, `with any foe., ~ Si* atiolds4o in a glorious dmith.7' Voir thilli4tifir lOW ItirringilreMearikAltile Afrovollitist , forth hoer no aniniated, ;sound . For ; the OM the le*hOieM4l4lViiaPhiVirligl;44* Whig welcomes'nki &VI liOlj itp ..4 110! lii.,F the broad road,that Nedif:heaulli, 1:1 ; The virgin tits ,vreeping with het , tereetilim glory' teithttel , Itt - her binds i 'MAI AS% ftelP rant buds in whit% iihthild iteped id Istreasht 'N. the brow ot, tboisit, are ea* ilikAietirre : ut t lied, to, thi'nitiiiii. of -illivaiiii!'Wera• not complain. niiintaiii' oni loyalty, in this hour of, liar over*helining, sadness ! Bat who' *111:04 to pkeitiiiti:im triiiiri*rii ing s sik'dii6 , hurthc--eitlisi)Aothi , - strueted4he duty of the Rinierves--cold wee the order which consigned .out'. wear] heroes —our 'bottle•worn bretheri to their , grivesr, before' We roitid fold them Co' our bosoms end' their'sistenirptint a; last corveot kiss eiktli" their o h ee)0 • 31 -Bei ' Penni S iva44 °jilt id da h'onor.to her • 4 keserva; Oath to the hmeant of theqiviteg who stall come home to lust' ant the detect whose gfrities inarkthe thottfutnove of the battle:field grad Army of the /JON mac.774ranisburg, TflelirolPhp May; 28 d, VENETIAN LINIMENT. , AdEßTAliki CURE FOR PAINS IN LIMBS ittlLbeek,-sore throat. efotip.ibeiltisittiihl "tol% ic, &e. -A p'erleardaihrfineilkibllkiuriiiiiiiiffills: Read Reid! tr:Reid LIVONIA, WAVY" Co., -4101:01111646,•i869_ This is to 'certify that my wile wee taken with Quiniey Sore •Thitiati . it' iiiiinnetidifd - fo ilVell, end 'was so sole that she:contd. no :oil/allow," and baugh• .ed violently. 'I nevi your Ind ffiade , :i perfect cu e in one week. ' I firmly believe. that but for the Littiotent ithawbtild have 'loather life. • • %. JOHNII.HARLAN. Price 25 . and 50 Canty. Sold by_ druggists — l . Office 56 - Oortlandt teitreot, Now 'York ' ' 01133CM:.A.i..0114.1".. , Omihe 24th - oli., by thh 'Rev. Joseph , F. Rolitek--}3-13—RICH_ARD of W 0.411, iogtonCo:' Md.; to, • Miss' : ELiZA.BETH STON-Eft-tfAbi-g--p. WXLIZI Wcwaxi. 'On the 15th. ult., near. Smithsburg,,at the liOuin' Of' ME 'Albert illghitin, Mr. PETER HOOVER, aged 52 years, 41 months and • Near 'Quincy, on th - e LIASList.Q.L.L,' aged 21,years, 4inonths and 14 days. From the. Antericala of Tuesday last. FLOUR.—Sated . reported , of 1,000 bbls. shipping brands City Mills Eitrii at $9.50, 30U Obis. Howard Street do. at $8.25 and 200 bbls. choice Howard Street Super at 671 GRAN,—Sales of, Wheat comprised 1, 000 hushels prime lt.Cntucky white at 210 .oents, 4,000 oushelsprimeand choice. South ern, , do. at 210@215 cents, and 1,000 bush els Pennsylvania , do. at .1,g5 cents. Corn was in good tleinand 'at an Atli:ince of I®2 .cents, some 10,000 bushels white being ta ken at 13.7@,138 cents, and 11,000 bushels ,yellow a t '141(T)1 - 42 ceuta, .cliidiky me :the - "ex ,- - - , treme Flee. rtuns,ylvanial)ats .sold in a small way at 90@92 ; .neutn, w.ei t ibt,:ned ltye i .at 163 (516 . 5 &eats- _ TOBACCO PLANTS: ryt HE Subscriber ha 4 qn hand a large kit of To. ham) Plants, such as ' •CONNECTIOUT SEEDLEAF , IMPROVED CUBA, MAX YLA ND BROADLEAF , AND QUAKER, all of which be'vrill 'dispose of at *2 pi r thousand. Garden 2 tulles 6uutheast of Woyhesboro'. J urie —'tf D. F. b4OOD. DR.. J. FAURNEYIS BUN PURIFIER. 'HIS article so well known by reputation for hawing eurret! sumo of she worst -c ases of • Tet de , :....csotura, and all .intpuatty of the Maui, is al wa)s on hand ut Fouttlynan's Drug More. lio.hasjust rectoved a .fresh supply of +theatres° .attlele ann can act umatoilate file customers. i. • June :3 ly. Claim Agent. ASTINGS GEI - 11t, Authorized Claim Agent Ml,..Chatotheriburg, Pa., for the' collectiust of Pen swim, Bounty, Back Pay and Bounty Land for ot ficers,:solitieni, their widows or hems. AU husineos will receive prompt attention either by perstmal ap plication or letter. , • May 27-4 t", . BANK. DIVIDEND. . IFILE Board of Directors •of tee FIRST NA. 'NA 1. BANK )F WAYNESBORO' have luis day declared a nerna•annual Dividend of roue PEit OA the tepital Steck—payable on and al . - ,the twat day„olJUlie next. 'May 27- 7 3w..1 JNO. FRILIPS, Cash. II PIS, 111 111111STi WsiE the-nderiligned intend to p'ot!up Gat' Mill andiEvaporiter to manufacture tyrel at hinggold, Md. Wanill the attention - of farmer. to the =purism* of raising the' Gene t sail. is he lieved by pereuns shuteye raised- it - to- bathe mei' eftluable'crp•that can .be raised. it , yields Aiwa viva; litinstreiland tiliiieutylive' to ttvo hllladtatna seven: ty.five gallons! ut Syrup to the acre. btarplaillast on r The seed should' besl:ioutee before pMttiog it.. - Persionirtvishinglo'Retteed cat get it at elsorleelliteshenes store, blinggeld; at , (aisles al iteshew's store, thinatitsbuis, & Logaire store, - LeitanibUrgrat tied; tn,...iveieis store, Witynetboini,l'it - barliet Mentzer 's Mill; et !:Nriniutil I`ririfak'illill,'at (i t beeole's `the' Coiner; snit. at, the Assauery . itill. • lit — , 4fi • ' ' J: r1114 B 0 IAVING located iii Hagerstown, would-oiler their prufesibiard lietiiiesioAke.eitizens of the place and surrounding country. Having had the .erperiScelAfTifteenOvara,,Sind ,selves ilittaieimproycmerktit;lb44qpleWiirtri do work in a neat and substantial manner, upon Abe mio~t,ie4soneble terms. ` Ha #OO ‘l,:. ;AND; ,;, T r 6.ll jortoP,lNdr. -; ' ant/4 RE•subsinlow wool!! inform Lbs public, that 110 has. purchased , of Vral. tillbert,gawolirknowo ilsoring glad ,Phonping :Ashamed - about ;rata **MOW 04 Arom-Baark - Forcoirn "Ostia; n peep to aa*. totulter,to mato by .uedl"or.-vrelk lar saw, and is also prepared. to chop torsi astir, At.. at Atarotatioatbdirpartotttalitl tranidattolorts to businesi hopes to merit *AA** 101010,10410 , tabli4petrosarati,L, (1110; 1 111 1 1:--4 , 4 , k1MTUAL1'. 111418.orklicarillutlito.f Jitt *Wino, Mlantsgottliws Tolwco,l3wasPßolllto,lo - othitcgatilesti ressogable.A vi tt 74 1141.? 441 7W7 - i'llrNA3lft•i!atent 041 4 f4VtItittr 11M . _Tr A ralt....446oiwlLLvari - siirn*ifenv Algani7 43 # /lan countio- ktutY 1 : 1 -.!O k 4 1t,..,,,.2.14Ar„m:.,0f; ellitt • „ t , 3 .•,,, , ..4 ii ,,,, 64.14 , m . iii „, = 1 14 , , , ~. .• . ;:., ~,,. •:,-.; rte, ,i, ..„ ~. ~0, t: ,•r '',,.,:, , :An,,...,,,,,,..tm.,: : .. Vii•..: a), 14 -,,. -I , ' 5 . 0,41r.1 v,tri..,.).. 5 ! 1 4 . jr-Tf' -it IliZillBll All#lll4AßtE*-OtilTßltia EMPO RIUM -11 • t , f cl , t JAMES Ai I.7kirltetalek enabnitee Blithe belt etyles.,alMe6; . 01 Illa'FOCOY; CLOTH% PlainzlO.FinCT 7 - Plain Dine Portcy VEStbII3IS, all - of which' Wile to, 'Order ku.tha . most -fethiohnbio' 'SW. , Work msr tike irtibuti; or , Soldiu Pa werni ton suit 4 essai ,meta. 'Also in full stock. of - • 'FE • READS 411EA10 - - CLOTHING Mr:CHEAP PM CASH.-tilt • , • Also, onerofthe 'best tioleetedAteeki 01 SENTIS GOODS in the 'ilown-;.iltia Shit* Hoiliery,,Glovettand Ties in endless variety. Also, Military Cliithit and 'teseimerits *bleb 'will he made 'tifitriler at thelatuirtest riotieb.: :" 7 t • ; Holise,'Wegerstairni:44ld: AtayA, .„ • IASHIBTOUSTMIT BlSTilliiit na g erstown, lid. ITIHE subscriber, would respectfully inform the publid that he has taken the Establishment ad• jolliillg the "Waihiriuteli flOitaa',"'andlad favorably known when-occupied by his father, where he has jot opened'' A fiIiSHLASS.RESTAURANT. 10. Cirearialgalcocoaii — the uld pa6l;ne and the public in general are in• formed that th 4 twinge has been thoroughly renora• ted and refitted so as to,_ineure, *Or_ coaKa a rt, and I r h: n t s ite, e. thing will be;left undone to merit-their-pa t yetenr - Ciains—ant-,Other4uturle ; will be kept in season, and MEALS will be furiiish• ed at all hom. Gentlemen will be furnished with Rooms for private supper-Parties whendesired. The Confectionery Department will be in competent hands, and Weddings; Pic. bacc, Pzivate Parties, and• Families will be supplied with _Confe - cii-nn - eryciliesii—liblitc—liinn l -, • Cream, Charlotte Ruce and WATER - ICES; of various Savors , and at :be shortest notice, THE LADIES' SALOON will be devoted exclushiely to the use of Ladies -and-Gentlemewaccompanytng - them. - In rhortTev. - • cry part of the- - busihess will be conduCted with a desire to please customers. May 3m. J 1111 II Y. GOODS ill 10T101 MN 1 "MANSION HOUSE"' Chambersburg, SE_COND_AR_RIVAL! TO ALP— dt—H IT E 85:TE W__ have just re -1.11 ceived wad opened their Second Supply of nevidiViDiti , A.NLl 'SUMMER MOM - to which they' incite special attentir.n. Their stock is fresh an.i full, comprising all the different styles of LA DLES' DRESS GOODS, black .and colored Silks. Cloaking Cloths of the latest styles, Balmoral and Hoop iSkirtsfull assortment of "White Goods, Gauze Crape and Dove Veils), Hosiery, Gloves, Collars, Cuffs, Hdk'f , s, and everything belonging to a Fan cy Dry Goods end Nation Store. GENTS DEPARTMENT. In Otis department we have Clothe, Cassimeres, both Black and Fancy; Najd and Striped Goode for Bciya*. wear; Cottonades, Dinioa, Denirns,Chect e Brown and Bleached Muslim', Flannels, 'Pickings, &c., with a great variety of staple and fancy op tima, nll of which will be sold low fiv CASH. ' The patronage of the public is mostiespectfully solicited. METCALF 4 fIiTESHE W. May 27—tf. ANTIETAM Wood Working and 'I3BI7IiTINcF ESTABLISHMENT AND MILLS I STILL continuing the manufacturing of all kit.ds of Building Material, ouch as 'S A S , Doors, Shutters, Blindi, CING, MOULDINGS, Door-Frames, Window-Frames, noonma, Br,c. &C. NW A. 1117111L77 311( 4. ley mill and circular saws of every description.— Asking a continuation of:favors, it promise still to sell on as ,equitable term* es possible, 'considering times and prices. For further particulars apply to the subscriber and proprietor. Factory 2 miles Southeast of y. aynesboro'. April 1, 1804 ''D. F. ,GOOD. zaatatitiata movaa. o . EAST SIDE OP' CARLIStE. STREET, , . • GRFENCASTIA . ... . r-11 0 ' understgited respeetthlly,rinreinnees .to a_the, tray ling. public ,that this Hotel , has been tmt)Dpi.gp. „The Rooms are Jorge. and co rm rs tenable and aro,nll-well , fiterdified - with ffssd , 'ltew, furniture. . refigOnt titspPintitt this, Hotel can, hate either double , or single,.R,oome. with or without, fire itt them. , The,rA Hi4N. is always.•suppliedi,tvith thir bestin , • t he„ market.* and his SA Rit tilled with the _choicest Liquors., There „are also a fine Lot and a pair of * Hay. and. Stock Scales connected with the Hotetfor • the aiqpnurtodation ~,or Drover' , and Butchers. • " Nix pro;ii(led . iritir good wholesome Proyender for .stock, and offended by careful ostlers. JOHN H. A trAM $ . April 15 1864.)...: , Proprietor. imi4w: $LE t ; r . Y- an 'order of the Orphans'. Court of Franklin LAfi•?°oll!° rae 44eeted, , l wiU exix'af, to. public i n 4, on' '3, the •clajf of Tune, 1864, 42411 eirel*..1 3 1Pf jidm i t •g ° e l,4 ?fl'4l. l . l q9 4 t et° *"F• oi?) atiti •.. , containtag — 2 Acres, marevetaaa.lvitit• a -;. ' ' •"* • • 1 I u 77.71. I_ll 4 i 4 - 77 "; Ari d n a o, liadding; Bil4Jtiniegitijaffoll6o 14:41' . Atapratiomeriediber . eon alO6 - Wa Ind '!ILIJNIVIati ' :W ATER•AT'THE'D4)OO./. - • The or Thifmicobalt attbis jametsiiri.iiiaagititritie ;Wt . 'tilt ilia' coatimiiii‘ 'Of rate,,tlie, 04: ;4, , ftr pirthit Joy ; Afin; P 463, ardikliepAst Cra m dif oraida: r;,.1 Herron KO by allittatiiirifie-uhtlibtsiniiid Nein •Qtdaey. twrarik 4oht bnioinnit 'O3O 2...**Pek pay said Asir iorlialitiendaheaiwillbo4iTertbY i : oz.fr, , C. KEONER, Way ".20—.4) t , '7,*stee:4o • , SEBEI3 u 44, fm7 01111 lunge) under *tom tUATiOtI . ***I4A L , , Ifirst#4,o4o#e•4le . -: ' n _,' • .1111anitm,' , RED Jilititll" Qitti at the fildle . OrT,of - she ,Oditemnient, it any 44abikti &Of*, ', *-000h.clit fo4 Nth thei'ditOtkiiir,*iii:Aeii-Teatiiiiiolottotvg I '4O Mkfit Uonds 1t1*44011411 " , OO4l his,l*.gi* - 004#1: 4 , nasept o onf*ki.si. l o3pa! Oen Bondi; ni Retthitetetittnid drir 'recorded co r n the bodkii bf OW IV. Trammel's' end can be transferred only; nit the ovena's order. Coupori B"Made litito*able io, bearer, "add are mare contenidut fdr fibiesorlbenV , tit loatOeill-hare' 'the "Optiortei basing shah , from 'Marati: ht, by pitying the &carried intettliMeoht—(or in Uni• ted Statelitetes; ,or the notes[of pledorial . .l3anks; add ini,Eity, per :seat ? , tot , , Praitdetii,Yeriiiiiyetthent . draringsintesest-from theJlote qf, 0 1 010P4Piti it t deposit, ~' As these Honda are ;,1r;:: A§ate or Mu . tdinfiittl; their "Mite s inctensed froth onete`three per cen t . per annnm, according to .the-rate of bia fellers is ilk. Hone parts.of the count:3N At tlipresent tata : ofinimilam , on i old' dal pay OVER EIGHT . PER CENT. INTEREST n currency, and are of equal _epavenienne.as a, Or tnanent or temporary investment. , • . It is believed that no securities offer so' greatin ducements to lenders es the. various. deperiptionkof U. S. Bonds. in ill other terms Of indebtedness, _ the faith of ability , of priette *deb or stock corn= panie . ini:itiperate contiriunitine- only I. pledgedio symentovitile_foritlie_tiobti.:,Of - the Kited Stet the whole property of the country'b holden to 'se cure the paytnent df both principal' and interest in • . COlll. , ~ • ,I , ~ . , .- . . These Bonds may be iubseribed for in sums item. $6O up to any Magnitude; on the same term., end s_inuttle__gually available to 'the anuille.at id the h lender am largest capitalist. -They can be con verted into 'money at auy moment, and' the holder .will have the benefit of the interest. __lt_may_be-itsefuLtiLstrdein_this_conitection that the total Funded Debt of the United States on which interest is Payable in gold, on the 311 day of March , 1804, was $76 8 ,975,000 . Tile' ibterest on this debt for the coming fiscal year will be $45,937,120, while `the customs revenue ingold for the current. fiscal year, ending June 30th; 1884, has been-solar at the ra to of over $100,000,000 per annum. ' It will be seen that even the present gold revenue of the Government me largely in excess of the wants, of the Treasury for the payment of gold interest, while the recent increase of the tariff will doubtless raise the annual receipts front customs on the same amount of importations, to $150,000,000 per • an- JcplAs WINTER. luetructione ottheNntional - Defike acting ae loan agents were. not, issued from the United States Treasury uhtil March 26, but in the first thresweeks_ of April the subscriptions rieraged more than TEN MILLIONS A WEEK. Subscriptions will be received 14 the • ' First National 'flank of-Philadelphia, Pa. Second National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa, Third National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. 'AND 1W ALI. OTHER NATIONAL BANKS. which ' are depositaries of Public money, and all RESPECTABLE BANKS AND •DANKERS throughout the country, (acting, as agents of the .National Depository ,Banks,) arill.furnish further, information on application and dkfrord evory rioility to pul?pott ben. May 13— 2m. PLANTS ! PLANTS , ! HE Subscriber hes on hand a large lot Plants, . such' se CA DRAGE, early , and late • Tot ' a- l -I t S and REETS ' d0..d0. and the diffnreat,binds of other Garden Plants. He has been to Philadel. philWwhere he selected it Co': pun, - Yellow JeseeY SWEET POTATOES. Persons. wishing to change seed will,do well to give him a call. He bus also a large, lot of , .. TOBACCO PLANTS of . the different kinds, Al of which will be disposed of upon reasonable terms. . Persons wanting Plants can get them at the fol. lowing places: ,On' every 'THURSDAY; at the Mt. Bope Store, at Jones' Hotel, in Quincyiand at Miller's H.tel, in Funkstown, commencing on .tbe 19th , instant. On TUESDAYS, at-the Shady Grove Store, at_ the.. Frankli n, Hotel, Greencastte, and at the Marsh Store, commencing- on the 17th intent. arm! orders filled and Sent in any di. ree,Ben. Garden 2 miles:North of Waynesboro', , neat the Gate House. ~-, ~ • . • , •M. MORGAL4 May i6-13w. ... .. . , rrillE subscriber (successor of E. S. Trozel) hr. 1 forms thopublic ,beln now •ProPOrod -to do all necessary repairing to either the McCormick or Manny Reaper, WM. E. FLANAGAN. :7 N. B. The subscriber icalse Agent foe the sale of the;McCormick Reaper.ll, .Moy 6*2m: • • Oh olaliteAtf_e_flelightetl It ~. • ';•. ! t•• WitVirlog P sTiut i 'diceteta.,6l) , she 'ot,iftiat; - • 9 " ; ten iist ti4` filigeri,in emit *ha eaA••••'• " Like „ uth, Oaa '. ' ' • , With thhhhiest lockets, moutoill sett*. •,• .43 Boz.pina. sokst;otarina, ofjeti , „ :Stealjetordryw:baltiolidea ' Allot the ',latest styles ail' looter ;: •• I;_nhaue/ou'lthodeNghttfir, • • oigte. t titAty_4"ent."'linTfinci clocks cases; 110 a ! aq ueoivni ot viOistletetiiiti - h';'NOt WO. jingle** ' pt;alifitti at. foweiN cub 4 L L: _ s • ~ • „ :,< wsricitio ,sryrx - ciricWrWoq4— Now'retay-at- - ; CPDS6RAFTB` , Hat• Factiltir• 9,pposite 'VI? saki noon , • tJTIffWZITITT/U I PON PE :TIR I TIES. While war's Biros- Pinilicalurni. ue, , Or victory's shouts oft charm us, locel, news; ' " Or little brawls, or breaks, or stews, Are equallyisugaging f . The, fkirmisimiten shock iirldeass; • But. taireh iiiiiirtioruiluielity But when jemelakright.and gay, . In multitudinous array, • Our serious th oughts 'assuaging:— Are placed ,to view at ,CUove's old stand,.., To brighten or ear, or - Ae , la.ror saF . Td heontilkthehcalm pc.sett, i , :: .1- . •'. ' : 1 : ") t . : ', -': ' t ' tff '4 A ,eel&-4 11,l 1, ..', t i i ' f 0 q e .. 3 . 4 . 0 ~; ', r !: i 1, :(E 4 . T ' 4 4 . : '''' i • ~.' ~.6 , ', Y. n.),V 4 PCISW'AX!".': - 1:1:..,0 ':j,, , i:? ! • 1.11.:.• , aritoomilllloo l , '„,.. ''PIIEENSyIAIIE-41f1Y-CEttAliW4-11E1---, *3: , 11 3 '; P. 7 ( - ' " -; • - MUER. g s bor 0 9 ,', Pa. • • •• z , ElA rlNp j us,t f!c s ta the„tuaerr. i ch,tair . he wou ldcal beta !mama of cue omen dad the public genetilly to litkßGE & SPL'ENtkii) :ASSOIitMENT .. -,. O. il NIB W . - ' 1 ,' • • _ _.. 01 ---- - --- :, Which will be so4l at eetrenicly 'LOW Neel. Below you will find' ebunierstee a few ortiries Which will be'fotitllaibng hie otodleild *Welt he invitee your attention: 'FORTE LADIES; MEWS WEAR, Fancy Casa imetei, Plain " Clothe, Italian Clothe, Veetings, Satinets. DOMESTIC SHIRTING, Furniture CI , ed. Lied Ticking. Cotton Flahnel, 00l " raible Diaper, 'Fowling, Daging, &c., Are. queensware, Hardware • Boots and Shoes, Cedar Ware. Cfa cDcgamtraumm. Of the very best quality,,such as .Sfrups, and New Orleans Molasses, Bess Rio Coffee Superior Prepared Coffee, liummellrßesi Essence; Baker's No, Chocolate, Raisins, • Tebaceo, Rice',' .&e. The above goods have been carefully selected and purchased stifle very lowest figure. He is therefore enabled to - accommodate all who may favor him with a call. By strict attention to business and a desire to please in every respect, he hbpea•to` merit a ,con iinuance of patronagec • NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS,' Country rroduce, taken in,exch•nge for goals a the ,bitthest,market prices. J. W. MILLER. , .Kay 13, 1864. W. E. F. rrilitn, 'fetidly increasing importance , attached to commercial eduiation, end the very . general at tention which ' this branch b . :CO/citing thrtitightint the civilized. Trorld t have ;within the ,past lex years awakened such an interest, ihitt no eminent is tie cessary to establish the erzdicer utility of Cotnruer cia I schools. • ' • COURSE MTSTRUCTION : Doubts Barr Book;kitipitigitu all its most approv ed .tormk,. adopted:to-pc various departments of: Trade, and tOommerce.:l Vonudereial - . alculation tw Mercantile Lavv_ , 4 Penmanship in' every , style of the • seaEackdeparttnent is under the charge, of. an experienced •atha campetent-lnatructor. . Our mina it both..thennigh. and ,4iractical. Students are.tought'urchiginate<sitd •ciandict all the :Booker a wl , Porme4iertainang ito real basilica, thereby bring" 4g:theory:into 7.;proetioewitCthiasT - ha - Ting.. mem , to perfurokuts: regular routine .0( the,(3ooollooru s a; „ Studial -die' preadAbed 'Cant oct: are Taal. ided to take'ctfaige and .ionduCeiiia eitifeit thifi/WiliSof Mercantile ciitehlisEittictit.'-'Thaarequiied tatiWaptettfiliercaufsta so from 61 to 12 weeks.. Enter at anytime. DiPlo; wo.ziktid_ (Or" ; 'o'nvikonii.; Pais. ill ex! pesseStor% t sun cuiu tattreailititirea.i boarding' inclwo Addreat - • '0"; •- -, A:-.11:- 1 TRIMMER, r eb , Art _ Lif r., ;:. Virgantbisibufgi " • "' r mid ,IS:Eksrs.,,tii!didilo:' .411trinicy: 411YPOPonii" , bout will procure Petiarinir, Sweaty; arrearageo elearripd clothirigrtuktl-all-itt,:ber alluvr. 4WD* dud ace: uteri 'suit kuldiefo; their like nr were . • AFJUW / Int fin, o ke_niadt , rpi,irtnex g et t kr,eb. 6, '; • • ' - -all-Wool- Delainea, Fancy__ _ Alpaca,. . - - - Bain.Gingham Plain Flannels, • ' '• Grey ALSO Ladies'. Shawls, , • Fancy ,Pria • Extensma gkirre, Balmoral Skirts, - Ladies' Co _ Magic Ruffling, Linen . Misery, &e. .:SZOIEmaD Tweeds, Jeans,. Shirt Fronts, -Gents Pillars, Neck Ties, r. limier Shirts, —Dravverti. Rack Gloves, „ Gaunt hrti, g * k l r I L) t i tae 11' . I'l4 toji - N 'ANN AN:UNION: ;• . I;fr -" ;42: tSII III RWStRENOITHI , , . . . . /J• ' 0.7'. •, ••:,.. .• S.,:it'•• ' •I'''' •' : '''• :.•;"i'" , ;% , •••• ;: ?' . . . • • '''- 'l ' " .:.' ;;ir‘' ~ ...y.. . _ . . pRice*HOEFL,IO.S ILTATING puichasea the large and' "efeelleint juLstock of goods belonging tolhe Eaten; Josiah Before, Esq , deceasad; — ind ebinbinine with the same, in the• lefrge and. eiptieieue Store Room, trio now fresh supplies (brought I ,a' few :weeks since) forming the stock of 'Joseph Trici—are now pre., Writing to the public the largeire choicest and cheap= edit seleJtionsdf ORRING-AND SUMMER GOODS 'e of - ipticifediiiinl - 0 - 1t ergs an varied essentinent' of DRY GOODS GROCtIiTES,,:- HARDWARE, DRESS Such 'as Fancy Silks, Wool Delains, • AlPoem, Shepherd Plaids, Debegee, Crape De Spites-, Chalice, Lawns and C hintzes • WHITE GOODS. Swiss, plain and figured, • Striped do, Cambria, • " Bishop Lawns, Mulls, _ Plain Books, tire uchlaziliaa aciciaach . . . . • We boast of having the largest assortment eves brought nr - Town. ' Were bought tierity ! .five pet cent, cheaper than present, .pricea and :will. be sold accordingly. • • ,• . . • ; - ' • Silks, . - -' ' -".'• -Baregeiv i , • . . ' . •Grenadines, . Wool*Delaius, . • Poplins, . , _ ' Cballies, Lawns, plain and figured, . ", Bakerines, - . . ' Crape Despanges, „Eng: Crapei, . . • • American Prints, •• .. French Crape, . • , • Collars, 11.'dk7s, . . OUR FALNOY: STOCK comprises a great variety of Balmoral', Hoop Skirts :Shawls, Gauntlets. Kid Glcives, Head Nets, Trim ming Ribbons, Laces, &c. , • ;, • DOMESTIOGOODS 811,011 .‘i A:ND BI;EACBED . IIIIS . SLIN, Linen She'etingS,:,.. ~.,..,:::; ; ;L:.;_ , ' -., .- •• • '.,, Bleatliedtind..l3rown:Diariers,- , ,... , . ": : , .. Tiekingsr,Y - -,,, :. ..., , ...- ~. . •• . Strips, - ' .- :- -- Fitinturti.Cheai,-.- . " Burins • • .Cottonades,: 7 ' . Linens, - B . . ~.. . .. - ags '& Bagging. . ~ . . . .. ._• . . • CARPET'S, . OIL CLOTII43, " InizidE! a11a,8a.140411- STIDDEMIES3 pur. orprineeriesie hirge. • Stigats at different irricies—Moliesei at various paces. Leaf Sugar, syrup, Coffees . ; • and _Daudedien, American and English breakfast dd.; Teas,,Fish, 3 1 M- 11 :. 2301 A-- 111 1 0 - -4 Ar , WILLOW WAR''':*.ltr&r 12' eeeessal:to supply, Ito :neceei; j . 4 constaitalita our . - obr frtme3s ' ati rte (paktum - as. Wa "wean' to give reseaspz: &tree% sum TO at end gteveerfrieqdavilveirigeem.. modation tst VilrfaAit 4 1 4,.Wi11ir ten' cioue,,ingionsgOlerebireci Wpm' enderte g k eyi,t 4 4 . F.emieuttke 14:4 4 , :s,.!:tuattretinomPLatiu . r o a :40 RIF 111- A- •• • • 1 .. ' • 4 , 4 - .4114 • 1701 r:•44, • t ‘ ; 'fr •i t • ` •""%t I • • • • • • . .; it' .., :,:. .f.'iitit-::':1. . .. : IR. „..... ~. , ~,,.., . ~ . 1,..„.4_ 0 _,_;„./,i i,...4. , - 4. 13 I - .- , 1 , INBERSON, & CO., ARE- NOW-RECFl.Ofta THEIR- 11§il 11" IFIL X Nit NOtIONS, MESS GOODS SPEW Inn CLOTHS, 'Mitts; ' • • Gaucttletsot -CLOTHS, CASSLIIERES AND SATINETTS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES: AND SATINETTS, CLOTHS, OASSIMERES AND SATINETTS, UNDERSHIRTS, .. ° UNDERSHIRTS, • UNDERSHIRTS, AND • AND AND DRAWERS. DRA WERS. ..„ DRA WARS, GROCERIES I Groceries, ' ' Groceiies,' - Groceries, • ueensw are, - Queensware, ~,- - .r r...,, Dr.:W.ll.3ooldd' talk the eUett;ioe custom era and the public. to our new sock of goOds,eud aL the 0 1 610 026 . rrtum our and others St their Merit patretniui:stilWilt eat; dec or bT fair dealing With 10ittef* sire of`the • • • WIPEESPiII,:SEN EDlG*i* !, , April 22, 1861: • t i liCKAßDTlrtatite Po*di% at:,; , ,,, ,:, P.-•-retki,764 ',:ir.:,i:.- - ... , i:.:;' wt .., i; T":".111LIIirrillt, TlAMEE'4,llittprs , ai , ' j.y ' •• ' „.; - • ". BM= MEI • it lOW VirartnistrOto c. , SECOND, SUPPLir, SEGOND SUPPLY, =BE SPRING DRY GOODS ' DRY GOODS SPRING DRY GOODS 'LADIES LADIES " LADIES DRESS G OODS „ DRESS DRESS GOODS _-= • DRESS 'GOODS. FURS, SHAWLS. AND ATMS, ! FURS,-SHAWLS-ADID_NU BIAS. FURS, SHAWLS AM) NEBIAS HOSIERY AND GLOVES, HOSIERY AND GLOVES, HOSIERY AND GLOVES,. -~, .n NM .111 W _MIX 4, SIIIR MEN'S. spRING GOODS - : MEN'S SPRINGZG OOHS, MEN'S SPRING GOoDs, MEN'S SPRINGAGOODs • - CHEAP. CHEAP. CH EA P. •CHEAP. DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS. INN.; Kw Queensware, ~ ..t.iy..i~ Hardware, ' Hardware, Hardware. Notions„ ottolu, Noir% nu.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers