N() *) YOL. X11. MOUNI "JOY, PENNA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE CIRCULATION ALWAYS COUNTS—OUR One of the Finest and Most Modern Manufacturing Plants in the United States is Located Here Iron Age Hardware, Recognized as the Leading Trade Journal of America, in a Recent | Issue, Contained the Following Complimentary Remarks in Reference to " The New Standard Hardware Works ADS BRING |] One of Our Local Industries---A Model in Every Particular manu- article while development and of that familiar the food chopper w are of interest, and, The facture known not strictly ne while it included in the line made number of manufacturers, more recently become the subject of as years been by it has has for several a special treatment, especially as com- has brought the ne- a cheaper product, which petition about cessity of must retain all the good points of a standard chopper, and in many cas- in order to permanency in the mar- food choppers made by Hardware Works, wide and es have special features its The New Standard Mt Pa., cover being made in 15 and, with the exception of a midget size, are all subject to the insure ket, the Inc., Joy, a range sizes styles, toy or the low-priced same detail in manufacture, smaller choppers receiv- handling, machine do the sizes. the same finishing ing work and as large restaurant and hotel iron and malle- checking and tinned, and depart- assembl- The castings, various grey able after cleaned, | the machining records of the work be- ing tabulated suitable blanks. The operations of machining and as- in the accom- The various | SCrews, weighing, are delivered to various ments for and ing, careful i on sembling are shown illustrations. threads for and part is panyving etec., are tapped in jigs, interchangeable. | holes, all drilled that every | so | End View Machinery After this part of the work has been completed the choppers are assem- bled and then returned to the tin- ning room and redipped, removing all marks of workmanship and giv- ing them a better coating as well as a perfect finish, After retinning they are returned to the machine department and the : Local Notes NEWS (TEMS INTEREST SHORT OF GENERAL MANY Brief Local Happenings Gathered as They Occur With the Whirl of the World {or Quick Withis the Past Few Days. Reading for housework, Address Box 'Wanted—A girl no washing or ironing. 782, Columbia, Pa. The Memorial Day Committee wish to extend their thanks to all who assisted in the Memorial Day ceremonies. For Sale—Several loads of good clean hay, timothy and clover mix- ed. Apply to C. S. Newcomer, Route 4, Mount Joy. 1t Rev. G. W. Dungan delivered the Memorial address at Strasburg last Thursday. He was accompanied to #at place by Mrs. Dungan, For Sale—A bread route doing $85 worth of business a week, must be sold by the 15th of June. Apply to M. C. Billet, Marieta, Va. Will sell whole outfit consisting of horse, harness and wagon. rere en AR ee = An Exciting Runaway On Monday evening, while out driving with his family, Jacob Shaff- ner. the well-known painter, of Maytown, met with serious injuries, the extent of which are not yet known. While driving along the Rowenna road, at the John A. Gar- ber farm, the horse suddenly start- ed to run away for some unknown cause, but Mr. Shaffner kept hold of the lines and tried to stop the ani- mal. Two of the children managed to jump out of the wagon, but Mrs. Shaffner and a young child were thrown into a hedge fence, but es-! caped injury. Mr. Shaffner was not so fortunate, however, as he was thrown out after the animal had] gone along the road almost a mile. AME in Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin Department—showing | | | GrinderS, Presses, disk end of the chopper, which re- tains the knives, as well as the han- dle end, which serves as a bearing the worm of the chopper, are milled and faced on special ma- chines, jigs also being used in this variation in ma- for work, so that any chine work is kept within limits of 3-1000 in., assuring the inter- EIGHTH ANNUAL BANQUET in Mount Evening. Joy Hall Monday A Big Success Held The eighth annual held evening. fur- as Alumni Association, was Mount Joy Hall Monday Roth’s orchestra, of Lancaster, nished the music. The program rendered is appended: President’s Address, W. L. Eshle- Ladies’ Quartette, Mrs. Heil- Brown, Miss Baker, Miss Alumni Record, Miss Es- Vocal solo, Charles M. man, ig, Miss Detwiler; ther Shelly; Cassel. Mr. John C. Reed served as toast- master, and the "following toasts were responded to. The Alumni, Dr. W. R Heilig; The Faculty, Prof. Ira Kraybill: Class of 1912, Roy Longenecker. The officers of the are: President, Association Eshleman; V. President, Clyde Fenstermacher; Secretary, Miss Caroline Frank; Treasurer, Miss Elsie Battye. Reception Committee—Mrs. R. Heilig, Mrs. H. S. Mrs. O. G. Longenecker. Executive Committee— Chas. Cassel, Miss Elsie Battye, Miss Bertha Stauffer, Miss Emma Brown, Dr. O. G. Longenecker, Edgar Esh- leman. Banquet Walter W. Committee—Miss Elsie Battye, Miss Mary Newpher, Miss Emma Brown, H. M. Stauffer, Charles M. Cassel, Edgar Eshleman. Mr. J. W. McGinnis of Hotel Me- Ginnis, served the following menu in hig usual good style: Consomme Fillet of Bass Radishes Sweet Bread Patties Claret Punch Roast Tenderloin of Beef Cranberry Sauce New Potatoes Green Peas Heart of Lettuce Salad Tomatoes Mayonaise Dressing Strawberries Jce Cream Salted Nuts Mints Olives Cakes Bench Woork banquet and| dance of the Mount Joy High School] in Newcomer, M. | Department, Ete, of the parts. The various parts then go to the stock departments, ready for final inspec- tion, assembling and packing for shipment. The cutting disks are cut from special steel blanks flatten- ground, hardened, tempered nickel plated, the number of 3) changeability ed, and on (Continued page Coffee Officers for 1912-13 will be elect- {ed at a regular meeting of the As- | sociation next Tuesday evening. | EE sR TEACHERS ELECTED The School Board Holds Annual Elec tion—Tax Rate Mills. ‘ Joy Borough School Board and transacted the fol- lowing business: The tax mills. The tax collector was from collecting $53.56 of The Mount met rate was made 7 exonerated the 1911 taxes. The salaries as decided First $60; Second Fourth, and Seventh Grades, $55; First Assistant in the High School, $70; Second Assistant in the High School, $60; Principal, not decided. These teachers were then First—Mrs. Miller. Second—Miss Stoll. Third—Miss Chandler. Fourth—Vacant. Fifth-——Miss Martin. Sixth—Miss Eshleman. Seventh——Miss Kraybill. 1st Asst. High-—Miss Donovan, 2nd Asst. High—Miss Herr Principal—Vacant. — eer upon are: Primary, Third, Fifth, Sixth elected: Took Woman's Purse Report was made to Chief of Po- lice Bushong, at Lancaster on Sat- urday by Mrs. Anna Wachstetter of Florin, that a young man who was a car coming from Mount Joy, had taken her purse containing $55. The young man got off the car at the Colonial tract and Mrs. Wach- stetter believes he had her pocket- book. An arrest will probably be made. on eee eee Donegal Society Reunion The fourth annual of the Donegal society will be held on Wednesday, July 14, at Donegal Presbyterian church, at Donegal Springs. Exer- VESULTS—THATS THE BUSY VIL OF HERE HAPPENINGS IN AGE WEST Have Issue fix Awake Local and Personal Briefs That Our Last and Wide Florin. Occurred Since Hustling Neighbor Village. Oar Mr Herr Hershey Mr Saturday at Mease at Jacob Grant spent Sunday at Mrs. Calvin Bates Lancaster and family spent sev and Rev eral days Lawn Mrs list at [Lemon Boyer is on the sick this writing Young of Lebanon visited friends in town Sunday Mr and Mrs spent Tuesday at York Amos Hiestand v The large trees were removed in front of the post office. Mrs. Fedrow of Steelton friends in town Wednesday Miss Mary Bates brother at Shiremanstown Mrs. John Miller visited friends in Mrs. Mary Harry old visited is visiting her of Steelton, Wednesday. visiting this has erected Wolgemuth. attended town Jear is her on at Harrisburg week Mr Levi Mumma a hay ster Mr hoi for Jacob Lemon ILeisey the show at Lancaster Tues on Eph 1d Sunday Hertzler Lan- and Mrs aim at New Wi . winters of Yorl Samuel Walter: after a able able again short ) Rinehart Harrisburg for of friends in town Mrs. David GQGreider of 8 at the Musselman position with Levi Hackerty Rohrerstown Mr. John Miriam, spent Guhl and Sunday daughter at East Petersburg Miss T.eah Schlegelmilch of Nor- wood is spending with relatives. Mrs. George caster spent Decoration Day in town visiting relatives. Mr. Samuel Overholtzer of Eliza- bethtown visited Mrs. Tillman Gantz on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Calvin Bates and daughter Elsie spent Sunday at Shiremanstown, Miss Elida Raffensberger spent Sunday at East Petersburg as the guest of her father. Mrs. Harry Good of Idaho is spending some time with her mother Mrs. Fanny Geyer. Emma Shramusky her mother, Bear on Sunday. Elizabeth Gensimer visited friends in Decoration Day. Young Bros Buohl’s automobile putting new the week in town of Lancaster, visited Mrs, Henry of Har- town on Miss rishurg by painting and doors on. Miss Elizabeth Brubaker is home after spending sometime at Steel- ton with relatives. Mr. Walter Kline took a horse- back ride to the Masonic Home at Elizabethtown on Sunday. Miss Helen Bradley and Mr. E. S. McFarland of Swatara, Pa., called on friends in town Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Miller of Elizabethtown, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Emanuel Young. Mr .and Mrs. Harry Lutz of Har- Whitecamp of Lan- | are beautifying John | spent | | ago | | | risburg spent Monday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Keener, Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Gantz were | pleasantly entertained by Mr. id Mrs. H. H. Shoemaker on Sunday. Mr. Wesley Nauman and sister Anna of Elizabethtown, visited their | brother France Nauman on Sunday. | Mr. Harry Hossler of near Done- | gal is putting an attachment to his | barn, 84 ft. long and 36 ft. wide. Mr. and Mrs. John Menaugh of | Philadelphia, spent some the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Stoll. Mr. Jim Middletown, Sunday as Morton. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Weitzel of Middletown, spent Saturday and Sunday as the guest of Mrs. John Morton. Bossler and family of spent Saturday and the guest of Mrs. John Mr. James Schlegelmilch jr. of Norwood, spent Sunday as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schleg- elmilch. Mr. Bert Thomas was treated to a cises will be held in the morning, afternoon and evening. surprise party by his many friends | ren | returned | here as (Continued on page 8) | ducted [will be Wi Readin Miriam Engle, v Kendig, Mary [912 CHAN'S J to right the Blocher, lift Elmer from Eshleman, | '5s oituary HE ROAD WHICH WE ALL MUS: FRAVEL SOONER OR LATER De , 1 Neigh! cal Ve n ternoon Hempfiel purch coach wor for inte Ceme aft nite morrow Da David F gal, died He and a visit two his anc weeks acute body with The train taken in charge by Brunner, C. parlors. H and the of East Do Mary, at home: ers and bethtown; Shaffer, Middletown Mrs. Harry Funeral a si orhood Beyond Since Our Last rks suddenly arrived on Sunday Howard, of People Ir pm ( ir to the Issa iLhown Have Passed Sarah remains town this af- Sumimy at his esterday, died aged Lorn in East number of A. B. which years His remains the Old Menno- Landisville to- years Landis con- the here ased he five rred in tery at ernoon. vid F. Barnhart, Barnhart, of Ea Carey gone there there was at had been wife 1 had when he indigestion an on afternoon Undert: removed here who e is survived bs following children township Alice, and followi James, Amos Mrs Newville; H : John, of Leb: Sweigart, of negal Iso the sters: and services were held late home this morning at ( at 9 o’clock, and at 10 Church, Cemetery. with o'clock at Kraybill’s Reich’s and at 10 o'clock at interment in ——etl ee ee eee Mr phia, Harv spent parents. Miss is spending Mr Mr. delphia, Monday in ST | sister. Mrs. E. and the South. Mr. son | Eva Reed. rey Anna and Mrs. and Mrs. WwW. Miss Barbara vesterday and Mrs. of Steelton, guests of his PERSONALS Curgan of Sunday here Philadel- with his of Philadelphia time here witl Curgan Reed of Saturd Mr. R Hill some Wesley Cc. B from with ent town, and sc He Bentzel from a R few sis John C. spent a Mr. and Mrs. John Peffer of Roa- time as! noke, Va., and Mrs. Baltimore, J: were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peffer last week meet Eres Brubaker—Daveler Daniel county, and eler, dahghter of Mr. and Mrs Daveler, of were Moss Brubaker, married on Glen farm, of Dauphin Dav- John township, Miss Mary Esther Mount Joy Sunday near Eli the abeth- at members of Harry Catharine Shire WO cases D. Powers of Donegal 81.00 A YEAR THIS = class are as follows Roy Frances the Greiner, L.ongenecker, Jailer COUNCIL CONVENES The Regular June Meeting Was Held on Monday Evening of held Burgess regular monthly meeting Mt Joy Boro Council was Monday venin with the mbers present reported licens ount of $3 ed bill sewel Done Hoffma IProvV leted Old 1 1 Creamery feet m \pple Tree Alley cob street repaired at Gutter in Main treet John Rahm. home on street he 8S Commit- Pike Company started stone « Main had decided to street at putting fine n hey use wet 500 tons Tyndall and Mr reported the subside cleaned recommended cleaning the ordered Same was that all white- reservoir on Sunday Also weeds reported grass and cut, fences washed, ete. The the New investigated plug asked for by the Hardware Works and re- they did not think it place an additional lug as there at present two lugs not far from the building. The committee reported Contractor Hamaker will the alterations at engineer’s residence committee fire Standard yorted that idvisable to are that begin the this making pumping week. The reported and three Also Grove Board of Health of diphtheria 1ses of measles convalescent, 1at the creameries at Milton nd Old Line are running refuse in- the which furnishes our water supply and that to creek same would to the State Health De- The Board of Health an appropriation of » reported irtment as granted 0 The treasurer’s balances of $3,600 in $1,600 in showed water ac- Boro ac- report the count and the count Tax bondsmen to today. David that of was Boyce’s they expect the deficit instructed as early as Collector reported make a settlement The with Burgess to settle them possible. A number of bills il adjourned. were paid and Tere A Strawberry Festival strawberry festival will be the basement of St. Luke's sh House, on Saturday evening, nning at 4 o’clock. Menu will msist of chicken corn soup, tongue lettuce sandwiches, potato strawberries, ice cream, cake 1 coffee. Uncut cakes for sale are cordially invited to come nt WB mimemai en A in sal- Annual Reunion The fourth annual rewnion of the Presbyterian Church, will held on Wednesday, June 19 The program and all details the event will appear in columns next week. seins Allinson. re Fourth be of these Killed a Ground Hog Master George Germer twelve years, of this place, 10-1b ground hog on the farm north of town Friday aged killed a Brandt after- “ town, the home of the parents of the noON. bride. The non, and George R. wedding took was performed Hoverter, by Rev. of the pastor Church of God, at Elizabethtowr reece et GA Read the Mt. Joy Bulletin place at | | | Advertising Old Home Week Seven touring cars decorated {ed thru town this forenoon. ADVERTISING Jame MEDIUM Martha Arntz, Strickler, Carson Lacey Gibbons, Kendig Howard 12 Graduate THE TWENTY-FIITH ANNUAL COM \ VICNT High Scho Completion of Quart wu { Rende Merit—The Existence of High oy program Orations this borough of a century Friday. held Joy rep- I'he School of arter istence on were Mount a large and parch- to twelve 1912 richly It ranked scholarship much 1ards industry, h means so the st maintair yt place, where levels \ en 1 am honor that tion of awarding and enter upon mature quipped with solid found der the leadership of I. R Misses bel F instruction i principal, Prof. assistants, and Ma- conipetent thei and Marguerite M Donaven. Kraybill, his Herr The Class Roll the graduates: Jailer, Mary Gibbons, Bertha Musser Following Frances Shelly Alta Kendig, Martha Bishop Arntz, Blocher, Carson Wachstetter Kendig, Roy Henry were ishle- Miriam Katherine Strickler, Elmer Ells- Carson Greiner. man, Lucy Janet Shire, Howard worth Engle, Harry Emmett lLongenecker James Order of Exercises The exercises of the evening wera urranged as follows: of the School Vikings,” Chorus; in- saluta- Honor,” chorus, “Song High Rev. 1. E. Johnson; “A Debt [Longenecker; Music, (Faning), vocation, tory oration, of Henry High Promised High Porce,” Roy School Boys; Land,” oration, Emmett “The Miriam “Paul Shelly selected, “The essay. Alta ‘he Ken- Mountain Janet Lawrence Bailer; Monument,” “Song of Lucy Gibbons: School Giant dig: James piano solo, (Bohm), essay, Spring” Kendig Frances recitation, “Tobe’s Mary Bshleman:; music, Spring” (Pearson), High School Chorus: valedictory oration, “The Value Farm Elmer Ells- worth Blocher: “May March” (Forman) School presentation of diplomas, Mr. Moyer, President of the Bducation: address, Prof. Althouse, Director School High School, Dunbar,” of Life,” chorus, High girls: | Gabriel Board of | 0 jof Commerce, Central Philadelphia; musie, | “Soldier's Chorus” (Gounod), High School Chorus; benediction, Rev. F. G. Bossert Calvin class song; The Decorations the colors and with the pink beautifud the townfolk, Decorated in favorite of the e¢lass, red blue, choice of and blooms eomtributed by hall inviting appearance flanked with greens and plants of varied de- scriptions and the pupils of the High School who occupied the center, completed an attractive picture. The motto Vidimus, Vicimus,” wag prominent- ly on a banner above the stage arch {One of the distinct features that added greatly to the pleasure of the |audience was the rendition of the jchoruses by the High School. They {were sung with a freshness and vig- lo of spirit that was unusual in the | ranks of public school pupils. Miss their flowers, ountless other rose the presented very The stage was | class “Venimus, displaved | with flags and banners, advertising| Kendig’s piano solo and the recita- 101d Home Week at Manheim, pass- | tion of Miss Eshleman revealed the | (Continued on page 4)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers