/ PAGE TWO THE BULLETIN. MOUNT JOY PA Wednesday, June 12, 1912, MILTON GROVE THE BULLETIN Mr. Jacob Shenk was a Lancaster MOUNT JOY, PA, vigitor on Saturda 3: 1: SCHROLL, Fditor & Prop'r. | Mrs. Susan Swade Is visiting her daughter In Lancaster = Ip Th —— Some corn wa recently replant SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1 A YEAR od owing to the rot due to the wet Six Months 50 Cents soil Three Months 25 Cents John Young and Christian Wittle Single Copies 2 Cents spent Saturda n the county me Sample Copies FREE tropolis B— So Mr and Mrs Irvin Bricker of Entered at the post office at Mount Rose Hill pent Sunday with John doy as second-class mail matter. Rasp All correspondents must have their Jacob Newcomer, a township su- eemmunications reach this office not ' pervisor, transacted business in later than Monday, Telephone news | [ancaster of importance between that time and Samuel F, Nagle and Christ Shu- 12 o'clock noon Wednesday. Chan- paker made a business trip to ges for advertisements must posi- | Manheim tively reach this office not later than A number of wheat fields are go Monday night. New advertisements ing into heads and are having a very inserted if copy reaches us Tuesday healthful appearance might. Advertising rates on appli- Miss Lizzie Shenk is enjoying her «ation. | time pleasantly with relatives and | friends in Middletown y 3 | ys ’ EDITORIALS { Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Zeager of - Rheems, Sundayed in town at the And Br'er Bryan, he lay low home of Joseph Zeager » * . - e 2 3 Potato blight is already noticed The roller seems to need another |... (he voungz vines. which are ex- chauffer ceptionally early this year LJ . * » Mr. and Mrs, John Heisey of Lo- New York and Ohio this year have | },.¢, spent Sunday at the homes of favorite step sons John Kauffman and Jacob Heisey . » . * Mrs. Fannie Moyer of Masterson- Political and other mosquitoes are ! vilje was a guest of Mr. and Mrs biting in New Jersey Frank B. Grosh over the Sabbath + . “. > . ¢ Abraham Heisey nd amily of Only six weeks remain in which | yoo onville. visited his parents. to prepare for a sane fourth Mr and Mr 'y Heisev on Sun- . * » » . aay Not laughing at Uncle Sam M1 Wesl¢ shope and children rnarines like we used to, are we of Harrisbur re visiting her par » » * * ent Mr. and Mrs Christian H Yep, President Taft is strongly Wittle opposed to intervention, any kind! Mr ind Mr Samuel Kolp of - . * + Mastersonville, spent Saturday and Is there no vice-presidential Sunday dt the home of her son. H ambition among the Republican |p oi and family hosts? Mr and Mrs Simon tingrich - - * Myra Grosh and Louisa Thome The world owes a man a living as attended the Children’s Day exer- long as it keeps him in the peniten- |. .o at the Donegal Presbyterian fiary. | Church on Sunday afternoon LJ . - * Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Spahr of The man who used to rock the Landisville, accompanied by their boat now finds his amusement In children, were the guests of Mr. and olities, | Mrs. Albert Gingrich on Sunday » . a * | : r : | Miss Meta Zook entertained the Ohio came; Ohio went, and it|g 1 wine at dinner on Sunday: 3 A ome v's : ; Q layed Sam Hill with somebod) | Misses Mary and Emma Stoner, An- alculations | na Hershey, Mary and Myrtle How- - » * * | 3 2 | ry and Henrietta Groff, ang Messrs. Anyway, Mr. Taft will make a}... ¥r young, Tillman Zook, C. 3 Rw » gi 8 pes | el Q re restful ex-president than doe [D. Wittle, Samuel and Harry Zea- Roosevelt. | ger, John Brosey and John Young, * . » @ {ce ~ a B | Miss Ada Eshleman, Mrs. Sue Esh- 2 jars rs 3 ” oe men are born liars, Juners Sljeman and Mrs. David Young. ie press agents, and others ce oe cull ke Roosevelt. Ga 2 +.v.» MARIETTA : ! Shil yf State Colleg fragettes are advised to be, John illow, of tate College, cular. In many cases the | has « irrived home for the summer. $ ( S Grady has 'e 1e | is superfluous. | ‘harles A irady has Tetur: d To 3» | from a visit to Philadelphia and 3 | i 1ldn’t it be awful if somebody | Reading. gated the press agents oO Mrs. Chester W. Rudisill Ie ft| Uvestordav {or Philadelnhis risi rs of Congress? | ve sterday for Philadelphia to visit es 0 ° | her parents ; * 1 sk FP ixville is it when the moon happens| John McCloskey, of Phoenixville, . lwae 1 Iavea visiting | full twice in the same month j yas in town several lays visitin rs hy | friends a elatives dy is informed of it? | friends and relatives. T= » 8.» | Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Child, of iville vh sre the gues the general hotel restauran 10€n1Vviile who were the guests n New York, can the waiters [several days of the former’s par-| $ s » and Mrs. E ‘hi fford to lose the tips? | ents Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Child, | 8 =. ® | have returned home | vy | Charles Paules who was graduat-| nately, for Dr. Wiley, recent : SE CKiie Eos | , ed from the Franklin and Marshall] experiences have rendered 3 a 3 3 Academy recently, left for West mune to vociferous discord. ? i. i | Point to visit his brother, Earl G. z= » - . | : | Paules, who will graduate from the| cans in Cuba appear 1O|,.n¢ school next week ot more pull with Uncle Sam | ares Flornece Cleckner, of Har- se who live in Mexico. risburg, who visits here frequently - 93.5: and where a large number of rela- bcker is a man who goes a- | tives reside, has announced her en- h a hammer looking [OT |gagement to Ivan Maxwell Glace, of sothe other fellow to pose as an |that city, the wedding to occur anil. soon. Miss Cleckner is employed { $2.8 2» in the State Health Department. The man who presented Mr. The Marietta Choral Society, Cannon with a Bible evidently never | which had such a successful season read one of Uncle Joe's campaign |jast year, is endeavoring to surpass speeches, the efforts and the season of 1912- 3. 9... 2 1913 will soon open. All lovers of The primaries have not removed | music are requested to communi- «he uncertainity to such degree as|cate with the secretary, Joseph V. to put the political prophets out of | 0’Connor, ag soon as possible. business. ——— LANCASTER JUNCTION In spite of the primaries there is a suspicion that one or two of the Isaac Walborn, wife and daugh- | conventions will spring great sur- [ter Leona May, spent over last | prises. Thursday with hig parents, Mr. and | 2 e's Mrs. Daniel Walborn. Charles M. Schwab has saved a Miss Ruth Faur of Columbia, man from drowning, but Mr. Car-|sSbent from Friday to Sunday with pegie pinned a medal on Charles | Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kling, and long ago. with friends at Sporting Hill. went for al to Ephrata | Cyrus White and wife, pleasure trip on Sunday, ~<“*Phe British Titanic commission | |THE | | | Matton. BLANKETS SAVE YOU TWO PRO- FITS ON WOOL HORSE BLANKETS BUYING DIRECT FROM THE MAKERS, IS THE WHY? OF IT. PRICED ANYWHERE FROM $1.00 TO £10.50, WE FINES™ STOCK LAP ROBES IN THE COUNTY, FROM $2.5¢ TO $25.00.. EV- ERYTHING FOR THE HORSE AT BOTTOM PRICES. FULL STOCK OF VETERINARY MEDICINES, MAKER OF ALL KINDS OF HARNESS Wale | Ke o ASTER, " S| ¢ wl n nar | | (reat Half Price. I'he RELLMLLRERELLE LULL LHL SE LEE LE EERE LAL ELLE LLL ELE EH TE TH TH TT Tr On Square POOLE ERROR ENR RAR RARER Bug Death remedy for all Sure because it Safe be- A sure and safe plant eating pests, kills the bugs and worms. cause it is Absolutely Harmless to plant injure bees, mals. buds or domestic ani- Prevents Blight and Currant Grape Vines, It kills bugs, tomato Use freely on Rose bushes, house plants, Fruit trees and Shrubbery. potato, squash or cucumber currant, gooseberry or worms. BEST ALL ROUND REMEDY ON THE MARKET CHANDLER 1c Sunday Hours, 8 to 9 a. m. § to 6.45 m. p. West Main PA. Krall Meat Marke! St., MT. JOY, I always have on hand anything i the line of Smoked Meats, Ham jologna, Dried Beef, Lard, Ete. Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork and Prices always right. Also H H. KRALL Vest Main Street, Opp. Bank, MOUNT JOY, PA. 4ell Telephone. Ife eb HARRY WILLIAMS I BARBER Shaving Massaging Hair Cutting Razors Honed Shampooing Toilet Waters & Singeing Shaving Soaps Agency For Elkhorn Laundry Opp. First National Bank MOUNT JOY, PENNSYLVANIA pe ofsejroiecieeoieivoiorpofeoiroivieiedeoiociecfe ole Buas ™ ZELLER | as concluded its work, and has|and Lancaster. Abraham Weaver efinitely decided to fix the blame | wife and children of Landisville, on the iceberg. were visitors in White's home in the| Le i evening, What in the world would Col. Mrs. M. Van Scork and daughter, | Watterson do if this year’s presi- { of Elkhart, Tnd., and Peter Apple \ dential nominees should be Wilson | and wife of Manheim, and Roosevelt? with Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Palm. “2 oo Mrs. Kate Nissley spent last Thurs- Another question for the debating day at the same place. society: “What does a peace loving | Mr. and Mrs Harry Hollinger mation like Japan want with a bigger | and daughter, Grace, and Mr. and attle ship than the Texas?” Mrs. Norman Hollinger, Mrs. Frank .. 79 3 2 | Kreider and Miss Mary Ann Doomer How it must annoy the Colonel to | spent Tuesday at York. Mr. and link there is a revolution in Cuba Mrs John Heistand, of near this be put down, and he with another | place, spent Tuesday at the same gagement on his hands. | place. - » * » | etl AB Ie. Fational Conventions take place Kentucky now reports 20,000,000 attention is gallons of liquor on hand. Some the economist should devise a method of | diverting from the distilleries part of the grain thus used to feed cattle ‘and thereby avert the shortage of time of year when y to be divided between wagon and the ice wagon. spent Sunday | Colonel may drink coffee to excess. love it isn’t altogether acting. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE i. Main St., Mount Joy alling and Clerking of Public Sales Settlement of Estates. Collection of Rents. Surveying and Conveyancing. 60 YEARS’ ws EXPERIENCE Trae MARKS Designs COPYRIGHTS &c. ketch and desc ription may t > wi ether ate ani confide ntial. HAN Sok on P ate for securing pate nts. h Muun & Co. receive rge, in the ‘Scientific a \ handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- ulation of any 3clentins journal. Terms, $3 a ar; four months. $1. Sold byall newsdealers. AUNN & Co,3618roacay. Ney York Branch Office -~ Washington, D. C. 18 St siriot] English sy queen has just 2 3 om wenn fn She sg an which Chicago packers complain. — e pipe smoker, which mo! ——- —e When a woman is in love she acts accounts for her early taking Some people are afraid the like a fool, but when a man is in or blossom, and will not ;¢ NEMTOWN PE REY HE EN Preaching will be held by the pas- » n tor next Sunday at 7 p.m - EAT = Mr. John M Rhoads of Donegal “ - vigited his sister, Mrs. Daniel Moore ‘ on Sunday - » . Mr Priscilla Fogle is sojourning - UNZEN dl Se S wo it Lancaster with her sister, Migs | 8 ~ Mary Hornafius | x "m Mr. Samuel Weaver and family of TOF Rapho pald a visit to his parents, i TIP- ) * Mr. and Mrs, Henry Weaver a Mrs. Clarence Groff and children & of Lancaster, spent Sunday with her 2 parents, Mr. and Mrs, Rufus Hipple. - Mr. George Plott and family, of . " Middletown, returned home after i nw visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. |g in John Rhoads, " Mr. Michael Detwiler and daugh- ter of Mount Joy, and Mr. Henry = You are invited to visit our ™ Frank and wife of Maytown, were ™ clean, modern, bakery at ® the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Louis @ Prince and Clay Streets, Lan- @ Resh on Sunday |m aster. = The Excelsior Gun Club of this % M. C. BILLETT, Agt. m place held a shoot for blue rock on "w "| Saturday afternoon with the follow- Delivery—Monday, Wednesday = Ing result: Daniel Moore, 36 out of and Saturday 50: Emanuel Myers, 25; C. Nissley, a 29; C. Long, 29; E. Mumma 39 oo 0 & | The Kinderhook Sunday School held Children's Day exercises last Sunday evening in the church An elaborate program consisting of vo- cal and instrumental musie, dia- logues and recitations, was well ren- dered by the scholars nd others to a large and appreciative audience A great number of the young folks from this place attended Our large ice plant is now in op- - awe eration continuously and we are i ; prepared to furnish good clean and \ Strong Bill lear ice in any quantity. Will rup Jimmy Dime, mana of George a wagon through town dally. Don’t Chi i ent Manager Hensel a place your order for ice until yva certified check guaranteeing the ap-|first get our prices. Pe ce Chip to meet Leo Also ample room for Houck on the Lancaster Ball rounds on June 1 Te those u acquainted wit Chip record a “Cold Storage little concernii him is given He has had b1 fights and 20 knock onts Buck Crouse is the only man who ever put him vay and after- wards Chip defeated him three times, the last match having taken place in Pittsburgh but a few weeks New Haven St., Mount Joy. o. He has whipped Jack Morgan, Billy Berger, Jimmy Howard, K. O. Brown, of Chicago; Kid Clark, Cy I Flynn, Jack Fitzgerald, Walter Cof- Farmers’ n n fee and a score of others Jack Dillon has one 15 round decision | Mount Joy over him He has had but three de- feats in 51 fights, and has had no FRANK E LEFEVRE P p decision bouts as follows: Four Jack fe ’ ro . Dillon, four with Buck Crouse, three -— with Billy Berger, one with Tom McMahon, and one with Leo Houck. Bar Well Stocked With All Popular can take hitter Chip is a good willing boy, a lot of the gaff and a hard with either hand ell ER Brands of WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS Accomodations for Man and Beast West Hempfield Teachers Also Automobile Parties The following school teachers for the West Hempfield school district BUBE’S MOUNT JOY BEER were elected on Monday: Maple and Piel’s Celebrated New York Ger- Grove, Martha A. Eby; Airy Vale, man Lager on Draught. Mary C. Weaver; Musser’s, Ethel K. Keesey: Sterline’s Esther Binkley; may-16-3m. Svlvan Retreat, Jeanne G Tee; Kehler’s, Elizabeth Hoover; Iron-|ueet Me on the Bridge and We'll ville Secondary, Jennie M. Smith; Have a Plate of the Prir Amelia Shookers: Katharine Collins; Kin- Mary Hartman; Fair- Mary Silver Springs Jr; Mec- Tronville nary, Norwood, Best lee Cream in Town derhook, K Carter; B. Primary, K. Os Spring view, Veidman, Pearl Secondary, ar Silver Cleary. eI ere Smith—Tressler Miss Florence Tressler, daughter] of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Tressler, of] East Donegal township, and Mr. J. | XT ZELLER’ S Willis Smith, of Bainbridge, were | All Flavors at AHN Times. united in marriage at the Lutheran | | | rn n roa », i Ne parsonage Maytown, by the pastor, | recial Prices to Parties, Festivals, | Suppers, Ete. ‘Rev, G. Arthur The bride was | Mrs. CG. H.Zeller attired in a pearl satin gown, and | after the ceremony, the happy Warietta Street MOUNT JOY. |couple were driven to Marietta, where they took the 8 o'clock train [for a trip to Eastern cities. Upon | % | their return they will reside at] | Bainbridge where the bridegroom is] lengaged in the coal business. | re eres Executions 16, Victims 22 Fry. W. M. HOLLOWBUSH NOTARY PUBLIC Attorney-At-Law 48 West Main Street, Mt. Joy, Pa. Sixteen executions besides that of| payg at Lancaster, Monday and Fri- | Romezzo two weeks ago have taken| day at No. 52 North Duke Street place in Lancaster county. The first] - “ 2 ini {one occured in 1770, and in the next | Terms Moderate. Bell Telephone. |10 years five persons suffered the 3 | death penalty for murder, horse CHARLES S. FRANK |stealing and other crimes. From AUCTIONEER 11780 858 er iv - [17 to 1858 there were five per MOUNT JOY, PA. [sons hanged. Then there was none P + Attensa 3 ¢ until 1899, a period of 49 years. romp r nilon given Ww Sales of ~ . Real Estate and Personal Property. Since then there have been five ex- 3 : . : . Reference: Jonas L. Minnich. ecutions in one of which four men men were hanged, in two of them ray one man 22 victims in all. rina lie For Sale | Several good Building Lots front- | do, such as sofas, lounges, beds, or placing window shades or anything in general repair work, will confer a favor and save money by calling an aggregate of $400,000 was real- ized, making an average of $80 an acre — on me, Prices are right. Sale Register H. S MUSSELMAN Je dav D0. J ; =] . oY Saturday, June 29—At the ware May15-3mo. Florin, a. house of the late M. L. Greider, Mt. Joy, large lot of implements, wag- ons, office fixtures, household goods, A Recs. ete, by C. S. Greider and 8. S. MADAME DEANS BE FEMALE Greider, administrators. C. H. Zel- PIL L S. A Sarz, Cxrrai¥ Rie for SUPPRESSED MENSTRUATION, NEVER KNOWN T0 FAIL. Safe! Sure! Speedy! Satis- faction Guaranteed or Money Refunded. Sent prepaid for $1.00 a. re Will send them on trial, to be paid for when relieved. Samples Free. If your druggist does not have them send your orders to the UNITED MEDICAL CO., BOX 74, LANCASTER, PA. ler, Auct. A A chemist has discovered that the human body contains 3,200 feet of gas. He could not have counted the “talking candidates for President. Seidl Mi. Joy by E. W. Garber d W. D. Chandler & Ca. | Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin. | l artats | rcs | A SE / on VERT mL a A Vacuum R leaner Bargain Price $10 2 Aiter You Are Through a . . fi ith Th THE DOMESTIC JUNIOR is a ) ) 0) vacuum cleaner that will do more | Lxperimen ing wi ¢ work than many high priced clean ers and much more than any other cleaner of an equal price. It looks like a carpet sweeper—— works like a carpet sweeper-—but is a vacuum cleaner-—a cleaner that cleans your carpets and rugs through and through. Just-as-Good-Kind BUICK 1LOCOMOBILE AUTOCAR AND BUICK TRUCKS Sold strictly on their merits. New 1912 Cars Now Here Lancaster Automobile Co. ; GARAGE NEVER CLOSED 38 W. King St. PENNA. 230-2: LANCASTER - = The largest and only strictly first class fireproof garage and repair shop in Lancaster City of County. This shows the amount of solid y dirt which the Domestic Junior took from a carpet which looked clean. | =ahes All we ask of any housewife {i ML “a / we ask o an) j 8 le 18 =») A LAA... that she give it one fair trial-—pick out the cleanest carpet in the house and run this vacuum cleaner over it—then open the cleaner—look at GO TO the amount of dirt you got out of . your carpet or rug which you § by p- —y i thought was clean W.B.BE T oh KE o bd o Aw a The cost of this wonderful little vacuum cleaner is just $10.00 and Kast Main St, Mount Joy, Pa. | is sold to you with the guarantee to . be perfectly satisfactory in every re- FOR A : or wo will raf . spect or we will refund your money. GOOD SHAVE STYLISH HAIR-CUT REFRESHING SHAMPOO in the Barber Line. Drop card for circular and demon~ stration. Have other machines on the same principle as low as $8.50. or anything B. FF. PEFFER | Agent MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Rates Moderate Exchenge Hotel Mount Joy, Pa. American Plan I also carry as a side line | | J. M. Backenstoe, Pro. Camera and Photo Supplies MAKE THE MAY WALK MORE Has just been remodeled thruout. ENJOYABLE BY TAKING A Has all modern conveniences such as Baths, Hot and Cold Water, Steam KODAK Heat, Electric Light, Ete. Then you will have not only the pleasure of the outing, but the add- | ed pleasure in the pictures which preserve the memory of the fun. Ask me for a free copy of the new | Kodak catalogue. i Agent for Standard Steam Laundry. HOTEL McGINNIS Table is Supplied With the Best the Market Affords. « 5 3s 0 Rlso izuneh Counter Where Soups sandwiches, Cheese, Tripe, Oysters Etc, E in Every Style te, are served Tre ew I'he undersigned having remodel y ney wn mn ed the old ee Hotel, addon a| BAR Is STOCKED WITH THE BEST BRANDS number of sleeping rooms. bath, etc. y iooping Toms. Jam oie | OF DEEN, WINES, LIDDORY& CIGARS ient and regular guests. ses ee | RESTAURANT { ane s in connection with hotel where he Good Stabling Accomodation will serve in season. | Local and Long Distance Telephone OYSTERS and CLAMS in any style | I'URTLE SOV P, Ete. Etc. Private dining room for ladies. POPOOCLVHOIPOODS® We are Always Prepared to serve Pure Spring Water ICE: IN ANY QUANTITY at Very Moderate Charges. Don’t fail to see us before plac- ing your order this year. J. N. Stauffer & Bro. Mount Joy, Penna. 9006400000000 00 rN 9090000900009 TF. WW. McGinnis, PROPRIETOR TRADE-MARKS and copyrights ‘obtsire d or no fee. Send model, sketches or photos and brief §% description, for FREE SEARCH and report on patentability. 26 years experience. Send 2-cent stamp for NEW BOOKLET, full of patent information. It will help you to fonune AQES, 1 i 12 before applying AQ rite t 000000000000541, or a EAD BP D. SWIFT & C0, TENT LAWYERS Plants for Sale 303 So st. Washingt>n, D.C. CC. 8S, MUSSER. THE BAKER SREB I have a fine lot of cabbage, cauli- flower, pepper, tomato, egg plant, redbeet and lettuce plants which I offer for sale very reasonable. Bread and Cakes Delivered through town datly Fresh Fresh Doughnuts, Crullers and Dewey | | | | | | Hustling Real Estate Man ng 95 feet on South Barbara Street, | Buns every Wednesday & Thursday Mr. James L. Rutter, the hustling| Mount Joy and extending in depth of | Funerals, Weddings and Suppers real estate dealer of Lebanon, is a| hat width 154 feet. There is a good given prompt attention new advertiser in this week’s issue table on these lots that could very | | Store & Bakery, West Main Street E. B. Hostetter of the Bulletin. Mr. Rutter is one| ‘usily be converted into a double | Mount Joy, Pa. 2t MOUNT JOY, PA. of the most extensive real estate] ‘welling. For further particulars | sranch Store at B Redinis nn - - - — {men in the state, having sold twenty| 'oply to Lewis Seeman. Mount Joy. Shaving Halr Cutting farms since April 1. Mr. Rutter] . !states that the farms which he has| DOES UPHOLSTERING DR. J. CLEMENT JENKINS Joseph B. Hershey sold and enumerated above, aggre- AEE Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat . gate 5.000 acres of land, for which Persons having upholstering to 530-532 Woolworth Building To nsor ial F ar lor East Main St., MOUNT JOY Three Chairs. No Waiting Agen for the Middletown Steam Laundry. Goods called for Tuesday and delivered Friday. Lancaster, Pa. Office Hours: 9a. m. to 3 p. m. Sunday and Other Hours By Appointment Both Phones Bell Lan., 994 Ind. 1877 A cure sa if you use o uoy's; PILES &* ys Suppository D. Matt. Thompson, Sup't Graded Schools, Statesville, N. C., writes: ou claim for them.” Dr. 8. OLD DR. THEEL &DR.W. L. THEEL Serine Garden St., (formerly 585 N, 6th 3a 9 Sor Pa.) Ein Deutscher Artz, Only German Specialist. The German Treatment, the only Guaranteed Cure for Specific Blood Poison, others can’t Cure, all use Mercury & Arsenie, worse than the Disease itself, it’s a curse of humanity. All M. Devore, . Va., wast “ They give universal satis. * Dr. H. D. A W McGill, Clarksburg, Tenn., writes? Skin & erate seus sete oth Drains, dire Ateophy, “Ina practice of 28 years, I have found no remed to Piles, I v to, Hydrocele, Rupt & Stricture, equal yours,” Price, 50 Czvrs, Samples Free. fold by Druggists. mqARTIN RUDY, LANCASTER, PA, no eutting, ag Nludder, 46 yrs. practice £6 ya. Hove Hosp. k Free, tells all, a Uaormany Linus Xs Fravds. Hrs. 9-4,6-9; San. 9-3. Saiaind M1. Joy by E. W. Garber and W. D. Chandler Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. ~ a Call for free sample. RY 8 ~ SET SE Cn 2 »o .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers