Atlantics in 1866. the work. * Lightweight with comfort styled grip. VER PSX ER aus RA PA KA WA PO 0 UR A YK PRP NPR TAC PRCA DT HOUSEPLANT MAY ion. Can you manage all that age the extra growth, then SERERSERERTERSKRAA RHR RITE RTH RT NRT RA PA RA RA RRA RA RES NEED PRUNING +» greenery without turning your perhaps you. should: think. a- 3 : / d AFTER VIGOROUS House = 1116 ~ “4 "Jungle? © y bout extra support for it, says ‘Do Your Christmas Shopping Now! t SUMMER GROWTH should you cut back and trim Pr. Robert Nuss, Extension B If summer growth has sent the growth to fit your limited horticulturist at Penn State. i g your houseplants sprawling, quarters? Just plain coat hangers con- 4 you'll have to make a decis- If you like and can man- cealed among the greenery i i make excellent supports, he B SPECIAL PUR RR RR FS TEST, FA Fk TR TS PR EY RF Rh OYA RN RAT RT, says. They're ready available 3 q around any home. And they i i Ye Gide Curio Bam i are made of a metal that will 3 o not harm the plants, Do not N . ] B d * l ’ Li “ if use wires of metal such as ationa ran Girls ingerie 3 Lexington Road, R.D. 2, LITITZ : per those an Calvan i LIPS, PANTIES, ERA-ETTES, NIGHTIES y : . ized surfaces. They may de- Bi { Between Erb’s church & Halfville posit metals into the soil that 5s 0 Phone 626-7151 # will harm the plants. i SIZES TODDLERS THROUGH JUNIORS % ma q You can use trellis supports JJ made of plastic without harm- 3 ! ¥ The. Gift Shop With The Unusual 4 ing the plant. And woods of 2 We Carry Girls’ Dresses & Sportswear i a In R lap. <& ® all sorts can be used—from BR 5 ¥ n hegular Handcrafted Gift Items 1 the finished pieces to the stur- J§ SIZES 2T TO 14 1 dy driftwood and other natur- $ R PRICED WITH THE BUDGETMINDED I 4! {ianches : BOYS SUITS 1 ] CHRISTMAS CERAMICS A IN MIND ## When arranging vines over SIZES 3 TO 7 i P ND CANDLES i these supports don’t wory a- ’ g CHRISTMAS HOURS (Starting November 26) ji bout facing the Jeaves the u i Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9 - 9, y [ent difection, The plant will § HOLIDAY HOURS: —Dec. 22, 1 fo 9; Dec. 23, 1 fo 9; 5 Saturday 9 - 5. Closed Sunday and Mond Juke care of that liseli 2s whe Dec. 24, 9 12 Noon: 0 Yan oncay § leaves gradually turn out to i ec. 24,9 10 oon; g Sc 36-5¢ 4 horticulturist, 0 7 A A A AN PS PA EA POP IR PS YA ps pom ps2 If you need fo trim or 3 4 Jr massa pian, nouns ponerns, don: | MANHEIM SPORTSWEAR MFG. CO., Inc. . Bl uy L. “A GIFT FR . , be afraid to prune just as B i g hs OM KOSER’S MEANS MORE!” yo gn on Sotdons. pin J} 147 WEST HIGH STREET MANHEIM : ut be sure to cut with abso- # : QUALITY JEWELRY STORE lutely clean pruning shears i Two Blocks West of the Square g or knife. Disease can be Bamps mum mm smn spread with blades that are coated with months of cut- 8 Coms In ‘and See Our Fine ting. : A ER SR RS RS RE RA A REL, SR FR RS RA, : The choice is yours. Prune Selection of or keep the extra i 7 FROM HOOVER 1 growth of your houseplants Bit either way, pamper. hs DOOR BUSTER i ¥ DIAMONDS WATCHES plants for indoor beauty, ad- # - vises Dr. Nuss. : Gift Ideas For Her # QUALITY JEWELRY 3 During the course of the i : i : 23.000 times we inhale and Bi R po CLOCKS 3d exhale every day, we take in % #3 : i - WALLETS about 35 pounds of oxygen— ¥ # 4 and we get it all from green B Ts 7 plants on the land and vegeta- i ff 4 AND HUNDREDS OF GIFT ITEMS & tion in the sea. : Hs 2 3 (Ask For Our Christmas Catalog, if You Haven't i There are 312 billion peo- y $ : 3 q ple in the world and it took Ji : Already Received One.) 50000 years to reach this if GF 4 { stage. Yet, in just 30 more # k * § years the population will 7 4 double. P : g OPEN 9 - 8 DAILY UNTIL CHRISTMAS : Benny Goodman became a : ‘ ’ band leader when he was 14 w i KOSER’S JEWELRY STORE # vb f 64 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY : b Ba A ee 5 : unt was lai : Plug it in and let the twin WE GIVE S&H STAMPS 39-1c Pearce of the Brooklyn 0 8 BEAUTIFUL COMBINATION j go . Stainless Steel blades do oot pox AND STORAGE TRAY a 3S VOSS SST SO NNT RG SAC SS SA TSA TR ST SR BS RSA RA es nav iE * Lifeline quality Stain- less Steel blades. 4 i * Quick release blades. $8.44 u 3 oF * Safety spring action g 7 Snir awicn. : COMPARE AT $12.88 ¢ ‘ BE * Detachable 8 foot coi A Pia Nk WR : 3 5 % ; With Christmas Gluing In Mind {i EREE- 4 oz. Louis pon : 3 . PERFUME | 98 Luxury Sedan (loaded) mints Delta Royale & Sedan : with Hoover Purchase As advertised on the % $20 Value Johnny Carson Show g Dellta 4-Dr. H.T. Town Sedan - Delta 88 and Delta Cruiser : : ¥ I Cutlass & Cutlass Cruiser ; 2 go ant 4 # : Cutlass S — — Cutlass Supreme ; : SHARPENER BY HOOVER ! — DUMP TRUCKS i a ¥ 1- 1958 REO © 1 - 1953 REO. Both in good mechanical condition. (Reasonable) 2 : # ALSO A FINE SELECTION OF VALUE RATED USED CARS : # 4 1971 — "98" HARDTOP SEDAN. AIR : i 1970 — DELTA 88 CUSTOM - LOADED (TRAILER PACKAGE) 5 ? 1969 — PONTIAC CATALINA, 4-DOOR, AIR, P. S., P. B. : 5 4 1969 — OLDS 98 4-DOOR, VINYL TOP, P. S.. P. B. % ! 1967 — OLDS CUTLASS STATION WAGON - AIR # v 1967 — “98” LUXURY SEDAN - LOADED : COMA a0 $14.88 313 el 511 0 1 1967 — OLDS DYNAMIC 88 - AIR q Fi q NEW HOOVER CORDLESS @ Set the can - touch a button! 4 5 RECHARGEABLE TOOTHBRUSH This new Hoover opens cans a fg Pp E C I A L, a 5 oComtoriabie power unit...fits child's automatically - then shuts 4 : ® _— cordless operation itself off! 4 A we RI # Fingertip slide switch...easy to ® Knife Sharpene ts a k 3 1961 #" ER B + ndinly colored snap-on cuttin edge on ai non- - ! ONE OWNER $275.00 60,000 MILES : 8 Wigctive Jpnd down brushing 5 B A SAFE PLACE TO BUY 1 J. HARVEY SPAHR 5 d DIAMOND REO ! wns EE EPA if OLDSMOBILE 4 % g 41-43 North Main Street, MANHEIM, PENNA 17545 Phone 665-2281 4 Mi g al a a Ea BE A YA PAK EAS BEAN PA EEE a A EE A a A SR ES SE Ee ER ER ES I A PM PR EN BR EA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers