ne ol § 3 i £ 3 * lold Roman empire where vo traveler ; felire rer t mide A butlred milion | of thin have been sold In the United Bates In a single Yen, Every Hikess omarch if may ba safely ne ies randitian of i ele eo Know etn bv of them, AL st Bn. The fivecent parkage 8 Sor a nh oditary ae maton, pod fmanare your domed Stomach Cleanser ents Foaitao hos, Leu, Gonstizatiing, AV INSgis, Boe. and B11, or By wail Doan TARRANY CO. tion kills mo freee fering, Mo matter what ails you, start a. never get wall and ste ‘well until you get your bowsis mou digmaticn, pimp r skin god dirziness. When your bowels don't move ‘modern times has boon: that there ancient towns which no tourist has seen, temples and towers that no Jovs er of classic architecturs has dedght- od In, inseripilonz In ancient (reek that no savant has es vet deciphored | while regions, in fact full of anti for which no Bawdeker has been written, and which are not shown pon the Tatest mais savs Howerd Crosby Budde In the Century. There fire regions within our tempore gone whrra muzlorn European foes has tried, cp fr 88 we are abie to tell ~upepdony | wire the alviiization of Greece and Rome conve Sonrishel, and where fing monanenis of classic art, wl of ga unfieniisr wet thal sap Eplanted the clssaic waste their bean | tien wpbn the lerosant sight of Ball eivilirel nomsls. Ta veaiize the trath of thig one wide only te coms Ue ranges of monntsing that rin parallel to the sedtern const of the Mediterranean, re Bll raravan routes, josie opdtently abosit the barren that les hotweun these EY is urd the Euphratis Hero ary wideh, though not whol iy unexplored, fs full of nest wonder ful surprives. Hore gre cities and towns long desorted, mt so great or © imposing, perhaps, as Paimym bhi Tar better preserved than the city of Zenobln, and giving a much truer ple ture of the Ule of the ancient Inhabl- tants than one oan draw from thosn Fnots rains. These towns ars nod hnriodd, Mke the great citios of the Me sopolamian plains, nor have thelr | sites been bull upon in modern nies, ax those of the classic cities of I OQreoce have been; they stand ont against the sky upon Lich ridges or He shyilersd [ao seguestersd yailays, presenting to the view of tha travel Br ns be approaches then Yory much the same aspect that they did In the Aourth century of oar era, when in habitat lo the prosperous, cuith yafed and happy poegde, or when oo sorta By thes inbabitantas sone 1.300 Ybor ago. Lave and Reason. An pid tire writer bolls Tarh thas ertertainingly In Jove and ream: “iacry the Jess thet bas the cow wan the adviee of An old gentivmes to 8 inddis who osonenited Bim on the ade jot of a ehiloe hebwoen a girl wiih A cow. ard ene thar had nu thing bit # pretty face. Che far as helt bd comierned, Yen is 1 no 1h fi orcas aol 8 vow beligaon ans WER i CBristeng hover, though he 1x : IR Ha marry tho mn wie. wii ’ ai to ud vanis whi is secnomical: got on an a Gon fiehanl pak all the hotter abd be it vnited with al) ths the tagt wnartibilo Pont tearey for money, mersivi. Poors is neither love por pogson dn teal 3 may buy many Bos thing but It won't Say bappiness, and with out that a man I & pour orealare Money is no objection, It may be. in geod, an fmportant oblect, but every other consideration bends to the Joint «f buing msiched as well as paired, whet ove and reason join hands” Absent-Minded, A Bory ix going the rovnds of the NMissourl press regarding a farmer whi Bs greatly trembled with absent minduess, On the way how from own sn the story runs, the thought i dil CUR pate came to him that he had forgoates something. He took out his notebook, went over every lor, «wothal 4 on aud saw that he had made all the pur chases he had intendi<d. Am he drove 68 he could not put aside the focling ‘that there was something missing. He took out his notebook aud checked off every item again, but sill} found no mistake He did this several times Lut could pot demise the idea that he must have forgotten something, When he arrived at homs and drove ap te the Louse, his deughtor ocadne oil to pect hia, and, with a look of surprise Why, where is maw?y’ che, Te people than ali cther diseases together, It absolute | Sutraatee re ve seid in Bulk. Sea yor Mow York Influences able men ji ail “i u. By Frederick Breithut. UR young men hate advice. When yon chnsider the amenns of it which they have to swallow, you ean hardly blame them Ag things stand teday, a boy ix tsoght as muelr a8 van be expected in school, We doubt whether as ouch can be said for Fe Egy, Be thot ag ton :, the ? South i® thraiwn upon he Werkd Bnawhsdoe of | Natarally, be meakes mistakes bety, realizing Us weakotss In wot Preparing him in a better fa nner, in wittiy forgives the young man on the ground that Leo ls sow ing Ble wild bate” poopie. seping where things dre wrong ry fa help the young gv: phi may ee, JThey hope 0 thls way to do the work rears of i ie young man dees no forgive wiviely at readily ag sacisty forgives hore fhe {aadt Hes pod resenta he dlagssr, Muorenver he often feels that Sing the advising in po way superior to blibwdf, Despdie sll this we are doing to give advies, Dur young man, we are not going th prenchy a fuvcess sermioneite of the geist arder, We dati't care whether sou save ten (ents a dy or not. We dart think ft makes pach dfference, We Hott fare whether you Tia & worldly sues cess ur nb. We Knew it dons rot pike any Gilferene In these days of maramoen ¥ weliip it Is dapgerens to fry to got a young man ty bell thao any vr Blahey than gamed, Awd the oun man wha sol out with higher Meals than the alialomong of wesith [3 ordipnsily regarded gg either a foo) or a freak 10 ig that soning man we want to faik to, But aur words sre feeble, Lot ws satser listen to what a powerfal man Bail to say on this tople Jal Buskin's wards follow 1 bave to patience with people wh talk shout the “thonghtl jegupess of Feral indalzently. I bad infinitely ratlwr hear of thoughtless old age and be indulgence (ne to that, When a man has dene bis weak and nothing can shy way be materially nlleredd da Jos file, Jed him forget hia toll and Jest with his fate” if he will: hut what excise ean you find for wiifuiness of Brought at the very the when every crisis of fatars fortune Bangs off your Jevlrlons? A youth thoughtless! when sll the happiness of his home forsver Geprads on the chanoes, or the passions, of sn hour! A youth thooehitiess! when the career of all hin dass depends oa the opoortnnlly of 8 moment! A sonth theurhtless! whey his every sel i ox 8 torch to the jaid train of Ditare et and everd domination a Ant B31 of Jife or death! De thoughiless foney after yours rather thin paw —thovel, deed there ja on iy one place where a man pay I nobly thoughtless hiv deathbed, Xo thinking shionid SYLT bee oft toe hie dite there ™ There Is htt aed te added in thin Young mar, stick to your deals! Try to minke them real, no matter what your frends thlak abent thm Yeu know your work letter than they do You ean ger sway from thelr dewnise hap Fou oanbol get Away Yourself, So ddouht comteree 2 a great thingy. Bat It 8 net svervthing To flace ideal in un demoralizing Infuenee the resgits of pernicious ~ New York Evening Journal £7 ©’ Jock. ie a recent gathering of Lis sireoted futive gireslh 1 he OOmeRt Americans Oo her Wore prapsriead, in tae morning, Whether iil of a servant, of by halt eat #0 Lin every roo: We thet on thie, » GIs seamnoternr in, Lani aoss al eats, sonsntan Rian the groonnt of filme 1h ta tennire Lowel Sioaing the next engthoe Pent gecordingly, Often we soladlivide tis time, and note Ly our walche Fxuotly how bag we Can discues a subiect, This is wo sxageeration of the American habit, Even such breaks fn work fs are eompelled Gy the need of physical refreshment are brought within thos mits, We ont an the Jush ga wa franesot all sor huaeiness on thine If the typienl American were to be depleted in his most characteristic atibtade, if westld be porciau! on a stool Boa “quick lunch counter,” consuming his mig day mead In seven minates at the putulde. Doabtiess punctuslity is a virine. Donbilesa also the practice of doing things exactly on tite has won for us, as a people, a large measure of [ido tried sneeexe. Hut carried to an extreme ass {often 8 0 1% wearing fn hie tndivideal. The people whose perves brisk down from exbanstion ledent to overwork are not often pol so mueh the victims of overwork an of thes habit of compressing every bit of work within prearranged lmits of time, Let Ruyolis try the experiment of doltiy a glen plese of work freadily and w 54 By wh cui, Lat without poticlng by his watch or a cloek exactly how nee thine Ne 8 consmaing, and he wil be amazed to find how Much eas) oy if wt ie ofr than when le lg thang himself, and scheming 10 bring the prescribed task within a fixed number of mlpotes. We know a great deal mare abont an tary matters than our fathers and graudfathers knew, We Lave hunted down leveled) We have eapeaited sering. Diseases sehich were ones regarded as vialtatlons of Provideoen we raw Know to be preventable and we take suitable nwnos of preventing hem, All thesp Jdiweoverios and new remedies anzlit to diminish the death rate aud to promote longevity, They have td Cape 50. as a matier of fast: poriiaps 4 ties pight do so If they had a falr chitnce. The trouble Is thar along wih | these devices for lengthening He we are sdontlug praciioes hich t2ad to shorten it. One of the most woaring of these Is the Babi of br tging all th details of our work within exact time Hubia e 2 < he Eccentric Husband. By Helen Oldfleld. BRERVERS miay experiences varied emotions at the yagi } aud the blunders of genlus—rrgret, indienation, sear 1h pay even feel a secret satisfaction that, after all, the be drved if the gods are in supe respects inferior to everyday thor. nls, but nothing they many do can excite surprise, But the Latitude aimed to genius does not cover the sage blunder on the part of those who sre men of talest level headed and shrewd in every relation of We except ia that of marriage The usual explanation thet ney gre enrried away by infartpation, theisigh true sometimes, x not always so, ond when it te it loess not snfieionst y ardoling for the why and wherefore thst wea wun pride theonselyes uron thelr insight inte character, wen who rarely if ever make a mistake in the wen wisn {hey geiect as thelr lemtenants, who ehooss thelr rienda with discretion. wen remarkable for good Judgment and strong como SFRe, go so far satay when 1 comes 0 choosing the power next the throne, the ote friend of a lifetime, Neither fs accident a sufficient. rerson, It ja not held as a valid ey iice | when a man bas appointed an Incompetent agen toa swindling atletasy ur a dishonest cashivr. There must be sasethilng which, to quote the ol) say ing, “pulls the wool over mel's eyes” where Women are concerned sud abe secures the clearest judgioen?, This something undoubtedly exists and Is almost invarislly one of two things, perhaps caprice, that mental fnpulse which takes no counsel wih reason, bait goes ftw own gait, ushesding and blindly rerurdiess of waning, rn impulse which with uh wired hag sppdrently ors to da with Ld sv eX al OL a companion for Hie ti Hil any olber goegsan, Why #t 12 08 of the mysteries but it does, ad the reason may be that casian it wakes up in unusual Caprice, under (he guise of fapole: lependonse of opinion, ; masrtiage when reinfores guil by the subitle sltractd some! ry ogoverns then It this be the reason, eaprice 8 the eduse af many mere suspected and becotes patent ouly whey the upsuits + 4 plainly kpown 10 every one. Next to this comes the headsironyr almost preposterons ; which makes a wan eertals Ip bis own eonvelt that if he Fanti 4 woah he piiderstands her and will be able to shape her to his wishes, Oppesition only confirms him in his opinion. Even sensible and praecticalq § men exhibit this propensity, a fedling as unreasonable in its Wiy 8s the ancient rule of chivalry which obliged each true asd dowghty knlghe to fight to the death iu support of his ladylove's claims to preeminence In beauty above all her sex, There is an inherent vanity In most men, usually kept down by experience and good sense, as to their own sound judgment upon points where the world holds accuraey of judgment a sign of intellectual power, aud when the #8oles of 2 wite ls to be made this YaRAY Fises up full grows, KICKED ALL THE ° TIME. Al b bis life he’ 5 bean a kicker; Rois ed &% Tite E YEN ie CHRIGUS, Saudent hat. mroafedins, how did roan defend hosel had WER TnR ET : oS Tufesser = Rofore men had arma or fought with their Saw” : BURINESS, Flowiit iret mast have a groagh fst yas. He sald he waukl give it fy ing GUT ghiae day Jovrst "0h, he only Ny : f hat from foran of habiz he's an nadortdker™ (ELE FERRE { TATION, “What I HR" sald Wilts Washinge fon, ig 8 rood, seneibly giz)” : ey Gen’ pout propose to due’? CWhat ia tbe vse? 1 she Were wife ghee phd sap gel =Washingion Bun bar HIS FINISIL “Yin sey that Jong-haired planist gave a fAnished porformianes” sald the Theatrical Thur “Well, 1 oplad be finished hi ‘finished performance’ before he Sahel pel Baltimore Herald, ition) NOT TO BE ENDURED, “Deak bor, ln it true that you have | aise barged sour vier” TXiea + fhe deonipdrel! Wie Tent weithy the He weangsed § penne think be wie {he fri was the man, bikw Joye” Tribes HR, A CUYING SECERRITY. "What the world needs Vhe thers ava #n that they can barely poi LOTS WETe Te © Jon posh LX ¢ as Bis, wmf Ge op Sr AMBICUOUR is BA ee iit. Ne A ET ho mn 18 TiY TY Li FPrr : 8, ¥ y “You'll he furs to tall Mins Bn Fine that 1 called while she wae out? an sex She'll be delighitsd to hear Me XNew York Journal ES r— FORGOT HIMRELD, “This offer of your hore sod hand Is vere sudden, sail the summer glel “hot Twill tale 22.0 “ART gasped the swell diy goods | clerk, badly aattied, “will you ¥ it with you, or kiall 1 send it hoe lew Philndeiplia Public Ledger, EETORT. Teme, Aust what wanld you wiv, it 1 were to tell you you were not a stleman »~ Frostices -- “1 woul! fmmediatily | reaclh the econcluslon that you and I really had more 13 eomdion than 1 had theught we bod."--Baltisere Xmerh Sh. rs GOOD HUSINESS BENGE, “Is Rlunpeonn the tombstons fnager, e sod business man “lod? 1 should say he i) Why, | that man's husliness foresioht fs sim ply wonderful. He has ag ‘started a autel-lonch restaurant. by way of ex tending his operations.” —Baltisoocs News, 3 FTILL MORE EXCLUSIVE, i Mra. Wosdb ye Ther ere eye ation exvinsivae wooly, ed ton to the palves fie §7 our Hunde Mrs Met hotter at eoilege, Philadelphia Press. sawrin— IMPLACABLE. Bde ream Tht you ries,” Wii is Alr. Liaw SOF 3% 3 i CAREDIR'R TIMELY END, Wageshy «Yes, Slinknm bad og coset eripclpal civreer neti his own careless pess Lrouglit it to gu untimely end” Naggsby--"How was that? Waggsby "All went well with him until he attempted to take the gold filling from the teeth of one of his holdup victims. That was where hel : struck a snag." ~Baltimore Awerlcan, | patients ! two sous who died of FTTparmanentiy sured. Xo Mtaor 5 pos altar Arst ay's use of Dr, Rita's Greet ; Nervalmitorer, riatnottie and t po DrRH, Kriz, Jad. bd Arsh se, | Phila. It is yowivle ta rawr a check withoud the aid of a derrick. Mrs. Winsion' s Sasthing Ferap for shildren tet hing solien the game, rada or25 a bottle Hon alu 3 pata cares wind aaife, Be, The educat of rome x people is more ornamsial than useful son pl FA bis Cure for A ———— is an fa meditee for o> Jaghs and a Bowens, (hrean & Grove N. J. Fab, . 17, 199, AH dn GRA EA og The fellow who haw mos ¥ to burn is generslly sure of meeting his match. Minit SRA 5 SASS, HBO, Er Presay FAoroess Dyes produce the brighiest and fastest solors, A pan may be mach wight after, even though bi he a fugit soe fron Justice. Yall in Birth Kate. The hest ealoniation that ean Pe made shows that the average nunber of ehilldren In the white native family 8 century ago fn the United States was pore than six; in IRSO ft pad fallen to fess than five: in 1990 to jenn than four; in 1872 to less than three; In 1000, arhong the “upper classes” I Boston, fo lids than two. T Mow's This? Wea afler Ons Handed Dolisre Boward top Ged any name of Catareh that sasnot bu cured ip : Hails (interes Cure, Ener & Un, Toledo, O, Wa, thaanderignsd, navn known P. 7.00. Bey 107 Lh inet 15 yomrs, and baifere his jects Banorable tn sti fasiness Wank iy ahis 10 carey out an; a A Hons made by tisie ira, r = Was 4 Tauay, Wimiaasin Draggists, Tolede, Abe, Wavorea, Ke Rorwaxd Manvix, Whomsale Drage uy Lata, faire arais taken internaily, sobs Spon thy blood aad nmasogs ate vata Testimonials sent Jee, Prise, oy per butte. Bold by wil Hails Fa iy Fills are the vent, - Wealth of Langunges, The Ergli«h language, according to 8 Geran statistician who has made 8 stady of the comparative wenith of sagunges, beads the lst with the Enero s vost alary of 00.000 wore: German eonies next, with $0000 word; then Italian, with 75.0005 Froned, with 30,000; Turkish, ~ith 23 S00, and Spanish, with 2 20408, Az the Pa i of “much prinstak ny frovest! el SVE the xiEtence has oon doamonstirated of 8 clase of 39 Ban beings csded more] imbeciies tial characteristic Ix com Seth moral lasensibility, revealed by v total ghesnoe of rejuEnancs to the praeestion of rrime bofore the deed, The Unlied Biated has granted 3.300 RIL a SA A A A ALL TIRED out. The weary, worn Out, ail « tires] feel ings come to every. body who tates the kidneys, When the kikioeys are overs worked they £10 to perform tiie duties Baars Law provided for them to do, When the kidoess fall dangercus dis eaves gulckly fol low, urinary disor. ders, diabetes, droge i RY, rlieutnatism, Bright's disense. man's enre all kidney and bladder His Read the following rave: Veteran Joshua Heller, of 708 South Witlnut street. Urbana Hi, says: “In fall of 1500 after getting Doan's Kidney Pills at Cunningham Bros’ (drug store in Champaign sod taking & course of treatment | told the readers of the paper that they bad re LUeved me of kidney trouble. disposed of a lime hark with pain seross my loins and beneath the shoulder blades During the lnterval which bad elapwed I have bad oevuxion to resort to Doan's Kidney Pills when | soticed warnings of attack. ,Om exch and every occasion the resiiin obtained were just as satis factory as when the plils were frst brought to my notice, | just as ems phatieally hudorse the Prepurytion toe day as | did over two years ag A Pare Triat of this at khlney medicine which cwred Mr. Heller will be mailed on application ta sny part of the Unites] States. Medical advice free: strictly conBidentinl Sdidress Foss ter-Milbors Co, Iluals. N.Y. Foe sale by all droggists, price 39 cents per box. More than 524.048 aeres of land in the Indian jou. walins of Great Bre tain are devated to the cwitivation of toa blake of the aren being 18 Assam and PBeuagal, Production 19 cofflelally estimated at 191.250.0009 pears samuel WW, Twombly of Winchester, » Maan, who ls over fourscore years of oc Age, and recently cslebrated his ith cr wedding amaiversary, is a candidate | for anther torm to represent his dis trict In the Legislature Dizzy ? Headache? Fain back of your eyes? It's your liver! Use Ayer’s Pills. Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brow or rich black ? Use Ba Sn SLR » Mali & Co. Nashus. NM U.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers