FARMS FOR SALE NORTHAMPTON CO. 42 Acre dairy farm, over 2,000’ road frontage Ideal for subdivision, 3 bedroom home, barn, other out buildings Asking $225,000 MONROE CO. 140 Acre vacation resort in Poconos Large lodge w/dming room, cabins, motel units, 12 acre lake, ponds, swimming pool, tennis court, recreation hall $300,000 Also 70 Acre dairy farm, barn, silos, modern milk house, garage, gram bin & more $250,000 We sell as package or separate Century 21 Cowell & Co. Inc. Realtors 215-258-7234 Open 7 days CENTRAL PENNA. FARMS ERLANDC 290 acre general, modern 2 story brick house, bank barn, implement shed, silo, creek frontage Call Mr Niesley 122 acre dairy and beef, new beef feeding barn and 24x70 silo, modern 4 bedroom, frame house, 300 ft. setback, 2 streams and farm pond Call Mr. Niesley 25 acre farmette, modern brick house, bank barn. Call Mr. Niesley. 20 acre farmette, 2 story log house (w/modern kitcheg*«*\ath and furnace) bank barn and olWfDuildmgs. Approx 2000 ft. road frontage. Call Mr. Niesley 19 acres mountain land, $17,000 FRANKLIN COUNTY 220 acre limestone beef and fruit. 80 acres marketable timber, beef feeding barn & silo for 100 hd , modern 2 story house with character, tenant house, stream Call Mr Niesley JUNIATA COUNTY 95 acres woodland, l'/ 2 miles road frontage w/sprmg & stream Ideal for hunting camp or recreation, $63,000 Call Mr Benner 50 acres woodland, $30,000 Call Mr Benner 5 acres land, 950 feet road frontage, $19,000 Call Mr Benner MIFFLIN C 104 acre limestone dairy, 70 head (tie and free), 3 silos, Ig. imp. shed, new heifer barn, mod. 2 story frame house. Additional option-125 Holstems w/17,500 herd avg. and adequate line of mod. farm equipment. Call Mr. Crawford. (Price Reduced) 118 acre dairy, 50 freestalls, liquid manure, 3 silos, modern 2 story log & frame house w/swimmmg pool. Call Mr. Crawford. ;ry county 8 wooded lots, 1 acre to 1.7 acres. All with septic permits. Deer country $4600 to $9400. Call Mr. Orris YORK 70 acre general, plush 2 story brick house, bank barn, implement shed, farm pond, 100 yard setback. Call Mr. Niesley. ll JOHN B.NIESLEY REAL ESTATE 32 West High Street Carlisle, Pennsylvania 17013 717-249-8787 KICHARD B. CRAWFORD - 717-734-3673 CLAIR R. BENNER - 717-444-2162 EARL 1. STERN - 717-748-7376 GREGG R. BITTING - 717-789-3368 ur 789-4513 STEVE E. ORRIS - 717-789-3368 or 789-4177 CHARLES D, SMITH - 717-789-3125 IUNTY NTY NTY AMITY TOWNSHIP FARM This Berks County Farm has 75 acres, a 3 story federal stone manor house that is presently 2 apartments but could be either 3 units or converted back to a lovely home. Huge bank barn, several out buildings, spectacular view, public sewer fronts the property, ideal for develop ment or farm. Possible owner financing. Asking $525,000. Call or wril Anne Crouse Transnational Realty Corp. 3800 Ridge Pike Collegeville, PA 19426 215-489-3750 NORTHCENTRAL, PA. FARMS & INVESTMENTS 72 COW DAIRY FARM 50 tie stalls on pipeline w/22 ready to hook on. Additional 20 heifer stalls. 20x60 & 16x50 silos w/unloaders. Approx. 188 acres all but 40 till, or pasture. Pole barn and shop/machinery shed. Totally remodeled 5 bdrm. home. Existing FHA 5% int. loan for $95,000 Just $179,500. M -532. TIOGA COUNTY AUGUST POSSESSION 111+ acre Dairy Farm. 2 row, 40 tie stall bam. Also utility barn and 40x80 pole barn w/14x40 heifer addition. 2 story farm house w/wood stove in family room, much more. Asking $lOB,OOO M-666 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Over V« million gross, small town grocery store, stocked & equipped, 4 bdrm, 2 baths, apartment above. Reduced to $125,000 Telephone #717-265-3171 or 717-2658903 #1950 nr ) & fTJ C'YK J Offices Area Code-717 Tloga, Potter & Bradford Counties call or write MANSFIELD. RD 1 Box 41 662-2138 TOWANDA, Bridge St 265-3171 OUR #1 AIM IS SERVICE A HOMES and FARMETTES And attractive, 3 bedrooms, large laundry room and beautiful hardwood floors Brick fireplace 24x30 garage with work bench and place for woodstove. Very nice garden spot and apple and peach trees, all on 1.6 acres $36,000 »- Older farm house with #272- Farmel 4 bedrooms, that's been remodeled from top to bottom, new wiring 200 amp., new heating system, oil and wood. There is plenty of space, open stairway. Heat bills very low and insulated well. Large wood framed barn - 46 acres and 26 more available $64,900 #276- To See It Is To Want It- A nice 11 acre farmette on the edge of a small friendly town. 2 floors, 9 rooms, 6 bedrooms. A new addition added on and the mam house is partially remodeled. Large two story barn, some out buildings, pasture and a nice stream. Don't let this get away. Good terms $42,500 #277 - Get Away For Awhile - This mobile home with 2 bedrooms and on 1 acre has a terrific view for miles, would be just the ideal spot for summer or ideal for hunters $9,900 ENDLESS MOUNTAIN REAL ESTATE #l-203-A Covington, Pa. 16917 Phone Office 717-659-5684 Res. 717-549-4173 REAL ESTATE 79 Acres m/l, 2‘/z story home, bank barn and other outbuildings zoned for agriculture or can be light industrial - very versatile uses due to permitted uses good buy We have good buys in land only Parcels from 25 to 75 ' acres i\ Ideal place for small truck farm Nice house, old barn and I 17 acres, m/l BERKS CO. & LEBANON CO. RICH BRANDT FARM REAL ESTATE 2230 sth St. Highway, Reading, PA 19605 (717) 274-3622 - office - (215) 378-1122 ft ■ 717-569-4264 fmlnm Auctioneer ESTATES • APPRAISALS • LIQUIDATIONS NEW LISTINGS LANCASTER COUNTY 37 acre poultry and general farm with double brick and frame dwelling Other out buildings Lots of road frontage excellent soil Fall possession Call 717 569 4264 HUNTINGTON COUNTY 190 acre general farm Call 717 535 3236 for details BRADFORD COUNTY 500 acie dairy 100 cow capacity free stall bam large silos with unloaders machine shed 200 acres woodland with some timber 220 acres tillable 80 acres pasture A beautiful farm ready for new owner Double six Heinngbonr Universal milking parlor $620 per acre Call David and Laura Cooley at 71 7 744 2587 Operating 345 acre dairy farm with an access of 180 acres tillable plus approx 80 acres or more pasture Balance woods and timber Beautifully modernized 200 year old home plus a second home 54 tie stalls milk house bulk tank silo with unloader Room for young stock Can be bought with stock and equipment for a turn key operation Call David and Laura Cooley 717 744 2587 CUMBERLAND COUNTY Going dairy farm with quick possession it needed Modern setup and limestone soil in Mennomte area LANCASTER COUNTY Modern dairy with Lg stone farm house in National Register sm brick home, tobacco shed, corn cribs, silos & unloaders, Limestone soil in a high state of cultivation Available fall 1984 NOT AVAILABLE through any other broker Feeder pig setup with liquid pits, feed bins, modern crates and nursery pens Tobacco shed and silo on 50 acres limestone farmland Large 4 bedroom modernized farmhouse ready for your inspection STONE FARMHOUSE circa 1800 in West Earl Twp modernized and restored in good taste You must see this fine home with 3 5 acres with barn & silo available so you can have horses etc CALL 569 4264 for details NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY Dairy farm with brick house, 12 cow milk stable, 2 Star silos w/unloaders lg 40’ x 132' commercial bldg priced for quick sale and possession 200 acres plus with more land available w/modern free stall dairy operation and double 6 parlor Too many extras and features to describe here PERRY COUNTY 68 acres in blam area with house, barn, and cabin ideal for a sub division There are approx 10,000 fir trees planted for your future sale & income, 717 536 3236 130 acres with bank barn Ig stone and frame house spring and stream 717 536 3236 59 acres no bldgs but good farmland just reduced 717 536 3236 Mountain land in many counties some with cabins springs water timber and road frontage Good deer bear and turkey areas SNYDER COUNTY 135 acre dairy with 25 A woodland balance pasture and farmland An ex cellent farm for the money AVAILABLE FALL 1984 SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY 110 acre dairy with 70 acres tillable 66 stanchion cow barn bulk tank barn cleaner silos & unloaders A real super buy a* $139 500 Call David and Laura Cooley at 717 744 2587 For all your REAL ESTATE needs m any COUNTY call us we re the REAL ESTATE professionals BRADFORD CO AREA MR DAVID A COOLEY, SR AND MRS LAURA M COOLEY (717) 744-2587 PERRY CO NEIL WINGENROTH (717) 536-3236 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 2,1984—843 REAL ESTATE EramsgtM LEBANON CO. I 101 White Oak Drive Lancaster, Pa. 17601 REAL ESTATE
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