a VOL. X1. NO.3 MOUNT JOY CIRCULATION AL WAYS COUNTS—OUR ADS BRING | PW ENNA., WEDNESD. AY. JUNE 12, 1Y12 — ery $1.00 A YEAR I ESULTS—THA'TS WHY MERCHANTS USE THIS ADVERTISING MEDIUM Personals THE WHEREABOUTS OF OUR FRIENDS THE PAST WEEK Who and Where They Have Visited— Many Here Over Sup day—Were Among Them? Strangers You Mr Adams is here on a vigit to friends Mr. and Mrs Silay at Lancaster, Mr. H G. Myers of was in town Monday. Miss Caroline Manning the Summer. Esther Gingrich some time at Harrisburg. Mr. Charles C. Baer of York in town on business Saturday, Lawrence Lewis Seeman spent Lancaster, arrived home for Miss is spending Mrs. John Rein of Rohrerstown, spent Sunday in town with friends. Mrs. J. H. Zeller and Mrs. Lewis Seeman spent Saturday at Millers- ville Mrs. Elizabeth Gilbert of Chest- nut Level is the guest of Mrs. W. D. Chandler Mrs. here on York, is Mrs. Flora Loucks of a visit to her cousin, G. S. Sheaffer. Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Garber attended the Feast of Roses at Manheim Sunday. Mrs. Harry Nissley of Harrisburg, spent Monday in town with Mr. | Nissley's parents. Mrs Eugene Eitnier, of Terre Hill, paid a short visit to the Evan- | gelical Manse, last week. Miss Vera spending the week here as the guest of Miss Margaret Brunner Mrs. Clara Haines left last Thurs- day for Camp Rich, Vermont, where | she will spend the summer. Mr. Ellsworth Shrite has gone on a visit to his uncle at Nahant, Mass., | where he expects to spend the Sum- mer. Miss Mabel F., Donovan has re- turned to her home in Delta, York county, where she will spend the summer. Mrs. M. M. Aller of Glen Lock are days here as the M. Leib. Miss Marguerite M. Herr, first as- sistant teacher of the local High School, has to her home at Strasburg. Barbara Bausman of Millers- is spending two weeks here as the guest of her sister, Mrs. S. R. Snyder. Messrs. man and and Miss Aller spending a few guests of Mrs, M. gone Miss ville, Fred Jno. Bucher, Jno. Bow- Longenecker, students at Mercersburg, are home on their summer’s vacation. Mr. George Sharp returned to his home at York on Monday after spending two weeks here with Mr. | G. Samuel Sheaffer. Misses Evaline Stigelman of Harrisburg, and Ellen Bolton of Linglestown, were guests of Mrs. J. M. Backenstoe on Saturday Mr. Henry Campbell and lady friend and Garfield Campbell of Hellam, York county, spent Satur- day with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Camp- bell. Mrs. B. Frank Greenawalt and daughter Helen left this morning for Selinsgrove, where she will spend some time as the guest of her father. Misses Margaret Brunner, Freda Willer and Vera Kendig attended the entertainment in the Bethel Church at Landisville on Sunday evening. Rev. I. Howard Kern, pastor of Trinity Lutheran church at Mount Joy, is spending some time at Allen- town, attending the sessions of the Ministerium. W. Scott Greiner of Charleston, S. C., spent a few days in town. ‘While in this place Mr. Greiner at- tended the banquet of the Alumni Assgpiation. Messrs. B. F. Stigelman, V. B. Stigelman, C. A. Stigelman and Miss Mabel Haulman of Harrisburg, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Backenstoe on Sunday. Mrs o. A. Witmer, Mrs. Cacoone and Miss Stroup of Lynn, Mass., ar- rived here on a visit to the family of ex-Burgess J. W. Shrite on Fri- day evening. They expect to spend the summer here. Miss Ruth Kraybill of Harrisburg will graduate Friday from the Cent- ral High School at Harrisburg. She is a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. ewis Seeman and Mrs, Leah Kray- 11 of this place. She stands eighth a class of 50. s. Elizabeth Snyder and Miss a E. Snyder left Monday even- ing on an extensive trip to Roanoke, Va., Sparrows Point, Md., Waynes- boro and Fort Louden, Pa., where they will visit the family of John Snyder, Frank Snyder and also the former’s sister. They expect to be gone a month or six weeks. ¢ Mr. William Albright of Harris- (Continued on page 5) was | Kendig of Lancaster is| J ELECTED A PRINCIPAL \ 4th i» . ¥ 3 | eunion Prof. Chas. Roudabush Chosen | From Twenty Applicants | FIRST ANNUAL MEETING OF hr THE DONEGAL HISTORICAL The Board SOCIETY session Monday evening for the pur- — Thus far applicants the principalship here Prof Charles E. Roudabush, of Mt, Car- mel, was elected to the principalship $1,200 a Roudabush is a Valley College Ham- College of Indiana. He teaching at Mt. Carmel for the and there at an School met in special filling vacancies there have The Fourth Annual Reunion of the Church at Next Several will pose of been twenty Donegal Presbyterian for Donegal Springs. Opens Wednesday Very Attend Morning. Prominent Speakers at a salary of year Prot | l.ebanon graduate of and annual reunion of Donegal held Extensive fourth old will be The has Presbyterian Wednes- arrange- historie Church elect-| 4. mond been next five years was again June 19 past increase In made and every- addition, will ed teacher salary this The Fourth still vacant me ee lA A ments have been vear readiness. In Historcial Society thing is in the hold its first Meals will be Luncheon at place, ,¢ Primary School is Donegal meeting cents. supper served at 25 A Fine Car and Dr. J. J. Newpher of | has purchased a fine new 36-horse- five De Tamble {touring car. It is fully equipped [ with speedometer, windshield, | electric lights, self-starter, ete., and is beyond a doubt one of the finest the purchased Address. | through | | | | | one o'clock | | this five o'clock The appended: programs for the day are { power passenger A. M. Esq., Presiding Hymn No Greeting; Penny- Historical Session, 11 top : . Charles G. Baker, Invocation; Words of Samuel W Doxology; Coronation; Hon ex-Governor of Mr. Charles M. Cassel, Joy: “The Scotch- and their Characteristics,” Groff. of the Lancas- Hymn 368, America; Benediction town. It was Mr. Wm. Hawkins, of caster, who is the for | caster County | Ee A Irich Smith—Tressler i ¥ : John M Bainbridge, J. Willis ; . ter Bar; Miss Tressler, of Donegal mar- the church, Rev. G. | in Lan- Pennsyl- Lan- packer, agent vania; Solo, of Mount Paper, 3 Esq., Smith, of No | and Florence 8S. township, were parsonage of St. John’s Maytown, by the Arthur Fry, on [ Thursday morning at seven | They unattended On [return from their wedding trip they reside in their furnished Bainbridge. me eel re East Pr. M. Clark, Donegal Society, 2 Martha | ried at 5 Miss laden re- | Lutheran Miss Blade pastor, siding : organized last the collect , | This society was o'clock. his society wa were their vear to perpetuate relics belonging to the beautify the Donegal Church, to 5 and « i itie will newly and antiquities home at and carry on | charch, to the { Annual All persons of individuals interested in preserve ’ graveyard and to Reunion. \ About Completed N | After two months of diligent] {work, Dr. W. D. Chandler and Levi | Sheets have finished compiling the | and willing to live up to the consti- | nintarial for the souvenir book to|tution are eligible to membership. be issued for the centennial of |The dues are 50c a year payable in | Mount Joy, and is now in the hands|2dvance at the Annual |of the printer. There is still some| All present invited to | copy to be supplied and those inter- meet with us {ested are urgently requested to [hand same in at once. | et A ne Jonegal descent or Donegal Reunion. are join and D. A. R. Session, 3 .P A Miss Reigart ~ Slaymaker, Presiding. Call to Order; Prayer, Rev. F. G. Pastor Donegal Church; Welcome, Miss Irene Witness Tree Miss Susan C. State Regent; Miriam Spiers, Susan Cleaned the Basin large basin in which is the borough’s water supply, cleaned on Sunday. Nothing | aside from the usual amount of | mud which settles in the bottom, | The Bossert, stored Address of McClure, Regent Chapter; Address, Frazer, Honorary Violin Solo, Miss Lancaster, Pa.; Address, Rev. Geo. Israel Browne, Lancaster, Pa.; Ad- dress, Miss Lilian S. Evans, Colum- Pa.: Hymn, No. 208, Star Spangled Banner; Lord’s Prayer; Benediction. Popular Meeting, 7.30 P. M. Hugh R. Fulton, Esq., Presiding. Anthem, “God is For Us,” Done- gal Choir; Prayer; Hymn No. 63, Lyons; Introductory Remarks; Ad- and Percy Bysshe Heilig. dress, Rev. Samuel D. Manifold; | . i Strasburg, Pa.; Selo, Dr. PF. L. No Longer a Member Richards, Mount Joy, Pa.; Address. | { | { | { | was twas found. Lebanon Dailies please {take notice: There were no babies, hogs, calves or elephants found | therein this year. | siesta atl mmr re bia, l Young Men Graduate | Among the young men from this place that graduated from F. & M. on Saturday are: Latin | Course, Henry G. Carpenter and | Arthur Patterson Schock; Technic- lal Course, Arthur Patterson Schock Academy | Mr. Paul Smith, who was secre- Rev. Raymond H. Wilson, Gap, Pa; | tary of the Centennial Publishing Hymn No. 171, Work Song; Bene- | Company, has been dropped by the diction, Company and all the business in the | future will be conducted by Dr. W. Trains and Trolleys | D. Chandler and Mr. I.. F. Sheetz. Leave Lancaster via trolley for | hd Mount Joy 8.156 a. m. 9.15 a. Going to Harrisburg m. and 1.15 p. .m, | At the regular monthly meeting| Leave Philadelphia via P. R. R. "of Court Mount Joy, No. 228 on for Mount Joy 8.25 a. m. Arrive Monday, it was decided to go to|10.39 a. m. { Harrisburg July 4th and participate] Leave Harrisburg via P. R. R. for Mount Joy 8. a.. m. Arrive lin the big parade to be held in that 8.34 a. m. city. rr Leave Columbia via trolley for ’ A Big Drop Marietta 9 and 9.30 a. m. and 1.30 | Hay, which two weeks ago sold as p. m. : : {high as $29 a ton, is being offered Leave Elizabethtown for Rheems under $20, and there are few cus- via trolley 8.45 and 9.45 a. m. and | tomers, This year’s good crop is|l-4% p. m. j hound to force the price down to Transportation {its actual worth, we presume. Automobiles will meet all trains | and trolleys at Mount Joy, Mari- ! Are At Williamsport etta and Rheems. i P. S. Charles H. Dillinger and P. Automobiles will meet returning |G. S. Dr. John J. Newpher are at-|trains and trolleys both afternoen {tending Great Council at Williams-|and evening. | port this week. The former is the A fare of 15 cents will be charg- representative of Ostego Tribe, No.|ed each way to Donegal Church and 159, Tmp. 0. RR. M | return. | ew — , | The sexton will make provision Dr. Lyte to Resign \ | for feeding horses at 25c¢ a head. E. Oram Lyte, principal of Mill- | Reunion Committee |ersville Normal School, with which | Rev. Frank G. Bossert (ex-offi- he has been connected for forty flve|¢io), Mount Joy, Pa., Miss Martha years, will resign on account of ill|R. »Lancdster, health, kPa, AU A es | Clark, (Speakers), Miss Rebecca J. Slaymaker, Lancaster, Pa., Mrs. (Music) R. Amos Gish, | (Invitations), The Canoe Upset |E. S. J. McAllister, On Sunday two of our colored!D., Mount Joy, Pa., Mr. bloods, John Jackson and John| (Transportation), Rheems, Pa., : | g Nipe Gantz, were canoeing on Snyder’s; Mrs. Cyrus Schroll, (Entertain- dam when suddenly their boat upset|ment), D. D., Mount Joy, Pa., Mr. and—you can guess the rest. Porace Heisey, (Finance), Rowen- AA AM na, Pa., Miss Katherine Zook, (Membership), R. D., Mount Joy, Ready for Business Mr. Daniel Derr has a fine new outfit and is prepared to do thresh-| ing and baleing at very reasonable prices. Pa. ee ee Already some of the delegates are | manifesting more interest in Chica- go and Baltimore hotel rates than in Subscribe for the Mt Joy Bulletin j party platforms. eel Qe memory of] " Florin News LAPPENINGS IN THE BUSY Vi HERE AGE WEST OF | — Local and Personal Briefs That Have Last Issue In ur Hustling Wide Neighbor Village, Florin. | vveurred Since Our and Awake | Obituary I'HE ROAD WHICH WE ALL MUS| TRAVEL SOONER OR LATER | | some Well Known People From Our Neighborhood Have Passed to the Great Beyond Since Our Last Issue l Mrs. Fanny Laird Mr. Lemon Leisey was a Monday Mrs. Fanny Laird, widow of the | visitor to Lancaster late David Laird, died at the home Mr. John Kline and Henry Mum- | of her daughter, Mrs. Hiram Mow- | ma spent Saturday at Lancaster. ery, at Greenfield, East Hempfield Miss Myrtle Groff of Rheems, | township, on Sunday, aged eighty- | spent Monday in town with friends, seven years, death resulting from a Mr. Henry Mumma is confined to | complication of diseases. i the house on account of being blind —— — Miss Helen Gertrude Stoll spent! Mrs. I. M. Gable | sometime at Mt Gretna with friends On Friday. night the death of Mr, Henry Young transacted Mrs. I. M Gable, wife of Rev. I. business at Columbia on Saturday M. Gable, pastor of the Methodist Mr. and Mrs. Olweiler announce church at Downingtown,. occurred the arrival of a daughter on Mon: ' from heart failure, in her sixty- day. eighth year. 'Thé deceased lived for Mr. D. M. Sensenig of Lancaster: time in this place. Two children, | made a busine trip to town Tues- beside her husband, survive, Mrs day. John .N. Hetrick, of Lancaster, and Mr and Mrs John Dunk an- Vivian Frank Gablé, esq., of Phila- nounce the arrival of a son on Sat- delphia. The interment was made urday at. Prospect Hill, York Mr. Charles Dukeman of Lancas- mms ter called on friends in the village Mrs. Mary Goss Tuesday The funeral. of Mrs, Mary Goss Mr. Frank Klugh and Miss Ma-| took place Monday afternoon, with linda Myers spent Sunday at Eliza- | interment at Good's meeting house bethtown Mrs. Goss was one of the oldest Mrs. Albert Haines spent several residents of Bainbridge, and widow days as the guest of friends at|of the late Joseph Goss She died { .ebanon | Friday night at ‘the home of her Mr. Ralph Morton spent several daughter, Mrs. H. S. Brinser, Bain- {days at Middlttown as the guest of bridge Deceased suffered for many Sy nds. vears with catarrh of the stomach, Mr George Kline spent Sunday as which was the cause of death. Her the guest of Christ Rutts at Elia-!/ husband died twelve years ag" ethtown She was a member of the United Méssrs. Joe Gingrich and Harvey Zion "Children’s denomination, She of Mr. hy Mr. Ephraim Hertzler. was the lucky one at the Festival on Saturday night and took home with him a fine large cake’ which was given out in the cake walk. Mr. J. 8. Eichler’ of Elizabeth- town, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry and Mrs Samuel Fair his parents, Eichler. i“ Mr. and Mrs. George Miller of Witmer, spent ‘Saturday and Sunday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ishler. Mr. Harry Singer: and family of Ephrata are spending. ~ several days in town with the;family of H. L. Stoll. aT Mrs. = Clarence Mease and Mrs. Samuel Risgér! attended the funeral of Mrs. Hernley at Blizabethtown on Tuesday. ; 324 Dr. Bryson and family of Lancas- ter spent Tuesday in town at the home of Mr. and Mis! ' Jacob Hos- tetter,. Mrs. Barbara. Wanbaugh of Lan- caster spent Decoration Day very pleasantly with “her sister, Mrs. Geo. Shires. 5: Mr. -and’ “Mrs. Harry B. Young Sunday as the Mr. and Mrs spent Saturday’ and guests of, his parents, H. G. Young... Mr. and ‘Mrs. Emanuel Young and Mrs. Tillman-*Gantz spent Sunday at Elizabethtown ‘4s the guests of Mr. and Mrs.c Samuel Miller. Mrs. ‘Martha Boos and daughter Afnie 1d five f Lancaster, spent Sunday wifh the family “of ‘&e0." Shires Mr HAE SM: James Stover and of Mohiiton, © ‘Berks Coippspent Sunday Him down with Mrs parents, Mrs, and Mrs. Lemon sey. son her After ‘Spend y 1,5. 1h A : : homé Misg“Mary' Shires returned to Mt. Grétn®(Iwhére she is a_ few days at spending spending sometime as the guests of result of a “serap”’ because Freddy is not that kind of a man. He took his *first automobile ride on Sunday. On Saturday evening, June 15, the United Brethren will open a se- ries of open air meetings in the | (Continued on page 5) grandchildren of | ;Stever’s | Lei | some: itimye 1with the family of Mr and Mrs. S. N.. Eby; Mr. and Mrs. J." H Menaugh left for their home at Philadelphia after | his daughter, Mrs. H. 1. Stoll They also spent a few weeks at Mt. Gretna. For the benefit of Mr. Fred Sny-| der. east of town, we wish to state that his “skinned” nose is not the Weaver visited friends at Manheim 1% survived by five daughters and on Sunday. [two sons: Mrs. Abram Meckley, Co- Miss Mary Shires and Miss Edith |lumbia; Mrs. Anna Gablg, of this Bentzel spent Wednesday afternoon place; Mrs. John Shireman, Fal- at Chiques. mouth; Mrs, J. B Martin, Middle- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hershey and | town: C. E. Goss, Lobato; and John family of Mountville, visited friends Goss, Elizabthtown One brother, in town on Sunday. {H. C. E1tb of Bainbridge, and one Mr. E. L. Nissley is spending sev- | sister, Mrs. Martha Breneman, sur- eral days in Washington, D. C., in|vives. Twenty grandchildren and the interest of the firm. | two great-grandchildren, also sur-.! Miss Anna Skramusky” of Lancas- | Vive. «| J i ter spent Monday in town with her | EN Wn grandmother, Mrs. Henry Bear. | Out Door Meetings Miss Sadie Ishler of Elizabeth- | The Florin U. B. church will hold town spent Sunday in town the [an open air meeting in the Florin guest of her brother Mr. Roy Ishler.| Park to begin on Saturday, June Mr. and Mrs. Elam Hersh of} 15. There will be new speakers Rheems, spent Sunday as the guests [every evening and special music will {be given Following are the speak- |ers who will be present: Saturday— Vacant, | Synday morning, June 16,—Rev. J. BE. Weirich, of Middletown. | Sunday afternoon, June 16—Rev. S.-C. Enck of Columbia will give a | talk’ on Cana, Nazareth, Galilee and | Palestine and certain parts of Bu- | rope. . Sunday evening, June 16,—Rev. | J. M. Hershey. Monday evening, June 17—Rev. J. F. Smith. Tuesday evening, June 18—TU. s. | G. Renn. Wednesday evening, June 19— Rev. R. R. Butterwick, D. D. | informing L. F. Sheetz, the editor, IC Thursday evening, June 20—Rev. | who will cheerfully call for it. All MAYTOW S. L. Rhoads. | goods will be returned. The Chuteh of God i Friday evening, June 21—Fev. J. | 2ST Sunday evemimg with, 4, GOT H.! Albright, D. D. | if Will Hold a Festival eregation _when the : LH Saturday evening, June 22-—Rev. | The Degree Team of Court Mount! gren’s Day serviées S. G. Kauffman. | Joy No. 228, Foresters of America, |The decorations were a ( Pi er ——- a —— fof this place, will hold a grand |, very interesting and I hn igi Fire, Company Meets I'festival in the park here on Satur-| musical and literary | Fhe regular monthly meeting of | day evening, June 22. Everything | rendered. The pastor, Friendship Fire Company was held Seasonable will be served. The (Kauffman, preached a al; ge last Thursday evening. The resig-TFresters Band will furnish the mu-|nmon to the children. nation of Chief '8pickler was pre- SIC churches will hold thei sented and accepted. Mr. C. N. | - [in two weeks Mumma was elected to fill the va-| Something Unusual wit \ CANCY Mr. Frank E. Hershey, who On Sunday two swarms of bees Our Loss—Millersville's Gain onli 2 month ago: was elected Chief came to J. E. Longenecker’s, west of | Prof. Ira R. Kraybill, for the Engineer, presented his resignation town, and on Monday a third swarm [two years principal of Mount Pend Mi John Pennell was elected as came there. The unusual part |schools has accepted the positi his successor. Mr. John Donaghy [about it was that one of the first [superintendent of the model resignéd;:as Chief Hose Director and [two swarms housed itself in a va-[at the Millersville State Ni Mr. iv} W. Hendrix wa elected to {cant hive | The many friends of Prof. K | neceed him. | mre Meee fare sorry to see him leave The fire. engine, which was out of Hotel Opening at Florin Joy, but all wish him success contri, was given an overhaul- | Mr. Lemon Leisey, proprietor of |PeWw position. ing ‘BY Mr, M. B. Heistand on. Mon-|the Florin Inn, at Florin, Pa., will elf) Gipson [5s nnd given a test that evening, | hold his grand opening on Thursday Entertaining at Doneg: It proved very satisfactory t'evening, June 20 Music will be Miss Kathryn Longenecker ‘ eet eee furnished by the Foresters Band of |tertaining "a number of hs "Our Home Markets. [this place and everybody is ingited | friends at Donegal Springs:today in 21, per 1b 28 {#0 attend [honor of her . coutin, Nora B.-Hoo- prorat Por doz 18 | WE ieee {ver of Maytown. : The happy crowd Lard per 1b. «ee vesiserssnsnies 11 | A Double Pig hildren are.being’chaneron~a by Potatoes, per bu.,, ........... 1.50 Among the recent additions to the | Mr C [Longenecker, Mrs. Dr Wheat, por bi. ic ueiisivnins $1.10 | livestock on H. S. Hershey's farm in |W V home and Mss. J. Willis | Corn, per bu., 821 Rapho was a pig that had two tails | Free Oats, per bu., 60 | four ears and eight legs. The ani- | et rere i Ey nal is dead Florin Man Blind The Directors Met eu i Henry Mumma, ~ one of the best | Directors A. M. Gepfer, Elmer M.| Executions Tssued known residents of Florin, has | Brubaker, David F. Greiner, Elmer | W. M. Hollowbush, attorney for |been blind since Saturday. Many | W. Strickler and W. L. Gardner met|J. G and H. F. Hamilton, has issued | years ago Mr. Mumma’s left eye |at the Exchange Hotel here Monday | | for the purpose of electing teachers | for the ensueing year. cn Very possibly Mr. Taft would, if privately consulted, advise Mr. Hughes to stick close to the Su- preme bench in the face of all temp- tations to seek the presidency {Heir many friends in wishing them | pons i exhibit at W. D. Store bO a few weeks Any one having anything old or curious : would do the Company a great favor ATTEMPTED SUICIDE William Michael of This Place, Takes a Dose of Landanum Exclaiming that he was existing on thig terrestial Mr William Michael, the former Orphan now owned by Mr. W B on North life building Detwiler, School Barbara street, He lauda Mr. B. 8. prevented the end his about a week ago about to take a dose of the but was was num near home of Dillinger, from doing so by having drug de- stroyed On second the bottle of laudanum. Soon he became quite sick Dr. W. M. ly summoned. A morning he made a his contents of an Sunday attempt at home, mg ounce Thome was quick- stomach pump was "Local Notes il | MANY SHORT NEWS ITEMS OF | GENERAL INTEREST tired of | : | sphere, | grief Local Happenings Gathered as residing in | They Occur With the Whirl of the World for Quick Reading Withim the Past Few Days. | tried to i Read the Mt. Joy Bulletin, Mr. Harvey Culp is quite ill at this writing L [ Four of our local physician’ drink- | now have automobiles. Exceptionally fine pineapples at | Mrs. H, A. Darrenkamp’s. it L.ooks as though Mount Joy will soon have a Sunday paper, The fire engine was given a try- out on Saturday afternoon. Wanted—~A girl for housework, | | | | { | | pressed into service and stimulants ddministered All that afternoon | his friends kept the victim on the | parade doing marathons and what not At this writing Mr. Michael is | able to be about although he is still quite ill from the effects He says | he will try it again. RE Al I——:D.A Officers Elected | The following officers of the Mt Joy High School Alumni Association were elected last evening to serve | for the ensueing year: Pres Alvin Shonk. | Vice Pres.—James Newpher Sec'y Ruth Stoll, Treas Elsie Battye Editress-—Emma Brown Executive Committee—Henry M.| Engle, Bertha Dillinger, Ebersole Carson Alice Esther Stauffer, Vissemer, Gingrich, | a Easton—Fulton Daniel Easton, a well known of Florin, and Miss Emma Fulton, a lady of York, were united in the holy bonds of wedlock at the home of the briae at noon by Rev. Dungan of Mr. resident popular young place. Only a few invited guests were present. They will go to housekeeping in this place in the near future and the Bulletin joins a long and happily wedded life ——a lil lf Session Reduce Cost of Living By using the Serv-US brand of] groceries, recommended by many of the Women’s Marketing Clubs of our Country. Highest awards, best quality, lowest prices, and each package, can and bottle has a profit These cou- merchan- sharing coupon on it. redeemed for dise, if the needless premiums are not wanted. Sold by S. B. Bernhart & Co. can be —— One Will Collect Relics The, Centennial Publishing Com- pany of Mount Joy, will collect all kinds of relics, which they expect to Chandler's Drug by leaving it at the Drug Store or Kathryn | ork i this water an execution for $200 against Will- iam C. Myers, of Salunga. rr A A The battlefield is not the only place that develops heroes ree el You don’t find a live man boasting of his ancestors. He knows they are dead ones. no washing or ironing. Address Box 782, Columbia, Pa If vou want pineapples Mrs H A Darrenkamp’s is place to get them. RB. K Sheaffer has moved hi family te Middletown, where he secured employment. Mr. L. Percy Heilig of this place is the administrator of Jacoh B. © rich of Lancaster City. Fine choice have new awnings ; hex {placed in position at the P."R:R passenger depot here, Mr John Samson was taken the hoSpital at ' Lancaster Thursday for treatment. Found An open face hap watch Owner can have , samgni | calling on Mr. C. S. Geib ; Wanted-+*A girl between 16 years of age, for general hohse Apply Box 208, Mt Buy your pineapples for canning {of Mrs. H. A, Darrenkam; Chaics fruit and prices very reasonable One of our local physicians, Dr. F. I.. Richards, is about town with a very beautiful Stoddard Daytom roadster, Mr. H. C. Brunner put in a new pipes from the main to his residence, the old ones being almost closed with Do not fail to read S. rust. B. Bernhart &. Cos special. announcement adr om the last page of this paper; it will mean money for you. The pipe leading from the post office to the park was closed and’ was reparied whi¢h accounts for the digging in the Park. County Treasure H. C. Schock is’ having repainted. Jno’ Weidman and hig force, from Florim are doing the work. For Sale—Several loads of good clean hay, timothy and clover mix- ed. Apply to C. 8S. Newcomer, Route 4, Mount Joy. 1 Blinded by the lights of ani ap proaching Oscar ran hig machine ‘into pole on the Lititz ike Sun night, breaking an a Children’s . Day 'exerciges held in the Methedi Bethel and Presbyterian chlire on Sunday evening. ' Excellent rendered well attended. his house auto grams were was injured, and the strain was too much for his right eye, which has now also gone blind. stm i css — - Fine New Machine ¥ Mr. J. B. Keller, our extensive local cattle dealer has just received a fine 40 horse power Oakland road- . ster. 4 a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers