Jew Passo or, ) or “Penst of pi begin ip ight Sentag of) of the exodus of the Jews from ry , {under the leadership of Moses. During | this period anleavened bread is eiten. | ~ About the neatest place In town is | _ ithe new restaurant opened in the "| Yeager building on East Magee venus | __ iby Mrs. Ada ©. Bennett. Mre. Bennett 18 an expert in serving toothsome | | things for the inner man, and woman, (too, and can be depended upon to maintain ber reputation in that line. Bead er ee” vere a an BETTER STYLES, AND A LARGER ASSORTMENT. PATTERN po iE Solemn. J] HATS FROM NEW YORK AT $5.00 EACH. STYLISH HATS re dew prohibits he miei of TRIMMED WITH BEST MATERIAL $2.98 @ $3.96. IN FACT ition ls $25. It further provides that no : Ri trout tom than six inches in Jeugth YOU CAN BUY A HAT HERE FOR HALF WHAT oT HERS ASH. 0 | shall be taken from any stream. Fish { wardens say the law requires them to | Call and see the new styles, don’ t matter if you're not ready to buy, call anyway. ¥ examine baskets and they propese to 80. The fine is $10 for each and found in any os Asa further inducement to visit the store we offer the following seasonable merchan- dise at greatly reduced Prices 5 pieces. 51 styles New Challies, very § S4-inch Half Bleached German Table tp en guaranteed to be worth Linen, 49¢ the » regulay price, speci al at : All Wool Novelty Dress Goods. 5 2 FP Wash Silk for we waists at 135c yard. inches wide, 8 styles, nothing newer made, § toon fi _ worth 98e, special at 65¢ yard. 3 hort lens ths of Silk Finished hams, 20c quality, 1B%e yard. go Short lengths of Export. White Goods i 19¢ the regular price, special at 1B%ec yard, Satin Stripe White Goods, were 2c. x im : special at 16¢c yard. . esday afternoon. Men’ s StocKings, fancy and Plain, 14 @ y mn a Te wr hE 25¢ pair. oo 5, oi Fi White Goods, 1 new w lot, 17. and both | landed avery oboe or twice | Ser : is 5 8 nu 73¢ yard. . About six or seven men | W. }) Marshall's Sewing Needles, al ieces Nainsool ah d Swiss Ea be 0 o sizes, worth Se, nt le paper. ery 221 Insertion, worth 19¢. at 14¢ yard. ere arrester} by Chief Gill, while tho thers sasaiped. Those mrrosted wet 4 | iP s Li 1 » ocKings, M. B. Cowher, | Pence Boone who fined Vhei wey v4 i 17 Lis e St chi ngs fine rib, g Ladies’ Muslin Drawers. deep hem: Hunter pom. | Bid ois | Wor c, at 17¢ pair. Et :: stitched ruffle. open or closed, 25¢ pair. The entire squipment of the > Mountain Hoge. at Cresson Will be! Children’ s Heavy Stockings 10¢ pair. ie 25c Cushion Tops 10¢ each. 8 in Pittsburg offered at suction sale on W eduimday, | b - home with the 330d of Ap A Pufiuddiphis | Stamped Stand Covers. with frin g e oll Cotton Cushion Cord 4c yard. around, 15¢ each. on Sera ve ib be without -rescres. The artichin of.| et. +o +R Taffeta Ribbon, 1 inches wide, 12¢ yard. & : aking fered will tnelude bedroom suites and | Irish Point Pillow Shams and Stand | i . between Harrisburg Other equipment of a hotel from base. | Covers 25¢ each. a 0 La dies’ Mocs Hi d Gloves. were SL ith / Altoona a close “ment to attic. The Mountain How 2 Eps HR special at 85¢c pair. js owned by the Pennsylvania Raliroad : ¥ commits SUETE Han Sok Pah mma | Colored T urnover Collars 5c each. reral senacn oti Men s Black Sateen Shirts, size 16! 1% E vevoent . Scns i ddwot White Turnover Collars s. 10, 15 ®.25¢ 2 only, 496 Kind, 29¢ each. INTERENTI NG INDENTATION SR RR Hh PKR Ha Fs Aa | Thisis Arbor Day. © The Sale of Lace Curtains Continues. A rare chance to buy Lace Curtains away Trailing arbutas is ripe, i unde er price. | Copeland Monday night. Wednesday was All Fools Day. ; Patroniae the new meat market. Next Sunday will be Palm Sanday. Have yoor watch repaired at nyder's, Rich food often results in a poor ap | “You can do better at the White | Bhe The burglar in alwys tooking for an. {Seslng. ; 1dfo I sa s burden to thes man who our | : b XK Pout I adver volving gi ; ry eatin antil Tussday, Apel 7 Yo. ; E fur spring | ~The fellow who pr apo. ton girl mu on We are showing our Brat aipuiant of kept in a frst class hate macy. In our MH course you will want oo an gapetionsed apring dress goods, Have you seen case the question is superfinous, We : in, has joined the | them ? Paros SvpeLy Co. | have anything and everthing nsually : ; the job department of the. Wanted Lady clerk at the Patton kept in a store of this character, Com- “ister Sunday and of course to tarn out work expedi- Comrades sor ar. ig pounding of prescriptions a specialty, oo Joux W. Mavor, Manager. Sy a i of LE Bee our new line of shirts for spring. : 5 - We sell you ns madras shirt for 50 cents : | guaranteed to wash. : | Lh i | Patron Stepiy Co. Soda fountain run- : Onality gunranteed and a Offices to clean or washing amd iron. | ning every day. Huy- ; * ng Saks in at bee house; also hogs ler's Fonfections re- : | cleaning done neatly and promplly bY ceived fresh every procrastinate, but come to-Aay, ; held in the Festal | Mrs. Dawson, “Robinsonville, "Patton. | Ww week. High gra de : ‘clock We have some winter goods to close | tobacco and cigars. oung ladies of the Sunday | out at prices that will sell them if you | Toe cream, cake, sandwitches, | want bargains. Now is your time to | ; | nN S m 0 r “2 Bre and. “te, will be served. buy. When we say bargains we mean Ma ry —p TT 03s, v welcome. in. PATTON BUppRLY LO : (GUNN S ; : TARTE . 5 $3.48 £503 EE iE i! ; wd ; . 2 1 - A BE Cf 5 ee 8 Fathom sxabgsl of ASTRAL ones #0 sar 0 ' MAGEE AVE, PATTON, PA eonnty, was Shaking havds & ? oad ar Uhe : nM versa P : P : : ends and political as- “tree. Wages 3850 por day, Address | agec Ave. 3 i atton, a » yesterday, The MILLER CoNsTRUCTION (o., ; : 2 : : : y r = 4 * 3, P, ' 3 4 - & - ov! rig hearty and enjoying Lirant P. ; HA ‘ ; : 10 its utmost. —Clearfleld Daily | We aro now showing samples of oar ANTHONY ANNA, Parnell, |, Cowher & Co. H | GEQ. BOONE, ri Satarday. Dew carpets for spring. H voue are goo | LESTE G8 THR PEACE bs ; | £ Sid 4 5 i § 5:8 ; pe j : : = ; MEER EN § LEE 1 : Ber aet BE {¥ “Ey nt % et x ¢ ton division oi the Ancient | ing fo nop 4 8 onew Carpet, ant try : i gat ng i, Ya. ¥ IRE i AVE ANT . NSURANG [: : } } rf ¥ THE PEACE er of Hibernians have leased the HH you look us pyer. Se ala ACCIDENT b ; ; ; Weakland & Ryan's whole. : Parrox Soren Co. 0 Lalion lone prevnptiy attended tn. HEAL BNTATE AGENTS “store and will have a lodge For sale—Three A Noo 1 fedsh cows, i Dealer in real estate, eto, TO Gen Badong. Pa Heretofore they Reason for selling, Tam going ont ofl Hk Lfigs sii ] pied quarters with the Young | the milk business, Call on or address | You can do better at the While! This office makes a specialty of fine | titate in the Buck building FX Laman, | Shoe Store, ‘pommereial job printing. Prices and Palmer Avenue, Patton, Pa. | “Duguesne bear is good? ow ark panship are ail right, too Jomuted y comes mto our store and. WEeAT Un He In make it. Fo A full and complete line of druggists’ sundries, Ask for what you want, we'll do the rest, big line to select from. Don’t - SE ITZ. w A HT i § : - Oloilections Properties te Mong Pa Phone Na Why drink AURA Rowe nnion wer, when you van pet nit sh goods) CAN nese staid for all ‘hat “ Sughiy id : atmo, poe and whtiesuine in 2 beer,
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