Rao a VS a Place. on arid Somer its strutting bustie and of hmportancs, But the lie of other days, lien ince died oF ioved to quieter fashionably quarters, bisa Summer sirest eo | most n ii tear that ve fisld, so dear te the her patriot, the field of Polit gFment; ond being aniformly | at length, after a partie. wppointing catpaign, had ng only his daughter Mar ing-—and hin Hite olds house. , with all Hs miniature Sin ware, had tot outgrown of everybody's knowing Hod else's business, ami ty, for the Yory day After | mart she annie] her | opening 1 Hower store” re for Wesindla, but one the people, 0s they got Hore nil were brought more and 1 totich with city ways, would rely, In a few days there 1 2 nest sign over the front oh Perkins, Flowers * And ie es with fragrant Lilos Poser; earnafions and vlolets | fr The cut foweras eime kak in a nearly eity, but it ng before an small grien- lle back yard did much to ial, Ue young men of Westfield fair wy to bankrunt then t Miss Perkins’ counter, but grew accustomed to the i the volume of trade was proportions that vould be iss Perking' store became a Institution, aud Westfield ow the town bad ever jot: without It. It wos such a abe always int already knew, but the fled upon to Assume of printing news be- wan ae behind the ing. arranging a fresh. of I¥ of flowers, when two arrived at the door at ; t, and came bustling in morning, Misa Clemans,” iss Perkins, looking up In “Good morning, Miss Elwell: mu chicks out a little early this at all.” replied Miss Clem- langh. “You know, we're ‘house; I've been to me? exclaimed Miss Ei a8 a rather languid cren- Bure you are an early one. the world would usual. this early. but 1 have a it piece of news, and I wai to get down tos 1 stopped and looked at see that she was duly Miss Perkins went on WOrs. now that you are here.” said ‘t's have the news. ul plece of infor: ney to icy Her | sity. Finally) Miss Clem. Thi girls langle, ana Afiex Elwell § maid: {aroused so 1 won't kee Pp Fou in Kis pense, Malel's engageniont is : “What!” eried both her lis anes Mabel Richey v {dine her heed in affirmation. “Of, you're Joking sald Miss Clem. ans, “she and Harry worn Just devoted to ench other, Why, nothing conld ever cone between them, Mabel told 10 sn.” “But something did, just the same” Crepe] the bearer of the news “aad [that something was Miss Margneriin Datey De Jones of New York” Miss Clomans exclaimed, “Well, 1 never” and Misa Perkins groaned, “To think" fim ally snid the older Renss than that? fo Um sure I can't tell. Hero that bold-faced creatures with hier blonde hair” “It's blondined, I know,” put In Mis Clemans, “Amd her pink cheeks” eaniinned I Miss Porkine. “vomes to town with {nobody to Introduce her but the hotel “1 Kedper, and sets half the men In town crpzy, aml they do say that some of her worshipers are not single men either” and Miss Perkins set down ithe srinkling ean so hard that the noise attracted the attention of people in the street, “It dues best all: Har ry Martin was such a dee follow, ton? sald Miss Perkina: and then suddenly fe asked “When did it happen iy I's been golpg on for a long Hime, I guess” said Miss Elwall, ings. ing some Bowers on the connter, “Lint te den him my wheel so he caine straight hbme lael night and told me It was raining tes bad for yas to aot iput then, so 1 had to keep it to wir wolf jal Hight. Bl they must have bigd an 8 ! Lr He, 1 poeare thet Mise Marmierit { Daley De Jones Is going th give a sap. | oo Ler at the Eotel tanishs ta a jisr of | vunng fellows. and Mabel beard tha? i Harry was going, and Hf eotrse (h mde tronbie, They fast had tin partes aid she gave him back hl nel he 100 Tn A wrent hoff. Died we that Harry never intended going uf wih, that he wasn't even Invited, bat when Mabel began to suspect him he got pogry aod sald he'd go if he nant sd to, Isn't tt awful? “Well, 1 don't believe ho was going.” might to patel It up between then,” "1 don't think anybody will” replied Miss Elwell; “they're both as proud tm Lucifer and as stubborn as—1 don't know what. Tom says he bets Harry Hoes away, and I suspect he will Well, I feel sorry for them, but [ don't Inow what we're golng to do about it. Bay, Miss Perkins. what {8 that fdant over tn the cortier? 1 never xaw anything like it before” Miss Perkins told Ler the name of the plant, and then a commercial tray. eler, who wanted to sell Miss Perkins some glass that she didn't need for her greenhouse cnme in, and while Miss Perkins was explaining why she didn't yeanut and conldn't use a thousand panes of glass, even If It was the clearest ever cast, the young ladies slipped away, CAH morning Miss Perkins who neanl- be did not give mach heed to the goasin that went on in her Hitle room, thought at the lovers quarrel she Lad Sreard discussed. Both of the youny people were general favorites in town, and thelr marriage had been deemed HE sminently suitable one: it was a shame, thought Miss Perkins, that a frivelons stranger with yellow hair should have the power of working so much mis elidel, “I do hope” sald Miss Perkins to herself, “that those rirls won't clatter about it all over town, I enzht to lave warned them abont talking too ech—pot that it wenld have Aone jany good, but it might have eased wy tonsclence a little” the door, and Harry Martin sprang @ the pavemont and eame in “Good morning, Miss Perkins” he wild In his brisk, whole-sonied manner, re beauties; how rnuy have yon ‘Three dozsn, only? Well. I want them ml. Here's my earl. which vest will tdivp in the box, and send them to Ixing oa the counter, ing. Miss Perkins" LAnd Mr, Martin was out and sway Infore Miss Perking had hardly recov. ered Ber breath. She looked at the address he had left. “Miss De Jones, City.” Liberty House. per. eried, “If he thinks I'm going to send flowers to that-creature, he's | arise ken! He's crazy, he 8, 1 won: {der if bis mother kngws nd then out of pure vexation she t down in a back room and haq a odery, fow moments later she came out “Miss Perking eurosity Is potting "Umamph," sald Miss Elwell nod. | Indy, “that Hares Martin has no more What the young men. of thix day and generation are coming the break came night Lefore lust, Ma. | Bets brother Dick told my Lirother Tom | { Festerday, aml Tom's heen coRXing Yip ald Mise Perkins, “and somebody “Some roses this morning? Ah, thse “Why, the impudent puppy’ she been, deeply dn love with Pasir ad I guess from what Jig sf ml won a new ‘one, which’ she piri in the : box; -then ‘put it with a half dozen maller packages, which Nero, the fae. | atu of her establisliment, would des J Hyer. Then Miss Perkins regained hes habitual smile and gentle self | osues {sion ind went about hamming little Knatches of Rappy songs and seethed A one canseits of having dote a good deed. . * . . * Harry Martin was not a happy man, Indeed be liad been misergble for thirty.six hours, for he was, or had Mabel Richey, and tn reality bind pever heen troche] ta the paldemhinired gird wWitiy the thregsectioned pane, until shinee the guareel with his sweetheart Bart shin that tempestuous interview, be loud sought, and ensily obtained an Wtrdnetion, and had decdded 1a cond hey tomes for the decoration of the table at the supper that was rosking seeeral Weatlield swesthearts Jealous and unlmppy, woman, the sparrel and potion 1s he morning heinly resolved ty Hie than show pny signe of Amd she had gonften thenigt coding day faivly well; t that she wanifested aod anasanl teak Ing being when the pans of Miss Mares guerita Daisy Ie Jones Lisniedd In her presenes, Migs Periing Nero wong fisver very swt, and #t war Obits the pdddle of the afternoon before he reachsl the Hichey restdehos aml left a long box evidently containing Bowerr, | Mabel wis In her awn rev, and Jennie, tha wid, took the bog io her. It i nat take bor many seconds toa tear the bay ppen smd seramble aiong the poses far the card: even before she Wakad he fot sure al ihe names sho would fied oo iL and when she read, “Mp; Hares Martin” she sank down on tha inughed and erie aed said: “Oh, a goosa §am!” bn den 5 ten minnie ehs wan! Sawn wind frealt frock with th tear-aigh iowashed away, and hey fathion’s wishle boy spopding with & nee to MMe Tiarry Martin.” ated ow der the etimalios of a poll In advances | enor “6 Envy, Was iene ea A LIFE FULL OF THRILLS, DME. NR EMMAGARNER ¥ Smiling. who owns half of the Larner Westfall entitle R+ -~ ranch in Navale Cor nt, oa Sore’ thie Atchison, Topeka and Rate Pe ait vend, Ling @ $f. in ry nl a, sud | has Lest a por trian § enone