THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. Wednesday, June 19, 1912 PAGE THRER 4 4 $ Free! Free! roc 1 ¥ ® » . i A Beautiful $325 J. H. Troup Piano Will | i i Given Away Absolutely Free . Ed ® \ + ' “8 To The Person Who Can|Wrie What the B. T. Babbitt 4 “T ® i } “Troup Pianos Newer Products 4 ¥ : ; + ’ + § Endure Mean to You $ The Greatest Numberol Times : ole * 2 3 Yo) 1 ¥ 2 + Ona Card 3x4 Inches 3 3 : 3 3 Nothing can take the place of ex- 3 py. prong oy ( % ri 8, Ai en to experience are i [his Offer Open to All. It Cost Nothing To 3 perience. And when to experic ca 3 [1 ¥ : ited inventi ss and progressive- 3 Send Your Answer Before July 1st i united inventiveness and progressive Ei ce i ness, the result is pretty” close to % : 3 % | \7 Ts ~ : - erfection i | How Many Times Can You| dure 4 P il ys Vv ; CE That is why" the Newer B. T. % | W rite the [hree Words ; + That is Vay 5 YY + i W 1 y Bez bbitt Pro 1 1cte are b COMIN Go the i | ; "Posil. a ~~ oy I~ apDDItL £FTOaUCS are €CO 11Ng il £66 Pi i ho TE TE favorites of their class in cAmerican i roup anos; wv ; Horras | ! word ove oi NE K i O111ES. 3 ! pe i 1 ” 3 1% i 99 i i) ) NT . a fo 4 od : ! ) 5 i t 6d Bon FoF tc C1 \ ; | i B. T. Babhitt’s White Floati ¥ & 3 * D. 1. DADDILL S W I ie A LUCHA ng Soap 5 | /na Lard o Sheet of Paper | Aire BoA. RB 5 40 ds 2 EE an 24 | 3 § Garry el B. T. Babbitt’s Naptha Soap fl Measuring 3x4 Inches? n % VO i || 3 ! i : 1 i x | 7 : % | The Space Within These Black Lines I ice or bear j \ ‘ i i fifi c Are infinitely superior to anything you have ever ¥ | Is Supposed to Be Correct 12 1} by ¥ 3 | » ex 11 used, because it has taken over three-quarters of x 2 ttt Judge x A y century” to find out just how to make them. i ———— i p————— ¥ | 3 : a5 PRIZE PIANO wiih Sa ABSOLUTELY CREE : i 3 1 Yt In gation—thousands of dollars in research—the Be I i ns iu bast answer We ac elit certificate for $100 ¥ most earnest efforts of generations of chemists and soap makers—you get I tificate for 385. Following these in groups of ten, he next sa § the benefit of all these when you get * D1 los than the previ us 8 grou; Ss all who have complied with i tle L een awarded 3 : F ¥ toward the p di + of PIN New Pian wo or New Play. r Bi ae a \rerooms at r lar retail prices 3 4% ‘Time of ct rtificat will be limited d are not good o a oh E h/t ; Y pric . ’ For Oo hee my be Sprit Sond ins” SE rohit The B. T. Babbitt’s Newer Products i» July 1st, 1012. 3 | + COUPON . i 3 Mail All Answers To eAnd you get more— ¥ | Ihave written “Troup Pianos En- tl % dare’........ ... times, and I agree to The I] H | M | i You get a bi enerous premium value in Trademarks, for it has % |abide by the decision of the Judges. [OU usic USE g g £ p , ; : 3 * been for years a part of the Babbitt family policy to share the profits of the Nanda eins Lal ; 3 ; x Sy Retail Department i business with the millions of patrons who make Babbitt a household word + FESS. os cists ra niin sve van inne seu ; . { BY oc Tannen a Troup Building, 15 South by giving them substantial presents in exchange for Trademarks taken OMELET . from ALL Babbitt Products. Pe —S Market Sq. Harrisburg 3 : ASHING MADE E oil The B. T. Babbitt Famous Products are: tT To : doodedobofoodododocoobod oF | BT Ballally 7 : 18 Geofoofeoioofordonfooforfoofeciorfocfoofforfocfoofosfoofosforfoofioofoedeodeofonforfeodrofcfoofeaeodeodradecrodondn dorioborieode WE SELL CHEAPER | FREE PHONE SERVICE BECAUSE WE GIVE JUST CALL 1100 S. & H. GREEN Our ready-to-wear department announces for Saturday and all next week, some of the finest values of its career, and that is saying a good deal. t to her advantage to visit Leinbach’s tomorrow, and look these dainty, inexpensive Tub Dresses over Show One of These Dresses to Your Dress-Maker---Ask Her If She'd Like to do the Work on Such a Dress for $2.95 Made of fine, sheer Egyptain tissue, tastefully t ol ors: cool Dutch neck. The dresses are made to sell for $4.00. Saturday your choice at $2. 95. Here's a Pretty Tub Dress That Should Sell For $2.98, Saturday At $1.89 Prettily made of striped tissue gingham, have sailor collars and turn-back cuffs of white pique finished with piping. Can you imagine making such a dainty dress for the price you can buy them ior tomorrow. Special at $1.89. Great Sale of Men's and Boys’ Clothing is Now at Its Height 300 more suits have just arrived and will be placed on sale tomorrow at 1-3 off and less. This is the biggest clothing sale ever held in Lancaster at tomorrow. We will give double S. & H. Green Trading | TRADING STAMPS LA N c AST E R, 2 A. REVERSED Extraordinary Values a i ita i MN Women’s Wash Dresses You Can Save From 1-4 to 1-3 on Stylish New Tub Dresses Ii ik & HAVE CHARGES Every woman in need of a Wash Dress will find rimmed in various effective styles, light or dark this time of the year. Don’t miss it but come Stamps all day on Saturday, June 22. ET I ER HE Eb Aetid A ~~ TRADE MARK+— | BE = < YT SO A \P. “Best Soap” “1776 Washing Powder” “Pure Lye or Potash” Simply cut the Trademark from any Babbitt wrapper, or, if you do not know how, bring the wrappers in packages of ten each. As little as ten Trademarks now secures a premium. Tell your dealer it means a lot to you to get B. T. Babbitt Soaps and Powders—old and new. Babbitt’s Trademarks Good as Cash at ALT No need to mail Trademarks to Babbitt Factory. Take them to the nearest Talbot Store and get not only valuable premiums in the special ¢ Babbitt A NEW ARTICLE, Brerni D » ’ : For saving labor&expense remium Dept.,”’ but your choice of any merchandise, NEW YORK, or soda, ice cream, cigars, etc., in the store. B. T. BABBITT, Inc, NEW YORK THE TALBOT STORES IN LANCASTER Are Located at 154-158 North Queen Street,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers