Grace is Lost. Grace is a lost quantity among modern women., The dusky savage can give the white woman many points in dignity of carriage.~~Lon- don World. Putting Yourself Into a Bad ''emper. A woman makes a great mistake if she puts herself into a bad temper just to be petted into a good one, de- clares the New Haven Register. The husband may coax her back once or even twice, but he loses re- spect for her and respect lost brings on division, and she is no longer one with him in héart and life. Make a man live in perpetual fear that one of your fits may be coming on and he will in self-defense hide everything that will be likely to bring it on, and so will begin that life of insincerity which is the death of love. Advice About Walking. No woman wants to walk like an old woman. Therefore hold your head up. Feeble, shaky old women are compelled to hold their chins down. It is a matter of balance. If they were to lift the head high they would fall. Sick people always walk with the chin down. Invalids watch their feet when they walk. A woman whose heart is weak will bow her head and cast her eyes upon her feet as she moves. It is a mark of inva- lidism. Don't walk nor look nor act like an old person. There are no old people these days. Training a Child. “Tasks set to children should be moderate,” said a wise woman edu- cator the other day. ‘‘Overexertion is hurtful, both physically and intel- lectually and even morally. But it is of the utmost importance that chil- dren should be required to fulfill all their tasks correctly and punctually. This will train them for an exact and faithful discharge of their duties in after life. A great step is gained when a child has learned that there is no necessary connection between liking a thing and doing it. By di- recting a child’s attention to a fault, and thus giving it a local habitation and a name, you may often fix it in him more firmly; when, by drawing his thoughts and affections to other things, and seeking to build up an opposite virtue, you would be much more likely to subdue the fault.” Amazing Combinations of Colors. “If anybody else wore it she'd be earicatured,” said a scornful girl who heheld a gown worn the other day by Senora E. L. Chermont, who be- fore her marriage to the second sec- retary of the Brazilian Legation in Washington was one of the belles of the Monumental City. The gown was of lavender crepe, and on the bodice and panels of the skirt were em- broidered bright pink roses, with leaves in variegated greens, browns and reds. Yellow chiffon was pleated around the neck and formed the belt and small folds on the skirt. The hat was of lavender tulle on green wire; there were peacock feathers, pink roses and irridescent jewels in profusion on and under the rim, and the crown was of cloth of gold.— New York Press. Eyebrows Suit Contour. Thousands of women have their faces masaged daily, their heads treated and hair dressed, but fail to understand that unless their eye- brows and lashes are in good condi- tion the other embellishments count for nothing in creating attractive ex- ressions, “A oman with a round face ould knog instinctively that unless er browsfare raised and of a mod- ately narrow width her expression Il not Pe a becoming one,” said a huty doctor, “and it is quite as es- tiaf'that with an oval face the ws be arched with pointed ends and of the light penciled variety that makes for beauty. A face that is neither round nor oval should have the brows trained in a combination of the arch and raised shapes. Half moon or crescent brows, a trifle heavy, are needed for a face that is large, with square jaws. Each of these shapes is modified to become individual cases, and so there are as many variations of these general shapes as there are brows to be fixed.””—Indianapolis News. Only Woman Mint Grower. Miss Mary Clark, of Galien, Ohio, is the only woman in the world to make a success in growing pepper- mint for the market, a business here- tofore controlled exclusively by the men. She has improved upon the methods enipleyed by the veteran mint growers in several instances and her eighty-acre farm is one of the best mint producers in the world. The harvest of the mint crop, hich is grown exclusively in the binited States in southern Michigan, borthern Indiana and in a single ounty in New York, is now on in his locality. with most growers the harvest lomes in September, but having as- ertained that with a falling mercury he mint principle starts for the pots of the plant, Miss Clark har- ests her mint in time to catch all the menthol there is in the plant, se lecting the hottest spell of weather she can pick out. The result is that she produces a higher grade of crop and more of it to the acre than her neighbors. Miss Clark has herself cut and raked twenty acres of hay, milked ten cows night and morning, besides looking after her porkers, chickens and horses. She lives with her wid- owed mother, there being no men folks on the farm except in the sum- mer season, when she employs help to take care of the peppermint.— Niles correspondence Indiana Star. Organization in the ITome. The family is a divine unit of or- ganization, but for the largest happi- ness of its members the family must enjoy such management as best to utilize its labor and abilities and di- rect its finances, says Good House- keeping. Each person should have definite duties to perform, and should be trained to do them in the right way and at the right time. Par- ticularly is this true of the children, who from three years of age ought to receive the education and self-devel- opment that comes from gradually learning to do things about the home, and from sharing in its re- sponsibilities. The wise manage- ment of a large industry seeks to train up young men and women to fill its positions of trust, but vastly more important is it that home life confer upon the children those price- less advantages of early learning to do things which will lay the founda- tion for future capacity. Yet in how many well-to-do homes, where servants are employed, are parents blind to the children’s wel- fare in these respects! The husband may be successful in business, yet may concur in the wife's mistaken idea that “‘everything should be done for the children.” He knows that, in his business organization, the ca- pable ones, upon whom he relies, are those who do things for themselves. The children who are brought up to do things for themselves almost in- evitably win in the battles of life over those who in childhood had everything done for them. To rear the young in practical helplessness and to bestow upon them ‘‘all the ad- vantages of education that money can buy,” is the common and colossal error that accounts for many failures in life. No man would think of com- mitting such a mistake in training his business helpers. Proper organization, whether in home or industry, avoids waste of money, labor or materials. To util- ize that which heretofore has gone to waste has been the secret of many a huge industrial success. Yet how wasteful is the conduct of the homes of many men whose business depends upon avoiding waste! We are not pleading for stinginess, but certainly that organization of home life is de- ficient which fails to practice and in- culcate a reasonable degree of thrift. Most of the want and much of the misery in this world may trace its beginning to lack of early training in the fundamentals of self-develop- ment, character-building and thrift, using the word in its best sense. A pretty and practical gown for the jeune fille is the frilled skirt. We see an occasional scoop shape among the fall hats, this style being especially suited to some faces. Satin ribbon bands crossed over a fluffy lace corsage are extremely girl- ish and pretty for the evening bodices of young girls. An entire costume of broadtail with deep lace V at the throat and a bit of exquisite hand embroidery is indeed fit for a queen. A lovely fluffy boa of light blue marabout and ostrich tips is made very effective by the addition of long ties of black velvet ribbon. This is a season of marvelous color combinations, many of them rich, dark and often sombre, but charm- ing when well carried out. The pony or other short jacket whose edges are bound with wide braid are new and natty, and have a very tailored military look. A quaint idea in millinery is that of running a row of tiny blossoms along the midrib of the heavy Os- trich plume upon the evening hat. Crossed vests of velvet held by a costly jeweled button are seen on some of the choicest models. The princess skirt shows below the vest. Figured lace veils are having quite a run, as you already know. When thrown back according to the usual mode, they are a charming setting for the bright faces they so pictur- esquely frame. The corset that laces in front is highly approved by many women who think the figure improved by it, and for this reason consider it an espe- cially good model to be worn under the princess gown. YELLOW FEVER SUPPRESSED. Triumph of the Medical Science Achieved in Panama. One of the greatest triumphs of medical sclence has been achieved on the Isthmus of Panama. Under con- ditions far more difficult than those at Havana results equally gratifying have been obtained. There has been only one case of yellow fever in 1906. The last case reported was in the city of Panama, November 11, 1906. In August, according to the official report of Colonel W. C. Gorgas, chief sanitary officer, there were three cases of smallpox, all at Colon. The chief cause of death has been pneumonia, and for August there was a considerable decrease in the mortality from this disease. In July 124 patients died from pneumonia; ifn August only ninety-four. From malarial causes the number of deaths in July was 105, and seventy-eight in August. There was an increase in typhoid fever from seven deaths in July to twelve in August, while the mortality from dysentery was prac- tically the same for the two months. From beriberi there were five deaths all in the city of Panama. This report covers the whole pop- ulation of 75,000 in Colon, Panama and the Canal Zone. At the time of this report there were 29,5566 em- ployes on the Government payroll, the largest force yet employed at one time, and nearly double the number the French had at work at any one period. In October, 1884, they had on their rolls 19,243 men. Of the more than 29,000 employes on the American roll in August, 1906, 153 died, only eight of them whites. Four-fifths of the whites employed are from the United States. Of 4000 Americans only twodied. One of these fatalities was due to an explosion of gunpowder and the other to a rail- road accident. The most fatal dis- ease in the Canal Zone and on the Isthmus is pneumonia, and this oc- curs almost exclusively among the blacks. Of the sixty victims of this disease only one was a white. The sick list shows that out of more than 29,000 employes only forty-two reported on the daily sick list out of every 1000 men; this in August, when sickness is at its max- imum. There were no deaths in Colon in August from either typhoid fever or dysentery, the two principal water borne diseases of the Isthmus. Nothing could be more encourag- ing to the American people or bet- ter justify their support of the great canal project than this report of the department of health of the Isth- mian Canal Commission. It shows the value of the careful preliminary organization which has been effected and guarantees the most perfect pro- tection of life possible to those who dig the Panama Canal.—New York Sun. Kentucky's Strong Parson. Senator “Joe” Blackburn, of Ken- tucky, tells of a good old Methodist minister in his State in the pioneer days who was a considerable scrap- per, says the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. “One day,” says the Senator, “‘af- ter the parson had found it neges- sary to administer fistic punishment to several young toughs who persist- ed in disturbing the meeting at one of the churches he served, one of his flock, noted as being something of a hard hitter ‘himself, got up in meet- ing and said: “ ‘It is a solmen duty of this here congregation to stand by Parson Johnson. He does not seek trouble, but he will not show the white feath- er when trouble is forced in his way. I" believe that, unrestrained by di- vine grace, Parson Johnson can whip any man in Kentucky. The Lord is with him. Let us pray.” Overdid It. The late Joseph Jefferson was well known for his kindness of heart, a kindness which extended to the smallest of animals, but nothing an- noyed him wore than affectation in this regard. . Upon one occasion he was dining with an acquaintance when a fly dropped into the other man's coffee. The man carefully fished it out and called to a waiter. ‘““Here,” he said, “take this poor little fellow—be very careful or you will hurt him—and put him out of doors.” Mr. Jefferson laid a restraining hand upon his shoulder. “Why, how can you think of such a thing, my dear friend? Don’t you see that it is raining? Suppose the poor little fellow should catch cold!” —Harper's Weekly. Phosphorescent Waves. An unusual amount of phosphorus has floated in toward shore at Long Beach. There was a slight display last night, but to-night the spectacle afforded was beautiful. When the breakers rolled in thousands of lights of all colors could be seen. When the waves broke against the boats at anchor the same result followed. Fish could be detected swimming be- neath the water by the train of elec- tric sparks they left. Once in a while a large fish could be seen in the phos- phorescence chasing a smaller one. The phosphorus extends about a mile out to sea. During the day it presents a muddy red appearance. The fish get out of the phosphorus- covered water as quickly as possible. There were few fishermen along the pier to-day as a result. The present condition will last perhaps a week, it is said.—Los Angeles Herald. \ Some giant Jamaicaroranges are reported to have recently brought $1.50 a dozen on the Loddon market. To Please the Girls. If you would please a girl, of This law: Whatever else you do, Listen to all that she may say, Say nothing she must listen to It Would Seem Not. “The Mexican Herald says centen- arians are common in Mexico.” “Then the auto isn’t in general use fn Mexico.”—Houston Post. Inflammable. “The professor’s wife can’t hold a candle to him.” “Of course not. He wears cellu- loid collars.”—Town Topics. Poor Boy! Mrs. Hoyle—*‘I hear that your son had to leave college.” Mrs. Doyle—‘ ‘Yes; he studied too hard, learning the football signals.” «Puck. Explained. Johnny—"Pa, what is the light that never was on land or sea?” Pa—“That's the amount the gas company charges you for.”’—New York Sun. Competent. “But do you think he will make a competent executive officer?” “Competent! Well I should say so! Why, that man can wield a whitewash brush with the best of them.” The Reversible Proposition. “Yes, I consider a statesman a greater man than a general. The pen is mightier than the sword, you know.” “Yes, but you mustn't forget that the sword is smitier than the pen.”’— Cleveland Plain Dealer. Good Advice. Caller—‘“My health and digestion are perfect, doctor. I haven't an ache or a pain. The trouble with me is that I can't sleep at night.” Physician—“If that is the case, sir, I suggest that you consult your spiritual adviser.””—Chicago Tribune. Not Dead Yet. Cassidy—*“Yis, the poor fellow’s gittin’ along purty well.” Casey—‘ ‘But I t'ought ye said he was mortally injured?” Cassidy—'“So he is, but his in- juries ain't quite as mortal as they t’ought at first.”’—Philadelphia Press. Latest. “You will notice,” said the clerk, “that this electric fan turns in two directions at one time. We call it the ‘All Russia.” ”’ “Why so?” asked the prospective purchaser. “Because there is a revolution on every side.” And That's a Fact. “George, dear,” said the fair maid who was new to the game, ‘‘when the man with the wire toilet mask says ‘Play ball,’ what does he mean?” “When certain teams are engaged in the contest,” said George, ‘it means that he is somewhat sarcas- tic.”’—Detroit Tribune. Where He Wins. “I didn’t know Bumps was such a linguist. Why, he actually speaks Russian!” “No he doesn’t. He just has the nerve to pronounce all the Russian names he reads without stumbling, and nobody has the nerve to correct him.’’—Detroit Free Press. Her Reason. “I don’t see what you want to marry Arthur DeWork for. He hasn’t got a cent except what he earns as a mere salesman.” NOT TOO GOOD A FELLOW. Merchant Who Did Not Draw the Line Failed. A merchant in one of the smaller towns failed the other day, and in talking over the matter with some professional men and others in pri- vate life, friends of his, they passed the remark: “Yes, it's too bad B, failed, but he brought it on himself; he was too good a fellow, spent too much of his time and money with the boys around town.” So far as we could find, the mer- chant that failed didn't have an en- emy in the town. Every one liked him. The only trouble was that he was too good a fellow. There is room for much thought in this case. A merchant, to be suc- cessful, has got to make himself well liked. He must be on friendly terms with all classes, and he must be a good fellow, but he must be careful of the danger line. He must not get into the class that spells ruin for him. It is pretty difficult, sometimes, to draw the line, to know just how far to go and then stop, but the man who can do this will succeed where the man who goes too far will fail. The safe rue is to be very careiul in picking your close personal friends. It is these friends who have the most to do in shaping a business man's life outside the store, although but few will be willing to admit it. There does not seem to be much wrong about taking a drink with Tom or Dick They are jolly good fel lows, but some day the drinks will come too fast and the townspeople will be sure to hear of it. The successful man will carefully choose his intimate friends. With all others, if he has tact, he can get long on a friendly basis, retaining their good will, while not being a factor in their especial pleasures. He will always, whether in the store or on the street, conduct himself with the dignity that should distinguish a business man, and mark him always as what he should be, one of the solid men of the town, whose opinions on public questions are respected, and in whom the people have confidence. The merchant who follows this plan will never be known as a ‘“‘good fellow,” in all that the term may im- ply, but all things being equal, he will succeed in life, and he will al- ways retain the good will and re- spect of the people.—St. Paul Trade Journal. WORDS OF WISDOM. The hill of pride is icy all the year round. To be rich one must learn to profit by losses. Heaven never fills the hand and forgets the heart. Sparing little weeds spoils many a large harvest. Vain the mourning over sin out its mending. Work builds a wall about most of the tempter’s wiles. The man who has no faith in any one gets fooled by every one. Stepping stones to success cannot be built out of broken command- ments. Where ambition plows the heart you can always plant the seeds of hatred. Many churches are building too many ovens and baking too little bread. Dark days always last longest and look blackest to people who frown at them. The soul gets little provender out of a performance that looks only to the salary. When furniture becomes all im- portant to the faith it has reached its own funeral. The place where temptation is fiercest is where the brave can learn to be most faithful. Whatever helps us to think more kindly of another helps to bring in the kingdom of heaven.—Chicago Tribune. with- Et GOOD ® ®@ ROADS. EVV RARAAARARAAAARAARSADR AAAS aA Roads and the Liquor Traffic, To the many schemes looking to the financing of zood roads proposi- tions Governor Folk, of Missouri, has added a new one. He will ask the next Legislature of his State to pass a law taxing the retall liquor inter- ests for the benefit of the publie highways. His plan is to have a di- rect State tax of $200 levied on each dramshop, the fund to be used to build two great highways across the State, one from Kansas City to St. Louis and one from Iowa to the Arkansas line. While the details of Governor Folk’s plan are not fully explained enough is known to show that it an interesting, though as yet doul ful, method of raising funds for good roads. Various States have adopted differing methods of getting the money necessary to improve the ex- isting highwaysorbuild new ones, and through them all the principle of State aid has been the main feature, though with many varieties of ap- plication. We know of no instance where Governor Folk's idea has been applied. Existing methods of road improve- ment are the so-called ‘reward” sys- tem, introduced by Commissioner Earle, of Michigan; the systems un- der which improvements are carried out in New Jersey, Connecticut and Masachusetts; the convict labor work of Georgia and some other Southern States, and the great bond issue plan, through which New York’s highways are to be brought to a high pitch of excellence. A careful study of the ' various methods leads to the conclii=' sion that the State bond issue, as adopted by New York, affords the most feasible and least expensive method of making the highways what they should be. This doubtless could be improved, however. For in- stance, in a few New York counties some of the county prisoners are made to work in getting out material for highway construction. This plan has so far been successful, and there seems no valid reason why it should not be extended to the State's pris- oners. The amount of competition with “free labor’ resulting wculd not be an appreciable factor in the State's labor problems, and work in the open air, with good food and propér treats ment, would improve many men in whom the reformation supposed to be wrought by imprisonment is in no way apparent.—New York Trip Dust Prevention on Roa A modification of the ca method of using tar on a public way for the purpose of laying d reported from the vicinity of N. Y. The experiment is being t by State Engineer Van Alstyne«4 village of considerable . siz first step is to sprinkle hot ta road, and then to fill up low spots with screenings. When the surface has been well packed by teams, a second application is made. The job is not considered complete, though, until there has been a third ceating. Before being used, the tar is boiled to drive off any water it may con- tain. = This road is much used by automo- biles, whose owners found the dust as unpleasant as did the local resi- dents, and consequently two classes of people are watching the experi- ments carefully. The extraordinary increase everywhere in the number of horseless carriages of late hag made the suppression of dust as im- portant to their drivers as to resi- dents along the roads frequented by them. Formerly the man in an au- tomobile did not appreciate what a nuisance this dust was, but many cars are tendency to deny that these vehicles are responsible for a somewhat seri- ous action on the surface of the hilar way, and that steps should be*taken to prevent it. It is not.w®ar in the usual sense of the #€Tm, but rather Walk Across Iowa For Vacation. Toiling across country through Jowa dirt is the most enjoyable vaca= tion Edwin Sells, a banker of Free- port, Ill, can find, For three years he has spent two weeks every suln= mer tramping from Chicago to “0, I'm pursuing Art for Art's sake,” replied the demure maiden who had not yet succumbed to the theory of financial matrimony. His Game. «1 understand our friend, Main- chanz, is working on a scheme to re- move weeds.” : «1 didn’t know he had any interest in gardening.” “He hasn’t; he’s merely laying his plans to capture old Gotrox’s young widow.’—Philadelphia Press. Very Realistic. «And when the hero spoke,” read the college girl with the novel, ¢ ‘there was a lump in the heroine's throat.’ ”’ “Poor girl!” sighed her chum. bet she felt bad.” “Not at all; she felt good.” “And how was that?” “Why, it was a lump of ice cream.” “1 Mind-Reading. “Perhaps smoking is offensive to you, Miss Smith?” “On the contrary, I like the smell of a good cigar.” Without a moment’s hesitation he threw away the weed he was smoke ing. Something in her manner, rath- er than her wqrds, led him to suspect that she wasja judge of cigars.— Chicago Tribyhe. Omaha and return. Mr. Sells was in Des Moines one day last week, but stopped only long enough to take a meal. The distance is exactly 500 miles, and Mr. Sells walks it and returns in a period of four weeks. He enjoys the outing, claiming that he always feels better after his return than if he had spent the time at some water ing place or in some summer resort. He makes his trip in a rough walk- ing outfit, but returns home tanned and sunburned by the bright Iowa sun. He has taken different routes each time he made the cross country trip.—Des Moines Register. Shipbuilding in Scotland. In the first half of the year 1906 Scotland produced an amount of ton- nage from her shipyards unprece- dented in the history of shipbuilding. In these six months, according to a Glasgow despatch, the shipyards put into the water no less than 207 ves- sels of all sizes, with an aggregateq tonnage of 360,489. The nearest ap- proach to that record was made in Scotland in 1902, when in six months 259,804 tons were produced. The large output from the Cgde yards was augmented by the launches of the Lusitania, a Cunard steamship of 32,500 tons, and the Agamemnon, a battleship of 16,500 tons, in the clos ing weeks of the half year. suction, and as” its effect can be checked by-the same means that are used to lay dust, the importance of these experiments can be readily ap- preciated.—New York Tribune Farm~-> er, Tarring One Road. Road-tarring on a large scale has been seen in France during the prep- aration for the Grand Prix race. The tarring is carried out on the Lassailly system by the use of the most im- proved apparatus for heating the tar and applying it to the surface of the road. Commenced on the 25th of May, the operation lasted scarcely trr days for the 500,000 square vards which were covered, employing two gangs, each made up of six driv- ers and eight horses, together with \\ eight men for spreading the tar, counting the men needed for sanding the road after the tarring. A fine road is the result of this operation, and it shows that by the use of the proper apparatus a large extent of road can be treated within a short time and with a small amount of la- bor. At the last moment the excess of sand which covers the layer of tar will be swept off by the four sweeper wagons employed by M. Lassailly, when the cars will be able to run under ideal conditions. {Such a pro- cess, far from being’ an extra ex- pense, is now recognized as an »-‘:af economy, seeing that the cost of keeping up the road becomes much less, and this pays for the tarring ex- penses, and may even exceed the lat- llter, as has been found during a long series of observations made France.—Scientific American. in / i now that . running over gg good road there is no longef any
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