&A ** 1 DRUGS It74l24llttilizlA 411E10 11. _IL. MS IPLILNTS, &e. &c. 9?- Go to Four thman s L.D 7.17 CD 122. Uti • Waynesboro', Mai 24, 1967. ANTiETAM MARBLE WORKS I IL WALTER at BUM MANUFACTURERS AND DE A ',ERR IN ALl:swamlB, Tumba, Ileadstonev, erc., V V E call attention to our assortment of the a hove, eomprising the neweat° and most ap proved styles Having the advantage of Water-povver, and a long experience in the STONE - CUTTING BUSINESS, we are able to fill orders at the shortest notice and on most reasonable terms. Give us a call at our Yard. near Antietam June. ;lon, on the Waynesboro' and Hagerstown Turn pike, two miles from the former place. rust Oilice address, Wayn l'a. N. B. Or (era can be left with John Waltei and ill receive prompt attention, H. W„.,5 4 DUO. April 3—tt. 311.4 NE - ‘1.7 - 21 -.*.• ML. - licr do rpRE undersigned would inform the public gen. 4. entity that he tots pun:batted the Livery here. ore earned by Fr Inlitia Weagley, and is fully prepared to meet the wants of the corn. niunity in his line of bustness. He has had all his carriages neatly re paired and refitted anti "his horses are 3 111" 6 •; , fe. gentle and fast traeettro. Par. nes conveyed to any point desired, ac. omptullo by a care:ut driver. Office one door west of It•twden's Hotel, where en attentive hostler will be in attendance at all hiratt at the night and day. ltlo ktfart will he spared to accommodate an virtu may p itemize him. eke 17 tf WM. H. FUNK. JOHN :roan, Boot and Shoemaker, • Il\ FUR 118 the citizens of 'Waynesboro' and the publie generally that, he is now to put tip to order FAIR-STITCHED AND SCOTCH. Bortom wo Kui alt bunts. Pewons tgantitra work done in his hue are requested to hand in their orders early so that ho rnny be enabled to einem. uletlate nit customers promptly. He will use his best endeavors to give sati.Eiction, both as regards the itting, as well as the qullity of mock made by him. as none but the VENYEEST WORKMEN and the BEST MATERIA L will be used by him. Ile most map-Wilily solicits a share of public r a ir,euge et los pl.ee of business, in Dr. 1. N. dwehiliz nous , ', Ui, ,lairs ju v 2t— !Wilt. Boot and Shoemaking. THR subscriber would inform the public that he is at all times prepared to make to order Gents Coarse or An Boots, also coarse or Sue work for Ladies or Moises. including the infest alyle of tast ing Gaiters. Repairing done at short notice, and tudasures taken in private families if desired. Shop on Nag Main Simi, in the room tormorly occupied by J. Elden, as a flour end feed atom. THUS. i, tit!LLLNGSViraRT N. July 251--If • NOVICE. Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the mit hegialiture of Pennsylvania for the incorporation of the Waynesboro' Savings Honk, to be located at Lt ayneaboro l , in F ran kli n county , with general banking and Discounting privileges, with a capital of twenty thousand dollars, with the privilege to increase the .as to the sum of two hundred Mouses &dollars. juue 39—Sins] DR. J. A. HVGREV Ring Bone, Bone Spavin, Splint and Curb Remedy. Astra cure or money rounded. Each picksge confides fell divestiture. Price $ll. All orders ad. doused to -DR J. A. HUGHES. ,july_t4Btrij , Waynesboro'. Pa. VAT:Ailt:F.llfilli....3 full stock of Leither for tj ithiseintikert and , om.td lei 4 at ROUZER di:7RANTZII. Pikestide jdtte at LI. [3211[32nE DEALEIt IN DRUCII3, Chemicals k k A.11..±11.f0r13 lONS FOR THE HAIR, OiLS, PAINTS, VARNIMIESEN afire. itia. mamma-rim Orim Physicians dealt with at 20 per cent. discount. Wkynetsboro' Hotel Building, 27,186 ThLL LF COON its STONEBOUSE WoULD respectfuy inform the public that they have opened at their stare room, on the south-west corner of the Diamond, in Waynes boro', a large and we selected stock of Dry Goods, _ Groceries, nard ware and Cutlery, Iron, Steel, Nails, Coach-makers Goods of every description, Queensware, Cedarware, Shoes Car pets, Oil Cottle, Plaints, Gins, Oils, Varnish Brute ee, Fish, Salt, and ail kind of Goode kept in a well regulated store Our goods are el new and tree) and have been bought for cash at the late decline in prices, We natter ourselves that from our long expert erns in business, and a determination to soil tat ods at emsl profits, we abaft be able to offer unusual inducements to a buyers who desire to save Mon. ey. Please call and see for yourselves. 11'e have a large and we assorted stock of sta ple and fancy Dry Goode, embtacing Cloths Cassimeres, • Sattinetts, Jeans, Tweeds, Cottonades, Cords, Den nits, Stripes , Cheeks, Gingham!, Linin and Cotton ','able Diapers, Crash tor Towels,Calleoes, Dalai A Ipaceas, FINCY DRESS COQDS, Triitsgs, Shawls, Drawn and Bleached 'Sheeting and Shirtings, Ticking., Linen., flannels, White Goods, Gloves, Hosiery and Notions. We are re• cea•mg new goods every week and will supply any article wanted that we have not on hand in a few dam We pay the highest market price for en kinds o. country produce such as Bricen,Lard, Butter, Egg' Dried Fruit, Rngs, liov. 3 —lB7O ALUM M. GOOD ANTIETAM FACTORY AND RILLS U A NEW FIRM GOOD & vxrereALr Who are prepared to furnish end make to order. Sash, Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Brackets. &siring, Moulding, Scrolling, Flooring, Mantles; &c.,&e., —ALS-- Sawing, Plainine, Turning and Grinding. We ore also prepared to do POST BORING, and in shod anything in our line of business.— Wishing to enjoy the success and sustain the rep utation of the former proprietor. we will try to sell orinake anything for you, you want or need in our line; make i t as well as we can, and cell A as cheap as we can, with justice to you and us. Address GOOD & M 1 TC Au, Waynesboro; Pa. T e mpo 16 miles South of Waynesboro', Pa. Feb. 17, 1870. STOCZING EMIT T ING. ¶llE subscriber would inform the public that he has commenced the business of Stocking Knit ting in the "finninfeetablisbutent of C. M. Fry, in Waynesboro'. Woolen and Cotton Stockings for men, women or children, always on band, or man ufactured to order when the material is furnished. His militant does the same work as by hand. ntrt,lo Sad „ . THOS. ROBINSON. WAYNESBORO', ph. Evnit INATIHILW METCALV A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WAX.SERIt oasartundeL NrinGAR, BI e 1 Hundreds of Thousandt Bear tri a o r o a tt t i tg a r rider . • , tx WHAT ARE THEY g tr I; 1 • Cl fl g - ; • 9,4 g g p rya lit 0 c " R F‘, Pi 0 gl S I 0 .4! Po fj Id ol a . 1 43f, ab 011 E. . 0 E THEY MEM C D R - VILE IN 11. 4 46 FANCYK.. g 0 Jude of Poor Item. Whlskeyi - Preof Spleks and Refuse Liquors doctored, spiced sad sweet• cued to please the taste, celled "Toriles,""Appetir " Restorers," ar, that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but aro a true Medicine, rude from the Native Roots and Herbs of Oldiforsda,ftoo from nil Alcoholic Stimulant,. They arc the GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER and-A-LIDS-- GIVING PRINCIPLE a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the System, varying Mr an photons matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition, No preen can take these Hitters according to direr tion and remain long unwell. 8100 willbo given for an Swayable mat, provided the bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyondthe • hat of repair. For IntiammutorY and Chronic Memo. lean and Gout, Dyspepsia, or Itilgeetloo. Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Ridneyo, and Bladder. these Hitters have been most smear .1. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by dersogazieut • the Digestive Organs, DYSPErSIA On INDIGESTION, Bead ache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of CM Omit Dizziness, Sour Erniiiittons if the Eltomach. — Bad taste In the Nonni, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of tne Heart. Ir.liammation of the Lungs. Pain In the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, aro the olleprings of Dyspepsia. They invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the ton gad liver and bowels, which render them otnneenalled efficacy in cleaning the blood of all inipwitles, and imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. FOIL SKIN DISEASES. Eruptions. Utter. Salt Rheum, Blotches, Boon, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, CM hawks, Bing-Worm% Scald-Bead, Sore Eyes, Espy} ebur,lich,7 - Benrfa. Disoolorations of the Skin, and Diseases of the bkin, of whatever name or natures aro literally dug up end carried out of the system in is abort time by the on of Mote Bitten. Ono bottle IA each cases will convince the moat incredulous of then nuativuoTect. Cleanse the Titiated Blood whenever you And its impurities bursting through the skin hilt:WM Ern.. lions or Sores; cleanse It when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse lt when Ma foul. and your feelings will tall you when.; Seep UM blood pure and the health tithe system Waite/10W. PIN, TAPE and other AtildnalS, lurking In the system of so ninny thousands, are effeesodly destroy. ad and removed. For full directions, road amefully the circular around each bottle, printed fn ibur images—English, German, French and Spanish. J. WALKER, Proprietor. R. B. hioDORALD do CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents, San Francisco, Cal", and $2 and el Commerce Street, New York. 1 SOLD BY ALL DIMIGISTA MD VELUM YATIPNTED SEPT 21 04:9 The merits of this Machine consist. in part, in the attaclinvnt of curved knives to the arms of the cut ting-wheel. the shearing cut 4ICTMIS the mouth-piers, # e greet power and directness of the blow, by which treble the volume of material is cut, with less pow er then' is required by any other inactiine; those combined with its durability and simplicity of con struction, command• public attention. Nothing lia ble to get out of order, but what a boy could remedy with a pocket wrench. Persona in want of machines of this description wilt do well by calling upon or addressing the un dersigned. flood end responsible agents wanted to sell mschitier and territory. The shove Machine is now on exhibition at the office of the Waynesboro' Manulicturing Company Persona interested should call and examine it, for it is what every farmer shout(' have. ILE, GILBERT, BEN:. F. STOVITIM, Proprietor. Agent. Waynesboro', Pa. July 14—If] tiEW STORE! RINGGOLD, Md. WMUM, STEWART has been to the City and laid in a large supply of Ladies. Misses and Children's Shoes, of the most fashionable styles. Men and Boy's Sloes, both coarse and fine; Men's Congress Gaiters; also Straw Hats. The public are generally invited to come and examine for them. selves. AU evi.o will buy of him will receive satis faction, as he will sew all rips gratis. He also keeps sugar. coffee, molasses and gimps, pepper, elopee and cinsm.pn ' mackerel, letter paper, envelopes, steel pens. pen holders, kerosene, &c., &c. A lot of ,he beet leather on hand Work manu factured to order at short notice and upon reason able terms He returns thenke to the public for past patron age end hopes to be ebb to merit a continuance of the sable• may b, 1870. _ IE-11,„ • 3E. -, •I ,at •I U pld Onion Institute, 931 Arch Bt.l Prot Dalton, Chi W. itti ht, Cincinnati, 0.. and Dr. Orasno, at Charlotte. N. C., sr visa. - tog astonishing cures of atiO, 1 \ by their great CancerAntidetes without rho knife or clucatto mod lola°. and within:Mitt% wtin. Evers riot nod lihre is killed and re. \el tiP 'A It, 0 ‘l3 vi teored7a tWeit InQ time and tan. not raters. Beware 1,1, of berWl Pro • lesson, with their VW 10) , of treat. menu, attains (air NS , Moretti sa mara,: No ethire bare them tteatmeata None other ahonld ever be used. For particularly mid ter eirettlar, pall. °ream, ea atom 2-3 mos Lumber, &c. TILE subscriber has for sale Cheßtnot Shingles, ' j ailing++. Plastering Laths Shingling Laths, Pine Lumber from a half to one inob. All other sizes of Lumber furnished to order Also Oak. Pine and Chestnut Wood by the load for sale on the around. He has also 1C E for sale. ap A t 3 1410NPL WAYNESBORO' SELECT SCHOOL WILL be opened by Mn. iOBZPOINIII Font on the 6th of tleptember for the reception of pn. pile. Haying engaged rooms with every convenience for the comfort of her scholus, she hors to receive the patronage of her friends. The course of edu. cation will be thorough such as to qualify her pu pils dons for the active drake of life. P given on the Plana it desired. rivate icatroc• sus 18:470 -eta Located at Freeland, Montgom ery county, Pa. A Farat-Ulase EAglirh, Mathematical and lioardinehool for YOUNG MEN AND BOYS / -Under the immediate Tuition and Manage merit of the faeul►y of the College. TERMS MODERATE rirAll necessary expenses, including Tuition, Boarding, Washing, Books, &e., not exceeding - $230 a year. I' HE COLLEGI ATE DEPARTMENT :•will be dietinct fron4the cadetnie and will afford ail the advantages of a full College course, in the ueual higher branches of study, under the direction of a Faculty of six Proti - nuntro riirThe %endemic YeNr far both Departments will be divided:info the following three terms:— The school Opening withithe Phil 7erm, Slepternber 6, ,-1870- to Ilecember W. Winter Term January. 4, 1 X 871 to April_ti .;;. Spring 7irm, April 12, to July 7,1871. scle"ted by himself matt gr•sl vire_ a large and well selected assortment tx: of Swiss, English, and American Menulecture ; JEWELRY •It beeper than ever before sold in Waynesboro , all the latest styles kept constantly on hand: Every vatiety - uf Cull buttons. A fine assmt ment of FINGER AND EAR RINGS. Solid Gold. Engagement and WEDDING RINGS, Silver Thimbles and sheelds,' Castors, Forks, and Spoons,tialt Cellars, and butter Knives of the cel ebrated Roger Menu facture,st reduced rates. SPECTACLES To suit everybay's eyes. New glasses put in old frames. Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry—promptly -and neatly repaired and warranted. ALEX. ',BUDS, ant OOT to the Town Ilan, under the Photograph Gallen July 31. TUB subscriber is now offering the :stock o Rainy MADE Ctorrtnaogonneily kept by the late Geo. Bender, Beg, T AXD BELOIV COSI' FOR CASH ..a.t.seCO A new supply of mon and boys' Clothing just re. Calve(' from A. Jarrett of Baltimore, Md. Wm. STEWART. All d goods warranted and made in theqtest man ner., Thous who d& sire to purchase Clothing at the lowest figures will do well to call at the old stand 8 E. corner of the Diamond. sug 264 A. E.l WA ICN ANT. Tailoring Establishment ! 'HE subscriber would respectfully announce to the citizens of Waynesboro', and vicinity that he has commenced the Tailoring business in the dwelling house of Mrs. 8. T. Brotherton, opposite the Bovrden noise, and is now prep.red to maks all kinds of clothing to order, which be will guar antee to give satisfaction. lie asks a trial. mug 254 f • GEORGE BOERNER. riIHE subsCriber informs the public that he con• j times the, Bothering business in the room vex Joor to Mr. Beid's Grocery Store, and is stall times pepord to do hair cutting, shoving, shampooning etc. in the best style. The patronage of the pub ie w respectfully solicited. W. A. PRICE. Aug 23 1867. rA vest variety of Patterns, Sty!. and Price of Wall end Ceiling Paper. Also, Window - P a per and Oil Blinds. at • wig putt ANDERSON, 13ENVIOT & CO'S .11IL AIL MM. On all safe class property at reasonable rata. OPPI:CERS: W. 8. AM DERSION. Preaijent. 191 mos LIMON, Vice President. •- Jos. DOUGLAR, Secretary. Jos. W. Aimee, Treasurer. DIRECTORS: W. S. Amberson, . Shrum Le , tron, Lewis IS. Forney Jacob Cneurugh, Jos. D. , usbut, • Joe. Price, J,cobj miner, , _ Joe. W. Miller, ilenj F. Funk, ' D. B. Russell torsi sanders, . Jacob 8. Good. DANIEL spumy, Agent, June 10, '7o] Waynesboro', Pa. URSINITS COLLEGE, The Academic Depanment: EFORIBEILT:FRBELIND_SEIBINIIRL) CR"For fuither tautly:Mien epplytto Rev. J. H. A. DOrtiliEßOElt, D. D., President of Ureinue Cot ege, FREIMAND, MUNTGOIIitiItY'COUSTY, PA July 30—t1.] !A LSE X. LEE 13'% N •'t door to tits Town Rs% hss now on hand fine iddortment of ,MOCKS, wavTlaaa, : , VW?:2-Y NOTICE. A. Chance for Bargains! Barbering I Barbering! WALL PAPER. UTEIL bleaises of the and noh es Coughs, ()olds, Whempirqf Cough e dentelrithoo /Lithhmih enonsttmptlOS. ,bably never bedbre the whole history of dna, las any ttdng won. so widely and so v upon the conlideace of mankind, as this ant remedy for pulmonary complaints.igh a long series of years, and among most races of men it has risen higher and higher - estimation, as it has become better known. Worm character mid power to cure the vs affections of the lungs and throat, have It known as a reliable protector against A. While adapted to milder hiring of disease and toyoung childrm,ll la at the same time . the most effectual remedy that can be given for incip lent consumption, and the dangerous affections of the throat.and hangs. As provision sgahat sudden atteeks of Croup, it should be kept on hand in every family, and Mdeed as all are some. times subject to colds and coughs, all should be provided with this antidote for them: Although settled Consumption is thought In curable, still great numbers of cases where the disease d settled, have been cons lately cured, C hopatient restored to sound - health by the Pectoral. So. complete is its mastery over the disorders of the I.ungs and Throat, that the meat obstinate of them yield to it. When nothln else could reach them, under the Cherry P they subside and disappear. Singers and .nisbiie Speakers find great protection from it. Asthma Is always relieved and often wholly cured by it. Bronchitis is generally cured by taking the Cherry Fedoras in email and frequent doses. so generally are Its virtues known, that we need not publish the certificates of them here, or do more than assure the public th at its qualities are folly maintained. . • • Ayer's Ague Cure, For Fever end Utermittent Fever, Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, Maio Ague, Periodical or Thifous Fever, eio., and indeed all the eißictione which arise Qom inalartong, marsh, or misainatio whim& As Its name Implies, It does Caere, and does not !hit Containing neither Arsenic, Quinine, Bls• moth, Zino, nor any other mineral or poisonous substance whatever, it in nowise injures any pa. tient. The number and importance of its cures in the ague districts, are literally beyond account, and we believewithout a parallel In the history of Ague medicine. Our pride is gratified by the acknowledgments we receive of the radical cures effected in obstinate cases, and where other rem• edies had wholly failed. Unacelimated persons, either-resident in, or travelling. through miasmatic, localities, will be protected by taking the AGUE CURE daily. For Litter Complaints, arising from torpid- Ity of the Liver, it is an excellent remedy, stiattro tiding the Liver into healthy activity. For Bilious Disorders and Liver Complaints, ft is an excellent remedy, producing many May remarkable cures, where other medicines had failed. Prepared by Da. J. C. &TER & CO., Practical anti Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass.,. and Isola all round the world. "CORNER DUG STORE," DD. J. BURNS ABBIEBSON T. C. RESSCH, Constantly on band a full line al; Drugs, CitetuteAls, Patent Mediaines, • 0;1s, Paints, VnrniAlies, . glass, Putty, Lte. , Spices ground or ungrouod; Kerosene, Perfumery, Toilet and Palley Articles, We sell you but goods of tho beet quality and at prices se tiafactery to all consumers. Special attention given to the compounding of prescriptions. , Remember the "Corner Drug Store" and give us a call. , J. BURNS A M BERSON, M. D. op. 14 THE IMPROVED BUCKEYE WILSON SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE Is a wonderful achievement of invention, genius and For fumpticntY r nlnualuTY and MUTT it stands unriva'ed.- Stitch Alike on Both Sides• For Family sewing and manu•acturing. I'he a• gent defies competition, for 116111 111TORIZIG, NEMOUNG, YELLING, CORDING, TUONING, IMMO. GNAWING QUILT ING. RUFFLING, GATFISUING, and GA THERING and saw um ow at the same time. Time machines are RAPID and tacief.ntmante.— They have the MT SIIPTTEE TENSION and the STIIO/10- EST and MST PENDING DATICS in ONO. They can be furnished with plain cover, orna mental cover, or full cabinet cover, and at prices ran ging from $2O to $l2O. Agents wanted. A. E. Warm% agent, for the counties of Franklin, part of Washington and Fred. rederick, Md. 8. E. cor. Diamond, Waynesboro, Pa aep22•tf ACCOMMODATION W CON. PRE subscriber announces to the public that I is now running a Wagon regularly between Waynesboro' and Greencastle, and is prepared to do all kinds - of hauling on reasonable terms. He will be thankful fur a abate of public potronage. orders' left at the Mug Store of A. S. Bonebrake will receive prompt attention. ape 213—tf ' D. W. MINER. CHEAP "COONET:' BOOT AND SHOE STORE I THE enhaeriber hasjust retu rn ed from the dry and is now opening for examination* large and well selected stock of !Boots and Oboes. Having had a long tune to become acquainted with the Boot and k hoe trade, no doubt if yon favor him with a call you will buy as he will sell cheap and warrant the work. All rips mended free of charge. Give ' , Cooney" a call. C. BUTHEB. , sept 25-tf WIWI. J. FILBERT, MERCHANT TAILOR, AND' AGENT rob SINGER'S SEWING MACHINE. jOR SALE.—Corn, Apples, Fresh Lime, Lo east szol Chestnut Posit. des 1-1 ALEX. H AMILTIM er's Cherry Peotco,C WOE, $l.OO IRB 110717.11. T H E PROPRIETOR, ASSISTANT eta. etc. etc mechanical skill MEXICAN RO W W. A. REID LiAS ?remised a frestratoek of goods; and is ail ma.: daily making addition to .his stock. Be . PURE SPICES, Prime Rio Coffee, Brained Coffee, MI Brown and (*rushed Sugar, Loaf Puget, C' Powdered White Sugar, Carolina Rice. Iceil Ryrupe, ourmtior in quality and low in price, - ep P. Rico and N. Orleans hielinwea, Corn Starch, Chocolate, sweet do., mon Picklee, Catsup, Meows 's Crotchets and Cakes, (1. A. Salt, Pine Salt, Sugar cured Hama. Call and examine. No trouble to show rode. I offer the above at manned prices, notwithstand• htg they ars on the "rise",in the East. Cove OYSTERS in 1 and . Rib. e'en', cantle on hind, sold by the ctn or dozen. Ha warranty them good. Wikna you go to Pic•nics, on to the monnisin, s ow where you gct good oysters and crackers, cheese Ste. FRUIT AND CONFECTUPERY. - Layer Raisins, French Currants, Canißlis, Oranges, Lem one, Dates, Citron, Prunes, Apples, nuts of several kinds. ar FOR BA KING AND ICE; OREA 14.—We have good and puretextracte of Lemon, Orange, Vanilla, 8 trsisherry; essences,,of Lemon. Cinnamon, &c. Get the Eng. soda for making Biscuit. GI. ASS WAR 6.—Look.at our cheap goblets, dish car•tots, tumblers, flasks, molasses cans, lamp chimneys, &c. We have the beet and cheapest in town. • _ _ QUE EIVEs WA R E.—A n • unrivaled , assortment. foil Block, lower in price than ever. Tea seta, cups and saucers, meat plates. soup do., Tea, Dinner, a nd Breakfast do. We have tne real granite, no decep•. tion in the quality. We hate.lbe coalman ware. new stuck. HOUSEKEEPERS Are invited to look at our knives and forks, Welter knives, large spoons, common &bate and silvet plated tea and t..ble spoons, clothes baskets, bucLetsi tubs, narket-basititerschool-do. -N-OTIONtk - -= - Voilet—t , oops,—perfumery, cornbe, pocket books, pencils iok cap lettet hull note impel Superior Whale Oil, ifud Kerosene Oil, Uhrmieal Olive Soap, Barlow's Blue Indigo, Wick Yarn, Besides many useful articles always on hand, Country produce and "greenbacks" taken in exchange f.r g.).)111 lom nankful flr pa:e pa tronnge And sotirit n continuation of the same at the FAMILY GROCERY more. Wayneel one, June 2, 13706 GEORGE MICE'S STEAM EWE litiliSl WAYNEsBoRO', FRANKLIN CO., PA MANUFA.CITURE PORTABLE AND STA - TIONARY STEAM EINGJNES. jj A VINO Increared facilities for mar ufacturing Portable and Statvn.try steam Engines at short notice, of sizes Irons two to One hundred and fifty horse-power, I would call the attention of persons wanting portable engines for thre.hing grain, (lee., as I am now prepared to furnish them at short notice. lam also prepared to furnish pu'leys, etc., and all•wnrk in my line of busi ness. Persons in want of anything in my tine will please cal( and examine my work before buyiks elsewhere. For further particulars send fat cirrular. sep 10 tf] WAYNESBORO' COACH FACTORY. +5 2- ` G O. B. HAWKER having withdiawn from th „of Adams & Hawker. the subscriber informs the public that he continues the Conelimak ing business in all its branches, at the old stand. He will at all times halve a supply of new Buggies, different kinds, on band; also second handed ve• h•cles. Rep tiring done at short r otice. lie uses the beat material and employs good mechanics. Ho returns ins thanks to be public for their liberal pa tronage and by attention to business and a dispo anion to accommodate hopes to merit a liberal share of the same in the littera. jan 14 tf JACOB ADAMS. NEW TIN STOGIE: • frflE undersigned would most Tespettfully in j form the citizens of Waynesboro' and vicinity that be has opened a new Tio store on East Main street, opposite Stover & Wolff 's Dry Goods em poriumtand keeps constantly on hand a good sup— ply of COOK & COAL STOVES. MORNING GLORIES, etc,, at prices to suit the times. All kinds of work done in his line with r. curtness and dispatch, such as roofing, spouting and repairing. You will find it to your ii.terest to give him a rail before purchasing elsewhere. The Riau is the Big Red Coffee Pot Always on the Post. Thankful for past favors he hopes for a continuance of the dame. Yours Respectfully, CLAYTON M. FREY. BEEP I BEEP I Bills Payable within ISO Days. The subscriberinforme the . public that he still continuembe Butchering business, and is prepared to supply persona as usual, at the riasentent of th• Walker property, kMain street; Waynesboro', en MoneloyJhuniday, and Saturday of each week, with a prime article of Beef, Veal and Mutton. AU bills for meat mud Le paid within 39 days. He will elauLhter the best stock the market will afford. and by attention to business hopes to merit a continuance of the public's patronage. may 12— tf T. 3, CUNNINGHAM. JOHN• A• EirWSSeNer, ATTORNEY AT LAW, APING} been admitted to Practice Law at the several Courts in Franklin County, all husi. nesis sntrusted to his care will be promptly attended to UlUce address—hiercerabarg, Pa. len Ay- T Be 41111!ERSON, N. 11*, ti • PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, WAYNESBORO', PA. Mee in Walter's building one door Ea thw Bowden House, . (Juneau-4 SS A. TM u. GEO. FRIPK, Waynesboro'. Franklin (Jo., Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers