R ROTHEATONSPIAIJMN JUNE 1564. WM. R. BRIVITERTON. EraEnt Ala*and carefully selected stock of which he has just receivcd'and intends selling at decidedly . . z:Pulzvmmm g , ALSO - QlggkUil4CTl HQL . LOW WARE, Ciedorware, OXL_CLOTHS SHOE FINDINGS, IMPLEMITS, BRUSH ROPES, PAINTS, GLASS vaaainGatata j 4M.41131171E"31ir 11_f. LEATNER FLY-NETS. He invites especial attention to a • very large stock of Scythes, Scythes Sharpeners, . Rakes, Forks, Vrraici Oraciles, Forks and Siloycl Itaadlc:;- Hoes, &c,„ HIS COODA ARE OF THE MY BEST QUALITY Mir IS TRH CHEAP HST. LOOK. - MM!ItEMM .13Y EMIAILIVING : ii Y STOCK! Ypit will find in my storo a good assort. tnent'Of.all descriptions of goods 4stially found in liardWaro stores. I merely An ltoit examitiati.in °fug goods and prices before-purchasing ()Logi:here. MBER EFL I: s.oir 'rims: AT op-,1,140.)...A. -Vu. R 7. Blti)Tn Orr.bt - • dome Eitin • Shovels, r‘ 'll' yffit ~t ,AN N - 101 1 L • - 7 ' ,I . lichlit—mict solis—ig iiri 1 i. i.q",nN :f:, .` o ' 4 i - -tr: - - rp. , ? ;iii'Aiiili i-aiii :-;. I.lviii. i .0 -- t 4.1. •!.11.. F. K.UR . . ~., 1.. • i f..i;i ~ 4(,, :, f 1 LL,ir • WlBllzo to i,orpmt mo good ettrreha of vyay ? nesbom' and vicinity, diet be has just recoil& ed from the pipt,e. large and full assortment of ea , r T., , ~, a dicintireOitArPiOn - 5, - : , W, o..OlisakPlittiiitirtlloll B 4! 4l o - *,iiibh ilgi ip prepared to sell as cheapaa MO can be - hail at an other home in the town, and which, in regard to quality,carmotbe excollF4,Ao his eke On hand a Irge i'esortmOnf tif , ;ll.:- 4 , '.-t , i Sf.,n , ',•:il TOILET 4./ITIOLIES • comprised in part of the following articles, viz: toilet Waters, all lf,inds, • . • . Eau.de Cologne,_ endless in varlet, • I Extraattrg:the lukudkeyehief,y rtitnalefi;' , tandolines Bear's Oil, Fled sad FatiOi Pbriplid Tooth BruAe"3" _ . Nail - • - For ciiiinary purposes ho ',has Corn Buirch,, Pearl Bailsy,lpparl §egs,, Flavoritj,Extrac.tS.,. Limon, Vanilla, Straibeity, Raspber ry,neAp Orange. Banana, Celery, Pear; 'Penal; Nut.. keg. &c. Pres — ifflpicii, Black Pepp9. - Inui all oth. er articles in chat hne. #o has nisi! eoinething to please the . , . A die stock ° Provo o alf,hindii a latee supply d China W • - •FQ • 3ENEkte*t.-Motit.ilictd:ztekno.i, jie has Drakes Plantation Bitters l Sand's Sarsaparilla, Ilitesheres-Cough-Syru , - " Diarrhea Cordial, • - Frey's Vormifuge, - • , Vermifuges, dos. kinds • Wright's, • Judron's Spaulding's, Holloway's, - • Ayer's, • Brandreth'4. ' - Morse's, MeClane's, liyer; Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, Dr. Parishe's do. Kerosette Oil c ;.umps and imneys-always-on-hand. Thankful• for-kinil-favors-already—bestowed upon him, he solicits a continuance of the same, hoping that by trying to please he may win the 'Confidence of the people. 'As Much care taken in waiting up on adults as children. physicians' Prescriptions promptly and carefully compounded at all hours. • .. September 2fi, 1863. assfl_anmul. FOOTMAN'S DIER STORE! ,e r I COMML I T I MICIVIALW WOULD tender his thanks to the community and still solicit tke.pattonage.of a generous public who want anything in his line. Inasmuch as he has enlarged his stock so as to be enabled to answer all Calls or anything, antl eyetything .usually found in a ',hug Store, and 'has a thorough ac quaintance with 010 business, he hopes to gain the con4denee of the Cominunity t Re will pay par ticular attention to Ailing physicians' Prescriptions, and more care and:precannon used in waiting up on children than adults. , 11)1111G1 110 110111ST1C llhl S. Choke Wines and Livens for medicinal and sacramental purposes, Patent Medicines in endless in variety, including ail that have been made ur to this date and some that are yet in embryo. Also White Lead, Zinc, Paint, Whiting and Varnishes for house building or inside worirchesides_all sizes of Glass. Commercial Note, POUB Cap and Let. ter Paper always on hand, with a variety of Enve . es of different sizes and - idiom. Brushes, Combs, Porn de, Fancy •Seap Hair CAI; Colognes, Essen - ees, Flavoring Extracts, and numerous articles in the Fancy line on hand and offered for sale, cheap. es: than ever Offered Ardite. Also a large assortment of Kerosene Oil Lamps, Chimneys, Shades and Wicks, and Kerosene -Oil to fill.the.m. •1, itatteml assortment of Fruits and Confectisnaresi Tobacco ' • ' September 4, 1863. FOB RATS, MICE ROACIIBB, AVM, ,BBD: !Vag, MIAS 15 Frit.% WOOLBNSoLC ,:pokiteraeat,!Ltars, FOWL., AN' 111/ALB, AC . Put up in 25c 50c. and $l.OO Boxes, Bottles, and Flasks. $3 and $5 sizes for ROMS, PCBLIC /MITI" TUTION% &C. . "Only infallible. remedies known." "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Pixtuil.t. ' ! — "Rats come out of their. boles to die." erSold WholesaleirCal large cities. — . ar-42ku by all Druggists and Retailers everywhere. rifillßsweac!!! of all worthleis imitations. Or Bee that "Coen re." name is on each Box, Bot: tle, and Flask, before you buy. CrAdiliess, 1 t HENRY & coBT4 LVTaisczper. DgeoTi4B2 Bliminvesvil N. fV"Botd by 'all Wholesale and Rehil Drugging in Waynesboro', Pa. March 11.-81 n) er forAale. H E subscriber haaatilt for 'sale at, Meltcafi's mills (formerly Gilbert's) LUMBER such a a Hoards Plank, „Lath,- railing, ,Strips i Joice, Scantling, acc., all of which" ho — will dispose - of on be most accommodating terms,"Apeing desirous to close out his stock, • Persona - Wanting Lumber will please call upon him ot his residence.l.w Wnynes. boro'. . G ILB~it 1c April 22 —tf. 13. A R E RIN4. T , kip'substriber informs his former iastrons and the public generally . ..shit - le hmix`e.ennomenoed t e Barbering business; in , theltiam next docirlo Tritle's Tinning estsitilshiltlntiar — i - Mnoti . :prepasred lo do flair-cutting 4 :aisdiBthaving in the host style. • Oct. /.6 --. . ' : , "' - . 1 - -, opo. D. PRICE. Hair " OP qt)• 1, pa 'I A IftT :,(?) t J , , . vo:3? "'AV. a ;1 1. 1 i 1 ,3tii5:).r 17 4.) • • 1..........." #aF: fi •'i;~~ Waynesboro', Pal ! • ;•'. t; caHANICPUL for kind favors srid pittibilegeltere tofore bestoTedligrtibliiiioPOßVifbinrbef°o the public 'to widen a Continuance of the ginia.— He having jgat returned - from , the eastern cities itiat One a and wall eflitehul stock of new , FILL miki EOODS, Whiclihe intend!' tieliing at rpm low tateaiirbich he know; he cep do.to th :eataffititiott'of who wilt call and exambie his 'etOck.: ; ' • Below you *rill entlinezated - a few articles which will be filttid among, his stock to which he caps - yoat attention,_ , , Po* 4FH.. _ . :1311L-ratitrAL 3E3 NW!, He hay a large aasortpleat of Dress Goode. consisting ;art of qt es. p rinied and Ptain De!eines, - 1311 k;rijitd - anif Bilks, Prtasi Mohair. •- zit . nrAtollsir . Modena Cloth, ;Avenue, - French and domtie Gingkaq4.! Poplins, . Pongee Mixture, Cloth for Ladies, , ' Gloves, - posieii, in great variety.' GENTLEMEN'S WEAN. Broad Clothe,. Black and Fancy Oasaimerea, Union Cassirnorca, luc tneus, Cottonades, Summer Coatings, Tweeds, Vele 3t Cord, "Marseilles, • Silk Vestitm, Velvatine . V ' estings of all kinds; in fact a full assolment of goods for Gentle men wear. Also a larger arid well e t 'accied stock DOMESTIC GOODS, Muslin,_Ticking;_and _a_cOmplete a assortment of Notions. It's no use trying to enumerate. If you want anything at all In goads' line just call in and you will And bun ready to writ on you with pleasure. To persons having country Produce to sell, they will find it to their advantage to Dying it to Ste— ver's,as he always gives the highest market price. Sp give him a call, and he will sell you goods as cheap as they can bo purchased elsewhere. Nov. 13, 1863. DISTILLER ABSTORITIVB FOR THE HAIR, Restores Gray and Faded . Bair and Beard 'to its Natural Color, , AND IS, A MOST LUXURIOUS. DRESSING FOR THE HAIR , ANO READ, . • CLARK'S. RESTORATIVE • • ' nestores the polor. CLA R K'S RESTORATIVE,'• • Eradicates Dandruff, CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Promotes its Growth. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Prevents its, falling off. CLARK'S RESTORATVE, Is an unmplalleil Dressing. CLARK'S RE ORATIVE, i la Good for Children. R E CLARK'S ORATIVE, ~ 4 Is good for Ladies. CLARK'S ;RESTORATIVE,• CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, . . • . Is good - for. 014 People •, - • . Is perfectly harmless. CLARK'S rESTORATIVE, . , 1 , _. COnlains n 3 Oil. CLARK'S. RESTORATIVE, . . , . la not . a Dye. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, ' • Beautifies the Hair. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE Is sliteudid for Whiskers. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, . -- Eleps - the - Hair iu its Place CLARK'SRESTORATIVE ' \Corea I!l ersaitt Headache. CLAWS RESTORATIVE; Preventi Erupthins. CLARK's `Stops Itchy! ? and 11,1truipg. CLARK'S:: HESTOHAT.IYA Kreps the Head Cool. CLARK'S REST,ORATIVE,„ , , • i; -; Is' delightfrilly ietftrauedi • • . . - • Captains no Sediment. CLARK'S,. lESTORATVE, . ~ . . Contains no Gam. .. .. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, : > „ Polishes your H air CLARK'S 'RESTORATIVE; ~_ .J. .• -• • -..• ._ ' Prepares you for Parties. CLARK'S 'RESTORATIVE, . ~. , , . ' Prepaireslort for Balla', CLARK'S RESTORATIVE' All Ladies need it. CLARK'S RPSTORATIVE, ;.' ' Lag will do without it. Ot 13, P 879 gA„ CLARK* ItI:ST6IIITITE,'.. , Is tilcild by'VetiFests. and Peelers` overyisheTe, Pike; $1 bottles roe CLARK 454 ,00.,. - !.. ". • ,iionumag. Befticis s' IT . 9orieral,Aients. March 4,1664. - 1 y ). rig WO 7IP 3L- -um iD 'rhe undersigned would inform„ hie enitemere at.d the, public generally - this be has removed his stock.Of,goods tor. be Southwest corner of the square in the room formerly occupied . b' AOsish Beeerr. end enocillaed ivitii aini tittb wiriest; Samuel 'Moil.' lich, formerly with J. 11., coals now doing business under the firm of Price 15t,!ioeflich. . r, ;-• lie would • - tha opportunity to ourn, thanks for past favots.atid notti4O 'Maim, a, ,cpniingancis the same liberal patroplugs, 41 the . new firm. • - • • • - 49 P: PR I CP':- April , ..:- ., :••i-... -,, , ,, t 7 7 . l44kiroiltr4ll -• . • il ••,' I, .. '.;;‘,.. ' .!. ...d.,DR„vr,.,,,:i ', i • I; r: rii.4lJ ':,il•i:rt2i,: - 4 - 44i 1- 1, l '': , I r • ail. 't , ' -' • 1 :- 4.- 1 .'nr.:32/".:q 14. g<-4.,,.., Bill Vib , lti 1, olif : : , iif: • il: sl.` .• m 8 ~ N ~, 1 -1; , .1b: Vi le' l- tklbigi til. v , :i';6l; F; , ;ti...1.-..-' f, , litt,; ~.j 1, ; 4,, r :• - • - • - 'l , :iti ~ , o,; .;!,: ,swmiii Li - ' - '1:, 4o ~ 5,,r,. ~,,..,. 7 ' ' l'll'l e.,. ~ ~ ~ "."' -1 1 . • ''' ~ I §.l f...., ' ,':, r't'4 '. ~.. - • - ...i . Liplitaki ';',, , :•-•,-; i ,- liffl .l l.l .1::. , :03 , if: ' i II ! 1 :1) 1111T111" 1111171111111$:;''' p4ivii . 00411q4411,1 , 1a 94.4m:P?.4g4tki*'.91fE40.11.,._, ' - •P' •-• - , Apvini, .1 :.,i) ,i, !, , ~,, ~ Late4e ARP NI , O'vfitfr. —9 . .#AP4- !ear., 0 ,:gferse,.. pwers, D A . 01 2 ,. "?..y. c t F oi lie, t aliArashed onw 40.. , rect_dg lo e in# aid; agonit. , , , , . • ,!.., ".• : ~' • II: , '' 1• .- -E. . 2 1 . ... .•1 •. ' , .i 4 l lh n ,vindcraigue,d, &lire to . tali ,the atgetitile . 14 Fariusps and ThieSheinien Sitiriiiiklifig iifidintoik iqg counties toili'' Tiiisilfadhliii ha been bisfOri ihe public. foi- Seven; yqsre, fluxing: itehisjt• _time - 4 has given 'general 'satisfaiti . Fin, ,nntl j ok9,,,VitgAtee bwving Mado Bike idly, Important improvements which render it still more "complete, • . both' for OA eeParating - and slimming, and , Os? for - Aim "tat, draught and fast tbreihing. I -bike : pleasure:in-re:- sitiMmending it to the public,- kilowing-- thitiiiii nrilf giire tho best of satishisti.on., .I nut ,manu fastutini three d:iferent sizes, _ as folont; ' ~, • 40. lis horse 9 Povier,witthiebh acid Skin Froth" 200 , to 600 bushels per: day.- -- --;', ' , . - " ' Niti. -- 2 - ip-6 to 8 homdovfor o v 0 Otresh, and piet a fro g 11 ,0. w ail! ), b uh fi e ivr day- -;.. t - r. , . : .. izw3 is - 4 to O. lintse,puwer; Will thresh and clean from 100 to 200 (isishsle per day. These 31. dunes afe warranted td de the nheve," and do it mth h better 'in 'every respect 'IAA: any other machine in use. - - - ' Waiii - laving Iniiehlight filth - irrit cleaned on-this -1 Machine - is noith from 2 Va --- 3 - arnts - inniS pi --- m bAshe e 1 than - Ili in skitned Int 40 - other sePairaffir,--or the SomitiOn_viiv .of cleaning on hand fans. .. For this iipTiq t hitebuieulteeighth_partspflight_matt • . the : ram -as-when cleaned on-the-riddle , rinci , ie.- The blast acts freely onall tlii - grain as it leaves the ehues, whereas; Vihen cleaned clitt. riddle that'ad taptage Fhb machine does not rang)] the tailends as most of the "separators der: "By returning fillhy.tail ends alternately it is impossible to make merchinfit grain, Another im .rtapt feature ; inAble:machine_ that others of th — e - limd: hive not, is the BSlf-acting_ Blast Reg uhiterin thrira - nwhich remedies all dif - ih bail 'clitiOng, blowing graiit in the chaff in high speed or irr,egafitr driving, •whieh cannot be avoided its cleaning grain by horse power This Machine is also more durable end less tedious to Manage th'ari_an nlhoOlipatator and Cleatier,or -thirdini Misfire with shaker. ,Ordeis to itunve their being filled until harvest Mould-he- , lied in-imiriediatel I eta hilly prepared to make to order and on short noiice . Portable and Stationed • STEADY ENGINES, GR[SP AND SAW MILL GEARING, IRON BRIDGES, CAST IRON WATER WHEELB.I)IO.N_KETTLBS, dr.c, Stoves and Plow castings,also cast iron and wrought iron pipe for steam or-water,-and Brass castings of every description; in a word, I am prepared to do everything usually done in a foundry and - machine shop. Having supplied myself with the latest im r proved machinery, such as Lathes, Boring, Planing and Drilling Machines; persons can rely on having their work done in the most satisfactory manner.— I em also prepared to manufacture to order :ma chinery for wood, such "as Tonging Intl Groving machines for flooring, Surface, Tenout and Mould ing machines, arc. I also 'offer to , the public a new and valu able improvement in my steam engines, made within the last year, viz: for ' the economizing of fuel,.and the:regtilation , of speed; Which renders my new engine* far snp.erior to the old engines. All my machines are sold under, warrantee. hands'•are•it4l experienced Weil:lien' in' this• line o pUsiness, and I use all good material, so that .1 am perfectly safe in warranting' all my, work. • . lam also prepared to do repairing In workman like manner, on the 'shortest notice. Orders solicit ed and..promptly, attended to., , All, orders sent in or repairing must be accompanied' with the cash. For particulars and circulars descriptive of ma chine, address GEORGE FRICK Or DANIEL WIRER, rroprietor of Territory .and ao liceter of orders,Winnesborci'„Franklitt Co. Pe. „ Aired . 18—ti . • • GARDEN SEEDS! Froth front THE • farthest and best assortment of Garden Seeds in Waynesboro',"is to . be hued at Kurtz's: Drug Store. They consist of the - following kinds, viz : Beet , S oo.l, ,kinds, Watermelon Seed; Onion " - -3 , Muskmelon " Cucumber" 3 " • Vegetable Oyster a Squash " 4 •' Peppergeass Pepper! 4 . • 2 Asparagus Reddish 4 ' 6. Parsnip ' Turnip ",. Carrot Cabbage " 6 4 ° Spinach ' Lettuce 5 " Sage • _Peas •„:.,cr-. 4. 5. .. Celery • Beant;4 • , 2 • - Parsley Sw't Corn 4 . 2 " Tomato- - Also an assortment of Flower Seeds, and Conned. ticut Seed Leaf' Tobacco Seed, &c. &e. The 'Li dies.are requested to gal; and examine heforn pur chasing elsewhere. J. F. KURTZ' Feb. t.'64. iNitiao.* and flielq44ii!A. • THE undersigned; haying 'beConiti Agent for Wm. Knabe & Co's. (of Be!timoth)'; celebrated pianos and of Gerhart,. Meedbam & Cots. unsur passed Melodeons, is prepared to' furnish- ini4vid nets with the aboye named instruments at citY' -pri ces. All instruments . wiirranted bx, the manufactu era.- Lesoppg on the abofeliPittlititeli towp or country. (mays 3) " '' ' ' 'T..14 1 211D1?. N. 131 1 -107 ark.c1.11111,311393EX h ' Methed of thank- Al .ti.S nghTsOcN customers, takes mera,a tnd*i-sitiforan''the public that he has just returned from Philadelphia 'with the largest assortment of Drugs; Medicihes, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Soaps, Perfumery , Fritit, Confec tionary, &c., &c., that has been broughtlq: the place this season; vliidi he Will_ sell cheap, l : He has on hand, iiith,What'he is receiving, s makes his assortment of Patent Motliine grAater„in : variety than any other establishment in the place. In a few weeks, ho will publish his list 'tit manufactured article ~He has on hand now, his,CoUgh Medicine, put lip % iniix ounce bettor, price .25 caulk, "no cum, ao,,pay,! Its curative properties ;aro now fully appreciateilijudging:frt!ia its daily sales. ': ' May 9 '62s i; , . ~ . _.„.. ' REAPER, .IRJEF'AIRIIItG r •..„ ~ r lip subscriber (succeaser - of,E. 8. Troxel),in fermithe public that 'bele now prepared to do j al r necessary repairing to either the McCorMick of Manny Reaper. .-- WM. H. P,LANAOAN. N. D. The subscriber is aki,o Agent for the sale of the McOormiek Reaper.' ,""'.; '',. ' .w. E. F. .May 6-2 m: - , ..... . , • . .Costs _bmtis.l. F yon} want ling fornodo, yog Anus; get is at F0:4; KURTZ'S L,,,,,,40P 4.49f,44 SHAFTING . AND PULLEYS,' ij; ': ........__.....). ...„„_,.„....... ...,.... .,.._ ..M...... ~. rry 11E, name "Continent l - sounds . mote dear to 4 the ta l A edema heart ,; an any of the *eye it4ocl wren ehenktit be a Price. - ~.. &hid fish that want a gned.Ootikling titbit!! that lintels eithft coat or wood. e,in-iii. -.- .., -- 1 :Times int! ask for the Continental, which is one of the lied stores in market; and by far the cheapest. It taltes ‘ n ieng'stick ntwead 'tad lapr'otilded with. fire brick Intionna dsl+ - It.isrone at thi end 1 io`a fine CookingßLairl IttiPijeittaw 1 1 always' have , give—better bitigalluilhatFatif &her country Bo to prove that,. my name is not Gen. 'Bragg call and Imo for yourelVcat • 419 Hia*iccilpirio;,s,ach sit y 1111,..owycijk:_poinu,s, for shop of parlinc all"ot"Wlitelt 'VIII es 4rvertylow You n)arSe ;Pif :", ~, , wifh 00ipper, Bries.and -33heet-Iron,„,Ware,;which ii all of my own make b and which tuno•been-prdi , en 'cannot be found bitter in-any Oleo. ,Now•remem her I am bounplltii sail cheap, Beall that want any thing in my line, give me a shop is still 'at_the old_place on- MainStreetpunder-the Printing Office._ . ^ • Home, - none at all times and of the beit double tin. Feeling very, thankful a for the many Oast" tavola .1 41i 7 O'received from tini jiablie, I vrocildinVite all to give me' a ball, for then you can see for 'yitlfiseliidii .where to get bargains. Old metal taken at Foundry I'iices in ettcbaligfl for new /Stove)). W. A, l'arri,E, Mar AB ' Waynesboro'. _Pdentzer:s—lioract-&-Cattle_.Powd.er -IVI B TOISER having purchased .of Mr. I. 4 rMentser, the recipe for making the aboie tar-lamed ileirse and Cattle Powderifor-Peiiiisgiire nia-ind-Maryliiiitlytakes-this-inethod otitifoimiii -the- farmersOroitersi&c.i_thathe has up hand and intends keeping a good supply . Comitry merchants and others keeping uch articles fcr sale, would de well to supply theMseli , es with a quantity. lie'will sell it on commission of fir cheap. Orders will be punctually attendettto'.."' 31. to Le GOOD NEW JACOB ADAMS STILL-AT-THE , C0X.130 h-u - NFle - S , 1V REPS constantly on hand Buggies of ,every EL description and style; new.. und , second-handed VEHICLES, of all kinds at reasonable prices. All persons , wanting ensrthiog in his-line of business will do well by examining his stock before purchasing elsewhere t JACOB ADA,MS, Waynesboro', Pa. eprlo;,'B3 FLOUR, FEED, : - -AND PROVXSION - STORE I THE subscribers announce to - the °Wiens of WaYlleaboro' that they' have' opened 'd Flour sell and Provision Store in the room next door to Dr., Drotheirton's office, where they will-at all'thhes have for sale • 1111111, CORINAL - 101157 MILL sTurrs O' ALL RINDS, SCREEN , INOS, CORN, WELLED AND IN THE EAR, OATS:,IAATATOES, APPLESITINEGAR.; ' "! Also, Rye, - Wheat, and Barley by the bushel or in smaller quantities, and ojher articles usually kept in sucn'eetablishments: All t'llgir 11101 Stuff will be sold at MILL - Piticss 701! TWA UEilf• The highest market prices win k° pa i d for Wheat, Rye and Corn-to be delivered af t hellliff of the scub scribers. • - _ .IQ.IIA-•1011.TER, (Sept: B.—tr.) JOB. ELRE.N. 100 liwtil.WcurA6 R D for rgediie that Coughs, Influenza, Tickling in the throat, WhOoping:. G'ough,: or: relieve • Conazipipive Cough, " '*- as quick as - COE'S COUGH, BALSAM; OVER FIVE THOUSAND liorrLvs BALSAM ; been sold in its native town, and not _a single h stance of itslailure is known. ' • We .have. in our possession; any quantity of cer tificate's. some of them from EMINENT PHYSI CIANS, who have used it in their' practice, and given it the preeminence over any other compoinid. It doernpt dry u•p a Cough... , but loosens it, so &Ike enable the patient,tO e'4pac torate. . • Two.or three Doses will invariably cure - Tickling in the- Throat.: • A HA LFllettie has often conipletely 'cured most BTIIMSOIt.T COUGH, and yet i though - it is so aura • and speedy in its operation, it is 'perfectly bar",' less being purely vegetable. It is very agrecabler the taste, and maybe administered to=cliiltireu7;or any age. In vases of CPC/GP-we • guarantee 'a sure, if taken in season • No Family should be -without it s it iq , within the reach of all, the Trice being only And if an investment and, thorougn, trial does pot ,'i-back up"..:413 above statfaeut the, money, will ; be . refunded. ~M;e, say., this knowing its mrits, end fed confident that ,one trial will secure for it n, home in- every household. Da not ' waste away` with °Soughing', 'When so enSll an invel ! ttatint,. will cure' , you.f It may' be' bad...of .Tiny respectable Druggist in .towni who will fuinish you With a . circular of genuine 'certiff.: cater of cures it how made. - ts CLARK dr. Froprietom, - NVW HANtp. trr.- - . At Wholesale, by JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY 4i CONVD4g. V-S North Sixth Street, Philaduliihis, Pa. For sale by Druggists in city, country, and eve ywhere. October 9, ;2869.--4ra] sionaarmaremeavaimmenzz*l' .; . T. J. FILBERT; • ' DRAPER, Ilaasonstantly for eale a full assaftmcnt . 14 ' aCiODS for Geraknien's ware. rrhatast-City;Fewhiatia always . cia hand:l , v , 46 Waynesboro!, Pa. , , • le.WElSollaintaininlZENNlCHNlfinti . t. SKY-LIGHT P ITO G'R:A.P . THE subscriber would inßain the tiublio tha be has completed the necessary arrangements for taking Sky-Light Photographs; arid isjuspared to furnish •Ilictgrce ilner'.than thoso taken . with Me-Light: I °Parsons *tatting picurias-'arti retinetired:to Mill and examine' hlit'specitnena. • May 1-01 W. 4E04E12. ' 1••-• - ••• flotheirlyiringer.'' ''''''' . .:mr, PUTN.4..I4:§ re4gl ;Pont: *ripAMs° , fox tleteto#oetipt qt . th e Big Rod Hero D. H. Emma % Agettt foi Frokliin county. (July I I) . itit.:)., . 1 ~ , ' 47 L V-liiiiiiVi iiiiii? , 44;iiiii l :' iili: itwe i 1 '=. t IIO air` VSkiiliiiiit - pilim'i - -s, - 1. " • - ,': ' tr..... ' - ~ - •,‘ . ,4vlll -a : , 116; ~,-, ,ilTS,WOrV o yad Gkadvance,, or yviifitii, tlirakabttiir, : :Wet,* bilittaitan ,it lift% nthei butlittltfilthe - yitift ' ;,:x"----;•'-' ,. .• "A. 4AVERTIMIENT,--Teh lines, tbreiiitiert iiimi'sitterigOiy etibil deiit.-,bitlillya;,tiPJefliGl. ~ 1 llirPatenr 11.441bAS ENT, --! h arntalii be paid semi-annually, is advattee. : - . , 1; 1 3 •4; - - - :.•,,Jfk,D ,:r....., • '' ' • ,.. 4 . 1. - ' i , 41 .. 4 ( ~... ,„. `.4j iir tiiiiiiiiiiiiiili;, f otei -1 . ; ...,•, ~,w , ,tyN t sfitinbp,:,FA.,,,ilai:; ~a,a4.- 1 Esc;;? ~....::,;,.;-f, ,; :,:. ri ., m . 11E unadielined.hiiilia tkrieeni,ll _Wien Abet: .' -,. bovo named, afilome;'(erinerly.kupsetlii Of ; lin' 1. A ,.. 1 belmn.ttaltos pleasure in annoUncitiff•to; s iz• e air iiiitriiiiii: - :r itiStiiliferifflrnfir lir 16:41-ialliiir ; any-no - 1 11,itit. 4 ' ‘ftbllEgisuie . ,iiiiatig_tteeis _ • theidughlk.S S. 414164,iIRWAtutshedtwith*,i, i • l it ry th4ux,eale ateil to,utake_ hie gliegki donireillibile —6theinililliiiiiittifilt•dietiiiit : ibid. ' theOtittat Wlll,, • times *slit •iliveikaditititilitiitildTtititaireaffeietifte eonvehieneetorthedifiveles; 'Lliiiarre isilltrayienuti4c: Oied:rieh tliq iloiapikbiquppii;prolitjosifitalelol4 0 e-1, t the markets efreulreAkupruppliericfas: • snitBWe and .066514'1dr - IP, aeoommocietio4 'of ' nigh di leek: ' 'With faillati siiitZtotightglelidinui: with his own persOUal attention and supervision; hi vylklienve.33o.nitituitaii!hkire4,4o.l.4.fit:ii,bia ro t , .quimo,‘ -, A f , ;,. 1;-)..i.1 -- , , , v,5f :1.: .!. I .. i 'till , :, 'i. Ihps o prigt9r,slgerit.49stc,vhq, 494 x; (4x9t,hi_iir w . it ';1.1ou. patioAagei that {( t e e; !hail ever,ole, e. , :ti bikliousea bead l reCeptiori*4 ilia &arYth , Pgilf Bengal t 6 ••the ,: oirriviitfreada', , tiud' . .hicripineaVpit . 1 14 .1 qUO4tiShilfillie , l9inajid.iiz i ; 1.; : -, ‘: , 31 - :, „,, ; r•:» • - . 40cte - 1tiV16.0.:!. .J.; .. ; , '‘'!:..l 4..11. ittplyz.,:t., IZMIR • t • ,141 la • au , kr.t! •- • 4 t Should 4 , :0u. ash mUrshotild/oit wonder / • ----NOe s ra-to-I:h4j . our-Stoyea,tind . 1 would ansaKet,'l - Itstotild . fegyun--_— i ,: aVro unto fhe, f)ne new, fate. KIN:44;.S Where the Big'lletiKsiii,ihe is; - There's the best Cook' Stoves' and Tin4ere, . All sold cheap by D. Rtissell." „ ' (From the Song of Hiawatha; + HZ_undersignid ( informs - 'the priblic_initenbra,- • - 4 and especially those OV fits cestoreerkin vant,oc. ariphing.thlit's line of INS . ipsils,_ 1410 t Lai cow ; plata" om. ii,ngcoogyieg,bist nin and exienante,, ly enlarged establislanicirt.fdrAtle Via,rutifi OF TI/I'wmp., 074E0T-149X, *PP. AN* . • . STOVES. • • • ' He is dowpparecl i to supply - any . anion& tot Ilia Cook SAodes, - gerieral . :1104kkiepIng 'iToodg and: ' sic a "are, os:s suc sa :sfaetion. o!ttp, .eet an inept rpprove s having been tried are acknowledged, to be all tha coin be d@sired as goo‘l cookers and bakers and are emir 1: ;{'clean. . Hie ow ItANINAO2BIIIrD WARII 18 Unmade with view, to the, wahtketcustompri . frm,the best . mate+, rial 14;warraritod in agonies io be'iood. He, also kcspa a . large . assortment 'effhney - art fakir. - larSpecial attention is given to putting up SPOUTING / made of the bast tinito../, 43 flows and, barns, in which le has hii) tam Lu410415.1v0 perience. Remanber the sigitof the Big Bed lioi 4 n. • - Aug. to,,ksqq Lr. B Ittf3§.ELL. A NNOIINCES to his friends and the. generally ,that he la , now in possession of all the late and most improved instrinnents,and is well . prepared, to perfona all DENTAL operations. He • Will be happy to wait upon, these , who may require. the services of ansexperienced Dentist. Allop . erst•,. thins ; pptr the: mouth and, teeth perfartnell pn;a: scientific - Manner; - Teeth'inserted according to the'. latest improvements,. in the art, az l. at, ruck4)9l.ate. rates. -; Office in hie residerice on the South Corner of, the Diamond, April 11,'88 THE QLII MILLER AGAIN A 8 the Rebel is now on its last legs, anti. nearly over, we thought right.to announce to., the public that we ,will'end , Vrists df. 20 bushels or upwards. either for pay or Toll-seportely,and that. vre have on hanrd•all•kinds of FEED, CORN in ear or shelled, or in AIEAL silted or not.:. Al110...;1 Oats by the , bushel or in any way thatit may bek wanted3—ahaVididling,s, Ohipstuff and Atari, 'Corn' in Cob Chopped at short notice. Baste/by the ton: or bushel on hand. Still in• the market for Wheat:: We can :akvays : 4lo, up good .work like it was demi' at.hiland No. 10, and, Fittsbarg Landing. ' „JOHN WALTER, • JOSEPH.ELDEN. "VARIETY STORE, BEA.VERannounceslO his customers and the pubt.ic, that he has just returned:from the Eastern markets with ,another fine assortment of new goods, comb:dug o Fall add Winter Hate ar,d Cape, (all sorts'and sizes) Iteoterand Shoes that and boys, witha complete assortment of Stickel/it lathe's ware ; Trunks Segars, Tabscep and all articles:usually hept twit l inst.class - viariltyastore The public.orocoedially invited to call matt ex" toind Mit new stock. N. B. Boots and shoes manufactured `to - aide r, -'endesited t ,al reasonable rater. and upon short notice • - - (0ct.24, '62,) ILAV - HI,NE : I,SHOPi: • . .• T Ai. E subscriber would - inform , the- citizens of Franklin County, that babes openethr Machine' , btip one-fourth rade north of:Quincy. where he is prepared to'malte to. order all kinds of THRE3S !NO'ACHIN a f and h *Mill , pay particu tar at- , tended-to repa ir ing .' Ife_Wilt., keep on hand Cast ings for Sepaiitors - tilid:Hbrse Powers: end be able to do repaim . t, short. notice., -,llte.:w 21 also,build 'the treble-goined PEETON'ttIiORSE-POWER, which le 10 . 1,Vit ,osed, by, all •regular threshemican and, icknow le aged. to be:: the :best. now.'_inutie.. He will build three•different sizes. Nos. 1; 2 and 3; No. lis 8 hoirie power Nol 2 kV, and N 9.3 is 4-horse Power. :They will he: walla.-of the.best material, and warranted to;be good. • • Persons hating* horse powers he`will take in exchange fox ileapoiyers. = • • lie will also be prepared to .do turning and boring wrought or cast iron, and witl be able, to furnish castings wharf Ordered; thatiestof material wilt be: used. and no pains spare 4 tp render satisfacliup to all that May efarnithint With their work. Foundry prices paid, for '9ld Cast 'lron Brass . Morckk PAHRNEY. Army and Navy Clainur." , OSEPIi DOUGLAS, Attorney at' Law, s) Waynevortekbeing duly licenee& as:.:Claioi 'A gent. wil4roeure Pensions, lliiinty, Bouifty , arrearages of pay awl ctallangoind all other allow ances due seamen and soldiers, their heiss - q€, repxo7 ••' • " sentatives. • • • • • ;,; , hlay • - • •• 11011411Dr8 Cattle Powder !!I - • • !fa • : L • -• RA*pis Bitters at F ob. 5, '6l. term, as! nmifkgqp, gain! 5114,4`11034 V.l. Lana ANOTHER ARRIVAL AT THE N t-v,47
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers