2 s starting out icap and with a long way to nt of Health resulting in the | ditions tobacco | busy set of people in { counties met at Hull's h whom he has and Old Man” He died at a | have so much faith in its curative ers that they offer One Hundred Dollars At the ware- Send ements, wag- MILTON GROVE M and Mrs, Herman Gelb visit | Rieems last Funday Eddie I ( Palmyra wa the M 1 \ | iN ) Vi Isic \ itor n town { nda Danie or ¢ | 1 1 1 Mi nd M A 1 M snyder | htey ie Sundayed Vi yh wepherd and daughter Mrs, Ulrich of Elizabethtown, were visitors in town Editor H W. Eshleman of the Palmyra Record, was a week end isitor in this locality Mr. and Mrs Jacoh Hollinger of Mastersonville Sundayed with th» amily of 8S, 1. Heisey Miss Emma Lindemuth of Cherry as the guest of Hill spent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Frank B, Grosh Mrs. Frank B Gros gpent Sat Jay visiting relatives and old ac cuaintances in Elizabethtown Mr. Landis, auto culated in town Monday evening This is a busy time for culturists and an is put under cultivation this season While operation a circular saw on his premises, Rev. Allen ‘Brubaker, ff near Hi Church, had his fingers aught, severing his fingers at the econd row of the phlanges Henry Geib, Harvey Garman and Hiram Kshleman scientific horti cnlturists, have been supplying the OWT ind its contiguity with the cious strawberries this on Joseph Ebersole of zal ov inhaled the pure invig tn here in this section wher nally put in an appearance to nspect his interest in the Green Hill farm, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Randler entei iined at dinner on Sunday Con- table M. H. Randler and family of Horst's mill; Mrs H. Lehman and ghter of Lawn and Harry Rand- r of Manheim Not in many years have black snakes been so rare as this season Up on the Conewago hill, where they were epecially numerous in the have ben seen and slaughtered. | past, very few only one has been This may ive berry pickers John Pfoutz, of Elstonville, pro- prietor of valuable farms in Mount townships, in town the in- He re- his 81st birthday anniversary and the enjoyments of Joy, Rapho and Penn was a noted visitor cipient part of the week. cently celebrated good health and many friends. — —p @ wre NEWTOWN Mr. Albert Mumma and family of Sunday with her] parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel My- Mount Joy, spent T'S. Preaching was held on Sunday Preaching rain on Sunday morning, June 30, ening by the pastor. hen communion services will be| 16.45 p. m. and | West Main St., MT. JOY, PA. companion of York, and Mr. Clayton | observed Messrs Clayton Mumma Spahr of visitors of Mr and Mrs Mumma, Another case of diphtheria made this place last] week, when George, the young son | of Henry Witmer, was stricken with | Health Officer McCloud | Thome, of Mt. The premises have been quar- | its appearance in was notified by Dr. Jov antined The Brethren in Christ held their | regular meeting on Sunday morning | this place, with | | Rev. Mellinger of Kansas and Eli | Engle officiating. They will ob- | serve baptism on next Sunday morn- | ing at Chickies creek, near the for-| in the church in mer Stauffer’s mill Owing to favorable out their plants in the fied. EE To Restore the County Line On Friday the county sioners of the line hetween the counties, the! ohieet being to take measures to lefinitely fix the boundary line be-| The stone | hat marked the line between the] ween the two counties two counties was originally a stone] wall. but the wall has crumbled and the marker was displaced The commissioners agreed to have sur-| vevors run the line and place the no at 4 oner nlace The Lan- by antomobile tl) $100 Reward, $100 The readers of this paper will be is at least one nce has been pleased to le dreaded d able to cure and that is Catarrh. H e only positive cure now k wedical fraternity. Catarrh bei tutional disease, requires 1 treat- ment. Hall’s Catarr} y en in- | ternmally, act irectly blood and mucous sur by destroying the founda nature in doing its work. for any case that it fails to cure. | for list of testimonials, ENEY 2 CO., Toledo, Ohio. Address F. J. CH Sold b; all Druggists, 7 Take ’s Family Bla 1 for constipation. eee Read the Mt. Joy Bulletin. Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. | dealer and his chauffeur Weaver of Rheems, cir tobacco increased acreage need of feeling freckles, as this new prescription double strength, that covered by an eminent skin special- ist, will remove these homely spots. be good news to prospect- from the druggist whose name ap- pears at the close of this statement hand bags, at Elm mill. and apply at night according to di- |rections and note results. {or two the worst will have begun to Sunday. disappear, while the light freckles P. C. Geib and family were enter- | will have vanished entirely, Landisville, were Sunday | Abram | weather con- | farmers are a very | trying to set | While some have finished transplanting, “|others mo doubt will finish this week. There will be a slight in- | crease in acreage this season commis- | Lancaster and Lebanon | pepe ofeslecfefesisefrsiecipojesfovieriesferisojesissprojreg spe tavern, on | commissioners made the trip m, there- 1 of the dis- ease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting The proprietors pow- THE BULLETIN. MOUNT JOY, PA A UU UU RHEEMS = logeph mith and family spent | = | \ IN K t | visiting friends at Bain : BLA ETS Ef — Mr. and Mrs. J. B Henry visited | = Har Helse d fam at Sg gi = urs AVE YOU TWO PRO | I ran family at alunga - ) un Eg FITS ON Wool HORSE omon Hoover who ha been s BLANKETS BUYING DIRECT 1 to his room since Decem - 1611 till 11 = {OM HE KERS IS - FROM HE MAKERS, mvid Henry and family vigited in = THE WHY? OF IT. PRICED he family of Harry K. Floyd, nea Z ANYWHERE FROM $1.00 TO nbridge on Sunday — Isanc Kopp, sr., of Milton Grove = $10.50, nent several days visiting Isaac Kopp Ir, on the © L Nissley FINES’ STOCK LAP \rm Mr. and Mrs, Nathan Greiner and daughter Dorothy, visited in the family of Jacob S Shank on Sun ROBES IN THE COUNTY, FROM $2.50 TO $25.00.. EV. ERYTHING FOR THE HORSE AT BOTTOM PRICES. FULL VETERINARY lay George Foltz and wife of Royal- ton, were the guests of Lloyd Mur- phy and the A. S. Bard family on STOCK oF days this week = MEDICINES, MAKER OF ALL Wednesday £ KINDS OF HARNESS Rev. H. E. Kaylor, of the Church - of the Brethren, attended a love = feast in Schuylkill county several Harry Koser and family of Mount Pleasant and Henry Meckley and mother of Horst’s Mill, were guests twa Krecke 5 EE im of Isaac Kopp and family on Sun- - Et, day. = Ai § 3 Whe Mr. and Mrs. Philip Snyder and £ 10U "i. 4 S Mr. and Mrs. John Snyder and chil- = b= dren spent several days at Millers- = Wl t Hall : ‘areal bar burg where they attended the River - ns Onl ire SEU was, SR ———E VRRRERTRREIRIRINU NRE RRR B GER RERRAR ERay | Tar The Jonawins were the guests at residence last S dard THAT Mr. Hersh Mr. Grosh was agree ably surprised by the guests: Horace Grosh, Lititz: Rob-| HOMELY SPOTS ert Grosh, Lancaster Mrs. Heisey, re : . m= | Wilbur Heisey, here's no longer the slightest NEW PRESCRIPTION QUICKLY REMOVES THESE ashamed of your Elizabethtown: Bertha Heisey, Sim- | Rheems: Christian Zug, | WILCOX FREKL-ETER Bertha Zug, Willis and Esther | 3 Hersh of Donegal A and refreshments many delicacies of the season enjoyed by all. on Landis, has been dis- Simply get WILCOX FREKL-ETER NORTHWEST RAPHO Highest prices paid for second- eee lA OI | Miss Rebecca Hiestand was enter- In a day tained by Miss Kathryn Eby, on| tained in the family of F. W. Geib on Sunday John W. Geib and family spent] Sunday visiting in the amily of Harve} oung at Rheems CHANDLER | Druggist ie, soe es, Dggist H. K. by of Elicbothiows Col- —— , lege, spent Sunday with his parents, Sunday Hours, 8 to 9 a. m. § to | Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Eby. C. G. Hollinger, wife and daugh- ter Ruth, Sundayed in the family of at Cherry Hill. Clayton Shenk and family of near Milton Grove, visited Frank Shenk and family on Sunday evening. John R. Gibble and Nathaniel | Hollinger visited the family of Har-| {rison G. Shearer, at Hotel Fairland. This community has been grieved over the death of Elias Heisey, of Mastersonville He died Sunday { morning. Joseph Shearer, Meat Marke Kr: all 1 always have on hand anything the line of Smoked Meats, Ham. ologna, Dried Beef, Lard, Ete. \iso Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork ase < nl) : LANCASTER JUNCTION tutton. Prices always right. Mrs. Polly Fetter spent Sunday at Charles Dalton and | H H. KRALL Weel Main Street, Opp. Bank, MOUNT JOY, PA | Manheim, with [ family. | Mrs. Isaac Walborn and daughter | |L.eona May, spent Sunday with (Charles Ritter and family. |" Norman Hollinger and wife spent | «ll Telephone EAE ire Sunday with Aaron Sauble and fam- a ine J : 3lily, near Fairview church, i HARRY WILLIAMS %| Mrs Emlen Fetter and daughters BARBER §|crace and Anna, spent Sunday with | |E. D. Achey and family, at Man-| i heim. Shaving Massaging | Albert Kling and family and| Hair Cutting Razors Honed T | Miss Rosanna Zerphey, spent Sun-| Shampooing Toilet Waters & | day with Jacob Henny and family, | Singeing Shaving Soaps [near Naumanstown. 7 Jonas Snavely, wife and son| Clarence and daughter Anna May, | spent Sunday at Manheim, with Al- vin Hershey and wife. Jacob Weaver, wife and daughter Stella, and Henry Buch and wife, | Agency For Elkhorn Laundry Opp. First National Rank MOUNT JOY, PENNSYLVANIA fnclodfpofoofestocfocforfocfocfocfentesdrotecioodsctoctortocfocicioofosorts X y | ey The ¢ spent Sunday at Manhei ith Pet- der ne =. p inday at Manheim with Pet-|_ o £1 AD. Reh * ZELLER er R. Shelly and wife. | REAL ESTATE AND Ed. Hemperly and wife and 5 William Jacobs and wife of Lancas- INSURANCE ter, and James Conrad and wife. Main St Mount Joy |SPent Sunday evening with Jacob K. Palm and wife ling and Clerking of Public Sale aa fettloment of Estates CORDELIA Collection of Rents. Miss' Mary Fager, of Columbia, Surveying and Convevancing was the guest of Miss Anna McCune. Amos Portner of Bainbridge, was 60 YEARS’ the guest of his grandparents, Mr. fo EXPERIENCE and Mrs. Peter Eshleman. Dr. A. D. Smith of Newark, N. J., and Miss Lucy Smith of Phila- delphia, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Kauffman Taape MARKS and son, Edward, of Enola, Pa., are DesiGNs COPYRIGHTS &c. visiti th : s Anyone sending a sketch and dese Tiptic nm ng he former's parents Mr. quickly ascertain our opinion free wt and Mrs. Abram Kauffman nvention is probably patentable. Co 3 \ ions strictly con fid HANDBOD ents sent free. Ol les «t as rency for securing . Ol atin ot nr J Corrachive Hotel License Transferred “i placing window shades or anything | Scientific Fimerican, te ene OF AN Cl oe Tor ur as inbri a favor and save money by ca \» handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest Birch of Bainbridge, has been, me, Prices are right. ation of any scientific journal. transferred to Mr. Harrison Hipple. ; four months. $1. od byall newsdesler | S———— HUN & Co. 3618 ay New York BL. | H. 8. MUSSELMAN, Paach Office S*gMV ashington, D | Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin. May15-3mo. Florin, w BEE BER =EED = J BN a Brethren iove feast on the Lauer o Ths 1) Mr. and Mrs Reuben | # Kaufman and family, of Mechanics- |g ville; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kraybill, "thi lace, Rev, Simon Landis and family of Elizabethtown: and Elmer = Kaufman and wife, of East Peters- burs ¥ rge social event was held at sidence of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. |® fers y of this place, as a birthday | surprise in honor of Francis 'Grosh, | prominent mechanic, employed by | } following | ® Harvey Heisey and |m wife, Walter Heisey and wife of | social chat |® consisting of | ® was | | darietta Street | Days at Lancaster, day at No. 52 North Duke Street Prompt dwelling. Persons Copyright Hart Soha Wednesday, June 19, 1912 A A NANO Are You Satisfied With | The Clothing You Are Do they keep Wearing their shape? Do they fit? De they appear Stylish? If not come to us and see what we can and will do for you’! Our clothes are all thoroughly shrunk before they are made. Our clothes are made from a variety of models. Our clothes have style distinction that other clothes have not. Come and see for yourself and be con- vinced, Styleplus Clothes $17 Unique Clothes $7 to $20 Foele Good if You Wear White House Shoes I'here use impart; the fact that vom class workmans ii I'he material Fuoug n style White House Farmers’ Inn & Mount Joy FRANK E. LEFEVRE, Prop Experimenting with The | Bar Well Stocked With All Popuine/ Brands of WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS Accomodations for Man and Beast Also Automobile Parties BUBE’S MOUNT JOY BEER and Piel’s Celebrated New York Ger- Q man Lager on Draught. may-16-3m. | weu| New 1912 Cars Now Here Me on the Bridge and Have a Plate of the | Best Iee Cream in Town I | RT ZE E LLER'S All Flavors at All Times. ‘pecial Prices to Parties, Suppers, Ete. Mrs. C. H. Zeller MOUNT Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin. W. M. HOLLOWBUSH NOTARY PUBLIC Attorney-At-Law | 48 West Main Street, Mt. . Monday and Terms Moderate. Bell Telephone CHARLES S. FRA AUCTIONEER MOUNT JOY Estate and Personal Refererge: Jonas L. Minaich eel EI = + rere For Sale Several good Building Lots front- ng 95 feet on South Barbara Street, Mount Joy and extending in depth of hat width 154 feet. stable on these lots that could very i easily be converted into a double particulars | apply to Lewis Seeman. Mount Joy. For further DOES UPHOLSTERING Do Your Feet Feel " Varies. 3 ways reliable. & to please any fancy. Shoes $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 and $4.50 ———— GETZ BROTHERS HALL BUILDING SEER REE RE oma in nie thn Nett Festivals There is a good having upholstering to| Lancaster, Pa. !do, such as sofas, lounges, beds, or | WHITE HOUSE SHOE FOR MEN All Doubt As to Their B50WKS AER security, also in I'he high feeling of properiy dressed. I FREES eed EEE 2 EEE eRanas MOUNT JOY, PAT rk, American Plan Rates Moderate Exchenge Hotel Mount Joy, Pa. 9 | ® | | { | | . After You Are Wonk | Just-as-Good-Kind J. M. Backenstoe, Pro. «eo esse | BUICK | Has just been remodeled thruout, LGCOMOBILE Has all modern conveniences such | as Baths, Hot and Cold Water, Steam | | | AUTOCAR AND | Heat, Electric Light, Ete. VICK THUOKS Fable is Supplied With the Best \ 1d strictly on thei nerit wold strictly on their merits | the Market Affords. So ® 9 Also Liuneh Counter | Where Soups, Sandwiches, Cheese, f'ripe, Oysters in Every Style | Kte., Ute, are served ts ess BAR IS STOCKED WITH THR BEST BRANDS OF BEER, WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS ® 6% 2 Lancaster Automobile Cp, GARAGE NEVER CLOSED 230-238 W. King St., LANCASTER ohm. PENNA. | iaic ‘Good Stabling Accomodation The largest and only strictly first | Local aud Long Distance Telephones class fireproof garage and repair | shop in Lancaster City of County. 2000600000000 004 EE Pm J i & WoareAlways Prepared to serve \ =A @) “4S =: | Pure Spring Water ICE: IN ANY QUANTITY at Moderate Charges. 5 Very sevessesese Don’t fail to see us before plac- ing your order this year, 2 J N. Stauffer & Bro, Mount Joy, Penna, P0600 CEG O¢ 2999 Plants for Sale 2 Sater 4 Ar rienc Send 2-cent stamp for NEW BOOKLET, pe BR full of patent inforn Ip you to READ PACES 11 and 12 before applying 8 wok i AD nt. Write to-day LA 1D. SWIFT & G0. | PATENT LAWYERS, X ; 303 Seventh St., Washingtan, B. C. : A ET SE RS CPOICPO0P00000 99 $00 C. S. MUSSER. THE BAKER Attention given to Sales of ¥resh Bread and Cakes Delivered I have a i g ne lot of cabbage, cauli- ; flower, pepper, tomato, egg plant, sh Doughnuts, Crullers and Dewey | redbeet and lettuce plants which I Buns every Wednesday & Thursday. offer for sale very reasonable. Funerals, Weddings and Suppers given prompt attention — Store & Bakery, West Main Street E. B. Hostetter MOUNT JOY, PA. through town dally Mount Joy, Pa. | Branch Store at E. Ream's. 2t Halr Cutting | Joseph B. Hershey Tonsorial Parlor Office Hours: 9a. m. to 3 p. m. | East Main St., MOUNT JOY Sunday and Other Hours Three Chairs. No Waiti By Appointment Agen for the Middletown Steam Both Phores Laundry. Goods called for Tuesday Bell Lan.,, 994 |and delivered Friday. DR. J. CLEMENT JENKINS Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat i 530-532 Woolworth Building Shaving Ind. 1877 us !
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