VILLAGE RECORD. NnrALe NigiAt3 Fridi4; Juiiiello, INttiYer Ihtititeedettl eheot t 'Where i*eatiketilliitte liht Vothie With Preetlenn l e. eottlfeheethyur Feet; •And Freedom's I!totter streaming o'er ne! FARM SOLD.—jostPtt- Mltinouii. ; re= tiiiiity'sold his farm, containing 108 acres, tear ;Quincy, to Mr. SOLOMON STAMIty • Sr. for $lO5 per acre. THE FAIE,--The attention of persons Who purpose attending the fair at Chanibers burl; next week, is directed to the adver- tisement of Messrs. Metcalf s lr, Ilitashew, In to another column. • eIIAMBERSBUIIG notice of the Pair which is to be held:in Chambeis: burg, commetibini on Mobda - tilezt,"'wlltbe found in another coilvau. ~Theobjeet oftbe faifis a most praise:worthy one, and all good citizens of the county should heartily oq•op; erase with the patriotic ladies in 'this effort in:behalf of our suffering soldiJre. The most 'ample arrangements are being made for the occasion that the result may—prove—wOreby-' of the county and the cause We trust there= . krire that this section may be well represent-. .ed and - Thus-help on the good .weik . • . OUR FAIR —We undfirstand th'o Indies of this pla mancLvi ciaity_arc_ goi ng—forward with the work for the Fair Which is to be held here with all possible dispatch. It can, not be cipeeted that-the object which it has in view. will meet the approbation of all, but that there is liberality enough among - the friends'of our soldiers to make the enterprise a success-does not admit a doubt. Efforts in a'cause so worthy, so patriotic, cannot fail to be-rewarded. - ' THE CON VENTION.—The National U nion Cohvention assembled in Baltimore on Tuesday last. Six hundred delegates were in attendence. ''The venerable Rev. Robert Ilreckenridge of Rontnety was elected tem porary President and dclivereda_s_tirrinaz a a patriotic address. Governor Dennison Was afterwards , chaien as ierffinnunt--Presiden ~ :_eitthe_convention.--Parson Brown low was also among the speakers - . All were enthusiastic for the re-nomination of Pres ident Lincoln. A despatch to the Press says: The Committee on Resolutions, at the meeting this (Tuesday) evening, presented the following resolutions as a platform.- -They are brief and radical. The platform fa vors an amendment to the Constitution abot ishing gallery, sustains emancipation as a mar measure, sustains the arming of slaves, demands for the negro all civil rights, favors confiscation, •and accepts the most radical principles as the political creed of the Na tional, Union party., The delegates from In diana and Ohio, it is understood, favor Mr. Tod, of Ohio, for the Vice President. An effort will be made to rally New York for him, but it lookins if the contest would be between Dickinson and Hamlin.. New York is ditided, and much feeling is expressed.— Thurlow Weed left tliis evening. He has been urging Hamlin, whose chances. ate ea gerly discussed to-night. There is a laige crowd here, and politicians are making stir ring speeches. A strong' party supports Johnson. Pennsylvania stands firm for Ham lin. UNION VICTORY.—As we go to press we are informed by a gr teleman from GI een castle that a despatch , was received there this (Tharsday)_morning announcing• an en gagement between Gen. Hunter and the reb el Gan. innezi . near Staunton, Va in which the lattei was killed and about one-halt of his command killed or za t ured. • PHILADELPHIA FAIR Central , Fair for. Philadelphia opened on' TuE Blau Pit e.E,6.i BEEF.—In the city .. Tuesday last with imposing' ceremonies.— of New York, it is f atitafi that a . number. of The Pair btilidings are represented to, be the btiteliers.hae eloed their establishment! the business fur, ,-inany ,people.frOnt grand, the whole ground containing about o want onnouspriaesAolaile_",po;..b do cc - Awake - aro usanr square t.q. . The ing meat.. One thiti,giis,certainly . true, - and building_and itg treasures-were-solemnly-clod- icatrbe - applied:irerywhere - thatwlrd - at - hrai Ica ieEte the Army and Navy of the Union.' much meat and too little vegetables and soup. ' --- • -the-ampuot-eonld-4 redueetkm • ).... only without inconvenience, but ~wirlt. ost, Are advtintago ;o our general health and why shall. we :not commence gmreform at once r The prlce of all meats Would', speedily,, come down. It is the, demand being ,so,Juitcli greater than the supply. that causes . priess ' to go up, and any measure ; that, will make. the demand less will equalize the supply And reduce_the vices. ~, .. _, . :, 2 •' . - .—A• this place re porti;that 'G en. Butle`i'liai long since driven .f.row. his .pe r dtion on the James: River— no doubt upon, the authority of the Age—and that..tie has in consequenCe been relieved of coMmand. Secretary Staunton, if all tbiS be true; must _be given to fogyism, for ,lie is certainly behind the times, consider '• _;____DEAD.--Among the-heroes who fell mor tally wounded In the_battle_of_the-Milder mess was NOEL HALL, son of Mr. W i n. h all. t• - . It, 12th Penna. Reserves and participatcd in e .a t c nuns -Ville down to the in which 'he received ''l'7l'7' • i is remains were- inter edat -11teistMin - On,Friday last. Hamlin nvno, June 4.—The Ron. Alex udei- Kitigc-443e4iford-countyThittubceisi= pipictud resident -judge- of-the •Sixteenth judicial district, vacated by the death ofJudgo COMMOTATION MONE)ts—W at _Alt. lgent 141 :0 1 1V: 49 1:;: rifted Styes{ "3tashingtetn: repil to 4104%14y as*_ din Innstkpill'iniv to torhleh t 'inidinutation *OO5 exediriF Akilitt4kolyol4,443,o3Rikkry.seixieN I have the honor to state that the laAguago o£~tfie' law seems to tne t 3 make the auhlnatplalp.k4 The law says: gilt any ilmfted,person shall hereafter pay money fer the , proopratie? substitute, under tho provialods of inenny t illallloperntn r , sip!) Pm* Oqol 'aiilftlol ll 4. t l .lO. If it shoal d be ~ trete,ssaryltOMakfil several, draw, Inge of mimeo in 'order-to fdl 'frthat ciwota"z- , that is to say, the:ifiiOta alreti4y assighed--Itim potsoti' paying,,bbliimisqlcop.'"nioneflwill 1)e exempt on acboaa!,of,seoh payment from: ail the diakvibgs to fill "that .quota" :made sub sequent to. Oa ono in Which be Was dricin, and for which he pail the colnmittatiiiii. I am, air, very .reapeotfully, your 'obedient eervant.A:urn 13: FR l 4*; • Provost - Marad General • - „,; • islB"ritfii§lNV iNtßl:tidiNCi..-- blm. Colonel Ray4.reppived, a tcicgrumtitOm bar husbatuli.Oil. 1Y H. 114441, commanding 21at Pa. ;Cavalry, dated: at Yorktbittr, an , nouneing that bad bceCifotitided:', what, ,angagemeo , this ,occurred , we present unable to say, as we have no intelli of the_Otereabonts of the Regiment for some ti Me-Past: ;Mrs, Rcid - -proceeded to7Wasb- - - ington on 4onday. , •We have also intelligence of the de ; Captain Johit•lL tfortiony, of. the same reg t iment: It-is stated iliati,ho was on Tuesd4 of last week. Fiis wife -received a telegram conveying day. A telegram ' iroin Cot pp.?'" • yesterday, . , states that he cluing : well, and that about 40 of the 210 were killed and wounded.—Re pository: COUNTERFEIT GREENBACKS.—A new counterfeit $2O ,gieenback his made its appearance, which is not the 0130 deserib• ed futile detectors but is , equally good - and well ealenlatedlo deceive. 'The green is of lighter shade an_crthg engraving is coarser than the genuine. In center of the bill the foot of the feniale figure is not seen, while in the genuine it is quite visible. In the printing justlk 1 .; • " .ow e t e wor , na,_cross4ine , itr-th - e - IctiarllT lain in the difference in the col- or of tho seal. set-The groWing props of wheat and rye arc said to be'very fine and . premising through *. the country. The grass crop,.yrow near ly ready to out, is unusually heavy, and , : the . promise of its abundance has already brought down the pride of hair Considerably. The young corn and oats look and promise well also. The fruit crop was, never more prom ising at this season. In fact the labors of the husbandman seem to be unusually bless ed this year, and the country never looked more beautiful. What is better than all, the rebels are" being driven 'to the wall at last, and must soon succumb to the old flag, when we shall have peace as woll as plenty within our borders. REAM WARRANT.--John A. Stein r, Esq , Sheriff of Fre crick eountY, hail received the death r nt of . Granville E. Suieltzer, convicted at the last term •of the Circuit Court of the murder of Mrs. Nuss- baum and her little son, in Liberty 'district. The warrant desitoates Friday, the 22d of July next, for the execution, which will take place in the Jail yard,. at 1 o'clock. p m. llEirA few days ago .in - the Maryland Constitutional Convention, on, motion of Mr. Mullikiin, the Committee on .Vranchices were directed toinquire es to the txpedioney. of inserting an article in the Constitution de. priving' of 'voting and Of holding office all pCF; sons who have Isift,te State to aid the rebell ion,. or who.still reside within the: State,and have aided the rebellicin byword-or act.. QUICK .Wonx,—The only Patterson :wan Thirty-,thitd,New—Jersey- regi• went in Om' late 6.glxts : under Shadow, .was a mad nanirdd - Browa.., a newsno , owner reached his sorrowing:wife than :•slie strait. way mama(' .aaasa, l :uo Amu,. Watting• or a ne alma iStftlarorother to, major general- Butlei," hits' beenoffered fai'prebate confirmation. • ef.the sad.clenigi,intellig , ence ; 4taitintotten-the-aews-4 a-LbeinsiraiiinsT° "tiltx**4*!ee'ill New Y ritY7- B r own was married again before bed time Ho loarei an estate' at $2;000;000; that niAt:—Patlerson ,Goatdian. • of which ane half is bequeathed to the Major • • _ . An important announcement is made Chet the French 'Minister of Foreign affairs has •assured:Mr. Dayton tint the iron clads which have been sohi to a neutral Power r and , that the' four: Rebel . clipper • ships at Bordeaut .would never be delivered to them. is statement, yester- triedde .hy ,drumhend_,„eottrt _martial at Sedalia, , No.-, and cop ricto4 pf.par,- ticipati ng itt the Lawrope wariattera. 4t pix o'clock the same day they werenhot to death. CROWE EXTRA CJ TEXTR 1i113.=-4:l4;r4triNt . :nuke tfie,f9a , 14 ; ,whIg extracts from' 'Or:: .- NtirA r:Vki. ita9 s&aaff published ak... ': '' . 40 1, A, 94 i t .........,:,... 'f•'•'• , (. bi an ildel - ittdicappetheafjho* -, 41t ,t . " Or tk‘beffiA of eoPperlf4f:. 7-7 f0404: - , in thiii Ogliiiik: ft is a fair e*:,‘ , -: ) ,. .4*.ki Veptfectif. .deitiltity : to whiiiiiiriii:; -- 1 . iii:li Goit atid-'dislmitty . ... t92 a fwd.: government iiilriiiill'hiiiiiiiii - lbitig: ~..p..Ureaulzlitikir l ingldrflailetittsl4 f ILO* I as the world never befo re felt. Tyranny, A like the davits in heaven or ' h - 611 7 ,1i tiot ea!ily &in querodi :but the groatey At? fight-.L T .ter , hot,. 101-ithildtilleVeholniAiid ...,,010H0144. theitrit 403Pitr104,1**Ph-w-e, 10 ) 1 19,0 al!. B 4r° 48 the rock - of - ages Stand's' - I'BEEnoir, iniii centre ofihts "lige of Reason;" cannot be glai.and-buried)-ti-iffer-ii-tiloment-it-shoul , like the phoenix of old, it would burst its chains of fire, .and a glorious resdrrestion•the next moment. would folk*, and ita assassins be driven from earth. - My suirtnny wi down with my country in the hands oft,ytrints, and and her people tilaVes;,buticao.'ihey deserve to be slaves., , i .l..teiljoil welaust have, a mo ral us well as a political revolution.. - I am an “Abolitionist"-- ,, the million§ of white men diately emnneipated,,,the,pnests., are the ty rant masters. Never, never, no never can a people be free,. or free men and women while so many priests- niany , olitrehed flour ish at their expenAo." . Why, in the name of common sense,. will, net the people declare and assert their imependeact 441 Gods, Kings, Priests and Tyrants. I hereby pub licly curse them, and again repeat, that I ne ver will owe any loyalty or allegiimp to them. I Would like Co' dip the.letith of the right eous, and last'edd be peaceful"; but this could never be, should I. palliate, or in any manner cover up or hide from'-the peo ple the enormities of the infernal Rev, priest hood, the infernal infernal lies and hypocrisy ; its cruelty, its immorality of every forrn,_and_aLqo thairifernal- corruption of this "republican" administration. " VALlAlVroreittitzt. -:- There ia,a lair pros he that the Minister Plenipotentiar y•whom e tyrants Washington sent to Canada will receive a greater salary from the demo cratic ladies of Ohio.than any otlier , Minis ter at a foreign Court ever before received. All right, ladies; go ahead, for never before. Was ode more deserving. . EDWIN 31 , STANTON , z . , Se3retary of ar. GENERAL BUTLER'S DEPARTMENT. FORTRESS MONROE, June 3.The enemy attacked Gettertil Butler's lines of defence at-. Bermuda Hundred, on Wednesday evening, at 9 o'eloCk and made'a charge with the evi dent intention of capturing our Parrottguns; "SERVANTS OF Gai).—A class of the most but theylvefe - reptilsed; With heavy loss.-- unprincipled ragamuffins with which human The fighting continued until near Thursday society, was every'infested. , ..,Tbey , are gen- morning, when the enemy were driven -back: erally clothed-in black, with u white- choke- Our loss was very slight. ' rag around their neck; they: always sponge HEADQUARTERS. AUNT OF THE PoTo3IAO, their living from those who labor, and many Wednesday, -June I.—Yesterday afternoon of them are licenced to lie, for the .glory of Sheridan ,encountered the enemy's cavalry on God-and-the-good-of-the - Church. Mechanicsville pike - and after quite. a heavy "WAR DRiwocasTs.—A' peek of tmndes- engagement drove tlieM to within ,about five eripts in the great family of huh:utility,- per- miles of Richmond, holding, his *gi'entul,— feet in all the arts of political and religious The sth Corps soon after pressed for Ward and demagogueism. They serve God, Devil, Lust, formed his 'rear support; and this morning the World and Lincoln , and any and every the 6th Corps swings around from its old thing that hartuonizes with ernvinge_of osition on the and moves down to 0 , " selfishness arbactts!-----" ,ST et - one -k on , Herb or-a tut - XI - eel a n my! 0. TATO among them—never' has derer will be. ' "MOWER LAW.—This is an institution Manufactured from the concentrated essence of Abolition, Anialg,'amation, Miscegenatioa, Confiscation,: Proclamation, Emancipation, Disorganiaation, Salvation, Damnation Du. struction, and every other maligtmoi malicious compound that ends with lion . in the vocabulary of fools, knaves 'and hypo. elites. It is the'on the dome Of the' capitol at Washington,' and is now bring. lug ruia upon our whole country. ' - , • "METIIODIST CONFERENCE.- .A holy oOn °lave of If.ov. lying and loafing boOblea. A. Unique Rebel Letter• ,The folloWing rebel letter, :recently found on ~ the bat t le.field, gives ~S orges t Gra ham's':` impression as to "the situation :" Mir SAINTED LOPE : If the Yankee.cusses will let me alone, , .T. mill write yotta letter.— Gen. U. S. Grant is a hull-dog, and Meade is a match for the devil.. No matter how deeply we ensconce ourselves in the woods, the Yankees are sure to find us' out. They charge on our works again and again, and very often take them from us. They fight more fiercely than I have ever seen them.— is for digging, Grant beats M.Xlellan all hollow. The Yankees build strong rifle pits, and then our brave officers ask us to charge them We' have done so, and they have gm. en us hell every time. Illy sainted !eve, you will excuse me for using this language, but if you were with us you would say that they hell, too ! My patriotic lair one, I am almost.tired of this So long es there appeared ehance of achieving our - national independence, fought with a will; but, 'that hope seems dashed to earth. I have no heart to strive any longer to keep Jeff. Davis froni going , to the devil sooner than he otherwise 'would., ,- • Do -not hlush l :my sainted love,- but really I..wish,.l . w.ere out-of-this army andleined to you in the holphonde.of wedlock. - alior analinaton_io_maiters_appertaini og le himself' and his !!iainted lover he closes as follows : • . . . . I must close hurriedly.. We aro ordered to charge the,Youkeesouvi;lf Rotondo, sur prise ttcear. ~ your own,.,f c NittM-44.a>44t ermri.-The 'famineat the Gape Verdelsland enntieues to•lbn terrible beyond • deseription lb two ottlie-Islands--St. Jage' and —thousands ofitihabitante ,upod the barks and toots. OftteeS, and even vermin of every kind 'where sought after and eager , ly devoured: 'Ai' add to the. terror .of'.the famine, diseases , of a loathsome and! infeetioui Anteater have' broken Out and Were rapidly decimating theimpulation. Hundreds were lying stark and dead. on the =roads; in 'the streets, audit] the fiehis i vaitl!ibirds , ofjprey were `reaping a dismal tatOest horn unburied -bodies ___L_,L-___. TWO NOM OF QUAY4T,,,EL'S 3.11.* gXEcti• Wt., W. U. Blor . Tia anti oon nor 1=:1=1 _ . , r . iii,7... „.• 1 : ,• - 0 , •,__ L ; ,.. , -.;:, • • .... 4- Attilwr.:'i ''' -..iSti,'•'. ' W., -,And Wedlie.sliaN . . . , .. 14- 40uOlt:- •'-',:--- ix REPUL S E '.:---- . • - I: im idfit l -- - -1 6el •;.:41111;t0 ..,,,,, ..ep 4• ' IlitijacUrA' R ,T. 'efli:- 1-='.±Ai-•-jth., itjA.L CIAZgaVE• .. '-'' LIATHST OF ui -T9-IfOr:oo.4# , .-roirttii luertersT_Tlated:ut half:past:eight- o'clock last night; ,h4s,,heen teceived. stge ‘ e,tbat ad ~"u- l l 7 t -„ittlyeafilidek ~ the enemy suddenly attaoked Smith's brigade 'rhear-bitttlaltietetwith• great . fury .ftcluilf,etzillettr,l.and- .the attack' e-ntivraverhigly—repulsed---Batith!s—losse wiire . 4. .; P,41,-.-.Wilson i . with'-his cavalry; fell upon 'the reps , of a brigade of , troth's tlivis ion;:nrhich,lLee had :moved erriurid to his left,' apparently. with:the inteation- of enveloping Burnside.- After-ttsliarp !but short .contlict r Wilson' drove them from their rife-pits' : n confusion:.:. He ~ t ook a .few: prisoners. . Be 1 bad .previously. fought with and routed, :Got, fights be:lost s sieveral officers+—siruong them_ Colonel Preston, lst Vermont Cavalry ; *Ol4 . edl Colonel. Benjamin Bth' NeW :York Cava 'ry, seriously. wounde d.- General: iStannardy. serving in thelfiths Corps, was severely woun ded yesterday; (Friday.) _ "Our. entire . lass in.' killed, wounded and missing,' daring. the three days' Operations a round Cold Harbor, will not exceed, senor, ding tb. the Adjutant General's repott, 7,500. This morning (Saturday; June 4th) the: en emy'alef t tying in front of Burnside was found to have been drawn in . during the night.— Cessnola in command of 5,000 men, ar rived. here yesterday, having marched from Port Royal ".; ; Telegraphic communication between Cher rystone and. Fortress-Mourne- continues • ark interritpted. .13arloW's division, or the 2d Corps, again distinguished itself last night, just, before dark, in charging upon and carrying two tines of the enemy's The 7th New Yotk Heavy Artillery, just come, acquitted itself with distinguished gal lantry, and sustained a loss of nearly one undred-and - fifty - Our entire lines were considerably advanc ed last night, and . the impression seems to prevail that' , Lee has withdrawn his main force - within the inner tlefenees of Richmond. His losses the past two days Must have been very severe, largely in excess Of ours. nigit• headquarters are again 'in the saddle, ,but where it will alight does not 'yet seem to ba ge.nerally understood. The sound of all ourvannonading is ; now distinctly heard in Richmonci i: and . ,the fugitive contrabands who stroll-into' camp repo the i3itizena there as in the highest state of excitement. ,The , ,-seene- in friont of Warren, , yesterday tnorriirig, was sad. and sickening to the last degree. The, enemy had left all his dead, and such wounded, as were unable to get them selves away, in utter wantonness, and there they lay when the.breakiag light of morning revealed ghastly heaps of dead, dying, hor rible mangled,. and : more slightly wounded, piled upon one another and strewed 'about the - field in all directions. • . There can be no question that the enemy wilfully abandoned his seriously wounded to our care with the deliberate purpose of im. posing the burden upon us. 9 A:. M.—Hai:cook is still.hanimering a way at the enemy's advance picket line, elic iting thus fur little, or •no response Captain.Pla4, of ,the commissary depart meat who was captured yesterday, it is stated, was'at the 'dine reconnoitring outside our • Our extreme left today rests upon the lithe OF the South River :Kailroad, giving us a line of some, sir to eight mi!es in extent. Tilunsmty, June 2-8 A:- M-.—About 4 p.:m.'yesterday, tho 6th Oorps, •ou our 'ex trerne lekbelow Cold Harbor, made a heavy IMW I . • ,:illl CI iy 1 a ty ilt s orcos. which had conks up and taken- position.— Gen. IVright'made a'desperito onset, , rest& ins in carrying the enemy's first line of works and 'the capture of, fro= six to. .eight I i , d_prisoners; , -Uo--coomy!s-loss—has-, Ibeen:vorY severe, and:oar own. considerable., ' heirffair-isken-of - by - Gotr:3lualle - artiw of great gallantry and advantage to us. intir—later--aud—Wanert—wris--nossa* after the old plan of hurling massed . eolumns npoilds - lines; but having . , infantry well posted behind' earthwOrke, 'rind ' his . artillery well ►n Position, the_enerny were repul- in three desperate charir i es, with 'high tful laugh' tor. %Varreifs at 'about . red hundred: ' • The sarne'attenvts wore rdso Wade on Ilaneock:"S . line, and -repulsed equa stub ! bernness and valor. .At, times. just-pror to, and after dark, our,errtir,e hoes eu• gaged; kr tin _no: case_didO,u,r_. troops, waver, o'c give an inch g" round, thew, fight ing . hes.been the nrnst desperate, have heti since ;SpOttsylvania. , Gees. ke, • e an ran ,par, impute wit t-t le' men in p,e, ings,ei the highest . •satislaetion . , over yester .The main.altriek...teas upbo,G riffini.hut: his ever the rebel masses•.were hurled against , any. .particularpoint 'a • deadly fire front .tour entire lino was, poured in upon. thew ;. so•th a t _while tbur losses_wilhnotecedStVeluintireci_ in all; that of the enemy must have been-two on three thousand. Such frantic assaults as the eneniyinade; with the repeated anuihitatii4rOf his troops, can oily be sotiodittea lei. 15:y li,` iidesperitidd add Midness:---, - ..,, . .../,--:,'. ..,,.- :- : - : :::t.". i: i, Itprnsids!liginipkie ts ItSiivily.iisSii IMA at kimeiaend te, cpiitted t fitil i k, most ore itably:' TheMiv ti psi %tali - firlit time uii r fire, ,lid4wnti,s old! told dition fcii : t ele he. le 4°l43f:endure be nit . 'bray 'Desp it e Yard . naatehing - ,liard addArreitilar jillieti and', iioneTintd - dtipite Semo of-the dinst-sitibbeilf Viling of the war,_the . y . are still hopeful, `'agfi'"JoYfdr "Tie d m ore fifii- iiiihrird , in the AvSirtni dikpotiott i and the eif thaieldSPlrid'tlieroby.. - • Baldy Smith. visited headquarters. for the first - time last ni 'hi --__- 1 1 04 1 01#1 4 0 iLCRICHMOZtD. Rebel prisonera and deseiters - tell a woeful intareeit Orghtr,-faiiitet olusses'ia Riehirtond:. J The state that husk= re. e o -poor unit tee are anxious rautaiting Our , °owing; Wheaf ilonria now: worti thxne• hundred , and fifty. dcillstri,tiet haricot; and gin; geronaps, acil&in'Ne4 , lf orklfaur or five 'for a Omit, are sold in Richmond,' at one- dam' each. • • 'OFrap,PAL;GAZE:rim. • trjteuxxigi 4 oN ...tune 6 1664 . To Major Geueral,Pix, Nfltsv York: i, ' l 777"'`r — r. =7,logns7 . - ";row:: e.en., Grant's beadquatteiii. 0)4;1, 11;ukthop repork only certain changes in alte pnaltion•o4 and contemplated lopetations::„They- stAtn 'that "everythingis going on -, - The Chief Quarterrouster of, thn army re ports a personal inspection of the depot at White House, •and , that it isin a most • effici ept state. All needful supplies ar,e Od lintid, and wagons to transport thetu, to 44 army.. The wounded are being brought, in, and transports are not delayed a - moment:, EDWIN M.,OTANTpN, Secretary of -War. • • LATEST OFFICIAIA GAZETTE. 'WASHINGTON, 411 Se 6 --- -"7 A. M. To Major General Dix : We hate despate headquarters down to ix o'clock last e*,it log' which states that there had been no fighting during ° the' day. The enemy made an attack on 'Settling night upon Hancoeir, Wright, and' Smith, but where everywhere repulsed. Hancock's lines are brought within forty yards of the rebel works. The rebels were very busy Sat urday constructing entrenchments on the •st-srine-p,Fthe-ellickahotniny- at .Botto - Bridge, and towards evenini , threw a party across to the east side. EDWIN la STANTON, Secretary of War • .OFVICIAL"dAZETTE. .WAsulNanoN, June 7-10.1.5 P. DI To Major Gerieral Dix, New York : Despatches from the headquarters of the Army of the Potothae, dated at 9 o'eloek this (Tuesday) morning, have been. received. An assault was made on Burnside about midnight, and was successfully repulsed :lea%lig 11l ,:4011 1 1 0117 . ed Men of the enemy made a rush to find out what was the meaning of , llaticeek's advano itig-his siege lines. Nine of the- party- were captured; and the rest killed or . driven back. 'Several letters were passed between' Gen. orals Grant and Lee in respect •to collecting the dead and wounded between' the twit' ar• mies.- General Grant, in the closing . letter, regrets that all his efforts for alleviating the sufferings of the wounded men on the battle field have been rendered nugatory. Two reb el officers and six men, sent out to-search for wounded of their commands, wore captured in consequence of the enemy not delivering General Lee's letter until after , the hour he' named had expired ' General Grant has no tified General Lee that they were captured through a misunderstanding, and will not be held as prisoners; but will be returned. No other military intelligence has ' been receiv ed; • EDIVIN M. STANTON, ' 11.EADQUARiERSMY Or POTOMAC, JUNi 6 —=The .rebels attacked the 2d Corps and a portion of the 6th Corps, last evening, but were handsomely repulsedafter a des perate struggle. They advanced several times thetr lines being cut to pieces, and each at tempt to reach our works failed. Their loss must have been fearful; as our mon shot them at short range, while our batteries swept theta down in masses. Our loss was ,very light. A shell exploded among General Hancock's staff, taking off the leg of one of them. His name has not been ascertained. The roport of' a train having been captur ed turns out ,to be incoircot. The trains' are guarded all .the way . from the White house to the front, principaliy.bY the col ored troopi. Our men are busily engaged digging towards the works of the enemy, and the attack• last night was on a working party. Gen. Grant not a Reasonable Man. [Wont the Richniono Sentinel, May 311 Operations, at the front htivo frequently - confounded - calculations, pnd,turned specula tion hither,and thither with short turns and lint Gr- attte ceremony. Now ,rant has beep re. treating on Fredericksburg,, and anon he, is Spottsylvania C. IL.. Now again he meets with, a disaster that wouht have sent a rcas. ondde mein 6:4 to buy quickly ho -is.-flank-marehirtp,,,-for—Rielnuond , -4ow—lrer erosscs . the North Anna and confronts'-Lee, -wppareutlY - for - hattl - e.Thurnight — cOMes and he steels away, and, starts for the Peninsula. posed flight,to his new base ; but, last and latest we learn, that his face is again turned toward Richmond, and that ho confronts-7,ec on the Tolopatonly creek, : with prospect of immediate fight. . ./t. it thrfe for, us all to ; cease ,speculations meta Grara'a movements, and attend to-the facts., : FIo has been ; offering fight,when we thought bo r „ was_retreatiog,, _and , retreating v4.en wo thought be,was : offering fight; he has been adnaeciug when he teas..,tchippetl, and heading up stream when.,lia,had every reason to hurry douru. has,gone _by the - rule, of military, contrariness, and ,has,O4quys disappointed,uswli en Om, -we supposed that he ; was attar y Rtaky ,141 ; euubiytuutly well NVep conao to sup ~ s e. , himself. perionce, we Oxprpm4qopinion )1 , 1,0 bccom ing,Aoubt; i• , An, Afreoting Soene' - Mr . -and Mrs.! Bosidish, resideats , -of the State of - sliehigart iwho.had :two:scum—lto- race iid — Co — fiidia- , --iti . the 7th illichigair Reg-. iweot, came to-this city a day or two ago., in search of Iforaeo,whe' they learned had been wounded in the battle at the , 11' ibleraeis, • hici h .. .liiiiiiigiili 04 tikititY.Valling to 4 ii,„„lli r t. Aesiiint; tikresfirdaY etin? nig VI ite th '`O*htteet . hot: - A fetio ni6:. MEOW, af * - d",ffiit'atesi oirJeffersbnsteato 1 editnpito d'• sid4andsfaading near Hit bo* of iha boait *as tte , ltiokfatScii . ion, - :haft woinded,ltialrighfirat having been shot off libilialthePben. Ak Saint as the idatik t was 'thatrwil front the boatUthe wharf, Mrs. BOW: dish sprang on board the steamer ; and Ono* itsg her:ttans - siontrif.leviletek-neekrintrsi - tato a. iiiod of tears with hai 'head bent ilpon his shodidei. • -. - r, .. .5 - ,,: 4 ,:Z. ,- ::,.,, ,,- :r . ,: - ...~ : -.-:: - 7r, Fora few sdiSon . ds there was an affe6eing Mende, *hint ttin toad mother broke by say ing, "florae° where isr,yelribrothertlioni;i din Y" Horace pointing& airongii4foailVtil . bai.lihiS.o l 49.LtegieeffiEktit I .oth - et, 1 11 4, 4 - ia - Coritiliiii" - :rue .iitiliated mothiatireii , het , sel€u. ni - r 7 was practically brought to a close on., Satur-. day night. The managers and others inter ested in it have reason to congratulate them-. selves that it has proved a magnificent sue cess, exceeding the expeotatiowof tho most, sanguine at the beginning. . The gross receipts to,day,from all sources of' revenue -are not less thiin 0575,000, and the net .proceeds . into-,the. hands of the Sanitary Commission will, be at least half a naillioic: Seer()tory of ,War _ This_ is to_eertify that my wife was taken, with Quinsey sore- Throat;, it commenced to swell, and la RS so sore that:She could no swallow, and eaugii. ed - I need your Liniment,' and' made a Perfect cif e prone week. firmly` believe tharbut for the Liniment she Would have Jost her life. - • ereilitionctuattimbrixies-father r nea--- ShadyiGrove, on the Ist inst., by tho• Rev., Whiteman, Mr; -JOHN - .1)1110.0 7 Miss.CORNELIA H.:.GORDON.: .____.&team.Paning-the-aboVe regeiia his portion of , provided for the occasion, for wbjekhis thanks, are -tendered cox!'" With- the' hop that. the. aloud ii an agseiiii the - father and, wounded son stoo4 - 44rli1ifificiweillteads.. The seerui.wite - ttelt kfreart4iiiditipitie, and it CAD Many teethe bystandifif were cantata• to turn aside,‘4ltile'slient 4eote could be seen stealing down the cheeks of all. Several.• kind-hearted ladies; present did all in their power to comfOrt - the mother, but it Ar-as-long-Atefouralcusiould-be4rittced-toleave the side of iterdepeas4 THEWAIiiii - iIiESIONEST. iduisan Abandeni'lliß .Ihititiew ant Micah.. GEN. SHERMAN'S ARM AnyAßma. , OFFIC~A L. GA.'NETTE, Antic 6i-•"'t A. M. • To Major Ggngrai nisi. • A despatch from General shermitri, datedl yesterday afi4ll/00th. Jump sth. at 3.30, . at Al-. atoona creek., States that "the enemy, disco-. vering_us moving_artingid_hits,_rightthink, a bandoned, his posi i tion,lieet bight' add` mareh, ed off._ MePheract)Air-MOV2Pg-toidayfor- Aik*rtir: — Thoritairls - o - ti. - theTdi - totieldiirr- - etta road apd, Sohofieldon,,his, "It has been, raining, bard, for: three days. and the road are heavy. An extitilination, of the enstriy,'S abandoned Irerlo. here shows. an immense line, Which:l have.turiied with less loss to, ourselves than weinflicted: Upon them. • .. t. "The army " sPlies of:trirage:afia, provis ions are ample. Secretary of War. LATEST OFFICIAL: DESPATCH. • Weitiustuoki,Autmq. To Major General Dix, New ICork: A despatch from General 81;eimiii Slated at 12 noon to-day, at Acksvcitth,: Ga., says.t : "I am now on the railrOad at? Ackworth Sta-. Lion, and have full possession in one mile of Marietta. 411 No other military intelligence to,day".., EDWIN M. STANTON,, Secretary of War: • The building will be opo during the eve nings of the present w.eek, for the combine-. tion sales of gold aud bars and,tger. artic:es. Sereitev farm raffle was draTta., on Saturday evening, No. ; 34,472 i2 halving the farm. The lucky not at- Fes., ent known. . The army sword was awarded amid, much, enthusiasm to Gen. Hancock, he. having re-. coived 2,432 votes. Geu McClellan woo, sec, and on the, list. FORT SCOTT, May 80.—Gen. MeNean Paola: Twelve ,bushwaokers,. under 4.1-lenry Taylor,igent to Lamar . Mo., yesterdaiafter noos, and burned ton houses. There were, no men in the town. The militia left some days One, and it was ; occupied by women and-children only.. C. W. BLAIR% Fair for Benefit of 11. S. Chris-, hian Commission. Or The 'ladies of Franklin county purpose kohl. ing a Fair for the benefit of E. S. Christian Com mission, in Ckamberiburg, commencing Monday evening, June 13th. Everything to pleasoethe eye and palate will he offered. Meals served at the rooms at Hotel prices. OLD FOLKS CONCERT. Mr. GEO. IL 'Aysits, • , MUSICAL poribucTon. An old Folks Concert will be given on the even ings of Friday 17th and Saturday illith.. This' will be a great treat. The hest; talent of several neigh; boring places will be present aria take part in the Concert. MUSEUM. Under the management of Messrs. MeCullokand On. • This 4epartrnent will be one of the leading fea tures of the Fair, and will - be made u 1 01 attractjve apecimena - of art and ' ' he-ladie&txuaC4at-th'e-citizens=of—this will respond to gie cell, and come to tbe aid'of thigi` AO sales will , be -at reasonable Prices and eiriry effort : made to give satisfaction. • VENETIAN -LINIMENT. AL. CERTAIN CURE FOR'f!AINS IN LIARS and back, sore throat.; monis, vbenmatiam; col. lc, - &c: 'A perfect family niedirine, and' never fails. Read ! Read ! ! Read !!! • • ." • - lavornA, Watvor kircii.; Jane 16, 1859 JOHN WHAHLAN. Price 25 and 50 canto. Sold by all- .diuggista 3--rtii
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