a ahaa A Ani pF PATTON, CAMBRIA co, PA. PRIDAY. JANUARY, 28. 1916 AS RRIBLE DISASTER AT NO. ‘MINE, ONE KI AA YA AAS a0 BI South Fork Hie Fail to De- James Warner i homes 10 Be suilden: | | termine Cause South Fark, fan Following # Merriman, aged 62 years, 4yy of investigation, Chiet of Police AT ND. 9% MINE ALSO home in this place Iasi Ww. g. Sanders and officials of the - Bhe bad been prgyle Cos! Company said tomight a and Bows Of Ber (hur they had not ascertained whe Ome of the mowt horrible accidignts Shook to her many | {ther the explosion that destroved the pocurring in the vicinity of Patton ; Argyle powder house oarly today was for some time was that at No. Ker husband Mrs. Morrt gocidental of not. | mine of the Pemnmylvania Coal and vived by the following m, explosion decurred at & 30 Coke Corporation lant Saturday eve Kin William, Fannie, | ook There werd a nomber of em sing about 30 Welkek, when James and Edwin. William | ployes of the coal compasy on the Warner received injuries that caused on, has made hit Lounds. but It happened that there Bis death almost instantly and John re. Merriman for & RUM: | yy no one In the powiler house atthe [1 Rowland was very seriously hart : 5 time. There were thea separate ox. his condiiion sf present being very services wery held last | i plosions, the first being the most ter. | precarious. on at the home of T, ‘Pic. WinfSows In South Pork were The Iwo men. Both working in the and | Interment took place shattered. and farmers lving 10 to same place. started in the niine 12 miles from here telephoned to find shortly after four o'rlock Inst Satur 04t what had occurred. ‘day. They relieved the dav men. who ‘had Deen working all day on oe irchine cos] and the night crew of . le 11 year old, A few minutes before the sxpionion, of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. aaa | it was discovered thal the powder of thig place, Reeunbad | hiase wag on fire. | Miners aud other last Monday evening iepiplovees of the |owspany realized ; "stock, after an Le nog oO | : 3 smoving wh oval he : 1 t ‘what would sapped and fied Ww ing picks ia TRIG YING what remained of 3 Hump. Thwy had brough: 85 sisces of safety. The fire had been a few minutes after the child 3 adh Smpty car in with them areparniory burning leis “than five minutes when of not fénling well Dr. ha : : BR | 0 loading coal A quantity of pow dir exploded and Y WAR surmmoner but the conse = SEE Not five minutes after placing the ‘dustroyed the rool and one side of ; : to be of a galloping nuture he bullding. : ear in the desired position (he wed came in 8 very short time. | beard the roof ramble a8 Bt dors Harrington, father of the For a few minuleg thers was a gear when Retting reds for a “esve in which the two tefl weary members Bad just begun work. They were us : eh 3 : fas been working in De. PUnic bere. Men. women and children | oo 0 and they vealked 3 shart distance from the apo! Naf ‘rip into the street. There were all to attend the funeri). ik nds of rumors afloat ons being that this paper goes to press, the entire plant of thie Argyle com arrangements have lsen PADY had been destroyed. The local fire department way cidled, but when Helen Zahureky (tlie men reached the powder holise ; the 20 year old danghtor of ithe fire died down. | Mrs. John Zabhursky, of Fast! A statement bax heen irsued by of avenue, died at The parma! ificials of the cost] company, bat no ex. ess with peritonitis which Flsnation of the explosion has tren: following ‘K severe attack of (attempted. | ne a ‘hearing any furtlier noise and decid ing thet in enne the roof should nome from fhe wens of danger. Rowland and Warner went around the ear and AAPOR Ae RN ik oH SRR RAIA GML 7 i anaicad 1 BY AWARI was amployed, in WOOSTER GARAGE : T0 BE SOLD out! mts Bherill Muibhollen has posted notices £ home, complaining th the effect that (he garage belong sot. foe well. The next ing to WJ. Wooster, on Magee ave | her side alarmed nue, will be sold atl sheriff's sale on family amd =n February 2nd. at 1636 A. M : ealied who pronounced Terms of the sale re to be cash. it's over. The big Masmquernds Ball 5 d ; is done for another Year The drowd that attended was a genteel, arderly agreeable and this years affair was’ ome of the nicest in the history of ithe company. : clock. : ging The fire company realized a neat § & Isrge concourse of griev-. lsum in this undertaking which was the deceased leaves her (From Johnstown Tribune, Jan 25th) so thoroughly attended to by the aud the following brothers 14. public scowls of Patton re | leficient committew in charge. © James, John, Agnes and opetied this morning after havisy | At twelve o'clock utes nutinion Loni been closed since ae ater Jap. Mace and the participan of the : aSrvies took place this wary 19. for a thorough 1 funtigathon frivolity rested thelr Ee Nima and (the Bt. Geo. Catholit ry sorion was talen simply to sufe. ®® joe ervam, cukie and coffee. pre. of this place, and Interment guard Te health of tie community. Pared by the lading of the company In the church cemetery. i Prof. H. B. English, who has Beet: i Daseiag continued until two o'clock mily bag the sincere and _ principal for two years, has Shortly before infermission the mirch pathy of the COURIER. I gone to Wyoming. Pa. nia home, on TOF the awarding of the rises look : ! - , place. Barton Winslow, better known 0 EAM AT WORK Pe a oe a as “Tuby” carried off first honors place. | While there way no indication of PART be EBENSBURG school faculty went to Cresson yes | —— State Sanatorium. This was done in ‘complisnee with a resolution of the school directors favoring an examina | for the state board of sducation has ieondemned the portion of the Eb ; cause of the fact that the teachers DIgh school and ordered that other 4 PATTON FOR must de instired under the Workmen's quarters be provided for the secon AND MARCH COURT Compensation Law, All were found | gary classes by the beginning of the a Sen’ trom. Pution | to be in good condition and all were Bekt tmrm . {recommended as fit to be employed "Wh as Jurors with the | Lin the schools. | The high sebool pupils have been in the county to serve Frise using the third floor of the building. regular March tern of | PAUL TOBIE HURT IN MINES Kaft notified the board af education iso for the special mussion | mp that the use of the rooms must he dis. month. The special) Pail Tobie, who lives on Melntyre continued. as light, ventilation and | avenue, wad painfully injured last Stairway were all inadequate He ree ro ‘ommended that the entire building be will begin the rat monday * ind Ll s fa 3 ex Struck torn down. hut confined his candem ihn and knocking him to the ground Bation to the third floor where another quanity hit his lek. | The board of educations will ask bresing that member. > ‘plans, sicher for the reconstruction of He was immediately removed to his the present bullding, or its ihird ‘home and hiz injuries dressed. and floor. If that ean be done or for the iat present his condition is very building of a new school on the favorable, although his wounds are present lot. most painful. | Kaft will inspect every school ism panes bullding in the county, and It 8 more March FEATURE PICTURES EVERY DAY FOR PATTON tion notices ‘will be served. Ca | Manager W. Dinsmore, of the: Filkins W. Vu Wiig hogs rushed ma , B.. Iaborer, first Ward. Majestic Theatre, is in Pittsburgh down the mountains and into the Jurors, Second Mon AY: this wegpk arranging for the engage home of Sanford Phillips in the fool Sookkeeper, | first ment of an allfeature service. If he hills, where they attacked Phillipa’ Ww. oH. H.. clerk, first ward. ‘second * week February. | ,W. I. laborer. Spcond 'M.* P.. driver, second First Monday, swcond ; succeeds in booking this service Pat: twovedr old son. The child, frighten | Jo labo ,. ' jin» joe : feature show at the ed rushed to fhe Serer where a ll John, Tra e Third : K | & nig mr bung. When the hogs saw their Travers ) weex, 1t Is with great pleasure that the reflections in the mirror they he a ‘cou RIER learns of this big boost tn came panie stricken and rushed to Michael, Miner, first | 4 t x on = & : a ; the moving picture line. the hills, leaving the child uninhired ¢ | { ee in they had better get the oar oat the four men procended to move it. | pushed from the rear. They had ne (more thin started when withsat any | warning Eat gave way, butiing ‘near future to elect a man lo take his | ‘His gard noed hurdly he mentioned any illness, 19 members of the Patton SCHOOL BUILDING CONDEMNED terday and were examined at the | M. I. Kaft, supervising architect ‘two months, Fred Wolfe son of Mr ‘and Mrs Chas. Wolfe, is able to be around the streets once more. Fred ‘tion of all teachers’ priveipally be | iensburg school building used for the than probable that farther condemns the Tews mr entirely and severely squeezing his body while Rowlind was partly saved fons (he full force of the weight by the eal of the car His boule, bowgves abit the abdomen and he received other serious Internal injuries L4 guickly as powsible help Wan | . - gotten and (he tes unforiossie men wore removed) from the dAsbris and take to thelr hosted. Shorily after being ‘aken home Mr Warner sue. Jrmbed, fis liuarieg Deming sO seriuaw that jife was {opp oan fhe Mr. How land, aithough wot so ssriowaly hurt, was considered (6 a oriticad condition for potse time bul Ihe plyysicine think that lids Hfe may he aparad. The funeral of James Warner was held on Taesday morning with dass In the We Marys Unthalic Churen at this place. and burial in Carrolilows Mr. Warner had been working in the mines only a pw days. Not he GE In good bewith he wan foreed Io give Hp Bis work aboul K Fear age and had heen Wie from thar thee anti] afi=r the Brat of the year. His ha many irfends in this place. He i gursived By his wife and one ehild Two Men injured At No, 28 Last Monday (wo men were injur od 18 No. 28 siine at thin place. hat thelr fnjuries are not conaiderad very pariyua. HM seems that the gew Come prasation Law will surely be a Jomah | for Paiton. SRI aA OR Fer AR ior mven for (he Jol fit iE andersieed 1. ONE INJURED uetumi ‘ort Aer Beg Take Home, John 1. Rowland I Serious Condition an Aho Bo ! Aceor diag ta reports feota Phibuded. phim Saturday. and as indicated in |The Star six weeks ago. Harmon M, Kephart of Connellsville, & brother Burt. is to be given the sappaw!l of the Vare Brambaugh and Penrose fac: Home "of the Republics party for tba nothination fir state Fea rer ; Mort” Kephart, as he is Kner 1s was bhailly crushed s {Gis friends in Cambria county, by | eberk Hf the senate ar Harrisburg Mavor Thomise B. SHmith of Phil delphia Baturday guve out a lel of thowe who will be sgpooried by hn Vara Brumbaugh wing #f the 6. 0 PP. for delegate at lake to the Re poliffean national losvention. Tha dist meets with oartisl aporoval of | Benator Pearose. whe savs, however owl he corrected lier Amy asician Republican sentiment ‘a nealitieg al foe lad fav. Brombacsh's Cambria count) friends are now angsated ln sedan mad front whom eventually hey will Pope omit (his! o0uBtYs reprssants. then to the sation? vonvesstien. Ou the other hund ihe ogtandont Pe roEerd Are alsa petng eo BECR MN Ban the district gets two Jdeledisies | Mare interest will be raken in thi : Iprogsmition during the samin Bete foal romes gs 3 terrible shoeW Ww" during th aming | WmArY than for a nunmbar of years The Gal of Peonuyivanias whi Beet with toe approval of Gov. Bram. baugh and the Vares| flor delegate at large ix 20 Lo lowe (hoy Martin G. Drosha, 1 aie Sites Renstor Belwe Penrose alte State Senator George T Oliver of) Pittsburg. Mayor Smith. Toroser [des | *enant Goversor Linde A. Waterss of [Beranton, BE. J. Stackpole of Tid burg. Colonel James Hiverson, Jf. i Ck aa there waant esough of Ko AEE PRES ae Iris ‘sigaily clothing-—1 wax a meres drap ery Ir consisted of a bathing sult wig and Bat long shoes and green stockings Being sa “fat” Tuby fled the Bill fo perfection and polled @ sorinm wherever be was seen. His prize was a» hasdsome watch fob. The ladisa’ prise was (assoed HY Mize Eton] Yabhner, wha wax badd wopaly gowzed in red amd white with ghetto akira She presented a very siirpstive appearssice and the Judges didnt go wrong on thelr decision Her gift ans a beaatifal laVallien. It ix hoped that every Mature ball , - cil be ai this meeting are Miss may be as mel 8 sgcoesas Hoth aoe iallr and financially As Ihix one The COURIER extends U's cougra- tulstions to the Patton Fire Come pany v &4 # ein Lavine FRED WOLFE ABLE TO BE OUT AGAIN eat I After suffering A Tptay in of over Taritdw arfidw arfrdw arftdw altdddd | Ramding of the ipinotes of the jes bas heen confined to his Home in this place following an operation for ap pendivitis, shich took place abou (twee months ago in the Spangler hos pital. After a five weeks stay in the hospital he was brought ho his home in Patton He bs making an excellent recovery considering” the seriousness of his asperation. and ia feeling fine Last Sunday afternoon a delegation fram the No. ON, N. (ab, of which he i2 6 member visited him for a few minutes al his bome on Melntyre ave Yisies Only three remonstrances against Hguor licedse applications. two of them agaist one place. were filed with the Clerk of Courts, Frank € Robb, ap until Moaday night, when the time for filing such remonsireness 8 wi rod » The two places remonstrated again # gre the Nicholas Burns Hotel, Rox bury, and a wholesale at Bakerton The two applicants for the Burns place. the Fountain House, are Nicho las Burns and Walter B. Easily Livense Court will be held next Tuesday at Ebensburg. with Judge M. B. Stephens cecupying the bench While Judge, O'Connor may not he able to attend court he will be con suited. in all cases before any action is taken : Phtisdeiptia. Colomel Harvey or : Showmaker, of Altoona, {otter Sirsa fer. George FE. Alter of Pittsburg [Geperat Charles M Clement of JSom Lh, Joseph €1 Armstrong, mayer of Pittsburg. and former Lisutessn! Gait! Lyou lear the wedding bells: ring? arooe JM Revsoeldas of Bedford vof Judge Jolin W. Kephary. of Klens: ‘The N. NN. Club of this place, [took ction at a recent meeting in re gard to organizing a terary society. The undertnking Sas 8 Siccoss and a committee has been sppointed MW Pres. CC. KX. Bearer to arrange fiw the first meeting which is to te held on the evening of February Sad. The ‘meetings will be conducted In the farge hall adjoining the slab rome and the program for the dif ferent evenings entertainment will consist of debales. musical numbers, short comedies efe The present commiltes (% cnenpos od of the following Winslow, BP Harton Mrs. J. T. Sauter Entertaias Unie of The most unique sod delight ful social affairs of the season wae the parte given by Mrs. J. T. Bisuter Al her homse ou Magee avenue last Wadnesday evening in honor of Misa Kathnrine Morgan. of South Bethile ham, who ls visiting at the bome of W. J. Morgan, on Mellon avenue. The evaning was delightfully spews with rsasic and other {dteresting sub jects and iter 3 most delicious apd Cpadsiabie incheon wa TF afelack. the partitipants retired the NX. XN. XN lub rooms where they danced unth twelip When isaviag he guests were #OFTY (hat Buch an enjovalde evening had passed wo fuickly, and were joud By ainesre thankfulness 10 the hos tee, Mra. Sauter. who ss graciously ian successfully entertatoed thew. Theres were about 39 present during the wrening. Shi ARE x POS The home of Mr sna Mrs. HE Marty of this pee was the seen of & yey pensant surprise party om Tuesday evening January 35. Blot The dnte was Lae twenty third an niversary of the Beppy couple's wed. ding, and 0 celebrate this was what their many young friends im Patton decided to do The Young people [gathered anrly and oesdless to say. brought” an abundance af good things Tae Cambria Coane Farm pean: *lo at with heat. will hold ite anno] siesting in the Court House at Ehensburg, Wi. ine Fabruary & 1908 Theee will he te (mpmione ane fa the morning ging fo at 10-30 and ote in the alternoies Beginning at 1380 The speakers from the college wiv Peart MacDonald of the Dept of Ag rienltural Extension 1 Home Heote amics and Mr B mn Hibshnaz, state leader of the Hxtension Rey). | Lagi, resedtativies. of tlhe copnties in Pease svivania Phe following ‘program will he talien up at the two geet ings Porenoon Session al 10000 & MN. ious mesting i Report of the Treasurer Kddress by the President of he Cambria Co. Farm Bureau Heport of he Exit. Hep. oivering the work from July 1st to Feb. 1st Appointment of Committees. Ail journment for uneh Afternoon Session at 1 34 Election of officers for the ensuing yar Address hy Mise Pearl Macdonald “Extension Possibilities in home Be onomies” : Adifresa by EE. K. Hibhshman, “Pos giblities of Farm Bureau Work" Appointment of Advisory Commit tee for the Farm Borex for (he sa. suing year Adio rnmen Everyone intersstmsi in the agricul ture of Cambria County are enrddiniiy invited to he present at these inset figs Hillsdale Mich — At 8 social In he Adams sehwoolhonse in Cambria (own alitp, the women stick their toes through holes in 3 heat and neon bomght them for the svening. The sale netted the school 37.80 Borwick., Eng lightning | struck the wedding ring on the flager of Mrs. Mason of Castlegate. taking a piece out the ring hut leavigeg the finger uninjured i Thi seeping was spen! nn games and meie ard at a late hour the dainty refreahzaents ware served The marry pardy dispersed in the “wer smnil hours! wishing ihe mar rind "oll mney vere more of smooth sailing on the sens of matrhvonial Ilias The following people were Present: Filed Jones Jenuls Wilson, Alva Radeliffe. Florence Davis, Ellzabeth Mary Wilson, Margaret Wal ker Maude Coombes, Rose Hayden Ruth Cramer, Florence Cramer, Isa bell Mediiontt. Lottie Jones, Forest ‘Matley. J. Paul Bergey Tom Me Quillen. Tidbert Davis, Thomas Wil | HE, Karls Peters, Willlam Elms, William White, Russell = Commons, Robert Matley. Harry Martz, Mr 1 FP. Hrenloitz Mr. and Mm HE. P Maree. This is Lesp ‘Yan girla. Get busy, ‘and maybe sow of your friends will have a party for vou too. It would do mo Bam to IY. at any rate THREE MINERS ARRESTED, CHARGED WITH NEGLECT Three miners a ty the Ber wind White Cond Minibg Company at Mine No. 40, naar Seals Level, have been arvedted =a ‘harges of violating the mining laws preferred before Al derman James WW Reese by Mine Ine apecior Nieholns Evans. They Ware takes into euwiody ate vosterday hy Constable James © Bames No dis position haz vet been made of the ORIN The defendants are James and Daniel Rendon and John Zarrie. The Reagdons are charged with falling to place props which guard against coal falling on miners Harrie is charged with vinlating the section of the nw which araveides against getting on a salad car while in motion th prctices are dangerous for the moe 2h and are ones that the ome plovees as: well as Siante oftelals are hemiting every effort to prevent Come in and pay that overdue sub scription account. Dent wait until the paper storm. : ¥
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