CALL IN Hazel Baker [Marietta] 426-3643 Cherie Dillow [Mount Joy] 653-1609 The Susquehanna Times 426-2212 or 653-8383 : SUSQUEHANNA Vol. 80, No. 22, June 4, 1980 Command Performance Command Performance III, sponsored by PUFA (People United For the Arts) will be held at Donegal High School on Saturday, June 7. The 8pm performance will feature exhibits and enter- tainment by Donegal alum- ni, students and faculty. Alumni will be featured in a chorus under the direction of high school music instructor Mrs. RoAnn Lau. Mrs. Linda Ross, Donegal art teacher, is in charge of an art exhibit to be held in conjuction with the pro- gram. James Gerberich and Scott Hershey will exhibit a number of their photo- graphs. Entertainment for the evening includes vocal se- lections by Jonathan Bridgett, Michael Kohler, Barbara Thome Bagri, Kim Boyer, Mark Wagner, Jim Johnson, Marilyn Stroming- er Miller and Sharon Green. An alumni Dixieland in- strumental group will also perform. Dancers for the perform- ance include Patricia Reidy, Ted Hershey and Angela Quatrocelli. An interpretive dance by Debra Hostetter Morris, with Sandy Heisey providing vocal background, is also part of the program. A special surprise per- formance by Donegal faculty will be featured. Co-charimen for the per- formance are Betty Hershey and Lois Witman. Tickets are available at Hershey & Son Sport Supply, Inc., 423 West Main Street, and American Heri- tage Interiors, 441 East Main Street, both in Mount Joy. Tickets will also be sold at the door. Two graduates missed in last week’s paper In last week’s listing of the Donegal High School seniors several names were left off the list. Also graduating from Donegal this Thursday will be Susan Eileen Miller and Pamela Kay Ebersole. The Susque- hanna Times apologizes for this error. This week’s calendar Thursday, June 5, 6:30 pm, Donegal graduation exercises on the school’s athletic field. The event will be moved indoors if the wheather dictates. Saturday, June 7, at 8pm at the Donegal High School, Command Performance III by PUFA. Monday, June 9, the Marietta Auxiliary to the Columbia Hospital will meet 11:30 am at the Rising Sun, Columbia. June 9 through 13, Vacation Bible School at Cross Roads Brethren in Christ Church, Mount Joy. June 9 through 20, Vacation Bible School at the Congregational Bible Church, Marietta. If your group, club or organization has informa- tion that it would like published in the SUSQUE- HANNA TIMES Calendar, just send the information to the newspaper by Friday of the week before publication date. You can also phone in the information at 653-8383 or 426-2212. Susquehanna Times & The Mount Joy Bulk MARIETTA & MOUNT JOY, PA. the 26th annual Baccalaureate service held at Donegal High School Sunday, June 1. Shown from left to right are: Rev. George Bundy and his son Alan; Rev. Clair Baccalaureate ceremonies were held at the Donegal High School this past Sunday night. Four DHS graduating seniors are children of ministers who participated in the service. The Reverend George Bundy, Mount Joy RD#2, offered the Invocation. Bun- dy is paster of the Mt. Pleasant Brethren in Christ Church, Mount Joy. His son, Alan Bundy, plans to attend college after one year of work. Alan’s hobby is track. The Reverend Clair Wag- ner, Paster of the Gloss- brenner United Methodist Church, Mount Joy, gave the Scripture reading. Mark Wagner, his son, plans to enter Lebanon Valley College in September where he hopes to major in music. Mark excels in the arts and likes crafts, camping and music. The Reverend C. Calvin Rex, pastor of the Marietta Zion United Church of Christ, offered prayer for the service. His daughter Karla will enter Messiah College to major in account- ing this September. She enjoys Youth Fellowship and plays piano and organ, and teaches Sunday School. Offering the benediction was the Reverend Jacob Shenk, who served missions in Africa for 20 years. Now residing at Mount Joy RD#2, Reverend Shenk plans to return to Africa this fall. His son Douglas has not made any definite plans as ACR A ( AT 4,080 N aN" 3 >) 1 \M . nN S 3 J Lv » ALY" 30 ! \* vy MOV Wagner and son Mark; Rev. C. Calvin Rex and his daughter Karla; and Rev. Jacob Shenk and his son Douglas. to his future. He hopes to find a job. Douglas enjoys most sports. Speaker for the Baccalau- reate service was the Rev. Donegal Baccalaureate held Sunday evening Howard Milton, pastor of the First Methodist Church, Columbia. Sharon Zimmerman pre- sided at the organ. Inter-Church Council of Mount Joy plans Renewal 80; June 15 - 18 Renewal ’80, a revival program sponsored by Inter- Church Council of Mount Joy, will take place June 15 through 18 at the Donegal High School. Speaker for the event will be Dr. Myron Augsburger, president of Eastern Men- nonite College, Harrison- burg, Virginia. During the past twenty years Dr. Augs- burger has conducted evan- gelistic crusades and -preaching missions in major cities of the U.S., Canada, Jamaica, Europe, the Mid- dle East, India, Africa, the Orient, and Central and South America. He is the author of twelve books and has lectured on numerous college and university cam- puses. He and his wife Esther have two sons and a daughter. Conducting the musical aspect of the Inter-Church Festival of Renewal will be the Rev. Ken and Betty Masterman of Allentown. Ken is an ordained minister of the Church of the Nazarene and is also a tenor soloist and recording artist. Betty is an accomplished musician and teacher. The musical aspect of the program will include a mass chorus. Anyone interested in singing in the Renewal "80 Choir is invited to attend rehearsals on June 15 at 6:15 pm and at 6:45 pm each of the following evenings in the Donegal High School. For information on Re- newal ’'80 contact Drew Mummaw at 653-1292 or Joseph Sherer at 653-5837. Transportation issue raised by Conoy Lions The Conoy Lions Club discussed the need for area public transportation at its May 20 meeting. It was felt that a regularly scheduled shuttle might be established to connect villages and developments in western- most Lancaster County with existing train and transit routes in Marietta, Eliza- bethtown and Middletown. The service could be at commuter and prime shop- ping times. The Lions will be talking of the idea with friends and neighbors to see if the need for the service exists. Any expression of interest can be forwarded to Lion President, Guy Koser, Bain- bridge.
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