,NOTICE. t C a 011 A 0 We-ate now receiving our first supply of P I_N_G-G-4:1 0-WS- •at lower,Trices -than—tbey have been for several years, to which we caJI the attention of &limbo-mist; CHEAP GOODS. A full assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, &c., fur Men and Boys wear at A.-8.-& Co's. A full assortment of De!aim and all kinds of sum mer gtxxle for Ladies at A. B. & Co's. Bleached and Brown Muslims ailing low at A. B. & Co.'s. A heavy stock of Ingrain, imported, Rag and all kinds of Carpet at A. B. & Co.'s. Cit Cloths and Mattings a large 'lot at A. 13. & Co. s. Wall and Window,Paper in great variety at A. B. & Co.'s. Ladies and Misses Shoes cheap and good at A- B. & Co.'s. We have a full assortment of all kinds of Dry Goods, Notions, Queeneware, Hardware, and Gro ceries to which we call your attention and feel con filent that we can give you full satisfaction in re gard to price and quality. • rr Give ua a call. au A MBE RSON, BENEDICT & CO. june 2-1870. IDY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of .IjPratikiln county. Pa. the undersigned, admin. i.traton; of A brm. Barr , tiec'4.l, wilt -sell at public sale, in front of the Bowden House. in Waynes boro', on SATURDAY THE BTH OF OCTOBES, the following described Real Estate, viz : A farm containing 104 ACRES. and 99 Perches, known as the "Walter Farm," sit uated one mile uouth of Waynesboro' within 400 yards of the Waynesboro' and Maryland State Line Turnpike. adjoining Mansion farm of said deceased, lands of David Stoner, W. P. Weagly, John Leah :er, David Gilbert, and other. The Improvement are. a Comfortable Etury and a hdof DWELLING HOUSE, GOOD BARK BARN, Wagon kind, Corn Crib, Carriage House, and all other necessary out buil- Aings on a well improved farm. There is near the door a well of never•failing water ,with pump in it, also a Cistern, and An Orchard of ChOice Fruit an the premises. This farm is conveniently located scr that the stock can have fr e access to any of the Yields from the barnyard, and is one of the most 4lesimble properties in Washington township. his farm as a GRAIN GROWING FARM, is an exception to others in the neighborhood, hav ing yielded good crops while other farms around it partially failed. Pt raons wishing to view the prop erty before the day of sale will please call on either of the subscribers who will give them every untie faction. .tia le to commence at 1 o'clock unsaid day when .terms will be ma de known by DAVID M. DETftICH,' - J. N. SIiiIVEL;Y, Aministtrators. V Mom:, oust. aug2s to BEEP! anis within 30 Digs., The subscrihar informs tbe'•public that ' he still conlinuert,the Butchering buointos, , and•is prepared to surply persons es mad, at the Basement of the Walker 'property, :Mein street, Wayneehoro', -On Monday, rhursday and klatarday.of each week, with a prime article of deer; Veal and• Mutton. All bills for meat must le paid within 30 days. • He will slaughter the nest srectribe market will arTorti. and. by 'attention to busaneat hoPeitu merit contieurece of the public's patronage: 12— tf CVNININGIIAM. _ _ .jgbly_concentrated_compound_Er,_ 1 tract Buchc is decidedly ONE OF THE BEST_ - REMEDIES - FOR - DISEASES. OF THE BLADDER, MONEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSHIAT„ SWELLINGS, RHEUMATISM,- ;Li 1 and gouty : Irectirinc___Unti • SEEP THE' "KinNEYS. Th6lEfifieye aro two in niimbitti, situated' et the Oppai per of the loin; eurreunded , ty fat, ami . con sifting of three _perm,. : the Anterior, the In terior, and the Exterior. The anterior absorbs., Interior consists of tissues Or veins, which garret ass depot& for the urine and convey it to the exterior. The exterior is a conduct or alto. terniiitathit iii isifiglaitiibi; eta dared the Ureter. The ureters are connected with the blad der. - The bladder is composed of various coverings or tissues, divided iilio'parts4 _via l thal)ppCr, the Low er, the Nervous, and the Mucous. '1 he upper ex pels; the lower retains. Many hetve a desire to uri nate without the ability others urinate without the ability to retain: This ,frequently ..otcure` in chil dren. To cure. thew alfeetione, we mud hiring into ac tion the muskies, which are:engaged in their anions functions. If they are neglected, Gravel or Dropsy nut,censue. • The reader must also be tnade, aware, that how ever slight may be'the attack, it is sure to effect the bodily health and mental powers, as our flesh and blood are suppinted front thesessources. G 0 U T, 0 R - Pain obscuring in the loins is indictive of the above diseases. They occur in persons. disposed to acid stomach and chalky concretions. THE GRAVEL The gravel ensues from neglect or improper treat matt of the kidneys. - These organs being weak, the water is not expelled frnm the bladder, but al lowed to remain ; it becomes feverish, and sedimen t forms. It is from this depoist that the stone is formed, and gravel'ensues. DROPSY - is aco ec ton o wa er in. some parts of the body, and, beers different names, according to the ELnts af• fectedTviz - rwhen — gen - erally — ditin over the body, it is called Anaearca ; when of the abdomen, As- cites ; when of the chest, Hydrothorax. ~~~~~~Lk~'3~Q.~ lielmbold's b ranged llysuria, or difficulty end pain in passing water, Scanty Secretion, or small and-frem - charges — of - I Hernaturia sangury, or stopping of watt. _ urine, Gout awl-11-bonnie-a of the kidneys, without any change in quantit: increase in color,or dark water. It was al HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by the late Dr. Physick, in, these affections This medicine INCREASES THE POWER OF DIOE end excites the absorbents into healthy ex* which the watery or calcareous depositions, unnatural enlargements, as well as pain any. oration, are reduced, and it is taken by mi men, and children. Direct.ons for use and company. PHILADELPIITA, PA., Feb. 25, B. T. HeLMBOLD, Druggist : Dsea but.—l have been a sufferer, for upward of twenty years, with gravel, bladder, and kidney af- fection, during Which time I have used various me dicinal preparations, and been under the treatment of the most eminent Physicians ; experiencing but little relief. Having seen your preparation extensively adver fiscal, I consulted with my family physician in re gard to using your Extract Hoehn. I did this because had used all kinds of adver tised remedies, and had found them worthless, and some quite injurious ; in fact I despaired of ever get ting well, anti determined to use no remedies hero• alter unless I knew of the ingredients. It was this that prompted me to use your remedy. As you ad vertised that it was compared of Wain, cubebs, and juniper berries, it occdrred to me and my physician as an 'excellent combination, and, with lus advice af ter an examination of the artic'e,and consulting a gain with the druggist, I concluded to try it. I com menced its use about eight months ago, at which time I was confined to my room. From the first bottle I was astonished and gratified at the beneficial effect, and after using it three weeks, was able to walk out. I felt much like writing you a lull state ment of my case at that time, but thought my im provement might only be, temporary, and therefore concluded to defer and see if it would effect a per. feet cure, ki.owing then it would be of greater value to you, and more satisfactory to me. I am now able to report that a cure is effected af ter using the remedy for five months. 1 have not used any now for three mouths and feel as well in all rebpcms as I ever did. Your Buchu being devoid of any unpleasant taste and odor, A NICE TONIC AND INVIGORATOR OF` THE SYSTEM, I do not mean to be without it whenever occasion may reqxire its use in suchaff•ctiona. M. MoCORMICK. Should any doubt Mr. McCormick's statement he refers them 'o the following gentlemen : ,Hon. Wu. Runes, ex.Goverrnor, Pennsylvania. lion. Taos. B. Flotations Hon. J. C. Knox. Judge, Philadelphia. lion. J. IS litscs Judge, Philadelphia. HOD. D. R. Ponvsa, tx-Governor, Penn's. Hon. Elms Levis, Judge, Philadelphia. lion. R. C. Omni Judge; United States court. • Hon. G. W. Woonntaan, Judge, Philadelphia. Mon. W. A. Poutes.,4.;ity Solicitor, Phila. lion. Jorin B IG/ an, ex Governor, California. .Hon.E.B.FNES. Auditor Gen., Washington, D. C. And giant others if necessary. • Id by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. , Be. MR of eounterteitr. Ask for Heltnbold's. I like no other. Prune—all :25 'Or bottle, or 6 bottles for V. 50, Delivered to any address, ..Describe sy,zuk tonis is all Conununieations. ' • Address H. T. HELNItIOLD, Drug and Chemi cal Wittehouse; 594 Broadway; N. Y. N,AVE'GEUIN E up us istevi.eugruved wrap' et. with 2 . 1 %TilEc"110 IST let-simile of my ,44eatical Wavhoue , ind sign you can get your copper work done, being the only .pertSnaith iu the place. —Oat- N, T. 1141,111301. D. TIM MORNING CLOY FOR '69. For sale at W. A, TIIITLE'S new Stove and Tin store. He has on hand a large stock of-the above stoves, all of the late improved kinds. There is added to the Morning of this year an oven, which is neat in appearance. it is a piLd Stew, and it does not interfere with the operations as a Parlor Stove. -In regard_Ao_the_blatit_of-some—Stove—Deale'rs,- iy that their particular Stove takes less coal trimi_morii_heat than thallorninge Glory. you can put that kind of talk down as a Blow.tvill, as _the_Morning_Gbry-has--been so Id (in this part of the country) for four years, and in that time I have put out over three hundred of them,,and never had to take no heck because it would not do . its work or it was not what I 'so LI it for. Now that cannot be said of - any - other - stove ever offered in - this mar L-ket.----yhat - is - the - proof — which — is th( - at.nvo. I have other. styles or beating stoves for coal or Lwoot ~letttlng—l +o is '' -.n uutl warr - cr .-- -Zity--treelt--tmwearmar-,` ut the beet in market for, coal er wood, all warranted good Bakers. Also, a new Par/or Cook stove, something that can't be excell- — Cati - and - seiftifeT — YotThill - EnA my s tack of Tin Sheet-iron and other wares of the beat kinds, and at low rates. On hand, the best Clothes Wringei in market.— Also a good and cheap Washing Machine. Roofing and Spouting done of the heel stock and at short notice. -Job work of nil kinds in my line done at lew r. tes. "i • •. . 'RATTED SEPT. 21, 1860. The merits of this Machine consist, in part, in the nttachmcnt of curved knives to the arms of the cut ting-Wheel. the shearing cut smogs the m outh-piere, the great power and directness of the blow, by which treble the volume of material is cut, with less pow er than is required by any other Machine; those combined with its durability and simplicity of con struction, command public attention. Nothing lia ble to get out of order, but what a boy coo hi remedy with a pocket wrench. Persons in want of machines of this description will do well by calling upon or ,addressing the un dersigne.t. Good and responsible agents wanted to sell.machiner and territory. • The above Machine is now on exhibition at the office of the Waynesboro' Manufacturing Company. Per,sons interested should call and examine ►t, for it is what every farmer should have. IL C. GILBERT, Proprietor. Waynesboro', Pa. BRNJ. F. STOCITRR, Agent. july 14-tf] JOHN FORD, Boot and Shoemaker, INFORMS the, citizens of Waynesboro' and • the jpublic generally that he iq now prepared to put up to order FAIR-STITCHED ANL:. SCOTCH. BOTTOM WORK of all kinds. Poisons wanting work done in his fine are requested to hand In their orders early so that he may be enabled to 'accom modate all customers promptly. Ho will use his best endeavors to give ,satisfac non, both as regards the tilting, as well as the tprtiitv 'ot• wink made by him, as none but the VERY BEST WORKMEN and the BEST MATERIAL, Will be used by him. He most restpsctfully solicits a share of. public patronage, at his place of business, in Dr. I. B. tinively's dwelling house, up stairs july 21-1870. go USE AND LOT , FOR SALE. 1111111:1E undersigned offersat prvate sale ber House and Lot or Ground. situated 14 of f s attic from Tomstown, adjoining lands of JosephAfisber. The lot contains ti 4 of an acre. The impiovements are donble onmstorY Log Dartilting House, Bake house, am* Log stable, Jec„with s selection choice fruit trees nn the premises. Foe fUrther particulars apply at the resiJenck of John 'Philips Esq., in Waynesboro' ' SUPlilik 11 EE bug IS-3t ' " WAYNESBORO' SELECT SCHOOL be opened by Mrs. Josaratan Fora on W the 6th of pleptember for the reception of pu- Having engaged rooms with every convenience Ihr the comfort of her scholars, she tors to receive the patronage of her friends.' The cents° of edu• cation will be thorough such is to qu tidy her pu pils for the active duties of life. Private ihstruc tions given on the Piano it• desired. aug 18-1870-6rn • Notice to.Tcpaters. THE Rona of ,llitectors of r AA ashington school diitriet will that; at the Western 'school house. in Wayii.aboro' e on Saturday the day of Septem ber, for the purpose of contracting with 15 'reach ers the term Sif 5 moitthe, Hy order of the Board. augl CHRISTIAN LESHER,Secejr. r.• , • O.; r‘• r ;N;. E l ;VII D. D. RUSSELL & ON at the sign of the Dig Red Horn, will keep constantly on hand and for sale a large assortment of stoves and Tin Ware. COOK STOVES ! `~l'Jaa~t-ua°e House FuraiShing Goods nibs, Buckets, Churns, Knives and forks S onus Large iron and Copper knifing, _Arol_other_us_eful °Melee at the sign of the BIG RED HORN, Waynesboro, Pa., where a large as sortment of COOK STOVES, • • IVINI3••PLATE STOVE,S PARLOR. STOVES COAL STOVES &0., of the latest intprovenients- s Atie very best in - the marklit - ,7ll;heap • EVERYBODY CAME AND TEM IMPROVED ORIENTAL BASE BURNER, - . - A7TRITLM Bold at Retail by made of the best Tin in the:rnarket, and Warranted at the sign of the 4 11314; WiLeta 7E3Cc)i-im." D. B. RUSSELL keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of House Furnishing Goods for sale cheap. Pure No. I Kerosene Oil and a large assortment of Lamps. • • Washing Made. Easy ! 'hy calling at the sign of the "Big Red Horn" and getting the best Close Wringer ever made. Personb iu want of Stoves; Tinware, House Furnishing Goods, &c. &c,, can get full value for their money by calling on D. B & SON Sign of the "BIG RED HORN" Waynesboro', Pe SAVE YOUR FRUIT ! DRY HOUSE, PATENTED J kNUARY 2tBr, 1868: This is the' 'best Dry. House ever offered to the pu'ilic • It tires kruit in half the time required by the old method. It driis uniformly and perfectly. • . 'I he Fruit dried by it retains wore of the natural flavor. It is easily n anaged. It saves Mel; It is durable and portalde., It has 14 feet of drying surface. . Call and see th em at tae "sign of the MO BIG RED MOEN .and leaveyour orders for them• , March 24, 870. . • FIRM (ttariatited to give eatistaction) Ironware, Brissware s , Japanned Ware, ettilritt and Stove Store of D. B. RUSSELL & SON. D. B. RUSSELL & SOY, Sign of the Big. Red Horn, - Wayneslikre, Pa TINWARE THE L. A. OELLIO ,tvia STOYEk & WOLF'S STORE, East Main Street, Waynesboro', Pa. '6 Obi) 8' SOLD AS -1.4 0 W AS -ELSEWHERE. Just Received, a froik•assoftment of AIgD• GENTS' 1:)ta a oaauua 040 At Greatly Reduced Paces A11.41 . 400ds in StOtk, Ilceleeeeai to the Lowest Prices 01 ,tho day. Prints frorn'e• to 12? Cents for the best, and also all Colors Brown Mualina,• 1 yard wide, at 12 Ots , and all other Goods accordingly cheap. We Invite Inspection, may 5, 1670 STOVER & WOLFF. PIJIBLIC SALE REAL ESTATE. - IL - virtue:of:an lortler_oLthcarphans':C_oiiii_ Franklin .county, Pa,,,ss the Admin.stnitors Of Jacob F. Hess, hoe of Quincy_townehip. deed. will offer on the premises, on FR/DAY S.EPTEJIBE 3OTH; 1870, the following det.cribetl Real llstate of decedent. Purport Ist, being the MANSION PROPERTY" adjoining lands of George 1.. Knepper, John 1... Met calf, and other, with a two-story Trough-cast House new Frame Stable, new Vantage House, 14 House. good Summer House, npv_erfuiling wate r, with an. abundance ground. rt-2m} e lot ceEtants a out one acre of s cWr Wiq er- I made 1 wel ing ouse, new Frame stable end Hog l'en, good ektern, with a variety of choice Fruit. Thislut contains about half an acre.—Sale-to-commence at 1 o'clock on said day, when terms witrile made known by JEREhtIAH HESS, Adn e ra. 'SEA EL HESS, 5 Purport 3d, being an unimproved Lot lying in Washington township joining the Borough o f Way nesboro' and lands of David tiuetiich, Jacob and A. 8. Adams, containing 2 Acres and 70 perch of Land. 4. 41 , 611 ailg " in Waynesboro', on SATURDAY," OCTOBER 187, 1870, at 1 o'clock. -- 7 - Iny person wihhnig to view -‘t the shove properties can do so by call. eit er rtg on_either of the sub' Or Either of the above properties cell be bought privately if desired. JEREMIAH HESS, Adm , rs. ISRSEI; HENS, aug 4 (el ECONOMY, SIMPLICITY, DURABILITY. BUCKEYE LOCK-STICH FAMILY SEWING-MACHINE ! PLAIN FINISH, $32. FINE FINISH, $37. The Buckeye machines ate elegantly finished, and extremely simple in construction. " ' They have the strongest and linter FEEDING DES vice, which will not get out of order, NOS manic SIMMER. They save thread, and for sem), East: or orgaitlzoo, and neat substantial sewing on both light and heavy maternal are not excelled. hrl ITCH ALIKE ON BOTH 6IDEB, will HIM, FELL, noir, ISa. io. GATHER, etc., in short, do all the work any other first-class shuttle machine will do, and do it ans•r AS wiad.., while they COST BUT HALF TIM MONEY. The Bucssys is the only uouxisso Shuttlo Ma— chine sold for the price, ••equal to the best" is the testimony of experienced opera tors and judges of sewing machines. Gall and examine at the cloth ing store of Geo. Bender, Esq., or at the agerit'sles idence on Church street. mar 17 If A. E. WAYNANT, Agent. 1870. • SPRING. 1870. New Goods! New Prices! MILLER Itc BEAVER Have just received their first supply of Spring and Summer Goods to which they invite the attention of all whcAvish to purchase good Goods at gr tatly reduced figures. Theirbprmg stock is complete in evyty department, and having had the advantage of the recent decline in the Eastern market they flatter themselves that they can compare figures with any house in the County. In the Dry Goods depart ment they have black and fancy Silks, plain and fancy Detains, all colors Alpaccas and Empress Cloths, plain and figured poplins, Uhintz s, Lauri, Piques, Brilliants, plain and barred Cambrics, souks, Swieses, Muds, Cloth. Cassinieres, (plain and fancy) Sattiuetts, Jeans, Cottonades, Linens, &c. Their line of Notions is lull and complete.. Be low is appended a het of the leading articles : t Hosiery, Neck. Ties; Gloves, uispitnd ers, !Mitts, Switches, . Cossets; Chignons, Hantikerchiefs, Cuffs, Trimmings, Bows, Buttons. Their stock of Groceries, Hardware, Queenswars, Cedarware, Oil Cloths, Carpets, &r., is large, 4nd was selected to suit the trade. All titoy ask is an examination of their stock to be convinced of the truth. May 12, 1870. HAGERSTOWN Mag . SEMINARY. • Will commence' its SEVENTEENTH SCHOLASTIC YEAR Oo Monday, Septewber sth. The course of study embraces both the solid and ornamental branches, under the supervision and in struction of a large corps of Professors and Teach ers of long experience and pre•emiaent The domestm arrangSments contemplate full pro • vision for the COMFORT OF BOARDING PUPILS. trltateo of charges moderate. F4rr Catalogues, or,any cloaked information, ad dress ' Ruv. W. F. E YSTER, A. M , Principal. aug4 7 tAt II agerstown, Md. • L. C. BILA.CKWILL, PHOTOGRAPHER, . 8. E. Corner of the Dismond. WAYNESBORO', PA., r-rAS at' all times a tine assortment of Picture Ult Prames and Mouldings. Call and see sprei num pictUteal. - june 9 if. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, NOIR PVINENVING TAKE D.LOO/130. The reputation this ea. Heat medicine enjoys, • derived from Its cures; my of which are truly irvellous. Inveterate sus of Scrofulous dis se, %lucre the system me& saturated with ntruptioln,bsve—been— trifled and cured by it. iofulous affections and ,Isorders,which were ag. gravated by the serene lons contaminntion until they were painfully afflicting, have been radically cured in such great numbers in almost every ice. Hon of the country, that the public scarcely need to be informed oflts virtues or uses. Scrofulous poison is one of the most destruc tive enemies of our race. Often, this unseen and unfelt tenant of the organism undermines the con stitution, and invites the attack of enfeebling or fa tal diseases, without exciting a suspicion of its tresence. .Again, it seems to breed infection hroughout the body, and then ' on some favorable occasion, rapidly develop_ into one or other of its hideous Forms, either on the surface or among the vitals. In the latter, tubercles may be suddenly deposited in the lungs or heart, or tumors formed in the liver, or it shows its presence by eruptions on the skin, or IMO ulcerations on some part of the body. Hence the occasional use of a bottle of thiS Sarsaparilla is advisable, even when no active symptoms of disease appear. Persons af- flicted with the following complaints generally and immediate relief, and, at length, cure, by the use of this SARSAPARILLA: St. :;4sitlio- Fireetter,-,Nalt---- ltheunt,Scaldta, Sore Eyes, Sore Ears, and other eruptions or visible forms of Scrofulous disease. Also in the inure con cealed forms as Dyspepsia, Dropsy, heart Disease, Fits, Epilepsy, llreuralyla, anti the various Ulcerous affections of the muscular and nervous systems. Byphitis or Venereal nnd Mercurial Dis eases are cured by it, though a long time is re quired for subduing these obstinate maladies by any Medicine. But long-continued use of this medicine will cure the complaint. Leueorrhom or Whites, Uterine Ulcerations, and _Female Diseases, are commonly soon relieved and mately cured, by its purifying and invigorating effect. 'Minute directions Tor each case are found in our Almanac., supplied gratis. /thiamin/sm. and Gout, when caused by accumulations of ex traneous matters in the blood, yield quickly to it, as also Liver Complaints, Torpidity,ronyes- Von or ttttt tattoo of the Liver, and ,Tann - dice, when arising', as they often do ' from tho rankling poisons in the blood. This SARSA PARILLA is a great restorer for the strength and vigor of the system. Those who are Lan guid' anti Listless, Despondent. Sleepless, and troubled with lir ....eratoiss Apprehensions or Fears, or any of the affections symptomatic of Weakness, will find immediate relief find eon vincing evidence of its restorative power upon trial, PrErit'llFDlrY - Dr. 71".. C. MU 4 CO., Lowell, Maas" Practical and AnallitiCiod ChanTiats. SOLD BY 4LL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Ft7, -- A - ;i • . GROVER & BUHR FIRST PL1E5111331 _L_A_saiic---s=ll :1-17=C-II - 1 , 495 Broadivall, -New York 730 Chestnut street, Philadelphia POINTS OF EXCELLENCE Beauty and Elnaticity of stitch. Perfection and sin, elicit of Mach (sing biath tliieads directly frain the spools. No fastening of nearos by nand and no waste of Wtder itss:rnent, ange of a The ream retains its beauty and firmness afti r Wasdilifg and ironing • Resides doing all kinds of work done by other Machinefi, these Machines execute the most ben utt• ful and permanent Embroidery lind ornamental Work. rirThe_Highest_Premiums-at-all the fairs and exhibitions of the United times and Europe, have been awarded the Grover & Baker sewing Ma chines, and the work done by thin, wherever ex haute& for-cotiiFetit"- Ohne& for-competition. EThe very highest pips..., THE Ceoss ' GP THE LEGION oP IbraolZ, was coatned on the repred live of the Grover & Baku Sewing Machines; at the Exposition Universelle,Paris, 1869, tl.us atteFt log their great superiority over all other Sewing Ma chined. For Bah by D. W. RONSON', Waynesboro', NOTICE. The undersigned haying had 17 years' experience as a practical operator on Sewinc Ma chines w..uld recommend the Waver & Baker Fam ily Machine as the cheapest and best machine for family use. The simplicity of construction and elasticity of mitt h made by these machines are two very important points In their favor. 2.50,U0t) of these machines are to day hearing witness to the truth of our assertions and the demand it steadily increasing. We have also shuttle machines on hand for Tail ors and Coach•trimmers' use. Call and see us. 1). W. ROB I' Main at., Waynesboro, Pa WAYNESBORO 111111111 FIRE INSURANCE CMPANY, WAYNESBOibu', PA., X I\7' IS 17 Xt. 3311 W, AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE BY 3IE` _X ABM_ Xio. , On all safe class property at reasonable . rates. OFFICERS: W. S. A NI BERSON, President. SIMON I,EcauN, Vice President. Jos. DOUGLA:I, ZleCretarr. ,1.18. , W. MILL E'', Treasurer. DIREUIORS: W. S. Amberson m Simon Lemon, Lewis S. Forney, Jos. Danglas, Jacob J. l'illiter, Benj. F. Funk, Levi L•andere, DANIEL sNivE:mr, Agent, Wayriebboro', June 16,'70] OMNIBUS LINE! THE subscriber informs the public that he is now proprietor of4he Buss line running daily t.be— tween Waynesboro' and Greencastle, her tofore run by Wolfersburger & Stoner.. With go ti,borses and a fi rst-class four-horse Omnibus he ti; enabled to convey passengers to and fro with comiort and Convenience. His Buss will leave Waynesboto' pt 8i A. M., arriving at Greencastle at 8, making qukk lime and sure connection with the first Pas.enger train at 84 A. M. Leaves Greencastle at 5 o'clock, P. M., ar riving at Waynesboro' at B 43. He is himself Pro prietor, Contractor and Driver. Delivers Adams Express matter to and front Greencastle. All Ex press matter expreesed tLe same morning •vt n d through to Waynesboro' the saute day i$ arrives. Persons wishing to send goods by Express, will do well by giving huu a call. l'ereuns wistung di go to Hagerstown should take this route. Tim train leaves at 0 15 tusking canuection with the West'. ingtoti Uotint) RailroalA aug 20 tf j • J 1;1 _W OLFE RSBERGE R. Jacob Cdr . :laugh, Jos. Price, Jos. W. Miller, D. It Russell JAcckt) S. liukKi.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers