Classifieds Everybody Reads The FOR SALE AKC reg. Beagle pups. 7 wks, Ideal Christmas gifts. Phone 665-3238 after 5 p.m. 39-1c GOLD — SILVER . S. $1.00 - $2.50 - $3.00 - $5.00 - $10.00 - $20.00 Unc. Mexican $2.00 - $2.50 - $5.00 - $10.00 - $20.00 - $50.00 Unc. U. S. Proof Sets - All Dates. Canadian Proof Like Sets - All Dates. Panama Proof Sets - All Dates Silver Dollars—U, S., Mexic- an - Canadian - Unc. ARLENA FLINCHBAUGH 72 N. Wolf St., Manheim, Pa. Phone 665-5606 39-1c Home grown Celery at Sieg- rist’s Self Service, 2 mile se. of Penryn. J. H. Siegrist. 39-c3 You saved and slaved for wall to wall carpet. Keep it new with Blue Lustre, Rent electric shampooer $1. Gra- ham’s, 20 Market Suaqre, Manheim, Pa. 39-1c Shoes Galore, Rt. 230 West of Mt. Joy has just received a new shioment of shoes and fabrics. Shop Shoes Galore & Save Many Dollars. 39-1c Hammond Chord Organ. Call 665-4549. 39-1c 2—Used Color T.V. Sets, ful- ly guarante@®l, new picture tubes. 1 — RCA 1971 Color Portab- le 16”. About new. FLINCHBAUGH’S Since 1928 72 N. Wolf St., Manheim, Pa. Phone 665-2293 39-1c BLUE LUSTRE CARPET SHAMPOO Deep cleans and brightens colors. Restores that soft plush feel to carpeting! Use in your carpet shampooer, Of sve RENT ELECTRIC SHAMPOOER $1 PER DAY WITH PURCHASE OF BLUE LUSTRE STOP IN AT GRAHAM'S BEFORE YOU BUY APPLIANCES & PAINTS 20 Market Square MANHEIM 665-5501 Serta Perfect Queen size bed - $150; executive easy chair with matching footstool, $100; Remington electric typewrit. er, $110; Console Singer sew- ing machine, $115. Items like new. Call 665- 4056, Heavy Chickens. Call 665- 57717. 35-36-38-39-4¢ Bob white Quail, $1.00 each. Call 1 - 272-8942, 36-4c Fireproof safes, files, seturity boxes from $24.30. Filing cab- inets from $23.95. Swivel chairs for sewing or office from $17.95. Typewriters & adding machines at discount prices. = Nolt’s Ephrata-Roths- ville Road, Akron 849-1617, ~ WANTED hu Cigar labels, bands or any old cigar adv. items. ‘Write Cash Buyer, Box 103 EastProspect, Pa. 17317. 38-3¢ en e——— — wa LOST In Mount Joy area, a large black cat with white mark- ings on face and four white paws. Answers to name of Alfred. Ph. 653-1035. 39-1p Miscellaneous Bus Trip. Wanamakers in Philadelpha at Chrstmas, on 347c Dec. 18. Call 653-4402. 38-2¢ SHAVINGS Bagged, Bulk, Blown-in, Lanco Bedding, Ph. 285-4506 NOTICES Reduce excess fluids with Fluidex, $1.69—Lose weight NOTICE ! safely with Dex-A-Diet, $1.98 At your drugstore. 28-12p We print ANYTHING — ‘etterheads, envelopes, bill aeads, posters, tickets, sales books, postcards, programs, handbills, letters, business cards. Reasonable. Bulletin and Farm & Home News, 11 E. Main, St., Mount Joy, Call 653-4400. 6-tfc FOR RENT me Unfurnished apt. 4 rms., hot water heat, front porch, old shade. Couple. Share bath, Phone 665-4416. 39-1c 2nd floor, 2 bedroom apart- ment. Carpeted & remodel- ed. Phone 665-6525. 39-1c 3-bedroom farm house. 1 mile east Manheim on Doe Run Rd. Ph. 665-4736. 39-2¢c FOR RENT: Half of farm- house, located near Manheim. Write Box CB, c/o Farm and Home News, Mount Joy, Pa. 38-2¢ FOR RENT: Village Green Apartments, east Willow St., Elizabethtown, 1 and 2 bed- room apts., featuring total el- ectric living, wall-to-fvall car- pet, fully equipped G.E. Kit- chen, laundry facilities and individually controlled Car- rier air conditioning & heat- ing. Immediate occupancy. Rental office open 1 to 5 Sat- urday and Sunday; 4 to 8 on Tuesday and Thursday. Call 367-4769 or 838-4271 for infor- mation. 38tfc Services Offered Will do typing or address en- velopes in my home. Phone 665-4612. ; « 3%-1c Interior & Exterior Painting. Free estimates. Reasonable rates. Call 665-2340, 38-tfc Patronize our Advertisers ed AUCTIONS make the difference in marketing NEW HOLLAN citrorence livestock! D makes the in auctions! MO YDAY 10:30 AM. —FAT HOGS and SHOATS 2:30 PM.—FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL HORSE SALE—MONDAY at 10 00 A.M. DAIRY SALE—WEDNESDAY at 12:30 P.M, FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL THURSDAY at 12:30 P.M. New Holland Sales Stables, Inc. New Holland, Penna. Abram W. Diffenbach, Manager Phone (717) 354-2184 I —— a rE Ey Qualified TV and Stereo and Radio Service. Evenings and Saturdays. G. R. Strack. 113 S. Charlotte, Manheim. Call 665-4837. 45-tfc | — ‘Card of Thanks We very ,deeply appreciate the many expressions of sym- pathy and other Kkindnesses to us, and we sincerely thank everyone who has been so kind to us at this time, The family of Chester R. Ney 39-1c ELIMINATE ICE AND SNOW PROBLEMS Clean snow and ice from tractor platforms, steps, axles and pedals advises the Farm and Home Safety Committee of Penn State. And keep your boots free from ice and snow to insure solid contact on the pedals, they add. The 21st National 4-H Com- Modity Marketing Symposium will be held Jan. 31 - Feb. 2, 1972, at the Chicago Board of Trade. Sponsored jointly by the Board of Trade, the Co- operative Extension Service and the National 4-H Service Committee, the symposium offers 4-H members learning experiences in marketing a variety of commodities, The banana “tree” is not a tree at all, but a plant. RA RRR A RAT ASR RATA FERRARA SARA FERRER RSA RR NTR ISRNGEY Fashions fr Christmas 3 Wg 0 i J We Have A Nice Selection i of : ® Mix & Match Groups i ® DRESSES B i © LINGERIE : © SPORTSWEAR 0 : YOU'RE SURE TO PLEASE 0% Hours:—9 - 9 Every Day ‘Til Christmas y J ® B 0 i B | 2 APPAREL * 21 MARIETTA AVENUE MOUNT JOY ¥ 4 4 ; 4 MAKE IT A GIFT OR A GIFT CERIFICATE! : 4 4 4 : 4 3 g | g 4 39-2¢ — BR 2, a r @ CR S ey SVAN of NSS RE i) is ZR SR H ol IE “ LI [I Sok SE FERRE ’ AN 57) Nia - e =; TER ho Bi Go TA Fa Hostetter's Flower Shop 120 South Pitt Street on, aE MANHEIM, PA. ER Phone 665 2366 . Let us deliver a “Happy Holidays” floral arrangement 3 to your home. And send another to a loved one through Florafax Delivery. We're as near as your telephone. We Have A Large Selection of Poinsettias & Christmas Arrangements We will be happy to show you and help you selec something to your liking, We also have Greens, Englis h Holly, Door Swags, Pine Roping and Wreaths. a A A PR A We A YA A HA YR WH ER YR PR YE YR om Advertising Doesn't Cost — It Pays! 1 i i : : i \ | ¥ i i d ; g | : Payments Less Than Rent Unbelievable before you try it! thinking of selling, 665-2401 Why Pay Rent and Show Nothing But Rent Receipts when you can have mortgage payments for Less than Rent. If you want to trade your present home, mobile home, car, motorcycle or anything you would be willing to give up to upgrade your living conditions. I can do it for you. I also need many more homes for sale, so if you are By the way. if you are Buying, we are Members of Multi-List, so I can handle anyone's listing. ManHEIM ReaLty Co. CALL ME PERSONALLY — IF I'M NOT IN, PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE call me personally at once. RICK HERSHEY 665-1478 397-8174 1 em om r————————
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers