Picture by Warren Foley made from tacks and staples. Painting by Warren Foley. Warren Foley’s art adorns the library by Emmy Lou Foley Mr. Warren Foley is displaying some of his art work at the Mount Joy Library this month. He has been painting since high school, mostly with oil and palate knife. He also does a bit of metal sculpturing. Mr. Foley has exhibited at places throughout Lancaster County. Two Wrestlers Advance Two Indian wrestlers ad- vanced to the third round of the District Three Class AA Wrestling Championships at Reading last week. Jerry Garner at 126 Ibs. pinned Columbia’s Gardin- ier at the 5:14 mark, while Jim Howell at 185 Ibs. pinned his opponent, Leister of Hanover, with 1:09 gone in the match to remain unbeaten. Howell and Gar- ner, along with Georger Mohr were among champion wrestlers’ feted at the All-Star banquet held in Lebanon last week. SUSQUEHANNA TIMES - Page 5 Joycee-ette fashion show Mar. 15 by Sharon Green The Mount Joy Joycee- ettes will sponsor a fashion show and card party on March 15th from 8:00 to 11:00 p.m., at the Mount Joy American Legion. This year’s theme is ‘Fashion Boutique’’ and will combine the greenery of plants with the greenery of St. Patrick’s Day. Fashions for this year’s show are being provided by the Trudi-K Shop of Manheim, and fashions shown will Cubs by Linda W. Peters The Cub Scouts of Pack 263 held their annual Blue & Gold Banquet on Saturday evening, February 28th at the Florin Fire Hall. A pro- gram of magic and ventrilo- 28 Girl Scouts in Maytown by Janet Ney Maytown Girl Scout Troop 24 has been organized with a membership of 28 girls. The troop leader is Mary Kerschner. Jeanette Ruth and Judy Wilson are assis- tant leaders. The troop meets at St. John’s Luther- an Church every Monday night. The troop consists of S patrols: The Charmers, leader Pam Linard; Pan- thers, leader Pam. Ney; Snoopy, leader Cindy Brommer; Kittens, leader Patty Meszaros and Pandas, leader Kim Derr. At the present time the girls are working on badges with some of the parents as resource persons. Don Kraybill will address EMBM youth The 62nd annual meeting of the Eastern Mennonite j Board of Missions will be held at the Lancaster Men- nonite High School, March 19-21. The theme is ‘‘Ex- tending Christ’s Kingdom.”’ The speaker at a special youth rally scheduled for Saturday, 7:30 p.m., is Donald Kraybill, instructor at Elizabethtown College. The special weekend meetings will be held in the new auditorium - gymnasi- um facility at Lancaster Mennonite High School which has accommodations for seating 2000 persons. dine ly « Vy) range from clothes for children to outfits for the mature women. In addition to various Joycee-ettes and their children, models will be Mary Gingrich, Mary . Ellen Kohler, Ruth Bals- baugh, and Mary Sprecher. Hand crafted door prizes will be awarded during the evening. Chances on a Trudi-K Shop gift certifi- cate will also be sold. Coffee and a dessert will be served following the fashion show. After the at Florin quism was presented to the boys and their parents by Holly D. Rankin, a former Cub Leader from the West- ern District. Several boys earned achievements and awards which were presented at the banquet by Cub Master Charles Eshleman. dessert, a card party will round out the evening's activities. Chairwomen for the event are: LaVon Harnish, tables and tallies; Sue Gantz, models and fittings; Kathy Bower, dessert; Sarah Heckert, door prizes; Sharon Green, publicity; Patsy Hoffer, tickets. All seats are being re- served for groups of four. For tickets call Patsy Hoffer at 653-5958 or any Joycee- ette. Tickets are $2.25 each. Fire Hall Sunday, February 29th, the boys celebrated Scout Sunday by attending the Donegal Presbyterian Church as a group. Many parents and leaders Mr. and Mrs. David Miller, Mrs. Joseph Edgell, and Mrs. George Keyton also attended. 8 HOURS 17 New Haven Street Mt. Joy, Pa. 34 “I haul cancelled store orders, odd discontinued items and samples from Carolina factories to a warehouse outlet in Mt. Joy.” “NO StCONDS’* “Priced just above nice used things.” MISTAKES | FURNITURE | NYRI GEE “Since 1915" CILIA Pe dB MEL & GERRY HEISTAND, PROPS. Insure two and SAVE ! If you're a two-car family, ! Nationwide can save you i money on your auto insurance. Additional lib- eralized benefits are avail- able to those who qualify. Call a Nationwide agent for , complete details. JACK TYNDALL 805 Church Street Mount Joy, Pa. PHONE 653-5970 NATIONWIDE INSURANCE es Natonwide 1s on your side Nationwide Mutuai Fire Insurance Co. Heme Office: Columbus, Ohio Buy Only One More Muffler! FREE REPLACEMENTS FOR LIFE OF CAR a (Labor not included) MIRE 0018) LODE Rf [| Meant Joy, Pa. MOUNT JOY LEGION 4 4 1 § [2 miles E. of Mt. 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