. - - • . , . . BRouitittOVS.VOLLIMN, WILIMIOT C TON.-, '. . c ii. 1 A;gi I 1 ? ' A, • , , l i ,14. - I: f . AND ,„U .1.5-13;.40. 41kAt _ . cuirLE--1-')Y _l=! lar g e and carefully! -select.* stock of *Web he has just received and intends selling nt , deiidedly ~{ ~ =IIE=V zacm maa[l.4o HOLLOWVARE, Ced s arteare, „Tr OIL CLOTHS, r' 114: SI/0Z • 1141DID1W AGRICULTURAL MEETS, Extrixtb ' . i •I." , : ::: 7t PAINTS, GLASS AN,D %Et- lair a: to a s: ✓ (11D011:110W7711VOLIP1W ,qt)i).? LEATHER . ; ft Y-NETS. He invites especial' rettbirition to a very large stock of Scythes, . _ Scythes 31)aiipeacrs' i T Rakes, - t Shovels, , • t,. , Cy,tglkta,l •.• crocks and..81.14-rvel hand et~ l l li oet sr t • tl Smalls, \ kV/. ACC:, !. 1 *, 1 i ‘ •1 " HIS COOS f r ' -1'" ARE . fIf,IRE VERY BEST:,:IPAOTY: • AND ',QC' , • r rc. •••••• • _ wilo if, 4‘, ,1 ,P a 4 4 .tzriil'i .;1. LOOK TO YOUR OWN .INTERVST, ~tri_ri'.B,l4:ll74.AMNa ity 4,rocA-4 - 1. ,),,,,k ,„„,„ 74 :. ~,,,,„,. Y147:1 urn ..??'!".44tr tat I'1 1 :1. Sr , • 119 'li r it40-ftliitiliiht ittitt' ' a l 746lCrlialOrti 4114401iSitirTiita:eli'!tialkat, it - .. - iilinl tit itiatiraie stiiiv4i: .4031?",,EUL • ..4.. n ~:v °4l .: 101 4 1 : 24166 0 11 : 11 EQ0 1 :7309 40 4intt P rIC bet**6lla4ingfitsawnere...et%it ','f.t.v; % I L - - , - - ~• -r. ...f . 2,.. •: ;61 ^ ;.....itl ~ i 4 t4W...4 - Z)144, ' ett;T.lrrit' ~..iiIiIME, V BEIL- : .m:,:ji.4"1,, • ~2kt . .. , ‘ . . :;SE,lp....,sCYTltta • , , krltfte.lifirtir. -: , • -,,.' ~": r'' - ' , ',.'.1,.,:y _lit:vitt ii...ntox - „ -'.. ~~, INESSIS MIR .5 E.." asx, EMN t)li .•- -li,Y4+} • ,p1.1...:14 MEM t ). -, X1`,1;.4...*t 1;t1t1:1) •ssiVo • •- °. l? S tat La t. I. 44141$1111110krit , • • • 16 toinfOln tic r ,citiietis of Way 1144111••riestOdtsit4 jrictpit 011 . 1041 N eli rani tbiltDast:s hire •• n fresh.. Dtqink Medicines,- Oils, Paints, Dye Stuffs Putty, Bitiiihes,`&d.' tte4-Whieh - he ii *pared *Mr 444141 1 101441: 1 4n Pllll,olisP •any whet. house in , the town, an whibit,lll iti§dra to,quality, Cannot be etcelled. Whits also' on band allege assortmorit of . - • . TOILET AilleItIGES • Ontprisbkiii,patt of the following articles, viz; • iii la OttIALISIittiPAN ,i 1 4,:+ l = ~Q; agete disgeotgle, tddittifiliavaiie4 ..t...)'; It .6 Extracts for the handkerchief,' • • mades h linylish Po • )Ring ~ , i i t,,,„.•- 41: ' ;0r.,--:.hm.e..t...!?..‘1„, .1. , ....7,f,f i l ~;;;;-I , 4t4incl r.!“ ~At ),1 . 1 .. 4- •),!1 , ;:q Peltetkl i rOit. ~.,.. :2 ,f,';,.. A•.- .4; [.. , :i ..':. L , ti 1 ,triltZ:.)Finek , hud , iltrAncy , Acape4l ' ;J..) v) ~, , ,:i., .i ; ;. 7 TOOthlßeUBheti, h ~ , i 1. • :: A 1:0 t. •• , :zi ;,.:;,1 ~ 4 - ' -`;llittil ti"ilit:l t'i J0..: , ' •:,%:: %.,% -%.! , 1 , 4:1";ri1t• i,:' oit'd bi,wer t e ..t , ,f A. :q r !!i . ...,1!i . . 1 11 IrlA i . tig.,lk il i :I: ..,e4.11:-ft1f . ,1,.....1`. iILI 'rll'l .! (1j1H , ,1! , 1 11.< Ontj g Ipli'llr ( 111.?1Y19 / .:PHP4i1 . . z iftr+. ' "0 . 4 , ; .'.... . - or Culinary purposes ho has Corn:Starch,‘ ; Pearl ; • Arley, Pearl Sago, Flavoring Extracts, viz: Lemon, Vanilla, Strawherry, Raspberry, Pine Ap ple, Oratice. Banana, _Celery, Pear, Peach, Nut meg. dat. ilorr i rlire#t ra d sEli nth:: er articirm iniliitt ro..f, eAilis som Fliiiniptd Vl eage f d if t 1 l'i ~.., P . ki, 0 ' • V I; : i4t 1 • fiiiiiaoc . ltiMiaillYtilid44 , large iiiiipiikiii: .c.:,.iiina ware. f•fr aterit2ll9- 40,1043 h 01a• • as 0 rah.' - arm; HoillancVs-Getia`ti Stant's Sarsitp,urilia, `'' tull's'dO.' - iliteslislv'e• paugh s yrup, " ' biaii; Vea . eiiidial, ,2, ~I,?ry'oVerinifuge, lrettiifuges;doz: kinds • Pills-,--Wrfght's, r .. i (Tylrop'7 r ... , ~,-_, 11 p,. dpsi ~ V. . I _,, z,, 1 :,,,, 0..,,ayv.5 U ;„ig (A..).1.,ti 2..i'. • — Ayer's, . Brandreth's- - . Morse's, MeClane's, liver; Airs. Muslciw ; -soot{iltta Syrup, Dr. Parishe's do. Kerosene'itli4taittpa bird Chinineye always on hand. ." '• Thankful - for kindllit , avo alreadrhetdowed upon hlm, he solicits a contimtance,:optlie same, hoping that by- trying,ta.pleaste he tany, - win the confidence of the people. As much 'Care taken in waiting up on adults as children. Physicians' Prekriptions-promptly and carefully compounded at all+hoUra. J. F. KURTZ. September 25, 1863. PEMR.OII2IIMAL FOUTIIEWS pitp STOKE! ti• : 6 al. OIJI.D tender his - thanks to the community W the i patrOntige sat a ge ei nerhtt in' liii line. ' ' Fnaemuch' es he hit ettleigisq'hfiliitecliqiif tis: to' be' enablikl . to -answer all calls or anything and everYthing• usually found in al;liug Store, and has a thorough ac quaintance with.thq itsuiness, he hopes to gain the confidence of the Commuoity. He will pay par= ticular attentiorliblflitig physicians' Prescriptions, and more care atilt' PreCaution used in waiting up. on children than adults. , • NNE 31 NESTE INGS, , •I'l c't thole° Wines and Liquors for,' medicinal and sacramental purposos, Pate,nt Medicinal' in endless in variety, includiAg f all that'havelMen made Cr to this date end AO ilia: cite yet in embryo. Also White LeadiZ,bierPaint, Whiting and Varnishes for 'house buildinglOr inside work, besides all sizes of 1316 1,1 ) 9RtUmnrcial Note, Forts Cap and . Let. ter PaPir alwayi on hand, with a variety of Enve lopes of different sizes and colors. Brushes, Combs, PodUntersrancy SolgrAiair-sai*Goloittree r tgatten..t. ces, Flavoring Extracts, anti numerous articles in the Fancy line on hand and offoryrd for sale, cheap. or thanAwsp,erfered \ 4 ° AlieWitikiagl , 743rtMiliMAlC44iWr Ghitoneys,--Shades-ortl—Wicks r and-Kereseno-011- to- II litchi .1 ,, . 'federal., tiatecoment :of • r r i nits and Confectionareso'obaccur add Cigars, . • • • September 4, 1863. reit OATS, 11105, 1:01Ci-A, 'AN , BED BUGS, MO" u s IN.rans, weamasslawoWsitirs ON PLANTS, FOWLS, AN MAL% C. c -if • ~;,1 Put itzin ,25e . t 50e. and $l.OO Boxes, Bottles' and FlSsks.'sl anti'ss sizes for Harem, Panttolnsrt• Ttrzott., ac. 1 7 . A ,- I .only infallible xernttlies "Free from Poi sfiltt i r 0 . o aOireilifit e /M4 G efitttrlmn fitta c tsi come out of their oes to die." ' rriSold Wholesale in all large cities. inrBBlo,by.,lll 'On/gists sad Mile Virfilticwsthi!!! Of alltworthlesit a"" 1 -rah. kin tSre SraU buy. " HENRY R. COSTAR. .tic, an VrAddiess , f . „,„NripAi D „nor 482 Boit:mos, Di. Y. &iota b -ttlFlNtitiftillifcPiliikitelaillhildizsti` iii 1 ~. wi l t ,I pl i : t, : 1 411 P . 011 , 1 6 14.-4'; 1 i":, 1 017 4 4 i,f i t Aisvc gi t ,.....ii n tor/ 0 , yar,g..) q v. ~ , q ,< ~,,,r ; ,-„, , „ Lumber ..„. S , mber for ale.---1 ; .minp, : .(f o i e s o rl x ;c4AbesCs),.k.lattnpa : •st i ch Boards, -,Pltink; 5c5a.4;0.,,,,511 (vWWI dispose of oa 6a them 6t orikothinoaleVioPorW :Vehit Mina; to. 04 Nt OOsit'Nearl l ,l4,,.lv.antieg Lnasbef,will 4rA - 12eS szq `, : , V4o3o . 74.Wa l tit6iit - 1111 , ; In.'" Writ 'I. 11 . 3 , " •,-, r,,,y,,5r iztFttgirgioNo;l,- -, ....fieti,0 , otiliAPTiaLal: -r1 1 • . . rrus ill r s i bir tor* . . ' • ' it'illid "X thetvokr • :) 'at hit iiiV . - iiiiiittniiva tlrgbp4ierini uifjpoliAu the roar Aext • door. to Trithest Tiimingteitiblisbaieotontl*ftw preiiiiiid r to (to lisircutritig .iiiii Shitiiriti in itieliristnitylii.. • - . . • • Oct. 16 , ,', • , 7 'f. - EZEO.I3:PRICE. '. , „ ~ ` ~ s LiA ... ... 11,,f,. r 1 't ) _ ' 1 .0 lillta*AlobilitOrtyPe. :,.;- .> , • tt; :pi -„, ••+ , v. , 1 14 gf, • tr! ••• .••• ,c,, 4. t`•4:.• `,• -•-a .- u 41 t. :.; A , .. -1 11ANKFUL for kindlavora and patronage bero :,tofore beatonie(l itpciii hitiii again aipears before A 6ubfie ta ,sofiFit a conOtwiiice, of the:norne lielaiPlfiiiinat'iratfiliiofi' tiaif t:ienitttfiC itW nfiiii fine a and well 'eeliated etabitO 'tie d " '• ' '''.• "I •f - ) • T "/". , 1 FALLANO.WISI:IOI2. ~ , 5 . ''- ). 1 »,ii 1 41 1:,1 ; , • II . t 'Which he iniendiselltnic coca, whi h fukknows he can ao or: all_Who Will call and camping, Ala ••.‘ Below : you , which, wil,l .he nedqaqieniihia ,4i:arliiah 'he calla you' a tt ent i o n . • : , •ito f • ric ••!, ' ;1 1 ± 0 ;;;;._ C5 , 1 7/f-. 4 1 AIL -WI , 31r. 1132 41) He litta a large astitirtaterii of Ifiesti Goods consisting in part of . - . .Printed and, Natal:l/shines, Brk, itlord Sill 211 k Wait, Mohair, Bereges, Malone. Clt?thi , ' 'novellas, s';',; - ; ~' Frerich add donstic Ginghams • 'Pegged' MliAtire, Cloth for tidies; • ' 'Gl oves , ,:51 ••• • osicry, in great varielf:' , H: • G - ENTLEMEA, Broad Cloths, • Black and Fancy Cassimireif,...' Union Cassimores, Du.2..k Linens, Cottoriede4 ' • SummerCoatingi4 , • Tweeds, ' • Velv 11 Cord L ' Mtirsaihes,-- Silk Vesting, Velvailhlo "itestitigs ' of nil ,kinds; in fact a full assotment .tifliolids for Gentle :Men wear. Also a largerlitid.'weßrielected stock of .. ? DOMESTIo I aOODS, =l/11M -Muslin, Ticking; and a' cintifileie . 'it assortment of Notions. It's no utte to enumerate. If yott want anything at all in the Dry , Goods line just call ire iiriyildif OK hire, iiiiii4y;ta you with^pledeurei• 1 $ To persons having country Proauco to sell, they will find it to their advantage to bring it •to'Sto ver's,as he always gives the highest market priee. give him a call, and ho will seil you' goodwas cheap as they can be purchased elsewhere. Nov. 13, 1883. 0 1 . .1 / ,J 7 ,0• .011 • r 5 ::1 KUNKEL'S RITTER !WINE OP ` IRON. APURE and pniverful TOPitiC;iCorrective and Alterative, of vconderful , efficacy in.dieesses of the STOMACH, LIVER and BOWELS. • • • ' -Cures' 1 , 1 , r .-Dysildpait4 i‘ Coniplahits, • I 4leadachd, General , :1!, ~», Debility : NC rabutneas i • . pression of Spirits, Conatioetitm; ".. • , Intermitent Fever, Acidity of the Stotitielf,iNdsietalifehttinirmitlldgfiriffht; - - f , • Food, Fullness or Weight,in the Stomach, tioltiligetPlutteritik at the Pit of the Ornitati; ' ness_of the : Skin and Eyes; Fever and' Dill pall. . in the Head, Pain in the Side, Bark, Chest and Limbs,„vvill cure-every case , of Chronic_or'NerymirsDatility,Dis. • • easetkcif - the Krditey!Laruk_ : , % ,A.nd Diseases kritnng: \'l ;‘ "'s t(t:diit t'efi; gthkr. 10.cin'. • • .) • good for mate / or female old ~, q , " -. '" 2 241701Ftir . ' "• . ! .., 4st ilieln;EletCneAilud tqr,satiaftrunn and cunt' tiara d hie/lima than any, that. pnittitatiOn tial4l " Piettat ell eo cilj! f3' /81 '44.:11 j 1/X141...it' 13r., Di* M at 1 t • ttrfet,^ ." r', " ' ' ; For skid Aid tejalikiiretiiiiia ,t tt, , tmt , ,•,, 1 , 1.1 ,t , t , t-t:ctt t ttt •.• 41 ' , lIEW , 7' : -KrAtroClßlAtfrettsr,7l4lK; • AttriCunkelpliitteraVgbruerlronds theoblyourd. and ',effectual, remedy:4n , tbe,;knawn.,aterld.for !the: pernianent .cUreuf, Dy9eptria, and Debility: end as therdairo,rrnumber of unitationsatflicred to the,puti.'.. floc we von Id .e.aUtittrif :the utimmunity to , pureharo : none but the genuinelarticle, manufactured by &A. KveteVaSt lino:,:and bits, their Asa ittp,:ou, the top of thee:aloof eiery:b4llo. k, ..Xiio moil, fatal that, other* ,aut a mp tr... e ' I .--. • .... 7: , - f, ' , uibl :, . , prove. ilsffordt statiortiin — eirialtirfarclu-,-3tf ti g: 1 4. A rt ~ ; - i,-.4 1 - •: , -- , i 4 _ , , - iii 6 t, o Iran is Atli - n 7 . 8` cAn: rt 4t: ' oe . ,'"ap tiOpY'lSPait''realii blii; 011ie's* 1 t ftOgh ° 4 1 1 1 1,4 6 :4 11 * " Viityn 64 litillifte ba 'hilliail a th `rseattriaotl ittciiiSioiriViii: firl , 3 . .ri f ,I, ,i,l'Llit- 4 %ft. . I,filtflll,, .q 1 ..,ilt,.i., ....,,,':11 va., li:., .4. , ,,;/14 ~h - ~,fr -L . ' :. 1:: gra.loq -41 3 4tWitudOneiPtiel.,000PANMeRifiq , 0,01Leffi , ii004,111- 0 4ArfaXer10 0 4 0 0. ISlOltit. - .94 1 , *WOOF Oxhide combined, wi th the most energetic of !earn. -table tonics, - YoiloWTlttrAkinni 3bvict%abOlt. ll loo in manveataigaufattelkikity,,oloas of . appetite, : and goner. al Ateatg,ratlan t eg. lan - elScien! Salt ofilyerrifempliin e"Prtir°lbll it r r r is t4 l r i k Pl a .--- . flit r , ..ir ,r." ii 4 P l ie Y r '' ad la llaElneer i• rein6v t elfalblor_.. ~ 1, y, fintreit rildiallgilyallik it' 'iniliferdirliiii." , qr , (l, t.fri4loi. ~;':ra,yl.74l,4l(lfAdp 1, , r,:a . .0,111 03 , /, 4.;-„.,z, ,-7 ?. vi i• f. - igtiteipprAiga# .- ?'.1.1: , 1,:•:', , 1•!,4, ..k.i, t.. I. 4, ! ,-.,....„,.1 ~..,•.;,;•4.. „•., . . - ' ' ;;', _:..1;141,, MARKET STREET:,.: ,p , F i '.ZLA";' 4,V ....' .... :-:-... -.. , . •.. ' .:. ~... Rilkinflittirfic PA. el,ollTher.c r. .„ • Yorpl6lo , - titicefible • • ••••• the country. • -Iy. • , ' . , , ' , uvoiA4.or..xiromfg 4 40 " ..? i 11i 41tIt 1'440 ~,, W ';' 4;.:;dt ''' ,:k , •) l o*',..lii ' 4 '' ''A4 .. , , #:,.5t V.: (11. ; £./ ~ 7. (A t .ii .' - , i *.,;' - f s- ' : ‘, .... . ',.• ~.. ; .. ~, e. 1. 1: r 3 i ivnt ,'Ol : ''.lfti ~ „ ~4 , . 4 , 44 , '4lltiOtitiv iEntEJtioTiFirtr., .GRAnt,akitiAßAtAii i ou4ANtitv-.i ,1 1 1,„ , . , a;TALNINIMOOREI,:4 ' 1 1 71..i.ts .I,4trariit it Hie. Threithei-41 1 4 , .. 'ed;,/for* Paine,* Drinin#thheri:lty for oßele t etl4 Voiltpktiii:dm:Af! /twig to,bo. M AO!, it 1, theinAiiiiiiiiiAC thisluitthicalt the sttutitiCM..4t. rti,tem,Sfui J'braithertiteu ,of rcaphling,and n4johk:' lug counties to ft., , Thiiiittatidne` beiiiii Berdd the ^ *Matt> has given general latiefaCtitionoismil thit,i patentee!. having legate ve7., imports* improvements Still Varyciiinpfb ^ toi 11601'46i WWI' , " separatirut sifts!, clvtofttg ! ,atril:,nlep,, for d, east. o of andfahilfireshitig: t take pleasure iii commifildlift liitiblie,")tlinfoWitie. that it.ireilt give tho best of satisfaction. - -I.l.nartmeriolactirying three trOirPrellP *Psi es fßilovrt ~." 2 t.Ner."l is horse Poste t °Oland :goo taud 27:a1 'Eli 1 Nb. 2 is 6 to 6 horse powev, will thresh and clean -from "trip ." No: 3 is 4 to 6 horse power.; will thresh and chum liom WA: 4 14. 1 ; 1 40k per dttY.,.• t t These Wl:Im ees are warranted t o 'tick "the ab ove, and do it othei • c At..f Grain-haslngfnutektfight Oslo:mot 1 SO this Machine i t sAinAti, from to 3,eeri'm quire leer busite -el-thadmilOit Olean& en iiiii'other 'Obi:anto/ ' • ' v.' Of illoritingi 'hind Yor•tkis reason. there ilMcit the ',eighth ydrt of fight,mo l tter•hr ; the grailmitimhen clenued • an the •j riddle principle,. The blast acts freely oicill Bldg - earn na it ieh'il4o ilia shues, ivhereasi whop cleaned -with riddleihat vantagelleitist • - 2 , 1 •• ..• •. ' .`:141 1%14: Thicmachine,,,,4oen,tm4„ roturm. ,the most of the separators do.. Ely retUnunifiltit tnil. Glide h tintij grain, 'Aribther iitiporteht feittureldi this indchtne that other! of Ilickuuthave, not, 10;:the ciSelf-1 1 404, Blast Regulator in ther„fa,p,,erntoh toinlttieslai.dift• iculties in bad cleaning, itioitirti id the Chid in tin cleaning! grtii n horse. tiatver: .; ;• : This Machine is shitcroore,dorablo Audjesstodiorm to tooltitSe,,thatt.sny,other Separ3forandPleitnerer, the d'Ointinizi inadine ' "''. . Midi; iti'inihre'titieir'lWint =lithitl until harvest , should be sent Aoinunediotely, . ,;, ~,„ • „ „ I kip. fulky, milled to ,malie to order , and on short notice ratable and "" '• I • " at:,J;•,:rs ; • : ,STE4.III.:EDIGINESI GRISV• "Ai/ 'SAW GEARING, futizys; ' , .1 4 . 1116 x 13 #i 6 aks:. 4 8 ,T iii:6il‘"iirki.R -,,wiABELs, IRON KE.TTLES, 4r,c, Stoves and Plow castings,also cast non and wrdught iron . pipp,for.stearn or , rater, itratt- Brasa coatings, of t every deicriptia& in a - word, I 'size prSpared to do over'ythitgittnially_ditiLititii fdidlidrfand? , saashihe shop. :••••,klaying supplied myself, with the, lateet. ina proved machinery, such as.t i athes,, Boring, Planing and Drilling Machines, perifona. can' lady; on ifaiiiCig their work done in the most B:disked:try nraimei.--Li I am also prepared le minufactiare-la ,oider. ma shinery for rood,,,suc'h, as , -Kofigiugl and .Groving ; machines for flooring, Stirface, Tenoul and Mould ing -machines' . itie: 1 also ofier.l . 6 , 'the public a 'hew , an& Vela. able imProventent in: my steam, engines, "made within the last I ,year, viz: for the oconomizingof fuel, and the regsitation of speeil ref/dais my new enginelfardtiuthirlor to' the dhl Ongides. All my , macttinee _are soldunder parr:futon. ~ My harms,aie all . eZperioneeil workaaen in (hid o pusineeaV and I use alltgood iiditsat I ei ni peffectly safe in warranting :dimly works tuualse. prepared .to,do, repairiag _in workman like rbhniter, eift/M'sbeiteki.'ntitite. t Orders isixliCit.:4 ed. and promptly attended forx..: All orders sent in nr repairing must be accompanied with the eash.! For particulars and circulars descriptive of Ma, chit'f;O rd it i l; 7. l • qiiolll3/ EIPItICK! Of urifirkill' taia,ilfrifpriAor of"TerriterY•aid , ikr= licetor of orders, Warnesboro'-Franklin Co.' Pa. Aprillfll-4 , 4f 1„T• ro %,e • t • 11: • .pt , ; =MI Fk011ia,!;4 , 44* 'rlatbkitoll,:!, rill-TR l :laYgteit" and - heft l eeferitilent ' of' Garden _Uttletele - Wity,neel3'erUii is to'be KaFtz's Drug Store. Tiley consist of, the foliewhig kinds, viz: e - ".i"e• . •i. ! • e deed,. , kinds,. .W.sterntalon Seed, Onion " 3 " • Musiteleion... 44 Cncu Maier ,". , 3. Vegetable Oyster!".': equaah7l- -•'4 4 !",,, .Pappergrass .44 pepper-.,.'a , 1 ,r{:Z.; • .Aliparigus •- top • 4 4 ! Raddiett, ,-,,; ‘ , .1 a —Pguinip ; 44 ,4 :Carta • ,o,lthbillee • 0 1 ' , ; 6 Spinach' . 1-14elitiCe-Tl-44 5 Fees , .4; b• '44 Celery - TT Beene 2 Rushy! : .` Tofnetoi Also , ed ahlirirtinenk of flower Seeds, end•Thrinee. dolt Seed Leaf Tobacco. Seed, dte. dtoi:' The La dies 411 001 4101 i4.4) 4i - , 7 ;ea11 • rtn,d i ekiithini:•:befnie,por. Ohne' dg, else aliere; • - —3: F. Feb. 6.'64. • Vianos HE ‘ , win'atirAgnitd, liWimg become, Agent, ;fob Itidalts - dtiVa:7-iof-13altinior reelelitaretL piandatibd :Of Carhart, Meedhatn :& Cces;torsur poised Melodeons, is prepared to furniab• inditid nels itaalmnents pri= cm A) Initraittinsts:Siviiirantsd thiMadriu actu • era., Lessons on tho aboviirnitiniaento,givon in ItOwn or country. ' I (ticiiftB) . ''' ' "'""" TV E. 111)1:0. .4 ir 1,. .7.:, , :i! , . ,'::‘,:;• , , -;• , , , !' t ZThitrinr latinallriliVlSl XI , v , , , 1 . 1 n, ~if", ' . l 1 , , , ~ , ...111:i': •a.': , i t c., tk,„;.,,,„;..,•,,J•,„, 1 =i elf ~,., trt. tolleir'ih ' Ti ni t ih' of iS k 4 . I i2g7lTs iinvio - n:. - Etiii,iirikTin - ich e - ins ' , : ib - o' ' T - Inl n t7li; -----•---4-4,...... - Plilhidedvitl• . t e argestassorteneriteefillemisollieMeiltiO v einte r _ Oils, Dye Stu ff s, SthipayPoiftinaliyartulti. Confec tionary, Affe. - , - & - c., thlatAnuelbektslfireinght rid the plac 43 .o4, l ,4 o ßlNFAiell. tifo. • r ill, EH ~Ch4PPr He has bittend:'with islliaifiele.4o4l,loF44kipp . his assortmeut,uf liiitillitArediAt#.; fireineb:iii ,Ytelety than any 'ediereiniilOcillinitiritlii die,l4.4ie. ;n a few weeks,bil 4ifirrilifilistiValtii.. - omaiiakclure4 article . Ho haii'birhiirrS iieirAill CliAih 'll4Alicins. put up junixteurraselbotlestieleieedlo,;,cen„ng; o no cure. no.l4,29'.'ellts,•...curativEt 4itreportiesp. aro t now fully appree t bslaktutlaingfteinoite. s liaily,telead. May 9 14L-.•.?, f‘liC 6'2;1'4 ;...tta , qt ;.. :;/ -"-..-"- 1111- ' ' SWEl!‘i i i i ffi C , Lir crs, 7 -... .ri .1.1 ..1. ilvt. ..,.... vi ,,1 ; .„,:t,:„ it . . 4 ~ tivelrfiNs#l,lo.ipN,it i gioc. fot 4 0 ,1„, o v ir.p.wesepot e ,' liii . ' {fie 11 1 ." chewer iaraiii; khOwit as , the ittri: 114 t 1.0 We..- . ' ' - ''.- " • ' '.' IC, T ZTV .i.'-• • ...iil t r;:i:.iii.' . .'4 . :i: , ;.1 . ,1'1 1 :2'.0 ‘ r ;1A . 44 . •"" ._ i • retr• 5,'114. • YVRTZ =7,MI .., ~ rffr 14)1 a1:46 ..,' 3 OW Ableiiiiii, 1 " - " r if . ,h, , y its , it *aid:tom it ll' • a • t nos. '' • du that want icitgal. Podiiittit twit , tfidt • , ' ow aid, or iidtklfilifil it' sig t 41.. 1 le. to. Iffirc .., i, i 0 - ~ fa wy '‘‘ ~:0 . -- rotrat,i,],l2p,ft , /1 '''')l:'l"ildi p . ''od soft foStlfirChfiniitial,. lentil igilititof ifil , toViiititeitt" 'sip ittabrfitiAlitrakipesti ,r-I.Di ctilji it it/nif 4 . . , .. ' .. . , s . • ' Anifed , filltititai bir i tfr bum iatati t titryt4taltthtbnai haffittlidta4 Clio bag Siplie - fillet' liiis'ifirbrtteint . affivilditiegirto lt , taitt•filii•Ctiokhitiltilia , linitia.otiang kaptillsgtt I;allitrio.friire , tulitigii.asiohniotit:On Moth gild. will 17,0 I t titttet to digitint thetn:iattr mho/ • bottso l itohn dohifity, So to prove, that , •nor notnarttrnaktOPll• Bldg till FM see , foT,VSajletAelY , 4 .r , :i• 1 1 .': ~. ,J)/Also tin hindlletitint•stotda; idea in( ' --- " a i h. 1 . , 1 .. . , 4;- 3 4 ;) ..'k; 1 !•fr i.'id4:!iii :-.''%";114 "-1111111T11111,111ALIfilit:' , , . „ ‘.„,,, ~ ~ . ..„,...,.., tot , 'shop or pirlori•all cifi lahlab. , Liaili UR MArkionlY i Irna will also find a hltgeg iligitgatnilliAr.:•:t In %,-,i, L . , ,,, / ..........- : all1 - ~.4.. c.... " ............ ilAi. n.2.*444. ‘"4"',_ 4141441.ri...1,_.,_'"''''' with Copper, Brass and ishaot4ion...war4wAtc .l lt is till ofV:tirfalitcaild t 4;l4o4: hasjpeinurrq3; gintiot tio fOti Valli aptiOeik Rift leisiit' 1 ,bar I din tiouii to iell iheip,,io,aitsbarosilt mt. think in my tins; iriin ale' te nifit ilY:siiiiiiiiii styli •tit t the ohl Once on Main Wese l , fiondet do Printing r* • iipouittist , " :$ 1. -Lta • donirat ati a n d times of the best double tat, .•or r iFeeliitli,YerY o till9kfulloy Op, many„past64pii'd have raceiv‘mla,:tha!pOlifie,4a...tiliiiio:iiiiall 'gide me a 'mill; ihenj;siti • cap ` see for 'yOntsulibli 'where to get bargains. , • • • r Old ffeetatialterf.itAittm/ti.b.ttet ittetcholgt for • W.- 4-,,,„T.47• 1 . ....F4,0i • "Milf.44 l A, : fgebtzeVe _Horse , 411_Ohttle P0wder ...J....4., ~ ~...,,E.....,...,, 3:,i,t.:_l':.:q 2 ~.it2•2: i M. STONER haring purehaaed of IVI r , &Ammer, the req.. • I , • • . the , 6 . 6ve fax -fa med Hbilie illid'43ii ile tiiiiiaiiiii P4iiiniiiiiii aia and; Maryland! takes:this' metheidc.Of inforafin&: the 'farmers, diovessi&o:i that babas on bait& taut 'intends keeping , a Itiood supply . always , ow liana 'o6ontry merchantaand i otherskeepingarieh articles !fer sale, would, dio well taialiidythbouselvel with a glintity. He illielllt brecommiiiiionitir for+ atight cheain' ,, . Oideti wil l be, #iiiio.iitally% att.:We'd ici --Ji m , : a l . - t-t..;„ , ;. ~. 4 ~,,,/, ..,,., ~,,,,, , I „; , . S ' . . ... 7/7 ' VOIMI)Ale ''''''..." I STILL AT , -PHIS .0 , ‘, -‘ . :,: • • .: 473r.aiti 431:Ti3jDr - .iiiiiiiti : . a ~ i. • On• Oligrek` , rat , 0 1 IA , ~ ~ , j ~ ~, ~.. .4 ..Y0 . ...4 '....,t I} , i 4 .L.Li ;-; I K EEPS constantly,op hand, Dngsies of . every iincgriPtjOrt ifiAt *Viol, :nil Secund.liandcd V of' all kinds at reasonable prices. ,All petrps Wanting enything'iri lib; fine dlausineiWvii rao well by examining his skink before purchasing elsewhere ' JACOB ADAMS, WayireabOi#', - PaLl FLOUR, FEED, • ' ,-;' ;; Olirt'SlOWSTOltilt „ ~;•., mHE .enbsC.rjtipro,_ arinouncn ,to itiitons_ ‘ of IW,ltynesiinfo' that they, imp, opened,. a 17,1oi,ir l'oaand,Provisian,Store in the,,rooin,next, door:,to, DA Droth9rion'9, where . orsialca. bait, for aalri , „ MILLSTUFFSOF AIL KINDS; SCREEN 'INOS;"CORN,, SHELLED AND 4IN 4ii.E . :EAR.. OATS, , 'POTATOES,, APPLES,-VINEGAR; Also, Rye, Wheat, arid Barley by the bushel or in smallerepantitierkand other articles usually kept in men establislunentn. • Alt Flour •and Mill .Stuff will be sold at MILL PRIORS FOR MS CdBB. The highest market prices will be paid for Wheat, Rye and Coin tolm.Relitiered sit the Mill of the sub scribers. JOHN WALTER, • • • (pt. 4610 0 R ' ,fig.a,,EnrOliciner tfiat CiOugha i ill f lue;i2ta4lTiklirigiyi 'Ad iYhooping .tkiugh; or ''relieve 'Consinkspiee Cough, ~f "rt. ns ;•':; COVGfif ; ,o4.l SAX . OVERFIVE THOLISAN'D 1300,ES hive been fo Id in its native fown, 'arid no t"a single kn atones 0110 ftiiinteris • I`.l. •We have. in onryossession. spy quanrity of eer• tificatea. come of them horn 'EMBINT 1. NYS". CtlAVvib t catlie prititteeianst Ilivenit.,t4f.PreeT?iPPC° °Ter.. 9nY, othcr eompoun 1. tot .10 o 'HITT ,v bin ionsehe It, to as td enable* the patient : to • expeto to - rate ,, 1;), , -• , ,ri "rico' Ddsettioilliliectriaktj cure —; , A ittitx . Ifoitie has often completeli 'cure& 'ihe most smindux efittpk..ara,yet, th6figfr'it iO - s6attge aal4 0000 in itivolitatiOn'r is`.oifeetlyitttifi bettig puteig,v4etabled . It is very agreenkla to r titta taste; aiid - aitiv "be`Silfainilleted thithi'eri 'tif'ttay age. In miser of ,CAOR, Attiqp,tec a sure, if itifeatlinlteismin be- :Without At furi le ig Oitti - iittaltlOf priebrkini o . cis on, to • A rid! if and 'lhilroUgli:ttiai dffilti fuNek "op'? iitho '4lfiltd ikell thiii kliortiht, its ilieritectoirar firit 4onlidniito Metro.. trhif •;cr)ltiiectite for if a 'horde' . 4 ivoil" haniiiihkilde 'lb iteVviiit,6 batty httrithl 'o6tightridenteh 'ion siting' "eiri istriiitnieht 'r will: citeertyitt.:'-froriiity , be; fiiid" ci' ''a Ot'respeelfible• •IfrtigiteV , in i tcooon, !*rho will• Armin!) yint•with a eitealirt , of entritiiP certiP colon of ccireis it has rondo. '`'+`r='' J , ' '' • ' '.' ' ' '''' , C. a ''CLAIIIt - dotio: - ; -/i'• ,;, •• ~ - fl,. ..., . ‘• - ; -.,:. , .•-p r o l i r i t ifem t v , ,, T...• ~:-,;,• ~ i':. .1; e", tt. New 44%1,EN - I 'ol4r . ••" j • :- i ' •At Wholesale iby 1 .'•. .' , ' l l''' JOHNSTON, IMl.,•,l9kirtd; 4114. ' ,' t 3 .o$ push , Mil, P * ri p a. Fdrielaf by 4/Ingests in kity,,. con 4 t. aeve; ywhero. --- -October 9, 1863.-6:ra3 Irstreitiii .: .x-------T.4.IFJEMI CELT, . l' 0 ....,„ • „-, ' rkiiAaiii* f r4424,liwi l liodtiiiifrief.w.. _,. -,„..,„ ..,..i.... ~,-:„. 1. = O Q QIO3 for usitkinett a ware, , 14 lartii s tat tA6Otgah%ritrjritskaili Ola tana., ll l - 24 • Woilife4bwi:6,:ra. , ~. 1.. „1,.., , .11 .- ...-..,, , ) 4 011§Eway.- ~-.": ..-..--•,- 'A''''''' ' skitt7: . , dill* 1 . , • • itit A 'As ii, •rp,s ,b,orvono.: " ink>l4.4 4 XiliF Att , •' , i.lrinl'4 l sl.6PAlP) ll 4 - 0 11 4P..* 1 ** Ir#PliefliOw for Inking Sty-Light ,sipsecrop t hi q atipi t irrE4ol, W:40 1 )14 1 4 , P5ECT 'VN ll 4.4 l nAl9l , irror en i MitAti.ffik,, iaPSqfPRIIF .M10. 640 G.,,,,k1ifaLn :cf 1 94 1 1. tir.p i - r nlY•• •-,, ' " - nal ik -15 1 .:4'-`1:•%• Ps - tfAiilf!..7:, pfr-oatiPBTristit'S • ThOutinaloillt for sale sitettottirredlNlTiotiligtalitHosof [ B. m i nn i u nt . Ajr'el l trtor-Ptnitan county. (July I 11'624 Mill, COB MIK thi ifif tit;l iga d if i t; t i j po of : ; i t eg,:, • n 5,, •-1'...r :: ~, Ai r i t •- i it , , , :, '-‘,.. 'gyp 4 0 lii4l '..t . ) - A . i, • :,- ,-1:.. ,-.1,1.0t ,tispoyt t i . .fi •''',llFll, , itikc,;ii !(,,i 1 .•—••1 11,6„41,•-, ~ 0ft54,:f1iu,?•1444 -1,,'-oe o, t ! gh .°; ' idicr..t• I #4404; a ' ry e: Al4 ll ;o o4 . o # l :l l #' ,.. ';iff . " lotei 'hh," .VA • •• • A lit , V,4,',Birtitotit • _ ' , :0 1 . ,iiiimitritij i tittit. . •t. 4 itioyotipiiithriii .646P7 ,171 e 5 1: OA . Aletift. ft* Oitivioo,4l litii , 4oooo- t , 11l / E i rk 4 ,•,,a6.,,voititiowiaiditi,fluvisooloiiiii•.lb.o,:i.4_,,. oohemititritAsottiott, 00i:. h*e.itt;i„ , ,i '0 4111 4114 e e eei Illit ie l e* . ,VP1 64 :66' ATAtheik : lek:f.te ,. .::. ' 0; OM : iiineo niid 1114101.4 Mu ; . 4, i fie thitidt , col,ivitlhileievrelifA 1400' 0 - 1000 - 111 **llo,=‘ , :" .N 0404! iritittliilelidlati4u i rilittiii,'Z' - 41tiits:, '-,'„" ti*beitt3 , 44,,titi**,(4 l ' 444 001t0-4 - *O i l , ! , i.'; liuttebliNinto decelentry.'; ettilielicccettrffiti itil*A . J . •, •,!o!in oibeiiit.;•;',,.:With faietif4l.und,,oblkicilioiffifits '; righis otikittitiiiiiiit giiiiitgiiijiitilittiiittiiitottiget .) '"' wall leave no means thie_piniettt - nteirtelEublie pm ' iiitiiitlitet 'l' idi Z-1 ti I VI 1 "...1 VI A 1 t , ":.3 ifial V , C Thel9prieten't*OZell.oolll . 4Mb9 l / 1 0*OlitiM ~ • with t tleP'PAttlinaitotitinitnAghwbtiikevet:o4o4o PI Vishowitipl4l4l,Kolip,t(ONAisiaMilikiveiyilliAsex,: , ., ,'A t.iittal to, the cOnvenienee !ItaiLitsiiiiiinbie: ,Cif hicv:,,. gueetsfatignibpriossuidid7eo,l;• .:.-y):-;.,:;,-;,~1t. ,i..n;•,-Tsd .1 1 0nti), I, 11 f. 0,0 :it: td,f) 1 ~!!' *Vi;', If ja , ;;A. s'l;ll.4lZ,TeZki; r. r ...„,.c : ~„ ~J• , it ,„ I, .., ~ ,:. ..„. ~. 1-1 q ~.1- ' ! --- 1 tr.. , th - Pi - 6:77 " rt"..".4 , 71,7f •sei .it r, b k ,r , ., 'a ,n ." - ShOiild:YOUlNlkAlei 01 0 1 1 1 1 441 0 4:410..'t.: .7:1 11J t ?I V .. I Wikege,t4 bIAY .youx;§rowei anirrig.wmi I teoutd tininter, triiithi telly.jtoi-, - ; ; a,: '1: n': "Cie, nnici the Atieinow, otere4otitzt ‘„ :J, '. t :,,,,,; ~ WbeseituiL;B*,Rad. klen4 thi -:.- There's tkikbeei Qiiek Stitiii end-f_Fii?iiiiri t - trAttiott.'”,--7 . - , :—: 747_ ..,-,. i , 11,3.y,-, t 441f910e-PRnA P 1 0f 1. 4*Afg , ..1:,, '. `556 1 4.4,u4de,vqe.*AfG,,V51" 1 . 1 4.1.0,nc.1ity1npr... ,1 eißeciatirlotpre ox pie ciptotoppi.iek !Nianit.of,,i; ,04,9 1 g1it Itt itiellifebfOttititine;, that be 'lies cont; c:, .1414-and4iimottLiiicukingliiii-nivCiad'ixieg a fv i ,i, [ ly eiltiftilli;VitatitidententitrAtit: - zaz==.:g•-,z..7:7. i:lvZan.ufiaktfiiifii_iiiifiklet..., _ , , • - br - tillivhitiitii:*A Agt4 ' lial ~.-„,„ , ...„ z .„.„ ..„,ii o „ „:„. .i., fr , , i„,,,.:, „.::.: „,,L,„ ivpy,:t43,,,,-....1.„„,,,. ~,,,1,,,,,, -r: islios . grffaxestiop.uppit ny,dt!szt,x},llii,l4 cook Siam& .g.eft4i Ho *Aespie ! ototio 644- e ntii s l s atiefactioik. • • .. 1/I;iwitittivaa "._,,,_ . •.• • • • • • 4 tofterd are pf meat, improved !!ti. ' hartig - beerttritill arc &4idf , tttaiit pau.heleeiraadtidati ••• tiasitittkopil.dieric 16...r53 IC ut;;; OlioymumioragnOk,vmorli fdlia*lo,,trith view to,the'witnta of customers from, the best mate- - :••• • chit so is , warrari4ed iu.ey i cases L to ! be,,gomi l vp) also k epi asiimihaeo z itifftih,&littelek' rit"Spreiat 'atteittroit'lliirfeßeti!LUTinfittiigo , • SPOUTING; made of • theilusst-iin4 for., hiichles arid?' barn¢ r iLwbich Ni ko had" (cteittal,vl,oooThilotekt. i 413 to . , Aid A.tik. 0,1866 ' ' • "; ' 'U.oBEloloc -,---^"IlY -6^ ~. 4" • :: f:: • 7:tt ."... :: . Toe gl.. eitJA 40, dg , NNOIINCW.to Wt - Montle ,and the. pub li e, , • •' . lZeiiiffillk INC he la , tin:ia .q. plyaisbiOidn Or 41k the late. and most l ipproved.,itisiOnteritt6nd )';# die 11 1 . prepared to perfonn air Dprg4i t ok6nitima . -, , i ile will be happy to it.reit a po6 Alone - whtrinet .rekuye the +unlaces ofett L elPrinced "Verkilat: AlilSOra hone biOn the month a1id"ret;#4 . 0,4441.1.36 a., , scientific =toner,. , Teeth.ineeired..aecoidirik 'fii th:lik' '' latest . inipravernents in the er and if, inoilarate rates; . . TP 5 11P041:. 0 4 tJtC*AIO) 4 , , C,ozner— cif the Diamond. • Apnl 11-12. TI +` - OLD MILLER , AGAIN-* ;.! . • . , • -:, • , A -Er :theltebell4qw4sinintr...otrita.bat/ neartrovenove.thongbtorightto.annonnee3trix the public that • we will grind Gnats of, 20. bruih.ela. or upwards either tot. pat or. 'l„goikeffnwtely,sin.l thar l we have on hana"ait krnlior "FEZIA' CORN: owe OP shelled, br' iei P.Wel.aireell; tioi,..Ttlio4—;, Oats° by the , buisherdi iit'nny'twity , that•it!utitav,. be wanted;--41tioi• and. Otter; Corn. • in - Cob hoi+ed at aboknotiiee.' Phiater• V' the or beetle! on hainif ,, Btill-itt4iiintitiketlol'" , Whedt... - We can always do up good. work !Wit'. *alit ticnieo at bland No. 10, and _Fittidntrg_Landitigz - ; 1 ." vqEut, • • . JagEtRU,Lbr.K. • ono; I.t t. h , :9 Arn, )Loo fnh r. /3 1•i/ • y.../ IVII/ / 1.1 - 1,1,!: • 4'l ~ T "VARIETSTC* J ijadit.4ilii,;s4lC. - ty p vac, thdrrichwjato - returned - froro - thic— Easterkinprqe4 . vrith..another,Anntinesitrfinp , 4"of per roOdPi 4 0 01itifting.argRitalui :Winter albs 1T CaPssi(a#i sortainThilineti),Rnotiamt iSbnp, Aar, mieva n ag boys,! wiikol„pimpW2dcwortnient,nll44loibilint ; Iddieg WTO4OI O O O . TUNA*" giegarriagbAos4 tan& mu Acgthicimt Anintqly friqpt in, ~ ,firsirchuitv!nintyrAntinvi, 7 401414b1ic API APtaki i)y , 494.11. and nil fArrstocir4' 10 t' • ' 44. 4•,130,114 shoe' linantiingured,to.,oninri. a. ealearOppveasogal4,,rates And: upoot , shot& 114;01*+,1-,...,>co, •,•,,; 3 Mot lartrator*: Notice:- dieetiieC i ltaxoe,flNrrnptiff : AnAtplitti seribel o rt#diNkin,i,,Waynestporoß,o Omni/ Indeb tedlo'laid Estate hereby ivitiestinci mike int. medigte . "oo3)tlittlt, (Malt otiq otf, de. mat lgbinAfdW Vistateloig i 1 tiktliii4Acill make kncv , ttEltiKeilitelliketb 1#1. 1 ,4K, ap A-60 JOSE litiVl3l,At3,,Adm!"., • r r • • t • 4 4ili-Ww. -'r 'Nit.bb Fri .? sitaßll;;;i9lT 7 s - 1 1 7 -1 1 - 2121, irolErisHort .•,.; Franklin , iJounty, that heft iiii l i . rnei,C4lo94nti Ittu9pthintAinithAita.nortblirlintn4;.ntlitnn twits temt .... vl el% . um t_ t 3 r, (IMAM& aglißgs.. 710.0 , . 447 •-• tention to repairing. .I'o4ll Iteepoi hand Caet,- inglf '.• • r • Ott /I. .1 1 suar:able war - . the treble-geared PRIOPOI4 O B 14 0 RziE POW ER, isikW' suiediiigiiall was tfi4~Uaeunbb; iemeinsilwiraigtabledlifie ramihin , peal: -1114 will Stiwniro:l ll4 rirr i sikfirmr"VOr re rf , O l or*Si rlitatiiiO4.43* 44reiriat . *WOW°Tlifq . 4 *i 1 0.1 04 r 4 0100 ,3 01Pth.411/010114141 *itellitgbVrigdatain"4. l l 01.}2r. 14p#,14 pi Pisiiieenvitudeing eldrqhoevetrillairs , bategEstalra asigainsofir-gaarria v>ct IfiilleilliSaittehppotairedtro do liptainienaboWits "iiircnightiiir Wadi trotosanVvrEllr•i*oablikiso eihrrotivatimaders4tfre allituit rimy entrust nun within/4r tattitoji4ll.ta'n P. rtstutdsy yrirsatpiq 0141 - ,014 MU; oune.F"'. 24 s-4 - 4.4 ~08 1A 41"- M OSNP -?; g l - nen 1 '1 - Claus Powder •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers