VILLAGE RECORD. ~~.~~•~.# *:rr_:l=l,) iW' Lit Thursday September 1,1870, Mr Horace Orvely on Ftiday list was nom inated for Governor of the 'State of New York, by the Workingmen's Central Union, :a local political organisaton. le,.The Sunday. Mercury, a New York : paper, has been sued for $500,000 damages by Washington Nathan (or charging him in ids last issue with murdering his father. serThe N. Y. tribune paid $2.280 in :gold for the mere transmittal= of the account .of the battle of Gravelotto from London to New York. - eft.Every Prussian soldier carries a piece of parchment attached to . his uniform, on which is written his MUM, campany, regi• went &c., so that the fate of every soldier killed in action can be accurately ascertained. ift..Some ides of the magnitude of the work of taking the 9th census may be gained from the fact that from twelve to Woes hundred volumes, of one thousand, pages each, will be required in which to enter the names of the individuals returned by the Assistant Marshals. iiirHon. John icenuody, of Alaryiand, died at Newport, R. 1., on the 19th ult., in the 75th year of his age. He was Secretary of the Navy under Mr. Fillmore'a adminis tration. /is an author he had many admi rers- . or It le officially stated from the Treasury Department that the only instruments ex. em it from stamp duty after_tb_e_lat of Oc_ tober next are protnisory notes for a less mu than $lOO and receipts for any sum of mon ey on the payment of an debt. 110 S-The next Legislature of thin State wilthave the apportionment of the Pongres• Menai and Legislative districts, the first for the next ten years, the second for seven.— Both of these are now fixed by the same same thing will not occur again until 1941. m.;The-Greenvill nounces that ex• President Andrew Johnson will not he a candidate for Congress—for the same reason, perhaps, that .40418 lia• poison will not dictate terms of peace from err ter The War De , artment each of the Governors of the States within which national cemeteries are situated, ask ing that they lay before the respective Leg• islatures a proposition to give their consent to the purchase of these sites by the general govern wen, At Girardville Pa.. the car or wa used by miners in entering and leaving the coal wine in which they were employed, got off the track. Seven men were precipitated to the bottom of the wine, a distance of about one hundred yards: Six were killed out* right, and one injured beyond recovery.— Three of the unfortunate men were brothers, named Taylor, and the lolled, with one ex ception, leave large families, ser.The Baltimore American adverting to the Prussian advance on, Paris, says: "The French Committee of Safety and the Oom mending General have shown a purpose to defend the city with all the means in their power, but for what length of tine is it pro visioned ? A million and a half of people require an enormous amount of food. A siege of Paris too suddenly became a prob.' ability to allow of supplies being gathered to sustain them for six weeks, perhaps not for a month. Prince Frederick William bas only to surround the city and allow exhaus tion and starvation to force its capitulation. With Paris once in the hands of the invaders, King William may dictate his terms of peace. The Prussian plan of campaign has been to bring the war to a close as early as possible. Bazaine's and McMaiton's armies might now be attacked and probably annihilated, but King William can bring about a less bloody solution of the conflict by 'capturing Paris. Hence it is that an early close of the war is entirely within the range of probability, and justified by the present position of affairs at Paris and in the field. et-The following resolutions were passed tit the recent meeting of the Executive Com p3ittee of the Union League of America: Resolve 4, That this Committee heartily sympathize with the German people in their present war . with Napoleon, recognizing, as we do, that it is not a' contest between the French people and the Germans, but an effort on the part of an unprincipled adventurer to disturb the peaett of .4urope for his own per tonal aggrandizement. lierolveil, That the ,s ubordinate Councils throughout the United States be requested to manifest their sympathy by donations iu aid of the local societies, sod .by resolutions allowing our sincere sympathy with Germany, tie friend of education and of civil and re ligions liberty. miL.Seme one has made the estimate that there are twelve deaths from coal oil - explo• pions each day in the United States. The democrats of the third Ohio distriot hsys thrown Vallandigham over boikrd. and steminated non. p. Cornball for Congress. Mtn. Mary.9ro9. who lives in Greeoup County, Ky., is 111 years old, with a family of children the yoitagest of whom ? the ba by, is sisty-five years old, Ths marsh of the Prussians on Paris eotitinues slowly, a London despatch placing the sing's headquarters at Bar-le.due and the advance 81:1 point between Chalons and • Eperany, while the cavalry scour the country for Many miles further on. A despatch from Paris lisp that the Prussiand were passing through Nancy towards t, . Chalons, and that} the siege of Tool had been abandoned. The Prussian scouts had out the railway between Montmedy and Mezieres, fienty miles north. west of Metz, but . they were repulsed by the French sharpshooters and the railway repair ed. The force of Germans which marched northward to Stoney, where a combat was reported to have taken plave on Saturday, has fallen back a few miles to Pun. The Preach account of MAlMallores_ ositioa_is that his force of about 134,000 men extends from the valley of the Aisne to the Luxem• hourg frontier, with his centre et Ardennes. Banjo° has about 90,Q08 men at Mtg e McMahon will bald himself in readiness to march either towards Metz or Patia, as , eir vuwatener -7 r - der — c - ' 4 The sea may coma% teeth are fortifying the city of Rourges, 123 miles south of reds, and it - is said the French Government will be removed to that point. way of Paris there are reports of various skirmishes with the Prussian cavalry, in which they are said to have been repulsed. A London despatch makes it the plan_af_ - eel a on to turn the right flabk of the Prussian army and strike their line of com munication at St. Avoid, thirty miles in the rear. At Paris all is confusion and dissen sion, a diferenoe having occurred between General Trochu and the Government and aismiseal — from — coninand demanded — by the Empress, N. Thiere was placed on the Committee of Safety, and accepted the ap. pointment on Saturday, .9.__Ratiq lett: - •.. presses the belief that a Committee of Safety will be formed and the Emperor deposed. A Paris despatch says that the Prussians at tacked Verdun on Thursday and were re, pulsed. A Rerun official despatch says that Vitry, near Rheims, was surrendered to the ]Prussians on the same day, seventeen officers and eight hundred and fifty soldiers being captured. The tiro , .2n • - • pros amation to the French people telling them that the war is not against them but _against-the—Emperor, - and that they hve nothing to fear. The statements in the Paris papers of the repulse of Steinmetz. on Tues• day and Thursday last are not confirmed.— There was a great public jubilee at Berlin 'nion an Strasbourg and Pialzburg still continues, but -without - any - denTaive result. The Prussians have a reserve army of three hundred thou• sand forming in Germany to follow the forces already in Franoa—Thelatest - despatches ray that numerous rumors of battles are aficiat in excited and dissatisfied Paris. The Prussian strength amounts to T. 20,000 men, divided into eighteen corps and seven armies, three of which are still in reserve. On Thursday Melklahon's army arrived at Bethel, and on Friday started for Meziorea,, accom• pealed by the Emperor and the Prince Im perial._ P. S.—dater London despatches state that a great battle teak place on Sunday between the armies of McMahon and the Crown Prince. but which wag undecided at the time of writing. ALAMA,—WheTO on this globe can we ga beyond the omnipresent; Yankee y Land ing at SITKA, we had walked but a short distance into the town when we reached the northern depot of Dr. Ayer's medicines in full display among the huts, shanties and courts of these boreal tribes. There the fa. miller, homelik,e names of his Cherry Pect oral, Pills, &c., salute us from the exterior and the interior of a store which shows more business than its neighbors, and proves that these simple but sure remedies• OTO even more necessary to savage life than to our selves where they visit every fireside. illexand: Journal. GOOD FITTING GLOVES —Merchants who would avoid trouble in fitting their customers with all sires and all kinds of Gloves, and people generally w o would save themselves trouble in getting jus uch GI yes as they may want to fit them, narrow or broad hands, their long fingers or short fingers, or odd shaped hands, with either Kid, Dog, Buck or Sheep Shiny Merchants should call at Updegrall's flat,' Glove and Fur Factory, opposite the Washington House Hagerstown. A splendid lot of No.l Dog Ladies should call and sec their Now Dog Gloves. Gents' Furnishing Goods. A complete line of New Fall Goods for Gents and Boy's wear will be opened early next month. We aro safe in advising the reader that Updegraff's is the place to buy his Collars, Cuffs, Shirts, Draw ers, Stockings, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Shirt Bosoms, canes, Umbrellas, to. , t, o. A MELANCHOLY EVENT.—OUr readers will be distressed to learn that 141ra. M'Clure, wife of Lion. A. K. M'Clure, was taken to * Kitkbiide's Insane Asylum, Philadelphia, on Monday, the 22d lust , to a deplorable con dition of ineatiity. For some months past she manifested alarming indications of die. ordered intelligence. Indeed, six years ago she gave suet unmistakable evidences of mental derangement, that• a consultation of medical and other friends was held, as to the propriotrof placing her under hospital treat lateat.—Rrpository. TO increase, and chicken the growth of the hair. pee Hall's Vegetable Sicilian flair Renewer, Nothing batter known toLcience. 'OCAL MATTERS, to.. Delinquents will pectiniarili relieve, and therefore much favor us, by speedily veil• in and paying or forwarding arrearagea to this office, We must have n settlethent of long gelidity accounts. promisee or apolo gies proMire.neither paper, ink, not the no commies ar life. 14doeitets, bite niooey, are Elwood. Pußrito BonooLs.—Tho public schools of ail; Borough will bo clerked on nowlay or Yesterday was the last day of the sea son for net•fishing. trirThe population or Greencastle accord to the present census is 1750. . -......-- VINECIAR.--REID bag a good article of pore eider vinegar two years old. HAMS AND LARD.—.AI. small lot of Per • 0 - t' El ti eat RBITYS j and a aftlB Dow so Woo country Lard, ~Charles Britton (Colored) died in Ha geretown on Sunday a week aged between 95 and 100 peat& CITY SWEET POTATOES:—.SAfeet Potatoe4 •L •11 RElD'ra Grocery On Friday afternoon. ite..A prominent oitiaen of Washington county, Md., Hon. Elias Davis, died in Boons born' on the Mb ult„ at the age of 71 years. Frames —Mo sizes for picture frames, °beep for cash, at the Diamond Gallery. igo,..Mt-Lenn-&-troopey-Sewing-Maobine only 685 and warranted to do all kinds o sewing, at Alex. Leeds'. =2l atcbes, Clocks, Jewelry and Spec. taclee neatly-repaired - and warranted by Alex Leeds, REiHirous.—Preaching i n the Union Church next Sunday - evening by the Pastor, Pup —A much esteemed citizen, Mr. -Wm.—MoCarile r -expired-at - k is - reside oce in Hagerstown, on Sunday a week, aged about 80 years, iTho Democratic Congressional Con ferees met st7lll6Connelsburg on the 24th • • . 0 0 nominate, Congress Col. $. V. Myers, of Bedford MEETING.-A Republioan meeting to nom inate*Bormigh and Township tickets will be held in the Town Hall on Satuday the 10th inst., at 3 o'clock, P. M. Fon SALE; We invite epeeist attention to tho valuable real estate offered for sale in 'another column by Atr. Samuel Ffoutz, of Mt. Hope. Branisholte inserts teeth that for price and finish are surpassed by none. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of Chloro form, gther, Nitrous Oxide or Laughing Gas, or the freezing process. ' os..Wm. Wise, a young farmer, living near Hagerstown, died of lockjaw on the jBtb ult. from a wound on the sole of his foot, oeca• dolled by treading on the point of a oarn• stalk. • gm.lf you want a good Photograph taken call on L. v. Braakbill, of the Diamond (ht. lery. He is still waiting for those who owe him to mil end pay up as he *HIS he is in need of money to keep his Gallery in motion. teirA "quack doctor," named J. W. Bech tel, formerly of this county, was last week arrested and committed to jail at Harrisburg for committing an abortion and causing the death of Lillie inason,"a girl aged about 18 years, The scoundrel was committed to prix• on upon the dying confession of she girl. N,w Finid.—lt will be seen by reference to our advertising columns that Ms. J. 13 1 . Rein. finger has associated with his: in the Tailor iog business Mr. John Hollingsworth, of Smithburg, Md. Mr. H. is a finished and experienced workman• Success -to the new OM. DON'T DRlNlt..—Boys, don't drink. It may be fashionable. It may seem smart. You may think that, like ~a moustache, it looks manly: You may say that Mr. A. and Mr. 13., who hold prominent positions in the world, have guczled for forty years. - This may be true. Many moderato drinkers arise to distinction, but they reach eminence not on. account of this fading, bat in apite of i They would be more successful and mo e esteemed without it. Just look around, and see if you can find one man or woman who has been made batter or happier by drink. You will not find one. On the other' band, you will see wreqks all along the shore.-- You will see men whose lived are failures solely by drink. It may have commenced in the social circle, where wit and • beauty added their charm to the sparkle of the wine. f t may have commenced ht the "respectable" saloon to which men are sometimes driven by the mistakes at home. But it too often ends in the lowest and last pla i ns to which fallen men go. The last care for "chieken cholera" is kerosene oil. A lady of this place who has tried the remedy sap it is a certain cure. A half-tewpoonful is adintoisterea to the chicken. d and -Glass -oLall • SINGING SoGoot,.—s good singing school Is one of the wants of our town, and we are gratified to lean that jr.A I", Dock, a prao. iced innsjoiin and experienced, teacher, bee been etibouraged to open such a schooll 7 -- the youth of our town for years have been sadly neglected ft this respect, and now that an opportunity is offered we trust our citizens generally will avail themselves of He advant ages. eirTho place 'to go for Teeth—to Dr litanieholte. ' • • COLOR W,R&N ORAL Renews the nutritive matter -which nourishes the hair, RENEWS THE GROWTH OF THE HAIR WHEN BALD. Renews the brash, wiry hair to silk : AV-T-IVII-D-RAIR-1111E8S1 One bottle shows'its effects. R. P. HALL & Co., Nashua, N. H., Proinie!ors. For sale by all druggists. aug 18-Imo TEEM 421.1.01"...a.11.. Near Greeneastle on the 26th ult., at the residence of Mr. Jana Whitmore, by Rev. H. C. Luber, Mr. JOHN A. STRITF,„ from WINX3EI 'T11C:).311C33, On the . 18th ult., Miss ISABELL P. MACKEY, of Spring Ran, in the 25th year of her age. - 171 a Nereersbur,g, -- on - the — lith — tltri. - AMELIA EL CURLEY, aged 23 years, 5, months and 14 days. In Southampton township, Franklin coml. y, nu Thuraday-August-lath,-M-re,CA-TH ARINE, wife of Philip Kyner, aged 83 , years ti mouths and,a days. In this place, on the 29th nit ,Mr. THOS, -DWALLINT-in - th e -- 39th - y ear ofhie - age. In Baltimore City, on the 22d ult., of Con- Isump - tion, Mr. CHARLES GETRY, far metly of thia plane, in the 32d year of his age _ dr:-‘ rill fl - 71 The flour market is charastetised by ex treme quiet, and only four hundred, barrels were disposed of in lots to. suit_the—home trade at 65.25®6.25 for superfine, .$5,7.5®. 6 12& for extras, so ®6.75 for low grade and choice lowa, Wisconsin and Aliooesota extra family ; 67®7.50 for Penna. and Ohio do do; 67.75®8.50'f0r fancy brands, according to • ualit•. ltye flour may be • acted at, • ,6 12 . rites o corn mea are nom- — Th441173 atmarketpresedts — n - ITnew feature. The local millers purchased to s moderate extent at former quotations; sales of new Western red at $1.40®.142, new Delaware do. at $1 301ga 38, and 500 bushels ?Mehl. gan amber at 3_ , 4 5 Rye is quoted at 90c for new' W extern. Corn is quiet and prices favor buyers; sales of yellow at 95igi98c, and Western mixed, low and high at 89®980. Oats are without change; sales of 8009 bosh ela-new Western - at 45e for black, and 49®- 50 for white; oew Pennsylvania sold at bUc, old do. at 52@550, and choice new Delaware at 300, SALE NOTES. TNn notifies persons who gave their notes at his sale nn the 7th day of Match last, that the same will be due on the 7th of tßeptember next. If not paid within filtytn Jays after due in terest will be charged from (lay of sale. sep 1-31 JAI3OII bTO UFF R (of C.) SOViEVA• Dir the vii.h of the heirs of Jazes novis, deed, wo rictify the creuitors and debtors of $4,1 de ceased to prove their accounts and preeerit them to us within thirty (la} s from this date. August 29, 1670. PETER ROUZER, ' sept-3t] JOHN THE undersigned respectfully announce to the citizens of W avneshoro' :ma the public genet., ally that they have Boi3Ot iateti themselves together in the Tailoring business and are nom prepared to make men and boys' clothing of all kinds to order nt short notice arid upon reasonable term, bat's. section in all cases guaranteed. Call at the old stand of Jacob F. Reininger. J A CO 9 F, REf :MOE R. sepl-tf] JOHN 1101.I.I.NGSWORTH SUPERIOR. PROPERTY AT plulurg THE undersigned will oiler at Public Ele, nn SATURDAY. THE IST OF OCTOBE R, in Mt. Hope, Quincy township, Franklin county, Pa., 4 miles from Waynesboro', on the road leading to Chambersburg the following valuable REAL ESTATE, containing 2 Acres and 65 Perches of Land, 2 Isar. dens and large Patch. Tho improvements consist of a large twO-stery Dam 11011 SE. BO& Back Bud.ling, Brick Shops with two Rooms, for ailor and Shoemaker, and Blacksmith and ' ligonmaker Shops together. Also, a double Log Dwelling House ; large Frame Stable, 2 large Bus. gy Sheds; wash house, oven, hog pens, (Sec The whole is in good repair and enclosed with good fencing. There are six public loads leadinz to the glare, which is in the midst of a rich neighborhood, and there is s Stole and Mill in the Village. The Brick House would orally taunt a - GOOD 'TAVERN STAND, or any other public business, as there is a great deal of traveling through the pace. The subscriber also offers for sale his Tract of Land. lying ono.hrdf inile from Mt. Rope, contain jug 31 Acres and 5t Perches of good Quality Lime stone Laud, ten acres of 'stitch is heavily Timbered, 4 acres meadow, and the residue i+ ,under a good state of cultivation. Part at it is under Post and hail Pen, e. • Any person or persons wanting properties of the shove desmiptien, will du well to atte nd this sale and secure a bargain. I aut determined to sell Wit don't go too much under price. A good title, clear of all encumbrances, will be given, and possession given nu the lot day of April 1871. l'ha conditions will be made known on the day of sale, and payments will be easy. sep 1-ts SAMUEL PrOUTZ. OLD IRON WANTED. The highest cash price will ba paid for Cast Iron Scrap delivered at thr• work, 01 •tho • (41EISTIR 31. CO. - 0 - I\J rj ) 'I( d \ \l BlitOOD CLEANSER PANACEA PREPARED AND SOLD BY CT,EParht;.6 011,-P,--PAHRNEY'S BROW& C(141 The above will at once alrik e the eye as the Trade Mark of the genuine " , Da. FAINNEY . I3 BLOOD CIMANSEO. OR PAN/ioilA,.Of ITtligh DR. P. FATIRSZY, of Cumin°, ILL., is the sole pnipt loon The greet demand from the Middle and Southern States for this medicine mod: • 4 •:Y n softness. Laboratory at Waynesboro', Pa, giblet; is conduct ed by Da. P. rtattiNEY'S linos. & Co. Since then the "Bump Opossum." has been grossly misrepre. sented_by other.parties, and what makes it bull more painful is the fact that the name of our deceased relative (the late Dr. D. Fahrney) is prostituted for the purpose of carrying out these diabolical schemes, when it is well known to very many that he was consigned to an untimely grave several years ago ; at a time, too, when his successors were not able to take his place in the profession, hente his name is used to say evil things. Orte_year after his (.IP-" The fo rowing none-P de following notice was circulated against the "%eon Cidtansint" and "llLoon Futurism :" "Nortcs.—We wish to inform the public that the 'Preparations' now being out and extensively ad vertised in many newspapers, etd , purporting to be old Dr. Fahrney's BLOOD PICEPAIUTIONH, &c.. are none of his, and are not countenanced by our firm at all. We neither advertise cc put out any of our preparations. -- "Ile - : - A(4 -- 1868." - The above is what D. Fahrney is • made to say one year after bis death, and in another circular just published, and in some newspapers, he is again made to say (two years after his death) something o_utithese preparations. This - undoubtedly - has reference to Etuassx's BLOOD PORRFIRR. prepared by Da..l. FAIMRY, Philadelphia, and resirmit's Dimon emanate OR PANSCRA, prepared by tie. P FARRNRY, Chicago,lll.,_and_alsu_by—his-Lirothers- aynetboro', Pa. In, order to protect ourselves and the public a gainst such-misrepresentations,it-hecomornecessa— ry to say that old Dr. rahrrey left his practice to two of Wagons. The oldest, Dr. Jacob Fatuney, located rear Waynesnom% Pa., where he practiced his prams= until within eignt days before his death, which was brought about by much business. sons, and the "Blood Preparation" was put up -in liquid form by Dr .1 Fahruty,:lr , eighteen years a go. and was br"ught to its present high degree ,ot perfeetio:i_by_his_brother, Dr. P. Fahrney r of-Ghi-- cago. These two are now the oldest physicians in the Fahrney family, and are willing to be qualified before any Notary Public that their preparations are Owing. f t must, indeed, be humiliating foi l i those who are mere babes in the profession, after I making such efforts to injure our business to com e out anti imitate the same, when they are not able • zoo hold th: I t , . • 1 41•11 Alt • Dt D Fahrney. PITBLIC SALE. flrlY uirtue of en order of the Orphan's Court of 14elt Franklin county, and to me directed, I will ex pose to Public Male, in front of the premises. on SATURDAY THE 24TH OP SEPTEMBER, - at I Vclock, P, M , the Real Estate of the late - Thomas.Srnitb., being the Western — l T -mil of Lot No. "L so known in the plot of said town, consisting of a three-story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, 25 feet front, more or less, neck Building and Frame Stable. This property is desirable as a l.asiness legation. Terms made known on day of sale. GEO. STOVES, A dm'r with the WIN annexed'. nag 25•te U. V. Monk}, suet. PUBLIC BALL, A CHANCE FOR A MACHINIST. 1110 Y authority from the Town Council of the illorNigh of Viiasnrbboio' the undersigned will offer at public sale, in front. the Town Hall, on ;Saturday, September 3d, 1870; the large NEW IVI 4.11 Ii: ET FIRE ENGINE. This is a splendid piece of ma chinery which originally cost upwards of $2OOO. :We to commence at 1 o'clock an said day when terms will be made'.known: F. FOIJRTI-11 1 1. r, • JACOB BF, nut; 18 3tl • (:r .fee. PRIVATE !SA LE. The suhscker offers nt private s•de,his HOUSE and I.OT Of GROUND. situated in Waynesboro', on Main stile, East end. 'I he improvements are n story and a half Dwelling House with Back Build, ing, a good Bake Oven and Smoke House, a good Cistern at the ilc , r, large Frame Stable and large Shed suitable for a shop, and a variety of choice Fruit. The lot fronts SI ft. If the „above proper ty is not sold privately before Saturday September 24th, it will be offered at Public Sale on that day at 1 o'clock. aug 25ts ISRAEL. HESS. VALUABLE PEOPZEtTir AT Private Sale. Fr HE subscriber offers at Private Sale his House L and Lot of Ground situated •in iting,tteld. Md. The lot contains 1 acres, more or less. The im provement' are a Two-story Weatberboartled Dwelling House, containing six rooms and kitchen and basement, large Frame stable, Smoke House, Bake,oven, 47c- A welt of good writer and cistern with pumps in the yard—also a selection of , choice fruit on the premises, the whole enclosed with good fencing. Terms will be made to suit the purchaser. ' JACOB U. RE,Ei.:H ER. Hinggo'd, Aug IS-4t 3:113M SM.l=l.lle". DR. PEDDICrIRD, being determined to keep up with the times wilt insert teeth at 12 DOLLA.RS, for a full upper or lower set, an 4 other operations proport (mutely, and allow to those who desire to do au, three months credit, thus insuring a fair trial. The hest mateiisl will be used, finished in the most tkilhul manner. All other brenclies of the profession carefully el tended to. 'Teeth extracted by en entirely new painless process. 01lice two doom above the Village Het Ord trffice• aug 25.31 • Tailoring Establishment ! - AHE subscriber would] respect follirannonnce to the citizens of I,Vaynftbero', and vicinity that ho has conmenced the 'Adoring businera in the dwelling house of 'Mrs. S. T. ,Brotherton, oppositc the Bowden Huse, and is now•preporat, to make all Undo of clothing to order, which he will guar. antee , to vivo satisfaction. He asks.a ug 25-'1 QklOrtGE WERNER. ,tn=ir,LBRA,TNJD 7.- co WAYNESBORO PA D. FALIRNsi" & SON. MEXICAN RO W! W. REID • A 9 received a frith stoat of goods, and is al mo. I daily making addition to his stock. lie has,. • PURE } SPICES, Prime Rio Coffee, Brownell Coffee, Brown and Crushed Sugar; brief 'bar, Powdered White Sum, Carolina Rice.. Syrups, suroriorin quality' andiolar in price, .4. go P. Rico and N. Orleans Melones, Corn Starch, Chocolate, sweet do., Pickles, Catsup, Muson'h Crtrikfrs and Cakes, Ea G. A. Salt, Fine Salt, .Sugar. cured Hams. • Call end examine. No trouble to show goods. I offer the above at reduced priers, notwithstand• ing they are on the "rise" in the East. Cove OYSTERS in I and ?,Ib. cone, olvtop; on hand, sold by the cut or dozen. He warrants them good. Whau you go to Picnics, or to the inountafn, come d'A cheese &c. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONERY. Layer Raisins, Frond' Currants, Candies, Oranges, Lem. ons, Dates, Citron,Prunes, Apples, nuts af, several kinds, FOR BARING ANDICE ORE ANL—Wo have goad and pure extracts.of Lemon, Orange, Vanilla,. Straviberry; essences ofLemon, Cinnamon, dtc. GLASSWARE.--LoOk at our chespioblets, dish es, castors, tumblers, Basks. molasses cane, lamps chimneys, &c. We have the beat and cheapest in, lowa. QUEENSWAREe.-A n unrivaled n s almo men t full - stockyfuwer-in - price - than - ever* ---- Tea - sets, - cups. - and saucers, meat plates, soup do4rea„Dinner, and Breakfast do. We have the real granite, no decep-, tion in the quality. We have the common ware, new stock. HOUSEKEEPERS Are invited to look at otir kniKes_antliorksrbutcher knives, arge spoons, common albata and silver plated tea and table spoons, clotbespaskets, buckets tubs tnatket baskeis,.school tfo. IVOTIONS.--Toilet soaps, perfumery, combo, pocket books, pencils ink cop leuertund note pow Best Kerosene Oil, Ohumiedl Olive Soap, ' Barlow's Blue indigo, Wick Ynrn, Besides many useful articles always on flud. Country prance! and "giiitnbacks" taken in exchange for goods. I am tankful for past pa _tronage—and-solieit-a-continuation of the Fame at the FA114111( • Wayneshciro! ir kinfr2oB7 SECOND. ARRIVAL! PUE 11001EICII, A. large assortment of very °heap goods, I might , at-the rate decline in prices„and consequent-. ly wul he Sold correspondingly low. The price of all kinds of goods basing declined in the Eastern Markets, the sobscriberadwure their friends that they can offer them superior inducements thia•sen son. Wiih a large stockcio sack front, and prices anti qualities ti please, they invite all to come and See and judge for mei - rewires. For desirable style of goo'as tend durability of fa bric they pay particular audition, so that their cur , tomers 4-en alway,s, rely on getting the worth ot their money in purchasiag from them. LOOK AT THIS • ? tk ME4L. int -4431 k. of ankles and see if you ars not in want of some herein pecified Light and Black Alpaccas, Hernamius, Delttins, Alpacca Lustre, • Dehsizes.• Lawns, Ifitnghams, Chintzes, Poplins, Napkine, To% els, troop Skins direct from the manufacturers, Arabs—a beautiful wr a pping, Prints at G, 8, 10, 124, Hosiery and ,Gloves, Feathers by tl.e pound, 0.1 Cloths for Table, stand and Floor. Tubs. Churns and Buckets, Boxes. Kegs and Kee.ers, • Win low Shades and: fixtures, Cheese—a gond article. Mackerel in and whole Barrels, Cottonades—a tine assortment,' Tame/tines, Brame, Percales Leather Mitts for garden making, Hoes, Spades and !taken, zlhovels, Forks and grooms, Pekin, Jeans, Ermine Cloths. june 9-1870 NOTICE. A Chance for Bargains: 'FUR subscriber is now ofrering the stock of [buoy NI &ow CLUTII:SO formetly kept by the late lief-. Bender, Beg., - AnAND BELOW COST FOR CASH: ALitiStC) A now supply of men and bop' Clothing just re• served from A. Jarrett of 'Baltimore, St J, - AU goods warranted and made in the best man ner, Those who (14 sire to purchase Clothing at the lowest Oguires will do W 4 It to call at the old stand B. E. corner of the Diamond. aug 254tf A. E. WAY(NANT. LEW W..DIEITRICIC ATTORNEY AT LAW, WAY:IOII3W, PA , W 11,11: give prmiipt and dose attention to all business intrusted to his care. Office next door ea the 'Bowden iiouse,in the Wlther 1.0 Wing, ;lig 25 W.. A. Ginghams, Punts, (Meeks, Coltonsiles, livnnus, Chanthrg, I"..,herrings, p trs,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers