• I (`SOON Skin nnii Mail° Robes at GEISER'S.:PATENT SELF-REGULATING u pR ic. & nommen. GRAIN -SEPARATOIL I SQUIRL, , Coney and'minkPiliMalfosmicn'o• t LIAM MOIR IND 11WEr. No Implement More Important to the farmer than o PIR6T-CLASB GRAIN THRESHER AND . CLEANER—for none pays him so well andspeedi iy. The above cut shows the ONLY GELSET MA CHINE new built under the immediate eye of the old inventors themselves, With all the additional im provements made during the past 18 veins, ar,d now with first class workmen and material this machine justly stands high up above all of its class. As a Thiesher it is equal to the best, as n Cleaner it is su perior to any existing machine. This is admitted by all honest - competitors. - Indeed it is the on% machine that really can, by one operation „thorough ly threak and clean grain fit - tor market—But-the fact that grain direct from this machine commands from 2 to 3 cents a uushol more than grain direct trim any other machine. settles the question of its anporiority, as a cleaner over all others. Impartial judges at all the Suite and County Fairs where it was thoroughly and practien44 tested, in competi tion wiibluther leading machines, always agree that it is more simple—more /mealy understood and "op erated by those unskilled in machinery—more dura hie,—threshing as much and yet cleaning better— with less power and more comfort to hands than any other machine in use—and besides all that is void for less money according to capacity. These facts are further attested by the thousands of pur chasers, some of whom have had them in use for the lest 18 years. To supply the wants of all, we now make 4 sizes, viz: From a. 2 Horse Railway or 3 Horse Lever Power, to a ten Horse Lever power, with limes ranging from 8190 to 8360, without power. We also make the latest ins pri.ved triple-geared Horse Powers suitable for each' size machine ranging from *490 to 8135, and all fully arrd fairly warranted. For further infor mation send for Circular and Price List., Respouctde Agents wsnlvd to torrttory - not intro duced. Address' • • I'HE ULMER - MANUFACTURING CO., W. 416 MCISDORCI', Franklin Co., . Petana jan See Here Read This ! NOTICE ! HE auhs~ribrr hqs just returned from the East - •gn bonds 4,1 G 1,4,11 ` , ..., such-a• BOOTS. SHOES, GAITE-11S, BALMO RALs and all kinds Boats and Mhoes for Men and boys, NVonten, Musas and Children. which he is -tonn , pleatte. ang—at--prieee- let HATS OF E,VEItY STYLE fir Men and Boys, Cnps of all the leading styles to suit-and-tit-any &Intl. o trough' our Hunk cheap and ara determined to sell accordingly. Notions ! Notions ! Notions I READ THE LIS7. Shirts and Drawers Gsuntlate, ienspenders Driving Cleves Paper Collars Fur top Glove. . Gloves Hosiery Miheep Vkin Glottis Wool knit Half Hose Lisle Thread Gloves Cotton Halt Hose Wool-knit Giovss Germantown Half Hoe. ritstfletilets Black bilk Tie. Fancy bilk Tip. Broad End Tios Ladies cc is Pa cuffs Linen Handkerchiefs Pocket LSOLIkti Put itnto mum Brushes Pocket knives Cloth Brushey Pen Knives tahavit g Bru-shee' N nil K niece, Hair Dimities Fancy Knipe Tooth Brushes Perfumery Bruokuts Ali nui. Combs Pins and Needles ltaitors Lead Pencils Gum Cops Mates Violin strings Ink Note Paper Pen Hotdeve Envelopes , Blacking Pair OA Memoranda. Toy PI acpet tacks Crochet Needles • Fancy toys, &c &c. &c. and in lourth. GOLD AND S[LVER WATCHES, A merierin, Swiss and English; Beth'Thnnris and o ther blocks. Jewell or evely description for La nier, Gents, Mi4ses a n d Children at breatly reductd prices. Finger Rings, a large stock, Ono Gold, Fancy Bert, Chased find Fancy Finger Rings; Silv er and other Plated Rings hi great variety, watch elrains, Guards, Rib ma, Bracelets, Charms, Sleeve buttons, Gold Year and Pencils; watch chain hooka keys, dtc, Trut,ko, Cahos, Umbrellas, 13askets, Matt., CurpiVlinits, R. R. Bart; Tobacco, eignrs and Nme. udwlieN, , Fruits, Hni•uur. Auto uzid Colifretinnarii& of all lima% Come mite, come •11, nod—buy. Tl.nnkittl for punt !avian hu hopes by n desire to pittuse to merit u ltbural share of public *pntronuge EZEKIEL ELDEN, Oct A 1459. A K. IS kL NIS H. 0 TS , ill • ItESIDENT DENTIST, . -ir 44.411 WAYNESBORO', PA., Can he found at all times at hie office where he it prepared to insert teeth on'the heat basis in used end at prima to suit the times. Teeth connote. teithoolpain by thi. use of chloroform, ember. trouts oxide ina or the freezing process, in a manner surpassed by none. WVE the unoldreigned toeing acquainted with A. K. Branisholts for the pawl. year. Can recom "vend him -to the public generaill to be a 'Dentist well qualified to perform all operations belonging to Dentistry in the most skillful manner. • Dm J. B. A NIBERSON, 1. N. SNIVELY, E. A. HERRING, J. M. RIPPLE, J..L OtiLLIO, • A. S. BC/NEI:MAKE, :wept 211.fj T. D. FRENCH. How is this for High ! J OHN FORD in returning thanks to, the public Utir their patronage announces that he intends ?moving Lis shop to the linseinent,of Walker's (,ind nut leaving town as is the he Woe ,man)) where he intends carrying ou the BOOT. ANL SHOE BUtillkl.Dl o .l as usual, All penions knowing themselves, indebted to me 'will please call and settle their accounts, for I pay -cash for my stock and most have tny, money.— , m% want to cue tke face of that unwilcume Ayr, the Leputy from. "net Fletcher." prowling a bout my shop seeking ,whom he mayelevour, &c. Customers will therefore find me at the Busto anent referred , to after the lust of Airil next • .jun IX] s J. ra OEN TLSTR IT2 JR .L.M.,PEDDIGOIII.4iate oflllan Fran Clap, Ual., huis luciteti in • Wayneshoro'i and will ar- La://d.to cli.th. birdaches of the profession. in wthor , otnibly practic'.l manner. Teeth extracted aei,lAotti ii :pain by Nitro, Oxide Gas, or it highly improwil fresninrproan r. " 'ollie° two 4i.oors west of the Village Record Of 10 0 . augll-tf IRORBE and Buggy Blankets at Paws & Harmon's. . ii -- ,nodit and Tai)l6 Oil CI:VI* ato . ,E l'aloic as nettratoeit. , • . ~ LARGE Stock of ftibewli se Para a Houma's, C ALIO° by the pountlhaittlf yard at Poles & Hosruou'e. L ARGE stock of Gloves and llosieiy nt Paws a floarractes W ATER Proof and Beavei Cloths at 4 Paws a lior.rwou's. PLAIDS, A Ireccaii and EmptCas Cloths I.t' Pars a 111.Enten's, FINE assortment of Knit Goods at • • , ' - Paws a flosetten's n OYAL Baking Powder and tiny:AT Giulia starch JR,at rocs a Hoznrcit's. N EW Orleans Molmeses, new crop, at Patc'E a llounten's, OOLONG and Imperial Teas at Pivera• Hosst.lott's., R OAbTED and (3rnrie P n a ff ic7a r t l i o mimes. GRAIN and Ground Pepper at Pawn a Houracu'a. uIIEESE and Crackeis, fresh, at Palos a Manacles. MILITARY Over and Dress Coats at Pates a Horticu'e. B OOTS and Shoes, cheap, at b.= a lionnton'a. CARPETS and Carpet Chainut llonetten'a. EVERYBODY READ THIS AND REMEMBER TEAT MILLER & BEAVER Have received their Fall and Winter Goods, and are• now ready to matt great iniucentents to all who wish to save money in mating their tail purchases. Their stuck cot at ca-u-crua for Ladies and Gems consist of all the Io,U styles, each us Silks, Alpacas, Poplin Mohair, lent Delanex, &c. Cloths, Black and Fancy Cassimeres, Overeoatings Velveteens, Cords, t_-atinetts, Jeans, Tweeds, tt — c, In the notion hue they have Cuff', collars, pink, ties, handkerchiefs, Hosiery, gloves, mitts, comforts, switches, chignons, corset., suspenders, laccs_tapes, trimmings, and Ladies and Gems underwear. For Ladies' Wrappings they have Long, f.-. 7 quare, Shoulder and• Breakfast shawls, Nubies, hioods, etc. Their stock of • : 1 I . i" V 4. *. ' • WA.ItE Queensware, Cedarware, Oil Cloths, Carpets, &c., is large and was selected to suit the trade. All they ask is an •inspection of their Stock to be con vinced of the truth. No trouble to show goods. Fresh Butter, Lard, Eggs, liege, Ate takenjin ex change for goods Ours 10 ,ECVALIDS DON'T DERPAM I - ; 000 1 :7 , ,41 , 4 \ 1 / 4 , Thousatub3 have found relief. grad thousandaavill-turtrtolhis-Idedi- .. 1 4 rine, after exhausting their nurses j and patience In search. of health. - Glumness of the bead, dullness of the ruin& ii?! breath, coated tonne, loss of appetite, pains and weak ness In the si omach, enlargement of the liver, yellow ness of the akin, constant fever and thirs.t.wilif n total or . spy ktnl of employ' meet. FAH R TriLY . FiTANACEA, lf - taatfluid - perseieriStl In for a few days, wlll remove this whole Mass ofaTmo - - - trena. The I;utile of the body become pure, and mind clear, the stomach strengthenod, the tongue clean, the t giTt c l l te inztionvlclawneed P tlwr, 1s lees ir i flllll o t s o o to t t ilt o od u. Dr. P. FAHRNEY'S Celebrated Blood Cleanser or Panacea. As a medleine for children. the Panama Is, in every way, calculated to take the place of the endless variety of drugs which are annually sold for that purpose., and which are often very injuriona. A medicine which pos. sw,ea the. qualities of a cathartic OF woll an undid alter alive, and which to Capable of arresting diserhowithont the least injury to the child, to of incalculable value to every mother. An a cathartic, it h very selective, yet it doea not, I f given in proper quantities, reuse Manson or d I itres4 to the stomach or bowels. It Is very plea ant to the tonic, a hid: is a very important feature as a medicine for children. As ft preventive of dictate It is n a proceden Ted, as it acts directly upon the digestive or gans and the blood. In all bereft:lons dliemes, it is the e to -tire medicine ever offered to the public t and, Irgiven reth larly nad perheyeringly, lion eruptive dia. erv.t,s coMmon to children may he entirely eradicated. .. , ...s, f rn Prelt a red ( :I , l , f ,co P E. ..Fe l itine i y::A lto r s. i. b . r. , e, . :. 3001 7. . ' if . riCllßlilli. 30 . 2col:lh Dearborn ' It' S " . , ; 11., C nu' i 00. Price A I .:!5 per hots le, ~,. ; ' Cr tor sale by Wholesalu and Retail •. ~,i,d, • dealera.. And by F. Fourthnum, J. B. Amborson, M. D, and Dr. A. S. lionrbruPe, ATWaynesbnr.)' ; E. B. Winger, Quin y . Rouz r 8t FrAntz,Vikesville Deeembtr 8 LEW W. DETRICH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, • W A ):1• 7 1{11B0110 ' , PA , WILL give pritupt owl close attention to nil totainemi intrusted to tos tire. Office ilex door to the Bowden House in thu Walker building , nog 25 tt i Mroil TA IV 7A" ' F9 Fri 11.02 ERA. RAMSDELL NORWAY OATS, moms Osiris far superirr to any other for its I. greet yield per acre and excellent quality. The st.ilku grow firm anti do to.t lodge vary, many of them bearing Irom 150 to 250 grains. e ii ye evideice that•many bushels were sold last season under this name, which war an entirely different and inferior grain. This seed wee old,inrd brow L. W. Rnmetletl, and is warranted genuine, tree of all foul seed.— Furnished in any sized sucks deeired. Address A. M. BELL & BRO., Waynesboro', franklintio , Pa. P. S.—One and a quarter bu,hels should be sown to the acre. jan 26—tf -- Administrators' Notice. "Kr MICE is hereby given that Letters of Ad ministration on the Estate of John Wiatik, late id Washington township, dec'd, have been granted to the undersigned. Ali those indebted are reques ted to make immediate payment, and those having will present them pteperly authenticated fur _interment. HENRY +SHANK, LANIsL , JACUI3s, mar 2---611 Adm;nistrators. PRIVATE SALE THE subicribei offers at private sale 4 valunielo Lots with allowatice for alleys, tton deg on West Main t►treet, Waynesboro', in the rear ut which is a Lot containing a belt' acre, more or .Thb,lots will be auks' together or orpanAtioly suit purcnamers. (LE W F. YOIttIMAA. feb D=lf' - MILLINERY - .GOODS' TO 'TDB LADIES ! t it r RS. C. L. HOLLlNLlEllirtlit — lias juit so Likoeited a full auppl.tof 'new Millenary gooda Lamer are invited tp CBI{ aid er9lllitlf tier etoeh.c to* 3 ' of AKE NIDE A ' :1) EN S AIT,ED • - iSANSI!I OLD A DAQ to I I.ll'a live cti) ilo9t 1 Wit whoriver yi u. visit'uco Xottr•rtiotiiy to tuo Witt vnth thot.,; Anil polo opiiIPIZI.. ds. , ,lo'vg - attltt,ts , • given the ?tam: ai , Sfo,:te,,e - r,.44 ..,If,f•Wif, for- horiin'g " . tho best and ;cheap ' .eit•itibre ; all .they %mut is • Ihnyers LJ,iall aUrt t Z rmine' ~ ;heir stock.Sint contr'hei, il its usslses Our stock consists in Orin. al the tolnrifing oracles LADIES' DRE S S 000.11}S, ALPACAS, • 11F/PB . ; Al 011 A I RS, POPLIN'S, A RAMNS, DELA !NE'S, . OPERA CLOTHS, IrEPELLAN TS, ENGLISH 'VELVETEEN 6, &a, ett. ttim"., Cloths, Dr,ekin Cassimers, 'Cord's. Salinens, Cot tonades., Lineup, TmedF, &c, &c. We would call eFpecill attention to our stock of LADIES' CUSTOM-MADE SHOES, in Last i ng and Morocco, cheap GROCERIES. We hove bought tvge, consequently bought cheap All our goods; have been bought at mule prices, eonsequent , y. we are enabled to undersell tho.iu who bought bufwe the decline. CALL AND SEE. - $5O And we wilt lave to you what we say. All kinds of Country Produce --B()Lt;H'l' AN D SOLD tiTOVilt dr. WOLFF Noy. 24, 1870 The following record of one day's accidents, all front the sante caust, viz: the use of inf,rior Uoal 1,11, is taken from the l'ailadelpats Ledger of a re• centdate : • • 'he ala of — fireTlYa -evening, at 0 cox. , was citi4ed by the burning of the dwelling, corner of 16:11 and Poplcr, resulting limn the explosion of a curl vii lamp. Albs. ticreh, occupying the second sloo_ol the dwelling_had_reuxe • n few momenta betbre the discovery of the fire On ehtering her room, w:anied in 1131111. s." "Abp ut 7 o'clock yesterday raving, a coal oil la lop in the hands_of_Sarah Alexander, who lives un Uouslip near 16th. tihe was sever ly burned. 'Margaret eolligan, residing in the .rear of 618 South at, was bullied by the explosion of a coal oil lamp. Her husband. while attempting to txtin. gutsh the flames; war also severely burned. Two of the-abo%e injuries." All such fearful accidents, resulting in death and the destruction of valuable propeity, may be avoid ed by using" CARSON'S S TELLER 01L," which is known to be. a perfectly safe and reost h e iirunn natur. It is - for ■ale by . Ainberion, Betiothet & Co., Wityneslioro'; E. B Winger, Quincy. Lfi.li 2-INL I. D.- 5.S M T lias a complete assortment of Ladies, Geutlemen's, Plisses' Children's BOOTS, SHOES DB GUTBBS. Cull and bee goods and get, pleas. THOMSON'S "GLOVE FITTING GOR SETS, at SMITH'S. 80110014 BOOKS and SCHOOL STATIONERY of all kinds at 62411TH'13 Town 11411 Store 'HATS AND CAPS, efail atoek now ready, cot:misfit:le of all tho I Most sty lem, at PAPER COLLARS, Ties, Suspenders, Gloves, evCryt bine in that line, at Town Lia.l Store. FOR SA LE. The Kubscrilw has now lin sale Locu , l, and Chest nut Posts, 150.,1 each. Also Limo fur Plastering and ‘Vhitewdbhing. mar fl•r1 ST. CLCUD HOTEL, Arch Street,allove Seventh St., Philadelphia Entirely new, with ample capacity for 250 e nests. Terms, $3 per day. The iSt. Cloud is newly and elegantly turniahed.throughont. and is open for the rocepti m of guests, by the undersigned, who have so successfully conducted for tine prat ten years the ,well known Mountain Heu.c, at Crosaon Sprimo. mar9.Bmos] 0. W. MULLIN & DUO., Prop rt. lime! Lim . e ! TIME subscribers announce to the public that 1 they hove now for sale et their Kilns. 23 miles •Northeast of Waynesboro'. a superior welkin of Wood.l.urnt Lim for Plastering. &c.. which they wib continue to have on band dur• nig Nye 11681011. Terms reasonable: tub 23 6m]• , HESS lit 11110 MOSEY WANTED. ITIHE ktchool Directors of the Waynesboro' 'School District wont to tiorrow Enda 'lndu ltam! Dolls rs, for which they will issue Donde of t-e school Merritt hearing intero at at the rota of Seen pc mot. jar annum end free of taxes. lty order of the Doer& marl-4r) J A ery. I.F:DitON7 — Atim;nwir tors. fob. ,16-6 t PUBLIC SALE. rllllll subscriber will sell at Public Sale, in the Village of Quincy, on kietunlay , the flrAt tlay•of April, 1871, at 10 iltltick. A. M., 8 BUII.I/ING mar. 23— SR pr-ROCOrIC spniticler, nt •- -ALEX. LEEDS' ouuil lying on the flour, rfi OTICE is hereby given that letters of Admin. 114ietration on the estate of Leah Fox, l a w of Washington township,' deed, has heen granted to the undersigned. • All persons knowing them spires indebted to soid•estnte, will Menge ineke im m, ditto payment, and these having cliims against the same will potent them properly authenticated fur settlement. .HENItY WALTER, Atlcer. mar 23--6 w • JOiesEPll AIIIMOUlt• 'A, ®BEAT MEDICAL, DISCOVER Dr. wnZicEws,c_txxiionzoaA VINEGAR .BITTERS Eundreds of Thousands 2 , A. Dear testimony. to their Wonder- s R. ,„s 0 ful Curative Effects. zo i ` .f g WHAT ARE THEY? E,DP 0 0 ; g n .1, v o .o g - ti n y l e, a: ao n P. Li n !4. 1.1 o f 3 g •P t. 5. 5 P. 5 . 0 so t. - ti z a 13 fa Ye ••• 'a:: '• a.; tO . -•.: , • LI pr. o c , eg-g. E 4? MET ABE EDT A TILE FANCY DRINK. Few Nada of roar Vane, Whiskey, Proof SIAM. and Refuse Liquors doctored, spiced and avocet tried to please the taste, called " Toutcs,". Appotiz re," " B.cstorcils," c., that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but era a true Medicine, made from the .Irative Boots end limbs of California, lite° from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They are the GREAT BLOOD Puniriza. and A MBE GIVING PRINCIPLE& perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the System, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. No person can take these Bitters according to dim- Con and, remain long unwell. $lOO willbo given for an incurable case, provided the bones aro not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond tho point of repair. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rhentaa. titan and Gout, Dyspepsia, or Indlgentlan. Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers- DI aenses of the Blood, Liver, Ridneye, and Bladder. these Bitters have been most success ful. Such Diseases ars canted by Vitiated Blood, which Is generally produced by derangement of the Di gestivo Organs. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, Bead ache, Pain In the Shoulders, Coughs. Tightnees of the Cheit, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad'taeto in the Month, Bilious Attacks;_ralpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lunge, raln in the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painftd -- syMpterns, ere the offsprings of Dyspepsia. They Invigorate the Stomach end stimulate the tor pid liver mid bowels, which render them of unequalled efficacy In cleansing the blood of all impurities, and imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. FOIL SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Totter, Salt Kheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Can Ding-Worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Erysip elas, Itch, Scurfs, Dlscolorotions of the Shin, Humors and Diseases of the Edda, of whatever name or statue, aro literally dug up and carried out of th . e eystem in a - short time bythe use of those Ditto e. Ono bottle In enc. 1 V. 1.908 W cony rico o moot Inerc flt one o icir curative , effect. Cleanse tho Vitiated Blood whenecer you find its bcpurities bursting through tho skin in Plmploe. Ernp dons cr Sons ; elocnse it when you find It obstructed : _ stria — ttroThmins ; cleanse it when it is ou , and your feel ingsA-AlLtelLyon_wlisn—Reop Lifeblood • lure and lbe health of the system will follow. I'F. and othor 1V01.113, lurking in tho system of so many thousands. aro effectually destrcT;- el and rionoved. For fall directions, read carcfslly the circular around each bottle, printed fa four Ica guagerEnglish, Gorman, French cud Spanish. J. WALKER, Proprietor. A. If-.IIcDO:SALD CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents. San Francisco, Cal,, and 13 and 14 Commerce Street, ICew York. rersoLD DY ALL DECTOGISIS ..101D DEALERS, PATENTED SEPT. 21, 1E469. The merits of this Milehine consist. in part, in the nttschmrut of curved knives to.the arms of the cut ting-wheel. the slieraing cut across the mouttl.pieco, the great power $lll directness °Hte blow, by wh'ch treble the volume of material ix cut, with Iris pow er thsn is required 'by any other Nt amine ; there combined with its durability and simplietty ,of ear - struction, comtnand public attention. Nothing lia ble to gel out of order. but what a boy cue Id remedy with a pocket wrench. Persona vn want of machines of this description will do, well by t tilling upon or addressing the un dersigned. Good and responsible agents wanted to sell in:whiner and territory. The above Machine is now on exhibition nt the °Slice of the Waynesboro' Manufacturing Company Persons interested shetild call and examine it, for it is what every farmer shou'd have. H. C. (311,13H11T, BIIPIJ. F. @nrousrart, Prop iotor. Agent. Waynesboro', Pa july 14—tf] NOTICE. GREAT BARG AIN,B FOl7 CASEI IN P.IKESI 7 ,ILLE ROttillt d FRANTZ intend, doing n rogular cash husiness. commencing the Ist day of April, IS7O: 'They are d Metal iried Kell good!: as cheep as they eau !.e sold. All. they ro.t Is to give them a tail. They are very thankful for past favors and hope a conununnee of the same. rnirtitf ROLIZER & FRANTZ. SURVEYING AND CO NVEYANCINGI THE underrignml having'hinhome ten years ex• penance as a practical Stirverr is props red to do all kinds of t'urveyiil, laying out and dividing up lands. also all kinds of writing usually done 1 y Scriveocie. Pnriina wishing work done can call on, or address the under signed at Waynesboro'. Pn., fel+ 2 ti] A. Lt. STOLER. - PA.INTING.' THE suhscribem announce to the cilium; of Warmatioro and vttinity that they are now prepared to execute to order. in good style, House, Fiign and Ornamental, Paintine. batistaction "ar anteed. . FOREMAN dr, WAQUONcII. mar. 23-3 m Administrators , Notice. DISSOLUTION. rr HE partnership heretorme existing between Mil. • Vler ar, Beaver was disigolvl4l March lat, 1871, t y mit nal-consent. The books, are at the old st, trd and will be settled by J. W. M iller. , 411 per4oris indebt ed are requested to nap and settle immedist. ly. The bu-dntes will hereafter be einieltrrted by mar 10- tt , - .1. W MILLER Sr CD. IL T. 11E101113tILD'S COMPOUNDFLUID ].YTRRAOT CATAr Ift, GRAPE ,PILLS. Ontnimnent FINN Eitraci Illinbarh and Fluid .Extracc Va4na'aa Grape Juice. For Liver Coreplitfut kir Mous. Sick or Nelyous lielanthe, CostiYiqous, pie:— Purdy VegrtAir. cnininiug no Mercury, MiAr- Os nr Delct:r:ou. Drug'. Thitan Pills aro els must plitdFernt puitgativo, ! , 01)6Tr.ling castor oil, antis, , rn et t. '1 bete ie. walling more acceptable to 'bosom. rich. They liken tone, tool) caul, tit idler names nor crinina ttrliry me romptierot of the finest ingredient's. Attar a few das,n . .lltltt of Mein, ituctr on invigoration of ,the ritire . :metittn takes place as to appear noirattu'ous to the weak and • nerva tett, whether nrrditg fr no int! rodence or diction t. It. T. Compound Floi , l Vxtin et Catawba Gr i p, are not stivir-roated, Iron') t Ie fart that Pui; l'i Is do notAktimltrit. buC pans through the sti•morth without dins° Irina : ctitolt ! _quently (1.) not produce Om desired affect TutriCAl Awe& (113 AP Prue, beim; p'eamant iu t°.4o nold oder. not we s t ps sit Ile rlittir hint PIUCE /IF I'Y I'S PER BOX; IlEenry T. bile•lmbold's 111091. Y CONOENTICATEIi COMPIIUNT) Sarsaparilla Fluid Extractsapari flu Will inthealiv I %teimitiate fr 1m the st Mem Scroll,. :+3l.hilir, Fever Uicer4, Sop+ j•Nes, Sore L. grs, t , ore Month, bole I) s • eabibt, Solt !them», Col.lt• re. liunuinlla from thr En r, hun Swell 'l'nninia, Cl:thermos' . Nodex, Welt' 1;1:twilit! .r S‘%el'iteT., IPi g ht liwynts, Rash. TettPr, II unt.HF 1.1 all Find t'hr.n ic Rheuma , ism. I)vgrepsin, ciril all trit.e4Nes that hpve betty eatublisbed in the ej gum, for pars Being prrpnred expregteiv for the above rompinints its Itluenl-pnrityute properties are greo ter di n env other pre i , d retion of 7 4 11INNENITIPar ft aivrs the coat• idexior t a clear awl li.nltlty ewer find restores the patier.t to n state of Ii cal; h and Purity. For tom fy ing the Blood, rentovintr nil Chronic constitroien diserirrs front art impure ante of the and the on arllinblo and ait actual -10,0%11_ remedy for the cure of Putts and awe! lug of the liones,ll - ion I. of the Throat and Legs, 11l leffes, Pon, l's on the Face, Ervsinnlns, and nil Senly Eruptions the skin, and beautifying the cotsph hien. rer, HENRY T. HELMBOLVS coNchNThAr.,, -FLUIII EXTRACT BUCIItI, --T-H 610: - 1 - T - DBIR ETV, has cured e ,, ery case of lli.thetes in been Iveorl raw nruf - thirtretk r-ano of 11113 Kidneys, L'it;eration of the Kid neys andßladder, Retention of !Trine, dtseases of the Prostsate. Ghind, Htmie in the illidder,.t:rt'cu lus, rave I, Ittielsdost 11. po4it, and Morons or Milky I iiseisnrgi end for Etifeeh4• , l and l'e!iente Con.ti teams torloth Sexes , . etteeded wits the folkwing to ptoniu : Indivosition to Exertion, Loss of Pow• er, 1.0116 Melllnly, Dartellity of Breethiv, iVcnk Nerves, 'Frtmhine. Horror of Ihsosse, ahcful mire, Bimne.os of Vision, fain , in the Back, tint it wide, Flushing of the Body, now.; of the skin, id-Coonittuto,--Lltti.- venial Lessitude of the IVleseulir k"4 stem, rte. lilted by p•rsons from the age of enrlneen to twen tv-five, a n d fowl thi , ty-five to fifty-five or in the de (l tie or chango of cif ; otter c ,nlicennit or Libor pants; he f•wetting in children. Ileimbohn , Extiart Itnehu is Diuretic and Blood purifying, nml caws DO (08V/Ifltt arising ftom habits of Dissipation, mitt Excessos and I:mend, f1,:13 ill Life, Itni urines .i.f the !Howl, etc , Bopf rsedine Cormiln in A IThethas For which it 'is and Syphihtit ITectiung—in these eis sets. ttscd m con nection ',Ott, llehith.lJ's Hose 1 ,1 / a sh. LADIES. In many ofnetilne peculiar to Ladiag, the Ex tract Bwmu is uniqualea by any otbcr m-dv---111 , in Chlorosis or Itewotton, It recolarity or -Suppression 41 !Justrn try Er acu 1;1( 4 1... tell dir Schirrue stole of ..tie literes, Leueorti.c2 k or Whites, and for n'l complAints ht..ideut to the Mex,whethir 9 ri-ing from Indiscretion or linbitg of llteripatini. It is prescribed taxtensirely blrthe most eminent Pliyi-iohatts end Midwives for 1:11for bled nu.l DeLcate Conqtiint WWI. of both t`OK , 'N and all a t itai (attended with any of the above Diivamcs or Byruf teins) 0 • 11. Tll E BOLD'S Earn ACT 1)1;.-,E.1SES ARISING FROM IltIPR(11)14INCE, IIAIIITB 01? Erc , in all their F.tages, at lithe expense, litdu nr no change in diet, no liirolivenienee, and no exposure, it eau- SIM a !reticent desire., end gives ftretiuth to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions, Preventing and :ti ring attietures of the Uretha, allavinit Pain and In flammation, nu frequent in this tises of diseases, and esia 1 lug all Poisohou s matter. Use I+ ict.stnoho'n Ex rnAeT Alectic fir all A ITT lions and' lUivernms of the Urinary Org - aus, whether exiting in Male or Female. from whatever cause oligmating, and nn mutter of how lung "tainting. Price, $1.50 per Bottle. 11.'1 1iELM1301,1)%3 I 111 riiOVED 80313 , AS it cannot he surpassed riq a Face Wa-h, end will be found the only spec , tied remedy in every spi'l'ls of Cut !looms A fLetion. It Fl/kltti y eradicate* Pim ples, ts,• t , cinbutic Drynes , Indentions 111 the Cutaneous 34 embrane, etc., di4pels Realness and In cipient 16.11srornation, II ives, Rosh, Moth l'Aches, dryness et the Scalp or Skin, Frost Bitss, and all purposes fur which Salves or Ointments urn used restores the shin to a suite of purity and s tniess, nod insures continued healthy action to the tissue oft s vc.sals, on which dernds the Agreeable clar• mats and vivacity of complexion so much sought and admired. But however valuable as a remedy loiex , sting defects 111 the skin, 11. T. 110'11631(es Rose Vt ash has long sustained its prineiple to un ounded patronuge, by possessing qualities whichrend et it u Toilet Appendage ot the most au= porlative and Ciinkenisl character, condition:: in lin elegant forme a tho.e prominent requisites, sal. t v and 1:011C.114-. Lae if la use —us a Preservative and Reliesuer of the than ple %inn. It is an excellent Lotion for diseases of the Urinary (inputs. arising from habits r,I dissipa tion, used in connection with the Extracts Buena. Srpsisparellu, mid Catawba tirepo Pills, la such dis eases us recommend, cannot be surpassul. 'Full and milk it directions nuornpany the medi- L%iJence of the limit respoiiiiibla and reii Character furnished on applicalion. with hundreds of thounarAte of living witnesses, it 1 upw..nh of au .0 ti 0 unsolicited cortiftcates and recumnieridatory tette: s, many of a hirh ard 6'lllll the highest &mots, inciu ding eminent Phyricians, Clergymen, binteseimi. etc The proprietor hub never imitated to their pub .lication let the iiempaperd ; Ne does not do this leen the led that his articles lark as if tandard Prepitra• Lions, and Jo nut heed to Lie propped up by cult t— enter. IiENRRY'T. lIEL B OLD' S GENUINE PREPARATION.Y. Delivered to any address. &care from observa tion. Established upwerl of twenty years. told by Druggists everywhere. Address li tteis fur intorina tom, iii confidence to H EY L1E1.311.10/..D, Druguist and Chemist. only Depots: H. T. lIELMIIOLD'S Drug and Chentical 'Warehouse, N. 594 llruailtc.iy, New Yof ki or •to H. T. It ELMIOSI.IPrt Medical Depot, tU4 ttouth Tenth Street. Philadelphia. Pa. BEWARE OF COUNT:ERE...4:32'S. Ask for HbeiltY T: lICLNII3O.aro I '1 A.Ls ttu °Tau: Mural 2, 1671. •. =OE MEXICAN no %VI IN.. A. KURD V ir A 8 tero,iviiil fri•oh lend; ecproilift end is ii i t eiu. tile! f a:liftre.e to his sioek. /le P U It Prime fin Ca nerd Ci.li.e, Itmwn miff I Plehl . ll Nftgar, Pip/I:4/.111A While l:Preleut Rico. ir rl "h't up+, bull: plor in tirm Iry end Mx In iir.ce, p . git.„ and T.S. 1414 ii 11414 1111•Immrs, r .tortl ./t It 1/W"ttl 410., '7l C.ltsup. 4.;.rdetit'lii and Cakes, rA I " t; A. L 4.111, heit. Val!, bugar t;u'red Call and px)rninr. Nn trnut.le to vhnty gander. I 'if r thn &Item tit re !urea prier, Awith tt.intl• lug they uru ota no in ttio t;a,t. Cove nY:4l'l7,USin 1. and 1;1r r.nnw , ravvoYq na hnnd, sold by no' to or di z-n. w..rruntrthear 'h-ti you go to Pie-oit.p., or to thr. motironin, cmy) , lfoie yoa t good opto.ro and riaclo rg, 11:•ege t: l' A VI) (10,X F :rtoN gRY. - Layer !nig.' 1.4, I. Trete') Clirr3l42Q. Can , ( lrinw.s. i. , 111- 11)4,l)dt. a, Citrtni, 1 , . I 1 AlB, Ap i We, Itur4 of 0( 1( 11 11 4 KING AND 's - goo , ' ag4i pinv vx.r te.t. ot ;1. 1.4 , V.10:1a, em 4.1,0 $ 011, 03. c. Cu. lI a Lpg, Now, tor ttnikiug GI. 1S:13 %V.A I,n at o ur p 1, 1 s , di s h en .-t budniy ,Ste Vb a 1,41.0 the beta .41. d chcal•L'at ut 'QUE EivNW A R n utlriv 11(..1 mpart ment. run }l.lo{. lOW/ Y ill ~ ,1 10 t11:11.1 • %19'. T...i cups nLd S.VJeVYn, I:11,•ii 1111.04, tt , 141.111. It:,, Beealcill-t 00. Vt..; inky,: t..e , i.“lgraltat, 111 , • quality. kVe havv, thu Lommon wttrr, nets block. HOUSEKEEPERS Are invited to look ..11 our kolveg mid forks, lititel:or knives; liirkt: on.intoti athatit tva I bio Intoacts, bucit•ts ,¢ll,iol NOTIONs. I . 'Poilet :mpg, perfumery', rnmlig, pock, I b 0.11,5, p kt6va DI hi. H r.nrnu ()if, , Uh.mi:nl ; ,1 1170 SI/rep, thuo• Vivi, Decide l; Luny useful firticles ulti ups, WI hand. Country prpOnee int,l "gieettlyielot" tilten in exPlettigu f good.; 111 111 I t mit lid I,r tionute And Feacit n veto iattut.eit of tit. t•itif.ti et the FAMILY tt it ayn u!.oro , . unc 2, 1870' GEORGE vnuicri-f4; STEAM tVAYNEMIONY, FRANKLIN "Co., I' MAN UFA. CTURE PRIAM AND STATIONARY STEAM ENGIN ES. TT AVI NC; incroaP laciltive tar mat tincturing Pomade and ary Eianinio a i Ano,t nut SIZPS Item iwo io (tllll hundred an fifty horei-power, I would call Iw munition ni peri;osit 'oVtirating; portahin engines for threnl'lng c., a.: I am now prepared I 0 hiroi,h therm at 'abort nottcv, lam 41.:1 prepared to fur:milt shaft• lugs, pule ) n, &C., and all with ill Illy firm id hunt• now. Perrone in want of :anything an My lino wtil p!ragl` call and exiiniric nty wink beton) buyi, g olsewheror. • Fur further particulars send for eirruhrr. GEO. Flar k, • Wayroneloiro'. Sep 10 tfl Frauldin l'o Yu . Tailoring. Establishment! ciltHE anhacriber would roFpectfully announce to 1.4 the citizens of Waynesboro', and vicinity that he has c..nunenceil the Tailoring liticineba in tne dwelling honso of MN. S. T. Brother' ort, oppimite the Kuwdrn lit.upe, and is now prep to in ke all kinds of clothiliz to ordtr, which he will guar antee to give tatisiection. Ile aaka a trial. aug 26-:f C;I2.OIAGZ 11041{NER. illarbering:• • Barbering q• 71 111 T; subscriber informs the public that ho rou t tioues the Withering I)ll4itwis in the room Ilea Jour to Mr. Itehl's Grocery More, mod is la ali pepared to do 11.1ir q . cuitin, shriving, sharopootinig etc. in the best style. The patronage of the pub 113 is respectfully sulieited. Aug 23 1967 C. It itACGillti I'idOTOG It' 8. E. Corner of the l)lionontl, AYItICSBOItO 7 , PA., • IFIAS at Oil time a tine strut)) torinta of Pillar* F writs and Mouldii,g4 1.4111 anit•sce rii•ecj 171411 pictures. ions tf JOHN A• EMSSONG, VI"PORNEY ArLA F A INN t,evu toteti.t...l to rt.iet;c.• Late it the several Courts in t'raoldot Ceutaiy, at! 'tea* entrumell to his Ciro V 1 I I be iinneptly nttenuod to P. 0. Otlice adarers—Murcia.burg, jan • For Guns, Penknife. Blader., Repairing. Family Corn Call on MD V a le J. LT. JOEINWNVN, DI9?ii4)IAUTION. TTIE.to-partnership her exitvie; between Gyiser Rhieh , irt in the li ardwari bu3ieesi, was dissetved'hy mutual onmsept on the Ist inst. The books and accounts of the lirm nr in the handl of the suberriber, who will - can tmue de. butdrress as heretofore. upon whom nil persons indebted are re quested fll call and make serl settle: rot. jnn 12If ItINEI-frcRT. W•AfiNTED FOIiNEY 81 SONS Will pay the highrst market price ior 651 t cords= of Huck and black aik Bork di L tined at their 'ran • nery io W uy nlMhnni. Hideo and :Skink bolo i in and weighrul• at the Celist of C. Hattie* Ateot store, for titian the bidtk. eat nvirket p i e.wiL tp: apt 2.1-1371.1 401 , rve W. A. 1172:11.) W.ll. ?MGT.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers