AFTER CHRISTMAS must be done first. _..along with the house, Avail- AVOID CARBON The White - House -was fin- It's the day after Christmas The house needs to be put. able from Penn State univer-- MONOXIDE POISONING ' + ished ‘after George Washing- and all through the house are into shape of course, perhaps sity is a course entitled “Sélf- Warm up'yoar tractor, ‘au- ton had been succeeded by the remains of Santa's visit. it's a good time to put your Improvement — A Common to, truck, or other equipment John Adams as president; You're trying to decide what outlook and life into shape Sense Approach.” in an open area to avoid car- hence Martha Washington Guidelines are offered for bon monoxide poisoning, cau- never lived in it, FE RRR RRR RR RRR Re RE RR RRR RE” 4 improving one’s self & home, tions the Farm and Home Sa- A thought-provoking evalua- fety Committee of the Penn The paths of glory lead but tion of the individual initiates State university. to the grave. —Thomas Gray h Consideration is : the course, : - FILL YOUR CHRISTMAS LIST WITH a ELE ae lL given to the meaning of a “full life” and common sense tips on enriching life by ex- i 4 4 ; perience and knowledge. i 4 Help to start your new year i right, send for the course now. All you do is send $2.25 } to Self-Improvement, Box % oh PP 4 5000, University Park, Pa, 16- i oe "i 802. Check or money order Please Your Lady This Christmas Xx With A Selection From Our Fine Line should be made payable to BR Pennsylvania State universi- P ty. ! Plants are one of nature's % most effective dust traps. | The hairy leaf surfaces clutch 0 falling particles from the air % of and hold them, thereby keep- % ing solid matter out of our at- § mosphere. When it rains, the Apparel particles are washed to the J 2K ground. So effective are the B of our major cities, Los An- geles, has to wash its trees B periodically in a detergent BR solution. In another area, ide | For The Gift Of Her Choice - Gift Certificates Xx oo THe Pepper TREE dust count on a sheltered side of a planted section was 75% . lower than a similar count on BR the windward side. Trees help % keep our air clean. 5 i Dont climb Yin a loaded , This incl hill, t Di Na z POINSETTIA PLANTS jump a ditch with a loaded gun and don’t pull a gun to- i ; i ¥ a i 3 ; 1 trees as dust catchers that one % : 8 q 4 4 8 4 24 South Main Street MANHEIM, PA. 17545 # ward you by the muzzle. i CARNATIONS GREENS PHONE 665.2033 : The doa =o everiting. ot 5. CHRYSANTHEMUMS CANDLES | A A A A A Be A ES PA BS MA BEA pe i peeps the glory. —J. W. Goethe J) SNAPDRAGONS ARTIFICIAL GREYSTONE ROAD MANHEIM R.D. 1 : PHONE 898-8012 ® $ Gift Certificate Snow Boots Slippers Slippers Shoes Gift Certificate | Insulated Boots | Tote Bags Shine Kits Shoes | Dingo Boots Loafers : Stretch Boots Stretch Boots § | Rubbers Rubbers The Manpower Behind Your Telephone Works Constantly to Improve Service ...LAYING NEW CABLE...Building...Making repairs...’ Engineering, Ordering, and Installing new equipment... Expanding Telephonic Services. These Construction Men are just two of the many dedicated Telephone Service People in this Community. Building and updating facilities and adding new equipment, all represent vast expenditures which have been and are being made in our ever-continuing effort to improve FOR THEM Slippers — Cowboy Boots Gift Certificate — Shoes & Boots Today's Telecommunication Services. Emm B Dam ; FREE GIFT WRAPPING COLUMBIA — UNITED : on TELEPHONE COMPANY LEPHONE COMPANY : Sterner’s Shoe Store CALL 684-2101 i “Where Price and Quality Meet” Member UNITED TELEPHONE SYSTEM Operated by United Utilities, Incorporated i 16 SOUTH MAIN STREET MANHEIM, PA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers