NOTICE. co 0 ..ig ifi* iii 4' LI V NVe arc rpm receiving 0'22 tir,t surely of FALL GOOD et lower pleas than they have been for several years, to which ws call the_latuonliti of all who wish CHEAP GOODS. full assortment of Clothe, Cassimetes., f.,r Men and Boys welt:. at A. B. & Co'F. A full a‘aortment of Drlaina and all kinds of sum mer goods for Ladies at Bleached and Brown Musline selling low at A. B. &(;o's A heavy stock of Ingrain, imported, !Ng and al; kinds of Carpet at CII Cloths and Mattings a largo lot of A.ll. & Co. a Wall and Windoer Paper in great ogriety At A. H. A Co.'a Ladies and Misses Shoes cheap and good at A. IL & Co.'s We have a full assortment of all kinds of Dry Goods, Notion., Queensware, Hardware, and Gro ceriee to which we call your attention and feel con fident that we can give you full satirlaction_in re gard to price - and - quality. '• "Give us a call.Aj AMBER SON, BEINEDRIT & CO. dec 1-1870 INVALIDS DON'T DESPAIR I Thousands have found relief, and . dis vi li n o crin d r ., o\ %%Wan to Mkt Medi. i" 1 wing their purees vino, 'patience in scorch of health. -",,•-•-• taddlne 4 s of the head, dullness of the mind, fmtid breath, coated tongue, loss o rapper to, pains and weak ness in the stomach, enlargement of the liver, yellow- ness of the skin, constant lb; or and thirst, u I'h a total diweilsh for business, plenotro or any kind of employ ment. FATIRNEY'S PAnACEA, if taken and persevered In for a few days, will remove MIA of hole class of SyMp. toms. The holds of the bolt become Dom and mind clear, the stontneh strengthtMed. the tongue clean, the impolite improved, and the whole system so benefited thut discs.% in bad weather, is Icon liable to Minot you. Dr. P. FAHRNEY'S Celebrated Blood Cleanser or Panacea. As a medicine for children, the Panacea Is, in every war, milt:minted to take the place of the cattle a vailetv or amp which are annually sold for that mamma, and N‘ hiCh are olVen very injurious. A medicine which poi- HOOCH the (panties of a cathartic as well as a mild alter atire, and which is capable of arresting disewe without the least Injury to the child, Is of incalculable value to every mother. As a cathartic, it Is very ellectire, yet It does not, If given in proper quau titles, came names or dlltrees to the stomach or bowels. It is very plea ant to the taste, which is a very Important feature as a medicine for children. An a preventive of dbanse it Is unprecedented, as It nets directly upon the digestive or gans and the blood. In all scrofulous diseases, It is the most e;:ective medicine ever °lured to the public; and, if given regularly and perseveringly, those eruptive dis eases PO common to children may be entirely eradicated. • • • Prepared br P. Fahrney's liras. & Co,, Waynesboro Pa., and Dr P. • FAERNDY. 80 'North Dearborn •AN 4St., Cute-too. Price 51.15 per bottle, for aler M s e . bindholesale and Detail de by December B—ly. 1ik,04-in*Ainii TLIE undersigned would most respectfully in form the citizens of Waynesboro' anti vicinity that he has opened a new Tin Store on East Main street, opposite Siover & Wolff a Dry Bonds ern _ paiuru, and keeps constantly on band a good sup— PI of COOK & COAL STOVES, • MORNING GLORIES, etc,. at prices to suit the Aimee. All kinds of work done in his line w;th restness and dispatch, such as roofin. spouting and 'repairing. Yon will find it to your ii.trrest to give him a eall before purchasing elsewhere. The sign is the Big Red Cotfte Pet Always on. the -Post. Thank.ul for past favors he hopes for a continuance at the same. Yours Respectfully, CLAYTON M. FREY. LE W W. DETRICIL ATTORNEY AT LA W, W Ji YFEgBORO7I. WILL give potept and clue attention to all Vi l izineas intrusted to his .eare.. Office neii 4 0 4. e,Bowlen. House, in the Walitg r building at tj TRH MORNING GLORY - FOR '69. For sale at W. A, TRITLE'S new Store and Tin Store Ile has on hand a• barge stock of the above stoves, all of the late inn' roved kinds. There is added to the M nning f this year an Uven, which, is neat in appearance. It is a good Baker. You_cah heat Irons • Bake, Boil, Roast, Mew, and it does not interfere with the operations as a Parlor Stove, In regard to the Was! of some Stovo Dealers, who say that their particular stove takes less coal and gives more heat than tine. Morning' Glory, you , can put that kind of talk down as a fitow•mell, as the Morning GI try has been sold (in this part of - put out over three !loathed of-them,-and -never-had to Like one back becau4o it aouW•not do its work or it was not uhat I .01,1 it for. Now that cannot :oe said of any st we ever olPred in this mar ket. •I'h'.l is the proof which is the stove. I have other styles or heating stoves for coal or wood. Heating Furnaces put up and warranted. My Cook ktii.oVVE are of the best in market for coal er uood, all warranted good II •kera._ Also a new Cook *tine, sonit.thing that can't be excell ed. Call and ses ma. You will find my stock of Tin Sheri-iron and ,other wares of the beet kinds, and at low rates—. On hand, the bent Clot) es Wringer in market.— Also a Good and cheap Washing Machine. Roofing and Spouting done of the best stock anti at short notice. Job work of ell kinds in my line done nt low rites. The only place in town where you can get your copper work done, being the only Copper Smith in the place. ()et 1) W. A. TRITLE. LiA rpriEfnky EimE 18 A PENNY S IVED Well, howl:.thl where is the place to do it? ,Why wherever you can uee your money to the to advantage ; i.nd popular_ opinion has loi.g' . since given the palm to A D.. 8 Cu'a stover Wolff A. B. &. Co.'.. Our stock consists in:part of the fallowing nrtices : LADIES' DRESS GOODS, SUCH A 8 ALPACAS, 51011 A IRS, POPLINS, A RMUNS, DIMAINES, OPERA CLOTHS, BEPELLAN ES, ENGLISH VELVETEENS, &a , &a , M. 0312 . 753 Cloths, I)oe,-Itio Cassimers, Cords, Satinetts, Cot tonades, Linens, Tweeds,„&c., &e. We would Till °Tsuji! attention to our stork of LADIES' CUSTOM-MADE SHOES, GROCERIES. We have bought large, courequently bought cheap All our goods have been bought at remit: prices, cons( (plenty we are enabled to undorst.ll t 1.0.0 who bought betu,c the decline. ,ice - CALL AND SEE. log And we RBI prove to you what we say., AU kinds or Country Produce BOUGHT AND SOLD. Nov. 24, 1870. STOW:Ii, & WOLFF; PRIMATE SALE! frill E. subscriber offi•rs at. Private Sale a tract of I land, situated a_short dista nce from Bear's Fac tory, adjoining land's of John Funk, Martin Hoover and Isaac Dhockey. containing b acres, more or less. with Summer House, good Harm, Hog Pen, and oth er eeceseery buildings thereon. There is also on the premises timber prepared to frame a • dwelling house 22124, and an orchard of choice fruit trees. A fine Sprieg convenient to the property. Posses sion w 11 be given, on the lst cf April next. dcc 1-tf M ATM W MET° Af'. Z. C. KRA.CKIIIILL, , PHOTOGRAPHER,. S. E. Corner of -the DiumOntl, WATNEEIIOIIO', PA., rir AS at all times a fine assortment of Picture Frum-d and Mouldings Call and see speci men pictures. iunea tf. • PRIVATE 'SALE. aHE subactibtr °farm at Ovate safe his House 1,4 and-Lot of Ground on Mechanic street, Way. nesburo'. if not sold privately on or beforeihe 2d tidy of January. 1871, it w,Il be sold at public sale on that day at 2 o'clock, P. M. Possession will be given on the Ist doyof 1871. Tor further particulars apply to John W. Coon. oct late J. H. WELSH.. THE rubscriber offers at private sale •a second hand six-horse Steam Engine,lrick's make. Will •lq sold:wry log. Enquire of the nor 17if PASTER. SAYS THE OLD ADAGE. for keej ing the test and cheap est store ; all they want is for buyers to call and rximine their stock and conv'nee themselves is 7.-sting• and, Motneco,:qhcap Engine for iSale. D.' D. Mr: BIM NEW FIRM D. 13. RUSSELL & SON et the sign of the Dig Red Horn, will keep constantly on hand and for sale a large assortment of Stoves and Tinware. COOK STOVES ! (warranted to give satisfaction.) i'luware I eon ware, House Furnishing Goods Tubs, Buckets, Churns, li_nives and forks Spoons,. Ladles, • barge iron and Copper kettles, Awl other worel articles at the sign et the BIG RED Wayriesb3ro', Pa , where a large as vortioPet of COOK FrovEs, E.STOVE,S PARLOR STOVE,S COAL STOVES (b.! , of the latest impravements, the very best in the market, at the Uheap Tin and Stova Store of D. B. RUSSELL & SUN. EVERYBODY- THE IMPROVED ORIENT-A t3aiSE BURNER., fluid at Retailby TINWARE REPS; made of the Teat Tin in the market, and warranted at the aign of the "muff ztoa. 1 - ICOI2I, 77 D. D. RUSSELL keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of House • Furnishing Goodsl for sale cheap. " Pure No. I ICeroscne Oil and a large assortment • of Lamps. Washing Made Easy ! by calling at the sigh of the •'Big Rod Horn" and getting the best Close Wringer ever made. UR'Persons in want of Stoves, Tinware, House Furnishing Goods, &c. &c,, can get full value for their money by enl'ing on D. B 11C-4SEL & SON. Sign_of the"BIG RED HORN" _ Waynesboro', Pr SAVE YOUR FRUIT ! THE, L. A. OELLIG DRY HOUSE, PA.TENTED J ‘'NUARY 213T 1 1868. This it , the beat Dry House ever uttered to the public. It dries Fruit in half the time required by the old method. It dries uniformly and perfectly. The Fruit dried by it retains more of the natural flavor. . . It is easily managed. It saves fuel.. It is durable end portable. , It has 14 feet of drying surface. Call and see them at the sign of the • . HUBER BORN And leavevour• nrilero..(or thew March 24)870.. JOHNS. rocrepm. Brassware, Japanned Ware CONE AND SEE D. B. RUSSELL & SON, Sign of the Big Red Horn, Weyneaboro', Pa EVERYBODY READ - Tills AND REMEMBER MAP MILLER S BEAVER lllinve re rived iht it Fall and Winer Goode, and / oro now ready to otter groat inJucentiotts to all who wish'to save looney in warieg flair tali yurchaEt.s. , Their stock of • uauw.l tor Itnalit,s and Qeuts cut.sist of all the late styli s, such as. Alpacas, Poplin Mohair, - Blerinoes, Delancs ) .Sc. Clothe, Macrand Fancy Cassimeres,Vvcrcolitings Velveteens, Cords, tatinetts, Jeans, Tweeds, n c In the notion line they have Cuff:, collate, pins, tics, handkerchiefs, Hosiery, gluvea, mitts, comforts, switches, chignons, corset:, suspenders, laces taper, trimmings, and Ladies and thins underwear. For Ladies' Wrappings they have Long, equate, Shoulder and Breakfast Whew's, Nubica e lloods, etc. Their stock of 01{0011;ES, lIARDWA.RE, 9,ueonevvere, Underwent, Oil Cloths, Carpets, & c., lie large and was selected to suit the trade. All they ask - is an inspection of their stock to be con vinced of the truth. No trouble to show goods. Fresh' Butter, Lunt, Eggs, Rags, &c tnktn in ex change for-gouda Lituv 10 OMNIBUS LINE! E subscriber informs the public that he is non proprietor of the Buss line running daily be tween Waynesboro' and Ureencahtle, heretofore run by Wollersburger 4c - Stoner. With good horns and a first-class foui horse Omnibus he is enabled to convey passenEers to and fro with comfort and convenience. His Buss will leave Wayneshoto' at GI A. M., arriving at Greencastle at 8, making quick limo and sure connection with the first Passenger train at 83 A. M. Leaves Greencastle at 5 o'clock, P. M., ar riving at Waynesboro' at 8 45. lie is himself Pro- prietor, Contractor and Driver. Delivers Adams Express matter to and from Greencastle. All Ex. vets matter expressed the same morning n ntl through to Waynesboro' the same day it arrives. Persons - wishing-to - scud goods by Lxpress- will-do well by giving hilil a call. Persons wishing to go no Hagerstown should take this route. Thu train leaves at 9 1 . 5 making connection.nith the Wash. intent County Ituilmal. u,ug 20 tf I _ J 'lt WOLFERSIIIIRGER. BR ANIS 11 014 S , RESIDENT DENTIST, - - =, = • A WAYNESBORO', PA., Can be found at ell times nt his office where he in prepared to insert lerth on the bent basis in used mid at pries to suit the times. Teeth extracte, wit,/rout pain by the. tee of chloroform, ember, ni trous oxide gin or tho freezing process,in a manner surpassed. by none, %ATE the undersigned being acquainted with A. —V 1" K. Ilraniabolts for the past yerr, can recom mend him to the public gencrnly to be a Dentist eell qualified to perform all operations belonging to Dentistry in the most skillful mnnnrr. Drs. J. B. A9IBERS9N, I. N. SNIVELY, E. A. HERRIN 4 I, .1. M. RIPPLE, - J. J. A. t. 4. BOAEBRAKE, srpt 29.f] T. D. FRENCH. WAINESBORO' BiliEllY DPP) *II ()F%41 TIIE subscribers announce to the public that they Imve,openeil a Bakery end Confectionary on Main street, Waynesboro', o ppo s ite the tillort. den House", *here persons of all times can be emu plied with fresh Bread, Rolls, Prelz Is. nll kinds of Byron Cakes, wholesale or retail. A full supply of Carden, Nuts, Friths, etc., nlvimys on hand. ICE CREAM regu:arly oupplied during the season. Baving„crecifid at conriderable carmine a first. clots Bake House thry lett confident that in this department of their business they can give general satisfactior. 'racy therefore solicit a share of put• lie patronage. may 5 tf FILEARMAN .sr, MORT. CENTRAL MARKET:! I-I A VINO secured the services of a first-class Butcher, Mr. Chas. Dicke!, who takes groat pleasure in pleating customers, the subscribers 1111/. nounce to their customers and the public that they now occupy the Cellar on the corner, next door to the Town Hall, where fresh Beef, Pork, Lamb and Vold can be had on Monday, Wednesday and Sat. urday, evenings and mornings. Sausage and Pud• ding_rurnithed_regularly-on—Wednesday-evening-ef cub week. Persons can rely on getting the choicest meats as none but the best stock will be slaughtered. Pk NK. WEAGLEY, oc 6•lt JON. P.-KITRTZ. COLICIIMAKING. 1" HE subscriber announcca to his friends and I the public that be has purchased . the Coach Factory formerly owned by Israel Hess, and is now engaged in the abovo business, on Main Street, at the East end of Waynesboro'. Having a knowl edge of the business, and emyloying none but practical workmen, and by strict attention to busi ness he hopes to merit a share of pstronsge- All kinds of new work on hand" and orders. filled promptly. jar" 14 tf GEO. B. HA WKE R. Flour and reed. A rijirlefinittcl:l7.3.4einlii.'Y.t Flour redu fcreodmp prier., t ear t 17:3 Drug Store of Dr. J. D. Maharani. Also Of Lidy Frick 41r. Co. He wilt also deliver Flour by the bar rel, and Mill bluff to any point desired. Orden., may be left at Ambcrson'a Drug Store, or at the Post Office. -D LOHR. JOSEPH. DOUGLAS, ATTORNEY-AT.LAW, %Vayneaboro', Pa , PRAOTICEB in tiro several courts of Franklin and adjacent counties. • N. 1.1. . Real Ebtato leased and sold and Fire Insurance effected on reasonable terms. dec 10 Painting andPapergfanging• HE pubscriter announces to:the citizens ;lf Way ? neshoro' and its vicinity thotlha is prepared to do all kinds of house paintir.g.and paper hanging. Prices reasonable. and satisfaction in all caws guar. putted. Oct 20-3 mos The highest each price will, ba ;paid for Cast Ironertips delivered at the works of the f 1Y If Okilall M. CO. HP: la BYRENKCE. D. S 3 SMITH Has'a comptetti usorttneut of Ladles, Gentlemen's, Misses' Children's BOOTS, SHOES AND VIITERS. thal nod see;goods en 4 get Flees. THOMSON'S I'OLOVE FITTING COIL rs, ,it b,3 3 ., ries. • ------- surruor 'um KS SCHOOL STATIONERY of 'all kioil3 tit SIVITII'S Town HATS AND -CAPS, A full - sleek now Toady, consisting of all tho I.test styles, at •:" SluiTtes. PAPER COLLARS ; Ties, Suspenders, Gloves, everything in that liue, at 130 V 3. V A Ls UABL FARM. AT PRIVATE 'SALE PTE subscriber °Errs at Priests Ptil3 his FIII in, situated on the turnp.ko. pt. Antietam JUIIO.IOIJ, 2 miles front Wayuesboro% contaillug • 101; Arms at quality of Inmetone ilt Ild about 3 aot vs of whieli is well set with titeM.rl 'l'ln ImprtAelnet.o cow id( of a new two-story ilrick ilivel s ling Howe with Bourn u nt, Tenant Houao with Blacken - di) l•'hap attached, !alp* Batik Min, 11 ml ail other n-i - aces:try out-Int Udine. An* xvellent prtigt of pare waterriFes-under-the-linek-Iluilde,g-which cot.vi_ya the water to it e kitchi it and also to the heCl/1111 Gtr - ry. This in uuu (If Il.e Ifieebt amt loved fauns in the neighberhood, k lug convenient to eionekii, sehoolp, ml F, &c. Fur foram- p , rticultire chh-oit or in'thcss 'IE uwo rniFE untlerti4ne.l respretfolly nnnonnee to th• it custowyri and the public gi nem Ey that they have now on 1181141 a 11.11110 ml of " WOOLEN G • :11'011 AS eASSDIERES LS, IIL N. K ETS, CO V LETS; dtc., ill ut which are W ing sold at reduced prices. Carpeting, both woolen and cotton, made to or. der atLahort notice, and nit other cu.torn will:. at tended to promptly. The highest markt t pr've paid fir Wool. Persons wanting anything to their line are invi ted to call arid t xamino tittle stack of g.vle. The thanks of, the firm ere IClllhlnt_6o put ; for pint patronage and the 'tape onto-tamed tha they may be enabled to merit a continuance of Kit: favors. J. W. 13:1E12 & 51:tIE1,1,111t. cct 20—if llard‘vare ! • Hardware ! THE undersigned hating just returned lorriThe Lantern cities ere:prepared !ascii Cutlery, ding Hardware, &c., et rxtraordmnry lon r..teF. riermg purchased for cash they are enAbled to offer inducements to rust more, for rash. A full line of Builders' and 111:cksmiths' Goods always on hand. They nre a'so agents for the ctlebratcd Lemnos Edge Tool Works. JOIIN 111113 ER & SONS Chambersburg, Nov. 17-1870. PRIVATE SAL;. :1 - ? II g subscriber offers for solo a Booms and Lot 1.1 of Oround on North street, Waynesboro'. There is on the lot n well of good water par ly completed. Also 8 Building Lots on Broad 'beet and 12 on West Mein street. On one of the latter 'lure is a Lime Kin and gotta Stone Quarry. Money can bo 'made upon this lot by Lime Burning. Al.° 6 Out Lots ranging in size front to t) acres, it is desired purchasers of BuiLting Lots can get possession of them this rnll sop 8-tf _ALEX. HAMILTON. DEN,TISTRY: lIIAR. J. M. PEDDICORD, lee of San Francisco, ju Cal., has located in Waynesboro', and will at tend to all the branches of the profrapion. in a thin oughly practical manner. Teeth attracted without pain by Nitrous Oxide Gas, or a highly improved freezing procure. Office two doors west of the Village ItCCOrd Of flee. sag 1 1-tf MILLINERY GOODS ! TO TIDE LADIES! NIRB.. C. L. HOLLINDERGER has just rei embed a full supply of new Millinery geode ',ladies are invited to call and examine ber stuck. now 3 tf • MILLINERY GOODS . 1 . TO THE LADIES mRISES STICKLE & GORDON announce to the Ladies of Waynesboro' and vicinity mat they are now in receipt of s general getiorlownt of M Winery Goads,such as Rib. one. Lacer, Fribgee. and other late style Trimmings. They invite the Ladies to call and ermine their stock. nov3 tf. nAlair VITANTED-1 FORNEY iSc - SONS Will pay the highest market Arica for 650 cords of Rock a nd Black Qak Bark &livered at their Tan nery in Way nisburo'. ' Hides and bkins WEI n in and weighed at the Cellar of C. Ituthes Shoo store, for which the high est =tricot price sill be paid. ape 21-1870 For Guns, Penknife Blades, Repairing Family Corn She Hers, Cali on J. Et. JormsToN. nov 3—tf UIIIILDINGILOTS. WIGHT Building Lois for sale on Broad' street: JrAPersona desirous of recuring a good Lot chew should call on nog I 71( • • D. wittuisrLit.. THE KIDNEYS. The Kidneys Of P two in tonnlivr, situated at the upper pat of the kip, sett-trended I y fat, and con. e sting c time puts, viz: the dhien r. the 'n terior, an I the Exterhr The anterior tilts ir! a.- fn'er'or consists of ti 11 - 1.1 er vrins. wheel' nerve al n deposit for the tu tr end convey it to the vitcre r. The r :stet or is a eon 'et. - or a'vo. ti rniiiintingt ill a :itigle t.ths, eare.l tea Ureter, l'he ureters are coatatted with 11 e 1.1;1 !- der. The bladder couppot•eil n 1 A:wines enveiin:4 4,r tinues, divided inn> p ots, : the Cpl. r, the !,oe.. er, the Nervous, rto.l thn Muts•es. itoui pi en pals, the lot er ntsitti. hinny Woe n I ' o jilt u Vl' - nate ta Hulot the ability ; et he a u irate ni h .te th,, nhititj"to retain. 'I his fretptehtly 11CLAitli To cure •Ilicee aft c'tiotip, ae nittA bring into t.c-. Lion the mos winch n , o engact d in their ca•i4 function II ti.ey mc_negl.eted, (hat cl or Dik'ipt=y ly entitle. The r. oder must 'Vs() 1c made ntv tl'at boo , - ly he !Ito nit ,ek, it is ure to elrpt 111.31111 and inciiti.l powers, n 8 o ur fie h eud VO id ale upportiql !run tixtee eou: Los. GO-UT, OR RHEUMA - - TISM. Pain el. curing in Ilia loins is irldit tif 0 Ain.: 0' iii 00094.0. They it( . 0111' in 1 tirson a divpmed t o acid stontach and ky c u:rt flow'. b/111111 S Town Ela.l Sture 'l•he gravel en , ui s from neglect or imp.oper - treat= roe ( f ti. ludn•le. Tio s• 014 dig l‘eiog, (h o ovat,r Is hot exie II d Imu h•• 1)140.1k r, I 11. 81• towed Ili lenl tin ; it lit coin 8 88,1111 , L. 11114 111;8 et 1,• Hit Ll/.:t 111 • 8; , )lit: Id 1 ortotd, and grav,l VW •r. is n lion of r.ah r in 8, uh , t ort , , of eir ! o and boar; ifferunt norocs. 4 t , r Ile rust, al. lectsl, v,z when gens_saltv d011i, , ,0! °yr the_ 1,0 ,_ , it is call, II A tot+arc., ; wlo.n • I tho moo, .'s ; 5.% licis if Lim elw.t, hur Iy-1;444-44a, 11, lut!r 'I cogeini'raled rump° in 3 1.3 v .I“. vloaly 3 :NB TI 11 Li Lo In.:::$1b1)13iS OF I 111•:. 131,113i11:13, 1IUNI;V IVI.I, Wit l':=3(!A 1 ,, 'A I;I.I4NGS, • 11111.1,N1 - • gni) tr linder this Lead wah i ne ir rangeJ I)ystirrt. or thin •ulty pun i•l p a•a,ug water, y Of sum I an I i(i-• ehQrge.A 4 I W. 41,1 ; Btrall4ury, or bluppilig w.v. r; Hi dUi!a, or l,lwr ly Uiuu,, ;out nu 1 hurunt.t of th., kaineyg, an," ctlavg In pima ur dark water. It wui , by- the Litt Dr. : 11 ,1 . eafructirr.ipi. liCRE.ISESTIIE DIGF,'B•IIoN, and excites the absorbents irlto healthy excrciie by which the watery or cilearointi depo4iliort , , and all unnaturil enlabremt nts, as will Cr p tin and int! int =IODIC, are reduced, and it ix taken by men, wo men, and eh Wren. lltreet,uns for use and di.t av company PHILADELPHIA, PA., Fob. 25, 18G7. 'P. If etearn.n, ftruggist : Intrin :Jut —I !lava been a t utTorer, flr 12:AV ird of twenty years, with gravel, tlobler, and ku!ncy nl foction, euring which time I have used v.Lnonq tric• diiinal preparations, and been under the !ra.itin-nt of the most eminent Phys.eimis ; expeferi.:lll; but Ravin; seen your preparation extensie ly adycr• dud, I corksulted with my kali, y physician in ro gard to using your Extract dui ha. I did this because I had u.e.l all kinds of adver tised rmiedies, ant' had found them wort'doss, and some quite injutirms; in foci.] despaired of ever tie g well, and determined to uSe DJ remedies here after utiles. I knew of the ingredient's. It WAS 015 th rompted me to use your remedy. As you ail. vertised that it was composed of buchu, cubebs, an I jtiniper_bcrriee,-it occurred - Tome and my phy•ivisn its an excellent combination, anti, with his advice af ter an examination of the sitic'e, and consulting a• gain with the druggist, leoncluded to . try it. I com menced ire use about eight months ago, at whir it time I waa confined to my room. From tho first battle I was astoniah - t1 and gratilied at the benofici.A effect, and after using it three weeks, was able to walk out. I felt much like writing you a lull btu meet of my case at that time, but thought my i h provement might only be temporary, and thcreffrrt concluded to def.r and see if it would effect a p .r. tect cure, k. owing then it would he of greater Yattle to you, and more matishictory to me. I am now able to report that a cure is cff:cted ter using the remedy for five months. 1 have not used any now for three months ant feel as well in all respects As I ever did. I do not mean to be without it whenever ovation way, teq /no its use in such as cpous. steeo RAW K. aliettili any doubt Mr. IfcConnicti's stateot,nt ha refers them to Vie following gent terueli : Hon. Wu. Littutsn, ex• Governor, Pennsylvania, lion. Taos: B. FLaszscrt, Philo :elphia. . Hon. J. U. Ktrox. Judge, Phila.:et/phi:. Hon. J. S. Bcacit. Judge, PhiLtdelpttia. Hon. 1). R. PORTZ% ex• Governor. Penn's. lion. Ettas Lxvts. Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. li. V. GELLICI7, Judge, United states court.; Hon. G. W. Wool:memo, Judge, Philatialphii. lion. W. A. POWER., City Solicitor, Phila.. Hon. Jowl Buitaut, ex Governor, California:: Hon. E. hZsxtta. Aueluor Gen-, WasletngUna.He.i.k Aud tuany.otiters if necessar: r • Sold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. rse... ware of eetintertene. Ask foe Helinnelers. 'I safe. no other. Puton—*ll.23per bottle. or 6 botttee.lee', §1g.50. Delivered to any addrees. Deserilviyatto- - twos in all communications. Ai:!divas H.l'. LI EWA BOLD, Drug a1:14.01,1Di. cal Warchpuse, 594 Broadway, N. Y. NONE ARE GENUINEITN- Ieas done up w sixid-engr.ssed wrapper, waki, lac-:invite of my Chemical Warehouse, ma -eigno Ist - ' THE. GRAVEL. DROPSY A 1 441*.A t TIN - 1111,V RE,_:(ykli_l,!,ll)Ef) Your iluchu being devoid of any unpleasar.t tasto and odor, A NICE TONIC AND INVIGORATOR OF lIIE SYS! E3I, U. T. ILLILNILIDI.M..
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