>S 1t 1- 1, 14 / = BE a i hn nT Johnson drafted Donegal senior Mitch Johnson had a big day last Thursday, June 5. Mitch learned, on his graduation day, that he had been drafted by the Boston Red Sox in the third round of SUSQ Vol. 80, No. 23, June 11, 1980 baseball’s free agent draft. Johnson, who boasts a 1.98 earned run average and 84 strikeouts in 54 innings pitched, has also been offered a scholarship with Clemson in South Carolina. Mount Joy police getting intoxilizer’ The Mount Joy Borough Council gave its approval Monday night to the acquisition by the police department of a new intoxilizer, paid for by federal money, $4368. The federal money, $4368. The new intoxilizer will provide a back-up to the present breathalizer owned by the department, which can be used as an educational device. Both devices are used to determine the degree of a person's intoxication. Council also, by a majori- ty vote, approved the purchase of a new siren, lights, and radio for a police car. Recently the police department acquired a VW Rabbit. Cost of the new equipment will exceed $1300. Approval was given to hiring three part-time police officers: Richard Allan Gib- ble, William Michael Blake, and Charles M. Kraus. Placing two more street lights on Union School Road, as recommended by PP&L, was approved by the Council. Cost ‘of the new lights will be $150 per year. Ralph B. Albert of 471 Donegal Springs Road was chosen by Council to replace Virginia Horst, who resign- ed, to take her place on Council, until her term would have expired in 1981. Two alleys were abandon- ed: Lemon Street from Main Street to Pink Alley and an unnamed alley between 459 and 461 Donegal Springs Road. Both alleys extend about 180 feet. Council voted to paint the west side of the town library, which faces Kenny Smith’s new sporting goods store. Upon a motion made by Councilman Ricedorf, the Council voted to have rules and regulations drawn up for the personnel of the police department. Susquehanna Times & The Mount Joy Bulletin MARIETTA & MOUNT JOY, PA. year’s at Donegal. Doris Marie Saylor won the Valedictorian Award at this year’s Donegal High School Commencement ex- ercises. The award was presented by the Mount Joy Annual Marietta Children’s Fair this Saturday in Memorial Park Plans have been com- pleted for the annual Children’s Fair to be held Saturday, June 14, at the Marietta Memorial Park. Stars and Stripes Forever is the theme for the Fair as well as the parade which forms at 10am in the square. The pet parade will follow the baby parade. Co-chairpersons for the parade are Karen Roberts and Claudia Sload. Moving at 11am., the line of march will continue to the *'S” bend and return on Market St. Included in the line of march will be the 26 contestants for the King and Queen of the Fair, musi- cians from Wilbur I. Beahm Junior High School, boy and girl scouts, members of the MYAA, Color Guard, and many other contestants who will receive script upon registering. Prizes will be awarded at the park from 1:30-2PM, for the parade and art winners. Personnel for the various booths according to general chairperson Flavia Ebersole are: Baby contest, Sue Clark; art contest and publicity, Vickie Carroll; fish pond, Amy Pickle and Deb Reem; craft stand, Kathy Koser, Betty Swan- ger, Jodi Bowers; baked goods, Martha Breckline, Myrna Brady, Vickie Car- roll; jewelry, Vivian Moran, Vickie Carroll, Martha Brec- kline; pets, Vickie Smith and Linda Clouser; toys, Donna Drager, Janie Wise and Amy Pickle; attic treasures, Hazel Baker and Holly Baker; plants, Brenda Gill- ham and Betty Anderson; snow cones, MYAA; games, french fries, JC's Kids’ bingo, Steve Shireman; sandwiches, Flavia Ebersole and Charles Shireman; kids’ make-up, Jody Schafner, Pam Green; free give-a- way, Flavia Ebersole; bal- loons, Marietta Restoration Associates. Proceeds from the benefit will underwrite the cost of operating the supervised summer playground activi- ties at Memorial Park. Donegal graduate Lori Thomas pauses to reflect on her Jaycee organization to the highest ranking student in the class in scholarship. Doris also won the Charles J. and Catherine Bennett College Preparatory Award as the senior who ranks first scholastically in the College Preparatory Course. The Salutatorian Award went to Connie Sue Frey. Connie also collected four additional awards during the evening, including: the English Award, presented to the graduating senior who ranks first in College Preparatory English; the Bausch & Lomb Science Award to the senior who excells in science; the Farm and Home Foundation of Lancaster County Scholar- ship); and one of four Donegal Education Associa- tion Scholarships presented. Other awards, and the winners, are as follows: The Mount Joy Business and Professional Women’s Club Scholarship to Tracee Sue Gotwalt; New Holland Community Service Award to Tracee Sue Gotwalt; -—~ | 4 < W © \ Yo 4 ov OY =~ oo 2 ow 1 WW FIFTEEN CENTS - Donegal High School Class of 1980 Valedictorian Doris Marie Saylor, left, and Salutatorian Connie Sue Frey. Business Education A- ward to Pamela Kay Eber- sole; Clerical Award to Pamela Kay Ebersole; Vocational-Technical Val- edictorian Award to Rudy Lynn Wolgemuth; Vocational-Technical Sal- utatorian Award to Gary A. Eshleman; Mount Joy Lions Club Award to Beth Ann Prowell; The Robert B. Hoffman Engineering Award to Greg- ory A. Laughlin; Armstrong Laboratory Association Merit Award for Technical and Scientific Excellence to Judith Lynne Kerschner; This week’s Saturday, June 14, the annual Marietta Children’s Fair at Memorial Park. Saturday, June 14, rum- mage sale at Marietta Youth Center. Doris Saylor Valedictorian at Donegal graduation John Philip Sousa Award for outstanding achievement and interest in instrumental music to David Franklin Eichler; Charles W. Heaps Art Scholarship presented by the Seiler School and Home Association to Mary Mar- garet Meszaros; Mount Joy Chapter Amer- ican Business Women’s Association scholarship to Susan Louise Gillham; Attendance Award to Brenda Lee Poston; The Thomas D. McCoy Memorial Award for Patriot- ism to Tracy R. McCoy; [continued on page 2] calendar If your group, club or organization has informa- tion that it would like published in the SUSQUE- {ANNA TIMES Calendar, Just send the information to the newspaper by Friday of the week before publication date. You can also phone in the information at 653-8383 or 426-2212.
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