Page 18 - SUSQUEHANNA TIMES Girl by Mrs. Michael R. Young At 5:00 p.m. on March 12, 1976, ‘‘Flames of Freedom'’ will be lighted by U.S. Girl Scouts around the world. The time is shortly before sunset. As night falls on this, the 64th Girl Scout Birthday, during the na- tion’s Bicentennial year, the light of commitment will be burning brightly wherever there's a Girl Scout troop. It will shine not only across the North American continent, but also in the islands and Scouts prepare to the Canal Zone, and in our Girl Scout Troops on foreign soil around the world. Locally, girls in the Witness Tree District, Penn Laurel Girl Scout Council, will be lighting ‘‘Flames of Freedom’’ at the historic Donegal Presbyterian Church, site of the famous old Witness Tree for which the district is named. Those attending the cere- mony will be greeted by Senior Troop #45, Fiizabeth- town Neighborhood, at 4:15 p.m. Cadette Troop #936, Hempfield Neighborhood, will carry out the flag ceremony, a color retreat to the hymn, ‘‘O Beautiful Banner.”’ Scouts will then gather at the nearby springs to hear Troop #45 perform a special choral reading written by Mary Karnes, a member of the Donegal congregation. Following the singing of ‘‘America’’ and several Girl Scout songs, the girls will disperse over the grounds. At precisely 5:00 p.m., “Taps” will be sounded as the candles are lighted. As the candles glow, the hymn *‘Rise Up O Flame”’ will be sung by Mrs. Walter Forry and Mrs. W. Scott Heisey, organizers of the special birthday event. The hour-long ceremony will end as the scouts sing ‘‘Taps”’ and the “Flames of Free- dom” are extinguished. All Girl Scouts at every level throughout the Wit- ness Tree District are invited to participate in this symbolic event. Entire troops, representative groups, scouting families, and any interested individ- uals are encouraged to light ‘Flames of Freedom’ attend. Senior and . Cadette Girl Scouts are asked to bring their own ‘‘lumin- arias’’ (a brown lunch bag in which a votive candle is embedded in sand with the bag top turned down approximately 3°’) and matches. In case of rain, an alter- nate program is planned to take place inside the church. Those having questions about the event call Mrs. Forry, 898-7375, Heisey, 367-1310. or Mrs 5 more ways to Save on your phone bill vs 17. Want to avoid excessive long distance charges in general? Try tim- 7 ing your calls, so you can “say it all” without overtime charges. To help you, just jot down the things you would like to discuss. 19. The information pages at the front: of your local telephone book are a good source for tips on how to place your calls and how to save time and money in using your telephone. Look in the book, and save. 20.1 a coin phone takes your money but doesn’t give you your call, you're, of course, entitled to a refund. Just find a phone that works, dial “Operator” and tell her what happened. We'll send you a refund in the mail. (We’d also appreciate it if you'd tell the operator the telephone number and location of the phone that’s out of order so we can get it fixed as soon as possible.) 16. The time at the calling point determines the applicable rate period for long distance calls. Save money on these calls, including Overseas calls, by referring to your call guide in the front of your telephone directory for the most economical rate period. 18. Before you place a long distance call to a business, check to see if they have a toll-free number. You can recognize it because it has an 800 prefix instead of a regular area code. If they have one, it’s usually displayed in their advertising, or you may find it listed in your own local telephone directory. If so, the call’s on them, and you save. THE UNITED TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA A Company of United Telecommunications, Inc. This advertisement is another in a series of helpful and cost saving tips from your United Telephone Company to help you save money. (And everyone knows saving money is not easy these days). EER (Vk dtd Bum March 10, 1976 LEl 28 wy Bs els et X FIT: only » a ANDTHER FAMOUS "PRODUCT ® R.V.RICHARDS & SONS “Call us to do your work” 426-1836 Use Your MASTERCHARGE BANKAMERICARD Fri. & Sat.—Prime Rib WEEKEND SPECIAL — CHICKEN CHOW MEIN OVER RICE na AND SALAD. : Kitchen Open Mon. - Sat. 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. - 12 p.m. Mount Joy — 653-4301 Food prepared by Marion Bleacher
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