ESR ER ERR CALL IN Hazel Baker [Marietta] 426-3643 Cherie Dillow [Mount Joy] 653-1609 The Susquehanna Times 426-2212 or 653-8383 SUSQ Vol. 80, No. 21, May 28, 1980 William Roberts, the new Marietta police chief, enjoys a quiet evening with his wife Jackie, son Alex, and Baroness the dog William Roberts; new chief of Marietta Police Department William B. Roberts an- ticipates very long work days for the next couple of months. Roberts will be- come Chief of Police in Marietta beginning Mon- day, June 2. Roberts, a graduate of Donegal High School, lives in Mount Joy with his wife Jackie and their five-year- old son Alex. Roberts looks at his family as he discusses his new position. ‘“My home life should return to an even keel after the first several months.” Roberts, a tall, soft- spoken man, really enjoys his police work. ‘‘It is a way for me to serve the community,”’ he says. Ro- berts is currently an officer with the Mount Joy Police Department. ‘‘I usually put in 45 to S0 hours a week on the job. I feel that is being pretty involved.” Roberts, after graduating from Donegal, served in the U.S. Navy four years, traveling in the Middle East and Cuba. After his dis- charge in the fall of 1971 he entered Millersville State College to study pre-law in the history department. “The courses I took at Millersville were for myself, but I find that they are also very complementary to my job in the police field.” Roberts was still going to school when he got a part-time job with the Mount Joy Police Depart- ment. He took a full-time position with the Columbia Police in March of 1973, and one month later he returned to Mount Joy to a full-time job opening. Roberts graduated from the PA Minimum Standards Training Acts, Southeast Training Academy, College- ville, in 1973. He has also attend the PA Crimes Code Training School, PA Motor Vehicle Code Training School and the PA Juvenile Act Training School. Roberts has also been active in the sport of scuba diving since 1966. “I learned to dive from a fellow named William Roberts at Smokey’s Divers Den in Lancaster. We got to know each other pretty well because of our having the same name.’’ Roberts dives in quarries in York and Myerstown. He also dives off the New Jersey coast, but he is quick to admit that Florida is his favorite place. Jackie has gone with him to a quarry but is quick to admit that she would ‘‘rather dive where I can see what I am doing. It is so dark at the bottom of a quarry!”’ Roberts has taught diving to some of the youngsters at the Mount Joy Lion’s Club pool for the last couple of years. Roberts, who played bas- Susquehanna Times & The Mount Joy Bulletin MARIETTA & MOUNT JOY, PA. ketball and soccer in high school and tennis in college, is currently a member of a police softball team. He also takes time to sail, some- thing the whole family enjoys. The family also likes to ride bike together and little Alex adds that he loves wrestling. ‘I wrestle with Daddy and I can always pin him,”’ he brags. Jackie, who works part- time at Susquehanna Devel- opers in Columbia, likes to sew and, according to Alex, she mixes up a pretty good glass of Kool-Aid! The time our reporter spends with the Roberts family is also time spent with their friendly dog Baroness. ‘‘She was a stray we picked up at the Police Department in 1973,” Bill says. ‘‘She was well be- haved and very well trained. No one ever put in a claim for her.” ‘““Oh no,” says Jackie. ‘“Someone may read this and say ‘we lost a dog in 1973." When Roberts begins his job as Marietta Police Chief next week he will be working with Sgt. Stephen Englert. Englert has been serving as acting chief in Marietta since the resigna- tion of Chief Millar several months ago. The borough has also hired Bill Garman to serve in a permanent part-time position. tion. © _ ® \ © «0 : 2 a0 2 2,05 7] 5° A” BD — IN 7 \ v UEH AN NA we % 1 1 Wor lv FIFTEEN CENTS Loe | Donegal High School graduation announced for Thursday, June 5 ‘“‘Reminiscing — Reflec- tions of Our High School Years’’ will be the featured presentation at Donegal High School’s 26th Annual Commencement exercises to be held at 6:30 pm, Thursday, June 5S, on the school’s athletic field. The program was written by members of the senior class. The writing-acting commit- tee includes Theresa L. Berg (chairperson), Tracee SS. Gotwalt, Cindy L. Heagy, Jaylee R. Kennedy, Lisa M. Lucabaugh, Jennifer L. Pietsch, Lori A Sagerer, Deborah A. Torres and Donna J. Zeller. Miss Torres will sing the National Anthem and Kim- berly Boyer, accompanying herself on the guitar, will sing a theme song of her own composition. Rodney V. Arndt, class president, will give the welcoming address. The Rev. C. Calvin Rex, Zion UCC Church, Marietta, and Rev. George E. Bundy, Mt. Pleasant Brethren in Christ Church, Mount Joy, both fathers of graduating seniors, will participate with the invocation and the benediction. Ragnar Hallgren, super- Correction The Susquehanna Times made an error last week in an article on page 6 (May 21, 1980) about the quest- ions asked of Marietta Borough Council bv mem- bers of Mrs. Bowers’ third grade social studies class at Riverview Elementary School. According to the article, a third grader asked, ‘‘Why do we need a council?”’ According to the article, Council President Jay Rob- erts replied, ‘““You know, I’ve asked myself that many intendent, will present the class, and Jere Duke, president of the Donegal Board of Education, will award the diplomas. Names of the senior class members follow: Janice Diane Adrian, [continued on page 2] times.”’ Actually the question asked by the third grader was, ‘‘Why did you want to be on council?’ It was to this question that Roberts replied, ‘You know I’ve asked myself that many times.”’ The error was not made in reporting, but in setting type for the article. The Susquehanna Times apologizes to Council Presi- dent Roberts, and to its readers, for this mistake and the misunderstanding it may have caused. The two young boys here wave their flags while awaiting the beginning of the Mount Joy Memorial Day parade held last Saturday. For more photographs of the parade, as well as the parades in Marietta and Maytown, see pages 8 and 9 This week’s calendar Thursday, May 29, a gymnastics show at River- view as part of the PACT meeting at 7:30. The public is invited. Saturday, May 31, a benefit auction at the Kraybill Mennonite School, RD#1, Mount Joy. Hand- made items and antiques will be sold. Monday, June 2, the annual picnic of the Mariet- ta Senior League at SICO Park in Mount Joy.
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