ek. citepiont to Ail She wits Lara | went to when nn pb #1 Une thine of mast, When flovked ta the dventure. | | three 3 Hrs of no new soaner. | y . iy NG ERTL broth faiaagh stor] fais wark. : : ' excosdi gly ha ardons, The titemen must Fnow every font of water for miles out, because SRiy heads turk close to the surface fd a Ligh roller might at any moment Fi up thelr frall boat and lrenk fs hiadk acrobs one of these fr zgad vngeen fas, The British stesmiship Virginian firanded on the Outer Tis mond shoate : the tied dreaded paint of that dreaded Viatterne, The stesmer broke into &, which vires Bald topoihir fine aif the boats containing seven mem eng EB | wiged bedars Bt sould be eliared froin torly eal, cams wih Ard Mabel Richey wan not a bapoy | Shoo hmd went all night after ¥URTOT IN, g stot kp the exnisa ; The win fatniiy inti fright af the aiinel Tir sd thio Stir of er Perse family Poin fon nf 4 hed fey 3 uy the dea rg bw Mrs, £557 ho wlig's side, amd (18 ecennante were raver, Then the lores fifeboat Liteen won rssehed the Isley. uy nd rerichE Lor tha ope ; spy later on Taw o SLERSE pow ont of water were the hivldee snd the how, with the P&E foawing between theo The Fat whieh 85 $e i PEF ERY BA the proosige of apather when be | alo Fetursanl ly hinrelal ¥ Arey Mardin, for soins regen, had in that day, I frtves oir Thee # tind roast. find gy resstior, bined pt an i rd wives! font apd eft the ofjer mivigwid on the Frist stone howevip re be owonkl ga and Yeu fish and lita : a Trea wanin: be want eb Gy pot Bevay from it all, Tha satin faction he hud expscted to feel in send Ing a bax of roses to Miss De Jones Was pot very mich in evidence and | be heartily wished Be had fever seen por heasl of that frivolous yours womnn, While he stood on the tang wranoed fn melancholy, which by puncinred with an occasions). “Deuce, take | alll” he saw Jack, the Richoy's stable boy, approaching, wearing a Yroad grin, karey, from old thine habit, bee gan feeling with ofc had for a eoin and hebl out bis gather for the finta, then he suddenly started and thought with bitterness. “What an ass [ awn! He host't an thing for me” “Here's a letter, Mr. Martin” said Jack, his grin wideniog, snd then he alded In a lower tone, "Miss Mabel, she told me to hurry” “Well, hurry back, then,” =ald Farry, tearing the note open, sod giving Joey the expacteld coln, “I'l take the oie FWP, The note he opened? reads “My Diprest Hennes of you to send the reser, Of, vou don't know how awfolly ushappy 1 breve! cen! It was go wean in rie to be jeal. ous, bot 1 know that you forgive me. When stsall I see you? Yours, air ¥ oF 5s! FQ Harry whistled, i “Raser! What the dence does eha mean? PH fost po and see Poor iitle girl, she’s been all cul ap and ve been a perfect rate? While be upbralded himself he was! sircady taking rapid atebdes tow urd the Hickey residence, which be pencbod | long before Jaek did Pie saw the roses in the drow ing Cran before Mabel came fn, Lut by AR she spoke n carriage drove up to happy inadvertence they got he eonld not ROOK, nor did he Lrg to find out when Mabel cane Ley APM ASR And he wrote an nddress on a {ng i And then Miss Perkins lost hey tem: | or baad other things of which to talk, nt oon his way howe, ten bene biter he dropped Into Miss Perkins zai pald for the roses, “Ail ooh, Miss Perking” he sald, rhont their delivery: wasn't thera through some inadvertence —a mintike is Hite Alium Perking leaked Bim straight in % ; tiie ER, “This address. I've loft mother in! {Be carriage and she's afraid of the horse, so I'M hurry out. Cood morn: | UWan there wns all she said Wan ivy Magazine, ress Censared the Bonbons, The cousorship in Russia continnoes A. A on wo X x ¢ a Exe 4 ou Pin De use] bn the vsusl aris TAUY Anan ser. Une of the mast envious examples of the vse of the power hos recently cone to {iz “ht, A manufacturer of swesls was in the habit of wrapping vy buiibons in eol ed paper, which wos covered with all manner of Hide plotures. One of these pletures was thit of a landscape with a storm coming up from the sea Underneath was the sentence: “The! “Ya rages; it approaches nearer Re papers were confiscated by the cortenr and their farther use forbiddey under a heavy penalty, as it was! thouxzlt that they were political pro pagaria.~London Expres, i drifts mail Lis foet Haw very provid about Hite fromtded At 1 | ner married a Mr Bue srted Ye wo to huapisg to 4 % became ton doen ba the Bo taine. Thera wero farted too worn sud Mr Mad girl fn th qu On the way Oo thin Ra wkien the igeinge and fou & ow ¥ # PREEPNY Ruie GO Men winl weipen gether with pane £5 etek In gold evi rg eanie pravnd pnd cRInpers that i (hey rena by they wound ba Ls Tid i LOW Wen ware maskin a int timntion of trouble we bx faltinre the Inst pack tradn to arrive, in Novem Fioins, Hotum Of tho matures Boon glarmed and returnsd 10 Santy leaving Me sud Ms Snsiling gre] thelr the sivd snd igh ¥ ALE Ged ad pie Viniheung nino Hib WORE aml three esilara pa tidied together on the brliden towatebing and bhopdng against aEsistanee. The pect day the sorany from the beides snd into the fovecastle for oll and ta he owiiely was stored thers aad ah fanre on the desnerain made 8 feslids fire Jeanine J foonlteaet Bitention fron the mental : far away. thelr fot, and when morning bros hit Hops snl dessnir were gle from the northward the HOT wk well nigh give un for they Rize that few boasts conld tive In snoh va pra, However, by 0 orlosk they | were astonished to beheld the gleaming eailn of two surf boats The Creeds 3) beat came to within an fanoth of a nile of the weaek, and lay te for the tieras bial, Then a conferences w A tromondong sex wns Panning the shoals and to appres: 5 the nary other way Sor aul Involve voit was dee they were to ran to the 4 fire Oncter [rgroand, nad al nfest peril Final sg oH 4 Berney bay they hind bape thud ry SRF ly t Sr. “thsi fon wala. ore fp for shat them off Trinny ¥ rowed shout for | to fa hier, as there dare § wo fd Jando net in thal oe rullew sway. When nirht fal En thy de te rained Po nuke for eogt before the pour our Front sheept then sonth, They were witlun sb amd water aml the evan was aff with freborpes, Ri anorning esree at last with a Bright san and brosre, nnd 1 gail for a few Bours, Bot a stan fide RIA nat Boal the svnratnr The Suir by | ber, andl 1h ey hogan to oo short an pied Dil The Indians ware , bre geny fell ax had that rerinn, at Li way waz found uncon YT evey, Tho frozen wo bi IBERIA TY a Tew dave by soln dow j pots pn $44 fran it geath was adit Hel: fried Hy that ty thn {ie She thy round take hoes Fe, The miners fing, pod the Yer elied, ECGUIVY, fit WOre Trey 103 13 the of : hie party for Ssuta find, wretel i fiw Pwenty fool dx Tie fest nig frying tn Kes day ga freal Liuml, Mire 3 of twa Blane ened and by nightfall the boar wea ii of water, and Tyieg toa drag wring Joa and Poih oon Bardest. Ag the hind HORNY heal wlthas? Jalinston lost Beart aud al is te. he ar odekivions and thirantensd to jump overboard. Then Clements, belug the stronger, LEE prin werd Johnstar vy wad fad him 1533 Boosie ther betta of the twist, an aperation theater strapless pearly ; KF day arsak ye. NN the oars again, andl gr ther SH, I nis fiir ia @ qravshs, f fresh roote ard boos wad the later ad Imome, Then they gal in the after. # Newfound Moisrath, In DRYON A THMIABLED STEAMED art terrier i, the RB IArTY ine way nf i ahd $ fein sn daes nf ho in i chil the safery of kis ship i offal ne balp the Sear. gol wis towed covilaned a Swen nt AE hia life i fran broke fi 8 Th he ekelnah! and raked &* sith oh : MER As at bis font bo Tainted would have dial faliow sailors vat alr of the +d severe bilsters on the + Toco aul arms, an cold proceed bo furthers, In five | days the Posegers reliant to Sad bei the wmaother aad denghiter barely alive The party reached Manta Fe on Wi Ingcton's birthdey more dead thay alive The men left in the cabin all perishod. Sm re iin A DEP-SEA RESCUER. % the patenLvrd expected the elie fn or, aml the otfieers foun) i pedessary to Keop them eked ua the jEssaise be hin, An Innovation, A lady In New York bas had her builder's teeth filed by a dentist. The usual practice is to let the dog xi} them himself with trump. "Tor oreute Any one ‘Who Las seen a pilot boat | Star, the sea fy stodded with rocks whose! F from Vioslinh preven, Cletnents Geld on une | ; hil | natived ta be trefabiing excessively, the baeoiblack, nhydrous pa- per, which forma the best casing for underground telephone cables. became an important indostry in England. but the business is pow transferred to Amiriean factorier becaose of the corsprative dryness of our climate. The skoboscople method of Investh antiin ix being practically appiled to engineering porposes. This beantitel spe Be the same ax that well wn in oomnection with the costrope anil wimilnr toys. in which & eaves a of miving obhijects, viewed theonugh in a redating dram or disk, aps ve the movements of Hfe ing a rapidly moving plees =m with closely swecending Rexlies of Huht, the parts may be chrsed to appear as standing still and any desired stages or phases of orers- inte ay be stodied minutely ander all the actual conditions of rapid move. went, The Chinese of Ningpo are sucresss folly Introducing thelr Bami-woven il fon ponds iy Manchuria, The cloth Is wminde freon yarsz spin In Chinese triiibe and from imported yarns. The Viera pare colores] before helme wien aie] the dolore are fast and derahle, The ¢ioth is made in pieces twenty garda long and twenty five inches wide, | The price of these goods at Ningno 82 Mexican 81.85 United States: por piece, The eompany furnishes the Yirng to the vilingors and poavs them fp the fant for weavite. Th» work Chie Gone on Band leeans te the Somes by wedned and children, whose earn URS are only a few cents per day, Many book huvers mst Lave notlond he rizonrke bie lightness of some of the eotitined reosntly losned esnontally The paper, al thongh of pormal thickness. fs singne ely lacking in weight. Rome Amer. ir hooks Ale hegin fo alow hie charrctertitieo, © In som once fhe raintive lass of weight. as compared with aides vealumes of fonnl sige, spanned fo thirty or forty ner sont Thee ete In the peesnt adantion for Eoin of paper made of ssparte sR Biter, Thie papey £ the ER £3 nite Fe eid hy bse ver. station Prartaen beds al London i ¥ a Brat jaree slectriial se) eeticaly POMRE minting to he opera’ by stenvn torbines, There will be (on turbines, each of THO Race power, En ftanr Beldmagne pelog are ene ployed, and the curreat is produced at 110090 velts potetrial, The gener ATHY THO 8 1000 revolutions per mine ute, In consequence of the rapld reve ointion and the small nmnber of poles, the diametvr of the dynanmos is only plae feel whereas It would have to ba pare than thirty fest, will recipros Sutin frginss Panning at seventy-five ret oltitions per minute, as at the metro politen power statios in New Lori, Why He Wanted to Kas, The late General Alexander MeDow. ell MuCook used to tell this story: Boye raw troops Were drawn up for thal first battle. They were off parzhiy growed, aader fre and ankle gen an slam, One of the seldiers was amd his fear might communicate iteelf to hig comrndes, An officer appriaehed him, “Here, wehint ars you trembling for? Aotgairciad the officer. “Ntop ft ur you tHilinoralize the company. You are fier gianre danger than any our ole. wb bo eB i ney Hott ae frall™ chattered wiidier. “1-1-1 had the sone last aro padding standing still in thie i 154 =x jong has L-brought it on 4 gb. Wow-wenhin't-tt be 4 29 god hiea te rererun a HElitte sed get warmdd up New York Mail 21d Ed Presa, Wen ems emis Luck and Labor, If the boy whe exclaims “Just mp nek” were truthful, he would say fat §- at ney laziness” or “Jast my lnat Tee Ein, Lak ts walting for something te Iria Gly La‘sat, with Keen eyes amd strong wi turn up seniething, Lark Hea In bed and wishes the nosts ran would being him pews of a lege REY. Labor torms ont st six o'clock. and with a busy per or ringing hammer ays the found-.on of a sompetenos, Laek whines. Lalmr whistling, Laek relies on chanoas, Lalsir on character Luck slips down to indigenes, Labor sivides upward to independ: eee ~ Northwestern Christian Adve Cate, cr ser——————————— The Booiblaek's Betarr, “Exile! AtEatdda want a shina™ The middle-aged Inlinn boothisck re forated Ris oy estion so oilen that ane of ie clerks io i office grew 8 Ve “et aut and he shonted, “Dent come valeting us any mops,” “Now, why sou say that? exclaimed “WE¥y not I come in here? 1 shine shoe. Al rf. I busi | mess ip lere. I good a3 you. When it rain I stay homie. 1 work when 1 pease. You pot come, you lose your Job. Be there.” And the clerk hadn't a word to say. —New York Press,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers