BA SI ar eh SAE E Ba Ao A BL ls Gy sre i enoen Hoth reivers and Coattees Will go 10 Wark in the Morning. i h Solons Say They, The drivers and cutters employed by | : | the Beach Creek Coal & Coke Co, are M be Enforced. : out on a strike dus to different inter. + | pratations of the scale, They held a ERY WROTHY | meeting Monday night and decided otian of Sua A Yeuger in Bull pot to work nntil their differences were abi Willis the wtf Limite. The drivers insist that the mules Ortinances ¥ Fussoll and Act ghall he bridied and the cotters are pit Revolve, fighting for sixteen boards for a days’ | m— work. the sual amoant of im: Tp. Altoona soale provides that the nese was transacted ab the gine shall be harnessed and unlhar i meeting of the DOrGUEh paged by the compsny. The miners which had been postponed ium that the bridle is a part of the sday night. harness. The operators are of a differ- the more Important matters ony opinion and there the matter #0 was the determination of genie ible board to strictly enforve | The cutters heretofore have been | | ordinance, and if the talk oo polled to cut twenty boards for a bers amounts to anything days’ work, Under the eight boar rule be several hot times in the they claim that sixteen boards ooght efore the matter is settled. (, 1s a day's work. The operitors was no division of sentiment it gy that the men can cot twenty boards enforcement and the Vio jy eight hours and want the same num. be taken up in their torn | ber cut in eight hours an were formerly with 8 the law provides. jcutin ten. een LaTES Both sides to the contro varsy got together this morniag med ‘the men will go Ww work to-morrow ard to order were Presi. ily, Secretary Moore and rt ick, Lansberry, Gen. 0. imomiag. The drivers will take the, ° _. tim. He procended to PERTINENT PARAGRAPHS. People and Places ~That the people of Patton appreci- ate and will patronige 5 good lecture was fully attested Monday nigh! when one of the largest crowds ever gathered together under similar circomitances "in town listened to Col, F. Lo Copeland | at the public schoo) paiiding G1 “Ree ing the Blepbant.' Almost every oat in the room wis oocupled sod the Bhrary fund was cossiderably ang mented as the result. The colonsl’s pachyderm proved bo be a very enter. tating and instroctive ope and the lecture was thoroughly enjoyed by all present. Copeland us elogonent, witty and homorons and be fly sustained bis reputation as “lhe most popoiar Cetorer in Amerkcd” on this oubasion. Prior to the jectare Misses Bache! and {ona Bandford gave an excellent ren. dition of Mendelmoha's "Midstimmer Night's Dream’ on the piano able Polander who sold his wite re cently and who was committed to the ceonnty jail to answer a charge al court | cof assault and battery, was released from costocdy Monday on bat! sod cums ‘home. The first thing be dd was to Jemd ap with four whiskey anil bant ‘ap Jasticeofibe-Pewry Boon, who abu Biro To sel Bn exlent that he not biritiad, sd will work! bom, or al tempt to, in that condition, A proposition of the company to the ffvet. tsat the mules should b be irklied i d gi ve He for that par. down. The drivers then agreed to i was opp od 10 the court ‘work the mules unbridled and this was jewers on account of the accepted by the company. condemnation proceedings, | The cofters will go to work, also, thought that the borough L.uding the meeting of the joint sub i i oie tome 34 Catt vs that there were alleys ans ; week. This committer a expictad fa smary than interpret the scale for fubare guidance. the borough had refosed The executive board and the sub.dis. n his opinion h > na up to] trict officials recommended this action pe Not In ti sos, | AL the meting held at Clearfield yon nntil a price has been fixed terday. The miners at Barnesboro eman for the lot the cost and Hastings positively refuse {0 ac. oot be estimated. No action cept this recommendation and are still , but the matter will be taken | on strike. TRANSACTIONS IN REALTY. : { Properties in This Bad of the Uonaty That 3] hang! Hasds Reciniy, i meck, Spangler, $15. C. H. Wood, by treasurer, io J. B Lehman, Patton, §1. T. M. Sheehan et al to DuBois Brew- ing Co., Patton, fn A. R. Fryckiand et ux tod. M. Gil liece, Patron, $8,000. A Frank Kayden et ux to V. Modeen- | ski, Patton, $500. J.B Lehmanto J. R Cordell et al, 2. | Patton, $1 o| Peter Dudak et ux to Mike Mayowoh, | h ‘Bosquehanna, $145, Carrol, $125, Kirkpatrick, Elder, $50. James L. Kirkpatrick ot ux to E. t | Deitrich, Elder, $25. Bernard Litzinger et ux to W.L | Walters, Carroll, $150. | | county, Carrolitown, $3.82. Carrolltown. John Gipson to treasurer (Cambria following bills were ordered county, Carroll, $2.85. : Victor Quinn et ux to Joseph Der. Donnelly 49, J. R. Cordell ruder, Carroll, $120. £20, F. X. Lehman $6.63, Vietor J. L. Spangler et ux to Joseph Her. £46, Wm. Lucas, $2.40, Dave man, Hastings, §35. 80, A. M. MoCounell 35 | Joseph MoeDannpell ét al to Barbara Clay Mfg. Co. $76.12 Ed 8. Lamer, Susquehanna, $400. 22M. B. . “owher $6, Bd Huo | Joseph A. Gray et ux to Lusty A. mw. A. Mellon 86, H. C. Yerger Weakland, Carrolltown, $445, bn A. Gono $30.75, C. W. | John M. Weakiand et ux to bE $250, W. P. Jackson $2% | Eckenrode, Busquehanna, $1,350, n $104.46, H. C. Yerger $4.50, Clara M. Learn et vir to John Wik | Electric Light Co, $74.81. liams, Barnesboro, $1,000. dinance recommended by the M. CC. Westover et ux to Frank Me Heaith was passed on motion Anuity, Spangler, $250. ible, seconded by McCormick. Yeager was granted a per. sild a brick residence on Beech | Bids for the construction | AD; enue sewer were read. Bateber Trust fo Patton. This trust is doing all jo its power 16 { keep out competitors and compel the i people to pay big prices for their meat. They even forbid the local cattle deal. : two bidders—Frank F. “er to sell us any cattle, bat as luck has ' Gallitzin, and Geo, 8. Good. they eannot control all the cattle Sub uted $439.35 and 65 cents ‘dealers. We have managed to get for pipe and the latter, | cattle and will have all we need. It is 1 cents a foot for pipe. * plainly understood that if they can was awarded the contrac ot on keep out all competitors meat prices of Gould seconded by Burkey ‘will be as they have been. As they lition that he give bond for the pave been too high for the working ormance of the Work. .... we are selling meat at reasonable report was presented on h will be found in an- pendent of the trust. PIsHER & WIRTNER, The New Butchers. i Joseph A Grayet al to Panl Sem- oy the on the company’s time, was teirned : cwas looked up in the borough baslie to reflect aver Bis misondwt. Later he sugested the borough exchequer to the tune of 82 andor a charge of drook and disorderly, Cw Uhiefeof Police (HH eaptarsd two ‘runaway boys from Glen Campbell Taesday night He received a tele gram from that place telling bin to be Con the lookout for the youngsters and aboot nine o'elock picked thein off a freight train pear the station. They spent toe night io the jock tp and were taken home by thelr nndle, who dame for them, the next morning They ware fifteen and sixteen years of Lage and were on their Way to J “town to join a cirous, ~The new county project was killed ant buried bosond hope of restirree- thom for at least two years Monday night at Harrisburg when Hon Bd Hohaman eadled up his resclation to | place on the calendar the pegative bill ‘oreating the county of Conemaugh out of portions of Cambria, Indiana, ‘Somerset and Westmoreland counties ‘with Johnstown ss the county seat : moved again, Pauline Hartzog to Joseph Friedman, Laora D. Cotton et vir to James I.i The reastation falled by a vote of 58 to «The Patton post office ls to be A lease has been signed for the rental for » term of vesrs of a Lbollding to be srecied by Young & i Yeager on the lot ou Fifth avenue be | tween their meat market and the store of the Patton Supply Co. The roc ture will be of wood, unless the borough | ordinance relating to wooden buildings . within the fire limita is enforced. Pat- rons of the office, it is needless to re mark, view this move with conflicting femations, fow Rates to Washington snd Baltimore The Pennsylvania Railroad company ‘bas arranged for low-rate-ten day ex A. corsions from Pittsburg and points in | Western Pennsylvania to Washington i April 16 and May 21. Round trip tick Oambria county to Vincent Reig, ¢.00 p. m., and carrying through sleep. ers, Lar ets will be sold at rates quoted below, James Fagan to treasurer Cambria good going on special train indicated, Lor ob train No. 4, leaving Pittsbueg al ing cars to Washington. Special train of through parlor cars and coathes will ‘ben run from Pittsburg on the fallowing schedu fi Train anves Hale 2 i Pass Tickets will be good returning on any regular tealn exoept the New York sod Chicago Liodied, until Apr ¥ and May 30, inclusive, and to stop off at Baltigiore within limit shoud the number of passengers pot be sufficient fo wstrant the rane nipgof a special train, the company Peery os the right to carry participants’ on regular train. Tickets on sale in Pittsburg at anion ticket office, 380 Filth svenne, and Union station, and at 8} stations men toned above, For full inlvraation “apply to agents or Thomas BE Watt, passenger agent Western district, Fifth avenue and Nmithfield street, Piltse | prices and will always remain inde i i i i burg. Advird fase Lediors The following Witers remain aralied for in the Patton post office for the twe weeks ending Saturday, April 5 18: G. H. Avers, Mrs. Flora Haney, Augos- | tna Trexler, Nick Carlson, Jacob T. Rence. Foreign: Clatalto Starna. Persons calling for the above letters Jill please say that they are “Adver. ti E. WiLL GREENE, Postmaster. wis The Report for the Seventh! Month of Term. 629 PUPILS ENROLLED. The wr Were 187 Presses Every Peay Ping the Month und an Aeirags Sfendanes of SOR Loamplois Report From Evry Rosa Sigosd by tie Tunelnr FiesT PRIMARY Numbey enrolled, 92; average atlend- ancy, 87; per cent of attendance, 88 Those present every day: Ernest Commons, Stanley Kalden, Willie Klinger, Walter Lowmire, Albert Noo ‘vick, Fred Woife, Henry Williams, Basie Bullock, Mary Dubliteky, Bertha Forse, Eva Goods, Maggie Kabhnley, Annie Koshaox, Zelda long, Mary 7 x Law, Katy MeMahon, Agnes Mack, jot spring shades at fi12 on and Antonio Mazaloak:, the nuspeaks Martha May. Mary Rogers, Frances Wiliams, Frank Waiter Ermaners BuosMmaxen, Teacher, HEOGND PRIMARY Number enrolled, 76; average attend ate 48; per. cent of sttendanes, SD Thom present every day: Kunst Fore berg, Franels Kirkpatrick, Warner Hepaher, Steve Stiweo, Leo Thomas, Curtis Thomas, Hapt Wilkie, Harry Williams, Allee Alrhars, Jalia Astbury, Harriot Astbory, Lie Ballswk, Haby Cowher, Phoebe Chap man, Mary Green, Margaret Hippey Maggie Raden, Jane McMaidren, Mtells Quaint, Mary Suosert, Mary So W mich, Bowsio Williams ANNIE VV. Barly, Teacher THIRD PRIMARY, Number snroiled, 72 average attend ange, 8: por cent of attendance 8 Thome present every day: Ansie No vie, Agnes Crooks, Bath Noonan, Lia. zie Hertaog, Mary Waters, Mary Koo shack, Milley Kohruley, Elvh Forge, May Ems, LDertie Short, Mary Me Mahon, Rachel Goyna, Mabel Mellon, Emma Hansdn, Willie Alrbart, Willie Callahan, James Canspbedl, Wiklie Kad: cliff, Eddie Wilkie, Filmer Cole, Richard Lioyd, Nathan Crossman, Tom Masuoel, James Brown, Bddie Roundsley, Willie | Jenkins, Dick Margan, Corie Marks, Hammack, Jolin Bumage, Andrew Thomas 84 Clair. Fria W. Hoaeoas, Teacher, POURTH PRIMARY. Number enrdied, 7 i: average attend. ‘ance, 58; per cent of attendances, 90. Those present every day: William Elms, John Zahurbi, Walter Thomas, Joe Suansers, Orvis Shaskwiler, Mary Callnghen, Sophia Force, Rowe Lodge, Levins Williams, Roumayne Worrell, , Alred Yeager, Willie: Ross, John White, | Geo, Sheks, Albert Bhoms, Hilda Karl. heim Mary MoMuoldren, Adelaid Camp bell, Alice Bixler, Elizabeth Banfield. Dororiny Surres, Teacher, INTREMEDLA TE Number enrolled, 85; average attend. ance, 83; per cent of attendance, 33. Those present every day: Mary Gra ham, Amelia Goldateln, Annie Kubn, Zelma Swanson, Blizsbeih Samsmer vilie, John Bell, Russell Barton, Emry Christofl, Louis Chrnistoll, Cecil Gill Glen Humphrey, Walter [rwin, John Jones, Joseph Lodge, Francis MeCore mick, Ralph Miles, George Mitchell, Jor Noviek, Crawtord Nelson, Mike shay, Ralph Winstow, Wellwood Wins : ow, Joe Yingling. Logerro BE Prixuses, Teacher. SECOND INTERMEDIATE Number enrofled, 3 average attend. Those present every day: Johan © "hot ¥, Ernest Cramer, Joseph Delogier, Edwin Grenoiager, William Guyan, Joba Hodge, John Lewh, Isaac Lloyd, Wan | MeMatdren, Brie Nolan, Henry Sean wnt, dans White Margaret Cottinpons Lettie Lansbersy Watkins, Agnes Williamson. Hina B. Lewes, Teacher FORD INTERMEBUHATE Nisha enrol B Rie, 41; per oeeat of atiendanoe, Those: present every day: Dora Crooks, Margaret Ke res, Annie Noth- nagel, Murs = ar Lilllmn Wi Hips, E jer. Laflian Anstead, Helen Bott ties w deon, Annie Thomas, | Alles Noonan, Georgia Randall, Mary Williams, Joseph Fedor, Ray Hualohin. son, James Hodgkins Eimer Ivory, Frank Jacobs, Willie Leisch, Daniel Morgan, John Powell, Johan Somos, with blouse front, puff sleeves ‘other new styles. best that can be had and the prices tremely low. Andrew Sheka, Richard Williams, Wil ar Whiteford Lorrie Mot oskey, Tesbher. FOURTH INTERMEDIATE Number enrolled, 52; average attend. {anoe, 42; per cent of attendance, 85, Those present every day Katy Auvstead, | Lirace Aostead, Anna McCormick, | “| Good Building, CONTINUED ON PAGE 5. Whiteford The TON PURE SENS. | preny, Pointed Pescitings Permining to ‘Has opened with ‘with us and we pared with the en Tin you ever put pwr eyes on. We have an all wool, French hair cloth fronts, fine Cheviot, Thibet or Serge for 210.00 that can’t be beat in the state. We have also 6 or 7 patterns $12.50 that are <ertinnly good and) servicable suits We also have Men's Suits at $13, 14, 135, 160 $18 A i Our sus gre wond, ind good fitters, with our stock of BOYS have some 150 styles, sizes fr man, size 35 Fully PREPARED 3 AND CHILDREN'S. We emi 3 years to the tallest young The prices range from the cheap affair at $1.50 to the nobbiest in style, up to $12. We huive gathered together the choicest styles and effects in Neckwear, wear, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Etc., in this line of merchandise. Hosiery, Shirts-~Monarch and Globe, ' under- in fact anything you call for ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION assured to all or money refan Omly One-Priced Store ed. Impossible to do more. in Patton. Keystone Clothiers and Tailors, Directly Opposite the Bank. That is what all good judges term our hig stock of High Grade Wines and Ligunors. We cater to the man who wants something “Smooth as Velvet” He is the fellow we are after as we know we can satisfy the most fastidious. We have Liquors of all prices and kinds, but make a specialty of the bet- ter grades. It's the same way with Beer, Ale and Porter. quesne periority, part of town. The pame * Du- " vouches for its su- Delivered to any Ed. A. Mellon, WHOLESALE LIQUORS. | Magee Ave, ance, 50: per cent of attendance, #8. Patton, Pa. Patton You need (Clothing Store. Patton (Clothing Store. Spring Arrivals. will interest all buyers 3 » G I% 3 . aud Childre 5 2 “% -~ Gents Fi seeing 1s beh eving. SPECIALTY IN We have just which we know are right u he 0 ne y x ¥ Jose TF 2 ERA TERA i Q to call and see our new Men's, £2 » - “ s Sprin goats. * » TY & are ready 8 vou New Spring Sho s Yvan 3 i o Ie Ana see 10 LADIES’ SUITS. ur frst lot of Spring very sense of the ord Suits, Made postillion back effects and The material and making are the very in these Suits are ex- 1t’s all in the buying. We bought these Suits right and you get the benefit. B. KU Next Door to Bauk, SNER, PATTON, PA.
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