PYROX for Garden Vegetables o 1 days and at Maytown. man gazed at him as if amazed, and by and by said: “Well, well! Gosh! . [nt William Withers has broken | t see h ues ar , PYROX for i otatoes round for the erction of a new | Aone ses Iw you can bear to live We have it in all size package double house, recently . purchased { from Pobias Hoffer. Why a Tailor’s Thimble. sjeoforfefufertesfedodolofefedofefoiofol Fhe Church of the Brethren held | If you have ever noticed a tailors their annual love feast in this place thimble you must have observed that on Sunday evening. Many visiting | it is not like the one your mother or N eweconmer preachers were present, and a num-| your sisters use, because it has no top. ° ber from other church congregations | As there is a reason for everything, assisted in the success of the meet there is a reason for this. ivi The stuff your mother sews on is MOUNT JOY. PA. ng. tas : : usually very light and the needle is | * The Children’s Day exercises on easily pushed through by pressing the | Laaons ~~ i Sunday were well attended, despite top of the thimble against the needle. sfecfosfesfefesfocfecforterforfostonfrcioneioriesfosfoctestodeufesforfocferfeciesodoipibp ppd the rainy weather. Fine program-| But tailors often have to sew very 3 mes were rendered, including reci-| coarse and heavy material and they tations, dialogues and special music | cannot get enough pressure on the top SHAU B & COM PANY i bY the ohildven The decorations | Of the thimble, so they use the side % wera a Teatlte and therefore they have no use for a ”%* Dr. William Heisey, of McKees- op ie YOU KNOW, OR OUGHT TO KNOW, HOW IMPORTANT IT & | ort, was visitine at his home in ; IS TO HAVE YOUR SHOES FIT AND FEEL RIGHT > Maytown several days to pay a Not Like Canute. : | farewell visit to his sister. Mis. At the Acorn Club in Philadelphia We know how important it is and have provided hundreds of i Joseph Hollenbaugh who left for 4 young lady was praising the wit of the “right” sort styles. The “flats” (English) are very much the * |, ~~ = °°" lo. hike. how the late Bishop Mackay Smith, : vogue; plenty of the best to pick from here. High toe, high heel- i futire ny Mr Tah re he Slike jie Le ed ones, too, if you'd rather havethem. And the good old standbys % been there for several months en- 1 him he in Eroad street Ste always here in all leathers—for all feet— i g in farming ic was on the way to Florida at Sion 1d 1 said: i a { Pe very wrong, bishop, for 3 $4 a 3 Georgia Wool | m on Sunday in the Atlantic $ $ 9 3 Is hat a good many merchants | Palm Beach? oe I ix vou nowadays when you 1 off Palm Beach? a a———————— 3 | it of lothes We know it | id he , I fear, is a see over . Hs ; * n ¢ rvi Georgi: vhich 1 jurisdiction.’ ” £5 FRG 3 Woo ny will ‘not stend they. TTT me & Cod A > that All Woo sheep wool) | . Her Claims to Fame. oe > loes We guarantee our Clothes to | SING So ifs Poking mAAMmS © ITATC RUBBER! Bo "a TR" % he A Woel and Silk. $10 up Getz | Je SIOTYy ie po Ve $a br deb Ab A ee dd dd id Ws et 1 Bros : a Ide one 1ceis < w wy he ; | 1 ght before 18 N. Queen Street, LANCASTER : = ey | the | = . oI TT § Open season for party splitting at he i : of oh 9 BE yyy | Chicago and Baltimore. : . : : fam and | = = * * bh f d . oT ® | Get your salt and butter ready - | NO SMOKE NO ili]:q roastin’ ears are coming. | Some men are born great and y TY Nae Finan there is Senator Dixon. j The donkey is laughing at the| 3.88 The quality of Lamp Oil you use counts im- § | elephant, but don’t laugh too loud. | A Philadelphia woman has been mensely for or againg Your Somers ard esis. | . vo » convicted of being a common scold. he ru pevgile who Stenographers and telegraph op- | And yet they let the Presidential [erators may as well face the pros. | “andidates go free. | amily Favorite Oil jo of overtime work. Gell. Pow ols Cle rion. of Arkansas | Crude Oil—the bes : ven, 7 ayion, AT AE 5 Saige Fi eer ee oot cir i : i phd =z says emphatically that it will be | Lasts ns more our dealer has it in origioa | | !T during courtship a young man | Taft on the first ballot. Do you not | Wavery 01 Work a Retaer—Plttsburg, pa, J | tells 2 that he’s unworthy of | admire these ancient gentlemen who | rd Works Auto Oil and. Waverly Gg solines her, shq believe it any sore ce so perfectly sure about every- ; than he t. { thing? ! PAGE FOUR THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. Li Ea TET I'he BT. Babbitt Store TREASU TROVE IN OLD GUN i HAPPY THO MARRIED? een said that B. T. Babbitt LY There are unhappy married lives, but a large percentage of the \PPY mad nlin Find of Turquoises in Arab Firearm homes are due to tl illness of the wife, mother or daughter The {ech f Raised Interesting Question as nervousness, the be d mind, the illstemper, the pale and wrinkled face, hollow Movi to Their Ownership. and circled eyes, result often from those disorder r to women For the woman to be ind d<looking she 1 t ily have good healt In the narrow and ty debths © : Dragging-down fe hysteria, hot-flashes or « sl ly re | I ind | neration in old Arab gun w 1 i Tor n aches- are too gre lrain upon a woman's vitalit 1d strer \ i J ree s y God years in the shiy [7 X v Favorite Prescript tores weak and sick women to sou \ fue ; : R i 1 t } t ( 1 art dealer of 16 Rue Victor \ . lating and correctir lo isorders which ar nerally res; r the b {d) 4 } h " _ above distressing symptoms hn Fars, France, m Lal hen The Experience of Two Girls y \ Y and } turquoise which came to light in a G&S Lsuflured yreath ; NY Curious =Aune! Here Related For The “l . f i 1 I 0 I itt er Arar . al VN te V) i | be A An amateur came Into the shop Benefit of Others. £/ Wy ! l A per i Hoye ashy ton gearching for some sort of a decora- £0 ‘ : el D ‘ I owd I t it . r: Wie 'p ter looking ove rn f oan v] i D RV. h 0 tion fo his room After lo king ov ! Rochester, N. ¥ [ have a daugh- Lt ) : AL k 08 Ba noap weapons of all styles, conditions and 4... 13 years old who has always been fa : ( M ex I Powde nd ther countl other ages, he selected the Arab gun, whicl very healthy until recently when she re I | ha " J ma } ehold aid h a floating Was standing in a corner, its long un complained of dizziness and eramps every Dr. | is no use wasting and p that v weet pure and used barrel plugged with a cork I'he month, so bad that I would have to keep thany sorany tne eee yotl fect Borax sony nq Purchase was made and the amateur pop home from school and put her to bed he «die s Yierce Buffalo , tl Or oap, a . wi : g 1 leave the : he Medical Adviser by R.V. Pierce, M. D., Buffalo, . | collector was just about to leave 18 to pet relief. N. Y., answers hosts of delicate questions about which shi Soap that could be used in gy, when his curiosity to see what “After giving her only two bottles of every woman, single or married ought to know. Sent free oithe hot or cold ater, and than a wag inside the rot the bette ¢ . rir 3 A annie : : i ili ¢ Side gun go 1e better of JI.ydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- 2 y ace 3 ‘ ( wrappi ling only, ! ) . ] ; yi ie ! ¢ r Mgrs. DICKOVER on receipt of 31 stamps to pay for wrapping and mailing y Cleanser tha \ fine in texture him. He pulled the cork and lowered pound she is now enjoying the best of ind that t duced the cost of the gun. A stream of the sparkling of cannot praise vour Compound 1ealth., i I \ I cleaning stones poured out, bouncing this way too highly. I want every good mother oN & i 1 1 i ) 3 ‘ners f M he > » \t all times the Babbitt aim ana @nd that into the du filled corners of 4 read what your medicine has done for end r 1 been to ffer oa the shop. When the men recovered my child.”’ 3. RICHARD N. DUNHAM, 1d ¢ © 3s been t offe aps, i : J. vd 1 , from their surprise they were both on gi] g xchange St., Rochester, N.Y. oap powders, cleansers i popule 1 g : . i igh i tt popular their knees scrambling for the gems. Stoutsville, Ohio. —*‘1 suffered from a — Prices : and by buying the raw Immediately a dispute arose as to headaches, backache and was very irreg- materials in immense quantities and their ownership, and this was con- ——— ular, A friend ad- THE COMMENCEMENT DAY OF COMFORT is the day you buy 'yuging every known scientific means. tinued for more than half an hour as | { vised me to take cator Shoes All styles for baby and all We fit the foot. Most produce a product that would never the two men, both of a naturally dig- { Lydia E. Pinkham’s . 3 1 fail to satisfy nified disposition, crawled about the {Vegetable Com- a make the foot fit the shoe Ther probably no name that js 9ust and cobwebs hunting the jewels. pound, and before I e eres | )é V { e Ne s “ 0 rm of i 3 ) y 4 ¢ . ey mine! ried t shop- he ka » W 3 10es of quality we guarantee; they are the cheapest as they al- (loser linked to America household They re Hn erie 5 ol had taken the whole " w al . 1 3 ky H "t g x Xe : a keeper. For years this gun has be- of two bottles I give comfort and satisfactory weal We also carry the Spunky ! ton than B I Babbitt Ever longed to me; therefore its contents 1 found relief. I am in the new shapes Oxfordsand igh tops Since 846, 1t has been the buy word are mine.” only sixteen years ocery stores in the big cities as “But I have bought the gun and old, but I have bet- ell as the most remote country Pald for it!” was the retort from be- ter health than for r e t S to hind 8 Bla k of other firearms of past two or three years. O I h O Da VOR remembers Babbitts ages. “I have bo ght the gun, and I cannot express my wi vou think of soup vou fymed what the gun contains is mine. thanks for what Lvdia I. Pinkham’s ne A soap ul e i Oa PO FOOT . > Hiid's 18¢ Light Calico Dresses, each .......... co eevee 123¢ telv thin] f Babli : After a time the search for the tur- Vegot able Compound has done for me. . I {21 ye link of Babbitt quoises was finished, but not so the y j.9 taker » medicines but did not Se Short g 108, ¢ ‘ies JA23c es : "wp : : ! axeu 1 t omen s Short Lawn Kimonos, each 2 Il would seem that in 76 years, argument, which was rising in tem- fi ud relief. Miss CorA B. FOSNAUGH, en's 0c Lawn Kimonos, each ...........ceii0vs 35¢ th ality of a product would vary perature every moment. Finally both Stoutsville, Ohio, R.F.D., No. 1. [t has not in the Babbitt products, men agreed to turn the jewels over to Hundred s of such letters from moth- What B. T. Babbitt made best vears the police and let the commissary de- ' 4 gras xpressing their gratitude for what : r F id a go as no tent bert i clde to whom they belonged lia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- 0 ~ | ay an atur da 18¢ been kept best by the °C oo = y. oe i yaia es, am s cials ror rl dy u att § i " bet 3 ie Possibly in some desert camp some Ly 1d has accomplished for their daugh- abbitt family of famous soap-. Aral chieftain sits by his lonely fire ters have be sen received by the Lydia E. ry woman does not want a long corset. For those who will buy makers And Babbitt has shared and wonders, cursing the while the Pinkham Medicine! uy, Lynn, Mass. t corset we will give 15 Green Trading stamps on the 50¢ prosperity with users of Babbitt white man who years ago robbed him : ; products by offering valu: s ise- Of his fortune and the weapon with sn't take : ‘ me to tire and 30 Green Trading stamps on the $1.00 grades, quality ey Offer aluable, use Ei ! ys) oy a It doesn’t take a man long to tir ful presents in exchange for Babbitt whic 1 he won his place at the head of posing as a good example d trademarks or wrappers Thous- his tribe. * 8 2 x I § are lower here than elsewhere Greet Trading Stamps giv. ands of articles are offered as hat's 2 Senator Root hardly looks for a very 10c or over purchase. choice and the quality is of the What's ha Name? place in the Hoosevelt Calinet 4 finest Mayor Brand Whitlock, of Toledo, . 5 2 ® » : . was talking about a certain trust mag- _ One of the latest Babbitt tri- : > Thee Vitirn) dor ors - ates abl tr ” : co oi 3 gs dc inirhs is 4] y 3 nate. “He's got a bad name,” said hese political thnnderstorms do | umphs is the plan of having the yo mayornovelist. “Hence he can't ot seem to ¢asl the air a particle » ¥ ra Falbot Stores at 154-158 North get a square deal. He's got as bad a > 8" ¥ i Queen Street, Lancaster, exchange name for a lawsuit as Dodgin had for Roosevelt just can’t break him- | ® ® Babbitt trademarks for anything in a manager. Dodgin was the new man- self of that elephant killing habit. the store from soda water to lawn ager of a biscuit concern. There was * + = 3 STORE OF QUALITY : . : > OWie y ; v x mowers. By this plan every 3abbitt Monel 1 the : on Se ho Jes Col. Roosevelt says he is a neces- . "v J trademarks has a value of one half | [© Sneak off to a shed at about three _ : : : shad ast Main Street, Mount Joy. fre i hos ' one A uo ned RL Shou, arco sity. Wail, hand Us out a Jugury a cent. That is, ten Babbitt I'rade- pipe and look over the afternoon pa- fOr ours marks are equal to 5 cents when per for half an hour or so. Well, one » vv 4 8 shopping. Twenty trademarks are day, as the workman sat reading and The Senate has decided to vote good for buying 10 cents articles, smoking in the shed, Dodgin ap op the Lorimer case July 6. What and so on A recent canvas of DPeared. ‘Who are you? Dodgin asked grocers shows that more Babbitt SetHlY, SOWAINE at fe as York 600m i man. he workman frowned back. goods are being sold than ever be- . : 14° >A SOS vine 4 , world : y ] ‘Huh, who are you? said he. ‘I'm It’s the easiest thing in the worl fore and is proof that the housewife Tr teveramt : ~ for a woman to feel a man who tries : Dodgin, the new manager,’ was the of 1918 is as keen a soap buyer as reply. At this the workman smiled. to fool her, her grandmother, or great grand-| ‘So am I’ he said heartily. ‘Come ys 9 9 9 ofonfersofecocfocfecforfociecter) [ : : | So 8 / he sald, hes y hdd mother was in 1836. | in and have a smoke.’ Some ona i xv teva surreptiously T gi 5 EE —— ——— removed the word “resign” from Rh v 7 rg mn RT ' ' . ’ : : Te ELIZABETHTOWN His Notion of Home. Mr. Lorimer’s dictionary. § Y R] / a Mrs. William Horst, ir., is the A New York surveyor had an as- 3 2 9 / / | guest of relatives at Norristown. | signment that took him into the depth Don’t you think people are living : | : . y - \ z [ / | Miss Anna Bostick has returned of the wilderness ten miles from longer than they used to? Particu- / LV 'trom a visit with triends Harris. | C20P: The camp was a hundred miles | =~ Lo | A ’ ho ih driends al ArTiS-| from the nearest raflroad station. To | 12T1V ones creditors burg , J v ul : his surprise, he heard the sound of I Miss Elsie Lehman left for Jun- | an ax. He followed the sound and Mr. Lorimer may as well comfort iata C oa t ake ¢ ; so inl £ 2. busv w San. 2 Ove : : 3: x : Teofosfocfocfesfesfosfosfonfocforfocforfecfosfocfocts a ollege to take a cours in | found a busy woodsman at work. HO | yymself with the thought that beinz voice culture had cleared the timber away for a : : ce * OX fi A | Ch Pl The bapti i i held I few rods about, and on that space had | & Senator has its drawbacks. ] oo re I ro fe baptismal service held at the | on sid Y YR or pp eS, ef ums Dunkard church on Sunday was | Put UP a snug log cabin. All the rest, 3 2 v1» Sr [araely attended on every >, was the profound, al- Hosiery For Hot Days Te nos 11 iden ilder 3 n c i . i . (ROX fot Grapes Solomon Smith has , ned most untrodden wilderness. The man Silk, [Lisle thread, Gauze Lisle : ro Seman has returnec | stopped his work and greeted the sur- | I H Vorb Hosters 18 oil the AV ; home after a two week's visit at | veyor pleasantly. “And where did “' smsdory anlor h 2 . s , o ' : “ y ar « : p. R 3 PY ROX for Small Fruits Middletown and Harrisburg. you come from?” he asked. “From Popular shades at from 15¢ to 50c Miss Grace Peck and Mrs. Libhart | New York,” answered the surveyor. Pr. Getz Bros Lancaster, were isiting here Live there?” said he. Yes.” The TROLLEY SCHEDULE Hohrersio: Landisville alunga, Mt. town Street Ratvay Co. ancaster, Joy and gilizebeth- WESTWARD 4.30, 6.15, 6.15 Pm. 1215 1.35 7.15, 8.15, 9.15, 11.15 4.50 m, 8 "Am, 5.16, 6.00, 12. 00. Pm, 1.00, | 1.00. 5.00, 6.00, 7.00 8.00, 9.00, 10.00, I,eave Mount Joy—A m, 5.30, 6.15, 8.15, 10.15, 11.16. P m, 12.15, 1.15, $15, 4.15, 6.16, 6.15, 7.15, 8.15, 9.15, A m, 12.15 Arrive at Elizabethtown—A m, 6.45, 3.45, 9.45, 10.45, 11.45. Pm, 12.45, 1.45, 3.45, 4.45, 0. L eave nat 3.00, 10.00, 11,00, 8.15, 1 7.46 2.45 5.45, 6.45, 7.45, 8.45, 9.46, 10.45. A m EASTWARD Elizabethtown—A m, 10.46, 11.45. P m, 12.45, 46, €.45, 6.45, 7.45, 8.46, 9.46, 10.45 leave 46, 9.45, > 4 y ve Mount Joy—A m, 5.30x, 7. 8.1 15, 11.15. Pm, 1215 1.35, | 5 6.15, 7.15, 8.15, 9.15, 10. 1 5.46x, 7.30, 8.20 3 30, 1.3 2.3 3.30 ! 9.30 30, 11.X A 1 m 48, hs 1 ,» 11.33 m, 12.33, 1.33, 2.33 t 3%, 5.33, 6.33, 7.33, £.33,'9.23, 10.33, 1 A 3 m. 1.0 v's u Pie, Suppo ars, I have fo 3 50 Cents, S by Druggists, Sold in Mt. Joy ark. | W. Garber and W. D. Chandler & Co. Call for free sample. > OLD DR. THEEL & DR. W. L. THEEL Spring Garden St., (formerly 585 N. 6th 3 15 or Pa.) Ein Deutscher Artz, Only German Specialist. The German Treatment, the only Guaranteed Cure for Specific Blood Poison, others can’t Cure, all use Mercury & Arsenic, worse the Disease itself, it’s a curse of humanity. All Skin & Private Diseases, Exeesses, both sex, Abnses, Weake nesses. Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood, Drains, Atrophy, Piles, Losses, Varicocele, Hydrocele, Rupture & Stricture, no eutting, Kidney, Bladder, 46 yrs. practice & 6 yrs. Hosp. Exp. in Sermany, 3 Rook Freee tells all, exposing Museums, ‘ity & Country Advertising Frauds, Hrs. 9-4,6-9 ; Sun. 9-8. A000 SFE NEW ER ere ep A us Se te SL Sa eR LTT It is soon time for house cleaning and if For House Cleaning We can sell any guantity you want at a very reasonable figure, Give It a Trial BR ES A REL LLNS TLL ARR LANL LLLR RRS East Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa. BEE ERR EAE EEE SEE 8 W Wednesday, HAVE YOU MAGIC EENER If not will youtry thetrial size left at your house today FOR CLEANING CLOTHING of Grease or Tar Spots, Cleaning Colors on Men's or Ladies’ Coats you want to elean the woodwork or brighten up the furniture use a . trial size 1 left y little of the you will be convinced that there is nothing TRIED better « June oui so that Shofocoofoefonioefaioconforfocioofrafosforonforforfeofschorocfoofocfocsfoefocioctsrjocfocfocfocorocfoaforfocfocfsfociocfecfoofocfooferforers 1912 Imperial Car Drofejocs indeaieadeeBeaSeabodbocoaiinaborliodionaiodioalioaliaieadiogRaalionlivceaeai alia di dha alt cabal oh hd YoetosTootocteats Sead bade ry NSTI Ie RTT RTITTIITTTT PTT Terr reerrrrreee ted S 34x33 speedometer and Motor, tires, 36 by 4. axle; Imperial pecifications—4 5-16 by 5 1-4; demountable rims and tires, gas tank. Model ZZ Fully Equipped 4% by 5 1-4; wheel base, Silk Mo hair Top: and Gas Tank. ation, structi buyer. S base, post o windshield; A demonstrator will be here at intervals and can Pro-spective buyers are invited to Where can you get better value for your money? Imperial cars are noted for their quiet remarkable flexibility, hill climbing capacity, on, easy-riding qualities. These are features that should Imperial Cars are strictly high grade and at a medium price. Imperial Modei 34, Touring Car, Five Passenger, Fully Equipped pecifications: Motor, 4 5.16 by 5 1-4; 116 inches; tires, 34x4; demountable Speedometer and Gas Tank. fice or Exchange Hotel. request a demonstration. Model 33 Roadster $1250 10 h. Mohair $1750 120 inches; Wind-Shield, Speedometer satisfy wheel-base 115; top, wind-shield; p; full floating rear and beautiful simple oper- con- the most critical $1400 40 horse power; wheel rims; mohair top; be seen at BELL 4-3, IND. 78-L. I Ss J. F. LONGENECKER Lititz, Pa ov sdousiioals ee Ceneral Agent, podrefesisofoofoolocforfecfenfecfocieofecienfosfococfofontorfoconfeofocfonfecforfonfocfocfosfecfecgoofosfocfoofeforfonfeofertorfeciorts Flee dood dob dod bob dodo bb be bedded deb & L 3 Boe Bo slvoloalioeRontheinai Bi CRETE TRH =. = B x = = os a nse A Real Jewelry Store Je jewelry ry for silver, honestl BER welry Stores are plenty in the store in all the special senses—not Christmas, but for every time—for gold or diamond weddings. All my y priced. Call and be convinced. .H. MILLER, ER 1 general sense, the gift birthday, for the June bride, for the Commencement girl, jewelry is But this is a merely a little jewel- givers, for the for the fairly ana East Main Street, MOUNT JOY, pA. “ 5
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