B i lt-UGS MEDICINES, CM IL .11114 ff§§ll In 1 k I S , o&C44 — jj-R7~-~'-PStivrO jl} ANTiETAIVI MARBLE WORKS! . DZ. WAILTEII MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN M o numents, Tombs, Meadstonts, 4-c„ E call attention_to our assortment of the a Love, — comprising , proved 03 , 10.:. Having the advantage of Water-power, anti a long t xperieuce in the - STONE CUTTING BUSINESS, we are able to fill orders at the shortest notice and on most reasonable terms. Give tis a call at our Yard, near Antietam June :ion, on the Wayliebbore and Hagerstown Turn pike, two miles from the former place. l'o“ Office address, Wayn-.shoro', Pa. N. B. Dritra can be left with John Wallet and ill receive prompt attention. K. W. di, BRO. A Pill 3 tt. FAIRVIEW MILL ! FAMILY FLOUR, ETV. THE undersigned having refitted and added all the latest inipr wements to his Mill. (t or f irier ly Fr .ntes) announces to the public that he is now manufacturing a superior etticle of AM I L FLOUR. which viii be delivered to ptisons zit in :that prices. He has also on -hand aE. upply of Ili I L L TUFF of all kinds, which he wid -arhulet.ale or retail Mlle Mill, or deliver if deored. the lowest market rates. Having refitted Lis Mill wit t the most improved machinery he feels that he is enatkd to gi%e geneial His Flour in sacks can tic had at livid is Groce ry, IN hero orders may ho lat. The bight st tnaiket price paid for WH E A 7' delivered at the Mill. COOPER .STUFF wanted. mar DA VII) PATTERSON. ..12[—.4 157 - 111:17. IE-B, THE undersigned would inform the public gen. craily tnat he has I.u:chased the Livery here. wore oe.tic,l by Franklin NVoagley. and is ion ) prepared to meet the wants of the cone .-- DAMON in Ilia Intent bM.:lllesa. ]le hashad all his carriages neatly re patted Mid refitted and his boracii are $411111 ,746 ' sale. gentle and *fast travel. ra. Per ' ices ConVe3cd to any point desired, n o. vornprillie Iby a camiul driver. • Office ore door west of Bowden's llntßl y where en attentive hostler will be in attendance of all lama vJ t h e night and day. lf.rt will be spared to accommodate all v.r6c Inlay patrottiZe bun. .•tec 17 tf - Notipe,t9 the Public rum:. undernigned iN running a Line of Singer, hum Uugert.luo•n to( iiettysburg. leaving former place on l'rlinolny, cdrmsday and I•'rida3, at 7 o'- clock, A. M., passing by I,eitt•rsburg; %.% uyiterboro', Monterey and' Clermont hpring.., Fountain Dale Hite Fairfield, °maim; nt thittp.burg ut ball pro.t four o'clock mid returning truer {it ityeburg on Tues. Jay, Thursday and rtuturday, arriving nt Hagers. town to make connection venli the.s truer tor 13altintore. • •ANI\A WAbhilN. way 14-'69 VEAL 41. 4 iD .I@lU 7O sul•e:•ribers announce to the citizet)s of Wayeet.bore' stei the pub!ie generally, that they ute r. c eLirly cognized in bioeelittimg mnol Mock, mach us Calves awl I.amb4. mut, can bupply pelEptis dully v.ith a ishoe'utlicle i)t . either Vent or•Muttom They will r nerve but the hest [trades r sate, and te:pectiulty evilest o *hare of public plrmiage. igliett market rice paid for ( %/VI'S ftliti•hamoß. may 21i-ti Vt LAULLY ac IMO Z. JOHN EYSSONG ATl'ol:tiElf A r LAW, APING been aJtaittol to 17'rael:ce Law at the eeveral (;burto m Vratilain 'County', all !Judi. I.t cotria:te.l to 6i4 care %Nei; Ito roalioly ottemfoil :13—Popt °nice 'Lan fly 0 110Wtb W M. 11. FUNK. NEW STORE. NEW GOODS! NEW 000DS ctooN a`STONEWW.BE • nILD respectfuy inform the publitt that they have now opened at their new room,on tho southwest corner of the Diamond, in Waynes boro', a large and we selected stock or Dry Proceries, 'Hardware and Cutlery, Iron, Steel, Nails, Coach-makers Goode of every deicriptioh, Quebnsware, Cedarware, Shoes, Car pets. Oil Ociths, Paints, Glass, OiTs, Varnish Brush es, Fibh, Salt, and all kind of Goods kept in a well reghlated Store. Our goods are al new and fresh and have been bought for cash at; the latt decline in Prices. • We !latter ourselves that from our long taped enco in business, and a determination to sell gtods at smal profits, we shall be able to offer unusual 'inducements to a buyers who desire•ld ssve mons ey. Please calf and see for yourselveir. We have a lar.e and we assiitted : :• p e and fancy Dry Goods, embracing Cloths, Cassimeres tiattinetts, Jeans, Tweeds, Cottonades, Cords,llen me, stripes, Checks, thnghams, Linin and Cotton Table Mayers, Crash tor Towels,Culicoes, Detains, j Alvaceas, FANCY DRESS GOODS, Triings, Shawls, Brown and Bleached Sheeting and Stuffings, Tickings, Flannels, White Goods,Sliloves,_Hosiery and Notions. We are re• ceiving new goods every woe and rill supply any article wanted that we have not on hand in a few , days. • We pay tho highest market pricelor-all-kinds r m country produce such as Baccn, Lard; Butter, Eggt Dried Print, Rage, &c. May 19 —lB7O. HAVING PURCHASED FROM J o R. VV E L—S H I...and-under-the Town If all, his entire stock of goods wou d tie this' method of in forming the citizens of Waynesboro', Pa., and-vi' Omits , that 1 have just returned from the cities with _a_l•trge_antLcomplete assortment of CAPS, BOOTS BOOKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION; rens, Ink, and Notions gcncraiy. Come to me and get tits. I am ready. trunage. - may 26—'70] WHY PAY FRONI FIFTY-FIVE TO ONE • f BUMMED DOLLARS FOR A SEWING MACHINg. When yet,. _ _ lot to get out of ordcr and to do as umeh cvoth as anit rata& Machine made, Ind all fur TIiIIITY-FIVE'DOt, 1, ALI. MACHINES WARRANTED PER FECT in every reripet ALEX. EEVI/s, Vratch-maker and Jeweler, Ag't for McLean & Hooper sewing Machine, Mar 10] Way neaboro', SPRING GOODS! Brown & Walter, mT . lIOPE, LTA V) just received and opened a large stock ut Spring Goods, bought nt lowest gold premium prices and will be sold 23 low as they ean be purchased anywhere.' Call and cx twine our tuck bc:ore l urchasing elsewhere IpoWN & WAITER: Mt. Hope, May 5-tf. ' 11 1 111NES110116' R.tl Ell 7ONT3SCTIONART 1 rilllE subscribers announce to the publiz that I they I Hire opened a Bakery and Confectionary air Alain stretti Waynesboro', opposite the "'lou den House", where persons nt all times can be sup with fresh Bread, halls, Pretzels. nll kinds of Sueet Cakes, whobbade or relril, A full supply of .Nuts, Frubs, etc., always on hand. ICE ()KEAN regularly supplied'derkug the season. lioving erected - at considerable expense it first class Bake "Was° they feel confident that in this department of their business they can give general satistlictiM. 'racy therufure solicit a share , 01 lintronagc.. 'zany 5-11 SLEASIVAN & MORT. 8.113171 C WANTED .1 F014,14rE . Y Will pay the highest market price for 650 cords of Hoek And Oak Burk delivered at their l'an td.wiP its VitlN nestior.) . . 'Hides and '6l,inu'iuk"n in and Tiebeil at the Cellnr of C. Ituthes 61it.10 More, for wilt& the tut 'intact T)oice vtill be old. eke 21,-10570 Flour and Feed. A prime article of Fiimily Flour from A nisterJam A L. Mill, for sale in sacks, at reduced prices. nirthe Urug Moro of Dr. J. B. Ambersoir. Alan of I.iity Frick &Co. iie. will also deliver Flour* the bar rel, and Mill btulT to any point debited. Orders, may be-left at AMbersou's Diug kitore, or to Ibe Pust Office. • • DA YID WWI.' )tkritEcElV Ell—A full Stock of. Lpath or for shoemakers and aaddlera. at uou4Eß.* rizANT'S, ' vill o junc Ott' opes, Pencils, . s tirge. styles n amorous. are of public pa- D. SNIVELY SMITH rom any o .er mac ime, se, es t e question superiority, as a cleaner over ail otheri. Impartial judge at all the t3tate and County Fairs where it was thoroughly and 'practically tested, in competi tion will:Other leading mathitits; always agree that it More silo - plc—more easily' understood and op-. orated by those unskilled in tortehinery—more (tura ble,—threshing 'as much and yet cleaning better— with logis power and more comfort to hands than any other machine in use—and besides all dist is sold for less money according to capacity. These facts are furtbelattested by the thousands of pur chasers, some of whom have hod them in use for the last 18 yhars. To supply the wants of all, we now make 4:sizes, viz: Frain a 2 Horse Railway or 3 Horse Lever Power, to a ten florae Lever powe4 tvith prices ranging from $l9O to $:360, without power. We also make ,the latest im proved triple-geared Horse Powers suitable for each size machine ranging from $9O to $135, and all fully and fairly warranted. For further infor mation send for Circulair and Price List. Responsible Agents wanted in territory not intro dined. Address THE GElaElt MANUFACTURING CO., VNanneemo', Franklin Co., Penne jan 21—tfj T H B ftNER-DRUGAMIr DR. J. BURNS AMBEBSON 1r . C . ASSISTANT. Contqautty on land Et full line of Drugs, Chemicals, Patent' Medicines, Oils, faints, Varnirhes, - Glass, Putty, &o. Spices ground or ungieundi • Kerosene, Perfumery, Toilet' and Fancy Artiolo etc. etc: oto. We sell you but goods of the best quality and at prices satisfactory to all consumers.; Special attention given to the compounding of prescriptions. Remember the "Corner Drug Store" and give us a call. J.•BURNS ANIDERSON; M. D. ap. 14 NOTICE I A new way to Pay Old Debts;! It is a wafter of interest to every family in FRANKLIN COUNTY That they can save enough money by buying their Hats, Boots, Shoes, Trunks, blocks and Notions of all kinds, 'at the store of C. N, Bawer, N. B. cor. Diamond, Waynesboro', and thereby save money o nSugh to pay all ' • TAXES. As I am selling off 'my entire . stock at cost, come one; come all now and roll the ball. A word to the wise is sufficient. PFAU for cash. july -41 . ] V. I'. BEAVER. • \F* .4/0 tiEs)444 T HE undersigned would most respectfully iv lora the citizens of new vicinity lie bus opened h new Tin Store on East ,Main Street, opposite Stover sk Wolff 's Dry Goo& em porium, and keeps constantly on hand a good sup— ply of . COOK & COAL STOVES, MORNING GLORIES, etc,. at prices to suit the times. Alt kinds of wurk• done in his line 'w;th i eatnesa and dispatch, such us roofing, 'spouting and repairing. You will lind it to your ii.terest to give him a tall before purchasing elsewhere. The sign is the Big Red Uotfee Pot Always on the Post. Thankful for past toms he hopes for nem/tin/mime of the saute: . Yours Rrspectfully, "CLA Yl'o . ll M. FREY. NOTICE, GREAT ; i3ARGATA 7 S, FO U R CASIj.I . I I I • PIKES M LLE!' ' Timm af Fatal= intend doing a regular cash business. commencing the sell day of April,.l•B7o.—, riche) , are deteiinititid lo sell goods as cheep as 'the y can be sold. All they ask is to give them a trial. They are ery thankful for past larons and hope a continuance of the same. marvltf -' • ROUZER 3c FRANT4. ~cuTcu~~t~~u,t suhscrihers announee'lo their friends and the public' that they have resumed ;he Butchering husi -1111.84 'ant trhl continue tit tarnish choice articles of Ut-A'Vesi and' Huron in the Basement next lair to t he Wirynesboro' Hotel on Monday and 'Thurs day of ea cn 'eveith during ihe 'season. They return th.tilks for 11116 i wows° add 'regiiiectfitOy solicit a continuance of tne borne. may 12—tf IIgOVER de, 11E arig AN. ACCOMMODATION WAGON. rr HE subscriber announces to tho public that he I is now running 'a Wagon regularly between Waynesboro' • and areericamle, and is prepared to do nil kinds of hauling oh reasonable terins. He will be tbsultful for a share of public potronage. Orders left. at the !hug Store of A. 8. lionebrake will receive protein r attnntim. ' apr , D. W. MINER • ESSEIt. • (~ nis•BonEannuE 'HALER IN . g C 111. 9. pi i e• a . 1s , ' • FATENT 4 Dszpicprzs, PREPARATIONS FOR THE HAIR, OILS, PAIITTS • - irAurvismpsymil azrPhysicians dealt with at 20 per cent. discount. Waynesboro' Uptel Building, WAYNEBBOfIO', PA. March 27,1866 . • ere -- nowd — Tws - 1 - NOTICE ! ~1~ THE subscriber has just returned from.the East with a large stock of Goode', such as • BOOTS: SE OE S, G AITERSTICKLMO RA LS and all kinds Boors and 'Shoes for - Men - and ilorA, Women, Misses a'nd•'Children. Which _he is_ selling at• 'niece that will please. '• IL Al--Er= • . : fa, cif_all the leading-styles-t' • luit - an - d - firany - h - ea - d. . We bight our stook cheap and so determined to sell accordingly. Notions S Notions t Notions READ THE LIS7. • Shirts and Drawers Gauntlets, tius.enders Driving Gloves Paper Collars Fur top Gloves Buck. Gloves Hosiery Sheep Skin Gloves Wool knit Half Hose Lisle Thread Gloves Colton Half Hose -- W - outzknit Gloves 'e iertnantown Hail Butterflies Black Silk2fies_= - Broad=Ea-Titis= Ladies & Gents Pa cuffs Linen Handkerchiefs Pocket Books , ; • Portmonies l • •Brushes Pocket Knives • Cloth Brushes Pen Knives Shaving-Brushes - at Knives Naar Brushes 'Farley Soaps Tooth 'Brushes ferfOntery 7 - Shoe Brushes Albums Combs •'; pinsPand Needles Itasorig • . Load Pencils • Punt Gaps • • Slates • t stritigs Ink • Note Paper • . Pen Holders Envelopes .• /necking ' , Hair Qil4 hiumorendas Toy a • carpet tackti , • Create, Needles Farley toys, - 4,4 - 7" - ` &c.' Occ:' and•so fourth. GOLD AND BILVVR WATCHES, American, Swim and English; Seth Theorias•and ci ther ()locks.' Jewelry of every 'description' for La dies, Gents, Misses and 'Children at /Wetly reduced prices.' ringer Rings, a large Stock, plain Gold, Fancy Sett. Chasied and Penni! Pinger Rings; Silt,- CT . e,n,dother Plated Rings in great iariety; watch . chains. Guards, Minns, Bracelets, Charms, Sleeve Buttons. Gold Pens and Pencils; watch chajn hooks keys, &c; Trunks, Canes, Umbrellas, 13askets, Mats, Valises, Carpet Baas, R. R. Bags; Tobacco, Cigars and Snuff. Candies, Fruits, Railus. Dat4i and Confectionari bf all kinds - Come one, come all, ands-buy 'l'tank(ul for 'past tavoni; he bows by a desire to pleace to merit a liberal share of public patronage IiZEKIEL ELDEN, Oct. 8 1869. ". (101(1,111114ING, THE subscriber announces to his friends and P the public that be has. purchased the Coach Factory formerly owned by Israel Hess, and is now engeged in the above buskness, op Main Street, at the East end of Wkynes6oro'. Having a knowl edge of the business, and emyloying nose but practical workmen, and by strict attention tilt busi ness ha hopes to merit a share of Liatronsge kinds of new Wert on hand and orders filled promptly. • !'jan 14 tf • 'GEO. B. HAWKER. CHEAP' t eQQ.T4I43T.7 • • • .130,0 T AND SHO] sToitE! • THE subscriber hattjust returned from the city and is no* opening for examihation a large and well selected stock 14 Bcx)to and Shoes. 'Having, had a long time to bpcome acquainted with-the Boot and t-hoe trade, no doubt if you frvor him with a call you will buy as he Will sell cheap and warrant the work. All rips mended free of charge Give "CoonOy" a call. " 9. Ru r HES. eept 25-tf , -.• Boot ancl Shoemaking. rrHE subscriber wimp inform, the publiq that he 1 is at all tunes prepalsed to make to order Gents Coarse or find Boots, also coarse or fine work for Ladies or MtVacs. including the latest style of last ing Gaiters. 'Repairing done , at short notice, and lu-insures taken in private families if desired. Shop on East Maio Street, in the rocinitannorly occupied by J. Elden; as a flour sad feed afore. Ji OLLINGSWORTH. July 24—kr NOTICE'. Notice is hcrehy given - that application will be made, to the 'next Legislature of.Pennbilvabis for the incorporation of the Waynesburo Savings Bank, to lib located r ot Wayneshrlo', in Franklin county, with generil banking and 'discounting privileges, with a capital of 'twenty thousand dollars, with the privilege to increasn the some to the gam o r two hundred thousand dollars. june 30-6tuua) DR. J.• A. H,UOR.RS' Bing Bone, Bone Spavin, Splint an d Curb Remedy. A sire cure or money refunded. Each packire contains full directioes. Price' $8• All order a d: dressed to t• • DR •J. A. HUGHES. jury 19 6roj • 'WayneOore; Pa. 1 0. "1,-.•,r1.111 ; TMOREi Wholesale and Retail Dealer its FURNITURE =AND- r p e,t Fkg.g.Np A S P A. 14,H. WHITRIORg, Would call the etteittion of all who are in need of Furniture Mattresses, Leaking Olesses, Carpets, to the fact theileles adages stock on hand,at his rooms on the southeast corner of Centre Square, than ell similar establishinents in the county com bined, and•that he can and dims offer inducements to Housekeepers and' others, in want of goods in his line, such mi no other Carpet Dealers can do. If a hoe on hand upwards of 100 Bedsteads of 00 . 25 digefeut styles, ranging in price 'from • 0 $5 to $75 each. ' •'' More than SU Habana, of 25 dlfferent styles, from $7,50 to $75 each. Upwards•of 000 Chairs, of all styles,, flocking Chainkihm : 4l,so to $3O. pull Chamber Spite; 110114 Walnut, ' from $6O to $2OO each. ' Cottage fluffs,. ' • • from $3O to $9O each. • • Tete.a•Tetes and Sofas, • from $2O to $OO each. Spring seat Parlor Chairs. from-$3O-tts- - $6O-per_half.doxen , Lounges froth 's7, to s3s'eaeh.• yarble top Parlor 'Tables, solid Walnut, from $lO to $35 each. Wood top Parlor ',rabies, from $2. W $l3 each. • ' among which are 20 different styles. Also Extension, Breakfast, Dining and Hall Tables, in endless variety. ---7— Wardrobes, Bookcases, Writing Desks, Library Tables, Secretaries, , • What Note, flat Backs, Piano Stools, Umbrella stands, Camp, Office, Hall and,Library Chairs. Safes, hideboardi, Sinks, ' ___Poughtrays. Cupboard* Washstands ' Also a large . stoek' of all kinds of Nattrsotseseuctins Hair, Husk, Palm Leaf. Wool and— straw, at prices from $4 to $4O. Spring Mattrassea; Spribg lied Bottoms. Bwinginrand Rocking Cradles,. The higheet — thislif4tetijaid for Carpet Rags. w c h a „_,A a rge_fitoolr_of_llarpets_alwaym_onlan ' 'such as Urpeeelle, ingrained, Stair, Hall and allkinds ot and all kinds Floor' Oil Cloth, at low prices. Looking Glasses, from plain Walnut' Frames to X a noyavals=in__,Aick_T_ops,,in , flullt-and — ltose 1 -wood. _ lso,Childrene_B ugg ice and_Hobbyillors ' 03--Picfttre-Fremes-and—llooldings-of-irli-de. lions, and at lower prices than can be had else= where in the county. lie also sells Wholesale to the trade, all of whom he requests to call and lettin prices before purchasing elsewhere. WEN . Car. petit made to order. M - EH S AND' RE AT E 11-S FOR SALE. ' January I,4—tf. • EDS oor_tortl trickytad by 'himself with great care, a )arg i e send well selected assortment ' ' " \aavttliaa„ of Swiss, English, and American Manufacture ; JEWELRY atiiiiiper than ever before sold in Waynesboro , all the latest styles kept constantly on band.' " Every variety Of Cuff buttons. A fine assort ment of FINGER AND EAR RINGS. Solid Gold. Engagement and WEDDING RINGS, Silver Thimbles and sheelds,' Castors, Forks ' and Spoons, Salt Cellars, and Butter Knives of the cel ebrated Roger Manufacture, at reduced rates. SPCTACLES ,~ ~~~.. To snit everybody's oyes. New glosses 'put in old frames. • Clocks. Watches. and Jswelry promptly arid • neatly repaired and warranted. ' ALEX. LEEDS, otext oor to the Town Hall, underthe Photograph GAllery • July 31. Barbering! Barbering; rr HE subscriber informs the public that he con j. tinhes the Barbering business in the room net door to Mr. Reid'a Grocery Store, and is at all times pepared to do hair cutting, shaving, sharnpooning ctc. in the best style, The patronage of the pub ie is respectfullysolicited. ' • W. A. PRICE. Aug 23 1867. For Guns, lrenlfulfe Blades, Repairing Family Corn:Shellers, Call on • • J. H. JOHNSTON. may 28—tf • • MILLINERY GOODS ! WO THE LADIES! firßtil. C. L. HOLLINBER(sER has just re Cticeived s' full supply 'of new Millinery goods Ladles ore invited to cell and eismitic larr stock. april 23—tf ' WANTED.—I will exchange gooJs at a fair market price for, BACON, Lane, Butter, Eggs, Cot ton Rags, small Onions if delivered immediately, Soup Doans,'4c. W. A. REID. SOAP-MAKING. • CONCENTRATED LYE, a full pound . in a box at 20 cents. SAL SODA 'in largo or small quantities, sold low by • • W, A. 11E1D. Fcb 3 • • • TIROS. J. pffLuzgT,- • MERCHANT TAILOR, ' AND AGENT iOE. - SINGER'S SEWING MACHINE AGM 'II. NM GOOD & ISEtidALP Who are prepared to farnith and make to order, We am also prepared to do POST BORING, and in shOrt .. anythi4 . in' our line of business.— Wishing to enjoylliiinccesi and. sustain the rep. utation of the former proplieior. we Will try to sell or make anything for you, you want or need in our -linkmake-A-Las-welLart_we_can,ruld_silLit_aa:cheap_ Ls we can, with justice to you and mid Address • • GOOp & METCALY, Waynesboro', Pa. Factory miles South of yVaynesboro', Pa. Feb. 17, 1870. STRAIII HUM IVORKS, WAY(11E8130110 . ', FRANKLIN CO., MANUFA9IIII:II,E PORT -- ABLE ANDITATIONARY STEAK AYING-increaped-facifitieslarmatufact -1-1 Portable and litationary Stearn Engines at _slaort.ittptice,_of_sizes lrom two to one hundred and' fifty horse-power, I would' call the attention of ._ persons wanting portable engines for threshing grain, &c., as I am now prepared to- furnish thenr at short notice: lam also prepared to furnishshaft•__ _ ings, - 01 . 1eys;&e, and - aliwork in my line of busi ness. Persons in want of anything in my line wil' BeW ere. 'For further particulars send . for circular. ' GEO. Fiat' Kl, Wiynesbciro', Fran6lin Co. f Pa. sep 10 ll] ANTIBTLIN - WOOLBN, FACTORY. be undersigned lute leased the above named Woolen Facto' • to Jens W. I.lAta'and Joni •fitemasa who Will continue the busineas'under br - riame:of ---- .MOWdt_bil_ELlAllt. - --They will manufacture-ol=he-beat material and in good style a general variety of Woolen Goods, such as' moviraw-L - on= Custom work promptly attendeciito. fain thilnkftit tor the 'very liberal patronage cx] tended to me, and respectfully solicit Oa the samo. may be continued to the new firm. mer3l-tf ' ". '• 8. 'BAER. VVILVAM ISTE WART has been to the City and laid in a large supply' of Ladies; Misses ana Child en's shoes, of the 'most faihionable sty les.' Men and lloy's hilkiies, both' coarse and fine,' Men'a Congress Gaiters also, Strilw Bats. The public are geneially invited to come and examine for them selves. 'Ali whekirill buy of him will receive satis- - (action, as he will Sew all rips gratis. He also keeps sugar, coffee, mobilises and . sirups, 'pepper, alspice and cin;smon, niaelterel, ' letter' gaper, -envelopes, • steel pals, pen holders, keres'ene, e., &c. A lot of :he best leather' n nand'. Work mann fatiurea to order et short notice' and upon -reason able tau*. He returns thanks to the public for paet patron age and hopes to be ablo to merit a continuance of the same. 1870. Wrn. RTE WART. WAY NESBORO' COACH FACTORY. rAhotall ('1 DO: B. HAWKER having withdrawn from I the firm of Adams & Hawker. the 'subscriber' informs the public that he continues the Coachmalt ing business in all its branches; at the 'old stand. He will at all times have a sopply'of new' Buggies, different kinds, on hand ; also setond•handed' so hmles. Repairing done at short ',twice.' lie uses the best material and employs good mechanics. He returns Ins thanks to be public for their liberal pa tronage and by attention to business and It dispo sition to accommodate hopes to merit a liberal share of the same an the future. j JACOB ADAMS._ n s 14_ tf FEATHERS RENOVATEO! THE subscriber would infirm the citizens of I Waynesboro' and neighborhood that be has se cured the services rI John H: Herr to operate his Feather Renovator during his absence. Persona desiring leathers renovated will please call at the . room in the rear of Rothe Boot and Shoe store or at the residence of Mr. H. Satisfaction is guaran teed in all cases. aug 1 -tf ADAM FORNEY. JOiEPII-DOUGLAS, gRACTICES in the several courts of Franklin and adjacent counties. .B. Real Estate leased and sold and Fire Insurance effected on reasonable terms. dec 10 PERSONS indebted to the isle firm of Frantz & Snively, will please call upon the undeisign ed. in whose hands the books :and accounts have been left for set lenient and close their accounts by note or othFwise, between this and the first of A l pril next. I N. ISNIVELX. feb 17—tf. • Lumber, &c. TAE subscriber has for sale Clowtnut Shingles, Pallings, Plastering Laths IShiogliag Laths, Pine Lumber front a halt' to one inch. All other sirlit of Lumber furnished to order. Also Oak, Pine and ,Chestnut Wood by the load for sale on the ground. lie has also I C sale. ap 23-41 A Itt MONPL A great ,vatitty, of Patterns. Style ~ a nd Price' of *ill and Veiling, Paper: Alto; Window Pape/ • and Oil Minds, at, . jurte.24l' ANI BEESON, BENEDICT CO'4, iNTIETAM FACTORY AI DMILLS A NEW FIRM Sasb, Doors, • Shutters, • • • Blinds, Brackets, Staking, "-• Moulding, Scrolling, Flooring, Mantles, &e., &0., —ALSO— !, 741-!: 11, 0 1 . 0114 Grinding. GEORGE Flucws. ENGINES. Blankets and Coverlets, Jeans; Cisidbieres,'Satinetts ? Yams, &e. - NEW STORE: itiNGGota,- hid. < ATTORNEY• AT. LA W, Waynesboro', Pa., NOTICE. WALL PAPER. LITTAILW ItZTCALS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers