A3rer's Cherry Pectoral, IT'or nisoases of the The:vit and Lungs, ouch is Coughs, Colds, Whooping • Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma,' and Consumption. Probably never before in the whole history Of has any thing won so widely and so deeply upou the confidence of mankind, as this excelient remedy for pulmonary. complaints. ttlimg_selies , of years and among most of the races of men it has liSell'higher and higher thelr estimation, as it has become betterknown. 116 enVorin character and power to cure the va rious agections of the lungs end throat, have made it known as a reliable protector against tt lent. AI idle adapted to milder form of disease Pad to young children, it is at the same time the most eu ectual remedy that can be given for incip ient eonsmaption and the dangerous affections of the throat andlungs. As a provision a minfit maiden attacks of Croup, it sheiddife ept on hand in every family, and indeed as all are some limes subject to colds and coughs, all should be brovided with this antidote for them. Although settled Consumption is thought in curable, still grunt numbers of eases 'where the di,ease seemed settled, have 'been completely eured, and the patient restored to sound health by the Cherry Pectoral. So complete is its mastery over the disorders of the Lungs and rib mat, that the most obstinate of them yield to it. IVhen nothing ease could reach them, under the ChetritEtletepal_they: subside-and-disappear. Singers and Public Speakers end great protection from it. _istemo - is - always relieved and often wholly cured by it. .7fronehltis ,is generally 'Cured by taking the CMPrry Pietoral in small and frequent doses. gimerallv are its Virtues known, that we itced not publish the certificates of them here, or do more than assure tao public that its qualities :zee fully maintained. Ayer ' s Ague Cure , roi rover end Ague, Intermittent Fever, Chill Foyer, :RemitLent Fever, Dumb Pestiodic!kl or BUious Ffiyer, from malarious, ma h, or miasmata po.sons As its name implies, it does Cure, and does not fail. Containing neither Arsenic, Quinine, Bis nr,th, Zinc, nor any other mineral or poisonous Enhstance whatever, it in nowise injures any pa. bent. The number and importance of its cures la Inc ague districts, are literally beyond account, and We labeve . without a parallel in the history ~f Agile meollinae. Our pride is gratified by the nchnowiconients wo receive of the radical cureii t - 0( tea iii obstinate coses, and where other rem. had wliolly Unacchinate.l per , ens, either resident ir, or travelling tlituiv..ol miasmatic lornlities, will he ymnected by takin' the G Cilia; (laity. Vor Myer Contrlaietts, arising from torpid. V..;, of the Liver, it is au excellent remedy, stimu• Litiret Ow his er into healthy activity. rot. Ildiees I)i , (ted..r3; an . nli3:...oo3llPlitillt l l, it— ]4 tut excellent D.:m(4ly, producing minty truly remark:Able cures, where other medicines had tailed. • Preiqtrot by DR. J. C. A YRS & CO, Practical ...1..na1-vtil—Vheinistb, Lowell, Mass7., — tuad round the world. TRICE, $l.OO l'Elt MOTTLE., A .1 4 . RONHIRA KE, Druggiet, Agent. T H E r T NI PRIETOR W. C E E , AB'SISTANT Conrumly nn hand a full Ilrle of Diu4.s. Patent, .31edieico9, • 00.9, PAinta, •dlurts, Putty, Au., tipleas ground uz,p,-.,tuuud; • ,Kerommle, Pert umery, Toiiet and Fancy Articles, etc. etc. etc We urn you hut g0..< 2 04 vA the hest quality and at priers satisfactory to ell corereterrs. ttpeeial rtteuumt grren to the compountling of prescriptions. Remember tho "norner Druz Store" an4-givo ue call. .1. 1.11:1t.N AMBE ite,oN ,M. 1), ap. 14 CARETS E CARPETS I. 11. WII ITNORE Ilas just reiurued rrum the,cities with the largeet slid best lintiOitment of CARPFTS, OIL CLOTHS, OIL AND LINEN WINDOW sHADEs, DRUGGET ANI.) tRUJWI3CLO7IIS, RUGS AND .111 ATS, ooliNTEitl 2 ANEs, ace., cver ulleyred in Greinicattle. LACE CURTAINS, - with all tho fixtures tor putting up. RAG CARPETS constantly ou itew•l and made to order. reSelling lower than any other hawse the Call and hear prices. Gredicastie, Dec. 1, 1870 CHEAP"COONEW. ,7 BOOT AND SHOE STORE'! rHE subscriber has just returned from the city and is now opening for examination a large und selected muck (It !loots mid :;hoes. Haying had a lone time to Weenie acquainted with the Boot and hoc trodo, no doubt Wyatt Savor him with a cull you 'will buy as he will twit cheap and warrant the work. All ripe•ununded tree 01 charge. Give .-Cooney" a cull. C. EUTHEto. Eept 25—u IJOICIIMAKING. 11 1 11 E subscriber announces to his friends and ji the pia& that he has purchased the Coach Factory form-rly owned by Israel Bess, and is uuw "enge,ted m the above business, ou Main Street, et toe ±.,st end of Waynesboro'. Having a knowl• edge of the, business, and emyloying; none but pr,tetie.l workmen, and by strict slit:Winn to bpi'- , ess he hopes to slant a share of patrousgm. All 1.111,1 s of now wort to baud anti orders filled pronliolv„ Jim 14 tf 17.220N..11. FILICEECT, MERCHANT TA ILp R, AND AUENT NO SINGER'S SEWING MACHINE. h e AtM V L 3. 045.61 LTA tvectdcirs, ut 411. M. LEEDe. Lumber., et.c. GL all LI rubectibinr bur tut sale (11/e- tnut Shingle% Plaute,ing bolts thiegiing I•nie Lumber freer a bait to oft inch. All other blZt b ul Lumber turotellea to order Also Oak, hue el .t Utleetout Wood by the load for male on the I ..ruued. He had also IC E lot sale. ta I A S. I B. AMBE.U.SON, D., - I)! YSIOL A N AND SURGEON, w A AyN Etkl3( ittlY, PA. OfriN. in ‘t buiidLug one door Eastufthe Ituv+d,t, I itPUSe.. Liutie3o—ff 01W , " GEo. B. WKEIZ ALEX* LEEDS, 111- , t door to the Town Hall, Itaa now oil hand Sae I.4eortrnent of MOCKS _Seletleilibyf,himself-with-grest-care—a—large-and well selected assortment ot U'ONdliGto o , ot Swiss, English, and American Manufacture ; JEWELRY cheaper than ever before sold in Waynesboro , all the latest styles kept constihtly on hand. Every variety of Cuff buttons. fine assort • ment of ( -- I===• FIWGER AND EAR RINGS. Solid Gold. Engagement and WEDDING RINGS, Silver Thimbles and sheelds,' Castors, Forks, and - gip:co - o/c Aalt Cellars; and Butter Knives of tot e eel ebrsted Roger M anufacture, at reduced rates. • SPE CTACLES c vilMl __ _ . To suit everybody's-eyes. New glasses put in old frames. Clocks. Watches, and Jewelry promptly and neatly repaired and warivnted., ALEX. LEEDB, .ext oor to the Town Hall, underthe Photograph tevillery July 31. TIRSINUS COLLEGE, Located at Freeland, Montgom ery county, Pa. The Academic Department: [POI/111ERLINIMIZIAND - aseC_likaght4 - IfragLematicid and classical Boardio School for YOUNG MEN AND-BOYS; Under the immediate Tuition and Manage ment of the faculty of the College. TERMS MODERATE. neceseary expeneee, including Tuition, Bonding, Wasiong, Hooke, dm., not 'exceeding X 5230 a year. 1 IIE COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT Will be distinct from the Academic and will afford all the advantages of a full College course in the towel higher branches t f study, under t h e direction of a Faculty of six Professors Fif - Flie Academic Year for both—Depaitrnents will be divided into the following three terms:—The school Opennig with the Fall Term, September 6, 11470 to December '2.2, Winter Term, Juannity 4, 1871 to April 5. Spring Term, April 12, to July 7,1871. LY - For further ilifirreation apply to Pitsidelit t.f 17rbinurCul ear, ' KNALA AD, NON /I.IOIIER Y • lioudTY, PA july EIYNISIIOIIO' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE MPANY, - IVAYNESBOD6', PA., X INIT IS IC3 .IEIL .3MI IS AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE BY 31E4 -1 ill Kit 111 M 9 Op all safe class property at reasonable rates OFFICERS: W. S. AM BERSON, President. SIMON LIECKUN, Vice President. Joe. lieuuLas, becretarv. Joe. Vl. MILL R, Treasurer. DIRECTORS: W. B. A enberbon. Mimi) Lecron, Jacob esebaugh, Jos. Price, Jos. W. Miller, D. B. Russell Jacob Good. DANIEL SIIiIV ELY, Agent, Waynesboro', Pa. Lewni S. Forney Jos. I),niglet..,. JmcobJ . M Iller, Bern. F. Funk, Levi r.uridurs, June 16, '7o] • NOTICE. A Chance for Bargains THE subscriber is now offering the stock of READY MAD'S CLOTHING formerly kept by the late lieu. Bender, Ben., AT AND BELOW COST FOR CASH. Ai.XASE6C:IO A new supply of men and boys' Clothing just re. "waved from A- Jarrett of Baltimore, Rd . , All goods warranted and made in the best man. nor. 'fbuse•who Minns to purchasi Clothing at the lowest figure's wilt do well to call at the old stand 3 E. corner 01 the Diamond. oug 25-if A. E. WA YDIANT. :WAYNESBORO' COACH FACTORY. rt EO. B. HA WKE It having withdrawn front toe firm of Adams & Hawker. the subscriber •intorrirs the public that he continues the Coachinak inclondoess in all its brooches, at the old stand. lie will at all tunes have u supply of new Buggies, digs:mit kinds, on hand; also second.handed ve. hides. Repairing done at short notice. He uses the beet alumna! and employs good mechanics. Be returns his thanks to be public for their liberal pa tronage and by attention to business and a dispo. sham to accommodate hopes 10 merit a liberal share of the Name in the Jaime. juu 14 tf JACOB ADAMS.. JOSEPH DOUGLAS, ATTORNEY.A.T.LAW, • Waynesboro'. Pa., • PRACTICES in the several courts of Franklin and adjacent counties. N. 8.. *cat Estate leased and sold and' Fire Insurance effected un rgasuttable tame, ticc 10 t C IP i a q AVe_are_now_roceiving_ovr_firstsepply_of FALL GOODS at lower prices than •they have been for several years, to which ws ea II the attention of all who wish to buy CHEAP GOODS. A. full assortment of Cloths, Cassimeree, tke, for Men nod Do a wear at • A. B. & Co's. A full assortment of Delains and all kindsof staa mar goods tur Ladies at A B.& Co's. - Bleached and Brown Muslim selling low al A. B. &Co.'s. A heavy stock of Ingrain, Imported, Rag and all kinds of Carpet at A. B. & Co.'s. Cil Cloths and Mattings a large lot at A. B. & Co. s. Wall and Window Paper in great variety at A. B. & Co.'s. Ladies and Misses Shoes cheap and good at & Co.'s. We have a full assortment of all kinds of Dry Goods, Notions, , t4ueensware, Hardware, and Gro ceries to which we call your attention and feel con Went that we can give you full satisfaction in re gard to price and quality. rir Give us a ca11.,0 AMBERSON, BENEDICT do CO. dee 1-1870 ANTIBTA WOOLEN EMORY, THE undersigned respectfully announce to their customers and the public generally that they have now on hand a full stock of WOOLEN GOODS, ATTCH . AS CASSIMERES, FLANNELS, BLAN KETS, COVERLETS, die., all of, which are be ing sold at reduced prices. barpeting, both woolen and cotton, made to or der at short notice, and all other custom writ at tended to promptly. The highest market priiki paid for Wool. • . Persons wanting anything in their line are invi ted to call and examine their stock of goods. The thanks of the firm are tendered the public for past patronage and the hope entertained dm they may be enabled to merit a continuance of sac favors. .1. W. BAER & tit:HELLER. oct 20—tf MITNESBOBO' BAER! CONFECTIONARY I • MHE subscribers announce to the public that I they have opened a Bakery and Confectionary on Main street, Waynesboro', opposite the "Bow den House", where persons at all times can be sup plied with fresh Bread, Rolls, Pretzels. all'ltinds of Sweet Cakes, wholesale or retail. A full supply of Candies, Dims, Fruits, etc., always on hand. ICE CREAM regularly supplied during the season. Having erected at considerable expense 6 Bret class Bake House they. Seel confident that in this ileyartment of their business they can give general satisfaction. Tuey therefore solicit a share of pets lic.patrottage. may 5 tf BLEASMAN & MORT. st VW STORE: lUNGGOLD, Md. ILLIAM STE WART has been to the City and laid in a large supply of Ladies. Misses and Children's Shoes. oh the intuit faehiouu hie styles. • Men and Boy's Sloes, both coarse and line!, Men's Congress (miters; also Straw Hats. The public are generally invited to come and examine tor them selves. MI who will buy of him will receive satis faction, uhe wilisew all ripe gratis. lie also keeps sugar, toffee, molasses 'an sirup, pepper, 'alspice and minium, mackerel; letter paper. envelopes, steelpens.peo holders, kerosene, dtc., &c. A lot of .he best leather on hand. Work menu• factored to order ut short notice and upon reason able terms He returns thanks to the public for put patron age and hope. to bo ablo to merit a continuance of the seine. tn9y 5, NT% Wm. STEW ART. D. a. RINIMILL. /WM L nuestocy. • N E IN FIRM D. H. ItUssELL & SON at the sign et-the-13i Red Horn, will keep constantly on band and for sale t large assortment of Stoves and Tinware. COOK STOVES ! (warranted to give satisfaction.) i haware Ironware, Brassware, Japanned Ware, Mouse Furnishing Goods Tubs, .13uekots, Churns, Knives and forks Spoons, Ladles, arge iron an And other useful artteles at the sign of the 810 RED IioRN, Waynesboro', Pa., where a large as sortment of COOK STOVES, NINE-PLATE STOVE,S PARLOR STOVE,S • COAL STOVES St.e of Ih. latest improvements, the. very best in the market, atAlle_Cheap Tin and Stove _Store of D. B. RUSSELL & SON. E ERYBODY COME AND SEE aTE IMPROVED ORIENTAL BASE BURNER, Sold at Retailbv D. B. RUSSELL & SOY, bign of the Disc Red Horn, Waynesboro', Pa TINWARE mode of the best Tin in the market, and vrarranted at the sign of the "X3ls 3Eteac7. X3roxen" D. D. RUSSELL keeps constantly on hand large assortment of Rouse Furnishing Goode for sale clump. Pure No. 1 Kerosene Oil and large assortment of Lamps. 'T • Washing Made Easy! by calling at the sign of the " Big Red Horn" and getting the' best Close Wringer ever made. Peraonb iu want of Stoves, Tinware, House 'Furnishing floods, &c. &c,, can get full vrilue for their money by calling on D. B RENSELL & IRON. goof the"DIO RED HORN," Waynesboro'. Pi. SAVE YOUR FRUIT ! TEIE L. A. OELLIG DRY . HOUSE, PATENTED J VITUADY 218 T, 1068;' , :k.,` This is the best Dry House elver offered to''the public • It dries fruit in half the time required by the old method. • •-.• It dries uniformly and perfectly. The Fruit dried by 1$ retains more of the natural 'flavor. It is easily managed. It saves fuel. It is durable and portable. It has 14 feet of drying surface. 4 Call and-see them at the sign of the BIJ ESD BORN and leavayour eiders for diem- March 24, 1370. p ~ Q. t• DENEBIZE DNALER IN VRTIGS, Chemicals', ith 3- qi+ a PREPARATIONS FOR THE HAIR OILS, PAINTS, VARNISUESES dke. a.. !o___. arPhysieians dealt with at 20 per cent. discount. Waynesboro' hotel Building, Pau R COON & STONEHOUSE WOULD respeCtiny inform the peblie tint they have opened at their sore room, oa he-sout-troarest-corneroftherthentomiTia— boro', a large and we selected stook if Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware iron, Steel, Naile,. Cosch-makeu Goode of every description,_Queonewara,-Cedarware, eihoes, Car pets, Oil Cotter, Planta, Glass, Oils, Varnish Bruaa• es, Fish, bait, and ad kind of Goods kept it a well regulated store. Our goods are al new and flask and have been bolrght for cask at the tau desalts in prices. We flatter ourselves that boos eqr long expert enee in business, and a determination. to cell pods at renal profits, we shall be able to offer .unusual inducements to a buyers who desire so stye • moue ey. Please call and see for yourselves. We have a large and we assorted stock si eta. ple and fancy Dry Goode, embussing Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Jeans, Tweeds, Cottonades, Cords,Dea nes, stripes, Cheeks, I.linittams, Linin and 'Cotton Table Drapers, Crash for Towels,Ualieose,Delaine, A 'peens, • FM DRESS GOON, Triings, dhawb, Brown and Bisected Sheeting and shining., Ticking's, Linens, Flannels, •White bloods, Gloves, Hosiery and Notion.. We are re. calving new guods every week and will supply any article wanted that we bare not on hand in a few days. We pay the highest market price for all kinds o country produce such as nacoa,Lard, butter, Egg* Dried Fruit, Rags, &c. Nov. 3 —lB7O. ALUM IL GOOD A_NTIETAM FACTORY AND RILLS A NSW FIRM GOOD & MET CALI Who are repuod to furnish and make to Gala, Sash, Doors, Shutters, Blincir, Brackets, Staking, Moulding, Scrolling, • Flooring, Mantles, dic.; &c., &c. —ALSO— Sawing, Plaining, Tuning and Grinding. We are also prepared to do POST BORINI and in short anything in our line of busineim Wishing to enjoy the success and austain,the ref station of the former proprietor. we will try to sal or make anything for jou, you want or need in oo: line; make i tee well as we can, and sell it as cheap as we can, with justice to you and us. Address GOOD & MET.CALF. Waynesboro', Pa. Factory 1-i miles South of Waynesboru', Pa. Fab. 17. 1870. CENTRAL MARKE'I ! glair APING secured the . services of first•claes Butcher, Mr. Chas. Dickel, who mired great pleasure in pleasing customers, the subscriber* sin. nounce to their customers and the public that they now or,cupy ,tlie Cellar on the corner. gest door to the Tosin - Bril, where fresh Beef, Pork, Lamb and Veal can be bad on Monday, Wednesday and today, evenings and mornings. Sausage and Pud. dug furnished regularly on Wednesday evening of each Week. Persona can rely on getting the choicest melts he none bit the best stock will be slaughtered. FRANK WE A GLBY, JOS. F.l U TMIT AEU iVED—A full sto. ,s Leattra fur ej shoeibaker oaJ saddlers, ' ROUZER F aINTVB, • Pikesvillo jUno 91f WAYNESBORO', PA: and Cutlery, lIIATTRISIV VIITCALI • •" • •• HUGS EDIGINF I S, f ---- &e. 4414 lo to •Fourthman cia :3-.„41144t.., 1440-4411 Waynesboro', May 24,_18674 ----- ANTIETAM MARBLE WORKS 111. WALTER & IIRO•, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Monuments, Tomb, Readatvises, 4e„ 4.4 VVE call attention to oar smeortment of the a bove, comprising she newest and 111011 i proved styles. Having the advantage of Water.'proar, and a. long experienee in.the STONE CUTTING. BUSINESS, • ate ars able to fill collars at the shortest ionise anti, ea most reasonable term. Giro us a call at our Yard, our Antietam Jane• ion, on the Waynotboro' and Hagerstown Turn pike, two mike from dolman place. Post Oboe address, Waynesboro'. Pa. N. 11.—Orlui sari be lift with Join Wallet u 4 ill »mime prompt attention. 11. W. £ April 8--tf. .OMNIBUS LINE! J.HE subscriber informs the public that he is now. proprietor, of the Buss line sunning. daily be— tween Waynesboro' and Greencastle, heretofore run by Wolfersburger & bioner. With gaud bones. and a first-class four•hone Omnibus he is enabled to convoy passengers is and fro with comfort and convenience. His Huss will leave Waynesbowe at O,A. M.,. arriving ■t Greencastle at making quick time.and sate connection with the first Passenger train at 8 A. M. Lessee Ureencsalle at 6 o'clock, P. M., ar riving at Waynesboro' at 6 46. He is himself Pro prietor, Contractor and Driver. Delivers Adams. Express matter to and from Greencastle. All .Ex press matter expressed HA/ same morning a nil through to Waynesborethe same day it arrives. Persons wishing to send goods by. Express will du. well by giving• him a calf. Pergolas westing to ao. to Hagerstown should take this route. The train leaves at 9 16 malting connection with the Wash. ington County 'Railroad. aug 30 tf j J K WOLFiRSHERGER. Tim undersigned mild inform the public gen.. wally teethe use purchased the Livery here. tofore owned by Franklin Weagley,. and is hilly. prepared to inert the wants of the eon- JP. Inanity in his line of business. - 1 11/ •t s He has bad all his carriages neatly re it paired and refitted and his •horses aro 111 rk• site, gentle and feet travelers. Pari ties conveyed to any point desired, ac oenspaniiiel by a careful driver. Office one door weet of Bowden's Hotel, where en attentive hostler will be i& attendance stall howls of the night and day. • No effint will be spared to accommodate all wile may patronise him. 'let 17 tf ~; f ''4 i?r : f=~+ ~I') •;!!! fIE undersigned would most respectfully in form the citizens of Waynesboro' and vicinity at he has opened a new Tin b3tore no East Main street, opposite burnt: I Wolfra Dry Goode em porium, and keeps constantly on hand a good sup— ply of CORK & COAL STOVES, MORNING GLORIES. etc,. at prices to suit the tiaras. All kinds of work done in his lino pick neatness sod dispatch, such as roan. spouting and repairing. You wilt glad it to your iLterest to give him a rail before purchasing elsewhere. the Riau is the Big Red Coffee Pot Always on the Post. Thanklal for put favors he hopes for a continua:4es of the same. Yours Respectfully, CLAYTON M. FREY. Boot and Shoemaking. THE subscriber would iulorui the public that he is at all times mowed to make to order bents. Goarse or fine Boots, also coarso or, fine work for Ladies or Misses. including the latest stile of last— ing Gaiters. Repairing done at short notice. and alumni/es taken in private families if dating. Shop on East .11faia Street, in the room turinerly occupied kr.l. Elden, ass flour end feed store. • ' .* if if.LLIMiettWORTII. I 43—tf BUILDING LOTS: 'ti3HT Building Lots for sale on Boa 1 street. Persons dosisootot immuring a good t •fr , :koop *hi s ldosu on itoil7ll The highest each price will b. 'paid few . Cast hem damps delivered at the works of the Pi f (AMUR M. CO. WAVH.FUNIC. D. B. RUI ELL.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers