AY. Fe ; i ‘rom This Vicin- Me at Poussptawney: it : 1 PATTON, CAMBRIA co, PA, ¥ RIDAY, oe CTOBER ; (RANSACTIONS IN REALTY. wala ns Srapesiies in This End of the County Frat Changed Hands Recently, Dicthrick, Patton, $1,200. Hteve Babeck et ux to John Gral, EL John Usaker ef ux to Steve Babeek Eller, $65. Patrick BE. Dillon et ux to John rihe Ball, one ¥ictim be | Ueaker, Elder, $30. Patton Base tall Player. An Jobson, wife of 2 Fite died at thie HB. Litzinger to Samuel Styer, Patton, | - Equitable Loan and Ballding associ: ation to Harry F. Baum, Elder, $50. Harry Marsden ef ux to Ann Barnes, | Barnesboro, $604). Jacob Yeager to | Eider, $300. Spangler Improvement company to Celestine Springman, Spangler, §100, Raymond J. Kaylor et ux to Jobe | Cresco, Hastings, $2,500. : Oeorge Semmelsberger ¢t ox to Lo : P. ‘Warner et al, Hastings, $1,000, 1. Bckenrode st ux F. X. Yahuer, hangs e Hastings, $2,000. : of pri shen | 6 bring her back to | the hope that the Cane A. Murray, of Bortin, usty, and her husband Ne Frank Peighner et ux to Fry Roser, | + | Bpangler, $1,500. oi Mary E Grumbling et vir to John | and Mary Stork, Barnesboro, $85, 1 Thomas Barnes el ux et al to Joseph | Belinaky, Barneshoro, $100. Williams Utireas of nx to James Mo vila, Spangler, M00 Wiliam Curran ef ux to Noelia, Spangler, $100, ¥F. H. Barker, tressurer to Spangler tntiding and Loan association, Spang. ¥, 87.45, F. H. Barkes, treasurer, to Spangler | iting and Loan association, Bpang- James Moo business from Charlotte } lor, $6.65. Two manths ago it be! f CARE WA A op i 1 Aaken to Punx- | Jennie Johastone of vir to lars | Johnston, Barneshioro, $1, 150, Lara Johnson tn John 8 Killine, | : . Barnesboro, tL 150, ot wad spprosch- | { who had been » life Methodist ehureh, & the bible and | : bo The pumblnation ear, Chemung, on oecarred : onday | st wis made in Circle Goargn aged 17, the etcher C. and Mury Vir. of Lilly, died Friday received on Thumday was ran over bya man attempted to MADE (1'3 LAST RUN. a The Consdinntion Car Chemiing Repineed by tho Hoalsen, the New York Central, which is fre. iy a visitor in Pation, has probm- | iy made ita last official ron, Iu its place the Hodson will be the vebiols of transportation for superintendents on the Penunsvivaania division of the] { Coptral in the futare, In the words of the railroad en the Chemung is fallin? It has oul lived ita asefulnesa on the road and | whether It will go to the sorap heap or be held in ressrvo seems to be an un. decided question as yet. | The Hudson is constructed along the mame lines but is considerably large {having five windows where the Chem ung bad three. The Hodson comes from the Hudson River division where {it has been used by general Manager *e% | Smith as a runabout. Now Mr. Bmith | {has a new car and the Hudson comes {to the Pennsy division after a thorough . {overhauling to end ita days. Central men in general will regret {to see the donghty little Chemuoog +i placed in the “superannaated class.” 1t has witnessed every important hap. | * | pening on the divisdon; it has carried | not only noted people but nearly every | ‘| high offfoial in the system; it has hal P: | some miractilons escapes from wreck- | | ing and made record time on all parts | {of the road. : 1t is quite possible that ere the Hod: ison remains in the Penney division | : long it will be rechristened Chemung, No. 2. MINERS 10 ARBITRATE. RE Representatives of Parties to Mest at Cres wm Today, 7 National President John Mitchell of : Monday | wired Patrick Gilday, president of the | |rentral Pennsylvania field, to arbitrate’ the Upited Mine Workers the grievances of the miners against "| the Pennsylvania Coal and Coke com: | pany. The national executive board did not | want a strike on hand just at this time, when wany workmen are being sus pended all over the country. The miners will be represented by T A. Bradley, of lilly, deputy factory inspector, while J. L. Mitchell, of Eb- ensburg, will look after the interests of the company. will offer. Making Mine Cars, The recently reorganized Cresson Foundry and Machine Car company, much of the stock of which is held by | | prominent citizens of Ebeusburg and {QOresson, Monday put in operation a department for the manufacture of | mine cars. Ibis proposed to turn put; £ about. 50 cars dajl either of wood o Michael Danzak el ux to Anthony | Albert Yeaper, ; Lopieta pnnke on p the balanoe : They meet at Cresscn {to-day to hear the statements cach side |x PERTINENT FARAMGRAPHE Podge Poo Ey, Peonesiimge Pertaining to oat Fons ~Marzeras Demares, and Italinng em ployed at the plant of the Patton Olay (Mig. Co, met with a peoalinr and ser ios poeldent Toewday. He was wheel | : ing old broken pipe out to the damp | phic and sot bis wheelbarrow down for | moma purpose, starting $0 walk around | same. In se dolog he stambled and | full, and as in natural for any person | falling, threw ont his hands to protect himself, Hix right wrist coming in con. | tack with & piece of broken sewer pipe protruding from the ground, The injared wrist was badly lacernted, and | the injured man was hurriedly brought | o Dir. Worrell's offfios, and the wound | renmedd. On Wednesday Baperintend. | it Prindible pert him to ga hospital in Hitsbarg, Prank Polehla, an nansturalised Polunder, paid $88 01 Monday night in | Justies Boone's office for the privile ge, tof hanting on Sunday, He was arrest od by Constable Jackson with a guy and a phessant in his possession. Three | phuspen wors preferred apainet hin - killing game ot of season, hunting on [Bandsy snd hanting without a Heense, work. Under the law he ix ent to onedsil the fine, the pounty [him 810 for each indictment, and “John Bersior, of Hoarebsbmaog, We elisel gems warden of Penney . wan in town Prday. It ithint Mr Berries was sont for by partion Hig Patton who Bad Beem sick of copes violation of the game flaws for] several seasons past; bo any event it ik {sufi to nssume that hanting aod BN Hing on Sanday, oul of season, ie not ber as common in Lhe future ‘has been in the past & fa vientared 3 Figs 3 , wiih as i «Invitations sre out announcing the marriage of Dr. Ward O, Vison, a tpractiviag physician of Clearfield, 4 ! Miss Lottie 1. Mot Sogkes, af Lonck | ‘Haven, Thuarsday, Oot Mim Mo { Doskey was a teacher in the Patton | pablic schouls two years, and is Lighly | enteninad mong her friends jo this place. Drosnd Mes. Wilson will be at home in Clearfield after December 1a Ane more murder is added to Cam. "hria county's long He in the death of [Joseph Mangus at the Memorial bos. | pital at Johnstown Wednesday. He | was shot Saturday night “on the hit | dlstrict. The murderer is still a% mrs, {= Anstatt & Wirteer have contracted | ur a boiler, engine, chopper and boil. | ing kettloa, to be vsed for the mang. | (facture of bologna sausage ote, in connection with thelr meat market ba Patton, | Invitations have been issued by Mi r. and Mes. Rouben MePhemson of Nichals street, for the wedding of thelr! daughter Louise to John Hertman Fal: ford, of Arcadia, Pa, on October 21.- (Clearfield Public Splatt ~The Y. M. (\. A. foot ball team will | play their est game of the season on ‘Saturday when it will test strengih i with a testo from Coalport. Game will be called at 3:30 and promises to be an | exciting contest, ~Mr. and Mes. 8. K. Snyder ure en- | | joying 8 two week's vacation in Hunt! } ingdon county. Bam took hie shot gun with him and expects to bag something Better than a turkey buzzard this ime. : ~The Barnesboro and Ebensborg gun cubs will bave a shoot «2 the Eb ‘enshurg fair grounds next Toesday morping. The contest will | prize of $100. Fdward, gon of Mr. and Mra U CGireninger, is staying with his grand parents at York, Pu, hetng enrolled as #® pupil af Lhe sch In & be for a Lothatl place, Miss Basie Kane, who has male her residence In Patton for the past six month, relaried to ber hime in Brook ville, Jefferson county, Toesday, ~All Eastman and family departid for Big Run Thursday afternoon, where they expect to A ae thelr fatare home, : John Tate has received an inorogse in pension from $5 to $12 per month of (through the agency of Geo. Boone. Misa Gertrude Shank, of Johns town, is visiting at the residence of Dennis Nolan. «Thos. Mitchell, of the frm Mitchell & McCormick, is critically ill of ty phoid fever, : —-Reuben McPherson is at his home ‘in Clearfield suffering from an attack of the grip. John Scheid is visiting with rela- tives in DuBois, Pa, this week, Mrs. C. hn parents in York, Pa. ~John Johnson is in Pittsburg this 8 ork 3 a AA Look under the cork. FA Mad Dog A BLOW AT : knows he may still be on the war path. {andl hit knew t shot gro and started after the ceazy! patched instanter. coral thew wines, having bitten some complete StOCKS handed dows by Jastico Dean fin Fitts | Leonrt No, 8, Philadelphia, io granting | William Campbell, regirescoting the | | plaints contended that they had been ( | metibers of the Building Trades Coun. | {The defendants it was charged, had! were malicions and unlawful. Cfaets, halde that the conchision of OF Hlower court wah cormect, because threats of a strike constituted 8 ote Sian Yor Lake's Csihost 10 som, Marsing Prayer Hoa La, ‘deacon in charg. Miss Elizabeth Aberbam, John Decke- < ‘hus, Hager, Jos. A. Krist. Fore: . Grepinger is visiting ised.” rr Seino 24 16, 1905. $10 00 0 PER YEAR Ya a a Sr RA pe USED MUCH EXGTENENT i | es the Ra mpage | in Carr il Township. LA BOR. The Baprems Doord Decides gains AN | Fai ding Trades Colon of Phisdetptin-. Fustiee Dean Handed Down the Deg inion | inn Pitrabhurg this Wisk i : i ‘til you have 2 seen our stock: of up-te date A dog that was andoubtedly afflicted | { with the rabies crested consider: | able excitesnent among the farmers | Lin the territory adjscent to Patton the past week. A number of other) toge, hops and cattle have been bitten | by the mad canine and for all anybody | fret ak iy The first time the hydrophobia | ¥ stern * * Jes § stricken beast wae sean wis last Pri day when he visited the farm of Henry | M. Gooderham in Carroll township. | Hern he attaked a valuable gyp dog: owned by Mr. Gooderham and a flerce fight ensted tn which the gyp came out wecotid best, Te then stacked a vil ; able Jeg which was Heed to a Eeanusl, LO nething here be HCAUSC it flaresly a sunmber of tines We have made a special effort this time and you know that means we are “The Cloth ere a attention H The commotion attarked Mr, Gooder. 1e rs i in Patton 1 hoy! 3M and he lnsbinctive AY | Be dog was aed, flo pallet to hin wile 10 hand him hi x 3 Is there another Concern who edn sell We > think not. the goods we do? Ho fires at it bwioe, both loads | spr eftect, bot tha distanon, shoal fifty yards, was too great or the shots and © CRS to be effective and the dog escaped, Mr. Gooderham promptly had both of bis dogs that were bitten by the bast kilhed, Their were valuables Sdnine, oy blacks, fancy cheviots 3.50 to $22.00. IE WH yreteds i in col WE and t s in all the latest weaves, We aim to sell the best £10.00 and $12.00 Suits in town. A full stock of Young Men's Suits, long trousers, dogs, Rc (x to $15.00. 1 > ‘hit ope had already given evidence of wooing mad and both were dis | Fine assortment of Little Men's Suits, $1.50 to $7.50. Fall Furnishings, Hats aud Shoes now ready. Most of any line, Come and see the goods. | pg BERRY the farmof Hon. 5. 4. Thomas You will surely buy, : TY >1 on E PRICE. and abs attacked dogs and cattle near | Chest Spriogs. ' CASH—ONLY 0! Keystone Clothiers and Tailors, Patton, Pa. Bank is Still Opposite Us. That is what our pleased customers have seen fit to designate our fine and immense onjon sued Robert T, Mitchell, John | “yp ‘ Sg : : ove. Daniel 8. Woods, M. Cottins, Stock of whiskeys, wines, ale, beer, porter Thomas MoCiaire and Henry Keller, : voy , “ officers of the Allied Councll of sana. and cordials. vot all “wet goods” arc liquid jug Trades, of Philadelphia and viein- | : ity, charging that they were interfer poctry, however. It’ 5 only the best and that ‘ing with their employment. The com Irunk by a discriminating public. That's the kind we keep. High grade liquors, either for medicinal purposes or for a beverage, 1s long suit. It's the same with beer, ale and porter. Duquesne—that tells the story in a nut shell—best, purest, freshest—our own bottling. Ed. A. Mellon, Magee Ave. Patton, Pa. We Sow That Others May Reap. | get today were planned. & mo uth age. ‘What is the use, if you want clothes, to go elsewhere and pay a big price when you cau go the Patton Ch othing * Store and be sure of getting more than your money's worth. The mad dog his been heard of sev A 8L.0W At LABOR. Jeeibps Deas Bliss Howa freision Duviag Proms Senait, : The Bapreme tourt, in an opinion | The | hurg during the present session, ste | tained the actioh of common pleas an injunction last May restraining the | Allied Balding Trades from inlerfer ing with members of the Plumbers’ ‘union, badass the anion was not afiil- sted with the former body. William C. Erdman, C. W, Best and & discharged by A. BE Wells, contractors, | while working on the Mariner and. Merchant building, at Third and Chest | put streets, because they were not 4s | ¢il, nnd had refosad to Join that body. OUT is threatened a general strike in the build. | ing If the three plumbers were not dis. j ccharged. The lute Judge MoCarthy granted an junction restraloing the defendants from interfering with the complainants, | bolding that the asots complained of the | the the | Justice Dean, after reviewing wpieney which could be restraloed. Erisaty Bipteedpand Chien, Ly Ninsteenth § Pay. snday after Trinity, 84 Calor, rd. Sumiday | The values vou m., Evening Prayer wind Litany n. Wednesday: children’ lev, 10 h Evening prayer aud inatrootion, 7:30 MA nai fi ¥ ¥ nsiont | 1aifert A spicial effort is being made crease the efficiency of Trinity Sanday It Is intended £5 inaugurate a ¢0 eile system of grading, after the analogy of the public schools. Further SEE THE POINT, Ay new fall stock of shoes is pow 1a and going like hot yl Tv given 1 ext wenks cakes. Seem to strike just right this fall in my seiection of ied PF ME RIVE TX WE lastit strteonn they're just flocking to the Patton Clothing Store. 1 ‘can fit the whole family, school shoes, street or dress shoes Advertised Latiers. - The following letters remain uncalled for men and women, or tor home wea LA for in the Patton post office for the two weeks ending Saturday, Oct. 10, 1903: Ladies’ Skirts, Suits, Furs and Capes. 1 make a mer, G. G. Hoover, Prank Burgoon, specialty in the above, also Extra Large Size Skirts. E. Evans, Seakulove Jonas, Josef Kru | Pra plea a 28 LON Persons calling for the above letters | : & will please may that hey are “Adver- y [Good Building, 2 Next Door to » Bank, PATTON. PA
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