ViLLAOE RECORD; vli7''Aoratr3oo 9 cr3ol. fky. Oa d .1/ ;Ma k* 30, it**, he Ss, Dotuina_Comiteistipiere add . the geutlemeb secatipany.inx tI I arriitt is iVadliingtoe liondity iiight. Their re. port probably be prated' tredve Cannes tiatiog the freserit week. egg Stbreriptione . to tire eery uatfesei five. per sent. loan Were reeeived 'on fisiatrelay to. tho antnuot of about five tailtiotre cot nearly all of whith were To Nat,. The eutire aebieriptiets, soissr, am $29;000, We. - • IBEEZ=I2I= $ 6 . Dirsputaties from Washington state that t' High Commission is progressing favorably and pleasantly with the settlement bf The bratterti in dispute between the lijoit• eat grates and Great Britain. It is expected' that their labors will be concluded within a few weelts, sett the result - will thetr be • knoitn. Ci'llavorner Holden of North Cirotina Iles been tried by the Senate, sitting is a court of impeachment, convicted', and rem,. edomirtt7(ll - eps - were - eight indict ate against him, the conviction torover &girth tin hide from holding any often of trtnit or profit under the state. tar The general election' in New limp. shire resulted in the success of the demo• cratic ticket, 'The congressional delegation is democratic, and a majority of both flout. es of the General Asseinhiy, which insures the election ot Western . the democratic can. (Hato ter Governer: This is necessary since by • eonstitutional prorisio'n s majority of the whole vote east is necessary for elect. golf -The Comnartral elections' ia Paris on S_u Lida y_w cre_alguost_entirely_sarrendered_to: the inourgents, but a few of the loyal 'meets, sales of real estate, revivals, new soh vans altos - ding — the Polls. The af,gregate - eo ririo n s„. in fact everything, of special or v_ote was very light, tank% two huntireti and! gener al interest. ___ fifty thousand short of the onaber of qual Ailed voters,•ao indinatieu• of t 63 weakness of the iosurrgetien, and its light loM on the population of Paris, No oppnoition being made, the revolotiotiste• eleeted their can. three. With the abdication of aidmital Sois• Fet as Conneautler of the National Guards the last vestige or GovernMent authority went out of P.ltisi and left the revelations. ry sower Completely dominant. Ile (Ames ponclent of till London Attet sod an• ticipates that the rebellion will Spread to the i ritral triittclitt — cittfacth - f it eo lints, tut o, 4ere is as ye; vitience. The doseroilietit fa proseedieg with the concentriktutobilei at Ver• abiles, and President Thiers is reported to Dave said this *hen he has a b6ndred thou salad troops that an trusted an attack will be inane tiros Paris. Chaney, Faidberbe and other high offreera areal 'Versailles; m.The New York Tribune devotes itself largely to reports of the operations of the Ku.filaz in the Southern States', and in Sat. utday''s italic publishes a letter from. Dferid• lad, Mississippi, which shows that the expel sten of Mayor Stttrgis and the attack on the Deems in the Court house was pretorieert ad; and that the exceutioa of the . same plan Was frustrated several weeks before only by the presence of the United Stator troops'. t.loloatl Huggins; of Aberdeen; Miss., has L "s*arrived in Washington, having been driven oat of Monroe county in that State by a band of over a hundred nsen, disguised in .on White robes, who took him from his bonze at night and whipped him. After laying on a hundred lashes they warned him' to leave the State, tinder the penalty of be-4 irig killed if lie retrained. Trey told him that they had no special tljection to him, except that he Was a revenue ofhoer, and they were determined not to pay taxes to support a Set of Radical office holiters.— tocm Coloue.l lloggius has been iu Wash . ingtou he has received a letter from Aber twee stating that the Ka•Klux are break• ing up the schools. Ste' President Grant nittins busioess in the supressioti of the Ku KIM; organita- Huns of Southern States.. It will be remem bered that some fett days' since Governor Scant, of South Carolina, informed the Pres. ..dent that bands of mutd men were disturb. Jag the peace of the State; and that the lo .cal authorities were not equal to the protect. .lion of life and property. As in duty bound toe Governor stilted fora dtta 1 of U. S. troops to enforce the laws. The !'resident has bow take° the initiatory step towards. using the national authority to (pia the disturbAnees iu Soutb Carolina by Issuing a proclamation, parnirg and commanding these combinations tolf insurgents to disperse and retire within twenty days. So far thti proolaniation goes, And Vita warniegg are unheeded the Presi twit fait/i be expected to fully. Comply with the reitram a Governor f3eibtt. • • Ve iesta from Washiegtoe that all the testimouy it the ease of Cessna vs. Noy :eis is itt the haw & of the printer, The Cions• Suittee on Eleetiotis have rustle ao.order that kitch party shall be reedy, with ptiater brief's, to proaeoil to its eloashiststioa immediately Rio Congress re•asseeiblitig lo peaettiber. The Mese will out euusiglei soy °outsets this Beiug firstoti the list, thii Came- Ale3tirs ease wilt tloubilesi ho Promptly die' possud or io Decruitiber. Mtd doo Aire atidlitt oharp, bciy COCAL Arbon% atop your hones mall wagon Ins tie stint' crossing. loga..The first nal/ martin made . bit sp. wit!areacmr 'mord', Morning. , sek.The vernal equinox ib peat end the day. and- nights are now equal, .As the first of AVM eppratithea "flit tibto" thuttiply. cr. Father Fr Steed of the Catholic Church; Chatuberaburg,, has resigned his situation on woottlkt of ill•health. aggi.The Mesbytcrian congregation at Ship= peoaburg baa wended a call to Rev. Mr. Stewart et Lancaster county. Salary, $1400: tar kuttermilk is said to be a remedy for 4spepsia. It should be used at weals in lieu of coffee and tea. E:=Nom ter Many parents spoil tfreir dbildren by dressing them up when a good dressing town would do the most good: Fashionable mothers make a note. jThe cheat fields ire Ilia section pre sent_a_charmingappearauot. A poor field• is not discernable. The prottpeets for . an blndant harvest are certainly ffiatterinto dit‘it is predicted the year 1871 will be . an unusually prosperous and successful bus iness year, This may be true, but the ape• aiug thus Est does net look jest that way. egatar. Mr. Donahue, newly appointed minister to the M. ).. eongregation in this place, delivered his first discourse on Sunday morning last: tie is represented• es an elo quent divine. Prienois to the country shoerld bear in mind that we always esteem it a favor to receive crop items, accidents, job woxk, ad- T verrisint , ,dowths, -marriages, farm lila PARTOBALECTED --The--Latheron—con• gregation in this ?Lice, and also the one at Jaoobs' Church, on Sunday last elected a , earnimously as their Pastor, Rev, Mr. Keedy of Centreville, Cumberland county, Pa. It is of course not known whether ho will no cept or rejtot the oath THE Waatesn'.---Atiothet sudden change in the weather bar been experienced since our last is:que f chilling winds trout the north west prevailing, with occasional snow-fakes seen eying in the air. A retrograde move ment amorng the wild geese is predireted — bp !weather profits'in consequence of the change, The frnit,—some of the earlier varieties of which are in bloom, hoe so far escaped injury, brit it iedertainly in danger yet of being `nipped" .both in blossom and: bud'. ' 111111=111=1 isam,The boys will be pleased to know that next slimmer promismi. lota of shows.'--A• bent forty circuses and menageries are net ting reedy to start oat as soon as spring fair ly commences. Six circuses and three teenag arias will start from Philadelphia. A large number of wild animals have arrived in New York from Europe during the ,wiuter, and no doubt some novelties will be presented worth first class Dairy is tta iropottant appendage to any town. It will be seen by reference to his advertisement in another column that Mr. Henry Carbaugh has made the neeeesary provision to supply citizens .tegiilarly, tnorciog and evening, with, milk and oreant. l As 1 purposes making the butinese a, permanent one bo should be pat. ionised in preference to those who do not engage to supply either regularly. &lirThe following are the officers recent. lyinitalled in Franklin Lodgo,Nc. 152, 1. 0. 61. T., in this place : W. C. T., W. P. lick. el; W. V.'l'., Annie Hooker, W. S., A. H. B'cm:who're; W. A. S., John Waggoner; W. F. 5..1: P. Thompson; W. T.,G. locker, W. C, T. IL West; W. M., W. Donk; W. 1). M., Clara Streaty; W. I. G., Emma French, W. O. G., G. Fermium; W: R. S., Annie French; W. L. S, L. Pilkington. 161,.,The American Stock Journal, . for March cootains handsome engravings of Galloway and Breton Cattle, Essex Hogs, Spangled Hamburg & White Leghorn .!'owls, also an engraving and ground plan of one of the finest pig styes in the country, showing the improved methods of cooking food for this much abused quadruped. This Journal is always tilled with choice ursine! articles, on the breeding, care, aranagemeot and die eases 01 domestic auituale s and should be in the hands of every farmer. Speeicatts copies snot Free Address N. P. Boyer $; CO. Publishers Parkesburg Pa , SUDDKAI DEATHAIC. Jacob Butteibaugh, an influential and highly esteemed citizen, of ibe Weleb niiti district, died suddenly at hie residence the latter pact of last week fils funeral, which .took piano on Sunday last, is said to have drawn a larger concourse of people than any similar occasion for Jliauy pate —dlurcersburg Journal. - Bra Fou.—lleuneberger, ofstbe down- town Bakery and Confectionary, has on ex libition a ttah crock) 'Mak welema about 45 pomade. Nero tightet the heir lo the snip ied kaiep it frem Whet off t!eit Elan Vegiii- Ho Ski Wee Bair Renewer. BoiTtAkeontit—A: few days since I bid tht pleaniTe of taking a seat with the seory and Treasurer of Dr. P. Faherney'n Brim. & Cm- in one of their beautiful wagons gotten• up for the purpose of introducing their ex cellent rkliwtd Cleanser or Panaceas' to every household in the land, Dvras delighted' and highly pleased with the manner, and style in which their business is sonduoted, fur which the co. deserves a great deaf of credit mad praise: . Being en business we stopped far inane with Gilbeit of 'Beautiful View Springs.' This gentlemen we fount to bb 'a courteous, pleasant and agreeable landlord, sad one that endeavors to babe all hie customers fool hap• py :amid bier. Mrs. Gilbert who wee pres ent with her pleasant'smiles gave strict ittea• tioute our wants. 'Before no was spread de Helots viands fairly making the table groan with its• load•. I can obeerfulFy say to those who wish to spend' a short time at 'Beantifel View Springe' that they will find every thing 'in ample order. 'Beautiful View Springs' are located' on th i s mountain• about four miles Bart of Waynesboro,' and on the pike leading to Ettamitsburg. A inaenifieent view can, be ,had for a flambee of miles in every direction. E. itiMiGNATIOI4 DP A PRoPEssor —Rev ' Or. E. E. Higbee, Professor in the Thedog ieal.Seminary at Mereereburg, Pa., Doti. fled the President of the Board of Visitets - 61 - hipurpose' to resign hie prottesorship in the in'st'itution. The Constitution of the Church requires Boa notice to be given six months prinr to the resignation's going. into effect. fiance it has been given at this time. ' The Synod, at - its last nocual meeting, order. ed the Seminary to be removed to Lancaster in time for the opening of the session nest fall, and measures are being vigorously op plied for the purpose of carrying this( order into effect. The resignation, we understand, has teen tendered,•br view of tbis removal, .Dr. Higbee preferring to remain at-Mereers- burg, Professor Kersh'tser also purposes se• tering his oonneetion with the institution torn similar reason. Both time brethren become known, situations in Intreereburg College by the 'Regents of that institution, of which it is their purpose to accept, Prev isions will doubtless be mode iu due , season - •.. 0 1 . 1C13 tb on created. —Re. lowed church illessenger. Shooting and Death The usual moodtemy of our Borough was somewhat disturbed on Saturday afternoon last, by the report of a tragic *booting affray having mowed on gait Pittsburg street.— We will give the partioulars as we have re eaived-thom-,tiot-haviug-gssie-to the grouad ourselves. Some four years Evince a young lady of this place - visited a relative in the State of Indi ana, and while there formed the acquaintance of .gr. Rag, a commercial traveler, whose flue personal appearance and pleasing manners created a favorable impression. In other words, aim liked him, and the feeling being frilly reciprocated, it terminated in an engage. went and a hasty marriage. But a few months elapsed before the yenog lady saw the folly of her course. The man she had promisee to love through life, was not what fancy had painted him before marriage. Before the end of the first year they quarreled Bed sell. arated, but through the intervention o f friends were brought together, only to quar rel and separate agaia. Frequent quarrels and separations followed, andlinally the lady, finding it impossible to live with Ray, left him and came back to this place, where for several months past she has been making her home with her friends and relatives.— She received frequent letters from her bus• hand, importuning he to return to him, but knowing from her short experience that it was impossible for them to live together as man and wife should so turned a 4eui ear to his entreatiea, Friday morning she 'received a telegram intormieg her that her husband' was ou the way to see her. and might do bur saute violence. Saturday morning Mr. Ray arrived here and requested'. ati„interview with her, which was refused at first, but fiu• ally granted on condition that it should take Place in tha presence of officer,Klibe and Mr. John Kyle, Mrs. Ray's brother-iu law, and that he, Ray should deliver to the ellicer any weapons he had about him. Ho eon ' sewed to this arrangement, and handed the officer two pistols. lie was then, admitted to - the room where his wile was awaiting him, and after a few words had passed be tween them, be asked her if she would re turn to Indiana with him. Site replied in the imeative, giving as her reasons that it would be impossible for them to live togeth• or happily again. She had ecarcelyfioished speaking when be exclaitued "My God !" and drawing a pistol Item his breast pocket, which he had concealed from the officer, fir ed at hie wife, the ball passing byter head and lodging in the mantle. Ile then fired at Mr. Kyle, the ball passing through the crown of his bat. Before he bad time to fire another shot officer Kline closed with hint, when he deliberately placed the "uouz sal of the pistol at his own breast and bred inflicting a wound which terminated his ex istence a few hours 'afterward. Ile was at once secured by the officer, who bad him placed iu a wagon and convoyed to the jail, where he was attended by 4 Drs. Cowan and Wanginnao, who dressed his wounds. In one of his pockets was found a two ounce vial labeled laudanum; and the doctats are 'of the opinion that ho had swallowd the dose before gulag Rise*, his wife. Ho lingered in agony until about half past nine o'clock, when death ended but sufferings... ills re— mains were sent to Audeison, lodiana on Monday. The affair has created an intense excite ment through the town, and our people can neither thin or talk of anything else.— Greensietry (Pa) !Jerald. T..A,lezandeil of Illinois, the king of live etock men in the United States, has wade an assignment of hie property for the ben. cot of his creditors. His liabilities are sta ted at $1.000,000 *bile hie coos foot up , from 0/90,009 to a200:000. , . , Senator Paactut preienled a temperate but 'earnest menial* 'to the &mate to-day, reeirci,brielly She iimiekand Consequent die treirprevaiiininehanibersbutgfend through out the several border counties, because of the destruction of property during the rebel- Thuntemorial mar read and refired by the Seemo`to a special• eomitiune ; ye mtr• ftcYti trf 11tr. Dtli. Suet• a petftioo, cowing tr.i• ready, froisra people who luso suffered BO severely did' the eitizLies of Chambers• burg, ciould' not' but emzin . atio . the respect ful cousidentsiou f. the kiettate ; and it seems to be understood that the questl'ou will be referred to a eonituit:ee mods up of some of the ablest metrof both. parties. kis noticeable iliac the metnorialints do not; ask for pa3ment, 'nor for any epteitle measure of reties. They admit that the State was biome) in the appropriation of her mil. hens to defend them, and that ample (mutts' of troops were organised for their protection. Uut they remind the Legislature that the great peril of the Union armies in 186 i, and again to 18G4, required. the State defensive forces to be ordered off to strengthen the shattered Union armies, and thereby they were l'efC defenseless,. their property destroy-I ed by the enemy and the State repaid the cost of her troops. They elaim• that the National Govecntnent is Sustly liable tor these losses, and they ask such intervention on the part of the State as wilt enable it to possess the claims and make demand for yes. titution upon the National Government. The whole question will now be calmly 'and ably reviewed by the committee,•and if any. Measure is proposed, it will none well fortified as to both the law and the equity of the case, and so guarded as to stamp iutegri. - ,ty,upon its theory and details, The State will sanction what is just—nothing more. It will do what its honor and sovereignty de wand for those who •have' suffered extreor• dinsry losses by the war, but it can pay no tribute to fraud and• speculation. If it be shone that mire General Crevermuent, by rea son of withdrawing our State defensive force is fairly liable to our people, it should require a careful, serutiiiiaing revision of the claims .so-that its high authority_could_satfetion -theruTa-• run — tires — it-multi terpose—its—pavv er to secure restitution to he chines is' such a wanner as wilt best secure )usitee to all Tbeiudividall sufferers cannot prevail before. ---;411 Jongress, any . t nThBtate oau, without de. ple ti og - its - treasury, or i wereasi iv ; ' taxes -- or debt, be the-tuedivar of payment to there people, the Legislature vtill not hesitate to discharge its duty in the poetises. Weitoderataud that Messrs. Y itl t Barka few Connell, White and Duncan have been sir intentions appotote. as ti e specie email QC u W lie the memorial has heft teferrad.-,,llurria• bit tv Te/ep:ap4. Lloyd Britcvn, colored, was hanged at Williamsport, Pa , on Wednesday last, for the murder of Jacob Day, a Germaa, co the 115th of November feat . Be died pretesting hie innocence. North Carolina elaimi the 'champion vo ter ' At the last eleetion hu wicked to the pods followed Ivy seventeen sone, and they collectively deposited eighteen ballots'. Dr. John Gegan, of Philedelghin, who died reeently, left 51,000 to the Chatch of St. Josepls, fur masses fur the repeats of his soul. Foa SALII —About 75 good 'mist poste Apply to Li. lizrams. LITTLE ONIONS.- Very nice ones for planting at Reid's. FRESH Fall --Ou Ftiday, aftOtROOR at Reid,s. WANTED.-10 or 15 bushels of choice eat ing potatoes. Apply to J. Foil% DENTAL ROOM .-Dr. J.M. Peddieortra Dental Rooms are two doors west of Itoid'e Score. REMOVAL —•-After the first of April Dr. A. K. Draninhes will ietnore his *Ewe to the room above the elute ut )lesara. Coon & Stonehouse. . GoNft EAST.—Our friend, W. - H. Brown, of the Mt. Hope Store, is now in Phi Wish phis, main his spring selections of low goods. FIRST ARRIVALI9.—tiIo firms, Messrs Am berson Benedict it tio , and Messrs. Price have each received their first in stalltnent of mem goods. Cull and . heti the late styles. REmovzd ---31 r. Geo. Boernor, Tallor,re. moves to day to' the business room on the corner of the Diamond ) occupied by A. E Wayoant. SAVE 825.—The sawing machine for the times is the Wihion; Shtittle. These ma chines, having been theureWy toted, are re• eu. - utueoded ie all coufidenee to ail in wiut of a first eins f bruit, 5..5.1. at a reasonable. price. A.:l Wairrt,aar. PUZZLED TAIGOE.-Our neighb r, Rein finger, Tatter, is puzzled to koow why persons owing bum do not "pay up," whilst those to whore be is ineebted ore protupt in present log their bale. lie debires,ior the'present, to have the rule 'evened. 127 Dr. Poldieoad, announces to his onetter one patients nod the pub:ls generally that he will be absent trout Llioffici, next week, in• tendiog to mit the Isln.tern cities, from Illicit he will return with a largo nod well selected stock of fine Gold and other sup& or fillings, Teeth ; Instruments, and Dental goods generally, by which he will be enabled to give the:en:west satisfaction in his cases profeseionally. • A frog duvru oust the other day lealilo oat of a mates stomach, where he bad teen:years.% Ile ,onldn't stand the pullout style of whisky. Our Bailer Lofton BllsiNk:ss LecitiA. lII= C0U43110, COLDBI BRONORITS, ASTHMA, ito,—The above - complaints seem to be in ereasiog in prevatence, and if , not taken in lim o , either one may lead. to that dreadful and latirtdisease--tionsunsption. Whet °rim• isality to neglect them. when,the result.may be so terrible t Briggs' Throu ited Lung Healer bra positiverenredy for all diseases' of 'be throat, lunge nod chest—never failing when used in tlitt morning of ififietiOci.-‘— bold by druggists. Con,NB, 11m:rove. Isonowl NO NALS9, &c. ---' The enorrnoubly &perfuming sales of Ilriggs"Allevator and Ourativo for the pre vention and cure ebbe nanny Painfli! &efts: es of the feet, hear witness to their wonder ful superiority. over all other like prepare dons, Tor years they have been, steadily growing it-favor, until now 'the great major. ity who sre ttoabled with bad feet will use no other remedies. The Curative, for pore: tender and fostered aim and ',Anions, bad Dads, Sao., is soothing and - 'healing, portnan ently curing the worst cases when used ac cording to directions. The Alleviator, for the cure of all coalition corns and for the prevention and cure of all corns, bunions, &c., is, 'par excellent,' the only article ever yet discovered that will produce a like result. ISOld by F. Forthusan, Sa Druggists generally. PILES.--Internal, External, Bleeding Or Itching. This distressing and harrowing disease is alarmingly on the increase. More so, perha from - the fee that those wild are afflicted fns a false notion of delicacy, are afraid to a for it remedy, thereby making 24, their condition knoint how wrong and fa. , tel is this nogleot. At the first intimation of the appearance of this complaint they should procure Briggs' Unrivaled Pilo Rem• edy, and, using it Recording to . directions, immediately check it and permanently sure it__ It is easy of applicstion. and. thorough in its.effects.' Sold by F. Futtrthmsn. IrAT,ES e_ VEWABLE SICILIAN tt HAI It IP" - BMWER Is the best article known to preserve the hair. It will positively restore GRYA HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL - COLOR AND PitomorE ITS GROWTH'. • It is oft entirely new scie»tilic discovery. combin ing many of the most powerful anti restorative a— gents id the Yebetable kingdom. t-mates-the-Ilair-snieoh-atul-glassy, --_-_Alut_does_noLgtaiu_the_skin. 11' IS RECOMMENDED AN D USED BY THE FIRST MEDIC IL AUTHORITY. For sole by all druggists. Price $1 00 R. P. HALL & CO., Nashete, Ne H., Proprietors. °XfiEXIEII .A.ImiIiALML. At the residence of the bride's parents, in this plane, on the nth inst.. by Rev. J. Oiler, Dr. A. S. BONFARA.KErto Miss KATE,. daughter of Benj E Pries. On the 'nth inst., et the rebidenee of Mr A.. Elsie, is Quincy, by Rev. A. 0. either, Mr. OBED LONG, of New Guilford, to Miss ISABELLA FREY, of Quincy. ir 4-* DSO k 74 FOC=II At Saow fill, on the 29th' inst., Mr. DAVID SNOWBEAGER, aged 73 yeave, 11 months and 23 days. Oo the-224—inat , in Mereernbare. Mrs. ELIZABF O I.II, wife of Mr. JOHN MYIII.IS at au advanced age. PIIII.ADCLPHIEA, March 27. FLOU It —The flour market is quiet, and ,there is no demand except from the home consumers; whose purchases toot up a Jew hundred barrel., including superfine at ss' 50®5,75; ultras at 86(66 25, Pennsylvania do. at $G 25@7, Indiana and Ohio do. at $7 25®7 75, and faaey braada at 58(60 50, as to quality. GRAIN.—The wheat market is Irteady, but the rplutue of business light; isles of Indiana red at' $1,69@1 70; 400 bushels Indiana and amber at 51 72; Ohio rid at $1 68®1.70, and amber at $1 72®1.75. Rye sells at $lO5 for Peantrylvania, Coro assets with limited inquiry at recent decline; salts of 1 700 bushels Pennsylvsnia'arod Delaware yelow at 82 cents,' and Western mixed at 80 cents Oats are firmly held, and 5500 bush els Pennsylvania Old Western sold et 67(6 Wows. T}l subscriber respectfully announces tts the citizen's of Wayucebotu' that he has provided himself with first-doss mile)) cows, and will contin ue to eupply all wit will patronize him, regularly during the spring And summer seasons, morning and evening, vbith muck Lull cream, at rensonabte rates for the each. HENRY CARIIALIGIIs mar 30 —tf • THE NEW WILSON Uodetfeed Shuttle and SEWING MACHINES I $25 Cheaper than Any Other For Simrlicity.DuraiTity end Beauty they stand 'unrivalled! For TUCKING, FEL LING, Quilting, CORDING. BINDING ,BGAIDING, GAIII • ENING. Ciaihrrina 41c sewing oa gathers, they nre un excelled. WANNANMED. A; E. WA YNAN'T. P. f.Cciraer Diatrmd, Waynesboro,' Pa. then 311 Dn. D. A: STOlEnterEft, DENTIST, - GRCENCASTLV, PA. • t r ;•- ' kill IV • • Experienced in Dentistry; will insert you sets of teeth at prices to suit the times. feb 16-1671. II The highest eaelt price wan be petit lux Cost Iron ticrips delivered et the works of the 17 tf tit:Litat M. CO. PORT- GP Tllll .VONDITION the First National basket. Wayeeshore e Pe ; at the elaee'af B )tisinesi, Meteh:lB l AEsoulicEtte Lonnie and: Dlseounts, $lB 777.6 l' Oter Drafts, r 4 , •" 41,69' Ui 8. Bonds to 'Secure Olrentritione 4" 75,400,W) 11.13.,1195idir osi hand, ' 33,1150.0 w Other Btocks, ; llonds, &.,.,1,298,5n Due from %Jeanine, Agent , """ ' 11,689 C9' D" frmirPhlw' llll ,nklii , 411,88 , 1,6:1: Due from other Danko and Ilankeri; 14 915,F3 Current Expellees, • , . • J 69.45 Cash items a n•l-Istemps,... _ , a 758,68 fluent edict:gee: hanks: 130,00 Fracinnal Currency and Nickels, r ?MOO Legal Tender Notes, • 6,36840 EIABILITIES Capital Stade eturplus Fund, Miscount, Interest, Profit and Loom, Circulation outttanding, Diridende unpaid, Individual Deposits, Due to Nat. Um:lJ, - Due to other bailie and flanker.,. State of Permsycvsnis r i s. Br , County of Franklin, }S I, Sohn Philips, eishier of the First National Bank of Waynesboro, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my limPvvto4lle and belief. .INO.-PHILIP,S, Cashier. subscribed and sworn' to before, me Ibis 27th day of March, A. 1)., 1871. J. BURNS AMBERSON, N. P. Correct— Attest : DAN% MICKT.P.t, ALEX HAMILTON,• Directors.- ' mar BO] WM. HA.MMDTT, MORNING GLORY FORII. Fireside 'AM. tt f : TRIPLE'S now 'Move end Tie Stare fie has on hand a large mot* of tho above stoves; ell of the late iml roved kinds. There is added fb the ?darning of this year an oven, which is neat in appesrinco. It is 'a good Baker. You cull heat Pr o ne, Halm, Boil, Roast, igevri and it does Out. interfere with the operation* as a Parlor Stovo, In regard .tir the Wartra some Stove Dealers; s who say that their particular stove takes lets coal and gives more heat than the Morning thine. y'ou can put that kind of talk iitom as .5 litaal4OCll, as th'e klornhig (Any hits been sold •(io clod l.ert ul. the country) fat four years, and in that time I have put out over three hundred of them, and never had to tike ono back because it would not do its work • or it was not what I sold it for. Now that cannot - be mud of any other 'toe ever ofl'rel in In wa ist kat. Thet is the proof which is the stove. I have other styles or heating stoves tor coal or wood. Beating Furnaces put up and warranted. Nly Crook Stovis are of the best in market for coal er wood, all warranted good Bekers. Aleo a new Parlor Cuok Stove, something that can't be excell. ed. Call and see ma. Yon will find my stork of Tin Sheet-Iron and ,other wares of the best kinds, and. at low rates. On hand / the hest Clothes Wringer in market.— Allan a good and cheap Washing. Machine. Wining tfn.l ...)lionting done of the beet stock and at ehart notice. Job work of all kinds hi my tins done at low fallet -The only piece in town where you can get your copper work done, being the only you Nuoitti in the place. {let ti NAVY GOO! NEW GOODS! TIRE attention of the'community i 4 now ilireced to.the large anu well aa.artett sock of FAIL- GOODS just opened St PRICE Sz, 110EFLICIPS, For the season's trade.conoiiting of ail the late nov. elties of the day, and ut very cheap prices to suit all mankind. 8o just drop in and see the varied col lection of Dry Hoods, Groceries and Notions. All the late stiles of Ladies' Droll Goods, Such as Alpacess, Poplins, Empress Cloths, Itepps, Vic., Coalmen, Cloths, Velvets, Velveteens, Cords, Kerßep, Tweeds,. Jeans, Satinets, Rob Rope, Pikes Peak Oassimere, Paisley, Shawls, Plain Shawls, • - Long Shawls, Square Shawls, Breakfast and Shoulder Shawls, Deleins, Merinos, Cashmeres, Twills, Mobairs, Chignons and Switches, Boots and •Shoes, Rubbers. Corpots, wool awl' Home-mtkie. • Oil Cloths foetables dud floor. " Window Shines in . Oil eut4'flolland. Blankets white *tad grey. BEU full atm Leauaer fog ahoemakee Lad saddlers, at itOUZF.R do r IiANTZ'S, rikpavilla, June Ott $204;580,08 $73;909.09: 16.009,09 3338.63 ft 66,045.00 10.90 44.319;19 108,01 33545 $204.6130,08 W. A. TRITLE. Dec 8-1870.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers