Page 14 — SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN rr Hempfield Shopping Centre BEAUTY SALON Special April Prices CHILDREN’S HAIR CUT (12 years or under) Free Cup of Coffee With This Ad Z\ , Mon., Tues., Wed., Sat. — 9a.m.-5 p.m.; Thurs., Fri. — 9am. -9 p.m. CHURCH & MAIN STREETS — LANDISVILLE, PA. Ph: 898-7321 SHELLY'S FURNITURE #24 New & Used 102 N. Market 5t., Mt. Joy Phone 653-2056 Lunches ite? { "Tours of A. Bube's ii Brewery and Cata- combs by special re- servation until May 1, 1975.” SUNDAY DINNERS Served in First Moor Dining Room 11 AM. to 7 P.M. 221 Locust St., Columbia Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri 2 / -MAYTOWN, PA YES! WE MAKE HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS! J Green? Yes! Paper-money green . the color that banishes the blues about an over- crowded or aging home. [J Now's the time to let us finance your home improvements with a budget-tailored loan. Low rates. Easy terms. pleasant Otherwise, rising costs could put you deep in the red. See us today. Fast, delay. UNION NATIONAL MOUNT JOY BANK MOUNT JOY, PA. April 16, 1975 *“When people are shopping for homeowners insurance, I'm usually their If you're shopping, find out if | can save you money. Come in, or give me a call. 74 E. Main Street Mount Joy, Pa. PHONE 653-2212 STATE FARM FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY Home Office: Bloomington, Illinois Martins arrive At least four groups of 42 E. FRONT ST., RP. DRINKS 3 SANDWICHES = "Call us to do your work" | = 5 ea wn ” ) 1 Eljer Triangle All the angles going for you. The Eljer Triangle. Fits neatly in any corner of the bath. It's the Eljer “triangular” toilet. Great space-saving shape. In Eljer decorator colors plus white. R.V. RICHARDS & SONS ELJER WabliaraMurray martins have been spotted in the Marietta area by bird watchers. Scouts, accord- ing to an informer, arrive prior to the rest of the mar- tins, choose a box or house, return to the flock and di- rect them to their apart- ments, where as many as 30 sections are available. Martins usually feed on insects which they attain in flight. Martin boxes should be placed at least six feet above ground on a pole and away from any other foliage. © The com- munity dwellings are most interesting to observe, ac- cording to martin watchers. One large martin con- dominium can be found near the Blue Note Motel. Rotary Lititz Rotary Club will host the 61st Annual Con- ference of district No. 739 comprises 38 clubs from Adams, Cumberland, Dau- phin, Lancaster, Lebanon and York Counties. The Conference will in- clude plenary sessions, group discussion of Rotary concerns, and entertain- ment. The purpose of the conference is to further the program of Rotary by ex- ploring new opnortunities raising standards of business raising standards of business practices, working with youth, and furthering friendly - relations between people of different nations. The Lancaster Northeast Club and Mount Joy Club will be co-host conducting First day of trout season on Donegal Creek Maxwell Smith wins Penn State award M. Maxwell Smith, Lan- caster County agricultural agent, has been named reci- pient of The Pennsylvania State University’s Depart- ment of Animal Science Distinguished Alumni Award for 1975. Smith has been serving on the Lancaster County Extension Service staff since 1937. He has been Lancas- ter County agent since 1949. A native of Rea, Washing- ton County, he worked in the beef cattle barns during his college days and was a member of the livestock and meats judging teams. In Lancaster County, Smith’s 4-H teaching and coaching talents resulted in the selection of 12 grand champion and 13 reserve champion steers and 21 grand champion and 16 re- holds big meeting official meetings on the 18th and 19th. The Conference will be held at the Host Town Mo- tel Resort in Lancaster, loca- ted on Route 501. Regis- stration will start Friday at 10 a.m. Friday the program will feature a pictorial report by a group of six men recent- ly returned from India - A trip sponsored by Rotary International. Also enter- tainment by the Red Rose Chapter of Barber Shop Singers, followed by danc- ing. Saturday will feature an address by Rotarian Leslie S. Wright, from - Birming- ham, Alabama. The person- al Representative of Presi- dent “Bill” Robbins of Ro- tary International. serve champion pens ot lambs at past Pennsylvania Farm Shows. Also, 30 state champion judging teams and 27 state champion demonstration teams, selected at the an- nual State 4-H Days at Penn State, came from Lancaster County. The county’s 4-H enrollment has been the largest in the state for a number of years. Smith has been recipient of numerous honors and awards including the U. S. Department of Agriculture’s Superior Service Award; Na- tional Association of Coun- ty Agricultural Agents Dis- tinguished Service Award and Northeast Regional Ani- mal Science Achievement Award; and Gamma Sigma Delta Extension Award. Under the leadership of William R. Robbins, of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, U.S.A. more than 750,000 Rotar- ians who belong ta some 16,000 clubs in 151 Coun- tries are uniting their efforts to provide opportunities for meaningful participation in projects to every member. President Robbins theme “Renew the Spirit of Ro- tary,” stresses that each Rotarian has the opportun- ity to make the world a better place by “rededicat- ing himself to the spirit of Rotary, a commitment to stand up for what is good and right, and to do those things within his grasp to improve the world around him. 5 3 4 @ ik af GE ae us ENR RTE ERE dha FC FA Sl NC NC RL FO NO Fast 52 ¢
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