Page 12 -SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN HIGH WHEEL CULTIVATORS _~% Garden Seeds Scott, Hoffman & Orthro garden supplies Hostetter’s Hardware 93 E. MAIN 653-1861 MOUNT JOY r = Ry rirriiiiriiiiiiirriiidiiid casi dd ddd ddd a hd Ak ack hha i ak dS lll ‘Foreign Car Owners ! Finally A repair specialist you can trust. right in Mount Joy. Now you don’t have to waste time, travel, and money on repairs. A ALA AIS SL I A SST PA A AA Quality Pre-owned Cars % 1974 FORD Mustang Il % 1973 OLDS Omega 3/1972 FORD Thunderbird 3% 1974 CHEV. % Ton Tk. % 1971 PONTIAC LeMans % 1971 V.W. Fast Back % 1971 MERCURY Marquie Bro. % 1968 OLDSMOBILE Delta % 1972 CHEV. Vega We also offer: *Discount to All Senior Citizens *Inspections *24 Hour Towing (653-1148) *Green Stamps *Full Service On All Makes of American and Foreign Cars Mon. -Sat.-7t09;Sun.-91t0 9 MOUNT JOY CITGO Service Station Locally Owned Abe Weidman 964 Main Street, Mount Joy Phone: 653-1104 LL dd dd Cd Lid a ad dd dd rrr ae, er ear re Bll i LL lids zais daira . poorsie's Key & Lock Shop ; y 20 W. Market St. Marietta 426-1486 AUCTIONS make the difference in marketing livestock! NEW HOLLAND makes the - ss - ww difference in auctions! MONDAY - 9a.m. - Fat Hogs 10 a.m. - Horse Sale 11 a.m. - Hay & Straw . 2:30 p.m. - Fat Steers, Bulls, Cow & Veal WEDNESDAY - 12 Noon - Hay & Straw 12:30 p.m. - Dairy Sale THURSDAY - 12 Noon - Fat Steers, Bulls, Cow & Veal NewHolland Sales Stables, Inc. New Holland, Penna. Abram W. Diffenbach; Manager Phone (717) 354-4341 Por iii i diliddd ddd diidddddddd ddd di iid dl rrr Le) Jesting about “Camelot” you were made a Knight te Change the Job jed "In the iid. le Aces knights foucht on horses. This was called JESTING." Cartoon by Ramona Sell 0000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Sm ° NL - ROBERTS SPORTING GOODS: | =~ 82 Time to Plant § < Your Spring Garden VEGETABLE PLANTS 6oscccoe available now Also ready in a week or so: GUNS REPAIRED ~~ : Cabbage Broccoli Potted Tomatoes USED GUNS BOUGHT & SOLD : Lettuce Brussels Sprouts Peppers : 578 EAST FRONT DONNIE : Cauliflower Eggplants MARIETTA, PA. . ’ : PHONE 426-1332 SLINGS & SWIVELS MOUNTED : RUHL S FLOWERS : : Mount Joy, Pa. 000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000F0OCOIOGIOCOIOOROOBOOES PHONE 653-4006 WALLPAPER SALE upto DOO off Murphy’s Paint Store, located at Columbia Factory Outlet Lincoln Highway, % mile east of Columbia Turn south on Oswego Drive 684-6341 A-80 is easy on your budget! Daily 9-6 STONEBRIDGE FApR,, Visit our New Retail Store 1% mi. S. of Mount Joy on Pinkerton Rd. .- Where we feature our own ~ LOCAL BEEF, PORK, VEAL & LAMB’ Complete Line of FROZEN FOODS V “ Full Line of SEAFOOD ITEMS | 4’ CUSTOM BUTCHERING Mon. - Thurs., 8 - 5:30 — Fri., 8-8 — Sat.,8-5 e 32" mower cuts your grass smoothly, evenly. * Choose electric or recoil start 8 HP engine. e Compact size lets you mow in tight places. J. B. Hostetter & Sons, Inc. % WHEEL HORSE lawn & garden tractors PHONE 653-4087 John H. Brubaker Boss Ap
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