Rodrdi ©. Snyder R- D. 3 Wome nt JOY, 1. SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN ‘Susquehanna Times & The Mount Joy Bulletin MARIETTA & MOUNT JOY, PA. Vol. 75 No. 16 - April 23, 1975 “Ten Cents 11 run for school board Candidates presented on pages 8 and 9 With this issue the Sus- quehanna Bulletin begins to introduce candidates who will be running for their parties’ nominations in the Three incumbents are running for reelection: Jere R. Duke, Donald Kugle, and John N. Weidman. Mr. Duke, who was ap- and C. Donald Waser - will all be running for three six- year terms on the board. In addition to the positions held presently by Kugle and the school district have tak- en another quarter of the one per cent wage tax from the revenue of the schools, creating a loss in income. R primary election on May 20. pointed to the board last Weidman, a third position Not only is the board facing year to fill a vacancy created on the board, currently oc- acut in revenue, but also in- by the resignation of Jay cupied by J. Edw. Charles, creased costs, including a Musser, will be opposed by isopen. Mr. Charles, former demand for raises in teach- Mary E. Hoffmaster, to board president, will not ers’ salaries. AE In coming editions, the complete a two-year term be running. again for office. Most candidates have ex- — Bulletin will introduce can- on the board. Both have It is possible that four pressed their views on how S didates for municipal of- cross-filed and will be runn- cross-filed candidates could to meet the budgetary crisis. fices. In this issue, eleven ing on both the Democratic win both the Democratic Other issues on which candidates for the School and Republican tickets. and Republican nomina- the candidates have taken CAROOn B Board of Donegal District All other candidates have tions, making the Novem- stands are the relative em- y present themselves as each also cross-filed, so as to run ber election a formality. phasis on extra-curricular Ramona Sell Donegal schools state policies on spanking states why he or she should be elected. The fact that eleven can- didates are contesting for three positions on the board shows how high interest is in the educational policies in the District. on both tickets, except Bar- ry W. Etsell, who is running only as a Republican. Etsell, Kugle, and Weid- man, plus Zelda Heisey, Thomas E. Meckley, Morris M. Mengel, Josef H. Portner, Richard A. Umbenhauer, The primary election could be decisive. Undoubtedly the main problem that the school board will have to solve is the budget. With Mount Joy taking the lead last win- ter, the municipalities in activities in the schools, a return to the basic “3 R’s” in education, doing away with executive board meet- ings that are closed to the public, student discipline, need for a more youthful board. e171) *mARI} ow! The Donegal School Dis- Full statement of the *MAYL cab trict has issued a statement new policy follows. ouenann? Many of the candidates running for the school board stated that they would like to of its policy on the use of (Continued on page 2) gUS nik see the quality of education raised in the Donegal Schools. corporal punishment in the schools. Corporal punishment will be permitted, to be used “with discretion.” It will be “administered with a flat surface directed toward the buttocks of a student.” Written reports from the nn~ gICENTE = Bicentennial starts Results just released by the school board of the Educational Quality Assessment Sur- vey conducted by the State show how Donegal Schools performed in various categories of educational quality. Plus signs (+) in the chart below show superior qualities for schools in the system, minus signs (-) show sub-standard levels, and zero signs (0) indicate levels “within the predicted range.” RESULTS OF EQAS SURVEY IN DONEGAL SCHOOL DISTRICT (Key: +, above; -, below; 0, within predicted range) Ds SCHOOLS shmen must be submitted. Goals of High Jr. Grand- Maytown River- Seiler A child, however, can- Quality School High View View not be corporally punished Education (Grade 11) (Grade 8) in school, if his or her par- . ents notify the school in Basic Verbal 0 0 0 0 0 0 writing that such punish- Skills ment is prohibited - except Basi t ' to quell a disturbance, in el: Me h . 0 0 0 . 0 self-defense, to preserve or- der, or to protect other Interest In people or property. School 0 0 : 0 0 0 , hum ak er Self-Esteem 0 0 0 - 0 0 . <& N 8 Understanding : 0 : " 0 0 Pres. Bicen. * Others . Citizenship + 0 - 0 0 0 The Susquehanna Bicen- tennial Council met on April Health : u i i u 0 0 14 and elected the following Creativity + 0 0 . 0 0 officers: Dennis Shumaker Vv : ’ ocationa president; Dr. John Brown, a | 0 : Attitude vice-president; Hazel Crank- Vocations! shaw, second vice-president; ocationa . 0 0 0 3 \ Mrs. Robert Lombard, se- SS Knowledge cretary, and John S. Hies- Appreciating tand, treasurer. Human The next meeting is sched- a ha Accomulish 0 0 0 0 3 + ¢ Rael Ee plish uled for April 21 at the THE WITNESS TREE els Marietta Community House. ‘ A The Council plans then to Events in Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts,in April, Preparing for form committees and set 1775, foreshadowed a solemn oath that would be taken A Changing 0 0 0 + ; 0 dates for a number of Bi- in June, 1777, around a tree outside Donegal Presbyter- World centennial events. ian Church.
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