SO ane EER March 10, 1976 WHOLESALE Columbia Tobacco Co., Inc. 684-2710—Party Sup- plies, Cigarettes, Tobacco, Candy, Paper Goods—438 Locust St., Columbia, PA. SALE Mitchell 300 reels, reg. $26.99, special $19.99. Effective until March 13. Columbia Hardware, Mari- etta. FOR RENT Mount Joy, 3 rooms and bath. Newly remolded. For responsible adults only. Contact manager, 210 E. Main St., Mount Joy. SALE Rabbit Guard galvanized welding wire. 28 in. x S0 ft, reg. 15.49, special $10.99. 40 in. x S0 ft., reg. $19.29, special $14.99. Columbia Hardware, Marietta. NOTICE Carpentry Work Done. Resonable rates. George Shinkosky. 426-3511. SALE Fertilmix potting soil by Hoffman—1 week only. All reduced 20%. Columbia Hardware, Marietta. NOTICE Remodeling, building, and electrical work. Also, picnic tables, gun cabinets, hutches, desks, & children’s furniture, made to order. 898-2877 or 442-4751. 821 Centerville Rd., Lancaster, 17601. SALE Aluminum tennis rackets by Sportscraft, $9.99. Columbia Hardware, Mari- etta. FOR SALE Used 8 H.P. Wheel Horse tractor with 38’° mower. used 12 H.P. International Cub Cadet with 42’° mower. Brandt Mower. 653-5795. COUNTY WIDE NOTICE Just moved to our area? Recently engaged? Had a baby? To have the most famous basket in the world at your doorstep, please call—Barbara Banks, 653-4478 or Cherie Dillow, 653-1609 (Mount Joy area), or Hazel Baker, 426-3643 (Marietta & Maytown area). Welcome Wagon. SALE 12%o0z. American Hard- ware spray enamel, reg. $1.89, special $.99. Effec- tive until March 13. Colum- bia Hardware, Marietta. NOTICE Before buying carpet, see what we have to offer. Hies- tand Carpet Sales. By appointment. 367-4290. SALE Scott’s Super Turf Builder 10,000 sq. ft., reg. $18.95, special $11.95. Save 35%. Limited Supply-only 8 bags left. Columbia Hardware, Marietta. HAVING A PARTY? Let me prepare your food. Will service if desired. State inspected. Miriam’s Cater- ing, 653-5766. FOR RENT Roto-tiller, lawn roller, chain saw, refrigerator dolly shampooer, Mr. Steam, all special priced. Columbia Hardware, Marietta. HELP WANTED Stay with family days and add to family income even- ings. Part or full time work—showing Beeline Fashions. For interview call 653-4140 or 684-5838. FOR SALE ’6S Chevy Impala, 3 speed, good condition. 426-3663. FOR SALE Oday Widgeion with trailer, excellent condition. Asking $850. 872-4404. BUSINESS DIRECTORY wen NEEDHELP? OR SERVICE? One of these reputable firms may be able to be of assistance ARNOLD PONTIAC-OLDSMOBILE New'& Used Car Sales & Service MAYTOWN, PENNA. HOLLINGER OIL SERVICE MOUNT JOY 653-4484 ATLANTIC PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Oil Burner Sales & Service LESTER P. ESHELMAN \ MASONRY petits CONTRACTORS===5% Brick-Block-Stone Silicone Masonry CARRIGER PAINT & BODY SHOP Cars painted Wrecks rebuilt Wheel Alignment Service Waterproofing RHEEMS 367-6450 Call 393-6732 MYER PRINTING SERVICE RAYMOND MILLER OFFSET PRINTING AUCTIONEER LOW PRICES s : For complete auctioneering 52 S. Market Street service call Elizabethtown, Pa. .4188 or 653-4355 Phone 367-6169 965 =" List Your Business In This Directory FOR ONLY $25.00 FOR 10 WEEKS EE a SRL ey ESTATE NOTICE Estate of John L. Camp- bell, late of East Donegal Township, Lancaster County PA. Letters testamentary on said estate having * been granted to the undersigned, all person indebted hereto are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims of demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement to the undersigned. John L. Campbell, Jr., 218 East Donegal Street, Mount Joy, PA 17552. John P. Hohenadel, Esquire, for: NIKOLAUS & HOHENADEL Attorney PUBLIC NOTICE The Mount Joy Borough Authority will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, March 16, 1976, at 8:00 p.m., at the Florin Fire Hall, 134 North Market Avenue, Mount Joy, PA. The purpose of this meeting will be to receive and consider proposals for value engineering for its sewer project. MOUNT JOY BOROUGH AUTHORITY Joseph S. Bateman Administrator ESTATE NOTICE Estate of Warren SS. Aungst a/k/a Warren S. Aungst, Sr., late of West Donegal Township, Lancas- ter County, PA Letters testamentary on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted hereto are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims of demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement to the undersigned. Union National Mount Joy Bank, Mount Joy, PA HERR, KERCHNER & HERR Attorney ESTATE NOTICE Estate of Nelson SS. Meyers, late of Mount Joy Borough, Lancaster County, PA. Letters testamentary on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted hereto are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims of demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement to the undersigned. Union National Mount Joy Bank, -vMain & Barbara Streets, Mount Joy, PA 17582. ARNOLD, BRICKER, BEYER & BARNES Attorney ESTATE NOTICE Estate of Dorothy E. Clugston, late of Mount Joy Borough, Lancaster County, PA. Letters testamentary on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted hereto are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims of demands against the same will’ present them without delay for settlement to the undersigned. Wayne A. Clugston, 156 Manheim Street, Mount Joy, PA 17552. MORGAN, HALLGREN & HEINLY Attorney PUBLIC NOTICE The Donegal School Dis- trict is soliciting bids for the purchase of a 3-door upright reach-in refrigerator and a 2 compartment 24’’ wide Con- vection Steamer. Specifica- tions are available at the District Office, South Mar- ket Avenue, Mount Joy, PA 17552. (Telephone 717-653- 1447) Bids are due at the above address no later than April 2, 1976, and will be awarded at the Board Meeting on April 15, at 7:30 p.m. DONEGAL SCHOOL DISTRICT Lillian K. Fry Secretary SUSQUEHANNA TIMES - Page 19 Mount Joy Central Zoning Board | @¢/ #otel kes on The Mount Joy Borough Zoning Hearing Board will hold a meeting on Wednes- day, March 17, 1976, at 7:30 p.m. in th Borough Offices Building, 21 E. Main St., Mount Joy to announce the decisions of the hearing held on February 4 for Robert Kline and February 25 for D. C. Gohn Associates. Serving luncheon and dinners daily. Finest in gourmet dining—parties and banquets. “Tours of A. Bube's Brewery and Cata- combs —weekends beginning April 10, 1976. Daily, May | to November |, 1976 Readers devour every word in the Susquehanna Times They'll eat up your ad too. SIDING ROOFING GUTTERS SANDBLASTING INSULATION PATIOS PORCHES GARAGES CURBING SIDEWALKS KITCHENS BATHROOMS CEILINGS FLOORING PANELING FREE ESTIMATES PAGE CORPORATION 684-6981 2854575 The Columbia Factory Outlet WALLPAPER SALE 25% OFF WALLPAPER 10% OFF VINYLS & PREPASTED OPEN DAILY 9:00 A.M. To 6:00 P.M. FRI. Til 9:00 LINCOLN HIWAY > Mile East of Columbia. Turn South on Oswego Drive. Phone 684-6341. Please send me the Susquehanna Times weekly [50 issues per year] for: Lancaster County 1 year-$5.00 2 years-$8.00 3 years-$10.00 [outside Lancaster County] 1 year-$5.50 2 years-$9.00 ! 3 years-$12.00 Outside USA-inquire about rates Mail to: Susquehanna Times Box 75A, R.D.1, Marietta,PA 17547
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