PATTON, CA | goed Mou and Teas 1 4H step wig toe BOX for hye [hare i sre. Grateful for Couttesies Shown. DORS 5 ~ WARREN. of Commissiviier in Upheld hii ings st the Meeting Heid ¢ Munday and Tuesday In rams. : . to be Santor from people. The sis. | at 2 o'clock with Mrs. + and Mrs. McCoy as ¥ 3 nig The sisters or! i 7 and tho sisters’ Baance ummitice reported that the gramme: are correct, of the P. of H. Fire In- pany gave a short report f the company. Bro. plained the proposed 8 in the policies, providing that des losured shall be itemized the granges recommended ”! townshi p | Spangler ber Term oof Loiert, : of Cambris copnpty leotirt. Those from the north of ihe i county are appended: GHAND JURORS, Beck, Peter, farmer, Barr township. MoKee, Albert, laborer, White town ship. TRAVERSE JURORY, Anderson, Alexander, Spangier. Beaver, William A ngunt, Allegheny * township Chaplain, W. A, : | township Damm, John 8. contractor, Spang. | ter {ship Fabian, Joseph, miner, Barpeaboro (lass, J. 1, farmer, Beade township Hannan, Robert, miner, Rend town. | ship Shortencarrier, William, miner, Onr- rofl township Trosell, T. E., miner, Reade town Liship Whited, J. N., farmer, Busine hannn Westover, John J. hotel ke ep r, Wasser, Willian, farmer, fownship. na PRILT JUROR, : Hiehunon, Robert, ruil township Cyphers, 8B. 8, farmer, Barneshors Conrad, Bert, farmer, Allegheny township : Daibrich, township Dedozier, John, laborer, Elder town ship Goodwin, Anthony, farmer, Chest: Hebert, restaurateur, “| Barnesboro the Grange has done for the | was ably discussed by Jos. | “Direct Legislation” was | by Frank Westrick and The institute work | on of the worthy Was continned, while the offi- | a Sth degree retired to an- wan conferred on a class of ap salon war public and ded. The Howing pro- ily daca by Frank Yatdeo. st Methods and Advantages of pieniic held on Aug. 3 that their hospital. | be remembered by our frater- Fe also thank the editor of the in CotRiER for the valuable work in making onr meeting a suc Twa Dotiaras, © Mrs. OROSSMAN, Jos. GAUNTSER, : Committee, t Rates | to , Hartiabury. the benefit of those desiring to BIE Castle, Knights of 6, to be held at Har. 13 to 14, the Peonsyl- | Co. will sell excursion {and was taken to the lockup and place in a cell. Hoover, Mark, miner, Elder town I ship Kutruss, John, ehip firmer, Chest town: ship Link, Henry, township Miller, James T., carpenter, Oarroll township Mitchell, John, weighmaster, Patton | Overberger, Joseph, farmer, Susqoe- farme ¥, Susquehanna | hanna township Parrish, Joseph P., gentleman, Ash. ville Home, Samuel, merchant, Ashville Reynolds, Willian, farmer, Carroll! | township - Storm, Augustine, carpenter, Patton | Strittmatter, Anthony, carpenter, | | Eider township RESOLUTIONS. Fan Thowe Adopted by Washington Caep No, 430, P.O Ruf A, WarREAR, The supreme ruler in His | | infinite wisdom bas removed from our: jCamp our beloved brother Hamlin, be it ‘Resolved, That while we bow in {humble reverence and submission to | i Him who doeth all things well, yet the sadden taking away of our brother B | leaves us in gloom and sadness, Resolved, That we recognize in the brother to the | heavenly home, that be may make us { better men and brothers and when the | last sammons comes we may all meet | calling of our dear him In that home prepared for us all. {sympathy to the hereaved father, brothers and sisters and we drape our | charter fur a period of sixty days. Resolved, That a copy of these resolu. published In Patton Covaes and | to the family of our decensed brother, FH. Kmxnan, Clas, BHUNKW!L I. HN Beni, ii lin iH, { in dingeion was Mirestad. Louis = Ganzion, the well-known labor leader, who addressed 0 mass meeting in Patton recently, was ar rested at Monongabeln Batards ay even. ing on the charge of disorderly con- duct and of obstructing the street. He ‘was making a speech when arrested ed | Bail to the amount of was furnished by one of his friends, | Maryis Ostelliz. Mr. Gauziou claims that he had a permit from the mayor of the city to speak on the street, and that farthermore trafilc was not block. | adcd by reason of his speaking. Chief of Police Grasinger has been asked to withdraw the charge, but has not yet | > decidad what will be the best action to | i take. : ~Born to Mr. and Mure, Fnocki Short | on TUuenday “2 Sanghter. ~ The Jury commissioners met Monday land drew from the wheel the names of | those wha will serve ak jurors nt the | December term brickmaker, hotel keeper, Reade | Empler, Frank, laborer, Bilder town. Magee and For Carroll’ ’ foe the play hous wii be abuant carpenter, Uars LR Lt 15. | paiies Kessler, J. O., farmer, White town. : ihe section. + Badwin Prrnen i# the manager cated by Geo. H Carfman. {man's family have moved to Arcadia, Archie Resolved, That our hearts go out in| * {tions be spread on our minates and Windber Era and also a copy be mailed | we. PERTINENT PARAGRAPHS Firhy, Pointed Pomedigee Pertaining to Pedapte gwd Flakes Ee Pr CIE mestitg of ar the offios of Parnell, Friday night and by vote the lease Tor Athletic Park, indebtedness, sone, ele Charnes” over to the wntly Younsg Men's Uhristisn gtbonr Srhedic of $d the stand a thing grat, The last wilthe rs Lowber & Uo Be et 4g 2 Ansncialion, {In the future this organization will take | the dead in the matter of sports. 1 Cmittee haviog that branch of the work An charges, which is a sufficient goaran- du night. bes that it will be well done. minking | contest | <The Acopon sompeny is Larrangements for 8 bowling ‘between the bowlers of Patton and | Baruesboro fur a purse of $25 The igames will be played some time in iNovember and the teams will be von posed af the eighleon men, nhne from ieach place, who make the biggest (Acores ab the Acopon alleys between i this time and the date of the contest 1 have gopher of ayvenun of Ug, ? Pathan Fire Lo Na dns tho bot ap the 3rih pr CAsoent and have reveived a deed for same. They paid LGA for thy It i thelr intent bon bo hadi an oopesrs ; Binsin wirk la Ede an Epitig, Tv pontientd price B10, ix0y gdh Hiesiaa, Borough Treasurer Jas. Meliotn how receives] a oheek This morey i in payment of LORI Ball the ned sanount reosd vod from a two por cent tax pad REE fire jnspranoe oo In peeordance wilh an set of the nan fasanl. foreign Frye | wtate assembly, Foes Much heavier in weight and with a Phelan kpowlodpe of the game, the All [8taes did not have woeh trouble Heating fhe Geallitein foot ball tesm at in de ¢ Park Satarday afturaoon, The hn bays wire plucky players, bit their sfloris ware L Sore, and the Patton team won by Cane of 10 to 0, ~The newly organized Y. M. fivot ball teri is practicing wwery ev eli ing by electrie Tight at Athletis Land is getting in condition to try von. vith ii {olunsions with any amateur wsleven in Their fst game will | probably be with Gunn's All Bias, J, of the IY. ML, 4 « Walter oe haa moved nto the howe of Palmer avenue recently va | Mr. Curt whore he is employed by the Beech | c rook Could & Coke Co. -AMlr. and Mrs. John BR. Cordell and | £ I (Mr. and Mr Chas. BE. Walter, of this (place, and Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Beirlein, are attending the tof Bt. Bonifiee, { Pittsburg ox promition this week. —DHnamors Bros, the tation, have moved into their pew building and | commaodions store rooms {un town. | to attend the funeral of "Squire Collins, | the father of the latter. “AN Le Forsberg, the “Across the’ | Bridge" grocer, is erecting & those story dwellibg and store adjoining his. present location. we ‘Walter J. Mellon left Monday for CDenver, Col, where he will remain for (some Bie in goest of better health, SIREW FLOWDMS ON GRAVES thie Proad Hes Wireok how People Hewdroler viding dy ihe of Thumday afl of the show joined into line and, headed by the ams band playing a foneral diecge, ‘marched to the Tyrone Hers nader the direetion of Meo Main, memorial services wer Pgraves of killed in the wreck Hin 1892, Thousands of persons who had at- tended the cireas followed the proces. ‘sion and attended the exercises. Pore tions of seripture were read and one of the showmen delivered an enlogy fon the dead, The graves were then {strewn with a wagon load of out flow- cers, brought there especialy for that purpose from Philadelphia. After the performances ‘ Matw's cirens at Tyrone Hrnoon every employe two elreis men who were of the Card of Thanks. Jas, Fisher and family desire to re turn thanks to all the friends who aided | and assisted them with kindly minis | | trations during the illness and death of | the wife and mother. Their sympa- thetic offices will always be held in | { grateful remembrance, Assoriation is was badd & te. BOROUGH COUNCIL MET & pusnonous ali the Weors srganized | Edwin Parnell is chairman of the com. | Fast! Mellon alley. $e - Medlan relative held by CORE DOS 1 LER fron Aadiiar General | B. Handoubergh, of Harviehorg, for unbergls, o SITE. FOF | arity $2.1. HR Con, $80 75, Paul Biller $490, Dr. 8, ' Worrell Hr abide fi fis Phare As Park ; (torahire fn 1567. pow have one of the neateost and most Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Edministon | were called $0 Sandy Ridge Tuesday Morning Praver apd sermon 1a. my, his entire attention to the work at Pat- | will Holaday, : Fins Waiter Lo cordially invited to altend the services | Information sip. | And cemetery, | held over the aig - Lhe Pennsyl ania Coal and Coke show train . which tarbitration. NEWS 06H IMPORT! . oy 111 Ling Haviiy inv big Renin: aetial Ihoath of Mra. are” Frouibee af Amahry Likoiy Pheek by Arbitration SAG There was uot much doing outside { of fontine basinese at the : : (Riot of the borough council held Mon. © Those in attendance wer | President Donnelly, Beoretary Moom | and Connoitmen Lassbery, MeOarmick, Berkey, Lingle and Prindible Ch pyrdion of Reruey, siprncded hy Lansbery, the seoretary was instrocte] | to notify W. T. Robinson to remove | the shanties on Third avenus owned by Him stntet or it would be done by Part ab his expense, thy rootion of Lingle, the was also hstracted tO notify ord bo pamiove the manure The Banpam with Propo. rg thio pile will confer Treasurer He GroeTH the to taki ing Mra Palen sud committee will ook after rertain side. walks and bridges complained of The following bills were ordered paid: w, 4. 0 BOO Bd 8B. Moore 85.30, ordeli & Co, $12 51, Patton Clay Mig Co, B60, W. 1 fair #4, Patton Water Cp BAG hen, HB Pieotrie 14 § raul 2 x21 158 Hurry Jones 88.50, £15.06, DM Peelers 82 tan BLA Crooks 810.568, Lowe Palterenn R175, W. M. Losas $3.15, Alex Btilico $150, Victor Lauer B45 Frank Windows 87, Andy Walker $1.75, J. A Hoover $8.50, WT. Robinmon $0.75, y ga Liver Viny IME Sein Aug Wife maid Mather Fiarusl Hest miles lo ER ‘Mes. Mary Ann Fisher, the wife of dares Flasher, Giodd at tw family resis dence tant Friday of typhoid fever, Saftey an Hiness of bat a Tow days. Mrs. Fishor was a native of Englana cand was born at Ulnderford, Glouces | She came to America {ifleen years ago, residing at Elmaora, : i Jefferson county, previous to com. ‘ing to Patton six months ago. In Laddition to ber husband she ls sors vived by four children, viz: Herbert, aged 16 years; Gertrude, 12 years old; Rose, 9 years of age; and James, 8 years ddd, She had no other relatives in this ountcy, The funeral was held at the residence | anday afternoon at 3 o'clock, con. lneted by Hev. E. H. Witman, of the ‘M. BE. ¢chareh, Interment in Fairview | temetery. Trinity Episcopal Chureh. In Good's Hall Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity. Sanday school 10a my, | Evensong and sermon 7:30 po m., Rev. Lefferd M. A Hasgbhwou!l, deacon in Lehiarge The Bishop of Pittsburg has | Lappointed Mr. Hasghiwoul to devote Ston, and from this time on thers ‘be regular Bonday servioes snd a regular ses which were obstructing the bor. secretary | his Gwhc iy thar isin tens iy rE oon J ters’ in Patton. wires dpcison B2 Pedi Wig Branean . Peter Harring. Matt O'Brien B75, Fred complete You will surely buy. Alex Baba $1.75, Bon Urooks 82 67 Frew her The stock of whiskeys, for medicinal purposes or for a beverage our long suit. Me itters of Tute rest to People Paice Tenses i Taree Flather Mig: fay be Spr til you have Ee 1} Or stock of up-to-date We have made a special effort this time and you know that means are “The Cloth- something here because we i Is there another C concern who ean sell the goods we do? “We think not Men's hne worsteds mm colors and blacks, fancy cheviots and cassimers in all the latest weaves, 813.50 to $22.00. % i or Suits in long trousers, and 212 Stats, EARS £ fn & We aim to sel A fall stock o S8.0xy fer R71 5.000. Little Men's Hats and Shoes now ready. any line, Come and see the —_— Suits, £1.50 6 dal Td I Fall Furnishings, stocks of CASH—-OXLY OXE PRICE. Keystone Clothiers and Tailors, Patton, Pa. Bank is Still Opposite Us Liquid Poetry. That 1s a seen fit to designate our fine and immense what our pleased customers wines, ale, beer, por and cordials. Notall “wet goods” are lique poetry, however. It's only “the best'and that ‘drank by a discriminating public. That's the kind we keep. High grade liquors, either 1s It's the same with beer, ale and Duquesne—that tells the story in a purest, freshest—our own | porter. nut shell—hest, bottling. Ed. A. Mellon, Cmonthiy visit of the Archdosoon. Miss sislodut of tment to Lake charge of the masdc dur ing the present month i bw i fas to ford is andl permanent choir. Bueryons regarding the Customs the chiorch will be cheerfully given to those desiring it £31 Wi Rettie the Troubls The trouble at the Ambry mine of pany, formerly the Welniler company, Trinity Episcopal | ehurels, Parkersburg, W. Va, has ean 4 dovirines rk was ones ponsiderad likely tore Magee Ave. Patton, Pa. We Sow That Others May Reap. The values vou get today were plaun wd a month ago. What is the use, if von want clothed, to go elsewhere and pay a big price when you can go to the Patton Clothing Store and be sure of getting more than yonr money's worth, A special ef fore a firelelais rf ite SEE THE POINT. silt in the calling oat of several thous and men in this district, will be ami it is ex. cably settled in a day or pected. General Manager ET. Con. ‘ner, of the company, in consultation By, with representatives of the men affected | “and of the United Mine Workers, agreed to submit the quesiion of yardage to One arbitrator will be ap- pointed on vach side, and if they can. ‘not agree they will select a third, but | | this is so expected to be necessary. specialty My new fall stock of shoes is now in and going like hot cakes. Seem to strike just haht this fall in my selection of styles—they’re just flocking to the Patton Clothing Store. 1 can fit the whole f family, school shoes, street or dress s shoes for men and women, or tor home wear. Furs and Capes. I make a o Extra Large Size Ski Ladies’ fr rts. -A Heensed hotel and other property in offered for sale by Johan Ott, execus itor, in a advertisement jase, new Whose COURIER are you reading? in this | J Good Builaing Ne xt Door to Hank, PATTON, PA.
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