Or Just For Recreation 250 Acres, 120 Tillable, Timber, Gravel Bed, Sugar Bush Excellent Milk market Excellent Barn: 81 Large Tiestalls: pipeline, Bulk Tanks, Barn Cleaner, Two Silos, Several Outbuildings, Endless Water Supply. Remodeled 6-Room House With Bath. $158,000 PAUL MUSCH, JR. 315/245-0175 FOR SALE See our detailed ad in the May 26 and June 16 issues. Please call or write our office for detailed farm list. PAUL M. LONGACRE REAL ESTATE Box 186 Rt. 100 Hereford, PA 18056 215-679-5919 Also licensed in DE, MD & NJ Lrf A new \W • A Pennsylvania W—m realty. inc__ 717-386-5000 Sc orf£"' MODERN BEEF FARM! 150 ACRES. 2 Harvestores, Feed Lot For 350 to 400 Headl WE NEED 50 ACRE (m/l) FARM! Stone house preferred, good location with buildings set back from the road. Berks or adjoining counties. Will pay up to $250,000. ECaii CARL JOHNSON 215-367-6160 PENNA FARMS CUMBERLAND CO. Dairy Show Place - 156 acres Hagerstown limestone soil 44 tie stall barn w/pipelme milker Patz stable cleaners 1000 gal bulk tank 16x50 sealed silo w/bottom unloader 44 free stall barn w/64' feeder 20x60 silo implement storage, beautiful stone and frame dwelling 20x40 mground pool, a dairy family's dream farm plus 12x60 mobile home for hired help 176 Acre Dairy. 100 crop acres 40 tie stalls, manure pit, 2 silos, implement storage modern 4 bdr brick dwelling 156 Acres Modern Dairy, new dairy unit with double 6 parlor, 6 milking units, 1500 gal tank, 108 free stalls, lagoon (year storage) 3 silos, 2 floor bank barn with 48 tie stalls, 4 bedroom dwelling, beautiful view of valley 14x70 mobile home on tot with well and septic additional 158 Acre General, Murnll soil, 110 crop acres, large stone bank barn, 2-story mountain, stone and frame dwelling, stream Owner Financing 38 Acre Farmette, 20 crop acres, 36 tie stalls, 40x80 pole shed, 40x72 heifer building w/lagoon, insulated workshop, 4-bedroom, frame dwelling, pond & road frontage FRANKLIN CO. 100 Acres M/L, 70 crop land 30 wooded with stream No buildings 3000 ft road frontage »1 600 per acre Charles Wenger, GRI 263-0945 George Ebener 249-4979 Wilbert Diehl 258-3231 GEORGE L. EBENER & ASSOCIATES REALTORS 139 W High St, Carlisle, Pa Ph (717)243-6195 Franklin Co. Farms 268 acres modern dairy w/double 6 parlor 210 free stalls 157 acres dairy 36 tie stall barn & loafing barn $157 000 105 acres general farm w/lovely home make offer 95 acres gram farm excellent land modernized brick 'home Also 100 acres of open land near Gettysburg w/70 acres tillable Van Cleve Real Estate Phone- 717-392-3032 anytime RESIDENTIAL-FARM SPECIALISTS-COMMERCIAL JOHN H. REOHR REAL ESTATE BROKER AUBURN, N Y 315-253-3813 - Res. 315-252-1046 50 Cow Dairy - 230 acres; 2 houses Some mtg. money. Nice lake frontage $235,000 Exceptional - Log Home - 18 acres. Price $85,000, half down, balance 5% mort gage NEW YORK FINGER LAKES Fi 140 A.. 3-bedroom house, 4-car garage, large basement, barn, $67,500. 152 A., very good 4-bedroom house near Auburn, $142,500. Owner financed. 520 A.. Honeoye dairy, $495,000. Make offer. Several good cash crop farms Roy A. Tuttle, Broker Box 338, King Ferry, NY 13081 315-364-8311 SOUTHERN NORTHUMBERLAND CO. & SURROUNDING COUNTIES 60 acre farm, Ig home, wood or oil heat, bank barn, small orchard, $69,000 Can be bought with equipment extra Call Peter Herndon Area 2 Farmettes $35,000 & $49,000 Call Peter. Lykens Valley 90 acres, 85 tillable, 3 bedroom home, large bank barn, $225,000 Owner finan cing. Call Ralph UOacrefarm prime land $179,000. Call Peter. 70 acre farm, 60 tillable, home and barns, nice setting, Halifax, $llO,OOO Call Peter. 400 acre gram and vegetable farm, large quantity of water for irrigation, new barns, extra nice home, 220 tillable, large quantity of low rent ground available, $500,000 Call Peter PETER B. CORTELYOU Real Estate Herndon, PA 17830 Peter B. Cortelyou, Broker 717-758-9177 Ralph Oeibler, Salesman 717-692-2587 For the serious Farmer who wants the Best, 230 acres, 160 cultivated mostly Class II Frankstown Cherry Silt Loam, Well planned Barn Complex for Dairy and or Beef & Hogs with 110 free stalls in steel building, 4 silos, & 6000 bu Gram bin, Good 10 room farm house & good tenant house, land and buildings in excellent condition, many fine, well planned extras, Owner financing possible, Price $449,000 78 acre Farm, Excellent crop land, Good Brick house, Good barn and Outbuildings, small mountain lot included, Possible Owner financing Price $llO,OOO New Listing, 145 acre general farm, good soils, pole buildings, dwelling Excellent for crops, beef, horses etc Price $195,000 112 acre General Farm, old house & barn need some repairs Price $89,000 New Listing 27 acre farm ground feed lot silo bunk feeders, good for cattle or hogs no house Price $39 000 JACK H. KNEPP AGENCY McClure, Pa 17841 717-658-6303 Dallas E Will RA 717-543-5685 REAL ESTATE asking Working Dairy Farm For Sale Snyder County, PA 111 acres, approx 100 tillable Large house Dairy barn with comfort stalls 36’x150’, 12 years old Patz barn cleaner, Feed tank, 20x50 concrete stave silo Second large bank barn and straw shed Soil class is mostly 2 and some 3 Reply to Lancaster Farm ing, Box 366 R-5, Lititz, PA 17543 JUNIATA CO. DAIRY FARM All you need to start milking on this 247 acres is a bulk tank and gutter cleaner 40 modern tie stalls presently adapted for beef or heifers. 14x50 and 12x35 Fickes silos. 108 Tillable, Class II & 111 in high state of fertility, 9 acres Pasture with spring, and balance woodland, some timber, with pond. 4 bedroom house Seller financing on 2/3 price of $217,000 MARLIN H. FIELDS REAL ESTATE 7 So. Main St., Mifflintown, PA 17059 Don Bashore, Realtor Office (717) 436-8839 Residence (717) 436-9213 5Vz ACRES on Trout Stream with 4 BEDROOM RANCHER, Electric Heat, Fireplace Ideal permanent or vacation home in the Beautiful HEGINS VALLEY Close to State Game Lands, Good Hunting & Fishing in Area It can be yours for $38,000 70 ACRE FARM Approximately 30 Acres Tillable, balance Pasture & Wooded. FARM HOUSE with Heat & Bath Barn other Outbuildings for $70,000 in PITMAN, Schuylkill County, Pa MANDATAAREA 23 Acres Farmland $34,500 10 Acres with Dwelling m need of repair $26,000 3 Acres with Shop, new Well, 3-Phase Current $28,500 GEORGE N. DEIBERT. REALTOR (717) 425-3313 Lanny Lupoid, Sales Associate (717) 682-9494 Outstanding South Carolina Farms Irrigated Farms: 735 acre dairy farm, 6 silos, cattle, feed and machinery 3 nice homes $600,000 tax shelter Price $1,500,000 750 acres, one of South Carolina’s finest gram farms. Highly improved, 600 acres tillable, 2 fine homes, machinery, sale off land, golf course potential. $1,300,000 tax shelter. Price $2,000,000 905 acre dairy, 700 Holstems, 750 acres tillable, all machinery, feed. $1,000,000 tax shelter. Price $3,000,000 Non Irrigated Farms: . Nice Small Packages 290 acres of excellent soil 120 acre dairy farm, very modern, 2 homes, double 8 Price $225,000 100 acre dairy farm, all tillable, 180 Holstems, double 6 Price $350,000 335 acres heavy black land, nice house, 300 acres tillable Price $950/A We have the farms you are looking for at a price you want to pay l Call us with your specifics Century 21 Associated Brokers, Inc. James C. Kees 803 534-1552 or 803-245-2068 Lancaster Farming, Saturdi REAL ESTATE Price $9OO/A IV. June 2,1984-MI SAC HOME stream woods near State Land Taxes $422 $39 750 (M 1613) 2 AC RETIREMENT maintenance free 2 BR taxes $4OO $35 500 (M 1612) CAMP all utilities walk to gas co land $ll 400 (M 1605) 58 ACRES wooded your own retreat $27 840 (M 1595) 2 5 ACRE near State Land & Lake $4 700 Terms (M 1583) 20 2 ACRE surveyed views good access $lO 000 (Ml 350) 66.7 AC FARM river bottom hse barn Rt 15 frontage $66 000, $l5 000 dn 10% fixed 20 yrs $492/mo FREE LISTS ERA-Homestead Realty 267 S Mam St Mansfield. PA 16933 7177662-3287 CAMP/RETREAT 3 4 ac nr State L n't private $3O 750 (Wb3o) SITE well septic approval nr dams $8 500(W827) RAQUETBALL CLUB going business mcl living quarters $65 000 Country setting near state land (WWBI4) RETIREMENT 2 BR, 2 bath low maintenance $l9 900 (W 807) 20 AC 3 BR newer home, fireplace central air appliances $5B 500 (W 739) CAMP 9 wooded/pnvate acres, road utilities old camp no good $l4 900 (W 689) 46 ACRES 3 /« woods springs private $2B 500 terms Taxes $65/yr (W 679) FREE LISTS ERA-Homestead Realty 23 East Ave Wellsboro, PA 16901 717-724-7161 REDUCED bar & restaurant facilities Excellent income Owner anxious to sell $6B 500 (D 312) BUILDING LOT 102 acres septic & leach field in Electric available Owner terms $9 000 (D 337) TRAILER PARK Northern Tioga County 9 slots, 9 acres 4 BR house & garage $69,500 (D 329) LOG CABIN 38 ac , mostly wooded, Cabin 5 yr young Great views $44,900(0322) PEACE & QUIET 35 ac open & wooded springs township frontage Good hunting $lB 000(0331) ERA-Homestead Realty 168 W Mam Westfield, PA 16950 814/367-2222 EMA
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