: Next Regular Misting W a be Heid ut (ae : roftwen April 1s "The next regular ‘meeting of Cam pe bria County Pomona Grange No. 51 : [will be held in Eoxenrode’s Hall in| Carrolitown on April 18 and 14. The |. a program ia as follows: : 6 Morning session, 108 m. Opening ; soni: address by the Worthy Master, (Huon, J. J. Thomas; Report of Bubordi- nate granges; Music by © anoord Hvids A Troms for fovery of Good Tocturan ie Orchestra; Talk on Total Ab | Otter News. I stinence, T. W, Hughes; Bolo, Jos. Mo Sonn Same time ago the Corner pub. Mullen: Talks on Fruit Oultare, F. A. { Westrick, Herman Disharf, John F. ished an items based on what was t Thomas, Peter C. Stritbmatter and T. though to be wathentie information F. Parrish; Query Box. | ARernoon session 1:30: -Song by ihe | Ista were looking over this field with a 1" war be Rocutén a at Wier Patton or | ; % z ¥ x # i surance Company; General Business of ory sither at Patton or Hastings. the Order; “Why I am a Granger," Jon. | Ocosiderable epuiet work has since i McMaollen: The fifth degree will be. bean done slong that line with the re- | e | conferred in fall form at 4 p. m. | sult that the parties interested paid | Evening session 7:30:-This session Patton a visit this week and inter: ‘will be open to the public. Arrange: viewed local capitalists in regadd to d ments are being made to have several the matter, W, VV, | enon” will be given by a member of by & gentleman represesting | Munster Girange, and Miss Fraovis ) Gallon, of Enterprise Grange. - Belections of vooal and instrumental and the choles of 8 location now lies s will be given by Miss Lizde between Patton and Barsesbors. A of Altoona; Mis Hattie Shar. | Sartalitown: Miss Mary © Loretto, The socond day's ; | nenwdon wilopen ab 0am. mend ai the bead of the project expect Program: ~Hopg by ta Grange; to of the stock except $15,000, | Query Box by the sisters of the order; | y > Shkce alt n al y Talk on the beneBts of thik urge The tion, HJ. ivory; Mossi, Ceased of 1 [Grange Orchestra; Essay, “Pleasures wh lof Country Life,” Miss Lissie Shar _ ibaugh; “Importance of good Grange Rf work, by the Worthy Lectarer., HunMax Dispaxt, Secretary. Mas Ho J. HBaNSAN, Lecturer. A In the first place, Hastings has been balsnos in twenty per cont assessments a heeded while the plant is being 4 It la ths intention to build an. up-to-date plant in every partion wx cowenmnce. eo Tr in this section. They are aac | The Due In Session ut Aitdamn Drcimess tae | Dc 10) Lown Opihiom, 3 The annual meeting of this, the Cen. tral Pennsylvania confersnce, of the Baraswboro. Sigh Selnat Pupils Wut Pro i that Pittsburg sed Johnstown capital. | ! Cirangy; Secretary’ ® report of Fire In| view to eatablishing x festclans brew. | i Stibioh, of the good speakers present. A timely talk Gostiner Brewing Ca, of Johnstown, on “Prevention of Contageons Lis was toe of the men here, accompanied | the stiste bord of health. Recitations interests and from them the COURIER will be given by Miss Lisgio Garrett, of has jleaned the following information: entirely eliminated from their plaos wok company will be formed to be capitalized at 306,000, all of i with tw | enc, one bal 10 v0 paid 4 down charter is | 0) Methodist church convened in Altoona | Wednesday, Hishop Earl Cranston, of | Portland, Ore, presiding. Dr. T. 8 "tary of the conference and Rey, Job Homing, of Hastings, was named ms ; = conference trowmirer, Withoul a dis | uiah her x potion; Of | the sending to the Hon. John E Pox, "| Wiloox, of Altoona, wan ehnctod peer senting vote the conference authored | chairman of the law and order commits | oouragement given by the citinens of the two towns, Both Patton and Bar rioatioro Are conceded to be excellent locations and the town that puts op That in all there bs to it, vent $15,000 in the plant aod his se ogc. tively. upon tie on. o & page in this issue of the Courier to she wen ‘to El Paso ins He Lee of the stale senate, f eter health and has resid | followdag Anpateh: since. She Was & Vict | ofpe Central Pennsylvania confer- year, That bs all they ask in the way os. Miss Ashiroft had | enoe of ths Methodist church in session of 0Moers and see willing that Jooal man warm friends in this section who | sincerely PGT bee untimet; ly demise. | MURDER OR SUICIDE. CE eng sel | membership of 68 800, and a constitn. | poctisrs and a all the other offices. (wiey in contral Pennsylvania of twice oa ‘that number, urges you and your ccim- 1 ’ - Beesabacs Jor ton Foun fn | mitten to do all in your power to se { Eminen: Lostorsr Wiki Appenr Were on | cure the enactment into law of the Fox Manny Keeoing, April 5. : The body of Peter Magulick, the oes] option hii. 5 * foreigner who dissppeared from his | . The sen for class of the Patton high o | home Ia Bar psboro on Decnmnber 12 Law Rates to Wishington and Halton, | choad bias arranged to have Col. 1. ¥. last, was found in the woods near thi The Pennsylvania Railroad compiny (Copeland lecture in the assembly | place Sanday iu a badly decomposed has arranged for low Fabe-ten-day ex ¢ condition by Ralph Williams und Sam. cueions from Pittsburg snd points in | day evening, April th. uel George. The dead man's fully Western Penrmylvania to Washington | Col. Copeland is one of the most loft Barnesboro three weeks ago for April 16 and May 21. Round-trip tick. | pcs lar fecturers of the day. Hei isa New York, as they thought Magulick eis will be sold at rates quoted below, High-priced man and the class assumed had left for some other place. | | good going on special train indicated, quite a risk in secaring him. However, COPELAND COMING. ay agen Coroner Miller was notified and con-| or on train No, i, leaving Pittsburg at its hoped that there are a sufficient, : i ducted a post mortem examination. 9.00 p.m. and carrying through sleep- namber of lecture going people in Pat.’ i It was found that the dead man’s heart log vars to Washingt wm. Bpecial train Bon to sustain this educational move: | bad been torn to pieces hy charge | {of through parlor oars and couches will | | ment. from his shot gun. This was found be run from m Pitsburg on the following No one who hia ever heard of Col. el2 feet away from the body and, ghedale: | Copeland will voluntarily absent them: | h the man may “have whiot bim- | fate | selves from this lectars. Others who | wa A me 8 se are pot present will always regret it. : $a The class will donate the net proceeds | Tenn buvves a ations ngtified and will Bn : : ee iretorn to be present at the Inquest, Tickets with be good returning on to the library ss a memento of the class which will probably be held to-morrow. | any regular train except the New York of #8. The principal of the schools | % School Report. jas a iiied, wat April 2 has so ssh tonics Js the fact and May nelusive, and to stop off that the people of Patton support The fr te pon fos Butte! at Baltimore within limit, | first class lecture that be bas guaran | matter 8 | Bhonld the number of passengers teed the success of the enterprise. : not be sufficient to warrant the ron | ‘ning of & special train, the company | Advertised Lotions. | reserves the right to carry participants | The following letters remain ancalied | on regular train, for in the Patton post office for the two Tickets on sale in Pittsburg at anion | | weeks ending Saturday, Mar. 21, 1963: | | ticket office, 360 Fifth avenue, and M. Fitagersid, P. P. Hoffman, Ammon : Union station, and at all stations men- | D. Moyer (3), Wm. McHugh, Ale tioned above. For fall information Iveil, Mrs Elizabeth Washington, (apply to agents or Thomas ©. Watt, | | Foreign: Tomei Augusto (2). passenger agent Western district, Fifth | Parsons calling for the above letters iavenne and Smithfield street, Pitts | will please say that they are “Adver- | By burg. tise. ” M. G. Dus, Teacher. NOTICE JO SEWER CONTRACTORS. : > . Bealed proposals for the construction | Goldstei ilseer Sevier 8t ‘of a terra cotta sewer on Lang avenue | Goldstein's Department Store uses; poioon borough will be received at | 1g the office of 1 annonnoe their grand Easter millinery until 7 o'clock p.m. Monday, April 8, opening April 1, 2, 3 and 4 and to tell youn Pians and specif 1903, pocifications may be| of other bargains to be procured at sen at my office. this emporium of fashion. The store oT full to overflowing with creations to | make glad the feminine heart and there | iis Iso meh to interest the 1hasculine | 2 : er of pupils enrolled: males 11; , 14; total 25; average attend. 10, females 12; total 22; PEE on 87. Those perfect in attendance: | | Bertha Diethrich, Kate Overberger, | tha Gearhart, Nettie Fox, Anna m, Paul Gearhart, Wilbert Dumm, | Dumm, Clement Hoover and E Wun GREENE, Postmaster, Arrested tor Form. John Vasbinder, a former resident | ‘of Hastings, who has been living a Carrolitown lately, was arrested for | forgery Monday and committed to jail | ‘by Justice Alex Grief. It is alleged: that he forged two notes and attempted the borough engineer H. C. YERGER, Borough Engineer. Patton, Pa., March , 1903. COURIER ads pay. i henoe the arrest. aut Altouns, Pa, and representiog a | med shall constitute the board of di ball of the public school balding Mon- | to have them discounted at the First Nat ional Bank of Carrolitown. The | bank people recognized the deception, 5 new shape Soft Hats ( (er. sa. so. | A new shape: S Stuff Hat at 100. for men for Spring. Very swellest thing SN eS RE i] NS SA AB SA 10 dozen Barly Spring Neckwear, 25 and soe. prc 30 dozen Men's and Bays’ Shirts at zoe. Look in window to appreciate t this line of gods, 30 dozen Men’ s Spring. Style Shoes. Prices, $ 2 ‘$3.50 and $4.00. i 10 styles of Women's “La Mode” and “La Bele, ” ver latest toe and heel. Wearers of these Shoes are our (advertisers. Prices $2.30 and $3. 30. | Mothers, Read This! We have just received a fine assortment of Chtldren Suits. Best by far we ever had, Prices. £1. so to $5. ‘cheapest and best. i For U pto-Date, Good We ering and Right Priced Come Here. Rtl cgion aii i Our sale wis a hig $ticcess, thanks to people » preciate bargains in honest merchandise. | We are still offering all heavy Suits and 08 | Trousers and Shirts at about 25 per cent off. Come and them even if you must carry them over. | with an output the first year that will | - | compare favorably with any of the Trading ing to make two bites at wtherey on All Sales. : Di . Purchases, the wlll re the plant. | : panes PE Sr sm Mr. Stibich, who is an experienced > may in the bustness, will personally | Harrisburg, the soctides want him to be president and magager of the company for the first Visiting you and want to be socialable ad show him that you appreciate his company you will invite ‘him to make a social glass. When you ask hum todo this yt nm want to have something good to offer him or your friends ip wil Il run the risk of being fractured, Here's Where We Come In With our stock of liquid eloquence. We ‘not only cement old friendship, but form new and permanent ones, Xx will pay yon to become acquainted with our la stock of | high grade wines, whiskeys and cordials. Don’t forget the perfection of brewing—Duquesne Beer, Ale and : Porter, | Ed. A. Mellon, WHOLESALE LIQUORS, Lu Magee Ave, Patton, Pa. 3 Patton | v ou xt need not wait antl 5 spring to Clothing | Store, see what the styles will be, we have es 2: them for your immediate e juspeetion. yo ASA AN WA It will interest all buye ers to all and see our new Men's, Youths’, Boys’ and Children’s Spring Suits. We are ready to show you New Spring Shoes, also a fall {line of Gents Furnishings. Come and see for yourself for seeing 18 believing. SPECIALTY IN LADIES’ SUITS. We have just received our first lot of Spring Suits, ‘which we know are right in every sense of the word. Made ‘with blouse frount, puff sleeves, postillion back effects and ‘other new styles. The material and making are the very ‘best that can be had and the prices in these Suits are ex- tremely low, It's all in the buying. We bought these Suita right and you get the benefit, B. KUSNER, { Good Building, Next Door to Bank, PATTON, PA.
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