VILLAGE RECORD. 'VAT -- - - - - 41161eMeNlia El CO Zit. CIP• Inuaraday, November 10, 1870, ogi.llase ball has killed twenty fi' per- JOBB during the past season. I have had a genuine snow storm ,The in Maine, and the Mormons out Weal are sleighing and skating. te...Ex..Mayor George Cbaboon, of Mob. mond, Vs., has been convicted , of forgery, and had punishment assessed at four years in the State prison. ift‘Titnsville has one honest man, certain• Ig. -A-laborordeposited -his-savings in one of the banks, to the amount of $5OO, and went recently to draw it out. The teller gave him:ssoo more than he was entitled to, which he returned and did not even wait to be thanked. 'An honest man is the noblest,' &o. Wan NEWS.—The negotiations for the armistice, which were being conducted at Vereaillos by Thiers on behalf. ef the French Government, were brought to a sudden and conclusive ending on Monday ; on account of the Government refusing to give up any ter• ritory. Thiers received orders from Paris to leave the German headquarters and break off proceedings with Bismarck, end he at once returned to the Capital. It is said that the unsettled condition of affairs in i'aris is yet another obstacle •to the armistice, although the elections during the week have resulted in a majority of over three hundred thousand rotes in favor of sustaining the Provisional Government. FroM a Toura it is stated that Fevre hes reaffirmed the determination of Henself and colleagues not to surrender an /nett of French territory. The riots which took place in Paris on Thursday last were "formiable for a abort time only, and since then the city has been quiet. Bazaine pub - lishes a reply to Gambetta, denying any treachery or bargain with the Bonapartes, and stating that the surrender of Metz was inevitable, atter an apparelled siege and un limited suffering. A battle has taken place near Dijon, lasting all day, without any ad vantage to either side, except that the French troops held their positions at its close. There is an authenticated report that Garibaldi has been taken prisoner: Later accounts say the Prussian Minister at Washington has received an official tele gram from Berlin confirming the statements that the negotiations for an armistice were ended abruptly on Sundayyafternoon, by or. dor of the French Provisional Government. The assumed causes:of the rupture were the refusal of Bismarck to permit free ingress into and egress from Paris, and the taking of provisions into the city during the twenty five days cessation cf hostilities, and the do. mand of Thiers that the elections for rnem• hers of the Constituent Assembly shall be held in Alsace and Lorraine the same as in other Provinces of France. Bismarck did not expressly deny the latter proviso,although he would not give his consent to it. It is said, however, that the real cause of the dis agreement was the utter refusal of the French Government to promise a cession.of territory. The arrest of Bariine and his Staff, wherever found, has been ordered. The veteran Gen eral Changarnior expresses an opinion that Banana was not a traitor, but that he was incompetent to command his army, and par ticularizes the reasons of the surrender of Metz After the siege was commenced a successful sortie would have been possible any time up to the tea days preceding the surrender. The Sorties that were made were only pretences, and accomplished nothing. American carrespondents report a discourag ing state of affairs in Paris. The troops aro disorganized, all the sorties have been re pulsed, and there are serieus.differenees be tween Trochu and the members of the Gov ernment. va..A measure of great stringency in ref crence to the traffic in strong drink has been introduced into the Vermont Legislature.— It imposes a 6oe of 0100 for the fist offense on every person who shall sell intoxicating beverages in violation of law, and the same tine, with imprisonment, fur the second of Sense It also imposes a fine on persons who shall be found in a state of, intoxication, of $5O for each clE:nse. Perseverance, says the Harrisburg Telegraph, is said to be a virtue; but so far all attempts to stop the consumption of intoxication liquors by strict gent legislation have been abortive. There are more rational and better ways to cure the appetite for spirits and lessen the amount of drunkenness and oonsegttent poverty and misery than Ines and imprisonment. The benign influence of Christianity, if exercised in the spirit of the Divine Master and Tench. cc, will accomplish more than all the strin gent laws that can be enacted, in eradicating d•unkenness and all ether vices. serDuring the poet month, according to the official figures given by, SecretarY Bout 'well, $ .. 5,1294.A.73 of the public debt has been paid off, - making a tots' reduction, since Ala►oh Ist, ]B7O, of '896,544.121 20 Ai this rate the reduction during the second year of Gen Grant's administration will reach k42u0.000,000. ~AN old loan, Tomei Joseph Bachler, wad ieuud dead in Lies bed, at Chicago, a few daps ag.). A post worts:us tizateinaiiao was held. nod it was decided that he died frem ftarva 4 ion. He was worth nearly 1180.000, ;l int usedie a miserable hovel, without Gre cSitioilvand died from eaFosnre. LOCAL MATTERS. ar See hod ado advettioment of Jobn J Ervin. iterWood, Coro, Potatoes, eta , will be to ken at m tbis office from slop-paying patrons. VD-Fresh coaoannte in store sod for sale, a_tilennebergees-Confectionary-.--- STOCKING KNITTING:SOO SdVelilBeDleD of Thomas Robinson. • re DEAD.—Aleinder Armstrong,* prom inent eitizeri of Hagerstown, Ma i died on Saturday, a week in the 73d year of hie age. ittirTresh Oysters of fioest quality reeeiv ed-dailyi- and for sale, wholesale and retail at llenneberger'e. lterßev. Dr. Kieffer has removed to Green castle and entered nbon his pastoral duties es Minister of the Reformed Church in that place. es-Rev. 8. N. Callender, late Pastor of the Reformed Church in Greencastle, has recently purchased a firm fot — s9ooo in Rockingham county, Virginia. ,ter Are you fond of mince pies ? Theo call and get fresh currents. raisins, oitron and sweet cider, at ilenneberger's Waynesboro' Bakery. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE.-Mr. A. S. Moon, of. Snow Hill, offers at public sale on the 29th inst. two valuable farms in Quincy township, and anew and commodious dwell ing and business house in Quincy. See adv. FARM Sop) —The Allison farm, near Greencastle, lately advertised in this paper, was sold at public sale on the 29th ult., by the administrators, for $l3O per acre. Par. chasers, Messrs. Jeremiah and Small Eb• bert; of Antrim township. SUICIDE.- On the 19th ult. a man named Benjamin Shuman, of . Lurgan township, this county,trommit tea suicide by hanging himself to a pine tree in the woods of Mr. Samuel Mowry, near Roxbury. Ho was 72 years of HARD TO BEAT.—Mr. Jacob Wiogerd, of , Fair Haven, Carroll Co , 11l , writes us that the last season ho raised a sweet potato which weighed seven and s half pounds, and a cab. bage head that weighed thirty and a half pounds. Mr W. wants to know if any of our Pennsylvania farmers can beat these IVestern specimens. MARYLAND ELECTION. —Aecording to re port, ae we go to press, the Democrats at the election on —Tuesday carried Washington county by a majority ranging from 300 to 500. Ritchie, Democrat, is electedto Con gress over Smith, Replblican. The State has, no doubt, gene largely Democratic,. DENTISTRT.—Pereone who bare badly de cayed teeth and dead roots are well aware of the suffering they cause durifig the winter months. This may all be saved by calling on Dr 13ranisholts and having them extract ed.. Lie is now inserting teeth at very low prices. AAIL STORIC—Aboat 5 (Abele on Thurs day mcruing last a storm of more than ordi nary temerity passed over our town, accom panied lsy thunder. lightning and hail. Af ter the storm subsided our streets presented a white coating, and brooms were used to clear the pavements. in many places it had not entirely melted up to soon. Suor —A young man, named Winfield S Walker, of Pry Run, this county, was shot in the Lack by a man named Hammond on the first inst., and dangerously, if not fatally, wounded. Being Holloween the boys of the place were indulgit g is sports pecu• liar to the occasion. °drenching the house, of Mr. U. he fired three shots from a pistol, one taking effect as above stated. At last accounts the ball.had not been extracted. OLD CITIZEN GC/Nn..-00 Friday night last Mr. Thomas Morehead, the eldest male citizen of our Borough, expired. Ile had reached the advanced age of 88 years, I month and 10 days. Ile was possessed of a remarkably kind and and gentle disposition, abd was very generally esteemed by all who knew him. Among many of the youth be whs known only es "Pap Morehead." His remains were followed to the burying ground attached to the Union church on Sunday morning for interment by a largo procession of friends and acquaintances. RECEIPTS.—The following is a list of our subscrip:iou receipts for October : A, M. Trimmer, S 2 00 David Jacobs, 2,00 bits. Salome Smith, 2,00 John Sheeler, 2,00 J. H Johnson, 4,00 Samuel II olli nger, 5 . 00 Jacob G. Summers, 2,00 Peter Wiles, 13,00 Miss Kate Nigh, 7,00 Josiah Sponsler, 2,00 Rev. George B. Johnston, 3,00 Jacob Summers, Jr., 2,00 James Rockier, 5,00 -D. A. Stewart, ' 5,00 George Lowry, 2,00 est..Jobn Howard, alias John Evens,tried at Cumberland, Bid, for the murder of Capt. rimy Dlillcr,.has been convicted of 'mur der in tlic•first degree,' with a rocot u wevd 4 . lion to mercy Tiro primer vr3s formerly a Couirdirate e.Wier iu Virginia, BARN BURNT —the_ barn of Mr. Samuel Omwake, near Salem Church, was entirely destroyed by lire on Wednesday night of last week. Of its contents only one wagon and a sett of breechbands were saved. About 200 bushels of 'wheat (ready for delivery to the mill,) 200 barrels of corn, oats, hay, straw, o tatoes, two wagons, grain separator (belong- ing to Samuel Shefier,) giain rake, gears and farming utensils generally were consumed. Fortunately, his horses and cattle were in a pasture field or his loss might have been much greater. The last load of his porn was delivered to the barn in the entiing. Mr. 0. left the barn at 9 o'clock and was there again at 10 o'clock, 'at which time he retired. lie -- saystliertircvere no lights ;nor pipe or cigar smoking about the building that evening.— The fire was first discovered between 11 and 32 o'clock. In the morning a pint bottle half filled with whiskey was found a short distance from the premises. The reasonable inference is that the fire was occasioned by some unknown person, either accidentally or designedly. His loss is estimated at $2500, upon which he has an insurance of $l3OO in the Wa.ynesboro: Mutual Fire Insurance Co. REUNION OF THE 126TH PA. VOLE.—The soldiers of the 126th will hold their first re union in Repository Rail, in Chambersburg, on Tuesday, the 13th day of December next, at which time it is intended to effect a per manent organization. The Regiment was made up ebioily from Franklin, Fulton and Juniata counties, much the larger number being from Franklin. Chacobersburg bas therefore been selected as_the plaee for hold ing the first meeting. Tba exercises will be of a most important character, and a large and : interesting meet ing is confidently expected. The committee of arrangements have authorized us to say that so far as it can be done special invite tioni will be sent to every survivor of the regiment, but that owing to removals a d other causes it will be impossible to get rel able information as to address of every one Any soldiers who belonged to this organiza tioa and may learn of the reunion from new: paper notices, or in any other way, will no abstain from attending for want of other in• vi tat ion —Reposito'ij Iff&Our modern course of living begets a condition of the body that requires occasional relief. The system becomes enfeebled, de• ranged, clogged, and labors in its task. The mind sympathizes with it and both sink, or are depressed together. To restore the vital energies purge the system—cleanse the blood—take Ayer's Pills.— Glasgow (Ky ) Free Press. terThe following item of interest to many of our readers we , extract from the court pro ceedings, October Term, second week--lion D. W. Rowu, presiding : Wilson and wife vs. Christian Stouffer, John Bean and eleven others. Action of ejectment for a tract of land in Washington township, containing 142-aeres. During the trial the Plaintiffs relinquished their claim to all but 79 acres, thus releasing all of the Defendants but Stouffer and Bean. Plaintiffs claimed title under a devise in the Will of Christren Hinkle of the land in dispute to Mrs. Wilson, who was his [(lin. kle'sj daughter. Defendants claimed title under deeds from Mrs. Susan llinkle—mo• ther of Christain ilinkle—she claiming by adverse possession for twenty one years.— Verdict for Defendants. ri'Will shortly be received the finest as• sortment of Christmas presents, toys and sweetmeats, at the Cornucopia of -Henna berger's. illtirThe following is Bazaine's farewell to his army: Soldiers of Frauce: We have been conquered by famine—compelled by our ne cessities to submit to the destinies of war, and constitute ourselves prisoners. Any at tempt to break through the enemy's lines would only result in disaster and unavailing loss of life. Against these dire extremities it would be useless to contend. Our only recourse is in yielding to the overwhelming forces of the enemy. Soldiers of rrance, comrades, I leave you with a broken heart. `Your commander, .BazarNr.' CATanntr.--If afflicted a 'constant dull pain will be felt in the head, ambition will be wanting, a constant drowsy feeling will be present, the skin will be dry and harsh, the hair will have a dead appearance, an uncom fortable and unhappy feeling prevailing throughout the whole system. Dr. J. Briggs Allevantor, a pleasant, agreeable and positive remedy, will instantly relieve and rapidly cure Catarrh of the most severe and trouble some description, and banish all of the un• pleasant attendant symptoms. Each bottle making two to four quarts for use. Sold b . ! F. Foramen. Briggs' Alleviator and Curative, the only reliable and most efficacious remedies in the world for the epeedy care of Corns, Bunions, Bad Bails, &o. Bold by F. Forthman. • The Germans will open the bombardment of Paris with 250 siege guns. W.EILIEII ar C) IVE X 3. To Clearspring, on the 20th of :October, 1870, Mrs. MERCER FLORY, wife of D. H. Flory, aged 26 years and 20 days. In Quincy township, on Friday, October 28,1870, MARY-ANN, daughter of David and CcWatts Mann, ego's 8 months and 4 days. Near Frederick, Md nn the 21s'. ultimo, Miss ANN ELIZA, elde#t daughter of Mr Lewis Yemen, aged 23 'years, 8 months and 29 days. Tbe deceased suffered reat ufflietion far a period of eight years. Alter she become af. {holed she begarno seek fur hiAher and for richer crjnyments than the pc - th.liing. pleas. avd stou cc() re':sion, urea of earth, which . was her only enjoyment, her only com fort through her dreary years of suffering, and which sustained her to the end,. th• hour of death. Her Motions were various, but finally ended in fatal consumption. "'Tie finish'd, the conflict is past, The Heavembom spirit is fled; Iles wish is accompl:sh'd at last, -- --And now she's entombed with the dead. No sickness, or sorrow, or pain Shall ever dirquiet her row, For tenth to her spirit was gain, Since Christ was her life hero below. Then let us fugbear to complain' . That she is now gone from our eight; We soon shall behold her again With new and eternal delight." ,PEAKS \ VEGETABLE SICILIAN V -4 / •;* kLaii. ITS EFFECT IS MIRACULOUS. It is a perfect and wonderful article. Cures hag. new. Makes hair grow. A better dressing than any "oil" or "pomatum." Softens brash, dry and wiry hair into Beautiful silken Tresses. But, above all, the great wonder is the rapidity with which it restores GRAY HAIR TO ITS, ORIGINAL COL: Olt The whitest and worst looking hair resumes its youthful beauty by its use. It does not dye the hair, but strikes at the root and fills it with new life and coloring matter. The first application will do good ; you will see the NATURAL COLOR returning every day, obi! _ . . . BEFORE YOU KIN° W IT, the old, grey, discolored appearance of the hair wil be gone, giving place to lustrous, shining at•.d beau Wu! locks. Ask for Hell's Sicilian flair Renewer; no othrr article is at all like it in effect- See that each bottlii has our river Governmen Stamp over the lop of the bottle. Ai/taws are im R. I'. HA LL do CO ,Naßlitii,N .H , Pruprietory For sale by nll druggists. pct. 6-I tnn. 1fiE.133M...30 4 .L'391. ParraDELtim, Nov 7.---The flour mar ket is quiet at former; rates. The demand is mostly front home consumers, whose pur chases foot up 1,400 barrels, including super fine at $4 25@4 75: extras at $5 00et 5 50, %Yin:eosin extra family at $5 50(D6 00; Alinnesota do. do , at S.6W 50, Ohio end Indiana do. do at $6 50(a 7 00, and fancy brands at $7 25@7 75, as in quality. The wheat rumket presents no new feat ures, the demand being confined to prime lots, which command full prsces. sales of 3, 000 bushels Indiana red at $1 33@1 40, Ril) may be quoted at 93c for western. Corn is higher, and there is more activity;_i sales of 3 000 bushels at 82@83e for yellow, 73@77e for new, and 75@800 for western mixed. Oats are unchanged; sales of Pennsylvania and western at 53®55 cents. ~t: •'r- . t~~ t~ VaIlE subscriber would inform the public that he IA has commenced the business of Sim king Knit ting in the Tinning establishment of C. M. Fry, in Waynesbar4'. Woolen and Cotton Stockings for men, women or children, always on hend, or man ufactured to order when the material-is furnished. Ilia machine does the s.innt wnit as by hand. nov 10 3i) T110: 4 . 1101.11NSON. PITBLIC SALE! S,Bowden tsar , in ~l r aynrsbero ', ~n -1 1 PAY, the Mit day of Novemi)er, 1870. a of land, situated along the Wayneanoro' and Ureen castle l'urnpi':e, one tai!e west of Weyneghoro*, CONTAINING 21 ACRES best qu lity limrst.tne land in a high state of culti vatiou, adjoining lands of John Funk and others. ALB 0 , 70 ACRES MOUNTAIN LAND ! well set with yrung chestnut timber, laving along the pike and adjoining lands of V. IS. Gilbert, John and Joseph Hess, and others. Either of the above properties will be sold in part or whole to suit pur chasms. sale to commence at 10 o'clock o t said day, when terms will be made known by novlV-3t JuliN J. EnVI.V. Valuable Properties at PUBLIC SALE I IIE untlersigned will off r nt Public Salo in the ton of quincy, Franklin Co, Pa., on .7'ucsday, the 29th day of .Nevemher, 1810, ho following Real Et:tat.c. comprising Two Valu able Farm., and a large Stone and Brick House : • No. I. A Farm containing. 57 ACRLS near the town of Quincy, adjoining lands of Geo. Cook, W . B Roby, and others, la ith n large and handsome Stone Dwelling, good Dank Borm.s new %Awn Shed, and nil other necessary rut-buildings then on erected. There are also a well of good watt rin the kitchen and a variety of cht ice huh t r ees on the premises. This land is all • xpostd to the morning sun and is one of the most productive farms in the county of Franklin. The land has 'ably been limed, and the whole is under good fercing. No. 2. A Farm lying nlmut 2 miles southeast of Quincy, near Mae Bock, and close to the Ment zer Gap Road, cotitaining SIXTY-FIVE ACRES ! more or less with good Dwelling Muse, small Barn and other out-buildings thereon. There are also on this property a great variety of choice fruit trees and a well of gond water wear the house Ind barn. The land is in a gond state of cultivation, partly I:med, and under good fencing ; but the best of all is, there is nn Ore Mine on said premises, that cannot he excelled in the State. As to the truthful ness of this asrertion persora interested ere referred to the agents of Col. Paxton or others, who worked in the mine. For further particulars call on the subscriber or Jacob Mentz tr on tile premises. No. 3 ii a LARGE BRICK HOUSE situated in Quincy. This house is just about com pleted, is 46 by 50 f. et, built of brick in the must substantial manner add of good matisfiul, and is three stories high, with a good basement, nearly all above ground. "1 his property is well arranged for either Hotel, or Store and Vwelling. There are also a good stable and all other necessary out•build ings on the premises. \Purchasers are invited to call and examine these properties. They are sztotited in the fin at portion ul the county, near to public mitts end in a com munity of I x client and intelligent citizens. Terms made known on day cf ssle. gale to commence at 10 o'ciock, n. m. A. S. 111(INN. P. t+.—At the some time and place the subscriber o[li.r for 1;11'04 BUILDING LOTS. One fronts 60 felt by 140 in aepth, the others 56 by 140 feet in depth. inovlo ts] P. HEN lI,LE. O. 1110LASPCS.—The Fultsrribrrti hnve ju.t. rocrived n lOw lot of :New °rioting 4iolnvo3 ter the Ito!ttl.tyP PRICE & 11.01;11.1C11 TAKE THIS HOME-wHEAD AND REFLECT! There are many good medicines in the world, we hope, for the icalre of humanity., but xnediciniS that is really perfect, because it is aperient, tonic, laxative, stimulant, sudorific and alterative at the some time, is 1) 0-34+4i-A Blood Cleanser or Panacea! With this rare medicine in ,3-otr house you can do rithout purging by means of Pills or Powders. You can do without Salts, Castor Oil, Citrate of Magnesia, Senna, or Manna, and so on. You want none of the ac; the Blood Cleanser is a substitute for the whole of them. nd what is better, it May be Taken with Safety and Comfort By the most delicate woman as well a. 9 the robust man. It is very palatable, and therefore easily administered to children. It is the only vegetable preparation existing which will answer in the place of Calomel, regulating the action of the Liver without making you a life-long, victim to to the use of Mercury or Blue Pills. It will open the bowels in a proper and wholesome manner —being composed of suitable medicaments. It is one of the, Best Medicines of the age, And when taken, will keep all the secretions in-a-healthy condition; compel all the organs to do their duty with regularity ; purify the blood, and secure that inestimable blessing--Sor ND --10 AT TLE. TIIERF. E NOTBING Ing FAMS BLOOD CLEANSER For the cure of all disorders of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys and Bladder. Vim Nervous Diseases, Headache, Costiveness, Indigestion, Bilious Fever, and all most of the internal viscera: You have in this medicine a PANACEA for some of the most painful and dangerous of all diseases. MW4IIIIIIOOIIIIIO - 110 210111IVAI 01:1 It has no equal in the world. Married ladies, who never have had children, seldom know the cause of their unhappy condition, which is very often depending upon a faulty state of the Uterine Organs, and which can only be removed by the use of suitable remedies. AN OUNCE OF PREVENTION IS worn MORE THAN A POUND OF CUBE. The PANACEA will not only cu'e old standing and malignant complaints, but is one of the bca ivevcniircs of such disorders ever offered to"the world. You can avoid`severe attacks of acute diseases, such as Cholera, Small Pox, Typhoid, Bilious, Spotted and Intermittent Fevers, by keep ing your blood purified. The different degrees of all such diseases depend altogether upon the condition of the blood, for, if this vital Quid is deranged you will takcka disease much more readily than otherwise, and, the suffering will be in proportion to the, amount of foreign matter in the blood. This is so reasonable that we need not here make any illustrations. THIS MEDICINE IS HIGIECY - RECOMMENDED For all manner of chronic or old standing complaints, such tr Scrofula, Tetter ' Salt Rheum, Rlieu mati-an, &c. Scirrhus or Cancer, and Czncerous Tumors, may be often removed from the system by the purifying effect of this medicine, if it is taken before they get a deep-seated hold upon the sys tem. It tends to purge out from the blood the virus of these malignant disorders.. Prepared by Dr. P. PAHBNEY, No. 30 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. And Dr. P. FAHRNEY'S BROTHERS & CO., W F, r sale by F. Fourth mar,, Dr. J. 13. Amberson, and A. S. lionebrake. Waynesboro'; Winger, Quincy; F. B. Snively, Shady Grove; Rouvr & Fr n z, Pikesville; Iliteshew & Gehr, Ringgold, Jolt ostetter; 'Greencastle, and Druggists generally. Oct. 33 --t f EVERYBODY lIEAD THIS AND I?EIfEMIIER THAT - MILLER &A:LEAVER Have received their Fall and Winter Goods, and ore now ready to offer great in Moments to ail who wish to save money in making their fail purchases Their stock of cruaaa a_aoLia tor;Ladies and GaAs consist of all the late styles, such as SiMx, A !paeans, Poplin o 2 Chair, Merinoes, itepps, Deitalics, &c. Cloth., Intel and Fancy Cps •imeres, Overcoatings Velveteens, (lords, t:atinetts, Jeans, Tweeds, n c In the notion line they hive Cuff-, collars, pins, ties. handkerchiefs, Iloviery, gloves, mitts, comforts. switches, chignons, corset-, suspender., laces tapes, trimmings, and Ladies and I;ents underwear. For Ladies' Wrappings Wry Prove Lang, Square, Shoulder and Llvaldest shawls , Nuldes, floods, etc. The i- stock Of G ROCERIES, 'run DIVAIt E, Queonsware, Codarware, Oil Cloths. Carp. ts, A c.. is large and was sslerhal In suit the trade. All they tisk is nn inspection of thuir stock to be owl viwed of the truth. No trouble to show goody. Frretr Butter. Lard, Eggs, Rag., &c tqken in ex change for goods [now 10 ENTERNTSE BUILDING ASSOCIATIJN. , TUE Ilepert of the l'fiterprise Building Asgeetation nt i:s semi atioual meeting, ending Oct. G, 1870 Receipts lA. Due., Fairs. Trnnq's r Fs e, leterest, including 05 bharcs sold have been 13 702,75 The • xpenditerpa for printing at sti •nert, shales with drawn, 1 a xi's, secret Iry and n'terney's apart, &c., fi e rh lIC4 paid in full 13,500,9 a 11:.I awe ter hind Ivs 79 1:1,70•2:i5 The present conithion of the Association i!‘ 65 shares poi I in full 13,000,00 Dues, fires, inter. st Lialaince on haul• Deduct amount ovtrpid Assets 12,516,04 Amount paid in on each share 18,00 Present value of each share 24,22 A net gain of 57 per cent. on the amount in on a shnre. • J. W. M11.1,E11, norlo-2t Treasurer. VALUABLE FARM AT PU SALE --- nY order of the O•ph•an'e Court of Fratik'in Co., will expe , io to a•uhlie :Ie•, °n the on TUESDA Y, TUE 22D OF NOVE.111.1.1.:1?, 1870 the Wowing . described Iteal Esinic situate in Quincy township, viz : The Ai A NSION FA 11 Al ! 12f Ceo. Keepper, sea., deed, containing 06 Acres and 48 Perches, best quality 1 imt stone Land, in a high kale of cultivation, 4 acres, more or Iris, of which aro wall sot with 'hriving timber. The im reovements are, A 'Para-Story SOUSE, (wentherboanled) n Tenant Houie. Log !tarn, Wag.m t.'luhl, hog Pen, and ail otht r riccessa.y out buildings. There are also on the premises CHOICE FRUIT TREES, F uch as apple, pinch, &r., anti a Weil of never-failing water. Tbis i s ono among the best grain -producing farms in the township, is a tuatml arc mile Death - of the village of Quincy, and tmutided by Inds of Jas. A. Cook Dr. J Burkhul.ler. Abrm. linepper, Alex Hamlin:lo, mid ethers. :a.° to connnatico at 10 o'clock oft aai I d y when arms wi'l be, make brown by .1. It tgmrty, *met COO. 1.. "PER. not 3.0. g Adtyiniitra'orof Geo. Kw pper. sr, dec.. cmm3bnnATEt) s, SMITH BOOTS., SHOES AND VIITERF. Cali and sea:good3 and get pines. TIIOII3ON'S "GLOVE FITTING COR SETS, at SMITH'S. of all kiuds et Smfries:Torm Flull.Sture, HATS AND CAPS, full Rtoek new ready, coosistin z of all the Idest styles, at PAPER COLL Ans, Ties, Stt4penders, 0109CP, everything in that 'X I-I X"M Z it min about 5 fert 10 Melva tar!, sandy hair and stile Whiskers, hired a BA Y MAR L. from ihe undersigned on Tu. silay, Oein , 25th, 1870, to go to Mt reer,,lang, and having f.l rd to return in the time specified, the owner lali,vis.that the mare has he. n worm'. The slid man, is shout 10 years old, right fror t foot split, lett hind foot immcdiattly filmic the hoof marked with a scar. S 1 ois n long, ihir. mare, a b.,ut l( or 17 hands high. The fat Irani knee i. skinned, Right 1 i. 1.1 leg wind gall on pi=ture. t•he is also a good travels. Also, n good BUGGY, lined, and back, nil!) brown cord, and of the mai ufacture of reiffer & !licks, Chambers burg. A set of new silver•rnounted llarness was on the mare when driven away. The above reward of $lOO w.ll be given for the recovery of the Mare, I.luggy andllarness, Inforrrotion should he ad dressed to J. R WbiI.FI:RBBEIttIOI2, n.n3 if Greencastle, eran2lio Co , 13 376 01 60,00 13 516,01 PUBLIC AUCTION I, E subscriber will sell at public. auction; at his store in Quincy. On Sa turd the 12th day Nov., afternoon and coaling, the following, goodb : BOOTS AND SHOES, Ready-Maile Clothing, Hat., Dry Goods, Watchrs, Notions. %V.-. The auction will be continued during the we, k tin all :u.nis of $5 nod u, - wards a credit of b x months will lie given, purcha sers to Five notes watt aeproved occulky. n0%3 .1. R. :Smith, au. t E. B. WINGER. MILLINERY • GOODS I S Bil i t. 6 4 S t ra h ‘ e s T ild r i e es K r i ii 6 Wtyr G ie ° sb n or i r ' a l nd an v n i n cri c ty n tuat they are now in receipt of a general assorlim ut oi Ali:finery Goods,buch us Rib-on.. Lacer, Fringeti, and other late style Trimmings. They invite tho Latlits to call mai examine their stock. nov3 tf. For G uns, Penknife Blades, Rebairing Fa n Shellers, Cali on n v 3 V aynesboro, Pa. IM:MIiEI ortmcnt of nas a-c Ladies, Gentlemen's, Misses' th!iiiren's SCHOOL BOOKS SCIIOOI, STATIO.NERY 6311TH S Tuwa 1ia:1 Stun. $lOO REWARD! TO THE LADIES ! J. IL JOHNSTON. SIMITIC.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers