AAA bg AAs Bi A a tn SR Rp Ea a ara skid aE work, cuts out patiers hy set tn the Sin. cutting a with a glasier's tool to ~The story of Miss ental patience, courage tion somehow makes one | BS af Baving all one's powers | bee hie ther 10 desultary and || 70 DRAW out OTHERS. ean talk, yet one rarely | w ba truly good éonversation- hat Is. cue who has the power to others out while saying little listens to what is said wita ver, in the power of any person to become a good cot palist, and the secret of it lea self and showing real 2 the person with whom you own. Almost every person has Byorite topic of couversation: you cannot talk intelli: the subject, listen attentively, ftw natural tone, giv ser the hnoression that at him rather than to find that your companion ts BAL de t and irritable, hte nto pleasant tell him the amusing things ead and do all In your power Bim forget Elmself, and he imselt if you ntorest bliin ING WISER. womankind growing wiser, merely the Inevitable turning wheel of fashion that has Alle madern corset? Certain age! have small wasp The sculptors and paint ave all along been telling us Otis of the natural un- | | walst will say: “What have telling you?’ and will peint the examples of the world of © figures of the old masters. we knew all that, and most d for this happy period to but what can a woman do when 28 the pace? Very few of courage of our convictions comes to disregarding the that terrible ruler. Of bad the plea of the necessity thing to hang and drape our but the fact re- js of women and much of dL than to be a laze of dismonds, {elry. bodire botauets, tiez and such have eatmed tor Viele what the best hired women only did It is not a difficult task to dresu bee consdugly with a pretty face and a good { figrire, but one of the features of our day Is that the modern woman seems to have the power of making herself ing well. The art of dressing is to render a of events, apd the uvveriall woman | moderate height, the short one of falr stature, Unhappily there are niore women who ean spend no ogrost deal of money on dress than know sehen snd what to went and how to put on their clothes. They introduce their fowslry at the wrong time, amd too Happily, women are no longer hung in ehaing (hot the fasion. i able onesi, but It 18 ware Chic to appear with seme antigne ornament that goes with the texture und style of the gown Jew addenda peemire miore alienation often | than the choosing of the dress Ret. Now Tork News. Mrs Kguiers, wite of £the American Minister to Cuba, is Interesting horself ia forcing a society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Anhmais in Havana, According fo a woman sulfragist, the newest type of “new woman” fy the Woman whe travels all over the coun. fry, making public speeches fo jrove that a woman's pince is at home, sorand, iu an Amerieas and a member of a prominent New York family. Her tecidon nares was Miss Blsa Richards, stituted in Paris, and with it are re vived many of the old Celtle mysteries and ceremonles. Long towing robes of white are worn by the women of the onder, Mra. Jane Boyes. M. Da graduate of the Bdimburgh University, has been appelnted Government physician of the Islned of Coll, Argylesiiive. This 1s sali] to be the first instance of a wWoRAD doctor receiving a Government appoints ment in Scotland. The National Zoological Society of Great Britain bas long sdmitted ‘wom- {en as fellows, although they are not admitted to the sclentific or general pigetings. By a recent alteration of the by-daws that restriction has Lees done away with, and women who are fellows stand upon the same footing as the men. The business of pharoicists lt one that is recommended for women who wish to enter a field that as ye! 1s not overcrowded. The head of a Jarge edn cational institation for women recent. ly remarked in public that be conshd- ered the occupation of druggist to be a refined and congenial one for the rwen. tieth century feminine worker. Science bas Its devotees among Ital ian women, one of whom, Bignora Ber. nardo Pirovane, of Crema, has lately taken her degree in the medical fac ulty, and broken the pecord as the youngest doctor of wedicine and surg ery at the University of Pavin. As a physician to women and childoem in Florence she fs about to settle down. hurried to untimely | A sustained serious internal fn- | enrpet is a were bandi © and ribbons compared | steel-ribbed, unyielding | ckets” worn some years ago. to-day is made on entirely Hinos, being short, of soft ma. t a couple of bones and pod ar on hygienic and phyelolog!l. es, giving the Internal op-| proper Hpount of space and ig allowing ample play for ts of the ribs snd upper breathing. My one of the most prelific! bringing about this fortunate 2 the modern devotion to ont games, pastimes and pursolts, 28 sqbeezed up in an old-fash- L such as our mothers wore wen had she drecnied of such alk 8 half mile, let alone ron ip, strike at a ball, manipulate or paddle a canon, And are most gratifying, for world's lilstory has there such a race of strong, healthy MN utifnl, graceful and happy as we =Clleago Record: 1 DRESSED WOMEN. ay not so very long ro ad : fo te} he was usually set down as new linens, and bodices, Bheer white fabrics are chocked off with fine cords. Soft-petaled artificial flowers are used extensively on evening gowni of chiffon, mousseline de sole and other digphanons fabrics, between a slagle violet and a spring beauty as to shape. It is lovely tn clus. ters on a white ground, Fanty hairpins are much in vogue, especially in tortolse shell and paste. Oue in a Iopsd shape is literally wrappad in sparkling stones, The new strup bracelets, woven, flex. thie flat bands of gold, like a Jenther strap, either plain or jewel set, are to be worn with tailor-made gowns Piquant--much-abused word-—is well applied to the ready-made black satin Knickers, made fn cavalier style, with { deen double frills of real lace ag the Knees, ered white dots and a serpentine stripe embroidered In a darker shade of green. Fine soutache braids are being de} veloped to a high degree of art. They are peculiarly valuable for laying vpon plain goods In alternate bands of slack and white, and produce a chic offect i far beyond the value of the material. A petticoat of brocade 18 flotiiced and one in palest blue slik is : made smarter by rows of narrow black t in quite a new French h sigie An ‘own, Moreover, they are acquiring | acquire at one thoe-the art of knows | ing when to wear their clothes: In fact, | the sultabllity of ralment. good looking, or, at all events, of look. | squat Bzure the in appearance, at all | thick, placed, ‘with ging and brass mek The wife of the new French Ams of the denim should be added. A win. Tassador to the United States, M. Jus An order of Druldesies hos been ine hostess first, _ Fine checks are noted in somo of the | § Broad effects distinguish both coats. A new delicate pink poser is a cross One of the prettiest new Swisses 1a {in pale green strewed with embdrold. from the knees in chiffon appliqued DROOM Wa LL, To protect the walls of the bdrooms 0 with the bedstonds it is an excellent pian to fix two xmall pads of chamols Jeather, one on eich end rod at the bead of the had, »g that if tha bed is pushed back forcibly ngninst the wall in the way dear to thie beart ol the average ald servant there is no chance of an ugly rubbed niark, as the pad keeps off the pressure, . A COMFORTABLE CUSHION, A spall cushion that comes In handy 0 tuck In at one's back when sitting in an arm chalr 18 made of a loosely stuffed contre of silk. This Is sbont elght fnches lo diameter, and nt at all Arcus this a palling of 8k Is A cireninr plece of sralloped linen, either white or ecru, series as a top. The white tops are divorated with yellow buttercups, if the silk cover of the pillow be yellow, or with violets, If green or lavender silk used for the cuslifon top. The scallops are far apart and deep and they are fastened down over the poling, so 5» to allow the futinge to flare cat be tween. The ect tops are emleroldered in gold thread and Olena! slitia A WINDOW HINT. Mast of oor city rooms, even in apart. pent bhourex, have windows wiileh are deeply enough set to allow for window sents. These add to the beguty amd eotvenienes of a wnall room, aad seed not be expensive. Boxes may be fiized Into the vptee, cover with halr cush. and a bark fons neatly tacked on. made by tacking n flat enshion against the panelling. Cover first with mus. Hu and thea with denim, and finish A valance dow sent may be wade by fitting into the space an inexpensive rattan or bamboo bench, sorh as ares to he had at furnishing stores. These sre fitted with wmwoyable cuslilons, and hate @ valance If desired. New York Post. BERVING "COMPANY" TABLE. A few simple rules tay be aid down for serving the table. Ass gon eral rule the mald removes the large pervice plates used under the soup plates at the time shie brings the filled | piates, Sometimes when the serviee piaten sre unusually handsome they are allowed to remnain on the table un til the dessert is served, so that the guests may always bave plates before them. The maid passes the larger dlahes and plates by hand: the smaller dishes Lolding olives, bonbons and sugar are passed on a tray. She serves all of the Ten, colfoe and dishes from the left beverages are served from the right. The guest may never take the piste from the waltress, but must poormit ber to place it on the table before hilo. Fing¥r bowls chould be used only with fruit conrses. When the lish fs a bit out of the ordinary it is quite the thing for the hostess to cause herself to be first served, when she begins to eat, thus demonstrating to the goests the proper way to sat 1. When the hostess is pot served first it Is the ale to begin with the lady next to her on | the right, apd begin with a different poest with each course, go that no one shall be always last The French always serve the host or 8 cuRlam calepinted to put the guests 8 vase. For boneheon it is best to serve hot rolls tnelked ints | napkins, rither than bread on plates, A popular Innovation Is the thin sand. ‘wich of bread and butter. — Chiesgo Record-Herald. Raisin Ple—One cup of sugar, one | enp of seided raising, one cup of sweet fream, the julee of one lennon and yolk | of une egg. Chop raising fine a mdb ake with one ernst (white of one epg fn stifY and add a table ugar for the ineringwey Then» oven pntll if becowies a golden brown Celery Root SaladPare the eelers roots; put them into cold ssater ford twenty minutes, ty no put this WARD over 1 null ep stow pan: paar ood add a Hitle walt pnd pour off the water: cat the ne sive cand whan eld peur French dreasing wade with one mle spoonful of salad oil nnd three tate spoonfuls of vinegar, a little salt avd penier to geason, Conk Scoteh Scones To ote quart of sifted | of four add four level teasnoopfols baking powder: cut into this ohe-guar | ter cup of lard and one-quarter eun of | sugar: | ‘heat one eg until lght and add to i butter; add ope teaspoonfal of twa cupfuls of milk: toss this sn oa flopred board. roll out half un ined thick, rat in threeineh square pieces, fold In half to form three corner ploces: | i Lake ou a bot gridile very slowly. Chocolate Yoat Cake «ream half a cup of sugar: add twa eggs melt two squares of chocolat over hot water: pour over it half a cup of boiling water and stir vail ynsoth: then add it to the Ors mixture stir one tablespoon of soda into half a cup of | buttermilk or sour mlik: add his with three eupfuls of sifted four, Ro plac of salt nnd one teaspoonful of vani! to the other mixture: bake in a gréas cake pan In a moderate omen twenty r | minutes: this may be baked in layer cake pans and put togeiber with white | | Grostinz, ju i Mau and Express, nin al CAmerica Bax no terrors for ! is Be cap of butter with one and one-halt’ 1a well beaten: | years ago. portie ro, con ho ia and a own m homes for a season and | American mae, there are many interesting de- talis of thelr manufacture which are = not kaown to tho caxual customer, The impress of the Spatiah cross, res calling the Invasions of the Coromado expedition of 1540 is still paramount in this industry of the tribe. This marked the Navajo's first knowledge of the white race, and the later Wfinence of | | Mexican art enn be traced In the gigs sagging dinmond. There is aiways one blanker weaver In a Navajo family, generally on woman, though sometines a man and the blanket fratoe which is erveted onside the “hogan,” or but, is part of itu srehiitecture, This frame 5 of wpright posts or mide poles, Rueeling or squeiting in from of it is the pathent weaver {rom worning till niche a medium of barted, as current 8 any col among the neighboring tribes, for the Xavalo's country ia the finest for flock taising, snd their wool far famed. The Gres used, too, are practh cally indelible, and thelr manufacture 2 8 tribe secret. banner garment of the squaws with “dresey” gapirations, and the cholcest of wizwam decorntiong. The carn taken in the making of these blankets tiny be realized wlon one knows that | ten or three monthia are given to the manufacture of sone of the more slab. No two of these are ever 3 | orate acily alike, nud for certain tribal core motion especial patierne are intro duet. The by the richness of {he traveler's wrap ping. It i» the Navajo hisnket that oftepest forma the square of the spake dancing Mokls, and thi sin dancers of the Shoshana and Arapahoes earpet thelr sacred ine tiosyrey American bachelors and den devotees pay such round prices for. No wonder, with its history, its wealth of associa. tien, with Its richness of color and originality of design, bianket bas attained a National puta. tion. Reed's Smart Offes Boy. The late Thome Bracket Heed was fond of telling the following story regarding the bright little office boy | whom he kept in his employ In Wash. lapteon, and for whom he prophesisd a brilliant financial career: A gentleman calling on Mr. Reed one | day, while walting in the reception roots, was attracted by the manner of the small attendant and started a ragdom conversation. “And how muck do yon 27D 8 week, my boy?" he nguired. “Fifty dollara” sald the youngsier with ay iy. Being shown Into the Senator's pot vate office Just then the vialtors su prise fopml vent In wonds “Aighty briglt boy you hare there. bie remnirRiod. “Fifty nothing” gris 85,50." “Bait be told me Jost now you were giving hin 80 a wee gentienian. “Nonheose © sald Me tone hed. the bell “did you tell this gentieman | was naving you £050 z weak?” “No, sir” "You Quint? say?” *3 Weil, waa sald 1 eorned HM” was the protuspt and stout rejoinder New York | snes ara pa — Fmglani's Roundarymaker, Bir Thomas Haldich Jesves England ca his mission to lay down the new frontier butween Chile and the Argan. tine Ropublie. - It is not a light task, ; but Bir Thomas already knows some. | {| thing of the Andes and be has proba. PMY had more expirience in mepping cut boundaries than any man liviag, Much of his work bas been en the frontiers of India, which he knows 58 | fniimately as we know our London | He has written a book called | sireots, the “lodian Borderland” and if ever gives ws bis peminisoences they fin should be fall of agrecable accounts af | avel He was serving In India pear IY YOATS foo ag a Young officer Koval Engineers. The Abrssinian i Rime to another © vs ! Afy han war faok him ul an rach 1 5 TR In t over al Thames 8 wi sal wear us South him, He nd bis s1a® of engineers £3paet to be of 1 Heh | away several months ~London Chron. foie. Unlamitinr With Glass, ‘hite Hoes are paibted seross all wigdows bn thind-olass curs in Japan g% a check upon the hmpalse of oun pants to lhrust them, Whidow glass is an artic» with witieh the people ure nt renly suposed are sashes to be on ix spaces for alr the bill for the glaz ing was ole of the largest pelty jee monthly aeconipiz for all of companies wath vesited. ~Heong K Hohe sug Press, Treasures of the Sea, The sea arcund the shores of Gree is full of treasupes. A Hite tine the divers were bri ging up the 8 Tagt when the ship which was ts) ing them fo Home was wreeknd over 200 None the pelios of the hare of Navarimg which was fought In 1537, are bode shed up ond & number old brange cannot, swords guns and pistols have been cecoversl from the 1 Turkish aug Egy pus Ships-Ti Bis} De a Ags The blankets dra considered | The Lisnket is the | rholotxt designs are res ft eerved for enabrouding the dead as the Journey to the “Happy Hunting Ground” We commidered mock enhanond | 100, ] charmed | ith these same weaves that the Naval | | Mr. Reed, to be gitting £0 a week,” | bag GREAT remedies te tempers: | An relieve arth hare ows devine! | SEs ry {3 gemlly pronoun ares] be menrshie. a short time became keoam to thousand: | of entareh wallerers north, south, east andl eure for eatard | pone in su pi tions PRS a allt trom E Stobenvoil, Pets, Wa, writes “1 feet obliged to extand yi my thanks for my | fe testarstion throagh the winter trouble, but recor 3 The following letter fram a promivent sald Mr. Reed: “he i k," persisted the gentiesnn of Los Angeles is a exer Bi | pon Mr. JW. Puller, President of the Yom elord tien of Low Amewien 5, Reed, andl “Bilr.” be said | ¢ gid you i of | Faker thelr heads through farilar in daily Jie, and since PEsfeBgers oun | the wiite Hine was Ind oi | kon been enpuged in basins, his pxperience with Perunn be mys “1 was troubled with catarvk of the ; head formany years, ltaJrected mi i sense of smell, hearing and sok. A Delighttu i Prison. It is very i thai There 2X 0TER Trans Are very few guarnils not more ih tn avery 15 prisoners, and think of carrying arms they Raver The prisons ers’ cells are cofistantiy opes. so that the Inmales can esully CommuAnicaty with each other and cin tell af any. time what the pasrds are doing More. | cover, the prisoners are sliowsd to have paper. ink newspapers ider and vari. ons dainties from the kitehen, incing. ing fried epus. of which they are very Oue wound suppose that pris. OTF Was oR fond. pers would pot desire 10 leave such an earthly paradise as this yet thren notorions murderers—lishrer Bebouid nd Hess--quietly strolled away from £2 recently. and, © is auld have n BOL wi yo shown any inciinaiiim to return. $1.500.000 tnagrance. Charles W, French a wealthy dent of Mansfieh!l 0 Bos applad Hie insargnes Bgvnis in Claveisnd & policy for 314% 4 is nald vo he he man in this county He : var ies Amvunting to 1: THE TEST A Vast Number of Kidnoy bongs fp amp Ting pois hy Be bial pediin bat ie littl wri. The remedy was samed Teruna, oT il 1 sta thee faet that Pe: | bnesn U El fai hae Been in losiness in that ety Tor weer enteen years out of the foetr five thet be amceTRIN 7 ; doubted i ther = {3 soy. ; where a ore delightful {that of Tobwil in ia ar. improvealnant Saffering People, Cured by Doan's say but for the Free Trial rs would stil be in Agony. oO sprat lotsof mrntyifh doctors ant SAE the wae of locwl applications te ve- A : wx wvist say that F sol sith waoel surprising and sstisjactory revelle. | Pevuns tosk hold of he complain and drove $i entively out of My Eye. ‘ ew. : “Althsugh well stony toward the 1 pleased au u child over ihe resell, : wufered from thesat r ? od my emtion the use of yoar escellent rem Bae Jeers st the slovs ar 0k wed : “a prhidataon exer by the written pes ES INAOR aif Lhe wer. A pamphlet Aled with sock letters will | be seit any address free, This book he read By all who doubt the eupwr # oi falar § vou fy wnt reeves pram snd satin faetary paesitalrogs the wee 0 Porans write Sal « 19 Dr. Hay Fimes, giving & ful stats ql of Jur eae, eNO hae Tha bie Addr Die. Bartman, President of The 5 t i Horton Sanita, © pix Se 1 Memory Lost After Fail on loco. As the result of falling on the ley tiewalk, Samal A Chapman, of Bose 3 gitent at Annandale College Is Fering from a peculiar malady. On ET ELLLE of January x Chapman, ¥owith thelr return Chapman slipped on the Chey path and Gallisg backward, stroek the base of Bis apine He sullored no immediate affects and Dein helped up by Biz ovmpanions. walked on to the college. Next day he wai neon scions remaining so for two dags Ups on regaining cousclousness his meme Bank. In about two weeks he made some progress, looking to the of his mansory. He fa nindteon years odd Bygone London Customs In Bdeard Longshany’ # Axes persons Tei city ware allowed to Keep hie houses.” Bat pigs 200 $0 ote os That hn resched on the Ar a falter day the permission Bein wren wilhin one's hones : to have evn limited to OF “GOLD. To Golden Merit at your Command to Test. GUS ap Coroxnes Orry, Is, Feb, 10 1003 1, received the sample packnize of Ian's. and took them seconding ta ® directions. They did me 0 much goad, mean, high rd ie Kidoey Pills I procured s S0-cent box at the drag store ad have been prestly benedted 1 hud the backache so bad 1 oould hardly walk sho had urinary troubles, that caussl me i pot up two and thrwe times of a night I nm all right sow. Fills prosper. Yours truly, A UC. Sore Severe and loog standing cases shoul take advantage of free Madkal Advice ———— 5 Sulieve heart Aching hacks are cased bod a ed DY eriUae. a Hine aed dropey signs vanish Ther correct urise with brick Lost eit hack aM of the dng, frequency, bed wetting, Kiiney Pills remove coteull and palpitation, sp, adache. servousoes, dizzines Long may Dosa's |! Graxp Rapms, Mrem, Feb 17, 1908 — | I received the trial packnze of Doan’ Kid. © } sey Pills promptly and cag truly say they ate all and even more than recomupiend hed ; I suffered continually with a severe pal in the back, which the pill enthnly over 2 came, and I am alde tlooworl, which woul di rot bave been possible but for Dean's Kidney Pills. Mins. J. A RHLANE, wo triad but Dias Jeol 2 br mat Name Flute REESE and be wil be pletsed | two other mtudents, op friends none the college. OB
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers