v wes 1 \v ww ha IT! is in y in rhter son. ds of best office ourse * ‘bursed seven cents less. i VOL. X1V.—NO. 4. INDEPENDENT — NOT PERTINENT PARAGRAPHS. i Pithy, Pointed Pencilings Pertaining to HOW MUCH THEY SPENT! { | People and Places. Late Candidates Tell What | —A masquerade ball will be held in| | the Miners’ Hall on Christmas eve un- | der the auspices of the Patton Silver | Cornet band. Prof. Rutherford’s or- CONTRIBUTIONS LARGE | chestra of five pieces will farnish music —— | for dancing. A concert at which six Webster Grifith Gave Three Thousand ,,mheprg will be rendered will be held Dollars to the Republican Campaign ! prior to the ball. Treasurer and His Opponent a Third of | —Dick Burr, the curly-headed scen- |ery despoiler of Ebensburg, who re- | cently held the wrong end of an argu- Under a new act of assembly, the | ment with Editor Tom Osborne, of the various candidates for office in Penn- | Cambria Tribune, relative to the most, sylvania are required to file a report of | effective form of advertising, was in the expenses they incurred in attempt- | town this week. ing to secure the office. These reports | _ The multitude of new advertise- are to be filed within 30 days after elec- | nants in this issue will tell you where tion and that period expired last Thurs- | 4, hyy holiday goods. Patronize the day. Treasurers of county campaign | merchants who invite your trade by Campaign Cost. That Liberal Contributipn, committees must also file a report of | 3qyertising in the COURIER. Many sea- their receipts and expenses under the |gonable suggestions will be found in new law. | this issue. As the law does not providea penalty | — Beginning next Monday and con- for poi; observing ite provisions,a nUM- | ning until Christmas, Patton mer- ber of the candidates did not file 8 chants will suspend the early closing statement, motably the Hoa. Joseph BE. | compact and the stores will be open Turopp, the Prohijbision hom tee for| venings as long as the patronage jus- congress, but as he didn’t get his mon- | tifies. ey’s worth what was the use, anyway. | The G sai tod toe William BH. Sunsiine, the Republi-] ~The COUEIER iS always gad lo te "| ceive items of news. If you have visit- rer, received $6,929 and dis- | 3 ean treasurer, ved $6, | ors, have been or are going away, or The largest | : : x have any other items of interest, let us contributor was Webster Griffith, the | : 3 | k d 11 be glad t blish candidate for sheriff, who gave $3,000, RY S00. We Wi 8 grad. Yo pubs the exact amount demanded of Jesse | : | —I. N. Rodney, of Spangler, is a can- E. Dale by the Johnstown grafters and | 3h ut didate for the Republican nomination political buccaneers as the price of * 8 their support. for prothonotary. He is at present a Edmund James and Al- | ™ * 2 9: ? vin Sherbine, the assembly nominees, justice of the peace and is eminently lified for the position he seeks, contributed $200 and $100, respectively. 492 Democratic Treasurer Thomas A. Os- | —A large brick stable is being erected borne received $3,375 and spent $31.08 by the Patton Clay Mfg. Co. Whether more, with several bills to be heard it is intended to house mine mules, au- | from. W. H. Strauss, shrievalty can- | tomobiles or Henry Mills’ dog is not didate, contributed $1,000, as did Hon. | known. Joseph E. Thropp. W. C. Hubbard and | _H. 8. Lingle has moved into the Alex Strittmatter,legislatiye nominees, Episcopal rectory, which he will occu- gave $100 and $150, respectively. Of | py pending some alterations to his own the disbursements, T. M. Sheehan, of | residence on Palmer avenue. Shie piace, received $220 to pay wateh-| npg Helena Mellon has moved ers in eig istricts. | from the McCormick property on Ma- When the expense is less than $50 all | gee avenue to the nts over that is necessary is that the candidate | the Mellon Millinery store. swear to this condition and no itemized | _E.C. B Bo. has b s bill is required. Those who spent less | re Town, W10 8s heen sen than $50 were Owen J. Jones, Demo- | ously ill for some time, went to Atlan- cratic candidate for poor director; Al- i te City Thursday, Where he will spend bert C. Hines, Democratic nominee for | Some time Teeuperasing. jury commissioner; Conrad Bader, Re- | : 2 publican-elect as poor director; David | Carrolltown Wednesday evening and Irvine, Working Class candidate for | Were defeated 31 points by the ten pin assembly, and Frank P. Barnheart, Re- | experts of that place. publican-elect to the assembly from the! —Rev. Singleton Neisser delivered Johnstown district. | his lecture, “The Silver Fish Hook,” in Aside from the $3,000 he gave Treas- |the Baptist church at Philipsburg arer Sunshine, Webster Griffith spent Thursday evening. $544.50 to be elected sheriff. Of this| patton and Ebensburg fives will amount W. C. Reese, Matt Blair and play basket ball at the Miners’ Hall this Thomas J. Fitzgerald, of Patton, each evening. The game will start at 8:30 received $10 for traveling expenses and | clock sharp. dissemination. Patrick McCarty, of —W. H. Denlinger was in Philadel- Barnesboro, also received $30 for trav- | phia last week attending the meeting eling expenses. 4 y {of the grand lodge of Pennsylvania Warren Worth Bailey, the anti-trust Masons. and anti-graft candidate for congress, | \ spent $265.56, most of it for printing | . —Frank Donnelly, of Wilkes-Barre, s = bE . 1+ | is a guest at the residence of his broth- and bill posting. Not a cent of this | Coif Baratsad J. D on was expended in Patton, where he re- | er, Ohiel Barges J, J. Jonnel(y. ceived a larger vote proportionately | —Miss Beth Laporte, of Tyrone, was than any place in the district. He re- | a guest at the home of her brother, El- ceived contributions amounting to $87, | mer Laporte, over Sunday. of which the New York Reform Club | — = gave $50. | BOROUGH DADS MEET, Hon. Jobn M. Reynolds spent $4,587. | Request Conterence With Officials ot the 53 to be re-elected to congress, includ- | ing $800 given to the treasurer of the | Cambria County Republican committee In the absence of but one citizen with None of Mr. Reynolds’ coin found its |2 grievance, there was little business of way to Patton. | importance transacted at the meeting Aside from his contribution to the | of the borough council Monday even- county: committee, Alex Strittmatter | ing: President Lingle and Councilmen spent $137.06 to furthe r his candidacy | Prindible, Anstatt and Emigh were for legislative honors, most of it for ad- | present. vertising and traveling expenses. Ed-| Pennsylvania Railroad Co. In re repairing overhead bridge on mund James spent $47 to be re-elected | McIntyre avenue, the opinion of the ' fighting, was attempted to be played at | THE PATTON COURIER. PATTON, CAMBRIA CO., PA., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1906. NEUTRAL — RUN BY THE mero SAYS YETI 15 EAD! at St. Benedict, | n 1 What was intended to be a basket| Another Murder Case From ball contest, but which was really a composite game of foot ball and prize | Northern Cambria FOR NEXT COURT TERI1. St. Benedict Wednesday evening be- | tween the Patton five and the team at that place. A large crowd of Patton Lewis Haney Expired at the Hospital in people were present, the bulk of the | patronage being from here. St. Benedict can play foot ball all right and in times past has been able to put up a mediocral quality of base ball, | Louis Haney, who was shot by his but is out of its element when it son-in-law, Ira Gray, better known as comes to basket ball. In fact, the five | “Rene,” the son of Ex-Sheriff Joseph of that place don’t know enough about | A. Gray, at Spangler last Thursday, the game to provide baskets,iron hoops | died at the hospital in Johnstown Sat- answering that purpose as the game is urday afternoon of his injuries. played in St. Benedict. The contest| At the direction of the coroner an Wednesday evening started as basket | autopsy was performed upon the re- | ball, generated into foot ball and ter- | mains Saturday evening. Later they | minated in bare nuckle prize fighting. | were viewed by the coroner and pros- The last few minutes it was in progress | pective members of a jury, who will was strenuous enough for the most ex- hold an inquest later. acting. | The body was shipped to Mr. Han- The Benedict fellows slugged, gouged | ey’s late home at Portage, where it was and were guilty of mayhem for all the | kept until Wednesday morning, when spectators knew, while the lanterns ji wag taken to Burnside for interment. suspended from the ceiling of the hall | Haney and his wife went to his son- where the combat was waged threw a i, jaws home on Thanksgiving day for wierd and uncanny light upon the |, ghopt visit. Gray, however, did not scene of carnage. There were no fa-| wont him to stay and his persistant ef- talities fortunately, altho the sanguin-| gpg to have the old people leave ary fluid flowed like beer at a Hungar- | brought on the trouble, which resulted ian wedding and the wounded were re- | in the shooting later on. On the morn- | moved to Penny packer’s Spangler hos- | ing of the day the shooting occurred, pital in automobile ambulances. With- | Gray asked Haney and his wife to leave in five minutes of the time for the end and upon their refusal, it is said, he of the first round, the Patton players | went out and purchased a revolver. | and spectators, embracing the wealth, | A gon returning, Gray again told the | chivalry and beauty of ‘the north| 4 people to leave, and when they re- star,’ made a hurried exit via a rear fused a fight ensued. Haney, it is said, window. | chased young Gray up the stairs with a Upon reaching terra firma, J. Law- | gtove poker. rence Dole intoned the riot act, while| A, 410 top of the stairs Gray fired | George E. Prindible, mounting a con-| yw, shots from his newly purchased re- | venient tripod, in a full, resonant,clear | volver, hoping to frighted'Hainey. The ‘and sweet tenor voice, warbled feel- | fight still continued and Gray was |ingly and with great unction that pa-|g,,064 into a sleeping room, where it is Johnstown From Injuries Received at the Hands of His Son-in-Law, “Rene” Gray— | Story of the Crime, | | : : Be up to date when you can buy a stylish suit, overcoat to the legislature, aside from his county | committee contribution, and his col- league on the ticket, Alvin Sherbine, $155.43. | court in the mandamus proceedings | was read and & number of more or less | valuable suggestions offered. The clerk | was instructed to notify Superinten- | dent Cleeve and Supervisor Holland, of | thetic little ballad made famous by Ca- {ruso, “We'll Never Go There Any More.” As they finished tears welled the eyes of their listeners and there | was an instant demand for, handker- | chiefs, when it was discovered that all the available sap dryers had been wound around Bill Rees’ legs and | “Dobby?’’ Dinsmore’s right eye. | { With such contemptible tactics as | | | —A team of Patton bowlers went to |employed in their first contest Wed- | |nesday evening, the St. Benedict five | will have a hard time securing games | with any reputable team, unless it is an jall star five of champion pugilists. | Aside from the other casualities, H. C. | Dinsmore wears an optic of variegated | color schemes, the outcome of a too {close juxtaposition with a Benedict | | player’s mailed fist, while Mr. Dinsmore | | was in a recumbant posture on the | tiling and unable to defend himself un- til after the umpire had called three | { strikes. | There was something doing each and | every second, and a kinetoscope repro- | duction would be a good drawing card to raise money to found a home for dis- | abled pugilists. NOTICE OF MEETING OF VIEWERS, Notice is hereby given that the un- dersigned viewers, appointed by the court of common pleas of Cambria | . (county, to view and assess the costs curbing of Magee avenue between Fifth avenue and the bridge crossing Little Chest creek in the borough of Patton, to the property owners bene- iency, when ascertained, shall be paid by the borough of Patton. That the line of improvement on Thursday, the 27th day of December, A. D. 1906, at persons interested are requested to be ters to be submitted for our considera- tion. and expenses of grading, paving and | remain over night somewhere. fitted according to the benefits if suffic- | ient can be found; if not then the defic- | viewers so appointed will meet on the 10 o’clock a. m., when and where all| present and heard relative to the mat- | said, he again fired two shots, one striking Haney in the rim of his hat and the other in his chest. | A doctor and a constable were sum- moned and the doctor had Haney sent to the hospital at Johnstown, while the constable placed Gray under arrest, $1.00 PER YEAR PUBLISHER. WHY NOT a pair of dressing shoes for such a small sum at this store. SHOES. Men’s, Women’s, Misses’, Youth's and Children’s Shoes in all the latest shapes and all the different kinds of leather made. A Pointer for Women. You can get a coat for yourself or child in this store cheaper than any place in town. " A full line of dress skirts. Call in and see. FURS. Just received 150 furs to-day. children. Call in and inspect. on above articles. B. KUSNER, PATTON, PA. — —_————— Some special made for Space is to small to tell the prices Next Door to Bank. Christmas Cheer! We have it on tap in numberless forms and varieties. We have made special efforts this year to furnish something a little better than usual for the Glad Holiday Season. We are fully prepared to cater to your wants in all lines, Duquesne and Peil Beer, Ale and Porter—the two leading brands on the market. High grade whiskey, wines and cordials. The celebrated Dublin Stout—24 pint bottles for $1.25. +” > @ ED. A. MELLON, and took to Ebensburg and lodged him in the county jail, where he is at pres- ent. Spangler prior to the shooting and had been married 18 months. FOUND DEAD IN THE WOODS. Young Man Bled to Death While Alone in Elder Township. While walking thro a patch of woods | last Friday morning near Lantzy’s| Mills, in Elder township,Joseph Lantzy was horrified to discover the dead body of a young man, apparently asleep, | with his coat placed under his head for {a pillow. | Investigation proved that the body was that of Herbert Kilday,the 18-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kilday, of Susquehanna township. Young Kil- day had departed from his home Thurs- {day afternoon, taking with him his gun, evidently expecting to go off into the woods a short distance in quest of game. His parents felt greatly dis- [turbed when he did not return that night, but thought he had decided to They were not aware that anything serious had befallen him until apprised of the finding of the body by Mr. Lantzy. District Attorney Leech directed that an investigation be conducted, since it was thought by some that the lad might have met with foul play. Dep- uty Coroner McMillen, of Barnesboro, found the leaves and ground saturated with blood near where the body lay, and further investigation revealed the finding of a hunting knife on the young man’s person. An artery in the boy’s arm had been severed and resulted in his death. There were no marks of violence on the body and it is supposed | He conducted a pool room in| Domestic Infelicity. 3 A Tide | the Cambria & Clearfield division of A case in which Mr. and Mus, John | the Pennsylvania railroad, that it would J. Houck, prominent residents of Car-| agreeable to the members of the rolltown, were parties was the object | 4 to meet with them in relation of much sympathetic interest at court | thereto and to suggest an early date for Monday morning. The husband had |}. oh ference pleaded guilty to charges 0° f assault | Borough Treasurer Rumberger, Chief and battery and desertion preferred by | of Police Gill and Special Officer Lyons the wife. Before passing sentence, | ujmitted their reports. Bart Young Judge 0’Connor delivered a little lec-| 45 10qred with a complaint concerning tare in which he urged the parties to | he 150k of a sidewalk in front of the effect a reconciliation, a process which, | property of the DuBois Brewing Co. on he believed, could be greatly expedited | wifi avenue and the matter was re- if no attention were pald to SUEEES-| forreq to the sidewalk committee. The tions bv relatives on either side. He | gy), ying bills were ordered paid: then ordered the payment of costs on Wii ai 7d ” ’ the assault charge, with farther sen- Pp 1 gi?) 1H; $60; 8. 1 ‘oor, $5; tence suspended. In the desertion case | Pation C ater Arg 3; hires he said he would make an order later. | aving Co., $2 2.67; red Kinkead, : $3.75; Reuel Somerville, $25; Patton —Coalport has a social club called | COURIER, 90.55; W. J. Donnelly & Co., ‘The Coffee Club,” in which the ladies | $9.40; Patton Clay Mfg. Co., $22.93; J. teach the gentlemen how to make | D. Lyons, $9.50; 8. W. Worrell, §60; G. coffee. | 8. Good Electric Light Co., $103.20, \ i M. B. COWHER, C. I. FoRSEERG that the fatal injury was accidental. al AND | The deceased is survived by several 2 ANY | brothers and sisters besides his parents. Viewers, ; hai Patton, Pa., Dec. 13, 1906. | Death of a Child. | Emulating Jerome, | Lavinia, the daughter of Mr. and Chief Burgess John C. Miller of | Mrs. Robert Edaie, died Sunday morn- . ’ 2 0 . . w Barnesboro, proposes to beard (not | 18 of black diphtheria, after a short buck) the tiger in his lair and ap. | illness. She was 10 years of age and nounces that hereafter no gambling | besides her parents is survived by three The interment was in the Fair- will be permitted in his bailiwick. A Sisters: ; rumor has been wafted over the trolley {viow cemetery Sunday afternoon a line that certain evil disposed persons | 4 o'clock. The burial Service Was con: have been indulging in the great and | ducted by Rev. J. H. Fairlie. seductive American game of draw | NOTICE. poker within the sacred precincts of] : : : our neighboring municipality. | My wife, Mrs. Julie Urbain, having te |left my bed and board without just —A cake sale under the auspices of | cause or provocation, all persons are Division No. 8, Ladies’ Auxiliary of the | hereby forbidden to trust or harber her A. O. H,, will be held at the store of! on my account. the Patton Supply Co. Saturday, o noon and evening. FRANK URBAIN, Patton, Pa., Dec. 8, 1906. / i & \ AN Local "Phone. PATTON, PA. SEASONABLE GIFTS! Nothing pleases a boy or man as much as to get a Christmas present that can be used and is durable. Here is where we come A tew seasonable gifts: Mut- Neckties, Handkerchiefs, Shirts, Suit Cases, the famous Ralston Health Shoes and a va- riety of other useful gifts. F & THOMPSON. In. flers, OUR MOTTO: Top for Quality; Bottom for Price. WOLF'S PHARMACY, PATTON, PA.
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