PATTON, Loss 8Y Fe ania [EUTR NE £R9LBGICAL RECORD. 00 ING! Expensive Confingrat fs mb the Jos. A Piople Win Have Crenned he Myie | einne Receives Bullet a Revolver. Ts EE AT BAKERTON. bol tw Wir Tom Tewwi Fieitin | ty Begonier, bint fs 1a» Produ uiition--A 38.Caliber Revolenr | hy shots Fired. ———— ine, who moved his family Bakerton about a month : shtim of a bar room Gannrner Fare, Jon A. Gauntner In White township, aboot four miles east of Pelton, were totally destroyed hy fire about 2990 cetgiock Tuesday ahernoon. A carpons ter shop, corn eri, pig pen with seven pigs, chickens, ete, were also eons (sumed by the flames. The writin of Sth blage Is unknown, although it was | probably cansed by spontansoas com. o'clock, after which his remains were taken fo Heedsbuarg, Clarion county, | pastion. Mr. Ganntner and his wile wore in i Patton at the time and there wid no one aroend at the time the conflagra- tion started except a young lady and a Tmated at $5,900 other property. All was josurgsd no the P. of H. Insurance tompany. A house snd bara on the farm of River tharing the Wonk, 6 cone of the stockholders of the pret National Bank of Patton and geite; freien vialtor bes, died 8% Lid Boe Tuesday moraing ab 8 o’vlock, alter an ieee of two wueks. Dr. Feteor was rT of th nine pred dcioners in Clear: § Geld connty. The fnueral was held at | his late home Tuesday morning ad 9 his boyhood home, pad interred in the prepaete ry by the sid of bis parents. ® $ # Ubas, Kirsh, a paiater employed by | boy eight years oid. The loss ia esti- | Jou, Flick, died at the boma of the lat. Olly buys a chance to redeem thi. | : y with an iosursnee of jor on West Mages avenni Monday | solves. In this they Jumentably failed, | {$800 on the barn and abont $600 on the marning at o'clock of besrt trouble, | after an Dineen of but one week. Heo was the son of Simon and Mes. Agnes The barn contained 40 tons of hay. Kirsh, of Barr township, and was 18 more arid Benson were good ground | CAMBRIA CO, PA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1903. Pe 1 A. Feteer, of Lamber Ctiy] FAP SEES oa tic 00 0 PER YEAR GOSSIP OF THE CAIAON What the Pict Ball Players! & pid Have Been Doing. GOOD GAME 5 SATURDAY. Contin] mad the ¥. 3 GC. A. Team WE Fay Fain High Sets Fler Intapted | : ; i Ehstisbarg Menedic! Won Another Gibsons | z & Fross AMesaha as Fr RT 7 ee il you have 11 4 vi sechn our stock of up-to-c date The Nt Benedict. boat, which de | fented the Alloona Fiirh sehonl tent at | "Benedict recently, journeyed to Al todna Batueday to give the Moniain wi | The gridiron was moddy and sop ; “amd the North Cambria players were | vietorions by a score of 1016 0. Dons We have made A HAASAN A RE A 05 00 bushels of rye, 13 bushels of timo. years old on the 13th of this month. He ainers for Benedict, as were Tomlin | tihy seed, 400 bushels of oats, 40 biwbels is siirvived by his parents, one brother, #00 ant MoClay for Altoona The a special efiort of buekwheat, unthreshed wheat, old Edward, and two sisters, Lizsie and fostures of the gasse were the 46-yard APs AA apne os ASA i er, torn, reaper. binder, thresher sod ad | esting: Teri - mare than Relnne’s sithaidot Relane Fhon 4 out hip Sguspanion would ot | et time to escape, he was run down by an we ee Wings Provided. g : Hugo). i" io tants. SE : seh KPWIEL Jae leslie Baars wo atteet od | “110 the postoffice as was his custom, snd ‘terrific rate of speed snd mutilated in #1 the manner named above, | regained consciousness n few moments | were summoned and an operation per- , | conscious, undergoing the ordeal in ex- isicians that be has a fighting chance itine, were married in the Catholic | other farm machinery. The house was an oll one from which the family had moved some tine | ago into a new coe a short distancn | "away. It was used for storage pur. sees. The new hotwe was damaged | eonsiderable by the blue and would TL aise have been destroyed bot for the timely sasistance of neighbors, When the lames were first disbov- weed the entire rood of the bars wie 5 arid shest. An alarm was sotniled, but before nesistanve arrived the striae. ture was totally destroyed. The base o Qolikly eommunionted to the aiher ‘buildings and these also were burned | {to the ground. The new house caught | , fre, hat by strenuous efforts was saved. | RUN over or Locowor ve Farivar Patton Sortres Man Beowinosdy tw Jared at Windbes, RB. Chambérs, » former Patlon res. | taurateur, pow located at Windber, | and perhaps fatal injories. Hix right Me. Chambers went fons his home on his retarn, about 7:30 o'clock, had occasion to cross the Pennsylvania Arncks st the corner of Thirteenth street and Graham avesnne, Here all unconscious of his danger and without engine racing through the town ata ~The injured man was taken at once to the office of Dr. Shank, where he after the accident. Other physicians formed, during which he continued | callent shape. It is stated by the phy- for life. muENEAL {Four Hearts that Now Beat as Twi The Grooms From Patton, Mrs. Johanna Luther, of St. Augus- [Cherry avenne, Altouba, ‘wan fwrn Ang. 1, 1M at Bt | Bite, all ai hone {le hid been 5 res ident of Patton two months The TE ‘pera! was bald at Nicktowss Wadnes. day miaring al 10 o'vlock, with inter. ment in the efmatery at that place. Me Ella Draoegan, die a of childbirth al Baie Monday evening at ter residence 421 Desensed Augtisiine. She fs survived by ber hos | ‘band and the following ehildeon: Mary | Julia, Chait Belen and James, all at home] abs by her pudher, Mrs. Mary Norrie, of St. Augustioe, and these Cbrothers nad sisters: Mrs Philip Kelly, Altoona: Samnel, Uoalport; Thomas 'E. Vintondal: Ati we, St, Augustine | Jonnin, Philadelphia Mra Basan Storm, Patton; Mra, Miry - se han, BL Augus tine, and Mra. Maggie Rhady, Ashville. The funeral wis held at Bt. Augustine I Thurday morn ng. : * Mr Matilda 1 ther, wife of George Was ran over by a Pennsylvasia mall { sidiuive, died st her home in Alle continned throughoot the day. The U rom locomotive at the latter place oneny township, nace Loretto, about | MI0Ta kickers arrived on the mors: | # Toesday night and received serious M0 o'plock Saturday morning, aged | 01 yeurw. The canse of her death was : hand is crushed, the Arm broken in two paralynia, w with which slic was stricken [rain An effort will be made to ee i The Bank 1s Still Nw Me aire is asvived biy her hos. band and the following children: Harry, of Loretto, Edward, of Cresson, Frof. William A. Moliuire, of the reg ister and recorders office, Ebensburg; | Rose, a school teacher at Cresson Annie, Zeda, Charles and Viola Mo. | Guire, at home. : Mrs. McCinire was a member of St | Michel's Catholic church for many | years and the Rev. Ferdinand Kittel officiated at a requitm mass at 10 o'ciock Monday morning. Interment was made io the church cemetery. . » A. J. Graham, one of toe prominent citizens of Philipsburg and a frequent | visitor to Patton, died Tuesday morn. ‘og at Plerce's Invalld's hotel at Baf | falo where he had been sojourning for several weeks, Mr. Graham was well knowns in this section, being a valosd agent of the Lafflin & Rand Powder Co., and was i highly esteemed by all who Suew him, | | Nicholas Anstatt, of the firm of | He had been an lovalid for several Anstatt & Wirtner, of this place, and | years, suffering from Kidney trouble, | and his wife went to Baffulo last week to see him, the reports of his condition icharch at the latter place Tuesday ef morning at 8 o'clock by the Rev. Poa ; er Quinn. The attendants were (Cas, | | Cupples and Miss Muggie Sheehan, a! sister of the bride, both of 81, Aaja | due. The couple are now enjoying a wikdding trip abt Atlantic City and Buf falo. The Cotmier extends hesrty congratulations and best wishes, Levi GC. Gorsuch, of Patton, and) Miss Katherine Boyce, of Eldorado, | wore married Wednesday evening at the bome of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Boyee. Only the inti {mite friends of the contracting parties | witnessed the ceremony, Rev, W. WW, Sdan Lok fromn | sina: sa SbOOTEG oF | tied. {Austadt, pastor of Zion Latheran church, officiated. The groom is agent at the Pennsylvania railroad station in, peared. Landlord MeCoy is having a new house erected and as soon aa itis .eompleted will occupy it as a hotel | { When this is done the old building, in {use at the present time, will be raged. Patton. The bride was formerly a Mrs. Gorsuch will reside at Patton. Altoona Mirror. Advertised Letiirs, for in the Patton post office for the two | weeks ending Saturday, Oct. 17, 1003: | Miss Hanah Facques, Wm. MoClaripn, | Lizzie MeGuire, Frank M, Gosorn, Frank Halverson, Louis Richards. | Foreign: —Johan Poroby insgki, Wtad: staw Batievieki. Persons galling for the above letters | will 1 Deas say that they are “Adver- | BE Wn Cin, Postmaster. rallroad telegraph operator. Mr. and | The following letters reraain uncalled not, being sathifactory. He was en gaged in the merchantile business no til the past few years, He is survived by hin wite and a nanos | {ber of brothers and sisters. His only | son, 8 Bamuel, lost his life in a dvoamite Texplosion R few years ago. Funeral pervices were held in the Episcopal | Cehinreh at Philipaburg this aflernogon at (2 0 ‘elonk. LANDY A ARK TO Go. Ob Hoekbory Hotel Wikl by Rarest When New Building 4s Completed. The famous oid Buckhorn bote! oni the road between Patton and ARoona | will soon be a thing of the past. and whet it Is razed one of the old land marks of this section will have disap Buckhorn hotel has been a landmark tin the mountains northwest of Altoona tand daring all these years has been a licensed hotel. During the summer | months it has been a favorite place for parties to visit and this trade, together i with that of teamsters bauling coal { from the mines and persons traveling ‘to and from northern Cambria have : kept the botel ‘open. Subscribe for and advertise in the | Plesuce Valley, Wages, $4.50, { Patton COURIER, For more than half a century the run of Dhissmore snd the 50-yard ron this time and vou inf MoClay, The line up w fol ] . : a. ay Be Bhe up was as lo | | know that means Thien. i something here because we are “The Cloth ~Bilgnt Taekie Ansilsigor | ) nen an. vow 16FS In Patton. BTR. Harps | Foot Genii, Met i Holle Tarkie | Wiis ii St kd 3 Is there another Concern who can Saf i End oh £5 Face ire 3 We I hk fied, 4 Tomiinwe | 4 : : fo ip rete ae we | Men's fine worsteds in colors and cig bueren dan Cantor a willing Kerndianl Fatt Baek Moka | Jand cassimers in all the latest weaves, } LE ; f Tomaiinaon, co Bepopranaty, Marnie Es Re ee fancy cheviots f1000 and fr200 Suits mm We aim to sell the best ng Men's Suits, long trousers, town, A full stock of Your $5.00 to $15.00 HERAT £ seen BD Pleas med fe miiiente hates # | Fine assortment of Little Men's Suits, 31.50 to $7.30. Thi foot ball game scluduled for Fail Furnishings Hats and Shoes now ready. Most {ant Saturday afternoon between the complete stocks of any line. Come and see the goods. alrong Altona eleven and the ¥. MM. You will surely buy. C. A team bind to be postponed on ke | Lor he Sway) rs en of hin ASH-ONLY ONE PRICE. Kevoren Clothiers and Tailors, Patton, Pa. Opposite Us. ing train, but were compelled to re urn without playing on the afternoon | Lhe sane team here again on election day, whens 16 ie to be hopad the weather | will Is more propitions. » ® % iA little thiog like a rin storm fine {wo terrors for the average school boy, | ha wis evi? aced by the foot ball game | {Baturday aliernoon between the wey. | ens. from thy Patton and Ebenshurg Hdgh schools, The county seat boys | [were much the heavier, but were [dlearly outclassed in playing, as the | | foal seore, 15 to Gcoocicadvely proves, _iquid Poetry. That is what our pleased customers have seen fit to designate our fine and immense stock of whiskeys; wines, ale, beer, porter EE a and cordials. Notall “wet goods” are liquid + Experts who witnmand the foot ball |}. er lho» - rhe re wa sin Te a hn te sot tal drunk by a discriminating public. That's the v Jas r a ean tre loud to deirikind we keep. High grade hquors, esther Leven enthusiastic enough to venture pound eleven in the stat, More than! ea ag as He, they are willing to back their our long suit. It's the 4mc w ith beer, ale and opinion porter. Driaucoms- that tells the story in a foot ball tears under the management botthn iy tf J. Hdwin Purnelt will play liber | o their Gps nls, “Bou i teams i are som. posed of exeellent players and sn boter- jon a poetry, however. It's only the best and that igh school teams are loud io. thelr tiie enough lo esters for medicinal purposes or for a beverage, 1s Lopinlon with “money, marbles or re ey od YM nut shell—best, purest, freshest—our own ems mre Ed. A. Mellon, Magee Ave. Patton, Pa. We Sow That Others May i Yo % sR RE EYE. 5 a e 4 x0 ¥ Arn Centre Deitriek, Quarter bak The values von Fel to-day were Reite, Half back--Gilioce sod Gilmon. \What is the ase, if vou want clothes Fuliback ~~ Rumberger, * : oo th & | = Jumergs pay a big price when you can go te Bt a Clothing La . 3. A. i St + HRT | setting more thay vonre moog YL Those who attended Init year's pans | SL0T¢ and “he sure of getting more than your money's worth, will recadl Gibson's great line basking. © Be ab the game Saturday and wateh him tear up Coalport’s line, : % ; SEE THE POINT. Tw RR fg 3 i ¥ a bia zea - 3 5 1 oa R Rae TN bg 2 ¢ Yo Sh i Two new candidates, Bisset aud Ram My new fall stock of shoes 1s now i berger, give good promise of strength. : ening the Patton team. feiing and axciling lest he lofied for, Kick-off at 3:08 oo’ 4 SURE # € Thee r Eon 35k Yi sg 3 oy Big Boat nk Few fof PvE ERTR ified: 52K 151 SHEARER M5 | Ends Harper, Dinsmore and Bennett, | Packios Deitrick, iit asd Lesden, n and going like hot cakes. Seem to strike jast right this fall in my selection of , styles—they’ re just flocking to the Patton Clothing Store, 1 The ¥. M. C. A. foot ball team is can fit the whele family, school shoes, street or dress shoes raphy getting toto shape for a hard for men and women, or tor home wear. season of Rames. $ % B® Altoona and Gatlitein are scheduled ER oh < for a game at the latter place Satur. Ladies Skirts, Suits, °F urs and Lapes. ; I make a day. specialty mn the above, also Extra Large Size Skirts. oa Fogarty and Cole are the fasfest pair | Lof guards Patton ever Band. : by : £ 1 IN b= | Wanted ~Teams on PF. R. work at - Ny! ‘EW ) The Miller Contracting Co. Good Building, Next Door to Bank, PATTON, PA.
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