VILLAGE RECORD. vv - dia.lirtfiripies esti xi. al. Thursday . , December cr The Centre Market at Washington was burned d. wa on Eutday n pilling. Two rain were suffocattd ail tt Cr bodies 1 traed ogi.The Pennsylvania Central has leased the Camden' and Amboy Railroad--a very itnportant movement. The Derartmeot of Agriculture at Washington eatimatei the cone* crop of the past year at 8,800,000 commercial bales. efe.Mininter Washburne writes from Paris that,according to his information, the French have been beaten at all points and the end is apparently near at hand. • . trarquo prize fi e ,htera, James Elliott and d'ohn Wilson, nu.... on Saturday acute:road to the Philadelphia Penitentiary aud fined 62,000 eaeb:for attain' lug to shoot Police. wan Murphy. teirllon. Wm. D. Mano; i r Philadelphia gave his daughter . a house and furniture worth $25,000, $lO,OOO worth of diamonds, and a country seat on t he Delaware as a marriage portion. She was married on the 18th ult. urg‘lle instructions et al Which General Schenck Will go to .England as Minis or .of the United States aro said to embrace a de mand for the paymeat of the losses of Amer ican shipowners I y the Alabama, with inter est added, reimbursement to our Govern ment for expenses incurred in consequence of the depredations of illeglieh•Oonfedsratb cruisers, and public recognition of the prin ciples of neutrality hitherto insieted on by the American Governme. . WAR NEWS.—The delay in the bombard• _meat of Paris is said to be-caused , by the in sufficiency of ammunition in the German camps, and by the siege gnus not yet being in position. A large number of horses are to be sent immediately from Germany to place the guns in the trenches ready for use. An engagement is reported to have taken place on Tlmrsday at Blois, on the railway half way between 011eans and Tours, in which the Germans were repalsed. On the-succeeding day the French were driven out of Vendome, forty miles west of Orleans. Despatches front Bordeaux say that the Germane are retreat ing all along We line of the Loire, and that the French have been reinforced and are pre paring for a simultaneous attack. The Ger• mans are concentrating at Yost*, twelve miles from Ilavre, to attack that oily. A, de spat oh from Lille report, a rumor of a auo• eessful sortie from Paris, and the surround. ing of the Germans at Versailles by Trothu's forces. This is unroof rme I, but the gener al spirit of the dsspatehes from about Paris roprerents the tit) , as being able to bold-out three mouths I mger; aid that meanwhile an sffensive movement. in ten t% force will be trade agLio3t the besiegers. According to the latest news from the seat of way King William insists upon the nacos dition surren ler of Par's and the: unqualified submission of the Frcte% nation ; otherwise Paris will be at once attacked. These de mands, the Berlin Post says, will be submit tad to the Conference of the Powers on the Eastern question which is soon to meet at London. Dospatelaes frosu Bordeaux say that the jnarnals of that city 'mart that there has I esitt considerable trouble among the repre sentatives of the Provisional Government in Paris, on: 1: etion arresting and inirrisoning the representatives of the other. The ox• titement, it is said, was caused by the publi cation of false news over the forged signs•. turn of Gambotta. On :wilily the Germans, otter a battle of five hours, captured and oc cupied the town of )'nits, on the railway be tween Paris and Lyons. as t .,Pirate Semmes, of the Alabama, must kok to his laurels as a lecturer, for a new and formidable rival has appeared in the Southern Lyceums How tame and unin teresting the exploits of 'Semmes in burning defenseless shif e will appear compared to the thrilling tales of John H. Suratt's edentat es as spy, conspirator, end assassin. This Swett hos had the effrontery to detail before 6outlirrn nuthences i , ie cint win') with the ecr iiutut who alto ,mated llr. Lueoii Be deniepy of course, that he agreed to the assassination, for that confession wpuld hang him, lut he admas that he was a paid spy of the Confederates, and was fully commit ted to the conspiracy to kidnap Mr. Lincoln.. The story is abaurd; the Strangest part of all is that he should ever I met found !listeners in any respectable community. Iter The recent proclamation of Gov. Cleary shows that the redaction of the State debt during the year commencing with the fire; day of December, 1809, and ending Novem ber 30, 1870, inclusive, amounts to the largo sum of $1,002.321 31, consisting of fire and six per cent. bonds redeemed and Relief notes conceited. This exhibition of good manage ment and faithful application of the fumes of the State is highly creditable to the ad. miuiotration. llP"Within the past couple of weeks four teen „firtilp o f manufacturers, commission boutettrmajobbers in the oboe trade, in Phil. • adelp - hta,qtars sulended. iElper'eoce warrant', us In recommend. -. 7 . YtNiltable Sicilian Hair Itenewer ..0 * sure niled, _far gray hair. LOCAL MATTERS. brOVON.--.IAUTONB in attests for eubierip lino, bill 'printing' and advertising, are earn estly requestekto . settle their accounts on or before the -E MST DAY OY JANUARY, at which time we have-a payment to make that eau. not bo deferred. 'With a large amount on our book' long due and not enough money to defray office expenses, we might as well close doors. 1870. 21§6.0ur mores and shops have put on their holiday attire: 26-Clarente Beaver has the finest lot of Ilata and Shoes in Waynesboro', te.Seaterday the 21st etas the 280th an• sivevotry of the landing of the Pilgrims on Plymouth Rook, Meesaohue.ette, Cr W. A Brae will have oysters on hand every day this week. Oysters in the shell for sole on Friday evening. AttszsT.—Dr. J. AI. Peddieord requests us to stw that his office will be closed for ode week from Saturday inoruing next. Nero. N. Beaver is now having all of his shoes tncde to hie own miler and will war rant the sane. 110 - There are over 500,000 of the Wheel er & Wilson Serring - MTiolitin use; Tkii — t. H. B. Elliott, agent for the same at Brack. bill's Gallery. SEISEMBARKS.-A flue article of Shell batke can be bad at Henneberger's Bakery and Confectionary by tbeAusbel or smaller quautitiee. rif The Wheeler & Wilton eau be bought the-purohasers desire from the agent, Thos. EL 13. Elliott, at the Diamond Gallery.. REAL ESTATIL—We call special attention ' to the valuable real estate offered for Bale in to-day's paper by Rev. DanieL!singer, - John - fißs. P. Moog. SOLD —Mils Susanna Holsinger of this 'place, recently sold her interest, the one-half of the Holsinger farm near this plaoe, con taining about 157 acres, to Rey. lisniel Hol singer for $B,OOO crash. Berta connection pith the Wheeler St Wil• son is a circular Hone or Grindstone to sharp. es scissors, peeknires or blunted needles.— Please call and examine before purchasing else:ahem Agent, Thos. H. 13 Elliott. ' * r fine- assortment of fresh fruits, nuts, candies, and hiiliday goods in general, at the %fury . and Confectionary of Sleasuitin & Mort. They invite an-inspec• tion of their stGelt,. CRAM:MN-ON the Nth iota, the pur ehasers of the Gettysburg Railroad lifted th• deed from the Truetee and took charge of the road. A new Company, it is undoreteo4l, will be organized soon. togt,.The Artesian Well, sunk by Kurtz & Wertz at their new• brewery in Chambers burg, is dying finely. The greatest depth bored down, wee 150 Net, and the water ob tained is all that (meld be desired in quanti,, ty and purity. 8o says the Public Opinion- MI Net MEAT —When our readers want to have very mee mince pies they should buy "Atmores Mince Meat, all ready made, eon taioiog plenty of fruit. They can get it from Ram, at 22 cents a pound. OFThe Wheeler &liNsoa has. attached to it a Glass Braider, Corder, Tucker and plain Glass Foot. It also has a Steal flow• mar, Feller and Gatherer all oombined. T. agent. CALI. AecsavrsD.—We understand the Rev. Mr. Geddes, of Williamsport, Pa., has aecepted the call given him by the Presby terian congregation'of this pine, and that he is expected to assume the duties of Pastor hero sometime in January. WI( you are too• atiogy to take your home I aper, ask some of your generous neigh• bon to subscribe for you. They'll do it in preference to having their paper 'gobbled up' every week before they, have read, it. ; rs..The Witane l; Otago , anise less. It rune so light that little effort is re quired to aso it. It will make Fringe on Siqr with ease and rapidity. Thos. H. B Elliott, agent, at Brackbill's Gallery, where persons can have their pictures taken with neatness and dispatch. Merman —Rev. R. L Dashiell; D. D, will deliver his popular Lecture, entitled "Wanted—a Situation for a Gentleman's Son,' in the M E. Church of this place, on Tues. day evening, January 10, 1871, for the hen. edit . of the &Wing Society. This lecture should', and doubtless will, attract a large aa• dime. Cotrum.— The following is a list of Jurors from Washington and Quittoy townships for January Court, - whist. commences on Mon day the 16th : Grand Jurors.—Wm. H. Brown, Jacob B Brenneman, Jacob Middonr, W. A. Reid. Traverse Jurors —Harry Barr, Geo. Barnhart, John Duey, D. R. Millor, Ephraim Snyder, Peter Whitmore, D:M Detrital, D. F. Gordon, Henry Leerone, John a Martin, Henry Row, E B. Winger, Mi. °had Lionstin.,e, E.. 1. swam, ge-Scpw' bird4,:have: nia3e . theit appeal', a.OOO. ICtEZEI!I _ , BOARLIII. FEVEI, —This scourge of dren and dread of parents yearly carries off large numbers of children. We notice in oar exchanges what seenis to be a judicious treatment in the earlier stages of the disease, whioh usually begins with languor, lose of appetite, followed by fever and sore throat, sod then 'red patches' on the cheeks appear. When the symptoms arelrst ebnerved place the child in a bed in a room which is warm, but well ventilated. Administer warm, week lemonade, with a little gum arabic disolved' in it. Cower the stomach with dry flannel, then take a neatly folded bed sheet and place it in boiling hot water, wring it out by means of dry towels, and place it over flannel on the child's abdomon. This must be repeated until -perspiration is observed, which will not result for some minutes, whim the patient will , drop into a quiet slumber, and with careful nursing issavod, All this may be done before a physician is summon ed and will prove a great auxiliary to his course of treatment—in many cases it will enable him to save the life of a dear child and prevent the disorders which almost fol low this dreadful complaint when it is not promptly assailed by this preliminary home treatment. BSVENTEENTH CA VA LltY• - A circular handed us announces that J. A. Clack, late Adjutant of the 17th Penna. Cavalry, is writ ting and will publish during 1871 a history, entitled "the Battles and Campaigns of the 17th Penns Cavalry, of the Cavalry Corps of the Army of the Potomac and of General Sheridan's Cavalry in the Shecaadoah Val. ley," giving an authentic history of the Beg. iment. The volume will be handsomely it lustrated and contain 511 pages 16 Mo.— Price 134.50. Co. "G" of the 17th. was or ganised by Capt. L. B. Kurtz in this place. Address J. A. Clark, Scranton, Pa, BACK.- Our friend, Mr. Geo. Fourth man, who had been looking after his inmate. is Indiana for a couple.of months, retarsed-last week looking well• and expreising himself much pleased with his recent pnrchase of real estate in thaf: part of the:"Ltr weet."__ Wm. Hammett, &q., also returned a few days sineo, having made an extended tour of several months through the Western states, is good health and spirits, and much pleased with his trip. ger . A peek of villains in New York have for sometime been forwarding circulars to people in the op - tit - iffy, proposing to sell them counterfeit • money, a od:ctot a few dishonest dupes have boon caught in their.trapa,lsendr. ing ou money and receiving in return sealed packige3. of winature photographs of green• backs, sawdust, &o. The police in overhaul. ing some of the ewindlers;hrought: to,ilight the fact,:thut one party_had_received qthirty. thousand dollars in forty seven days from country .'verdant!!' FOR CHRISTMAS PREEIHNTS.—Ladies and children Furs very cheap, Kid mid' Dag Skin Gloves for Ladies' Gent.' Fur Collars, Fur Gloves Kid Dog, and Sheep Gloves, our own manufacture, Buffalo _Robes, Sleigh and Buggy Spreads, fiorse:l3lankets, Gents'yur nishing Goode, Shirts, Drawers, Stockings; Handkerchiefs, Neok Ties,;,Collara, Cuffs, Canes, Umbrellas, Pocket Books, Purses, Hand:Trunks, Traveling Bags,. and a' variety of other articles and, last though not least the most complete, sod varied Stock of Hats and Caps at the lowest price, at Updegraff's Hat, Glove and nu bactory,loppositt : Waah ington House, Hagerstown; Md. PARTIEN.—'Neck-tie parties' are DOW in vogue in some sections. A meek-tie party is one where each lady attending the party makes _a neck-tie of the same material as the dress •be wears. Those are taken to where the party is to be bold and placed in .a bag. When the gentlemen arrive 'soh one must go to the bag and take out a neek-tie, and it is his duty to wait upon the lady during the evening wheivreare the dress, corresponding in material with the neck-tie. DEDITISTRY.—Dr. Brat:6,9lloUß inserts teeth that for adaptation, restoration of the natur al contour of the mouth, durability, beauty and neatness of finish none canal him. In, eerte teeth upon gold, silver, platina, alumi num and rubber, at prices to suit all. Per sons desiring the services of a Dentist should ucpt Li' to give him a call as be endeavors, it possible, to give satisfaction. mane received at the Diamond Gallery —a fine lot of Stereoscopic lostruments and Views, stereoscope views of the Holy Land, Yosemite Valley, Niagara Falls, and other Ewe viewe. We invite our citizens of town and country to call and examine our views. Have also on band a fine lot of Pictureei and Frames for the Holidays. IMPOZTANT.-11oldars_of Bonds of the Gettysburg Railroad, in order to obtain a pro rota distribution of the proceeds of sale of the road, will have to present their Bonds to the Master appointed to make diatribe. tion, either In person or by authorized` agent or attorney. The Master will sit in Phila delpbm on the 28th inst.—Get. Star Er The simplest and easiest running Sew . - iog Machine, using two spools, is the McLean & Hooper, to be seen at the Milliuety Store of Misses Stickle & Gordon and at the Jew. elry Store of Alex. Leods. The prices are within reach of all and the terms iro easy. NOTICE.— Boots of every desoription cbenp nod good, at Nor. E. corner of the Diamond. • C. N. BEAVER. pgr%Ve, the . undorsigned, having, used the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine for number of:years can recommend it as a . ftrat class machine and one that is durable. Coorr, - - • ltov. J. A. DEMormt, Hurirty T. CRETIN, MN. A. J. HIBSWAIAN. Persons wishing to see sad inspect the a bove meohine edo hare" in opportunity by calling at Brackbill'e Gallery where entire satisfaction will be given. A credit of twelve months on each machine. (No interest re quired.) I?all particulars given at the Dia mond Gallery by the Agent, Thos. A. B. El liott.-- • - rrelover Seed wanted. ELDEN, STOVER & WOLFS. FULPHAMENT OP PUOPUEOY.---A London correspondent of a Chicago paper writes: 'Noticing a reference to a prediction by in ancient French prophet, said to be found in a work by Chevalier de Matelain, pub lished some years ago, I have taken the trouble to consult it to-day. The particular prediction referred to is in these words: 'When the Secou Empire tihall have been established at Pails, it will last for eighteen years, less ono quarter, not a single day long er.' Mark the singular :fulfilment. Louis Napoleon claimed supreme power, though not yet the title of Emperor, on the second day of December, 1854 and on' the 2nd day of September, 1870, exactly eighteen years less' one quarter, not a day longer„,he - was a prisoner of war and his dynasty at an end This is one of the most remarkable coinci• deuces on record, for the prophecy :has not been cooked up for the occasion, hut.wita printed in black and white years ago. Tnu MOON MAD.—The Gertil2ll aetrouo• mere and physioiase have, after prolonged üb servatiOn, arrived at the conclusion that• the mono is a dead planet, that is, it has,"oeoled off," and now is without heat, water or at most:Aleut, and eatisequently without life of any kind. The earth is undergoing - the — ki - fu - e process, according to theee learned pbiloso• phere and will evutttelly he without life or light, But we who now live may take no fears to heart on • that account, as the _earth can cool off, say the geologists, only at the rate of fifteen degrees iu 9,000,000 years. No stamps are rcquircd on receipts, -transfe-rs-of-tuortgsgen-,-uur on notes of leas than sloo.—No tax on auctioneer's ruouthly sales—No succession tax. !bootlace below $2,000, and•also including interest money paid, out, 'exeropt—No tax on %retches Alter returns_of_lB7l are wale, the loom@ tax expims,. BEAD'ACUE, NEUEtALOIA AND NERVOUS DISEASES ! —The wonderful effects of Dr. J. Briggs' Allevantor, for the speedy cure of the above very prevalent and painful affile• sinus, is known to many thousands who have used it with thomcat unqualified success. In every case of the comphunts aboie (lumen ted it has never failed to give itomediato:re lief. Its effect is ulagi..eal beyond precedent. One trial will eoneiuce the moat Sold by alt druggike, each bottle, making two quarts when dihved for we. Sold by F. Iforthman. CORNS ; BUNIONS, BAD NAILS, CALLosr— Trte, &a.— It is an astonishing fact that nine oat of every ten persons He meet are sorely - troubled with their feet. Very few are es empt. Dr. J. Briggs' popular remedies— Curative and Alleviator--are reliable and certain in their effects. The curative for sore and tender come', bunions, - bad nails, Ito , is a 'teething balm for wounded feet, and rap idly cures the' worst cases. Alleviator, for the cure of common corns and bunions and: the prevention of all corns is a puzzle to scientific minds. Sold by F. Ferthmau. Couons, Bacmanins, Sc. 7 —Uee Briggq, Throat and Lung Healer. Sold by F. Forth man. • _ '( AA MEOW! SICILIAN lIAIR. Is the only it f illibleillair Preparation for RESTORING GRA HAIR TO ITS ORIGIN AL COLOR AND PROMOTINq ITS GROWTH. It"is the cheapest preparation ever offered to the public, as one bottle will last longer and aooompliah MOTS than three bottles of any other preparation. Our Renewer is not a Dye ; it will not stain the skin as others. It will keep-the flair from falling out. It cleanses the &nip. and makes the hair SOFT, LUSTROUS AND SILKRN. Onr Treatise on the flair sent free by mail. R. P. HALL & CO., Neehua, N. IL, Pioprietore. For sale by elk& 1. aims. d. c 1-Imo At the residence of J. A. Stanley, in this place, on the 15th inst , by Rev. J. A. De- Moyer, Mr. JOHN %V. SANDOE, of this of bud, to .I.laseJENZilli STILALEY. We congratulate our young friends upon the important change in life thus coneum• mated, and wish them a full realization of their hopes and anticipations for the future— that prosperity and happiness may crown their wedded lives. For the share of deli (who prepared for the ocreasion, with which we was kindly remembered, the fair bride will accept our cordial thanks. 50MICM• Se'CP3lll33.i In thia place ta Sunday eveniog last, Miss MARY COCIIRAW, in the 61st year or her ago. 04.ar44riall c-4 irrii-z-1 FLOM—Sales reported oo,Change of only 1,000 bbls ' via: 200 Western Super at 84 70, 200 do. low grade Extra at 85 50, and 500 Howard Street Extra at 85.50(05. 75'per bbl. WAEAT.—SaIes comprise 1,000 bushels. very common Maryland red at. .1.13@)115 cents, 5,000 do good common do. at $125 @l3O coots. 2,000 do. fair do. at 133@140 cents, 2,000 do. good do. at 150®100 coots, 1,000 do. prime do, at '165@170 cents, 1, 000 do. choice, do at 175 cents, and 1,000 do. Lodi:1;0.'11H1' do. at 150 coots. • ()ORIN -Sale? 35,000 to 10,000 busbels white ' all at 73@i74 mita, 10,000 to 18,000 bushala yellow at 71®72'eents. OATS. , •=Blllea 1,000 bushels common at 49 emits, and 4,000 do, good to prime at 51 @52 emits. DISSOLUTION. IItE cospartnerehlit hbretofirre ekieting between the !kinlitter & Hollingsviorrh in the Tailor% ing_business was disso:ved by mutual consent on the let ihstaht. The btisiness will he . contir nod as usual by the undersigned. Persons indebted to the late firm will please call and close their accounts. dec 22-13 l) JACOB 11CININGEM FARE FOR SALE. MBE subssriber offers at'Private Sale a Tract of beat quality Limestone Land, containing FIFTY-ONE ACRES, MORE OR LBWS; 3 or 4 acres of Which tea well sat with thriving tint. her, situated alorg the W ayinsboro' en.l Oreencas. tie turnpike, about mid way between the two paces The Marsh Run passes through the ntsatlew. The above tract joins lands with Samuel Nickodemus, and others. JOHN JOHNSTON. dec'22— PUBLIC SALE. will * sell at Public Sale in front of Harn's Hotel, iltinggold, Washington county, MI, on. • Monday the 2d day of January, 1871, - THAT HANDSOME °omit; E; at present occupied by Mr. J, A. Purley. Tanta: —One.third h hand or within 10 / alays; balance in two equ annual payments, the parch aser to gike notes with approved security,. POEMS.. sion given on the first day of April, ISM Sale to commence at 11 o'clock, a. in. JOS. P. MONO,. dea 22—ts) O. V. BUNG, auct. PRIVATE SALE 1 rrn E subscriber, residing, shout one mile west of 1 . Waynesboro', near the pike, offers at private sale a tract of good farming laml, containing• -M7 .Ell.. GI 3EL 3E31 , 11 acres of which are set with tine Ergo Timber.— This tr ict is a portion of h 6 fanatics' adjoins lands of,John Price, John Funk and Jai ob Ott the premises there is crc.cted a new two-story weather-boarded DW L,LING T!013 . E there being a sluing of excellent water near the house. There is also a good Shia! and_uther out buildings thereon. The ebove rroperty is a desirable one, and per sons IviAing ti buy ❑r to crew it. shouid call on tie subs4iber. DANIEL HOLSINGER, dcc 22—sr Waynesboro', l's. COON Skiu and Buffalo Robvs at . Puree si Iloeentca's, S . QUIRIA, Coney and Minl - ,Furs at Patun & Meru u's. H OR S E and Buggy Blankets at Fame a Husructes. rLOOR and Table Oil Cloths at -I • ruicE 8 iioEnacies, 1 4 ARGE'Sbrck of Shwa', a t l'alcE4 tromacifs. CAMC9 by tho pound and yard at PhICE a Hoerzacres. .tt 4, ARGE stock of Glovus and Hosiery( at Pum mu A liosic's MT ATER Proof and Deaver Cloths at . Pares & iIoAFLICI%. DLAIDS, Alpaccas and Empress Cloths at - Pare a Bosnia - es, F INE assortment of Knit Goods at Place a Flo/smell's ROYAL Baking Pow dea:and 'zittirr r Gloss atara at Pates A Iloser.acees. NEW Orleans Alutrases, new crop, at 1'K1C1! & ii OFSLIt n's. OOLONG and Imperial Teas at Palo: A Hammel's. R. OASTED and Green Coffee c E a a t lIOZYLICH ' F. G RAIN and Ground Popper at Puree a Ilorrucn's. c HE ESE and Crackers, in Nh, at Pates & lloarmen'e. M .Ive ILITARY Over and Dre i s ti st ts at ' a n"l liOAFLlClea. BOOTS and Shoos, cheap, at Farce & Hosaticu'a. CARPETS and Carpet Chain at Pales t Buena:ea. Dec 3. The Credit System Played Cot Forever with Me ! CIN and niter the lar.of January next T intend It /and I feel like holding on to what I say, that I will not sell a cent's utarth of anything w any man without the cash, and all who know themselves in debted to me are invited to call and settle their ac county before the first of January'text, or aunts will he brought without respectito persons J. ELDEN. arc 15-3 t NOTICE. T"E public arc heraby notified not tre‘uy or trade for, a certain cheek made by me, dated the second day of January, 1871, pnysble to J. Kochondarfer or order, in the sum of two hundred and thirty-two dollars and fifty cents, at the First National Ranh of Waynesboro, sal kave received no consideration therefor, and will not pay thM,sanie when presented at maturity. dec 15— 31] . . DAVID PATTERSON. NOTICE. AN election for Twelve Directors of The Wmy nesboro' Mutual Fire Imurance Company will be held state ofli e of the Company, in Waynes boro', on thcsecond Monday in January. A. D 1871, between the hours of 10 M. and 2e. It. 13y order el* the Illitard, W. 8. A 311.1k1R89N, Pren't. Josses 11r MIL" Seery. doe 15-4 t. 287 C3O IL' X CI g 3. . . IIIE subscriber notifies the public that Levi Fax uor any other person will hereafter act as At torney for him. ISAAC: R. FOX. dee 8-3 w • BANK E L ECTION, firlHE Annual Electi•no for Nine Directors of the 1 First Naibust Bank-of WaynrshO/OP to serve for the ensuing year will be 1111.1 et the Banking House of said institution, on Tuezday,Januarti to, 1871, betwten the Louis of 12 and 3 o'civek. I'. M. ltee. 8— 3tl JNO. Catth. Please'Notice: jT is my purr ose in future, - to present to my pa trons, (through the ,Yost-Office*their accounts for settlement, on the Gist day of January of each year. E. A. Hkatliio, M. I). Ike 8-4 w. VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY AT PUBLIC SALL% TIIE übEcribor, Trustee; fa. the heirs of David • Unger, deed, will et Uat public wile, on Tugs- DAY, DICCUDAR 27, 1870, the f .Ilowing, described pieperty i situated on Leitersburg Street, in Way nostioro',Ao wit : A Lot of Vruund with a story and ft half LOU HOUSE, good Stable, flog Pim, and all other necessary out buildings thereon. Ther are also on tho lut a widely choice fruit trees, Sole to commence at 1 o'clock on said day when terms will be nude known by A. J. UNGER, dee 8-ta 'Trustee, NM GOODS! NEW GOON MBE a Uention;of the community i 4 now tliteccti to 1.1,c largo and well aosorual *pock of F--ALL GOODS just opened al PRICE IS/ 110EFLICH'S, For thol season's trade, conpisting of all the lite 'elties of the day, and at. very cheap prices to suits!! mankind. So just drop in and see the varied col lection of Dry Goods; Groceries end Notions. All the late styles of Ladiee'Dresa Goods, Such as Silks, _ Alpscoss, Poplins, Ctissimers, Clotho, Velvotß, Jeans, Satinets, Rob Reys, Pilcollfreak Cassimere, Paisley, Shawls, Plain Shawls, Lang Shawls, Square Shawls., Breakfast and Shoolder,Shawls, Delains, Merinos, Cashmeres, Twills, Mohaira, Chignons and Switches, Boots and Shoes,-Rubbers- Carpets, wool and Home-made. Oil Cloths for tables and floor. Window Shades in' Oil and Holland % Blankets white and grey. 110115 E, FURNITURE! I. U WII T3l 0 R Wholesale and Itenul Dealpr, and Marnfacturer ci I.IUUSE T At E AND UPHOLSTERER. ukt:Elsa; At-TI.H, PA., takes this method of informing his customers and the public that he has REDUCED TUE, PRICE OF FURNITURE from ten to twenty per cent. Owing to the atlvan. Ines t e has ..ver ether Manufacturers he can and will Fell Furniture at a less price than any other Idatiulatturrr in the htate. liavicg THREE STORE R 00313 filled with every variety of Furniture, from a plain, couunon atttcle, to the finest in use, he feels wa.,l ranted in wa)ing that 114 con please' all tastes. EXAMINE LIST OF PRICIVS. E LAC COTTAGE—lrnitatiun of Walnut $5, 6,7, to 8 Solid Walnut 8,9, to 10 JENNY LINO-3-Arch Top Panel, Walnut " " 3-Arch Top Panel, linitAtion Hound, Cornsr•fuot, 3 Panels Walnut carved .6 " loot, Oval Panel Wel :kat, Moulded. 30, 35 to 40 ANTIQUE—New t.tyle 2530-, 35,40 to 60 FINE AS7ICJUS CIIAIIISKS SUITS, ('HA %ME b 01.11) 41 ALN sl7I I's 1$1,11:EA Imitation Wal., lhatlferS, Yr.lth 6,12,14 Vroc),l top $l4, 15 to 15 Imitation Wal. 4 drawers.with glass, Marble top Solid Wal. 4 Iliallitra, with glaee wood top 20, 22, 25 to 32 Mat hio top 25, 30, 32 to GO 10, 12 to 14 Im i ustion. TABLES. Dining Table, six 14 g 4, $7,50 to *9 13reaki4st Jo, four lexa, 5 to 6 Marble top do. 20 efferent paternn, 9, 10, 12 to 15 Extension %rubies, per font, 2 to 3 CHAIRS. WindsOr or Wood eente 0 .foz ) from Vi, 6 7 to 10 Cane Seats, tier half doz., 9,10, I I, 11.50, 12 50,t0 30. (Ilose over StiO of the above on Land.) : Wood Sent Rocking Chairs, from 1,25 to 5, Cane Seat Hoektog Chairs, from 2 to 7 Wil;ow Seat Rocking Cfnies. from 2 „to 10 Spring Stilted Chairs, upholstered in Hair Cloth. Broca tel, Rep & Ter- ry,ron gipg in price, per ball dos, from 25 to 75.. R ,eking Choirs, upboletcreti as above, 9 to 15, 1 ete-a:reies, upholstered as above, (each) from 20, 22, 50, 25, 30 to 75.. Box or Plnin rtofos, from 18, 2V to 3(L Lounges, upboleterod_ in lick Cloth,. Br.'catcl, lier„Terry,and Domoek, Clpring ;teals, (. etch) from 7,9, 9, 10, 11, 12, to 30"- . W ARDRO BEd. Imitation Walnut, for *lO, 12, 14. 16 to 30 Solid Walnut, 16, 18,20,25 to Ell Also ,r4ide Boards, Wash Stands, Mattresses, and in fact everything in the Furniture line. The lim its of an advertisement is entirely ton narrow to give a full list of prices, and kinds of furnituret i mahu= ftciured r nt this establishment. CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES. taii - Brniember the place. I. H. WHITMORE, Greencastle, Pa- dcc 12671 CARPETS I CARPETS I. 11. WHITMORE Has . just reiurned from the cities With the largest and best assortment 'of RITTS. 011.. CLOTHS, OIL ANL) LINEN WINDOW SHADES, DRUGGET AND CRUMBCLOTHS, RUGS AND MATS, COVERLETS, COUNTERPANES, &c, ever offered in Greencastle. LACE CURTAINS, with all the fixtures for putting up. R A 2 G CARPETS conetantly.on hantl and made to ordtr. rreelling rower thtin any other ho two in the. enuoy. _ Call cml hear prices. Greencastle, Dec. 1, 1870 FOR TUE WINTJER I I NAVE IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE THIS W E EK, Laycr, Valencia and Seedless Rh isins, all new and! choice tiuit. French Cum nte, Prune., Citron, Dates, Lemons, Cranberries, Oranges, Cocoa ut.; Dried Peaches—ell new fruit. English Soda, Ginger, Cinnamon, &c. Block. Pepper silted clam in wh"lo grains, or ground by ourselves for taitcheting purposes, or in sifting cans for the tnbh ; Pi kits by the dor n and in bottles. Pulverised :Sugar, white and brown do., goo t Butting Alotosses, It will ho my aim t.) try to hoop a full line of goods for the li,oid.tys. f wilt °pit a kind and cheap 14 tor k of tilesswam this wour• to - 24 6tl .1..,RE1D1 Empreas Clotbs 4 iteppa, BGe.,, Volveteans,, tiorda,, KersSys, Tweeds, Dec 8-1870: 14. 16 to 18 10, 12:to 14 25 to 30 35, 38,40, 45 to 60 60, 75 to 85 17, 1 8 to 30
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers