'~brb~ Vrt teir- : R tED—i , We are r d WAN ' 3 ' quesi4 #l.lOllO ‘n..o, Aat..,00 of thitffrillideviiyay•four Anen.yhtdatill en list WOW - U. l s roirvitscVby , thaliith• instant , each" GOvertaiiint MitiFf& bounty of-f 399%, Attplyilo either .6. W. Walker:..R.r..j. K ur te . ,-... .1 1 • ; DBAtliCkfaillWE NIXJA,-rriTlion; .I"As. Nita"; Presidenit Judge of this triettlica at his: t eidilOttOei ,- on ag t Of 04T,yeati:,#,;:411 4ed beotioltiatriffactidft.,, it appears that he bad been deginiug 4n hUalth fort some time, He tilts a this cutznty, a lifolltidg Democrat; and, a firth ' supporter-Of , the GOv: ernment in its 'aorta to crush , out the He bellionc He etas eminently wusefrit m ani c Frofessiodally aid—brieertrise,nind his death ► ,cause, ve y genera c4sll,REptiirrs.—The folio:01dg i 8 lialt.4.lollr oesh,receipts for the' .lpont~l of May a - - „ • flon.Wilsdis P• • • • 300 1 John Morgol . y . . • lofeob Frietlly— •. . • . • 1.50 dohn4. Grote '(Ohio) . . r 5.00 Jdeob Shockey ' . • . . 6.7-5 lirkfl, E. P:iaiiagnn 3 . ; • 1.75 W. He Maki' • - ' n I ' so David novvoian . . a i • 1.50 Philip Beivei . . Leo G,,p)der . 3. , .2.25, . ' ]henry Newcomer . . . , ..„. ' Henry T.. Crepe i .• .. • Alertin Geiser : : a . - David -Ford Aarbh Beck . John Frick, Son net. th H. Johnson Jacob B eck nor . M. S. Newcomer EtederielcA3ell , . W. A. rldry . • • Detid H. hTyeiS. ; Henry BonOrake; E'en . Stithitell3. Speeltt = . —tin'inuei Profile . . ;In'enii• *inter ' . Shoertiake! D. Pilin k. ~iehcr H. M. Sibbet, :Gilbert . A. h 4:, Trimmer . . A;torm.E. Price' ; &Mile! Dittirtkorff John-H Miller ; . Lad thei.elingen ; Leo Those yet in dritiirs . sevehil yeah sub acription are. reminded that' we are in, want, Of: every dollar. due. We therefore'• trust subh will reek an early opportunity te . - pay bs, ',4t : ,re?pects. the increased price of not only paper but all other commodities con sumnble.should induce prompt payments.— Itiiittst 'be retrittebered too that *re adhere toeld:pricea. • • „ Anitnitb,s—itinStiliday last Mr. Jacob 1 1 410, of ,Mereotibiirg,l &treated at Buena Vista Springs a man supposed to be 'tt Rebel spy. He was hroUght here and on Monday isOnikig :ludided„otiet , to Capt. .I , 4sttti of Chainhe rAhdtg l Who d ated bilUia the, eouil, trprimott. Fitht'diaitings'and other. Tapers found his 'preen there is bpi little ° dimattliti to lila ' , sit& According to his pa pm,,lic lett )441111441'd shout a month bkiitt.; Ilvigit , es:the , namt of Winchester,and .alleg• th"thnt hisTirents *side in Frederieltillth *lircie I:nein onto laet . gigot(' titelpf.tineasiness Was noticeable among Wait of ,Oat-enroiled alitifilittes for imailitary.boo r oiii# TAW /heir 11tittida, and eouldttbeprayere of =any ► re • boett realizedolFtroubles and ititu — Arittrint *malt otcri ' Some. of the: frailer.-sex, *ire fore hibiging ot - Abating t e , old Matt instanter; but beiious iliffneioti of bran Wile -,tnere„ had the .effeet-to -relieve therniend: thy - dace, fertarintairlnt= the' PieSideti of ilitittly and promiseje be reconciled ior /kik r 4OTrinr. recent 'thunder Morin ' thy -Ugh - Wog . etrpek; into -the cliitonq igh Gideon ...Hoover's S iiie#4*l l 44 l ;° gasr.et.:o, ,close pratiluity;asnlto imad-singq& by ihrlightnifig. Beyond 4 14 ,4 ttitt bgt Oatie - • This sisit cortaiiri avoads& iiiiterAdem esetikefrominstitacideadu fi ANS-Vt — ,•4 1 4K . 4 490 :4, , . 44 . 0 ' 61 14. 11 F 6 s , httigia:slombeiiocgdpoiktianAigiso a d for' detail in,.),lnnireni ...mom, . • Gen.:Grant toys he is 'going • tAatop in,tl after. the war is peer. John nicks Smith King Benj. Nunemacher Danlel Miller •...:.z. v`.o. D M Miller i Daoiel Hellin John Poo Samuel Flofnet John' W Zook Daniel kkolfilla Wm Mentzer of 1 jaaohll Irilll , ' ^.), :Nal ..8141.......„—„........ Alrid..k i t - Johethers - `ofir i t ii in - 1K it L i Jo n SdrF Barjfer tWest Penchant (celtd)lliiitm E' Wertz 1 .I. weeds-Lowir-t-of*---Pefir-Whltmore Sr... Celiiiu Sptelmatii '`eFdtrard tee (eoll - ) , .A,s Minn ~ 3 ~,. , , ii r,t .3 r I ' 1 'WASHINGTON TOWNSIIfF. '' , f ilit.irtir 'hied, ii,rpaiciiii4;* ?a bf br4Wn,. 93; ' 'Abtahkitt Stamy "A.,ewis bitch ~.. •.. 'ti'. 8 kuhnli , . -W . . Stork - 'Joseph Bottchel. , ~Da iel Bonchi . tike Hoer, Ninitero Jo hn 011er , , WII BYown.. M rdloolf ..- ,- -,Daniel going, I„4ewis F Beard atipahS Funk ; , Blnnuel II Brown• . , 4 1 0 n am .• i 111 S Newcomer .Morroer Bunn Henry 3. Waddle john Wiels.,. John. Shank Thgvid i ser , . Elias Snowberger John'Hoke_ 'homas Cunningham.Jot s Solleaberger • „ John 11 Cully , 3AA f 0 1 1; ,' ''f W •ILTattoll .. Noel an Charles Jackson "Benjamin Fronts ' _ David QTraer ~ 7 - .r. . i (..l . , WAYNESBORO' BOROUGH • Ito: twat& 18._Tatte PrattMlit -BenjAietvpkipr(epM-Nitrelter-E-Ireebs trqoper •fretemiah Miller ` owes • tiql, er CeordPit , - James 3ouaet II S,Booebiake WG Smith " Oherles T gohYilel ' W'R Preach , }hater , lieciri Bell ." . Augustus , Fiettet 3'6la David S tionet*llle Samuel Kuhns • Tohn K:ipe .• , ' Jesiah Etikenei William Lekai a Jepob II Porner • Patters .m Grerfekl- • , ' The lioard *ill sit in Cbatubersburg from Monday the 6th of June to Saturday tho 11th, to hear cla'ms for ikemption, Vommutitioti ttmaiy and subStitutei. WOUNDJIM SOLDIPRS.=Vobgtoss fitof-our i-disehtitiged soldiers; and for the benefit of the families of such soldiers as die cr are killed in the service, The. pensions paid by the United 'States Government exceeds by far that of any other country, and the benotiei• -rule-highekkan-thoid-paid by -any 'govern, '4 ' 2.50 " . 3:00, .1.50 1450 1.2.5 ment.in the world. But w.e.tront particular ly to call the attention of our :wouride4 sol diers to the bounty that is duo them: A gre.it many do not know. that congress Jets passed a law wanting ,sop , i - mitoty to all • soldiers 'whoire discharged by reason of a wound re ceived • • 'WI --- • ' 1.00 12:00 • 1;50 1 50 4 . t6 3%00 1.50 THE DRAFT..Iiy a: law decision of Judge Whitin g , SolicitorGenernt of the '1.1%. 'nitcd,O . rttfOs,: it ;1004'i; Oai, Oie paytent of • the three' hundred doilarieeminutniion mon. ey will only :exempt the:party raying it from the . t,p&itiitui "Of- the •piesent dHtt, .leaving him liable to be drawn 'again'case there should I,c,no.uher call. The names of per sods paiing.tlie; , commutitiotymoney, homey. cr will` wit•ngainlie Tut into the wheel un4 fhb entire, list :iliaflhaVe beet(eihnustcd. roe p:00 3.30 4:30 ••• 1,30 • ,Strtt:CK 13Y ,lAGITTNI3IO.—Dnring the thunder storm on TuestlaY gighc, 1 .1,1 r, Gee. Ygagey, residing near Petersburg, Ad. tuns county, was struck by lightlittg,• and al. most instantly killed., Re had been reading and laid down near the stove for a while to rest: Theliglstnini,,it ice* gruel; into the chimney, anirwas tomminicated to where belay by a stove pipe; Two rf.his children were laying by his side, brit *were utunjured, -,THE PRESIIIt NCV.-1-At, a convention of 'German •delegates, Radicals and 'War Pe.. amends, held at Cleveland OltiO,i on Taal da,y last, 'Gen.- , 'Frntnoht waS: 'nominated for President and. Cleft.. Cochran for'Viee dent. - The Baltimore Cotitet4ion tts ='noinintitc Union eandidatei Tuesday next... the retsult of the A Flbarf.---Ait ticeotiatis iveaf dftiogt , dhiastrciiia "flood hi iNairadi Territory oh ~tht 19th nit. Cherty, Creek ) near Denver city, oieriowed .. catiyiitg away about fifty hauses. l aad'Arattraiag otAivent raoai.L— The. kas oC proptrty,isieatlmawd at sl,ooor, 000'; „ siirTho. ConlernOs 91:this'liiStriet,:at a nlwating in Chanitersbirc on the 17th' inst., delegate. to ithit . !7atrontilCOni;entilii'yrkieh is to aigem-' bit in Baltimore on linger next,',.. Her: is instructed, to support' the renomination of . 00 1 0-oP 6i dent,4 lld- AP 7 . drailJohnsoelor, the Yiee,PrelsidePc7. , birAmedicalpifm,of z ,t*ATlly thwv - reeintijeipiessea • • ' - At lonsittlhtilii 4.oeffHgli - kik**o4 -4 179 1 trisOili, • fat that '9itt,An4 of P1:071 Oxford, • bus tow 4ippaisei, .Chief %Eirtgy4er for,the 8 44 Id. '0 1 4 1 411u 1 k 412 t7 dens: tbShit k it li , * 0 t y. toi- Orytitayfoliate amon g si,#e ntend and perpelluOddi itioAtifleakiwthitsingik_theiPturc •—• Slavery is never, liMittliiiekbr ikrtnth2n,-and heir, that sleseholdershy their 'ids, have wOittWisfoireitlitOrilielf #14113 rut regards their peonliar isititntieti;`it emits *madness I to denratfd:,:4,o44lo4llo: as ' , essential to the growth, strength aid perpe ialey of our free ini , ernii!itit t ; Wfili'Viry - few eiceptions all ,ie.ootin .tty . 41 , have been avowedly t ntrd intie4lyeppos ,ed to the inhimeri institution of slavery, and Iheirleadifirniiiilible;4l64thrtiVaild 'Minor" 0.1,1e - defenderairthecnStrirgi'rights . :or--- - men. ,We lilt rtifrar refresh" the memories of 'semi our Midit ',the seem to have forgotten the _soiits of ,the , chuich hiregard title impdrtant'questionc Jokri WEsit* the celebrated founder' '6t I) ,t iathodism-snis3 , - 2 1 "Men buyers are exactly :a -with men itanitra." , 77 ' : • v • Again he. •• ••; TT • •'•••• -.- "Araiefriesu - Slavery is the.tileat that:Amer_ ireiiinit-eobititutea=the_aum.of,alLvi • . One Of the-rules laid down in the Meth° , diet Diecipline ni - nmended in -1784 ; -wee-ea folloWe ' - "Every member of _our -society, who lids -laves-in-his,possession,shall,iitta,tweive Months after ,pvtice given - to - lint - by - the—al sistant, legally, execute and record an instil:- ineni whereby he emancipates , an 4 sets free every slave in lip possession." Another rule was in these words "Nwperson holdins slaves shall in , future be admittAd into ' society, ,or An the Lord) Supper, till . hepreviously-souiPlics-with_these rules concerning slavery." . 1.7g5, the voice Qf this Chorgh was heard as follows: _ — •"We do..bold in the.,deepest abberranee the practice of shivery, and shall not cease to seek its destrnetion by all .wise and pru• dent means." ' 4 % • We !night multiply instances and Teleran ees of this kind, and .might Wet to prtiobe of Clerk's Contoneetariee, itind the Methodist' discipline-of - 4797, clearly-showing -the_nne quivocal position of this liner intelligent de nomination. in relation to slavery. - , From a: resoliitiort dennticiatorP of slavery utianimonsly adopted by the General Assem bly of the PrOhyterian Chifich, itt 1818, we make the following extract: aWe coesider the voluntary :enslaving of oue • part of the' heiman race, by anther as a gross violation of the most precious end sa ere& rights of herniae nature, as utterly in consistent with thelaw of God, which re., quires us to 'kite our' neighbor a's ,Ourielvie, l and ail totally irreconcilable 'With' the spirit 'and prietiplcs of the 'Gospel 'of ihSlitt Chriat which enpius thnt 'all things whatsoever ye would that men shenid do to .you, do ye or' en so le thetn' ' * We rejoice that the elitlech to Which 'vee belong commenced, as catltt its any Wier in this country, the good work of endeavoileg to put an end to 'slave ry,- and 'that in the same work many of its members have ever` since been,'and flow are, among the ihogt 'bedsits' Vigorous and efficient taborets: - ' * •*' earnestly exhort tbenvte continue, and if rissible, to increase theii'elieitions to ef feet a total abolition of slavery." ' , WHAT Till 'CAN SAVE.-Our annual parte done of silks are $7,500,000; or laces $1,500,000 ; of embroideries 84,500,000; of wines, spirits and cigars, about 84,00",000 each—making tiliatat of these itrxetries of dress and appetite, alone, of nearly FIFTY MILLIONS or noLGARS. :Now, we can do Withnittoall.Theme g wi3. can . wear American bilks,' delaint, MUslins;;gingbams, and other dress goodaLwe can drink cider, native wines, and whiskey—if ire must ; can smoke home cigars— if we Let its, then I all, , men and Women i ,"enlist for the war," es the sol -diers-do ; while they' fight the rebels, we may certainly fight ear. vanity and our ap. petites, quid; YTitsTA.4,"t ABSTAIN" from all , oreign-luiraries. not ,preach coon otny. Let every man and Wooten spend as 'freely its they eau and 'choose ; chin , Jet the money go for American , labOr, for American "produittion, for American safety and glory i Millions for Atrieriek—not 9no eent-for Eu rope:. That la the nietto,for the hour., gittseeiiit . ediorlite New Sanitary, Air, perha • ari',4lpine peasant. woman in Zurich, Switzerland j a tiny:l44 o f, pressed:4l,Pilm flenrers,:ttigether simple fwisodenAtine-,copi, iihntiOnietilY be= longedAo,her son, now a soldiel. is .I.lniOn riu On presenting the cup aticrtlie little boa' of flowed; the gird old woman, took„a bottle nf, red 'Switzer twine,' from' :.her:pocket, , and. -111lingilrenuf, - -hondeil!ikto:the ecinsul,- .1114 then ,drink herself, • saying :-7.- 4 !flit•re's :a health; sad tt greeting to.Amerioa;Vod,bless my:boy't new fiderlacid.7 - 4 , ,4od.:Sese, cepliei the ..eoneel, '`and:-.witzerland. , . ; tothr, ..Tlse•oldillOtatill thanked lam .with,...tears. kez-eieski-sud-a,trikmirilea.vilg. or • , o,y'o. ow and: tlie% Memo blossome.:bohindi hot, • ..7:4 61 r 4 4°79.7 0 9 ) !J 1- 4 1 P..-.7411 : ( 11 . ! • War are atcoatiofitatgry, precise Ornit i intoreit. ! ingtioltitrorl , ' Their tirii•orgrettrojief-to 4he inbl!4iind thotioktill stqk ' h r-tbe;Old Aleh o o AralP...L=chmnd Assuukly - Aii,4ll - 4, Inas :Wp401010:, Itictr• noon, there rooNiooint grsiyer,fo o try,..:irnmitacotta , havetpoon.rnadoilpt 40- ' 1r n ainiklar tirootini on tho-pak Qf not fsmtithly, at Payton ) Ohio, METSODIbT' ~'LBfif ~i0H1': 4 0 f#ESittE1IAN. ktstion . rthettAttulftr,.4Peittheitolisitotilllwatiw ito,rentarkftbie Oat. thOY eltunot 0101 those ifbeiVAiteiiiiittgilirer 4 WW l o o 4lfro -41 1 .444,1*-4widaditit,--4-**Liltql:4lidalk 0 01 630. thiiq A ovl , .T,ViiliPitltliV 7 l ll o ' d2t4 'Mt e : tigli gala iihaVitititiiii , thi7: 4ive~, it tnionty4o,...B4itoiatfugaiikst - toeitas n'shield to hide the:ttiettiOn'offtepriininded , ssiotatietr, - ; it is quite'-''Udder' the *Ow , affaitibe•Tor, the o:loo4nricia,Wis allotred to mu tiiiatiiiieiiiiinio'hnnaatn red hg tee/teen:and then iirlen over to the en emy that tietaight fight foe -the:Oierfhiliti of that iteiVonsiltiftiiiti liejnordilied hitwe. AlaSI ** - einifhien theritithe'Nefth sad iip'Port ant , ty woiad ceiieifiere The "violation of the Constittitionc and' f-JI: low; heir.great-lendeV iota 'that they 0,414 ar4int in Its- stbveritiou !--+; But 'what de thekt ereattiriis deslreT why - 1114'46rd' ilis'Adminiettation for the Conatibrinni, end t'hei of totitse theft F. K'Vti 'will iii4deintind in iisioist in petting &oat this- gikofigtitopeiiiikk 518 in a - Wit= triunitiiitted *- 3 Aceottling to thie forikittr'thislirtir yafaig ititheutti!oiteilnicciirf "MtignaVhaete r n , and int Lirery-ineW tlint-epposes , the aokrtryti.; mentiroW,..oppinied it'the4 With 'tite erieep ties perhaps, of - Fernando VirtfOd wtict made , to-speieli in Critinit-filqualw-N. Y. in-favor of Ate.iVoisatitutien:' anci•tEetrreereantlY teed, tad !der *tateit t oli hie bleatlinit eenntrp_an, a "cleated the asbeeekin New Tork:t itt_"Comittitntionprt 14itli9_S -A' lan that cannot enpatiate ulitin the "Conatitutioni" i'll.abeasCorpue i " "Aibitiary Art'este" Ao., can ittirei be - Additted intethig nutidite con lave—a—tie4natitutionall t • not dii - falibiiiitfed hi situ ply - tay - th are loyal and at the same time act' with traitors. The thee will'enme, when they will regret' their present coarse end'ciill upon the moue; taini ttilall Open • them, wad hide' them from the Aetna of popular indignation that will era long sweep them from the earth; es With the red- hot lave wanes" of Vestvribe Of cootie claini the honor of Whipliing the iebele bud e 'searied—berees as MCCbeth confronted' the ghost'of the Murdered lianquo " "Thou canal not say I did its neverlittalie thy gory highs at me: But common people will not be deceived,: and the Oliaiti•like stigma of bell will, stick to them With the tenactiy of the shirt of NeS sesiand all the tyrants opal God's green earth cannot cleanse them from the fool and damning infinnyl IraenfrwTorr, May 80,1884. ARKFFAL OF PRISONERS AT VFA9BINOTON. Six hundred nod thirty-five'iehel ',privates and twenty two Officers itrriVed yesterday filial Port Royal, on board the steamer Dictator The officers were taken from 'the vessel and' committed to the Old' Capitol, bin the Die. tator was ordered to proceed •to Point Look out, and there unload the remainder of the prisoners. • Sneesh fettalle gympathiiers hereabouts made quite a detboustrathin in fiver Of their friends, and Contributed to their erelstutt ,Ouudorts quantities ut pies and' other "refresh , ' !bents. - • As the steamer was approaching the wharf several tried to escape by jutnping overboard. One of the number was shot by the' guard, and this intimidated the rest It ,as neces sary ,to procure a file of soldiers in the' Ul r mu* us the Itegrues engaged to carry' theta their, rations feared bodily injury. OFF/01:R9 ORDELIED TO ANNAPOWI. .4 large delegation of officers, principally from the Bait, were ordered to,report at An napolis. *Atoonge , t, the number were three chaplains, and having arrived here without orders, and being.netther wounded nor 'sick. I have seen soldiers chase bares, and" pick ,blackberries, wheat a shower' of the 'leaden meta:eager:l of death' was falling thick sed' Mgt around theni, .and do many 'other cool and foolish thiugs But, theibliewingwhich' actually took place at Mine itun, surpasses anythiug I mutt:whet to have , seen or .heard : title of those biting cold tuutningi, ,while the aripie4,ok Meade and Leo Wets starnigitt each' ,otheracross the little rivulet; knciwit IS Mine !tun, when uttnuewts appeared hours, 'lied hours days, so ucatat hund.seentedthe dead ly, strileot solitary sheep, leisurely 'Walked " a long the rue on tug rebel side. , done fired and kilted the 'sheep, und — drop- . Ping, his Os ; advanced, to remove the prip. , In an iustaut„he was covered by a gun : in the huocia,,of a Umion vidette, who said i, "Divide is ,the wordior you are . This propoiitiou ,wasessented there, between the ,two skirmish ,F r nets.,: Mr. Rebel, skinned ,thp,sliCep, *4,00, Mid moved, ; bsek with it. to - hi spc!ti,", , Wheri his chnllenger ; in . turn, tire. in? ! _ n r -cre, got t e, of .er halt sheep and ruau,wed tho;duties, of;„his,"puit;amidst the cheers of hiseoutradca who expetited" to, help, hint to eat it —Army Lefler , , Emanoipation 3u Louiaiaia. The CoostitutionsiVuovention of Louisia na passed thellheimaipatiou:set otr . the . 11th by velarge majority. ',The : llo4lm finally piss, etkvotitaius two aitioles, us folloiss; 1. We, the people of the Stawat 4 ,,Loitis, pea, hrtieuverition assembled, do,heliebY- *4 l r o and ordain aidelbiwa4. , •;=, , , SEorios ger vitacleoxcept, us.:anpuuitibilies. fur, crime ejaaf.thalage ••• i IT a, eon, ~a pa.• 'jowl ' aro hereby. aboliottod ( antkaPrgaibkted throw'. hout_iltabutio ~ L - Sec. 1. _The.legistature shall walla no lair, recognizing the right of propuirty ; in , z ln4a,. ,At. precisely vow' tho;,deop-b.rout o( eon non autooiod *large coucooro9.9r. Pe9.l4a: to the, foovoe Canal atireet;-.Athete. a ~rote !M died in honor.of the abolition Aft: 8 4Yer,Y.., 1 1R thislitoto b a y the tionatittitional„COuvetwop.: ..‘• coty ' tour glows of ale 'emu of cider and eevou orahiekey ) dowirett:Alto reiiread r poek aid Tie' ,„„ , t . •-• See ntiviiiitortiseinciptkl!'. • ' '', ), '3 l -'' .' '.. - , - ~ tititilltt t ~ ,,,r 4 . ' .1'..v•1'.•- - : , k , iti. ._ ....,, .... . ,:t.,14- .„ ,;. ..,,, 6 ...,. i. d . • ~. sri : .... 0 1 ~•,[ ~' .. ,: .44 - Ofilr , rof,',. , SEP OO itl6;` and] eto** *O, aegi 'dektimetrom generr leen • dated; Pew. taritylivn ,- - Ilh tb e,artug,jial,stioagefelif crossed, oter b eTainittelif,• 4 aitiii* . 081N:4116S' S ., froit , eo • o :t •, W 1140115 3, 'tire AlO toot i o1)0100#1t,WHIE. the, *mph' south of &wee 'Store,' eiiting,. him about will And ; out) all-aboqtlt yolOar loss in thi &refry eng4geimitit'viaii ,950 wounded, 04,40 toit 44,artv nieertaineeti, haiii'bdeit itMeati'd wonitiledfoll frito t itot I : • Oftteial dated - 'meld* afternoon; dt iiniloek, details the Moteilielitil of the SeTertil'eart)i then In progress,' bit up to ;hitt' tithe) 'there 'ilia ' • - EaOlierdespitteliiii tiarteikbad but thtted;real; Viraahingto , Seeretarj , orWai: -L 'r SibpSb - DEStATOIt'! ' WAiiiiirtatoitty. May,l3o„, 0.26 A. A.M. .MajerSeio.libleNow lorlos • • y , N offloiak,despateheerTfroin 'it!ft Ar my of the Potomac has :beip Ypeeived . egtaitt sidorday,Or h eßlati: j • A :telegram, from: lienar,ltt 4 1 .PgraiO4TiPid neat Dallas, 29th, 7..811*., that ion_Satarditywa•Tiggigniagni took Okire , :tteeo .the ..enamr• MAI • Ciiii:7 : MiPbAseigli eeips, bi l whioh the,rekeleittere,` - drifeti beak with a loss _to ilietaLer 2,5,011 niid trotioded• left in our hands k 'siii 'abiotif mopilerwinegicarsewi—rot-iiie loses tea, •fl ,E1 4 : 1 1 3 Ptik.witd4;'• • , , . , V . Set:retail of Wai._`r Foanneff Itiemiez,•Mity • 29:-1411 -- iEls!h - Army Cospwand some• regiments of the AQUI COrps ere miming down the :James rivet., :.o:4lteenters loaded with troops, have; alr, lericlyvietrett - herei - ami - goae - up - i thrrlorki ri ser.' 00 in al gU i GUESPltt•:'skißmisilibicr, Nzw 'Nona, May .speeitil ;to the Herald. from Martinsburg, Virginia, to-day, says aliiiimitaintuont by Kelley, by order of,General sigo, luid 'returned,' being entirelianisessfiii in'theii -- erotioniroidalf" • au prisoatiii Fes were en*ar,tidy, with forty head of eaititi. The notOriniiia *jot •Tiiplei ie teßorted among the pri)loners: ' A NEW ExPEljtr,(o;• , I • NEW Yalta; May, 30.—The Comme rcial Advertiser publishes a letter ,from. Butler's, army, witietobAn the, 28th, which Elysian expeditiotti•of some magnitude. in abotut start ing,- butt=e destination, remains a seeret.— Two or three days etreats•. „ EONTRASUIREB EROM TErM7TLE•BIELD. This afternoon "ti t ' 1,000 con trabands, two•thiids., of thcirn . Children,. ariivoid. here from the uwighborhoed of the reeept battle field, bringing, with them bedding, and huge bundles ocolothing. !They biatichinl, off in various yaks (it the city 'to seek fcirhiromes. The turbseriptions to theean, 1.0 40 1 . ported at the Treasury Departraent,..areount to nearly '110;500,000. The most sagaeious military men iwWash ington ate expecting a six ,weeks' campaign in 'Virginia before. Richmond; falls. Gen. Grant will-not throw his troops. needlessly against the intrench wants of the rebel capital, even if' ho should :have the opportunity, which is not eXpectod,fit preseht. General Grant lias - never eountenaneed,the-annouttce: inents of "great victories" in the newspaper; on the eontrdey lie , lias r imattitiMisay;*iid that still barderlghting was to come, aad that the rebel army has flat yet been *ten.. ite also said to au eager add enthusiastic friend; who was inquiring in referenee to the pros pect of. capturing Richmond, and eipeendly in respeitt tn.the time when-the rebel capital Might be expected to fall in nut_ hamls:'!`i shall be quite ready to 'compromise on the Fourth of July i". . Footlett Piting.—We have often beard a half grown up boy say pettishly' to his mo ther, "I. dont like , to be seen earryirg ,a big bundle through ,the streets , But true pride is ashamed of snail littleness of .mind. ...Mr. Astor, the Wealthy millionaire of Newltorki was reluctant to sell sepia goods,. to a young, mar,' elieept fer:eash. ~ merehatit paid I them and took them. on. his shoulder z •to eari7:them carol his store. Mr., 4sor look.. -ad ia•aurpriso:; but betbre the merchant had gone many Melia, he ealled , hiin beek,..saying, "Toff-'May 'buy , on credit te.any-ameunt. ; eau 'trust Ion; sit: ' A inert wholi ui?t asham od- to his own• work , is •sire , ta, succeed," Here is a' good arisen for false pride. THE EFFECTS OF TOE REautairoic —A sail spectacle was witnessed in "Wheeling•S,AD rday.--Five-woroon clqthed in rags, and utterly stutitute - of metiniliniiied in that ci. ty from l'endletcin county; beeuvotn pilled' to' leave •to avoid starvation.i was followed by 'four' or five little : lohifdren; almost naked. The husbands of these;.tio nicin3 had been'eoinpefled talcavetheir:beines ui arciid: the rebetcons'arifition,lond-being se longer• able' to keep soul and:body together, they had started on-th s eir-Aveariscaue jourcey. - Their neces r tiiti& iere relieved rand steps •ta ketito hive theta cared forzutitil. their • husy hands can' be 'hinted up. SEViRTVFIrterMIT,ER OF FORM—During tbd.porkpassed ~.. is At/1;P oranoeverage weight. of one itwe-, at:ld-tied.: nine ty =Oaada theitt; t car,. !Air theie*iiig tei . olitedef tit- Waulda wiakeA • trelw etieeity.five -tong. , tienty care.tii? 'Wee hoeme4tive .tould take:sit ' haidied lecontotleet to "011 the, tale, i .:1,, widish ..eitratawsichraniebeNtavi to; hie diseardetthe - old-erede , orreillowieg, bent*ipp,pe,,thp t ee'rfeee;eF the ground,— aPArAille 444.1ctrellieife, t idit - ft'edii ,thitt he " requ'Othy the 4,4 etka. t (matinee I* ,longer, itheyiVei ;M t. e d th ee. - - ; • THE 10.40 LOAN: ..... uespiitilt from ton. garner, ...,.._ , t .i..i. ..• fiteilV:.thirliiftdiffOlt‘aitiiii§iiiiteititiiiittaki: been tiatiiiiiii: 'n,fikair fbUoivir ir, d' , -..7r., , , ~ .-:. v ' "The eniiiii eithiArrit ''iilittleftilieriiir*k4 I It. higi.and.iitacketLPli were :Oak 're''''''' :. il.tiledjuit . ititifrofilide 1734ttihter; :2-1 7 7. ", - TO roweii - Geff. - Witiiiiiii*Oilis 11 ,04i0ifiltf F" left r spadilY v atiii'llteitde ,htdef* - -attialkkoV-v:l'- 414ie.bahlheilfirilittligk:4 . 14 0 ..i4:;.4 1 ti ". ,": ' weelliCisiliniii4l6litatifd" dire ,•, . , -' ire% to *AO, Ail - ithiteiiiiteifilifit'4lif - ' distrke the etielailliont • hie filitteekbeilTekii;. --4-7 'ritishiline titikil#lo;tlattilitr.l l, Wi;)ltle' '-'' lift of env 111,0,11PlijOit!%httif0410 . .: • glit." . . ..:!,,',. -. 11F, 1 : 1 1 %- . .t.,, , "::41,2:;;;:,:,05:, •,,.' . ' 'E)ther • ofitaiiiileitilfera",(fietlfOiliVeitik•v - - it Gran t)"'"werei reteurid`itilfesilihie Relit, And - 01,6 more - details: -, Tbei 'are as-ielloWs ''' the ...L. :•.• fist being diitedoyeekarditA'llgthdlloB:lB, , • 5e,,f;'., • 'elctilt P. M.: '-, ''' • ''" '1 ' ' - I 'in the Conrie'4lll4-ifteitiobtiAbitietit.: • arren • had r pushekiloitutiodilter, te,ft,i-eetik his' flank division..netle.r.'iA gG geeli ~rtOrferds • l TeikelieditpointabrestufßeArGroire.,Clittreh, CraWford haVingot Jieteelted from the,..reet,. "Cif the oorps, was ateteked,ailli 4iiiirAell'hiiik- , • f , t - little. The.etienif:Ttheil 'lll - ii 9 if !lio rat*, which appears to haye . r isiiiiiiiatiai r et - Eiviill'lP iciips upon Warrentilife, atteretitlitiffrittien - it;',bn't was repulsed.--„; Tht : eugagemof was,. ``short, sharp, end deciiiiii. Giiren nil". itifeti beide „bis,,grotindott cAiitifieir 'ettei - if idle,. from Richmond. '-',ll'W'relcirli,l'hikte Alla' keti - a - eonsidetlible-euiehef-iirprliorieriiiiit d thee there are amity rebel dead'keti the , fieldi. Gf'llis. owns looses he hasittitryet insider i'-iii- pett..l7llfillaUffßAFipaith - ireyethatistheT-Tett"-r, • . ~ .: . re _ mcm i ng _t m pito hi lift*: apparedt, lit cover .eiapilrftfl' . i . 1 ' t‘tm949n °l ,s , ..- r. An active ton 'tot 'hien' iiiiiii . eietl sinee_dark,.. , but_heli:. r ime Cleil l ia >'-.. A B ii4i6d as the onen4. attained the.lefti' iff' Giza , ea Warren, Generehi 'Wright- huts' Mit:dunk , • here ordered tifprienitai btitla' not leartritrip ' • : ot-ready.utttil-rightfulli 'Noire. ;porgy yet bin& treieViiii ficmictireite ,The other despatek.aboye:zeferrod= 04 ..ii; 'dated at six o'clock this morning, and states- . that. "in Haneoeleaurtaen Mee-sight,' Calcii.. a Brooks droire the tanenly.:firiCerit:StratinOly. entrenched skirmish line nod hokle; iv.. - The !Mises are not reported. Generat.Butuside'e*. Ithelereormgotuerona the Tolopotomyereek. , lase evening r andvia in, full. connection. With; .. Geaeral • Warren, The leff..C,Ffrineoiliteiitti , Upon , this side of the: green.' TheifittGorps. - is upon Haneoek's right, and , threaten. the: left flank of the enemy. General Smithetight to• arrive at New - Castle- by:, noon, , W hee(ie; 'he' Ca'n! support Warren arid4hartisiole,..if reevesa• ill. r. . 'Gen. Sheridan . , with Greggi'aentlitorheya division of eav4iy, is, on cur • levy flank. , ' , I "The conutryhereabegis is • thickly'," webil,- 'e - with-pines- F with-givi-geed-iiiienitige.: "The indicatieni dila nioriaingarb , that-ilie , enemy has•Jellen• 1;04 south, of the- Ohicka hominy," - "-- ''' - ' ' "'''''''' " - ' Na.hing of a later., date i haa bee; receilied% by this Department. , i „ • . • ' illnwrii:Si:grAgil'OK:' - ' • • , c ' . 1441.:1;EgAtek TIMID QFF,I9 .. ~, ~ , .: 1 , WASHINSTOIi. 1taY.41.7-11 1 - 15. t. : Tir:titkajor General pit s; New Tog : , r . !?, ' The following despstoh.hae•beek ,reqeived. from Gen. Butler :, , • .. __l' he ~ • '"Yesterday, all day, heavy fi li ng was st d in the direction. a bl'oetianicakille. Six;ref ugees frone.Riclxroad , report that. Grant' 1* on the Meehaniesville twsnpike.., foncteem .... 1 miles from- Ricihmond. 'Yesterday they:heard4 the firing and that Grant Vi.ae, driving,Tieee , '"A womarr reports . that a 4neetimpwas , held yesterday,. w,hile,.,she was id, Itii!n,ll ) 3nd, to'see whether the • aitishoeld,hre atiriesetiere ed or burnt. TheMayar Mtvciksacod It sur render, and was plielti enstlirl'hilider, "The enemy atteeked- qty • line yesterday * . and were repulsed , . •, To-day, all ,dity, they. have been demonstrating agaiust my worts.. on Spring Hill, easterly., side' of ,the, Ap a ppna,- atox, but were repulsed." ' ' , ' Nothing further Since my talegrani•lifthie. evening from Gen. 'Gra Ce. '' ''' a ' Bulky; M STANVAIkI, 1 ' • ' Reereuiry, of War. 1 ' PrsursyLvJurrA. , Three years age, what wancalleclthe,./Virou nyttson'a Reserve Corps, eonstitYlaraltOoof ! , met( whom' Abe Keystone •StatC jan"1": proud. At an hour of ,grate.perilt when theist° of, the , lisiablic gurVerc4 themneertaintikalance , of war—the went - fourth, fifieerv-thostsand that period of solicitude and' uncertainty, OLIO reanimated the failing, ,hopen - amnihhost,ritr; , " " a ired • valor of, the country.., „Nithicayeanir 4 ,they participate(' in every battle fought '14, 1 ' the Army of the Potomac., In the front, cink : ..i; gangly, they were , where danger and :death-, were ever present.. As their. ranks Were-de cimsted, the,very flower or # 10 5 00 4 Pio - , hood of.: the State • volunteered to„ preset:l4, maximum 'strength; so ,that jested of. fifteen,; may safely write that ,at leint trienty Moir; sand merkwere absorkied,„, as jive • ilialuratq;: from - time to time] wore ridded to the" regi 7 : meats forming ithe ,akerars: State Pennsylvaniacentered her pridi o*s ,Or 4: ganizatien, not, that ,she an'f'iCks, corn 'posing iterregimeuta ~,aay more' than "Ore; aid:the tirave,men,,mustered in hair otisiii#l..; -"tarp - organisation - 5, i bat t berarise:tlic,"enfiyin tos'greater,degree ropreacnted'llie yittirrrind'. the militaryyigor of- the State . .Itgtalasi for, all this valor ) and,Whea",*te" .. .:Ppy. now 'Whore areitbelroksis fOrTily'rri our virgins were ,sa lately tcrinirkg.,,the.lattrat 'mood in seriied'iiiieti.ou','io battle.fieldit Iwked,ie nast , ofithenioweeka ifgo, to retuOi:l9`,:4ll:ll# heimeiva , the clear, expitvicoo - ,o*ir, term . of ealiatibtat. ifut silitrear, 3 rea.nottli • 'Echo, amid nos, she grosierol'3l443l4g:thOinitili:,ar the-mounded.aed thEtcluse.se(ihe:Fiii3 6 o; answets.t;w l Mall? ;4, Bo4e 4 i rii ii . -M lB oni LAI? latminary, fielitlighOh z eneeti_ btoltifirfrfOo* : o — Po ,Rapidan and Pe, the prileitajlfitzet:P#lll4-; sylvapia fowl!! gracee,-- Ot all that - lima - '1 oistiely ,, ,a•thousatainerelo:left..-Iludi ~thais the ltdeeteesi fitted , thm not ONO 'ilhitled hi ). thole. !)3+: the Rrareentoteu &reef morn; they be tizatblita7 000' ERASE 116 10''s :: • til4", ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers