THE PATTON COURIER, DECEMBER 21, 1906 CHRISTMAS | RINGS, - ie BRACELETS, = loners FISEIMNA AND CHAINS, “2 $100 to $10.00. IS NEAR AT HAND Pretty watches will delight any lady fitted with And the Question in Everyone's Mind is WHAT SHALL WE BUY? If you : the best move- : want to buy something that will be good and usciul there is no better \: ment. Only $10.00. place than a Hardware Store. DIAMONDS. LR We have a good assortment of Rings ho 4 OS Below We VM a ke a at from $3.50 to $50.00. As a gentle reminder here are a few Few Suggestions: others: Rosaries in full jewel, : : Umbrellas, Bissell’s carpet sweepers 2.25 to $4.50. Ever Ready safety razors goc. Fountain Pens, Sad irons 25c to $1.50 per sect. Savory roasters 7 5c. ———2———4 Cut Glass, French sad irons 1.25 to $2.00 per Lisk’s Selt Basting Roasters 1.75 to Toilet Ware Silverware, set. Flounce irons soc | In Sterling or Silver Plate : Ne ’ J . % sw " 2 Including Large or Small Pieces. Cuckoo Clocks. Carvers 1.605 ti $6 o0 Skates 50cC to $2.50. S . . ‘ SAUTER, Silver knives and forks, 12 Sleds 75¢ to 1.00. $3.00. Coffee percolators 4.00. THE RELIABLE JEWELER, 3 : Nut picks 2c. Bread makers 2.50. PATTON, PA. ris Child’s sets 2 5c. Cake makers 1.75. SE - - ———— . — A SOU 70 WIEN. Gillette safety razors $5.00. Pocket knives 10c¢ to 2.50. Phe Bane of the Average Female Pomptly THE piece of Silver- Eliminated by a Simple Remedy. ware which you Backache, whether due to natural : . euses Or the result of disease, can be received on Christmas promptly alleviated and ultimately] Wwiil lose its lustre and r. Wood’s Kid- ; : . . : ed be hema | turn to a brown color if All Kinds of Scissors and Shears. satin women can testify to the YOU do not keep it wrap- rr ufti Of this. ped in tissue paper away It 8 a purely vegetable compound . : : «nd does not contain any poisons or from the light You will deleterious substances. It acts prompt- not care to do that so you nes up 1h yam and makes ito 100 DIET Bet 2 Jar of lt Will Pay You to Call at Our Store Before Buying. worth living. A trial will convince and a trial will costs you nothing. If SILU E R R E A M they do not do all that is claimed for ( ’ them your money will be cheerfully re- funded. gi : Dr. Wood is a reputable physician the finest silver polish who has had over 40 years of exper- made. 25c at ience in kidney troubles, having made it a specialty, and these pills are made J from his own perscription. J) . Don’t suffer any longer, but buy a TOZ E R S box now. Price 50 cents at Wolf's ) Farms PATTON PENNA : EAN SR oe J . Tr Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Ko- dacks and Supplies. $2.00. WM. H. SANDFORD, A. G. PALMER, T. J. SCHOLL L l m b e r President. Vice-President. Cashier. Manufacturers. | First National Bank = ,, PATTON BEER... (Pennsylvania Division.) | Oo F PATTO N ’ PA. Beech Creek District Condensed Time Table. Read up Read down Exp Mail Ineffect June17,05 = Exp Mail . 3 i | Nol Noss Bia. "Noi No & Perry. Capital—fully paid $100,000 00! TRY IT! TRY. 920 150 ar Patton 1v 76 10 $240 [Surplus - 40,000 © 3ar d mi — Stockholders’ liability ar roads 2 ockholders l1ability 100,000 FOR SALE AT ALL THE LEADING BARS IN THE COUNTY. The Acme of Perfection, : : | Warranted absolutely pure ard free from Schenk Organized October 10, 1893. | all deleterious substances. | | Iv 700 3¢ ar729 35 Total Assets 3 - 850,000 PATTON BEER IS UNION MADE. win 11] Lumber Cut to Order ih in DIRECTORS. PHONES: | Bell THE PATTON BREWING CO, 5 P——— Geo. S. Good, James Kerr, A. G. Palmer, E. C. Brown, Chas. Anna, H. J. inte 1 Local PATTON. PA Patton, W. C. Lingle, Geo. E. Prindible, Wm. H. Sandford. : % : = 23 on Mitchells Clearfield Woodland ) ? | wormsaaie mes 91 3% | Saw and Lath Mill al Munson ar 918 556] A general Banking Business transacted. Philipsburg ol ! - | St. Augustine, Pa. Interest paid on time deposits. : y Munsol 7 § ; i y mai i y, I | no. TR Bacio Sa a Mellon Millinery i Peale We pay four per cent per annum on deposits in our Savings Department, { 0 NE I e eal SEITEN HE SRY 252 Gillintown 1004 645 : Snow Khoe 100g 6 @ compounded semi-annually, Why send your money to institutions in dis- Beech Cree 057 74 Tet 5 Mill Hall 1109 757 > y ; . tant cities, strangers to you, when you can do fully as well at home? Call or St Lock paver $1 12 Post Office & "Phone A 274, rite for full information. OTE, | No embalmed business in SN iv Wie hore il sn - : You should have one or more of our Savings Banks in your home. It will PATTON, PA. ours. We deal strictly in pm am meamene hn bm Chest Springs, | tech practical lessons in economy. ue stock ot wires wren. 1 [meat killed at our slaughter BS 630ar Williamsport 1v 712 29%11 30 Saved wages become wage earners for the saver. UP stool of Winter Miliinery 1s house Everythi i 8 36%11 30 Iv Philadelphia ar 730 650 a. being sold at less than cost. All hats ig FVEIYILIng in seasof; am pm pm am “Not what you get, but what you hold, s Bios Mon 008k. 4 aby ; NY via Tamaqua ar 1040 . A wil i a fe HY 900 v NY via Phila - ar 1010 1902 Eases life’s burdens when you’re old.” trimmed and untrimmed, wings, : . Mr am pm am ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, plumes and fancies to be sold below Little Bros Das fWesktduss, py pmounday, 11700 (Estate of Catherine McNaspy, Deceased.) cost. 9 am sunday : 3 jons—/ illiamsport with Phila-| TLetters of administration on the estate of 3 ) aSonnentions A ! Jen ¥ Show Catharine McNasby, deceased, late of the DR: R. W. BHILEY, Reuel Somerville, Sale begins December 18 MAH the Fall I Penns nia: at | township of Carroll, In Cambria county, Pa. and lasts through the Holi- Philipsburg with Pennsylvania road and | having been granted to me, all persons in- : 2 NY and P CR R; at Clearfield yan the Rup debted to said estate are hereby notified to Dentist | Attorney-at-Law days. falo, Rochester. and Fittaburg taliwasi, 25 sold make payment to me without delay, and Y ) Bon 2 >, LW 9 a 6 9 : . i fiadoy ane f the Pemmsy vania railroad; at Ma- | those having claims against said estate will ine oid s ee The best business men use the hafey with fhe Pennsylvania and North- present them properly authenticated for set- Room 16, Good Building. | ParrON, PA. papers for sale at this office— | stationery and get it at the best o western ra vay. tlement, only 5c a bundle. inti J. F. Fairlamb, W. H. Northrup, H. S. Buck, Administrator, | Office Hours—S8 to 12 m., 1105p, m. 6108 | y 2 | that does the best printing. Of cof SUNN BRINE EE Idd © Shoe 1] 2; Butchers and Dealers in All Kinds; Fresh and Smoked Meats. PATTON, PA. amb Gen. Agent, } - 2. | Office in the Good Building. Is this your paper ? i ’ 3 Gen’l Pass. Aly Willizmsport, Pa. | Patton, Pa,, Dec. 11, 1906. p.m. LOCAL PHONE. | 1 Bg your. papel | that’s the COURIER.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers